H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 5-May-22 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 31-May-22 H0005 State Northern Territory H0100 Tenement_no or Combined_rept_no MLN1139 H0101 Tenement_holder Bacchus Resources Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Brocks Creek H0106 Tenement_operator Bacchus Resources Pty Ltd H0150 250k_map_sheet_number SD5208 H0151 100k_map_sheet_number 5171 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 5-Jun-22 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 5-Mar-22 H0202 Template_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 2682 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 5-May-22 H0300 Downhole_codes_data_file MLN1139_2021_C_13_DrillCodes.txt H0302 Downhole_codes_data_file MLN1139_2021_C_13_DrillCodes.txt H1000 LITHOLOGY MINERALS VEINING ROCK HARDNESS H1001 H1004 D COLOUR_CODE COLOUR_DESCRIPTION WEATHERING_CODE WEATHERING_DESCRIPTION LITHO_CODE LITHO_DESCRIPTION PLOTLITHO_CODE PLOTLITHO_DESCRIPTION ALTERATION_CODE ALTERATION_DESCRIPTION ALT_INTENSITY_CODE ALT_INTENSITY_DESCRIPTION ALT_STYLE_CODE ALT_STYLE_DESCRIPTION MIN_CODE MIN_DESCRIPTION MIN_STYLE MIN_STYLE_DESCRIPTION SULPHIDE_MINERALS_CODE SULPHIDE_MINERALS_DESCRIPTION CARBONATE_MINERALS_CODE CARBONATE_MINERALS_DESCRIPTION VEINTYPE_CODE VEINTYPE_DESCRIPTION HARDNESS_CODE HARDNESS_DESCRIPTION D BE beige 0 "FRESH - No visible signs of alteration, no discolouration, fracture planes may be stained or discoloured, original texture preserved" AAO Albite alteration SIMSS Interbedded mudstone/sandstone AB albite INT intense INT Interstitial AB albite AG Aggregates ACN acanthite ARG aragonite ALT Alteration R0 "VERY WEAK - crumbles under repeated bows, can be scraped with a knife (e.g. highly weathered or altered rock)" D BEBN beige/brown 1 SLIGHTLY WEATHERED - Fractures are stained or discoloured and may contain a thin filling of altered material. Discolouration may extend into the rock from the fracture planes to a distance of up to 20% of the fracture spacing (i.e. less than 40% of the core is discoloured) ABO Biotite alteration SIMST Interbedded mudstone/siltstone ACT actinolite STG strong PAT Patchy ACN acanthite BL Blebs APY arsenopyrite CER cerussite INF Infill R1 "WEAK - can be cut with a knife but hard to shape (e.g. Chalk, rocksalt, potash)" D BECM beige/cream 2 MODERATELY WEATHERED - Slight discolouration extends from fracture planes for a distance >20% of the fracture spacing (i.e. generally greater part of the rock). Fractures may contain filling of altered material. The surface of the core is not friable (except in the case of poorly cemented sedimentary rocks) and the origianl texture of the rock has been preserved. Partial opening of grain boundaries may be observed. ACH Carbonate-chlorite alteration SISTSS Interbedded siltstone/sandstone ANK ankerite MOD moderate PER Pervasive/Massive ACT actinolite BN Banded BN bornite STR strontianite VUG Vuggy R2 "MEDIUM STRONG - Firm blo with geo pick indent 5mm, a knife just scrapes (e.g. claystone, coal, concrete, schist, shale, siltstone)" D BEGY beige/grey 3 HIGHLY WEATHERED - Discolouration extends throughout the rock. The surface of the core is friable and usually pitted due to washing out of highly altered minerals by drilling water. The original texture of the rock has mainly been preserved but separation of grains has occurred. ACO