H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 10-Jul-17 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 16-May-17 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no EL22349 H0101 Tenement_holder Molyhil Mining Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Molyhil H0106 Tenement_operator Molyhil Mining Pty Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SF5311 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 6052 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 17-May-16 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 16-May-17 H0202 Data_format DG4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 308 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 10-Jul-17 H0300 Related_data_file H0301 Location_data_file MHL_NTSL4_COLL2017A.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file MHL_NTDL4_GEO2017A.txt H0303 Assay_data_file MHL_NTDG4_ASS2017A.txt H0304 Survey_data_file MHL_NTDS4_SURV2017A.txt H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File H0307 Lithology_code_file na H0308 File verification List MHL_Verification_List_2017.txt H0310 Water_data_file H0311 Water data incl in lithology file No H0313 Alteration_data_file H0314 Magsusc_data_file H0315 Vein_data_file H0316 Recovery_data_file H0317 Weathering_data_file H0318 DHQAQC_data_file H0319 SURFQAQC_data_file H0320 Other event_data_file H0400 Drill_code AC H0401 Drill_contractor Colling H0402 Description Aircore Drilling H0500 Feature_located Drillhole_collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum Nominal H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_Location_Survey_Instrument GPS H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company na H0600 Sample_Code acc H0601 Sample_Type AC Chips H0602 Sample_description H0700 Sample_Prep_Code H0701 Sample_Prep_Desc H0702 Job_no multiple H0800 Assay_code ICP: H0801 Assay_company blah:Nagrom H0802 Assay_description Mixed Acid Digest with ICP finish H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole_id Sample ID Depth From Depth To Sample Type Assay_company Assay Method Laboratory Batch Number W Cu Mo Fe Ti Comment H1001 NA % metres metres NA % NA NA NA ppm ppm ppm % ppm NA H1002 na na na na na na na na na icp003 icp003 icp003 icp003 icp003 na H1003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 1 5 10 0 H1004 0 100 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H1005 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000 100 H1006 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P H1007 nagrom nagrom nagrom nagrom nagrom nagrom nagrom nagrom nagrom nagrom nagrom nagrom nagrom nagrom nagrom D 16MAC001 10001 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC001 10002 1.5 2.8 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 30 2 20315 1350 D 16MAC002 10003 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 <1 <10 <1 2795 220 D 16MAC003 10004 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC003 10005 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 20 1 11725 700 D 16MAC004 10006 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC004 10007 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC005 10008 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC005 10009 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC005 10010 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC006 10011 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC006 10012 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC007 10013 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC007 10014 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC008 10015 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC008 10016 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC008 10017 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC009 10018 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC009 10019 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC009 10020 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC009 10021 4.5 6 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC010 10022 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC010 10023 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC011 10024 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC011 10025 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC011 10026 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC012 10027 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC012 10028 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 20 1 20340 1010 D 16MAC012 10029 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 4 20 <1 23810 940 D 16MAC013 10030 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC013 10031 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 5 20 <1 31145 1270 D 16MAC013 10032 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 6 20 <1 30985 1660 D 16MAC014 10033 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC014 10034 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 4 20 <1 15140 1040 D 16MAC014 10035 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 10 1 16600 1200 D 16MAC015 10036 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC015 10037 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC015 10038 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 20 2 20760 1070 D 16MAC015 10039 4.5 6 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 30 <1 34615 2120 D 16MAC016 10040 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC016 10041 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 10 <1 61430 1430 D 16MAC017 10042 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC017 10043 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 50 1 34115 920 D 16MAC018 10044 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC018 10045 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 <10 <1 18285 1040 D 16MAC019 10046 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022824 <1 <10 5 25800 1250 D 16MAC019 10047 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022824 <1 <10 1 39530 1690 D 16MAC020 10048 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022824 1 <10 <1 31795 1640 D 16MAC020 10049 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022824 <1 <10 <1 31410 1320 D 16MAC020 10050 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022824 1 <10 4 42520 1870 D 16MAC020 10051 4.5 6 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022824 1 <10 1 46730 2220 D 16MAC021 10052 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC021 10053 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC021 10054 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC021 10055 4.5 6 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC021 10056 6 7.