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Title: Combined Final Report for EL 328, EL 329 and EL 9969
Title Holder / Company: De Beers Australia Exploration
Report id: CR2001-0237
Tenure: EL328;  EL329;  EL9969
Year: 2001
Abstract: The report summarizes exploration activities on the project area. These involved exploration for diamonds by De Beers and uranium, precious and base metals by Cameco. Diamond exploration completed over the surrendered tenements has involved the collection of heavy minerals samples, the flying of a regional airborne magnetic survey, and the interpretation of results. Magnetic anomalies of interest were field inspected and sampled. No results of interest were obtained from the exploration undertaken over the three years of tenure. Uranium is the main commodity sought by joint venture partners Cameco Australia, however the project area is also being evaluated for base and precious metals potential through multi element geochemical samples analysis and geological observations. Exploration activities undertaken involved the field inspection of radiometric anomalies generated from the 199 geophysical survey flown over the western parts of the project area and regional outcrop sapling. No results of interest were obtained and no further work was recommended.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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