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Title: Final Report AP 2856, Wallera Ranch.
Title Holder / Company: Le Nickel (Australia) Exploration
Report id: CR1971-0143
Tenure: AP2856
Year: 1970
Author: Berger, P
Abstract: AP 2856 of 82 sq miles is located on the southern flank of a syncline in the Amadeus Basin. The area was targeted for base metal mineralisation. Ordovician and Cambrian rocks are exposed. Airborne reconnaissance was followed by systematic stream sediment sampling. A total of 224 samples were taken giving an average density of six samples per sq kilometre. Some gossanous rocks were also examined. There were no indications to justify further work and the AP was relinquished in full in December 1971.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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