Carbonate alteration SIMSTSS Interbedded mudstone/siltstone/sandstone BT biotite WK weak SEL Selveges & Envelopes ADR andradite BO Boxworked CC chalcocite WTH witherite R3 "STRONG - can be broken by a single glow of a geo pick (e.g. Limestone, marble, phyllite, sandstone, schist, shale)" D BEOR beige/orange 4 COMPLETELY WEATHERED - The rock is totally discoloured and the external appearance of the core is that of a soil. Internally the rock texture is partly preserved but grains have completely separated. AFO Fuchsite alteration CAL calcite TR trace SPO Spots ADS andesine BX Brecciated CCP chalcopyrite ART artinite R4 "VERY STRONG - Many blows required to break rock (e.g. amphibolite, sandstone, basalt, gabbro, gneiss, granodiorite, limestone, rhyolite)" D BEWH beige/white AHO Chloritic alteration CARB carbonate UNK unknown VNS Veins ADU adularia CO Coatings CIN cinnabar AZ azurite R5 "EXTREMELY STRONG - material chipped under repeated hammer blows (e.g. Fresh basalt, chert, diabase, gneiss, granite, quartzite)" D BEYE beige/yellow AKO K-feldspar alteration CL chlorite NI Not Identifiable AEG aegirine CU Cubic COB cobaltite ARC aurichalcite D BK black AOO "Altered Rock, Undivided" CLAY clay mineral AEN aenigmatite DS Disseminated CV covellite BRG barringtonite D BL blue APH Phyllic (qtz-seric-py) EP epidote AG silver FC Fracture Coating GN galena BMT bismutite D BG blue/green APK Potassic (qtz-ksp-bt) FELD feldspar AGL augelite FF Fracture Filling MCS marcasite CAL calcite D BN brown APR Propyllitic (chl-epidĀ±feld) FEOX iron oxide AGT aegirine-augite FL Flakes MLL millerite GSP gaspeite D BNBE brown/beige AQC Silica-carbonate alteration GNT garnet AIK aikinite FS Fracture Selvage MOL molybdenite MGS magnesite D BNGY brown/grey AQE Silica-sericite alteration HBL hornblende AK akermanite GO Gossanous ORP orpiment OTV otavite D BNOR brown/orange AQF Silica-fuchsite alteration HEM hematite AKT aluminokataphorite HA Halo/Envelopes PN pentlandite RDS rhodochrosite D BNPP brown/purple AQH Silica-chlorite alteration KFS k-feldspar ALB alabandite IN Interstitial PY pyrite SD siderite D BNRD brown/red AQO Silica alteration LMN limonite ALG allargentum LA Layered PO pyrrhotite SMN smithsonite D BNWH brown/white AQZ Silica-sulphide alteration MGH maghemite ALM almandine LE Lenticular RLG realgar SCB sphaerocobaltite D BNYE brown/yellow ASA Sericite-Adularia alteration MGT magnetite ALN allanite MA Massive SP sphalerite CNA chalconatronite D CM cream ASC Sericite-Carbonate alteration MICA mica ALP allophane MF Matrix Filling STB stibnite DWS dawsonite D CMBE cream/beige ASO Sericitic alteration MNOX manganese oxides ALSI aluminosilicate (unspecified) MO Mottled ANK ankerite D CMOR cream/orange ASS Skarn PY pyrite ALT altaite MX Matrix Sulphides DOL dolomite D CMPI cream/pink AZO Sulphide alteration QZ quartz ALU alunite NE Needles HNT huntite D DKBL dark blue HDC drillhole casing SD siderite AMB amblygonite PA Patches (as in quilts) KTN kutnohorite D DKBG dark blue/green HFO filled/recontoured ground SERI sericite AMPH amphibole PB Porphyroblasts MRC minrecordite D DKBN dark brown HMO mining debris SERP serpentine AMS amesite QV Quartz Vein NST norsethite D DKGN dark green HOO undivided human SI silica AN anorthite RC Recrystallised HLR hellyerite D DKGY dark grey HSF filled stope UNK unknown AND andalusite RE Replacement HDC hydrocerussite D