H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 19-Oct-16 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 20-Sep-16 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no GR083-09 H0101 Tenement_holder Mount Isa Mines H0102 Project_name GR083-09 H0106 Tenement_operator McArthur River Mining H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SE5303 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 6065 5965 6165 6164 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 21-Sep-15 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 20-Sep-16 H0202 Data_format SG4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 17 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 19-Oct-16 H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File GR083-09_2016_GA_02_SurfaceGeochem.txt H0308 File verification List GR083-09_2016_GA_03_FileListing.txt H0319 SURFQAQC_data_file H0500 Feature_located Surface Sample H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_location_Survey_Instrument GPS H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company MRM H0538 Surface_Geophysical_Survey_Instrument H0539 Surface_Geophysical_Survey_Company H0600 Sample_Code H0601 Sample_Type H0602 Sample_description H0700 Sample_Prep_Code H0701 Sample_Prep_Desc H0702 Job_no H0800 Assay_code H0801 Assay_company H0802 Assay_description H0900 Remarks H1000 Sample ID Easting_MGA Northing_MGA Sample Type Comment H1001 NA metres metres NA NA H1004 0 0 0 0 0 D MRMRGTH001 624818 8160934 Rock_Chip Ferrug. Siliceous dolostone bxxx with silica /qtz veining and CO3 vughs. Tr. Pyrite. Two old drill holes eitehr side of outcrop on south side of N-S striking ridge D MA366_RC001 624818 8160934 Rock_Chip As above D COXCORC001 622241 8172957 Rock_Chip Heavily oxidised and argillically altered dolomite taken from spoil on shaft No1 D COXCORC002 622225 8172952 Rock_Chip Heavily oxidised ferrug. Dolomite 20m west of shaft no 1 D COXCORC003 622193 8172941 Rock_Chip Fine grained slightly oxidised dolomitic metased. Within small creek bed outcrop D COXCORC004 622194 8172862 Rock_Chip Lightly ferruginous m.g dolomite in outcrop on W flank of Coxco prospect D COXCORC005 622230 8172887 Rock_Chip Siliceous ferruginous sandstone / meta sediment outcrop, 50m W of southern most shafts D COXCORC006 622282 8172879 Rock_Chip Gossanous spoil from Shaft No3. Coarse grained galena mineralisation and heavily argically altered D COXCORC007 622290 8172812 Rock_Chip Siliceous dolomite from outcrop ~75m south of shaft No 3 D Amelia001 624665 8160032 Rock_Chip Gossanoeous dolomitic bxx. Qtz/CO3 late stage veining and lightly siliceous. Sulphide boxworks? D Amelia002 624809 8159941 Rock_Chip 1cm thick ferruginous CO3 vein with rose petal xtals in dlomitic shales. D Amelia003 624692 8159862 Rock_Chip Gossanous bxx dolomite. Lim/qtz/CO3. late stage veining from large outcrop D MA455_RC001 614224 8177942 Rock_Chip Dolomite outcrop next to shaft, western side. D MA455_RC002 614224 8177942 Rock_Chip Arenaceous materal same as 004 but no visible mineralisation D MA455_RC003 614224 8177942 Rock_Chip Clay material bounding either side of the material from 004. D MA455_RC004 614224 8177942 Rock_Chip Arenaceous quartzite with veining and galena mineralisation. D MA455_RC005 614224 8177942 Rock_Chip Dolomite ourcrop next to shaft western side