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Title: Annual report for 1978, EL 1610.
Title Holder / Company: AGIP Australia
Report id: CR1979-0043
Tenure: EL1610
Year: 1979
Abstract: EL 1610 was granted to AGIP for 12 months. It was explored for uranium in conjunction with contiguous and nearby titles ELs 1241 and 1420. Radon surveys were conducted. Drilling comprised 28 vacuum holes for 693 m, 8 percussion holes for 1336 m and 15 pre-collared diamond drillholes for 1597.75 m. Hole names were prefixed by 1610. The holes were gamma logged. Where possible resistivity and SP logs were also run. The drilling and logging program located favourable uranium showings in pyritic sandstone facies of the Undandita Member in the western portion of EL 1610.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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