H0002 Version 1 H0003 Date_generated 26/10/2017 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 14/12/2017 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no GR 451 H0101 Tenement_holder Kingston Resources Ltd H0102 Project_name Bynoe Project H0106 Tenement_operator Kingston Resources Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_numbers "Darwin (SD5204), Pine Creek (SD5208) " H0151 100K_map_sheet_number "Bynoe (5072), Reynolds River (5071)" H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 23/09/2016 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquistion 22/08/2017 H0202 Template_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records (in this file) 150 H0305 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file GR451_2017_A_Appendix 1 Rock Chips H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia 94 H0530 Coordinate_system [Geographic/Projected] GDA 94 H0531 Projection_zone 52 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS H0600 Sample_code Rock Chip H0601 Sample_type Rock Chip H0602 Sample_description Selective rock chips H0700 Sample_preparation_code FP1 H0701 Sample_preparation_details Sodium peroxide fusion Zr crucible H0702 Job_no (lab job number) "1973_0_1614555, 1973_0_1615719, 1973_0_1616988,1973_0_1702685, 1973_0_1712435" H0800 Assay_code FP1/MS FP1/OE H0801 Assay_company Intertek H0802 Assay_description Zirconium Crucible Fusion Individual Elements by ICP-OES & ICP-MS H0900 Comments H1000 Sample ID Easting_MGA Northing_MGA Description Sample Type Tenement Prospect ELEMENTS As Ba Be Cs K Li Nb Rb Sn Sr Ta Th U W H1001 ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm H1002 FP1/MS FP1/MS FP1/MS FP1/MS FP1/OE FP1/MS FP1/MS FP1/MS FP1/MS FP1/MS FP1/MS FP1/MS FP1/MS FP1/MS H1003 20 1 1 0.1 0.05 1 2 0.5 0.01 20 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 H1004 H1005 H1006 H1007 D KN0001 693009 8601381.379 cassiterite? Tantalite? Euhedral black crystals in pegmatite mullock EL31092 Regional KN0001 X 14 X 2.2 X 29 X 4.9 0.02 X 14 0.5 0.3 12 D KN0002 693013 8601400.722 clean white qrtz pegmatite with v.c.g muscovite amongst small workings mullock EL31092 Regional KN0002 X 9 4 35.8 0.78 52 41 157.4 0.07 X 144.4 0.3 0.6 5 D KN0003 692992 8601430.505 bleached white pegmatite pure qrtz? insitu EL31092 Regional KN0003 X 14 X 1 X 9 X 1.5 X X 0.9 0.1 0.2 X D KN0004 692987 8601433.972 "grab sample pink pegmatite, ~5m long ~(E/W) shallow costean" mullock EL31092 Regional KN0004 X 10 X 0.8 X 10 X 0.7 X X 1.2 0.2 0.2 5 D KN0005 692949 8601344.176 clean qrtz + muscovite pegmatite mullock EL31092 Regional KN0005 X 6 X 0.2 X 5 X 0.5 X X X X 0.1 X D KN0006 692843 8601523.462 pink qrtz pegmatite with dark green to black lath shaped cassiterite? Tantalite? mullock EL31092 Regional KN0006 X 23 X 0.2 0.06 4 X X X X 0.3 X 0.4 2 D KN0007 692842 8601524.02 pink pegmatite with red iron stained clustered mica + lath black cassiterite mullock EL31092 Regional KN0007 X 5 X 0.1 X 5 X 1.3 X X X 0.1 0.2 X D KN0008 693118 8602695.794 "coastean, black cassiterite + light brown o-1idised v.c.g tantalite" mullock EL31092 Jennys KN0008 173 9 1 1.2 X 15 X 6.1 0.05 X 9.4 0.2 1.1 4 D KN0009 693137 8602714.353 v.c.g 10cm yellow tinged rectangular mineral (Li?) in micaceous pegmatite mullock EL31092 Jennys KN0009 X 17 X 1.5 0.09 30 X 9.5 X X X 0.8 0.5 13 D KN0010 693136 8602716.79 m.g qrtz pegmatite with v.c.g orange tantalite? mullock EL31092 Jennys KN0010 X 11 2 2 