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Title: Annual report year ending 02-09-1985.
Title Holder / Company: CRA Exploration
Report id: CR1985-0285
Tenure: EL4611;  EL4614;  EL4615;  EL4616;  EL4617;  EL4622;  EL4623;  EL4624;  EL4625;  EL4626;  EL4627;  EL4628;  EL4629
Year: 1985
Author: Allnutt, SL
Bubner, GJ
Abstract: Chromite grains have been reported in several samples. No microdiamond processing results have yet been reported. Photo-interpretation identified 52 anomalous geomorphic features considered possible expressions of kimberlitic diatremes. Eight dipolar anomalies have been interpreted from airborne magnetic and radiometric surveys.
For sepias NTD 3804 and NTD 3805 refer to DME report CR85-265C.
NOTEPlans incomplete
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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