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 5 10 6 26155 510 D 16MAC022 10057 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC022 10058 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC022 10059 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 4 30 4 41445 1530 D 16MAC022 10060 4.5 6 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 4 20 2 48565 2010 D 16MAC023 10061 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC023 10062 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC023 10063 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 20 1 28625 1150 D 16MAC024 10064 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC024 10065 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC024 10066 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC024 10067 4.5 6 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC024 10068 6 7.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 7 10 3 42175 2550 D 16MAC024 10069 7.5 9 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 5 20 1 44510 2550 D 16MAC025 10070 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC025 10070a 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC025 10071 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC025 10072 4.5 6 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC025 10073 6 7.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 20 1 58910 2080 D 16MAC025 10074 7.5 9 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 20 3 61045 2220 D 16MAC026 10075 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC026 10076 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 4 20 <1 28050 1000 D 16MAC026 10077 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 5 20 2 41810 1100 D 16MAC026 10078 4.5 6 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 20 <1 34855 900 D 16MAC026 10079 6 7.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 10 2 41995 730 D 16MAC027 10080 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC027 10081 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 20 <1 37410 2410 D 16MAC027 10082 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 20 <1 30250 2170 D 16MAC027 10083 4.5 6 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 20 <1 38250 2520 D 16MAC028 10084 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC028 10085 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 30 <1 29770 1840 D 16MAC028 10086 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 40 <1 33075 2280 D 16MAC028 10087 4.5 6 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 40 <1 28215 1800 D 16MAC029 10088 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC029 10089 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC029 10090 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 8 10 3 26635 2040 D 16MAC030 10095 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC030 10096 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC030 10097 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC030 10098 4.5 6 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC030 10099 6 7.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC030 10100 7.5 9 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC030 10101 9 10.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC030 10102 10.5 12 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 7 30 1 46590 4090 D 16MAC030 10103 12 13.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 30 2 43170 4450 D 16MAC030 10104 13.5 15 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 30 <1 36395 3650 D 16MAC031 10105 0 1.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC031 10106 1.5 3 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC031 10107 3 4.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC031 10108 4.5 6 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MAC031 10109 6 7.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 4 20 2 34205 1220 D 16MAC031 10110 7.5 9 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 10 3 17725 860 D 16MAC031 10111 9 10.5 aircore Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 10 2 11825 780 D 16MRAB032 10112 0 1.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB032 10113 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB032 10114 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB032 10115 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 1 30 <1 40515 4220 D 16MRAB032 10116 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 1 30 <1 36990 4090 D 16MRAB032 10117 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 1 30 <1 44750 5160 D 16MRAB033 10118 0 1.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB033 10119 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB033 10120 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB033 10121 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 20 <1 18420 1340 D 16MRAB033 10122 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 10 <1 22735 1690 D 16MRAB034 10123 0 1.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB034 10124 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB034 10125 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB034 10126 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 10 <1 16545 2070 D 16MRAB034 10127 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 <10 <1 13510 2240 D 16MRAB034 10128 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 10 <1 12845 2260 D 16MRAB035 10129 0 1.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB035 10130 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB035 10131 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 20 3 19585 1510 D 16MRAB035 10132 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 10 <1 16985 1730 D 16MRAB036 10133 0 1.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB036 10134 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB036 10135 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 5 10 <1 18155 1550 D 16MRAB037 10136 0 1.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB037 10137 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB037 10138 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB037 10139 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 10 <1 16370 2040 D 16MRAB037 10140 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 10 <1 22315 2130 D 16MRAB037 10141 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB038 10142 0 1.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB038 10143 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB038 10144 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB038 10145 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 40 <1 54115 3080 D 16MRAB038 10146 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 40 <1 49275 3440 D 16MRAB038 10147 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 30 <1 36195 3250 D 16MRAB038 10148 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB038 10149 10.5 12 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB038 10150 12 13.