0.13 32 X 16.4 X X X 0.5 0.2 2 D KN0011 693135 8602742.466 grab sample mullock pegmatite v.c.g mica portions mullock EL31092 Jennys KN0011 X 8 1 2.1 0.14 33 X 24.8 X X X 0.2 0.3 X D KN0012 693086 8602769.462 "grab sample, varied pegmatite including v.c.g mica portion" mullock EL31092 Jennys KN0012 X 8 2 3.1 0.16 34 X 35.4 X X X 0.2 0.3 X D KN0013 693169 8602942.932 "grab sample, varied qrtz + pegmatite lag" mullock EL31092 Regional KN0013 X 19 X 1.1 X 27 3 2.2 X X X 0.3 0.3 1 D KN0014 694044 8587490.164 "m.g 2-4mm pegmatite, iron rich o-1idised minerals in fracture plains" mullock Regional Regional KN0014 X 12 X 0.1 X 2 X 1.4 X X X 1.5 0.5 X D KN0015 693914 8587642.858 "v.c.g. mica rich pegmatite, weathered black mica + f.g orange + yellow micas" mullock EL31901 Lianas KN0015 X 26 8 183 3.36 196 58 1977 0.02 X 18.2 0.9 2.4 4 D KN0016 693919 8587646.252 massive c.g yellow micaceous pegmatite portion mullock EL31901 Lianas KN0016 X 115 12 201.9 4.97 148 80 2136.5 0.04 28 143.1 1.4 1.5 6 D KN0017 693919 8587652.676 clear qrtz + c.g orange mica (20%) + white silicates mullock EL31901 Lianas KN0017 X 11 1 3.8 0.35 37 X 90.9 X X 0.8 0.2 0.2 1 D KN0018 693980 8587667.286 "micaceous pegmatite yellow + black (o-1idised) mica up to 2cm in white qrtz pegmatite, minor black cassiterite" mullock EL31901 Lianas KN0018 X 8 11 281.3 3.62 205 99 3089.8 0.47 X 173.5 1 0.6 5 D KN0019 693977 8587668.087 v.c.g micaceous pegmatite mullock EL31901 Lianas KN0019 X 4 8 177.9 3.16 308 78 2442.3 0.15 X 58.7 0.3 0.2 5 D KN0020 694305 8587653.325 predominantly qrtz with minor f.g yellow mica clusters + f.g cassiterite insitu EL31901 Lianas KN0020 48 36 X 3.8 0.12 5 X 44.8 X X 1 0.3 0.2 X D KN0021 694000 8587770.818 white clean to pink qrtz v.c.g pegmatite insitu EL31901 Lianas KN0021 X 5 X 2.3 0.05 24 X 25.6 X X X 0.1 X X D KN0022 693973 8587700.642 "v.c.g mica +- black cassiterite, + f.g zones of equivalent minerals" mullock EL31901 Lianas KN0022 25 79 8 205.7 3.57 104 272 2116.1 1.92 X 387.2 1.4 1 8 D KN0023 684676 8567470.365 c.g white qrtz with f.g yellow mica mullock EL31200 Regional KN0023 X 30 X 1.9 0.26 4 X 19.2 X X 1.9 0.2 0.2 2 D KN0024 693646 8590139 "mullock of 5m pit, v.c.g 3cm qrtz with abundant orange f.g mica from mm to 2cm" mullock EL31901 Ah Bung KN0024 22 123 8 168.4 2.14 48 63 1244.8 0.01 27 112.4 0.6 1.2 2 D KN0025 693610 8590074 "mullock of 3m shaft, with N/S pegmatite visible, c.g white qrtz peg with f.g - m.g yellow mica + black cassiterite" mullock EL31901 Ah Bung KN0025 X 226 7 110.2 2.28 54 136 1128.3 0.49 35 126.7 0.1 1.2 6 D KN0026 693635 8590122 "in wall of 20m long N/S trench, elongated o-1idised black to yellow micas + minor cassiterite, wthered qrtz pegmatite" insitu EL31901 Ah Bung KN0026 X 18 6 121.1 2.28 101 38 1394.4 0.02 X 11 1.1 0.6 2 D KN0027 693635 8590133 "fresh v.c.g cream qrtz with layered silver to red micas, large orange euhedral minerals replaced by micas" mullock EL31901 Ah Bung KN0027 X 18 X 7.5 0.37 23 X 86 X X 2.7 0.1 0.2 2 D KN0028 693905 8590993 "pink wthered qrtz with 2mm wide, 5mm long lath intergrowths or separate clear minerals, qrtz groundmass with cream siliceous matri-1" mullock EL31901 Regional KN0028 X 6 X 0.2 X X X 2.3 X X X 1.2 0.2 18 D KN0029 693618 8591262 "wthered orange, yellow dominantly micaceous in fabric/clusters, m.g (5mm) pegmatite" mullock EL31091 Lei KN0029 30 50 321 293.1 3.29 116 69 1357.9 0.02 X 238 0.9 1 2 D KN0030 693621 8591246 grab sample white