H0002 Version 5 H0003 Date_generated 23-Feb-17 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 31-Dec-16 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no GR377/16 H0101 Tenement_holder PNX Metals Ltd H0102 Project_name IRON BLOW H0106 Tenement_operator PNX Metals Ltd H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 9-Sep-16 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 15-Jan-17 H0202 Template_format DS1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 252 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 22-Feb-17 H0300 Related_data_file GR377_2016_GA_11_dhsurvey.txt H0301 Location_data_file GR377_2016_GA_04_dhcollar.txt H0304 Downhole_survey_data_file GR377_2016_GA_11_dhsurvey.txt H0400 Drill_code RC RCDD DD H0402 Description RC Reverse Circultion RCDD Diamond Drilling with RC Precollar Diamond Drilling H0900 Comments "All raw data hae been converted to MGA grid azimuth using magnetic correction of 3.703 degrees and any azimuth with magnetic interference has been adjusted based on adjacent readings (in which case the METHOD is set to ""calculated"")" H1000 Prospect HoleID DrillType DEPTH DIP AZI_MGA METHOD H1001 m degrees degrees H1004 0.1 0.1 1 D Iron Blow IBDH039 RCDD 0 -60 274.293 Compass D Iron Blow IBDH039 RCDD 32 -60.6 280.793 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH039 RCDD 60 -60 279.993 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH039 RCDD 90 -59.6 280.093 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH039 RCDD 120 -56.2 281.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH039 RCDD 150 -55.8 283.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH039 RCDD 180 -54.8 282.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH039 RCDD 210 -54.1 280.793 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH039 RCDD 240 -54.4 279.193 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH040 DD 0 -60 274.293 Compass D Iron Blow IBDH040 DD 30 -60 274.993 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH040 DD 60 -59.6 275.593 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH040 DD 90 -58.5 277.693 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH040 DD 120 -59 284.093 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH040 DD 150 -56.4 282.193 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH040 DD 180 -56 281.593 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH040 DD 206 -55.3 276.193 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH041 RCDD 0 -60 274.293 Compass D Iron Blow IBDH041 RCDD 80 -58.5 274.993 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH041 RCDD 110 -55.2 272.493 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH041 RCDD 140 -55.1 273.993 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH041 RCDD 170 -54.3 271.493 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH041 RCDD 200 -53.2 270.793 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH041 RCDD 230 -52.6 269.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH041 RCDD 260 -51.5 268.593 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH041 RCDD 290 -50.9 271.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH041 RCDD 314 -50.5 274.393 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH043 DD 0 -60 274.293 compass D Iron Blow IBDH043 DD 30 -58 270.893 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH043 DD 60 -58 271.493 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH043 DD 90 -56.8 273.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH043 DD 130 -57.3 277.493 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH043 DD 160 -55.8 273.493 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH043 DD 190 -55.4 272.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH043 DD 200 -55.7 274.193 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH044 RCDD 0 -60 274.293 Compass D Iron Blow IBDH044 RCDD 26.9 -60.8 273.593 Estimated D Iron Blow IBDH044 RCDD 30 -60.83 273.503 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH044B RCDD 0 -60 274.293 Compass D Iron Blow IBDH044B RCDD 26.9 -60.8 273.593 Estimated D Iron Blow IBDH044B RCDD 30 -61.84 273.713 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH044B RCDD 60 -61.6 275.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH044B RCDD 90 -61.1 276.093 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH044B RCDD 120 -57.4 276.193 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH044B RCDD 150 -51.6 272.993 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH044B RCDD 180 -51.1 272.993 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH044B RCDD 200.4 -51.2 271.493 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH045 RCDD 0 -60 274.293 Compass D Iron Blow IBDH045 RCDD 54 -61.9 276.893 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH045 RCDD 84 -61.2 277.093 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH045 RCDD 114 -61.3 281.593 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH045 RCDD 144 -61.2 279.493 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH045 RCDD 174 -61.3 281.993 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH045 RCDD 204.7 -61.4 275.893 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH045 RCDD 218.7 -62.1 273.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH051 RCDD 0 -60 274.293 Compass D IRON BLOW IBDH051 RCDD 60 -59.3 273.393 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH051 RCDD 90 -60.5 278.193 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH051 RCDD 120 -58.6 274.593 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH051 RCDD 180 -57.9 274.493 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH051 RCDD 210 -57.4 281.893 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH051 RCDD 240 -56.3 279.493 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH051 RCDD 300 -56 284.493 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH051 RCDD 330 -57 281.693 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH051 RCDD 360 -55.9 277.893 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH059 RCDD 0 -60 274.293 Compass D IRON BLOW IBDH059 RCDD 60 -61.8 277.893 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH059 RCDD 90 -60 272.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH059 RCDD 120 -59.9 272.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH059 RCDD 150 -58.3 275.893 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH059 RCDD 180 -58 276.993 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH059 RCDD 210 -58.4 277.793 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH059 RCDD 240 -58.4 278.