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::Drilling Results
::Deconvolution Data
::Supplementary     Information
::Summary of Discussions

Angela and Pamela Uranium Deposits 
Reports and data held by Geoscience Australia

The following drill-hole data files, cross-sections and reports on the Angela and Pamela uranium deposits, 28 km south of Alice Springs, were initially submitted by Uranerz Australia Pty Ltd to the Australian Government (Australian Atomic Energy Commission) in the early 1980s.

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:: Cross-sections Angela area

A set of cross-sections through the Angela deposit showing drilling results and geological interpretations prepared by Uranerz Australia Pty Ltd.

:: Drilling results Angela and Pamela areas

Drilling results, Angela and Pamela areas - status at end of 1980. Report by Uranerz Australia Pty Ltd.

Detailed drill-hole data including drill collar co-ordinates, RL of collars, mineralised intersections, XRF grades, equivalent U3O8 grades from down-hole radiometric probe results.

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:: Deconvolution data for mineralised intersections Angela area

Two volumes containing data on equivalent uranium grades for mineralised intersections measured by Uranerz Australia Pty Ltd. 

Volume 1: Appendix 1A, Profiles 350W – 1300W.  

Volume 2: Appendix 1B, Profiles 1400W – 6100W & 2850N.  

:: Supplementary information to uranium resources evaluation, Angela area

Uranerz Australia Pty Ltd, 1983. Supplementary information for the Bureau of Mineral Resources on the Angela 1 deposit and Angelas 2 to 5 prospects, Alice Springs, Northern Territory.

The report provides background information to the evaluation of uranium resources at the Angela deposit. The exploration history from 1972 to 1983, geology, mineralisation and methods used to calculate grades are described.

:: Processing of radiometric borehole data - summary of discussions  

Summary of discussions with Uranerz Australia Pty Ltd on methods used to process borehole radiometric logs from the Angela deposit NT. Report to Bureau of Mineral Resources, 1984. 

Prior to 1980, equivalent uranium grades of mineralised intersections were derived from down-hole gamma ray probe measurements using the ‘area under the curve’ method. After 1980, the Uranerz geophysicists used the ‘deconvolution (or inverse filtering)’ method to estimate equivalent uranium grades. All radiometric grades were later recalculated using the deconvolution method.

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:: Contacts

Aden McKay
Geoscience Australia
Ph: +61 2 6249 9230
Fax +61 2 6249 9983


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