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Title: Report on Exploration Activities 6.4.88 to 5.4.89.
Title Holder / Company: Bruce, JR
Mules, JHM
Winter, MF
Report id: CR1989-0252
Tenure: EL5681
Year: 1989
Author: Murrell, B
Abstract: The results of an airbourne geophysical survey over the area were acquired, but recovery of the more prominent thorium anomalies did not lead to the discovery of significant lanthanide mineralization as had been hoped. New colour aerial photography was flown, and a stream sediment geochemical survey has been initiated in the hope of finding new invisible gold mineralization in this deeply weathered terrain. No results are yet to hand from this program.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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