H0002 Version 5 H0003 Date_generated 23-Feb-18 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 31-Dec-17 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no GR378/17 H0101 Tenement_holder PNX Metals Ltd H0102 Project_name Mount Bonnie H0106 Tenement_operator PNX Metals Ltd H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 1-Jan-17 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 31-Dec-17 H0202 Template_format DS1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 236 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 23-Feb-18 H0300 Related_data_file GR378_2017_GA_03_dhsurveys.txt H0301 Location_data_file GR378_2017_GA_02_dhcollars.txt H0304 Downhole_survey_data_file GR378_2017_GA_03_dhsurveys.txt H0400 Drill_code RC RCDD DD H0402 Description RC Reverse Circultion RCDD Diamond Drilling with RC Precollar Diamond Drilling H0900 Comments All raw data hae been converted to MGA grid azimuth using magnetic correction of 3.661 degrees and any azimuth with magnetic interference has been adjusted based on adjacent readings as noted in comments column H1000 Prospect HoleID DEPTH DrillType DIP AZI_MGA METHOD Comments H1001 m degrees degrees H1004 0.1 0.1 1.0 D Mt Bonnie HCM-05 0 RC -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie HCM-06 0 RC -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie HCM-07 0 RC -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie HCM-08 0 RC -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie HCM-09 0 RC -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie HCM-10 0 RC -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie HCM-10 42 RC -79.7 139.5 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie HCM-11 0 RC -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie HCM-11 28 RC -87.5 100.2 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie HCM-11 37 RC -86 100.2 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie HCM-12 0 RC -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie HCM-12 16 RC -88.6 89.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie HCM-12 25 RC -88.2 89.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie HCM-13 0 RC -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie HCM-13 29 RC -87.5 113.9 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie HCM-13 38 RC -84.9 121.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie HCM-13 48 RC -78.6 129.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie HCM-13 58 RC -77.1 136.9 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie HCM-13 67 RC -77.8 136.9 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie HCM-14 0 RC -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie HCM-15 0 RC -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie HCM-15 25 RC -87.8 158.9 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie HCM-15 55 RC -86.2 155.2 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie HCT-01 0 RC -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie HCT-02B 0 RC -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBDH064 0 DD -60 204.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBDH064 11 DD -60.8 207.7 Camteq Proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH064 23 DD -61.2 207.7 Camteq Proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH064 35 DD -61.7 207.7 Camteq Proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH064 47 DD -61.6 207.2 Camteq Proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH064 59 DD -61.3 206.5 Camteq Proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH064 71 DD -61.8 207.6 Camteq Proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH064 83 DD -62.1 207.7 Camteq Proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH064 95 DD -62.3 207.0 Camteq Proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH065 0 DD -60 24.7 Compass D Mt Bonnie MBDH065 2 DD -59.8 26.9 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH065 14 DD -60.3 27.2 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH065 26 DD -60.5 27.7 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH065 38 DD -60.4 27.9 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH065 50 DD -60.6 28.3 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH065 62 DD -60.4 29.1 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH065 74 DD -60 29.6 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH065 86 DD -60 30.6 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH065 98 DD -59.7 31.3 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH065 110 DD -59.4 31.3 Camteq proshot CTPS200 azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBDH066 0 DD -60 121.7 Compass D Mt Bonnie MBDH066 7 DD -59.8 125.7 Camteq proshot CTPS200 azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBDH066 9 DD -59.8 129.2 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH066 19 DD -59.8 128.3 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH066 43 DD -59.9 130.8 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH066 55 DD -59.8 131.2 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH066 67 DD -59.8 130.7 Camteq proshot CTPS200 azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBDH066 79 DD -59.9 129.7 Camteq proshot CTPS200 azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBDH066 91 DD -59.2 128.7 Camteq proshot CTPS200 azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBDH066 103 DD -59 128.3 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH066 115 DD -59.3 128.1 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH067 0 DD -71.12 220.8 Compass D Mt Bonnie MBDH067 13 DD -71 220.7 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH067 25 DD -71.8 219.8 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH067 37 DD -72.1 220.0 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH067 49 DD -72.2 219.9 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH067 61 DD -72.3 220.8 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH067 73 DD -72.2 219.9 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH067 85 DD -72.5 219.7 Camteq proshot CTPS200 azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBDH067 97 DD -72.6 211.9 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH068 0.0 DD -60 213.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBDH068 17.0 DD -60.1 216.2 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH068 29.0 DD -58.9 213.5 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH069 0 DD -60 31.7 Compass D Mt Bonnie MBDH069 18 DD -61.4 33.7 Camteq proshot CTPS200 azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBDH069 30 DD -62.2 35.1 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH069 42 DD -60.8 34.9 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH069 54 DD -62.2 31.9 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH069 66 DD -60.8 35.9 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH069 78 DD -60.9 36.6 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH069 90 DD -61.1 37.2 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH069 102 DD -60.2 38.6 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH070 0 DD -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBDH070 22 DD -61 123.7 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH070 34 DD -60.8 124.8 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH070 46 DD -59.7 125.8 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH070 58 DD -59.6 126.0 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH071 0 DD -60 121.7 D Mt Bonnie MBDH071 12 DD -60.3 124.3 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH071 24 DD -59.5 124.5 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH071 36 DD -60.6 125.2 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH071 48 DD -60 120.9 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH071 48 DD -60.1 123.1 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH071 60 DD -59.9 123.7 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH071 72 DD -60.3 123.3 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH072 0 DD -60 121.7 compass D Mt Bonnie MBDH072 12 DD -61.1 124.0 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBDH072 24 DD -60.6 124.7 Camteq proshot CTPS200 D Mt Bonnie MBRC073 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC073 28 RC -60.8 127.1 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC073 58 RC -57.4 126.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC073 94 RC -54.8 127.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC073 103 RC -53.6 127.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC074 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC074 34 -56.7 126.9 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC074 57 -53.8 124.5 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC074 81 -51.8 123.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC075 0 -90 0.0 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC076 0 -90 0.0 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC077 0 -90 0.0 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC078 0 -88.6 69.0 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC078 5 -87.8 54.5 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC078 28 -84.4 132.