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Title: Annual report Arltunga period ending 29-08-1987 to 28-081988.
Title Holder / Company: Putland, RJ
Report id: CR1988-0316
Tenure: EL4753
Year: 1988
Author: Stidolph, PA
Abstract: Exploration Licence 4753 covers an area of thirteen square kilometres within the Arunta Block to the northeast of Arltunga. Since November 1987, Respighi Pty Limited a fully owned subsidiary of White Industries Limited, has had an option to explore for gold over the tenement. This report describes the results of exploration which was mainly done between February and April, 1988. Initial examination was by reconnaissance stream sediment geochemistry, followed by geological mapping and rock chip sampling. Stream geochemistry indicated the presence of gold in six drainage areas: two of these anomalies were traced to small low grade sources, a third appeared to originate from old workings outside the EL area and the other three drained from north-northeast trending shears at the eastern end of the EL area where there are a number of old workings. The best reefs had gold values of up to 27 grams per tonne over the lode width. Selected narrow quartz veins within these lodes had much higher values, up to 138 grams per tonne. Conclusions are that individual gold bearing shears are unlikely to exceed 50 metres in length and a metre in width. They are untested at depth. Followup gridding and geochemical sampling could be undertaken over the best shears at the eastern end of the B.C. but indications are that potential tonnage could be small.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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