qrtz with yellow mica ~(25%) mullock EL31091 Lei KN0030 X 12 15 11.9 0.17 60 X 80.6 X X 6 0.1 0.2 3 D KN0031 629282 8601022 clean v.c.g 3-4cm qrtz pegmatite mullock EL31092 Regional KN0031 X 2 2 3.3 0.05 13 X 19.3 X X 1.7 0.1 0.3 X D KN0032 692808 8601027 wthered 1cm micas + elongated wthered yellow cream silicates mullock EL31092 Regional KN0032 X 21 28 44.2 3.39 203 62 683.9 0.02 X 55.5 1.5 0.9 7 D KN0033 689569 8599586 clean qrtz pegmatitewith c.g 3cm orange mica in cluster/replacement mullock EL31133 Regional KN0033 X 7 1 37 0.16 163 X 93.9 X X 4.9 0.4 0.2 X D KN0034 689557 8599597 clean qrtz peg with wthered micaceous clusters/replcaement (50%) and black lath high lusture up to 1cm cassiterite? mullock EL31133 Regional KN0034 X 7 2 270.7 0.55 790 X 367.9 X X 27.6 0.4 0.8 2 D KN0035 688792 8597996 thin NW/SE pit qrtz + tourmaline + minor black cassiterite mullock EL31133 Regional KN0035 X 3 X 2.5 X 15 X 4.7 X X X 0.1 0.2 3 D KN0036 688899 8597933 cream to white qrtz + minor mica as clusters mullock EL31133 Regional KN0036 X 23 X 3.3 0.69 25 X 40.5 0.01 X 1.3 0.7 1.2 3 D KN0037 688885 8597915 wthered compotenet tourmaline + mica + qrtz wthered granite?/pegmatite insitu EL31133 Regional KN0037 74 197 2 15.1 1.79 18 X 113.1 X X X 3.1 2 4 D KN0038 688884 8597907 "v.c.g (cm scale) tourmaline + mica + qrtz, highly wthered pegmatite" insitu EL31133 Regional KN0038 X 124 3 6.9 1.14 9 X 75.4 X X X 1.4 1.3 2 D KN0039 688876 8597925 v.c.g tourmaline + mica + qrtz compotent wthered pegmatite insitu EL31133 Regional KN0039 X 70 2 6.4 0.83 16 X 61.9 X X X 1.5 3.1 3 D KN0040 693613 8585562 "in pit, wthered micaceous pegmatite" insitu EL31151 Jans KN0040 X 29 11 145.7 3.25 275 16 896.6 0.02 X 26.5 1.8 1.2 2 D KN0041 693613 8585567 white cream qrtz + o-1idised red mica clusters + f.g yellow mica insitu EL31151 Jans KN0041 X 35 4 63.7 1.47 61 55 510.7 0.01 X 104.9 0.8 1.2 1 D KN0042 693626 8585567 "c.g up to 1cm yellow mica rich with c.g qrtz, pale white qrtz?" mullock EL31151 Jans KN0042 X 13 6 156.9 1.98 62 107 1080.1 0.06 X 208.7 0.7 0.9 2 D KN0043 693628 8585574 massive c.g up to 1cm yellow mica cluster with disseminated black cassiterite mullock EL31151 Jans KN0043 X 3 13 712.6 3.66 76 159 3109.6 0.74 X 258.9 0.4 2.3 8 D KN0044 693595 8585592 "secondary working, semi massive yellow up to 1cm aligned mica cluster" mullock EL31151 Jans KN0044 X 27 9 257.4 3.27 135 147 1980.2 0.03 X 554.6 4.9 1.8 3 D KN0045 693605 8585569 "very white pegmatite lag, qrtz? Silicate?" mullock EL31151 Jans KN0045 X 11 X 2.2 X 29 X 5.6 X X X 0.1 0.2 10 D KN0046 693762 8583139 "micaceous c.g yellow + black mica, up to 4cm clear qrtz" mullock EL31151 Regional KN0046 X 60 7 258.7 2.99 140 35 778.3 0.03 X 41.1 0.5 0.2 4 D KN0047 689321 8599158 white clean qrtz pegmatite with f.g mica clusters + minor orange wthered mica (replacing tantalite?) mullock EL31133 Regional KN0047 X 20 X 4.1 0.15 14 X 30.1 X X 2.6 0.3 0.1 X D KN0048 689342 8599191 "v.c.g very wthered 5cm mica + 2-4cm qrtz possible NW trend, minor black cassiterite" insitu EL31133 Regional KN0048 71 106 4 9.9 1.96 36 X 130.6 X X 7 8 2.8 6 D KN0049 689507 8599200 spotted cream qrtz with red-purple interstital wthered matri-1 mullock EL31133 Regional KN0049 X 4 1 0.4 0.05 13 X 1.9 X X X 0.2 X 2 D KN0050 689358 8599199 very white silicate interstital to subrounded clear qrtz mullock EL31133 Regional KN0050 X 16 X 0.3 X 10 X 1.2 X X X X X 5 D KN0051 691511 8598419 "v.c.g qrtz + orange