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB038 10151 13.5 15 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB039 10152 0 1.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB039 10153 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 40 2 57825 1000 D 16MRAB039 10154 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB039 10155 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB039 10156 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB039 10157 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 1 40 <1 46930 3160 D 16MRAB039 10158 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 30 <1 35270 4100 D 16MRAB039 10159 10.5 12 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 1 30 <1 41630 3830 D 16MRAB040 10160 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB040 10161 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB040 10162 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB040 10163 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth L.N.R. L.N.R. L.N.R. L.N.R. L.N.R. Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB040 10164 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 10 <1 21635 1510 D 16MRAB040 10165 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 10 <1 22180 1840 D 16MRAB040 10166 10.5 12 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB041 10167 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB041 10168 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB041 10169 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB041 10170 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB041 10171 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 <10 <1 10855 710 D 16MRAB041 10172 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 <10 <1 15385 1710 D 16MRAB042 10173 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB042 10174 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB042 10175 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB042 10176 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB042 10177 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 9 30 2 33460 1150 D 16MRAB042 10178 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 30 <1 36215 2110 D 16MRAB042 10179 10.5 12 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 20 <1 27565 1560 D 16MRAB042 10180 12 13 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB043 10181 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB043 10182 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB043 10183 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 6 20 2 22215 1190 D 16MRAB043 10184 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 7 30 2 27680 2000 D 16MRAB043 10185 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 20 <1 29695 2980 D 16MRAB043 10186 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 20 <1 30020 3150 D 16MRAB043 10187 10.5 12 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB043 10188 12 13.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB044 10189 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB044 10190 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB044 10191 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 20 <1 26945 1290 D 16MRAB044 10192 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 20 1 30125 2100 D 16MRAB044 10193 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 40 <1 29715 2890 D 16MRAB044 10194 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 40 <1 38920 3160 D 16MRAB044 10195 10.5 12 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB044 10196 12 13.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB045 10197 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB045 10198 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB045 10199 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 20 <1 18555 1580 D 16MRAB045 10200 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 20 <1 39690 3250 D 16MRAB045 10201 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 30 <1 33455 3040 D 16MRAB045 10202 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB045 10203 10.5 12 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB046 10204 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB046 10205 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 30 <1 44960 4780 D 16MRAB046 10206 4.5 5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 30 <1 49425 4970 D 16MRAB046 10207 5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 30 <1 39570 4100 D 16MRAB047 10208 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB047 10209 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB047 10210 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth L.N.R. L.N.R. L.N.R. L.N.R. L.N.R. Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB047 10211 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth L.N.R. L.N.R. L.N.R. L.N.R. L.N.R. Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB047 10212 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth L.N.R. L.N.R. L.N.R. L.N.R. L.N.R. Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB047 10213 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB048 10214 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB048 10215 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 1 20 <1 49970 4020 D 16MRAB048 10216 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 20 <1 47525 3900 D 16MRAB048 10217 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 1 20 <1 53045 4590 D 16MRAB049 10218 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB049 10219 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB049 10220 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB049 10221 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 5 20 <1 18435 570 D 16MRAB050 10222 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB050 10223 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 <1 40 <1 52810 3220 D 16MRAB050 10224 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 30 <1 45895 3370 D 16MRAB050 10225 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 30 <1 49040 3650 D 16MRAB050 10226 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 1 20 <1 46775 3280 D 16MRAB050 10227 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 80 <1 51575 2240 D 16MRAB050 10228 10.5 12 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 50 <1 44880 2770 D 16MRAB050 10229 12 13.