DKOR dark orange HSO unfilled/open stope ANG anglesite RM Remobilised HDZ hydrozincite D DKPI dark pink ICC Charnockite ANH anhydrite SK Stockwork MAL malachite D DKPP dark purple ICE Enderbite ANK ankerite SM Semi-Massive NAT natrite D DKRD dark red ICO "Charnockitic intrusive, undivided" ANL analcime SP Specks NRN natron D DKYE dark yellow IEFD "Granodiorite, equigranular" ANN annite SR Stringers PSG phosgenite D GN green IEID "Diorite, equigranular" ANR anorthoclase ST Staining RSS rosasite D GNGY green/grey IEMD "Monzodiorite, equigranular" ANT anatase VC Concordant Vein STT stichtite D GY grey IFA Adamellite AP apatite VD Vein/disseminated TRN trona D GYBE grey/beige IFD Granodiorite APO apophyllite VN Vein/Veinlet ZRT zaratite D GYBN grey/brown IFG "Granite, Alkali feldspar granite" APY arsenopyrite VS Vein Selvage CARB carbonate D GYGN grey/green IFGP Pegmatite ARC aurichalcite VX Crosscutting Vein D GYOR grey/orange IFJ Trondhjemite ARF arfvedsonite D GYPI grey/pink IFM Monzonite ARG aragonite D GYWH grey/white IFMQ Quartz monzonite ARS arsenolite D LTBL light blue IFO "Felsic Intrusive, undivided" ART artinite D LTBG light blue/green IFP Felsic porphyry AS arsenic D LTBN light brown IFT Tonalite ASOX oxidised arsenopyrite D LTGN light green IID Diorite AST aurostibite D LTGY light grey IIDQ Quartz diorite ATC atacamite D LTOR light orange IIM Monzodiorite ATE atheneite D LTPI light pink IIMQ Quartz monzodiorite ATG antigorite D LTPP light purple IIO "Intermediate Intrusive, undivided" ATH anthophyllite D LTRD light red IIP Intermediate porphyry ATL antlerite D LTYE light yellow IKC Carbonatite ATN autunite D OR orange IKK Kimberlite AU gold D ORBE orange/beige IKL "Lamprophyre intrusive, undivided" AUG augite D ORBN orange/brown IKO "Alkalic Intrusive, undivided" AUS austinite D ORCM orange/cream IKS "Syenite, Alkali feldspar syenite" AWR awaruite D ORGY orange/grey IKSQ "Quartz syenite, Alkali feldspar quartz syenite" AX axinite D ORYE orange/yellow IMA Anorthosite AZ azurite D PI pink IMCP Feldspar prophyry (crowded) BBT babingtonite D PICM pink/cream IMD Diabase/Dolerite BCT boracite D PIGY pink/grey IMG Gabbro BDL baddeleyite D PIPP pink/purple IMGN Gabbronorite BDT beudantite D PIRD pink/red IMN Norite BHM boehmite D PIYE pink/yellow IMO "Mafic Intrusive, undivided" BI bismuth D PP purple IMP Mafic porphyry BKB brackebuschite D PPBN purple/brown IMSP Feldspar porphyry (sparse) BLN berlinite D PPPI purple/pink IMT Troctolite BLT boulangerite D PPRD purple/red IOO "Igneous intrusives, undivided" BMN bismuthinite D RD red IOP Porphyry undivided BMT bismutite D RDBN red/brown IPP Pyroxene pophyry BN bornite D RDPI red/pink IUD Dunite BNN bournonite D RDPP red/purple IUE Wehrlite BNS birnessite D RDYE red/yellow IUH Hornblendite BRA brannerite D WH white IUL Lherzolite BRC brucite D WHBE white/beige IUO "Ultramafic Intrusive, undivided" BRG barringtonite D WHBN white/brown IUP Peridotite BRH brochantite D WHGY white/grey IUS Serpentinite BRK brookite D WHYE white/yellow IUW Websterite BRL beryl D YE yellow IUX Pyroxenite BRN braunite D YEBE yellow/beige IUXC Clinopyroxenite BRS barroisite D YEBN yellow/brown IUXO Orthopyroxenite BRT barite D YEOR yellow/orange IUZ Harzburgite BRV bravoite D YEPI yellow/pink MAO Amphibolite BRX borax D YERD yellow/red MGA Psammitic gneiss BRY bromargyrite D YEWH yellow/white MGI Ortho-gneiss BRZ berzelianite D ORBE orange/beige MGM Migmatite BSM bismite D BEOR beige/orange MGO "Gneiss, undivided" BSN bastnaesite D ORCM orange/cream MGP Pelitic gneiss BST bustamite D CMOR cream/orange MGQ Quartzo-feldspathic gneiss BT biotite D ORWH orange/white MGS Para-gneiss BTF betafite D WHOR white/orange MHA "Hornfels, andalusite zone" BTP breithauptite D ORRD orange/red MHB "Hornfels, bioitite zone" BTR bertrandite D RDOR red/orange MHC "Hornfels, cordierite zone" BTW bytownite D RDGY red/grey MHG "Hornfels, garnet zone" BXB bixbyite D RDBE red/beige MHO "Hornfels, undivided" CA calcium D GYRD grey/red MHS "Hornfels, sillimanite zone" CAL calcite D MHT "Hornfels, staurolite zone" CAMP clino-amphibole D MMO Marble CAP chlorapatite D MOO "Metamorphics, undivided" CARB carbonate D MPO "Phyllite/slate, undivided" CARB/CL carbonate/chlorite D MQO Meta-quartzite CARB/TLC carbonate/talc D MSB Biotite schist CBE chrysoberyl D MSC Calc-schist CBN cubanite D MSH Chlorite schist CBS Carbonaceous (graphite) D MSM Muscovite schist CBZ chabazite D MSO "Schist, undivided" CC chalcocite D MSP Pelitic schist CCH clinochlore D MSS Psammitic schist CCL chrysocolla D MST Talc schist CCN cancrinite D ODM "Unknown, data missing" CCP chalcopyrite D OMI "Unknown, missing interval, lost sample" CCS chalcosiderite D ONL "Unknown, not logged" CDL crandallite D OOO Unknown rock type CDN caledonite D OUN "Unknown, undivided" CDR calderite D RCO calcrete CEL celadonite D RFO ferricrete CEN clinoenstatite D ROO undivided regolith CER cerussite D ROS soil CFS clinoferrosilite D RRL residual laterite/duricrust CHC chalcanthite D RRM residual mottled zone CHE chenevixite D RRO undivided residual regolith CHM chamosite D RRR saprock CHN chondrodite D RRS saprolite (AGSO) CHP chapmanite D RRSL lower saprolite CHQ clinoholmquistite D RRSU upper saprolite CHR chromite D RRY residual clay CHS chalcostibite D RSO silcrete CHT churchite D RTC Transported colluvium CHU clinohumite D RTL ironstone lag CIN cinnabar D RTM transported mottled zone CKT cookite D RTO undivided transported regolith CL chlorite D RTP pisolthic gravel CLA clausthalite D RTY transported clay CLAY clay mineral D SCO Conglomerates CLB columbite D SCT Tillite CLC chalcedony D SCV Volcanic conglomerate CLD chloritoid D SEO Evaporites CLM calomel D SIA Argillite CLN celsian D SIC Carbonaceous/graphitic mudstone/shale CLO chloanthite D SIM Fine-grained mudstone/shale CLP chalcophanite D SIO "Fine-grained, mudstone/shale/siltstone" CLR coloradoite D SIV Volcanic siltstone CLS celestine D SIZ Sulphidic argillite/mudstone/shale CNA chalconatronite D SLD Dolomite/Dolostone CNC conichalcite D SLL Limestone CNL carnallite D SLM Marl CNT carnotite D SLO "Carbonate sediments, undivided" COAL coal D SOO "Sedimentary Rocks, undivided" COB cobaltite D SOT Turbidites COE coesite D SSG Greywacke COF coffinite D SSK Arkose COL colemanite D SSO Clastic Sediments siltstone/sandstone/conglomerate COR corundum D SSQ Ortho quartzite CPR cooperite D SSS Sandstone/Arenite CPT clinoptilolite D SSV Volcanic sandstone CPX clinopyroxene D SSZ Siltstone CRB carrboydite D STF Banded Iron Formation CRC crocoite D STO "Cherts, undivided" CRD cordierite D SVO Volcanic Sediments (volcaniclastic) CRG chlorargyrite D SVT Tuffaceous sediments CRK corkite D UAO Unconsolidated alluvium CRL carrollite D UBO boulder CRM cryptomelane D UCO clay CRN