H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 16/05/2023 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 16/03/2023 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no MLN13 H0101 Tenement_holder NT Mining Operations Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Pine Creek H0106 Tenement_operator NT Mining Operations Pty Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SD5208 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5270 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 16/03/2022 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 16/03/2023 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 95 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 16/04/2023 H0300 Related_data_file MLN13_2023_C_02_DrillCollars.txt H0301 Location_data_file MLN13_2023_C_02_DrillCollars.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file MLN13_2023_C_05_LithoLogs.txt H0303 Assay_data_file MLN13_2023_C_04_DownholeGeochem.txt H0304 Survey_data_file MLN13_2023_C_03_DownholeSurvey.txt H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File H0307 Lithology_code_file MLN13_2023_C_13_LithologyCodes.txt H0308 File verification List MLN13_2023_C_08_FileListing.txt H0313 Alteration_data_file MLN13_2023_C_06_Alteration.txt H0315 Vein_data_file MLN13_2023_C_09_Vein.txt H0316 Recovery_data_file MLN13_2023_C_12_Recovery.txt H0317 Weathering_data_file MLN13_2023_C_10_Weathering.txt H0318 Sulphide_data_file MLN13_2023_C_07_Sulphide.txt H0319 Structures_data_file MLN13_2023_C_11_Structures.txt H0320 Other event_data_file H0400 Drill_code DIA H0401 Drill_contractor Titeline Drilling Pty Ltd H0402 Description DIA Diamond bit-coring H0900 Remarks H1000 Category Code Description D LITHOLOGY LOST Lost Core D LITHOLOGY Col Colluvium D LITHOLOGY Sap Saprolite D LITHOLOGY VEBX Vein Breccia D LITHOLOGY Vein Vein D LITHOLOGY Vqz Vein Quartz D LITHOLOGY Fault Fault zone D LITHOLOGY Shear Shear zone D LITHOLOGY FIRK Felsic Dyke D LITHOLOGY Gran Granite D LITHOLOGY GWAC Greywacke D LITHOLOGY SILT Siltstone D LITHOLOGY SIST Siltstone with Chert boudins D SULPHIDE asp arsenopyrite D SULPHIDE cc chalcocite D SULPHIDE cp chalcopyrite D SULPHIDE ga galena D SULPHIDE gd gersdorffite D SULPHIDE hm hematite D SULPHIDE po pyrrhotite D SULPHIDE py pyrite D SULPHIDE mo molybdenite D SULPHIDE bn bornite D SULPHIDE sph sphalerite D SULPHIDE sp sphalerite D WEATHERING 1 Oxide D WEATHERING 2 Oxide / Transition D WEATHERING 3 Transition D WEATHERING 4 Transition / Fresh D WEATHERING 5 Fresh D ALTERATION MINERAL ab albite D ALTERATION MINERAL am amphibole D ALTERATION MINERAL asp arsenopyrite D ALTERATION MINERAL at actinolite D ALTERATION MINERAL au gold D ALTERATION MINERAL bn bornite D ALTERATION MINERAL bt biotite D ALTERATION MINERAL cb carbonate D ALTERATION MINERAL cc chalcocite D ALTERATION MINERAL cp chalcopyrite D ALTERATION MINERAL ct chert D ALTERATION MINERAL cd cordierite D ALTERATION MINERAL ch chlorite D ALTERATION MINERAL cy clay D ALTERATION MINERAL ep epidote D ALTERATION MINERAL fd feldspar D ALTERATION MINERAL fe ferrigenous D ALTERATION MINERAL fu fuchsite D ALTERATION MINERAL ga galena D ALTERATION MINERAL gb gibbsite D ALTERATION MINERAL gh goethite D ALTERATION MINERAL gn garnet D ALTERATION MINERAL gy gypsum D ALTERATION MINERAL hm hematite D ALTERATION MINERAL js jaspilite D ALTERATION MINERAL ka kaolinite D ALTERATION MINERAL kf K-feldspar D ALTERATION MINERAL lm limonite D ALTERATION MINERAL mg magnesite D ALTERATION MINERAL mh maghematite/magnematite D ALTERATION MINERAL mi mica D ALTERATION MINERAL mo montmorillonite D ALTERATION MINERAL mn manganese D ALTERATION MINERAL mo molybdenite D ALTERATION MINERAL mt magnetite D ALTERATION MINERAL mu muscovite D ALTERATION MINERAL no nontronite D ALTERATION MINERAL ov olivine D ALTERATION MINERAL pg plagioclase D ALTERATION MINERAL ph phlogopite D ALTERATION MINERAL po pyrrhotite D ALTERATION MINERAL py pyrite D ALTERATION MINERAL qz quartz D ALTERATION MINERAL se sericite D ALTERATION MINERAL si silica D ALTERATION MINERAL sm smectite D ALTERATION MINERAL sp serpentine D ALTERATION MINERAL sph sphalerite D ALTERATION MINERAL su sulfide D ALTERATION MINERAL ta tantalite D ALTERATION MINERAL tc talc D ALTERATION MINERAL tm tremolite D ALTERATION MINERAL to tourmaline D ALTERATION INTENSITY 1 Trace D ALTERATION INTENSITY 2 Weak D ALTERATION INTENSITY 3 Moderate D ALTERATION INTENSITY 4 Strong D ALTERATION INTENSITY 5 Intense D VEIN Vcb carbonate vein D VEIN Vm quartz carbonate sulphide vein D VEIN Vms Massive sulphide vein D VEIN Vqpo quartz pyrrhotite vein D VEIN Vqs quartz sulphide vein D VEIN Vqz quartz vein D VEIN Vqh quartz-chlorite-sulfide vein EOF