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Title: Annual report for MLS 150 and MLS 151 White Range Project
Title Holder / Company: Intermin Resources
Report id: CR2007-0001
Tenure: MLS150;  MLS151
Year: 2007
Author: Cranley, N
Abstract: The White Range Waste Dump Project is located approximately 180 km north east of Alice Springs, Northern Territory. It is covered by MLS 150 and MLS 151, held in the name of Intermin Resources Ltd. MLS150 and MLS 151 were acquired from Arltunga Pty Ltd on 14 July 2006 and transferred to Intermin Resources Ltd. White Range Mining NL commenced gold production at White Range in March 1990 and ceased operations approximately 12 months later. The company produced 21,189 ozs of gold from the treatment of 299,649 tonnes of ore at a recovered grade of 2.20 g/t. Records suggest a total dump tonnage of 2.7 Mt. A lower cut of 2 g/t appears to have been applied. On 1 March 1991 a Receiver was appointed to the company with all plant and equipment being sold. The mineral resource left by the company consisted of remnant mineralisation in the pits, the waste rock dumps and the tailings. In 1994, Artlunga Pty Ltd acquired the Project with the aim of treating the waste rock. In 1997, they commenced site works at White Range, with construction and plant commissioning completed during February 1998. Treatment of the waste stockpiles was carried out for approximately nine months. The operation was not economically successfully but did provide valuable confirmation of grade and recovery of the stockpiles. Subsequent laboratory testing of the ore has shown it to be amenable to treatment by dump leaching recovering approximately 0.52 g/t. A study was commissioned in February 2001 to determine the economics of treating the remaining dumps, containing approximately one million tonnes of ore bearing material. A digital drillhole database in Micromine format was created for all the data generated by White Range Gold NL during the period that the gold mining operation was in force. This data was used to create a 3D model.
Date Added: 28-Aug-2017
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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