Dataset HoleType GridID SurveyType DHSurveyMethod TenementNo&Name Geologist DrillingCompany SampleType SampleMethod SampleCategory SuperceededSample SampSize SampWetDry ColourStr ColourHue Weathering RegCode (common codes = yellow) LithCode (common codes = yellow) LithQualifier Grainsize Texture Structure (MeasStructure?) Min Alt Intensity VeinComp VeinStyle Sulph SulphStyle Hardness Events MagUnits MagInstrument Structure Type Planarity Roughness Infill DataSet Code Desc OriginalGridID Code Desc Code Desc PropertyName Lease_ID Cost_code Code Desc Programme DrillCompany Code Desc Code Desc Code Description Code Desc Code Desc Code Description Code Desc Code Desc Code Desc Code Description Category Code Description Category Code Desc Category Code Desc ParticleSize Code Desc Code Description Code Description Code DiagnosticMinerals GenericTerm Code Desc Code Desc Code Desc Code Description Code Desc Code Desc FieldTerm Code Description SI-3 KAPPAMETER A1 "Natural foliation parting or fracture, not broken by drilling" 1 Planar 1 very smooth/polished BX Rock breccia gouge Ragged Range RAB RAB MGA94_50 Nominal Nominal Nominal Dummy or design Panorama E46/1190 GEPA143 KP Kate Pearce PHASE 1 DDSR Drilling CHIPS Chips SPEAR Spear ORIG Original Sample 0 Preferred G Good D Dry L Light BG Beige CW Completely Weathered Obt Bauxite Regolith - Not logged Misc cly clayey Regolith VF Very Fine Grained <0.25mm bdb "bedded, banded" fol "foliated,foliation" aa agate aag Advanced argillic 0.5 Trace VQZ Quartz veined su Sulphides - undifferentiated 1 Extremely weak rock Indented by fingernail BOA Base of Alluvium/Transported SI-5 A2 "Foliation parting or fracture, uncertain whether A1 or A3" 2 Slight curve/ undulating 2 smooth CL clay Molyhill AC Aircore MGA94_51 DGPS Differential GPS SSE Single Shot Eastman Ragged Range E46/1262 GERR144 PW Paul Wittwer PHASE 2 GMP NS No Sample RFFSPLIT Riffle Split DUP Field duplicate -1 Obsolete U Undersize M Moist/Damp M Medium BK Black HW Highly Weathered Obx Regolithic breccia Regolith Gad Adamellite Igneous mot mottled Regolith FG Fine Grained 0.25 - 1.0mm blt blotchy mas massive ab albite abi Biotite Biotite alteration 1 Weak VQF Quartz + Feldspar as Arsenopyrite 2 Very weak rock Crumbles under firm blow by geological hammer. Can be peeled by a pocketknife. BOCO Base of Complete Oxidation A3 "Foliation parting or fracture, broken by drilling or blasting" 3 Curved/undulating 3 rough CA carbonate Alford East RC RC MGA94_52 GPS GPS GYRO Gyroscopic Corunna Downs E46/1340 GESR1340 PHASE 3 PULP GRAB Grab STD Standard sample O Oversize W Wet D Dark BR Brown MW Moderately Weathered Occ Calcrete Regolith Gal Alaskite Igneous pis "pisolitic, pisolites" Regolith FM Fine - Medium Grained grn granular bxx brecciated ac actinolite acb Carbonate Carbonate alteration 2 Moderate VQC Quartz + Carbonate po Pyrrhotite 3 Weak rock Can be peeled by a pocketknife with difficulty. Shallow indententations made with firm blows with point of geological hammer. BOCW Base of Complete Weathering A4 "foliation, intact" 4 Stepped 4 very rough CH chlorite DH Diamond MGA94_53 TS Total Station NGYRO North Seeking Gyro Budjan Creek E46/1393 GEBC1393 PHASE 4 GRVL gravel BLK Blank C Contaminated S Strong water flow BU Blue SW Slightly Weathered Ocp Caprock Regolith Gan Andesite Igneous fel felsic Composition MG Medium Grained 1.0 - 5.0mm sug sugary frc "fracture,in fractures" ad adularia acl Chlorite Chlorite alteration 3 Strong/Pervasive Vptg Pegmatite vein py Pyrite 4 Medium strong rock Cannot be scraped or peeled by a pocketknife. Specimen can be fractured with a single firm blow of a geological hammer. TOSA Top of Saprock B0 "bedding, intact" 5 Irregular 5 hackly FE limonite/iron oxide UNKN Unknown UNKN Unknown Bonney Downs E46/1355 GEBD141 PHASE 5 HCORE half core RSPLT Resplit NR Not Recorded CL Colourless FR Fresh Ocy Clay Regolith Gao Anorthosite Igneous gab gabbroic Composition MC Medium - Coarse Grained ppb porphyroblastic aug augen textured or as augen ae andradite acy Clay Clay alteration 4 Extreme VAM Amphibole (undif) cp Chalcopyrite 5 Strong rock