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Title: Annual Report to 12 December 1992 for Mongala Project tenements EL 7448, EL 7449, EL 7450, EL 7508 and EL 7509
Title Holder / Company: BHP Minerals
Report id: CR1993-0191
Tenure: EL7448;  EL7449;  EL7450;  EL7508;  EL7509
Year: 1993
Author: Brescianini, RF
Brown, IR
Abstract: Interpretation of airborne magnetics outlined a NNE-SSW trending fault within EL 7450 and EL 7449. This structure many be a focus of mineralisation. Possible diatremic features have also been interpreted. Three aeromagnetic targets were drill tested, with encouraging results from MD1A (15m at 234ppm Zn and 35m at 200ppm Zn) at a depth of 311m. Anomalous values associated with contorted evaporitic sequences in mudstone. 9600 line kilometres of aeromagnetics flown by Aerodata.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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