carnegieite D UDO dust CRO crossite D UFO fanglomerate CRR corrensite D UGO gravel CRS cristobalite D ULO loess CRT cerite D UML lahar - volcanic mudflow CRV cervantite D UMO mud CRY cryolite D UOO "Unconsolidated material, undifferentiated" CSB costibite D UPO pebble CSL cosalite D USO sand CST cassiterite D UTO till CTE cerianite D VCO "Volcaniclastic Conglomerate, rounded" CTG cuprotungstite D VFD Dacite CTL chrysotile D VFO "Felsic Volcanics, undivided" CTP catapleiite D VFR Rhyolite/rhyodacite CU copper D VIA Andesite CUM cummingtonite D VIB Basaltic andesite CUOX oxidised copper minerals D VIM Boninite CUP cuprite D VIO "Intermediate Volcanics, undivided" CV covellite D VIT Trachyandesite CVK chevkinite D VKL Latite CVT calaverite D VKO "Alkalic volcanic, undivided" CZO clinozoisite D VKP Phonolite DCK dickite D VKT Trachyte DCZ descloizite D VMB Basalt DFT duftite D VMBA Alkali basalt DG digenite D VMBO Olivine basalt DI diopside D VMBS Subalkali basalt DMD diamond D VMBT Tholeiitic basalt DNM dannemorite D VMO "Mafic Volcanics, undivided" DOL dolomite D VOO "Volcanic Rocks, undivided" DPT dioptase D VPA Agglomerate DRV dravite D VPI Ignimbrite DSC dyscrasite D VPO "Pyroclastics, undivided" DSP diaspore D VPT Tuff DTL datolite D VPX Volcanic breccia DVD davidite D VPXB Pyroxene basalt DWS dawsonite D VSS Volcaniclastic Sandstone ECK eckermannite D VUB Basanite ED edenite D VUK Komatiite EDL eudialyte D VUM Meimechite ELB elbaite D VUO "Ultramafic volcanic, undivided" ELE electrum D VUP Picrite EMP emplectite D VUT Tephrite EN enstatite D XCO Carbonate vein ENG enargite D XOO "Vein, undivided" EP epidote D XQC Quartz-carbonate vein EPS epsomite D XQO Quartz vein ERT erythrite D XQZ Quartz-sulphide vein FAC ferro-actinolite D XZO Sulphide vein FAN ferri-annite D ZFC Cataclasite FAP fluorapatite D ZFD Dextral fault FAT ferro-anthophyllite D ZFG Fault Gouge FAY fluorapophyllite D ZFN Normal fault FBG freibergite D ZFO Fault FBR ferrobarroisite D ZFR Reverse fault FCH ferroclinoholmquistite D ZFS Sinistral fault FCL ferrocolumbite D ZFT Thrust fault FDR ferridravite D ZFX Breccia FE iron D ZFZ Fault zone FECB iron carbonate D ZMO Mylonite / tectonite FED ferro-edenite D ZOO "Tectonic rocks, undivided" FEK ferro-eckermannite D ZSD Dextral shear FELD feldspar D ZSM Mylonite/phyllonite/tectonite FEMG ferromagnesian mineral D ZSN Normal shear FEOX iron oxide D ZSO Shear FFT ferroferritschermakite D ZSR Reverse shear FGD ferrogedrite D ZSS Sinistral shear FGL ferroglaucophane D ZST Thrust shear FHB ferrohornblende D ZSZ Shear zone FHQ ferroholmquistite D BH Banded Hematite FKR ferrokaersutite D SIMSTSS Interbedded mudstone/siltstone/sandstone D FKT ferrikataphorite D FL fluorite D FLB freieslebenite D FLL fluellite D FLT florencite D FMB ferrimolybdite D FMT famatinite D FO forsterite D FPG ferropargasite D FRB ferberite D FRC ferrorichterite D FRG fergusonite D FRH frohbergite D FRK franklinite D FS ferrosilite D FSPD feldspathoid D FTS ferrotschermakite D FTT ferrotantalite D FUC fuchsite D FWN ferrowinchite D FY fayalite D GARN garnierite D GBM galenobismutite D GBS gibbsite D GCX gorceixite D GDL gadolinite D GED gedrite D GEV geversite D GH gehlenite D GHN gahnite D GKL geikielite D GL glass D GLB glauberite D GLC glaucodot D GLN glaucophane D GLT glauconite D GLX galaxite D GML gmelinite D GN galena D GND gonnardite D GNL greenalite D GNT