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Title: Annual Report ELs 7575 to 7578 period ending 2 January 1993.
Title Holder / Company: BHP Minerals
Report id: CR1993-0205
Tenure: EL7575;  EL7576;  EL7577;  EL7578
Year: 1993
Author: Handley, C
Brescianini, RF
Brown, IR
Abstract: 1713 line kilometres TEM-magnetics flow and 278 stream sediment samples and 16 BLEG samples were collected. The geochemical survey outlined a coherent low level Pb anomaly straddling the Carpentaria Highway within EL7575 associated with McArthur Group sediments (maximum value 299ppm Pb). Preliminary evaluation of the EM data outlined several conductive features.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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