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC078 58 -82.9 132.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC078 67 -81.4 132.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC079 0 -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC080 0 -80 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC080 40 -80.5 134.5 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC080 82 -78.2 159.4 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC080 124 -69.1 159.4 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC080 133 -66.9 159.4 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC081 0 -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC082 0 -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC083 0 RC -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC083 10 RC -61.7 121.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC083 30 RC -61 121.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC083 51 RC -58.3 121.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC083 60 RC -56.9 121.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC084 0 RC -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC084 10 RC -60.2 121.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC084 30 RC -58.2 121.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC084 51 RC -58.4 121.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC084 60 RC -58.2 121.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC085 0 RC -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC085 10 RC -61.1 122.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC085 30 RC -58.4 123.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC085 51 RC -56.2 125.3 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC085 60 RC -55.6 125.3 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC086 0 RC -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC086 20 RC -56.6 125.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC086 45 RC -54.2 128.4 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC086 54 RC -52.2 128.4 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC087 0 RC -88.8 173.2 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC087 5 RC -89.4 194.7 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC087 25 RC -89 149.8 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC087 50 RC -85.5 149.8 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC087 76 RC -80.2 149.8 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC087 85 RC -80.2 149.8 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC088 0 RC -60 119.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC088 2 RC -62.2 120.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC088 24 RC -61.8 124.6 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC089 0 -62.0 122.7 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC089 2.5 -61.7 123.8 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC089 34 -61.2 127.1 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC089 64 -60.2 129.3 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC089 94 -54.6 137.8 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC089 116 -50.9 136.9 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC089 125 -48.3 136.9 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC090 0 -88.8 10.2 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC090 10 -89.5 342.7 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC090 20 -89.1 227.5 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC090 22.5 -88.5 225.2 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC091 0 -89.0 101.4 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC091 10 -89.7 136.7 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC091 20 -89.6 153.5 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC091 30 -88.7 9.4 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC091 35 -88.1 307.4 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC092 0 -84.4 344.7 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC092 10 -83.2 359.1 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC092 20 -83.9 4.2 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC092 30 -84.3 13.9 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC093 0 -86.3 307.2 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC093 10 -85.6 350.0 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC093 20 -82.7 16.1 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC093 25 -82.0 25.9 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC094 0 -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC095 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC096 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC096 15 -59 123.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC096 34 -54.5 128.3 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC096 43 -53.5 128.3 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC097 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC097 28 -58.5 126.9 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC097 37 -57.9 126.9 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC098 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC098 28 -58.6 133.9 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC098 37 -58.2 153.9 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC099 0 -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC100 0 -90.0 261.7 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC100 5 -89.4 257.4 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC101 0 -85.6 13.6 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC101 2.5 -86.1 28.5 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC102 0 -60.7 118.6 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC102 2.5 -60.8 119.3 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC103 0 -59.9 121.0 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC103 2.5 -59.9 121.3 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC104 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC105 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC106 0 -89.3 291.8 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC106 7.5 -88.8 244.1 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC107 0 -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC107 20 -79.8 136.3 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC107 40 -75.4 136.3 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC107 49 -74.6 136.3 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC108 0 -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC109 0 -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC109 10 -85.1 128.7 magnetic deviation tool - Pilbara Wireline Services D Mt Bonnie MBRC109 20 -84.3 126.9 magnetic deviation tool - Pilbara Wireline Services D Mt Bonnie MBRC109 25 -83.8 127.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC109 50 -76.5 128.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC109 75 -76.8 128.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC109 85 -76.4 128.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC110 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC111 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC111 20 -56.1 127.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC111 46 -52.8 135.1 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC111 55 -52 135.1 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC112 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC113 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC113 10 -54.8 121.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC113 30 -48.2 121.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC113 49 -48 121.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC114 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC114 18 -58 126.5 Globaltech Pathfinder MS was in MBRC113 file ???? D Mt Bonnie MBRC115 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC115 25 -55.9 123.8 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC116 0 -60 121.7 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC116 28 -56.5 122.1 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC117 0 -90 0.0 COMPASS D Mt Bonnie MBRC117 30 -85.7 121.9 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC117 52 -81.5 121.9 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC117 61 -81.2 121.9 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC118 0 -60.8 124.0 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC118 7.5 -60.2 125.3 Gyro D Mt Bonnie MBRC118 37 -60.6 127.1 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC118 47 -58.8 127.1 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC118 64 -55.1 127.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC118 73 -53.8 129.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBRC118 106 -46.4 131.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS D Mt Bonnie MBRC118 115 -43.9 131.7 Globaltech Pathfinder MS azi adjusted for mag interference D Mt Bonnie MBAC119 0 -90 0.0 COMPASS EOF