garnet D GOS goslarite D GP gypsum D GR graphite D GRK greenockite D GRS grossular D GRT groutite D GRU grunerite D GSD gersdorffite D GSM gismondine D GSP gaspeite D GT goethite D GTM gatumbaite D GUD gudmundite D GYZ goyazite D HAP hydroxylapatite D HBL hornblende D HBN hubnerite D HBS hibschite D HC hercynite D HD hedenbergite D HDA hydroxyapophyllite D HDC hydrocerussite D HDL hidalgoite D HDM hydromagnesite D HDT hydrotungstite D HDY hedyphane D HDZ hydrozincite D HED hedleyite D HEM hematite D HES hessite D HL halite D HLD hollandite D HLR hellyerite D HLY halloysite D HMM hemimorphite D HMQ holmquistite D HNG hingganite D HNT huntite D HOP hopeite D HRM harmotome D HS hastingsite D HSD hinsdalite D HSM hausmannite D HTN huttonite D HTR halotrichite D HU humite D HUL heulandite D HYL hyalophane D HYN hauyne D HZL heazlewoodite D IDA idaite D IDG iodargyrite D IGD ingodite D ILL illite D ILM ilmenite D ILS ilsemannite D ILV ilvaite D INE inesite D IR iridium D IRA iridarsenite D IRO iridosmine D IRS irarsite D IXL ixiolite D JAR jarosite D JCB jacobsite D JD jadeite D JEP jeppeite D JGF jugoldite-fe2+ D JH johannsenite D JLP jalpaite D JMS jamesonite D JOS joseite D JRD jordanite D JUN junoite D KDC kiddcreekite D KES kesterite D KFS k-feldspar D KLD kullerudite D KLM kleemanite D KLN kaolinite D KLP kaliophilite D KLS kalsilite D KLY kellyite D KMB kambaldaite D KMC kamacite D KNR knorringite D KPK krupkaite D KR krennerite D KRH kroehnkite D KRK kirkiite D KRM kuramite D KRN kornerupine D KRS kaersutite D KRT krutaite D KST kostovite D KTK koutekite D KTN kutnohorite D KTP katophorite D KY kyanite D KZL kozulite D LAB labradorite D LBB liebenbergite D LCT leucite D LCX leucoxene D LFT laffittite D LGB lengenbachite D LLG loellingite D LMN limonite D LMT laumontite D LNG langisite D LNN linnaeite D LOR lorandite D LPC lepidocrocite D LPD lepidolite D LPL lithiophilite D LRN larnite D LRS larsenite D LRT laurite D LRZ lorenzenite D LTH lanthanite D LTP lithiophorite D LTT lautite D LVY levyne D LVZ lovozerite D LWS lawsonite D LZ lizardite D LZL lazulite D LZN luzonite D LZR lazurite D MAF magnesio-arfvedsonite D MAK magnesio-aluminokataphorite D MAL malachite D MAT magnesio-anthophyllite D MAU meta-autunite D MAX magnesio-axinite D MBD molybdite D MBL mirabilite D MBY montbrayite D MC microcline D MCD magnesiochloritoid D MCH magnesioclinoholmquistite D MCK mackinawite D MCM magnesiocummingtonite D MCN metacinnabar D MCS marcasite D MCT moncheite D MDC madocite D MDN mordenite D MDR modderite D MEI meionite D MEL melilite D MFD mansfieldite D MFK magnesioferrikataphorite D MGC magnesiochromite D MGD magnesiogedrite D MGF magnesioferrite D MGH maghemite D MGN manganite D MGR mgriite D MGS magnesite D MGT magnetite D MGY miargyrite D MHB magnesiohornblende D MHQ magnesioholmquistite D MHS magnesiohastingsite D MICA mica D MKT magnesiokataphorite D MLD maldonite D MLL millerite D MLN melonite D MLR milarite D MLT melanterite D MLY malayaite D MMT mimetite D MNC manganochromite D MNG meneghinite D MNOX manganese oxides D MNS minnesotaite D MNT montmorillonite D MNZ monazite D MOH mohite D MOL molybdenite D MOT mottramite D MRB magnesioriebeckite D MRC minrecordite D MRG margarite D MRK merenskyite D MRL marialite D MRS miersite D MRW merwinite D MS muscovite D MSB moschellandsbergite D MSC massicot D MSD magnesiosadanagite D MSL mesolite