Specimen requires more than one blow of geological hammer to fracture it. TOFR Top of Fresh Rock B1 "Natural bedding plane fracture, not broken by drilling" QZ quartz Mt Sainthill EL22349 MEMH104 PHASE 6 QCORE quarter core COMP Composite Sample CR Cream Odu Duricrust general Regolith Gap Aplite Igneous int intermediate Composition CG Coarse Grained > 5.0mm blk blocky bou boudinaged af allophane aep Epidote Epidote alteration VCA Calcite au Gold 6 Very strong rock Specimen requires many blows of geological hammer to fracture it. RABhammer RAB Hammer B2 "Bedding plane fracture, uncertain if B1 or B3" TA talc Twins Bore EL31130 MEMH107 PHASE 7 WCORE whole cole GR Green Ofc Ferricrete Regolith Gcb Carbonatite Igneous maf mafic Composition VC Very Coarse Grained grb granoblastic cbx crackle brecciated ag anglesite afu Fuchsite Fuchsite alteration VCB Carbonate (undif) mo Molybdenum 7 Extremely strong rock Specimen can only be chipped with a geological hammer. RABblade RAB Blade B3 "Bedding plane fracture, broken by drilling or blasting" GY gypsum Mine ML23825 RC PHASE 1 GY Grey Ogo Gossan Regolith Gcp Clinopyroxenite Igneous maf? mafic? Composition acc acicular clv cleaved ah anhydrite ahe Hematite Hematite alteration VCH Chlorite sn Stannite WT Water Table B4 "Bedding plane fracture (B1 to B3), but not continuous across the core" CC chalcocite Plant ML24429 RC PHASE 2 KH Khaki Ogv Gravel Regolith Gdc Dacite Igneous peg pegmatitic Composition adc adcumulate textured crn crenulated ai almandine amt Magnetite VCS Calc-silicate (undif) J1 Natural geological joint CP chalcopyrite Camp ML25721 RC PHASE 3 LM Lime Ogy Gypcrete Regolith Gdl Dolerite Igneous sil silicic Composition agg agglomeratic cta cataclastic ak ankerite asi Silica Silica alteration VEP Epidote J2 "Geological joint, uncertain if J1 or J3" GA galena Bonya JV EL29701 MEBY101 MK Milky Ohm Humus Regolith Gdn Dunite Igneous umf Ultramafic Composition alt alternating ctt contorted al alunite asr Serecite Serecite alteration VFE Iron Oxides (undif) J3 "Geological joint, initially cemented by infill, but broken by drilling or blasting" MO molybdenite Bonya JV EL32167 MEBY102 StandardID MV Mauve Ohp Hardpan Regolith Gdr Diorite Igneous bi biotite Mineral amd amygdaloidal fau "faulted,fault" am amphibole (general) atm Tourmaline Tourmaline alteration VFS Feldspar (undif) J4 Geological fracture (J1 to J3) but not continuous across core PY pyrite Alford EL6529 OREAS 242 OR Orange Oic Indurated clay Regolith Gft Felsite Igneous gt garnet Mineral ams amorphous fld "folded,folds" an andalusite blc Bleached VMN Manganese Oxides (undif) F1 "geological fault with slicken sides, gouge or other evidence of shear movement" SP sphalerite Tickera EL6255 OREAS 624 PK Pink Olg Lag Regolith Gfu Felsic rock Igneous fol "foliated, foliation" Structure ang angular iso isoclinal ao asbestos cls Calc-silicate VSF Sulphate F2 Zone of multiple core breaks induced by drilling NC no coating or infill GMO-11 PU Purple Olo Loam Regolith Ggb Gabbro Igneous shd sheared Structure anh anhedral jnt "jointed,joining" ap apatite grs Greisenized VSU Sulphide (undif) V1 "Vein cemented with infill, continuous across core" UN Unsure/other than coded/unidentified GMO-12 RD Red Olt Laterite Regolith Ggd Granodiorite Igneous frs Fresh Weathering aph aphanitic lin lineated or forming lineation ar aragonite hyd Hydrothermal VTO Tourmaline V2 "Vein, not continuous across core" GW-01 TN Tan Omd Mud Regolith Ggp Granophyre Igneous ? Questionable apy aphyric myl mylonitic as arsenopyrite hyp Hypogene C1 "Natural geological contact between two different rock types, not broken by drilling" DrillMethod GW-02 WH White Oou "Overburden, general" Regolith Ggt Granite Igneous ind indurated Regolith bdc "bedded, convoluted" phy phylitic at antigorite mts Metasomatic C2 "Geological contact, uncertain whether C1 or C3" Code Desc GW-03 YE Yellow Ops Podsol Regolith Ggu "Granitic rock (undifferentiated), granitoid" Igneous aag advanced argillic Alteration bdg "bedded, graded" ptg ptygmatic au gold (auridium) per Pervasive C3 "Geological contact, initially intact