PC GOLD SPRING HILL LOGGING CODES Colour_code Colour_description BL Black BR Brown GR Green GY Grey OR Orange PI Pink PU Purple RE Red WH White YE Yellow Weathering_Code Weathering_Description W Wholly Weathered P Partially weathered FR "Fresh,unoxidised" "Intensity_Code (foliation, alteration)" Intensity_Description WK WEAK WKM WEAK TO MODERATE M MODERATE MST MODERATE TO STRONG ST STRONG VST VERY STRONG/COMPLETE Grainsize_Code Grainsize_Description VFG VERY FINE GRAINED FG FINE GRAINED FMG FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED MG MEDIUM GRAINED MCG MEDIUM COARSE GRAINED CG COARSE GRAINED Lith(VEIN)Min_Code Lith(VEIN)_Min_Description (min1-4 in order of abundance) BT Biotite CA Calcite CB Carbonate CH Chlorite CY Clay EP Epidote GR Graphite FE Iron oxide FP Feldspar KF Potassium Feldspar LX Leucoxene PY Pyrite QZ Quartz SE Sericite SI Silica AS Arsenopyrite GA Galena PO Pyrrhotite SP Sphalerite Lith_Code Lith_Description BX Tectonic Breccia CLAY Clay:undifferentiated weathered pelitic rock CORE LOSS No core recovery CRT Chert: Silica and/or Carbonate rich Chemical sediment FAU Faultzone- host rock given in lith2 GW Greywacke LA Lamprophyre- dykes and sills MS "Mudstone (organic-rich mudstone, shale and silstone)" QV Quartz Vein SHR Shearzone SZ "Silstone (organic-poor, generally part of greywacke Bouma cycle)" TUFF "Tuffaceous rock, generally sericitic" Texture_Code Texture_Description BCC Brecciated BDD Beddded BND Banded COL Colloform EQG Equigranular FOL Foliated FRT Fractured LAM Laminated MAS Massive NOD Nodular POR Porphyritic SHR Sheared VUG Vuggy Alteration_code Alteration_description AR Argillised (Not weathering) CA Calcite CB Carbonated CH Chroritised EP Epidotised FE Ferruginised KF Potassic-Kspar SE Sercitised SI Silicified Orientation Quality_Code Orientation_quality_description G GOOD M MODERATE P POOR Vein_composition_code Vein_composition_description VQZ Quartz vein (dominant) VCB Carbonate vein (dominant) VQC Quartz carbonate vein VSU Sulphide Vein Vein_Texture(style)_code Vein Texture_description BCC Breccia CRF Crackle Fractured FOL Foliation Controlled BED Bedding Plane controlled FRT Fracture Controlled IRR Irregular LAM Laminated MAS Massive REP Replacement SHT Sheeted SHTB Sheeted-boudinaged STK Stockwork VNL Veinlets Sul_min code (concatenated in order of abundance) Sul_Min_description AS Arsenopyrite CPY Chalcopyrite GA Galena SP Sphalerite CS Cassiterite PY Pyrite MA Marcasite CC Chalcosite PO Pyrrhotite AU Native gold Structure_type_code Structure_type_description BED Bedding plane CLV Cleavadge CNT Geological Contact (Not bedding) FAU Fault JNT Joint SHR Shear VEIN Vein