D MST metastibnite D MTB metatorbernite D MTC monticellite D MTD matildite D MTM muthmannite D MTR magnesiotaramite D MTT mangantantalite D MTY montroydite D MUL mullite D MWS mawsonite D MZC monazite-(ce) D MZL monazite-(la) D MZN monazite-(nd) D NAT natrite D NCL niccolite D NE nepheline D NGL niggliite D NI nickel D NKD nukundamite D NLG nullaginite D NMN naumannite D NRB norbergite D NRN natron D NSB nisbite D NSN nosean D NST norsethite D NSU nsutite D NTA natroalunite D NTK nantokite D NTN nontronite D NTR natrolite D NYB nyboite D OAMP ortho-amphibole D OCL orcelite D OFR offretite D OGC oligoclase D OGN oregonite D OL olivine D OLT olivenite D OME omeiite D OMP omphacite D OPL opal D OPQ opaque mineral D OPX orthopyroxene D OR orthoclase D ORP orpiment D OS osmium D OSA osarsite D OSI osmiridium D OSM osumilite D OSZ osarizawite D OTM ottemannite D OTV otavite D OTW otwayite D PAR parisite D PAX paxite D PB lead D PBA palladobismutharsenide D PBG plumbogummite D PBJ plumbojarosite D PBM plumbomicrolite D PBOX oxidised lead minerals D PBP plumbopalladinite D PCK pickeringite D PCL pyrochlore D PCR pecoraite D PCT pectolite D PD palladium D PDA palladoarsenide D PEN protoenstatite D PER periclase D PFE pumpellyite-fe2+ D PFR playfairite D PG paragonite D PGT pigeonite D PHK phenakite D PHL phlogopite D PHOS phosphate D PIL picro-ilmenite D PKN paakkonenite D PKO pekoite D PL plagioclase D PLB polybasite D PLC pollucite D PLG palygorskite D PLI platiniridium D PLL polylithionite D PLN planerite D PLP phillipsite D PLT platarsite D PLV paolovite D PMG pumpellyite-mg D PMN pumpellyite-mn D PMP pumpellyite D PMT piemontite D PN pentlandite D PO pyrrhotite D PPH pyrophanite D PPS phosphosiderite D PPU phosphuranylite D PPY plumbopyrochlore D PQT pirquitasite D PRC pearceite D PRG pargasite D PRH prehnite D PRL pyrophyllite D PRM pararammelsbergite D PRP pyrope D PRR pararealgar D PRS proustite D PRV perovskite D PSB pseudobrookite D PSC parascholzite D PSG phosgenite D PSI psilomelane D PSM pseudomalachite D PT platinum D PTL petalite D PTN plattnerite D PTR potarite D PTY platynite D PTZ petzite D PVN pavonite D PWL powellite D PXM pyroxmangite D PY pyrite D PYC pyrochroite D PYD polydymite D PYG pyragyrite D PYL pyrolusite D PYM pyromorphite D PYOX oxidised pyrite D PYRX pyroxene D PYS pyrosmalite D QND qandilite D QZ quartz D QZ/CARB quartz/carbonate D QZ/FECB quartz/fe carbonate D QZ/TOUR quartz/tourmaline D QZA_QA Qtz Type A QA (Not GEX code) D QZA_QC Qtz Type A QC (Not GEX code) D QZA_QV Qtz Type A QV (Not GEX code) D QZB_QA Qtz Type B QA (Not GEX code) D RAR ruarsite D RBK riebeckite D RBN robinsonite D RCK rucklidgeite D RCT richterite D RDH ramdohrite D RDL rhodolite D RDN rhodonite D RDS rhodochrosite D RE rhenium D RH rhodium D RHN rhonite D RIC rickardite D RIO rutheniridosmine D RLG realgar D RMB rammelsbergite D RMD ramsdellite D RMN romanechite D RSP raspite D RSS rosasite D RST rhodostannite D RT rutile D RTA ruthenarsenite D RTH rathite D RU ruthenium D RZN rozenite D SAL sodium alum D SANI sanidine D SAP strontium-apatite D SAT sodium anthophyllite D SAU sodium autunite D SB antimony D SBG sternbergite D SBP stibiopalladinite D SBV sobelevskite D SBY sudburyite D SCB sphaerocobaltite D SCH scheelite D SCL scolecite D SCP scapolite D SCR scorodite D SCW scawtite D SCZ scorzalite D SD siderite D SDB serendibite D SDL