oxidised up to 3cm sub euhedral iron minerals, + mica (2-4mm), some banding btw qrtz + oxidised iron rich material" mullock EL31133 Regional KN0051 X 14 X X X 5 4 2.5 X X 0.1 1.5 0.3 3 D KN0052 689455 8599407 "amongst clean white qrtz pegmatite zone, blocky qrtz?, 1-3cm sample" insitu EL31133 Regional KN0052 X 5 X X X 25 X 0.9 X X 0.2 0.1 X 2 D KN0053 688963 8597829 wthered cm (3cm) tourmaline + mica clusters + qrtz pegmatite insitu EL31133 Regional KN0053 X 134 3 13.5 2.46 20 4 154.2 X X 0.7 1.2 2.4 2 D KN0054 688963 8597817 pink tinged v.c.g clean qrtz with mica clusters float EL31133 Regional KN0054 X 2 X 0.6 0.12 18 2 10.6 X X 0.2 X X 6 D KN0055 689003 8597775 "semi massive 2cm mica clusters + v.c.g 2cm tourmaline pegmatite, + foliated silicates" float EL31133 Regional KN0055 X 47 3 5.4 2.88 43 14 194 X X 0.9 0.6 1.3 15 D KN0056 688905 8597808 wthered v.c.g tourmaline + qrtz + mica pegmatite with rusted red wthered tourmaline? Oxide? insitu EL31133 Regional KN0056 X 115 3 17.1 2.84 25 6 152.4 X X 1 1.4 1.8 5 D KN0057 689409 8597878 "qrtz rich peg grab sample, within gravel pit" float EL31133 Regional KN0057 X 6 X 0.7 0.1 7 X 5.3 X X 0.3 0.6 0.2 X D KN0058 689315 8597802 "v.c.g micas (2-3cm clusters) + tourmaline (?), very wthered pegmatite" insitu EL31133 Regional KN0058 21 39 6 11.8 2.6 115 18 224.7 X X 3.2 0.4 0.4 12 D KN0059 689202 8597561 massive clean qrtz pegmatite with striations cleavage on some faces insitu EL31133 Regional KN0059 X 4 2 1.8 X 18 X 1.4 X X 0.1 X X X D KN0060 688969 8597827 "c.g pertruding qrtz with bleached silicate matrix, minor v.c.g mica + torumaline wthered pegmatite" insitu EL31133 Regional KN0060 X 40 4 6.1 0.91 9 X 93.3 X X 1.1 1.2 1.2 X D KN0061 689113 8597766 NW/SE striking wthered tourmaline + mica + qrtz pegmatite insitu EL31133 Regional KN0061 23 268 2 11.4 3.18 13 2 210.6 X X 0.8 1.4 2.5 3 D KN0062 689110 8597753 v.c.g tourmaline + mica + qrtz pegmatite insitu EL31133 Regional KN0062 40 168 3 20.4 2.88 30 6 199.3 X X 1.7 1.4 2.1 2 D KN0063 689087 8597728 "clean qrtz pegmatite zone, " insitu EL31133 Regional KN0063 X 3 X 3.7 X 10 X 4.2 X X 0.1 X X X D KN0064 689132 8597731 v.c.g qrtz + tourmaline + mica clusters wthered pegmatite insitu EL31133 Regional KN0064 X 130 4 6.9 1.85 28 4 120.6 X X 0.9 0.8 1.2 3 D KN0065 689156 8597641 "orange tinge clean qrtz zone, minor c.g mica clusters, pegmatite" float EL31133 Regional KN0065 X 6 X 0.3 0.08 10 2 5.7 X X 0.3 X 0.1 3 D KN0066 689269 8597647 wthered c.g qrtz + mica pegmatite in flood plain insitu EL31133 Regional KN0066 X 80 4 7.5 1.58 64 13 121.3 X X 1.7 1.5 1.1 11 D KN0067 689318 8597561 clean qrtz pegmatite blow insitu EL31133 Regional KN0067 X 7 X 0.2 X 13 X 1 X X X X X 3 D KN0068 689152 8597381 mica cluster float in loader workings mullock EL31133 Regional KN0068 44 30 4 5.4 2.86 105 13 176.4 X X 1 2.8 1.1 31 D KN0069 689119 8597361 "cleaved white qrtz? Silicate in loader push, minor mica orange wthering dusting" mullock EL31133 Regional KN0069 X 6 X 9.7 0.06 14 X 9.1 X X 0.5 0.1 X 1 D KN0070 689119 8597407 oxidised red laminated mica m.g + 2-4mm tourmaline + qrtz pegmatite (lepidolite??) float/mullock EL31133 Regional KN0070 X 427 10 26.1 3.98 66 29 352.4 X X 86.8 0.7 1.7 11 D KN0071 689420 8597780 "dominant white qrtz rich peg with patches/pods of oxidised mica + grey qrtz, chip sample" mullock EL31133 Regional KN0071 X 6 X 2.3 0.14 15 X 13.6 X X 1.1 1.7 0.2 X D KN0072 688877 8598192 micaceous cluster (2-3cm) clusters in wthered pegmatite insitu EL31133 Regional KN0072 X 547 6 45.2 4 42 53 596.2 X 22 12.5 1.1 0.6 10 D KN0073 693604 8585741 "qrtz pegmatite mixing with host unit, f.g black high lusture mica rich sed xenolith" insitu EL31151 Regional KN0073 X 104 X 0.1 0.06 17 6 2 X 33 1.2 4.5 1 12 D KN0074 693728 8585313 semi massive oxidised red foliated mica with qrtz insitu EL31151 Regional KN0074 X 474 6 101.2 3.65 11 61 637.5 X 57 350.2 1.9 0.9 11 D KN0075 693707 8586349 porcelin white qrtz with minor yellow mica insitu EL31091 Regional KN0075 X 6 X 0.1 X 4 X 1.2 X X 3.3 0.1 X X D KN0076 688618 8598402 v.c.g cream qrtz 2-3mm mica + tourmaline wthered pegmatite insitu EL31133 Regional KN0076 37 63 3 5.9 1.42 16 4 100.4 X X 1.3 1.1 1.5 4 D KN0077 688701 8598399 wthered c.g qrtz + mica +- tourmaline peg subcrop insitu EL31133 Regional KN0077 28 197 3 5.3 0.77 8 X 66.5 X X 1 2.5 3 X D KN0078 689099 8598436 bleached wthered silicates + qrtz + mica portion of pegmatite insitu EL31133 Regional KN0078 33 68 3 9.6 1.61 16 5 109.7 X X 2.1 3.7 1.7 2 D KN0079 689095 8598421 "v.c.g (2-3cm) highly wthered mica + qrtz + minor tourmaline, NW strike pegmatite" insitu EL31133 Regional KN0079 X 184 3 7.1 2.78 28 7 138.2 X 23 1.5 1.7 1 4 D KN0080 689101 8598410 wthered 2-3cm mica + 2-5mm qrtz + minor f.g tourmaline + bleached cream feld? Pegmatite insitu EL31133 Regional KN0080 X 129 3 5.1 1.5 23 7 92.6 X X 1.3 1.2 1.1 5 D KN0081 691530 8597517 qrtz (grey) with 1-4mm mica + minor iron oxide (grab sample) mullock EL31133 Regional KN0081 X 19 X 40 0.09 6 X 4.1 X X X 1.7 0.2 X D KN0082 691673 8597393 "qrtz + oxidisied cleavage/fracture (orange) plain (mica?), pegmatite float" float EL31133 Regional KN0082 X 6 3 1.1 0.06 56 X 6.4 X X 2.2 0.3 0.4 3 D KN0083 691578 8598033 boxworked cubic texture + mica clean qrtz pegmatite mullock EL31133 Far West West (?) KN0083 X 2 X 0.2 X 18 X 1 X X 0.3 0.9 X 1 D KN0084 691629 8597963 semi massive m.g oxidised mica mullock EL31133 Far West West (?) KN0084 X 65 93 36.1 3.4 79 53 410.3 0.01 21 50.7 3 1.2 4 D KN0085 674512 8550485 tourmaline + mica + qrtz + silicate pegmatite roadside float float EL31207 Regional KN0085 X 191 5 19.6 5.04 30 9 447.6 X X 3 1 2.3 6 D KN0086 696311 8580855 "representative clean qrtz qrtz blow, from E/W striking outcrop" insitu EL31151 Regional KN0086 X 4 X X X 2 4 1.7 X X 0.2 0.2 X X D KN0087 696727 8580140 v.c.g up to 3cm bladed mica muscovite with black oxidation + qrtz (Mica cluster) mullock Regional Lucys Mine KN0087 X 7 15 280.7 3.58 42 117 2315.9 0.09 X 68.9 0.7 3.3 4 D KN0088 691655 8598083 c.g grey qrtz + orange micaceous clusters peg mullock EL31133 Far West West (?) KN0088 X 97 2 14.9 0.68 22 3 57.6 X X 32.9 1.2 0.8 2 D KN0089 691635 8598090 predominantly qrtz (grey) + orange mica peg mullock EL31133 Far West West (?) KN0089 X 20 X 2 0.09 7 X 5.3 X X 0.5 0.8 0.4 X D KN0090 691636 8598057 "clean grey qrtz + yellow to orange, up to 1cm micas" mullock EL31133 Far West West (?) KN0090 X 2 X 1.8 0.08 11 X 9.8 X X 0.6 0.1 X X D KN0091 691607 8598021 semi massive red oxidised wthered mica cluster + trace iron oxides mullock EL31133 Far West West (?) KN0091 X 83 13 44.8 3.79 36 95 693.7 0.02 23 68.4 3.3 1.8 3 D KN0092 691629 8597990 "pocky clean qrtz with oxidised orange to red rims, blocky qrtz" mullock EL31133 Far West West (?) KN0092 20 4 X 3.3 0.06 4 X 1.5 X X 0.6 0.4 X 1 D KN0093 691602 8595951 grab sample of wthered iron stained qrtz pegmatite