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Title: Second annual report for Exploration Licence 9087 for the period 02-06-1996 to 01-06-1997, Barrow Creek district, Northern Territory, Gemsbok prospect
Title Holder / Company: Normandy Gold
Report id: CR1997-0417
Tenure: EL9087
Year: 1997
Author: West, J
Abstract: 168 vacuum holes were completed on 800 by 100m centres: 3 values in excess of 1ppb Au were obtained (3.4, 2 and 1.85) associated with rhyolite (tentative descriptions to alteration) and siltstones. 3 anomalous silver values (21.7, 95 and 113ppm) were outlined. The lack of schist units has downgraded the prospectivity for Granites style or shear hosted Au-Cu mineralization.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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