sodalite D SDN sideronatrite D SDO sudoite D SDP siderophyllite D SDT studtite D SE selenium D SEP sepiolite D SERI sericite D SERP serpentine D SFL safflorite D SGD sodium gedrite D SGL senegalite D SGN siegenite D SHC shcherbakovite D SHN shandite D SHT shattuckite D SHZ scholzite D SI silica D SIL sillimanite D SKD sklodowskite D SKN skinnerite D SKT skutterudite D SLA sellaite D SLE saleeite D SLG seligmannite D SLN selenite D SLR stellerite D SLV sylvanite D SLW slawsonite D SMEC smectite D SMH smithite D SMK samarskite D SMN smithsonite D SMP stumpflite D SMR sanmartinite D SMS samsonite D SMT smaltite D SMY semseyite D SN tin D SND sanderite D SNG sanadagite D SNJ seinajokite D SNM senarmontite D SP sphalerite D SPC sopcheite D SPD spodumene D SPE sphene D SPH sodium phlogopite D SPL spinel D SPN saponite D SPR sapphirine D SPS spessartine D SPT spertiniite D SPY sperrylite D SRD serandite D SRL schorl D SRM schorlomite D SRT sartorite D SRZ strunzite D SSV stishovite D ST staurolite D STA stibarsen D STB stibnite D STC stibiconite D STD stannoidite D STE stephanite D STG strengite D STI stilleite D STK stokesite D STL stilbite D STM sulphotsumoite D STN stannite D STP stilpnomelane D STR strontianite D STS stistaite D STT stichtite D STU stutzite D STV stevensite D STW stillwaterite D STY stromeyerite D STZ stolzite D SUL sulphur D SULP sulphide D SVB svanbergite D SVN sulvanite D SWL stillwellite D SWT sweetite D SYL sylvite D SYN synchysite D TAE taenite D TAN tellurantimony D TBM tellurobismuthite D TBR torbernite D TCK tucekite D TDK todorokite D TE tellurium D TELL tellurides D TGR tugarinovite D TGS tungstite D TGT tungstenite D THN thenardite D THR thorianite D THT thorite D TIR tirodite D TLC talc D TLM tulameenite D TLR tellurite D TLT teallite D TLV tolovkite D TMP thomsonite D TNK talnakhite D TNL taeniolite D TNR tenorite D TNT tennantite D TOUR tourmaline D TOZ topaz D TPH tephroite D TPL tapiolite D TPY triphylite D TR tremolite D TRD tridymite D TRL trolleite D TRM taramite D TRN trona D TRO troilite D TRP triplite D TRQ turquoise D TRV trevorite D TS tschermakite D TSD trustedtite D TSM tsumoite D TTD tetradymite D TTH tetrahedrite D TTL tantalite D TTN titanite D TWN twinnite D TYL tyrrellite D U uranium D UBG uytenbogaardtite D UMG umangite D UMN ullmannite D UNK unknown D URC uranocircite D URE urea D URN uraninite D UROX uranium oxide mineral D URP uranophane D USP ulvospinel D UV uvite D UVR uvarovite D VAE vaesite D VEN veenite D VES vesuvianite D VIO violarite D VKG vikingite D VLC vulcanite D VLK velikite D VLM villamaninite D VLR valleriite D VLT valentinite D VND vanadinite D VRM vermiculite D VRN vernadite D VRS variscite D VVT vivianite D WDG wodginite D WDH woodhouseite D WFM wolframite D WHT whiteite D WKM wilkmanite D WLF wulfenite D WLK wilkinsonite D WLM willemite D WLS willemseite D WLY willyamite D WNC winchite D WNS wonesite D WO wollastinite D WRD wardite D WRK wairakite D WRT wurtzite D WRU wairauite D WSB weissbergite D WSH weishanite D WSS weissite D WSV westerveldite D WTC wittichenite D WTH witherite D WTT wittite D WUS wustite D WVL wavellite D XEN xenotime D XNT xonotlite D XTH xanthoconite D YGW yugawaralite D YRW yarrowite D ZEOL zeolite D ZKN zinkenite D ZNC zincite D ZNOX oxidised zinc minerals D ZNW zinnwaldite D ZO zoisite D ZRK zirkelite D ZRN zircon D ZRT zaratite D ZUN zunyite EOF