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Title: EL 9333 Waterhouse Range first annual report for year ending 30th May, 1997
Title Holder / Company: CRA Exploration
Report id: CR1997-0410
Tenure: EL9333
Year: 1997
Author: MacKay, WG
Abstract: Initial sampling consisted of orientation soil sampling. 15 sample sites and 3 size functions were tested. Anomalism was best in the -2mm +40mm#. Subsequently 795 soil samples on 1km spaced lines were collected. Maximum assays of 5000ppm Cu, 95ppm Co, 1700ppm Pb and 860ppm Zn were obtained. 9 areas of base metal (+/- Cu +/- Pb +/- Zn) elevated responses were outlined. In addition to the soil sampling, 295 rock chip samples were collected. Maximum assays of 11.6% Cu, 6100ppm Pb, 2500ppm Zn, 560ppm Co and 210ppm U were obtained. Mineralization was associated with the upper Goyder Formation. Due to cover, 221 RAB holes totalling 2296m were completed. A best assay of 1.26% Cu was obtained. A 3km anomalous zone was identified. 2 Le Nickel diamond drill holes were completed.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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