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Title: Exploration report period 4.2.88-24.10.88 Arltunga.
Title Holder / Company: Bogie, GK
Report id: CR1989-0144
Tenure: EL4995
Year: 1989
Author: Stidolph, PA
Abstract: Exploration licence 4995 covers metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Arunta Block in the Ambalindum-Claraville area to the northwest of Arltunga. Since November 1987, Respighi Pty Limited, a fully owned subsidiary of White Industries Limited, has had an option to explore for gold over the tenement. This report describes the results of the second phase of exploration which was mainly done between February and April 1988. The initial phase of exploration consisted of stream sediment geochemistry which indicated minor copper anomalies but no gold. Follow up secondphase exploration involved geological mapping and rockchip geochemistry. No evidence of gold mineralisation was found and the country rocks are regarded as unlikely hosts for viable gold deposits. The option to continue work will not be exercised.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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