mullock EL31133 Regional KN0093 X 9 X 0.4 0.05 9 X 2.3 X X 1.5 0.4 0.2 X D KN0094 691699 8596238 "qrtz rich peg float, minor yellow mica oxidised orange on fracture plain" float EL31133 Regional KN0094 X 13 X 0.2 0.06 13 X 1.6 X X 0.1 0.9 0.1 X D KN0095 693966 8587694 f.g yellow mica with siliceous qtrz (?) band 4cm wide float EL31091 Lianas KN0095 X 78 3 31.2 1.47 76 44 267.2 X X 60.1 0.5 0.3 3 D KN0096 693811 8587614 v.c.g mica + qrtz zones + f.g mica zone pegmatite mullock EL31091 Lianas KN0096 X 94 13 123.5 3.24 20 91 1405.5 0.31 59 117.1 0.9 1 4 D KN0097 694085 8588169 qrtz + f.g-v.c.g mica + dark oxidised laths cleaved 0.5-2cm minerals (micaceous) insitu EL31091 Lianas KN0097 X 44 9 242.6 3.29 93 50 2301.2 0.02 X 28 1 0.3 6 D KN0098 694089 8588170 oxidised red weathered surface f.g-c.g yellow mica (Sn-Ta?) mullock EL31091 Lianas KN0098 X 8 12 309.3 3.33 89 80 3013.3 0.37 X 146.4 1.2 0.8 5 D KN0099 693784 8590861 qrtz pegmnatite bearing ~030 with orange mica clusters insitu EL31091 Regional KN0099 40 38 X 3.8 0.43 16 X 39.7 X X 0.3 0.9 0.7 X D KN0100 693619 8591197 "wthered v.c.g competent quartz + f.g mica pegmatite,m clear qrtz 0.5cm (blocky) + bleached white interstitial + lath feld(?), trace f.g black oxides" insitu EL31091 Lei KN0100 X 108 176 317.6 5.51 258 91 3119.1 0.01 X 77.1 0.6 0.9 1 D KN0101 693619 8591191 bleached white wthered f.g mica with m.g 4-6mm quartz + white feldspar(?) insitu EL31091 Lei KN0101 X 83 216 105.7 1.17 180 116 670.5 0.02 34 80.4 0.9 1.2 1 D KN0102 689561 8599593 "f.g 1-2mm mica, with lath black cassiterite 1-2mm, wthered surface deep orange micas" mullock EL31133 Regional KN0102 X 21 12 2710.9 4.08 6494 32 3583.5 0.03 X 643.6 2.1 16.1 23 D KN0103 689570 8599589 "orange oxidised f.g-m.g quartz + yellow-green mica pegmatite, minor cavity growth textures" mullock EL31133 Regional KN0103 X 24 14 791.9 4.82 402 59 1857.3 0.03 X 486 0.4 6.8 3 D KN0104 689569 8599589 "silicified orange feld/ + qrtz + c.g yellow mica pegmatite, petrology taken" mullock EL31133 Regional KN0104 X 2184 15 836.6 4.77 474 33 2052.9 X X 193.1 0.5 3.9 3 D KN0105 689563 8599593 "yellow + orange brown mica + qrtz + orange feld? Pegmatite, petrology taken" mullock EL31133 Regional KN0105 X 199 15 772.8 4.33 764 22 1953.9 X X 200.5 1.1 5.2 3 D KN0106 698134 8578050 "qrtz dominant orange-pink tinged feldspar, f.g red oxidised lath Sn? Trace" insitu EL31151 Regional KN0106 X 5 X 0.1 X X X 0.7 X X X 0.2 X 7 D KN0107 691107 8596824 "chip sample, qrtz blow/pegmatite, 15 by 15m out-subcrop" insitu EL31133 Regional KN0107 X 8 X 0.2 X 7 X 0.5 X X X 0.2 X 5 D KN0108 691020 8596486 red + yellow mica rich pegmatite mullock EL31133 SW Cai KN0108 X 5 1 16.6 0.26 19 X 76.6 X X 3 0.1 X 5 D KN0109 691027 8596479 "secondary shaft (3m deep), f.g sugary qrtz? Feld?" mullock EL31133 SW Cai KN0109 X 27 X 0.5 X 9 X 2.7 X X X 0.5 0.3 6 D KN0110 691031 8596329 "10m wide N/S striking clean qrtz pegmatite, 4-5mm qrtz, minor specled weathered faces" insitu EL31133 SW Cai KN0110 X 10 X 0.2 X 6 X 0.8 X X X 0.8 X 43 D KN0111 691822 8596372 "massive mica, dark weathered faces, 10-30mm mica (muscovite) cluster with qrtz matrix, Sn? Ta?" mullock EL31133 SE Cai workings KN0111 X 7 15 548.5 3.49 80 318 3451.7 1.12 X 931.5 2.2 3.6 8 D KN0112 691816 8596357 "semi massive mica in elongate 5-30mm crystals, intergrwon with qrtz" mullock EL31133 SE Cai workings KN0112 X 8 10 767.9 3.08 67 305 3857.7 1.49 X 1240.5 0.8 1.1 7 D KN0113 691819 