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB051 10230 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB051 10231 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 20 <1 20920 790 D 16MRAB051 10232 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB052 10233 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 1 40 <1 45030 4320 D 16MRAB052 10234 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 50 <1 30725 2920 D 16MRAB052 10235 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 5 40 <1 31965 2800 D 16MRAB052 10236 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 50 <1 49225 4650 D 16MRAB052 10237 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 30 <1 47845 4140 D 16MRAB052 10238 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 30 <1 61180 4650 D 16MRAB052 10239 10.5 12 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 3 30 <1 54895 4210 D 16MRAB053 10240 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB053 10241 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 2 <10 <1 40915 4240 D 16MRAB053 10242 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 2 <10 <1 61125 3960 D 16MRAB053 10243 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 2 10 <1 52655 4240 D 16MRAB053 10244 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB053 10245 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB054 10246 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB054 10247 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB054 10248 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 1 30 <1 43950 4100 D 16MRAB054 10249 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 <1 20 <1 38905 4520 D 16MRAB054 10250 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 <1 40 <1 66350 4330 D 16MRAB054 10251 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB054 10252 10.5 12 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB055 10253 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB055 10254 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB055 10255 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB055 10256 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB055 10257 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 2 20 <1 54035 2350 D 16MRAB055 10258 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 1 30 <1 62675 1510 D 16MRAB055 10259 10.5 12 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB056 10260 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 <1 220 <1 86605 4200 D 16MRAB056 10261 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 <1 60 <1 83005 7790 D 16MRAB056 10262 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 <1 30 <1 80280 5660 D 16MRAB056 10263 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 <1 70 <1 87120 8820 D 16MRAB056 10264 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 <1 30 <1 55075 2570 D 16MRAB056 10265 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 <1 40 <1 86740 5690 D 16MRAB056 10266 10.5 12 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 <1 40 <1 84005 7870 D 16MRAB056 10267 12 13.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 <1 <10 <1 87265 7930 D 16MRAB056 10268 13.5 15 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 1 30 <1 88965 5230 D 16MRAB056 10269 15 16.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 <1 20 <1 53990 2650 D 16MRAB056 10270 16.5 18 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 <1 30 <1 100085 7630 D 16MRAB057 10271 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB057 10272 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 4 <10 <1 16870 2250 D 16MRAB057 10273 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 3 <10 <1 15195 2790 D 16MRAB058 10274 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB058 10275 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB058 10276 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 4 <10 <1 16620 1470 D 16MRAB059 10277 0 1.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022824 <1 <10 <1 38085 1600 D 16MRAB059 10278 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022825 2 <10 <1 45370 1520 D 16MRAB059 10279 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 2 <10 <1 29345 1370 D 16MRAB059 10280 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022827 2 <10 <1 45045 1930 D 16MRAB059 10281 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022828 1 <10 <1 50210 1570 D 16MRAB059 10282 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022829 2 <10 1 52825 2030 D 16MRAB060 10283 0 1.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022830 <1 <10 3 28525 1350 D 16MRAB060 10284 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022831 1 <10 <1 33565 1550 D 16MRAB060 10285 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022832 2 <10 <1 37130 1600 D 16MRAB060 10286 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022833 2 <10 <1 37220 1460 D 16MRAB061 10287 0 1.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022834 1 <10 <1 25370 1410 D 16MRAB061 10288 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022835 <1 <10 <1 39475 1990 D 16MRAB061 10289 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022836 <1 <10 <1 47095 1960 D 16MRAB061 10290 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022837 3 <10 <1 44060 2200 D 16MRAB062 10291 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 3 <10 <1 54520 4900 D 16MRAB062 10292 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 2 <10 <1 56975 5080 D 16MRAB062 10293 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 2 <10 <1 30925 2170 D 16MRAB063 10294 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB063 10295 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB063 10296 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB063 10297 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB063 10298 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 3 <10 1 59275 2140 D 16MRAB063 10299 9 10.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 8 60 <1 27575 1760 D 16MRAB063 10300 10.5 12 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 5 30 <1 20875 1260 D 16MRAB063 10301 12 13.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB064 10302 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB064 10303 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB064 10304 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 5 <10 1 51265 1810 D 16MRAB064 10305 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 3 <10 2 61170 1760 D 16MRAB064 10306 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB065 10307 1.5 3 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB065 10308 3 4.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth Not assayed on basis of lithology or XRF analysis D 16MRAB065 10309 4.5 6 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 3 <10 <1 31755 2170 D 16MRAB065 10310 6 7.5 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 7 <10 <1 25240 1530 D 16MRAB065 10311 7.5 9 rab Nagrom icp003 Perth KM-1609-022826 7 <10 <1 29245 1720