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBDH059 RCDD 250 -58.3 276.893 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH060 RCDD 0 -60 274.293 Compass D Iron Blow IBDH060 RCDD 60 -64.5 287.893 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH060 RCDD 90 -63.8 287.193 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH060 RCDD 150 -62.2 280.493 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH060 RCDD 180 -62.1 285.493 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH060 RCDD 210 -60.9 288.993 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH060 RCDD 240 -60 289.393 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH060 RCDD 270 -59.6 292.693 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBDH060 RCDD 317 -60 285.493 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC028 RC 0 -60 274.293 Compass D Iron Blow IBRC028 RC 3 -62 273.893 Globaltech Pathfinde D Iron Blow IBRC028 RC 40 -61.6 279.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D Iron Blow IBRC028 RC 70 -57.8 282.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D Iron Blow IBRC029 RC 0 -60 274.293 Compass D Iron Blow IBRC029 RC 40 -59.1 278.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D Iron Blow IBRC029 RC 47.6 -58.8 278.293 Estimated D Iron Blow IBRC029 RC 49 -58.7 278.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D Iron Blow IBRC029D RCDD 0 -60 274.293 Compass D Iron Blow IBRC029D RCDD 40 -59.1 278.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D Iron Blow IBRC029D RCDD 47.6 -58.8 278.293 Estimated D Iron Blow IBRC029D RCDD 60 -58.46 279.113 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC029D RCDD 90 -56.56 280.053 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC029D RCDD 120 -54.87 282.123 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC029D RCDD 150 -55.17 278.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC029D RCDD 175 -54.9 277.013 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC030 RC 0 -60 274.293 COMPASS D IRON BLOW IBRC030 RC 3 -61.3 270.193 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC030 RC 27 -60.2 272.693 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC030 RC 37 -58.1 272.893 Estimated D IRON BLOW IBRC030 RC 39.4 -58.1 272.993 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC030D RCDD 0 -60 274.293 COMPASS D IRON BLOW IBRC030D RCDD 3 -61.3 270.193 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC030D RCDD 27 -60.2 272.693 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC030D RCDD 37 -58.1 272.893 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC030D RCDD 39.4 -58.1 272.993 Estimated D Iron Blow IBRC030D RCDD 60 -62.2 274.093 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC030D RCDD 90 -61.2 275.993 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC030D RCDD 120 -56.6 276.993 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC030D RCDD 135 -55.4 276.493 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC031 RC 0 -60 274.293 COMPASS D IRON BLOW IBRC031 RC 3 -62.2 275.193 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC031 RC 33 -61.2 277.093 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC031 RC 70 -56.6 282.993 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC031 RC 78.2 -55.6 283.293 Estimated D IRON BLOW IBRC031 RC 79 -55.4 283.493 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC031D RCDD 0 -60 274.293 COMPASS D IRON BLOW IBRC031D RCDD 3 -62.2 275.193 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC031D RCDD 33 -61.2 277.193 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC031D RCDD 70 -56.6 282.993 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC031D RCDD 78.2 -55.6 283.293 Estimated D Iron Blow IBRC031D RCDD 90 -54.81 285.733 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC031D RCDD 120 -54.18 288.013 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC031D RCDD 150 -54 293.473 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC031D RCDD 180 -53.6 296.123 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC031D RCDD 223 -53.63 289.823 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC032 RC 0 -65 274.293 COMPASS D IRON BLOW IBRC032 RC 3 -64.5 273.693 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC032 RC 40 -63.2 274.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC032 RC 49 -61.6 273.793 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC032D RCDD 0 -65 274.293 COMPASS D IRON BLOW IBRC032D RCDD 3 -64.5 273.693 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC032D RCDD 40 -63.2 274.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC032D RCDD 49 -61.6 273.793 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC032D RCDD 90 -61.5 271.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC032D RCDD 120 -62.3 279.893 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC032D RCDD 150 -62 274.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC032D RCDD 182 -61.4 270.193 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC033 RC 0 -60 274.293 compass D IRON BLOW IBRC033 RC 3 -63.7 272.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC033 RC 40 -60.4 275.493 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC033 RC 70 -56.8 272.493 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC033 RC 94 -54.9 274.493 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC034 RC 0 -60 274.293 COMPASS D IRON BLOW IBRC034 RC 3 -62.7 274.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC034 RC 33 -64.8 273.693 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC034 RC 60 -63.4 280.693 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC034 RC 106 -55 290.793 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC034 RC 115 -54.5 291.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC035 RC 0 -60 274.293 COMPASS D IRON BLOW IBRC035 RC 3 -62.7 277.993 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC035 RC 33 -60.8 281.993 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC035 RC 57 -57.6 283.893 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC035 RC 66.5 -57.6 284.293 Estimated D IRON BLOW IBRC035 RC 67 -57 284.