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Title: Exploration in EL 845 Ewaninga Area, Alice Springs for the period 07/06/1975 to 06/06/1976
Title Holder / Company: Uranerz Australia
Report id: CR1976-0072
Tenure: EL845
Year: 1976
Author: Gert, O
Abstract: During the reporting period, a drilling campaign covering 80 vacuum, 41 rotary percussion and 15 rotary percussion/diamond holes were drilled. Probing of drillholes with gamma ray SP and resistivity equipment was carried out. During this program, 19 rotary percussion/diamond drillholes were re-logged with an ore probe and the radiometric results were evaluated in terms of equivalent U3O8 content expressed in PPM. In a separate logging program, Eh/pH measurements of ground waters were recorded in 71 of the rotary percussion and rotary percussion/diamond drillholes. For comparative purposes, a Track-Etch survey was carried out in the Angela Prospect area where cups were placed in holes 1m and 5 m deep. The results favour the deeper 5m holes. Radon monitor surveys, totalling 471 readings were also carried out in the Angela area. 123 split core samples were analysed for uranium. In addition, analyses for uranium, vanadium, potassium, sodium, carbonate, sulphate, bicarbonate and chloride were carried out on 76 water samples.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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