8596332 red weathered mica clusters massive mica mullock EL31133 SE Cai workings KN0113 X 8 8 2.9 X 13 5 14.4 X X 18.6 X 0.2 5 D KN0114 691819 8596342 "yellow tinge weathered face, clean qrtz pegmatite zone" mullock EL31133 SE Cai workings KN0114 X 126 381 140.2 1.18 273 123 680.7 0.01 X 78.9 2.6 1.5 1 D KN0115 693617 8591190 "in undrilled sump, weathered white claky peg, with f.g yellow mica + black manganese? Tantalite? Crystals, weathered spodumene?" float EL31091 Lei KN0115 X 203 19 261.1 8.47 260 68 1424.5 0.08 21 84.3 0.2 0.3 19 D KN0116 693629 8591202 "bleached white weathered peg, bearing 026 degrees along strike of KN0100 & KN0101, wetahered spod?" insitu EL31091 Lei KN0116 X 117 186 151.5 1.71 239 118 985.8 0.03 106 123.4 0.8 2 4 D KN0117 693683 8591243 "subrop in KBRC022 pad, clean qrtz peg" insitu EL31091 Lei KN0117 X 32 2 2.4 0.17 9 10 16.4 X X 3.2 2.1 0.6 8 D KN0118 690620 8600338 "dull yellow weathered surface, qrtz peg with oxidised orange micas" insitu EL31133 NN Cai KN0118 X 6 X 2.4 X 5 X 9.1 X X 1.6 0.4 0.1 4 D KN0119 690550 8600391 "clean qrtz peg ~10m wide within laterite, N/S strike" insitu EL31133 NN Cai KN0119 X 8 X 1.1 X 4 X 2.5 X X 1 1 0.1 10 D KN0120 690574 8600606 "in ~45m wide qrtz subcrop-float-lag zone bearing N/S, chip sample white 4-5mm qrtz crystals" insitu EL31133 NN Cai KN0120 X 5 X 0.7 X 6 X 1.5 X X 1.5 0.5 0.5 39 D KN0121 690584 8600718 "in 45m wide N/S zone quartz pegmatite subcrop-float-lag, amongst laterite, chip sample white qrtz peg" insitu EL31133 NN Cai KN0121 X 11 X 0.6 X 10 15 2.8 0.01 X 4 0.5 0.5 14 D KN0122 695254 8602865.637 f.g 1-2mm sugary qrtz with minor yellow mica amongst clean qrtz zone mullock EL31092 Perseverance KN0122 X 7 X 1.7 0.05 16 10 11.3 0.01 X 2 0.5 0.4 6 D KN0123 695239 8603016.314 "clean qrtz central portion of pegmatite, with oxidised red micas" mullock EL31092 Perseverance KN0123 X 7 X 1.6 0.05 15 X 10.5 X X 1.1 0.7 0.3 10 D KN0124 695308 8603013.409 wthered clay pegmatite over a 5-8m width in costean mullock EL31092 Perseverance KN0124 64 37 76 17.6 0.3 71 4 78 0.02 26 3.4 9.1 2 X D KN0125 695303 8603013.001 wthered clay pegmatite? Qrtz clasts wthered peg mullock EL31092 Perseverance KN0125 65 111 9 40.2 1.52 93 26 304 0.01 35 11.5 10.2 2.3 2 D KN0126 695329 8603033.735 "wthered clay rich pegmatite, very soft amongst clean qrtz, 20-25m wide zone" mullock EL31092 Perseverance KN0126 37 130 9 9.9 0.3 41 9 73.6 X 45 3.7 13.4 1.5 1 D KN0127 695329 8603059.949 "wthered clay pegmatite with f.g mica + qrtz + white clay 2cm minerals, wthered spod?" mullock EL31092 Perseverance KN0127 39 63 115 39.7 0.73 99 32 289.5 0.01 26 24 20.4 1.4 3 D KN0128 695341 8603083.654 wthered clay pegmatite with fe laterite staining + 2cm c.g qrtz wthered feld phase? mullock EL31092 Perseverance KN0128 49 163 6 27.4 0.76 39 12 177.1 0.01 48 5.7 17.6 1.6 5 D KN0129 695274 8603195.861 "c.g mica, dark wthered surface, elongate crystals, Sn, Ta?" mullock EL31092 Perseverance KN0129 239 122 10 172.3 3.24 125 291 1816.6 1.38 99 439.4 2.6 3.5 11 D KN0130 695273 8603202.285 wthered pegmatite ~1m from Sn target zone amongst grey qrtz insitu EL31092 Perseverance KN0130 236 123 10 27.3 0.81 64 18 132.5 0.01 27 11.7 21.6 8.9 6 D KN0131 694722 8603486.309 "wthered clay pegmatite, amongst grey qrtz pegmatite" mullock EL31092 Jewellers KN0131 26 57 18 41.1 1.27 57 42 450 0.01 24 31.7 11.6 4.3 1 D KN0132 694720 8603439.521 "amongst clean grey qrtz mullock, soft white wthered