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC035D RCDD 0 -60 274.293 COMPASS D IRON BLOW IBRC035D RCDD 3 -62.7 277.993 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC035D RCDD 33 -60.8 281.993 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC035D RCDD 57 -57.6 283.893 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC035D RCDD 66.5 -57.6 284.293 Estimated D IRON BLOW IBRC035D RCDD 90 -54.14 287.803 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC035D RCDD 120 -54.03 288.963 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC035D RCDD 150 -53.95 286.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC035D RCDD 183 -54.13 285.193 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC036 RC 0 -60 274.293 COMPASS D IRON BLOW IBRC036 RC 3 -61.6 273.693 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC036 RC 48.3 -55 273.693 Estimated D IRON BLOW IBRC036D RCDD 0 -60 274.293 COMPASS D IRON BLOW IBRC036D RCDD 3 -61.6 273.693 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC036D RCDD 48.3 -55 273.693 Estimated D IRON BLOW IBRC036D RCDD 60 -51.37 273.633 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC036D RCDD 90 -48.92 277.423 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC036D RCDD 120 -49.32 286.863 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC036D RCDD 160 -48.86 284.383 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC037 RC 0 -60 274.293 COMPASS D IRON BLOW IBRC037 RC 3 -61.1 275.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC037 RC 40 -59.8 277.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC037 RC 49 -58.4 277.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC038 RC 0 -60 274.293 Compass D IRON BLOW IBRC038 RC 3 -61.4 275.193 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC038 RC 28 -59.7 276.093 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC038 RC 63 -56.5 272.093 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC038 RC 73 -55.2 272.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC038 RC 78.4 -54.8 274.293 Estimated D IRON BLOW IBRC046 RC 0 -60 274.293 Compass D IRON BLOW IBRC046 RC 4 -62.6 268.093 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC046 RC 28 -59.4 272.893 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC046 RC 45 -59.2 276.093 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC047 RC 0 -60 274.293 compass D IRON BLOW IBRC047 RC 4 -62.4 274.093 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC047 RC 33 -61.9 272.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC047 RC 40 -62.4 273.893 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC048 RC 0 -60 274.293 compass D IRON BLOW IBRC048 RC 22 -60.2 273.693 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC048 RC 31 -58.6 273.693 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC049 RC 0 -75 274.293 compass D IRON BLOW IBRC049 RC 26 -74.8 274.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC049 RC 46 -73.9 274.093 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC049 RC 55 -74.8 274.093 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC050 RC 0 -60 274.293 compass D IRON BLOW IBRC050 RC 4 -62.4 270.093 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC050 RC 25 -60.4 274.893 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC052 RC 0 -75 274.293 Compass D IRON BLOW IBRC052 RC 4 -73 273.493 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC052 RC 40 -71.6 283.793 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC052 RC 70 -71.8 287.693 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC053 RC 0 -60 274.293 compass D IRON BLOW IBRC053 RC 4 -61.2 271.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC053 RC 45 -54.1 276.893 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC054 RC 0 -60 274.293 compass D IRON BLOW IBRC054 RC 4 -59.8 273.493 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC054 RC 35 -59.7 274.093 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC054 RC 65 -58.4 278.193 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC054 RC 70 -51.4 284.893 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC054 RC 79 -50.6 284.893 Globaltech Pathfinde D Iron Blow IBRC055 RCDD 0 -60 274.293 COMPASS D Iron Blow IBRC055 RCDD 6 -59.02 271.853 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055 RCDD 30 -58.98 274.003 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055 RCDD 60 -57.58 275.683 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055 RCDD 90 -52.51 277.863 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055 RCDD 92 -52.51 277.863 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055D RCDD 0 -60 274.293 COMPASS D Iron Blow IBRC055D RCDD 6 -59.02 271.853 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055D RCDD 30 -58.98 274.003 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055D RCDD 60 -57.58 275.683 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055D RCDD 90 -52.51 277.863 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055D RCDD 92 -52.51 277.863 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055D RCDD 120 -47.36 279.953 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055D RCDD 150 -45.76 278.963 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055D RCDD 180 -45.04 282.463 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055D RCDD 210 -44.75 280.643 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055D RCDD 240 -44.64 276.293 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055D RCDD 260 -44.97 272.603 Camtech Proshot Dual D Iron Blow IBRC055D RCDD 280 -44.47 274.693 Camtech Proshot Dual D IRON BLOW IBRC056 RC 0 -60 274.293 compass D IRON BLOW IBRC056 RC 34 -59.3 277.893 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC056 RC 64 -56.6 287.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC056 RC 100 -57.8 287.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC056 RC 136 -57.7 284.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC057 RC 0 -60 274.293 compass D IRON BLOW IBRC057 RC 4 -62.4 275.593 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC057 RC 40 -61.2 280.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC057 RC 82 -59.8 281.993 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC057 RC 91 -58.2 281.993 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC058 RC 0 -60 274.293 compass D IRON BLOW IBRC058 RC 4 -63 271.893 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC058 RC 40 -60.8 278.593 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC058 RC 70 -58.4 276.293 Globaltech Pathfinde D IRON BLOW IBRC058 RC 106 -56.6 280.893 Globaltech Pathfinde