feld? Spod? Kaolin? With minor grey qrtz + f.g mica pegmatite" mullock EL31092 Jewellers KN0132 X 79 18 20 0.39 82 105 87.3 0.4 X 150.8 6.2 5.4 4 D KN0133 694693 8603414.922 bleached white wthered feld? Phase with grey qrtz pegmatite insitu EL31092 Jewellers KN0133 X 64 12 11.7 0.58 39 8 118.7 0.01 35 5.8 2.2 1.3 2 D KN0134 694693 8603415.695 "white bleahed wthered clay, mica clusters, w edge of wthered clay zone pegmatite" insitu EL31092 Jewellers KN0134 X 160 20 18.8 0.57 49 41 115.9 0.02 101 36.2 4.5 2.8 1 D KN0135 694700 8603388.982 bleached white clay with clean qrtz pegmatite insitu EL31092 Jewellers KN0135 35 63 21 10.1 0.61 39 6 120.5 0.01 X 1.9 0.9 1.5 3 D KN0136 694708 8603363.147 "DUP taken, bleached white clay with grey qrtz + mica pegmatite" insitu EL31092 Jewellers KN0136 X 17 35 10.4 0.56 83 7 124.1 0.01 54 1.1 1 2.7 2 D KN0137 694718 8603315.956 "wthered pegmatite subcrop, bleached white clay, f.g yellow micas (6-8m wide zone)" insitu EL31092 Jewellers KN0137 X 29 18 20.6 1.55 47 20 294.4 0.02 24 8.4 3.5 3.6 2 D KN0138 694732 8603287.534 bleached white clay rich pegmatite with grey qrtz insitu EL31092 Jewellers KN0138 X 36 18 10.8 0.45 36 9 103.4 X 22 3.4 2.8 1.6 9 D KN0139 694881 8603653.941 wthered f.g mica fabric (schist?) cream feld wthering? mullock EL31092 Jewellers KN0139 108 316 9 22 1.46 81 13 134.2 0.02 21 6.6 17.3 7.5 X D KN0140 694894 8603655.957 amongst costeans wthered bleached white feld with grey qrtz float/mullock EL31092 Jewellers KN0140 X 21 11 35.8 1.38 81 115 557.6 0.05 X 64.2 2 1.9 4 D KN0141 694878 8603727.542 c.g mica clustered Sn? Ta? 2-3cm elongate mica mullock EL31092 Jewellers KN0141 X 7 11 406.2 3.84 105 80 3039.1 0.05 X 118.3 1.1 0.7 4 D KN0142 694803 8603731.923 "large outcrop inbetween costeans of, wthered bleached cream peg with qrtz + mica wthered feld? Spod?" insitu EL31092 Jewellers KN0142 X 45 14 156.7 1.78 60 54 1258.8 0.23 27 58.7 1.3 0.6 24 D KN0143 694809 8603734.426 "wthered bleached white feld? Kaolin? Spod? With qrtz + mica, orange oxidised material in wthering" insitu EL31092 Jewellers KN0143 21 24 13 22.5 0.74 70 12 214 X X 4.7 8.4 2 35 D KN0144 694804 8603724.059 "bleached white kaolin?, spod? Wthered clay with grey qrtz + f.g mica pegmatite" insitu EL31092 Jewellers KN0144 X 59 9 5.6 0.21 20 X 46.2 X 28 1.1 3.4 0.8 42 D KN0145 694793 8603682.98 "f.g sugary white qrtz, main qrtz zone?" mullock EL31092 Jewellers KN0145 X 12 X 1.3 X 38 X 4.2 X X X 0.2 0.2 20 D KN0146 694806 8603907.26 "wthered clay, kaolin?, spod? With grey qrtz + mica pegmatite, <5m thick in costean" mullock EL31092 Jewellers KN0146 X 80 17 18.6 0.97 87 10 194.9 0.01 43 6.9 2.4 2.7 48 D KN0147 694810 8603751.906 "bleached white clay + qrtz + c.g micas in clay zone, the west 15m of a 4om wide peg, more mica and qrtz on eastern side of costean" insitu EL31092 Jewellers KN0147 20 50 12 29.2 1.1 70 25 406.1 0.05 30 8.9 3.1 0.9 25 D KN0148 693116 8602761 "wthered mica rich pegmatite, 2-10mm mica + white clays in ~50m long E/W costean peg ~20m wide" mullock EL31092 Jennys KN0148 X 39 23 16.9 1.06 58 23 310.3 X 61 3.8 0.9 1.4 4 D KN0149 693075 8602761 v.c.g qrtz + mica 2-3cm in wthered white clay feld? Phase pegmatite mullock EL31092 Jennys KN0149 21 41 10 16.4 1.08 89 23 250.7 X 20 4.7 2.7 1.8 10 D KN0150 693111 8602691 white clay wthered feld? In mica rich foliated? + minor qrtz pegmatite mullock EL31092 Jennys KN0150 158 53 16 14.7 1.05 38 15 256.2 X 24 2.1 4.7 5.8 42 EOF