but broken by drilling or blasting" Bit GMO-10 Opt Plinthite Regolith Ghb Hornblendite Igneous abi biotite alteration Alteration bdi interbedded sch "schistose,schistosity" aw allanite phc Phyllic C4 "Geological contact (C1 to C3), but not broken by drilling or blasting" Blade GMB914-6 Orb Rubble Regolith Ghz Harzburgite Igneous acb carbonate alteration Alteration bdk "bedded, thick" scl "schlieren textured,schlieren" ax anatase pot Potassic S1 Shear zone (zone of closely spaced shear fractures not classed as F1). Hammer OREAS 45H Osa A-horizon soil Regolith Gkb Kimberlite Igneous acl chlorite alteration Alteration bdl "bedded, laminar" shd sheared ay anthophyllite prp Propylitic X1 Fold axis NR Osb B-horizon soil Regolith Glg Leucogranite Igneous acy clay alteration Alteration bdm "bedded, medium" sls slickensided az azurite spl Ppilitic U1 Un-oriented section of core Osc C-horizon soil Regolith Glm Lamprophyre Igneous asi silica alteration Alteration bdn "bedded, thin" tec tectonic ba barite srp Serpentinized NN "Rock surface not observable, eg; covered by loose rock or soil, or by ground support such as shotcrete etc" Osk Scree Regolith Glt Latite Igneous asr serecite alteration Alteration bdr "bedded, irregular" unf unfoliated bi biotite aa agate Osl "Silt, unconsolidated" Regolith Gmu Mafic (undifferentiated) Igneous atm tourmaline alteration Alteration bds "bedded, massive" vnd veined bn bornite ab albite Osn "Sand, unconsolidated" Regolith Gmz Monzonite Igneous grs greisenized Alteration bdt "bedded, turbiditic" bs bismuthinite ac actinolite Ost Silcrete Regolith Gnr Norite Igneous hyd hydrothermal Alteration bdv "bedded, varved" ca calcite ad adularia Osu "Soil, general" Regolith Gop Orthopyroxenite Igneous hyp hypogene Alteration bdw "bedded, wavy" cb carbonate (also vein carbonate) ae andradite Rcz Clay zone Regolith Gpg Pegmatite Igneous mts metasomatic Alteration bdx "bedded, cross" cc chalcocite af allophane Rfr Fresh rock Regolith Gph Phonolite Igneous per pervasive Alteration bed "bedded, bedding" cd chloritoid ag anglesite Ric Indurated clay Regolith Gpp Porphyry Igneous phc phyllic Alteration blb blebs ce cerussite ah anhydrite Rls Lower saprolite Regolith Gpr Peridotite Igneous prp propylitic Alteration bot botryoidal cf coffinite ai almandine Rlt Laterite (in situ) Regolith Gpy Pyroxenite Igneous acd acid Composition brn "branchings, anastomosing" cg cerargyrite (chlorargyrite) ak ankerite Rsc Silica cap Regolith Gqd Quartz diorite Igneous alk alkaline general Composition cch conchoidal ch chrysocolla al alunite Rsp Saprolite Regolith Gqg Quartz gabbro Igneous amb amphibolitic Composition cls clastic or as clasts ci carnotite am amphibole (general) Rsr Saprock Regolith Gql Quartz latite Igneous and andesitic Composition cnv convoluted (but not bedding) cj chabazite an andalusite Rus Upper saprolite Regolith Gqm Quartz monzonite Igneous apl aplitic Composition con "concretionary, concretions" ck chalcedony ao asbestos Ruu unidentified rock Uncategorised Grd Rhyodacite Igneous arg argillaceous Composition cry cryptocrystalline cl chlorite ap apatite Rsc Silica cap Uncategorised Gry Rhyolite Igneous ark arkosic Composition csp clast supported cm chromite ar aragonite Gsp Serpentinite Metamorphic arn arenaceous Composition ctg coatings cn carbon (carbonaceous) as arsenopyrite Gsy Syenite Igneous ash ash bearing Composition dis disseminated co cordierite at antigorite Gta Trachyandesite Igneous bas basic Composition dlr doleritic cp chalcopyrite au gold (auridium) Gtj Trondhjemite Igneous bic bioclastic Composition ear earthy cq chrysoprase aw allanite Gto Tonalite Igneous bst basaltic Composition eqg equigranular cr cuprite ax anatase Gtr Trachyte Igneous cgt conglomeratric Composition euth euthedral cs cherty silica ay anthophyllite Gub Ultrabasic (undifferentiated) Igneous cln clean (washed) Composition fgm fragmental ct cassiterite az azurite Gum Ultramafic (undifferentiated) Igneous cmt "cemented, cement" Composition fib fibrous cu copper(native) ba barite Guu Igneous rock (undifferentiated) Igneous cty cherty Composition fis fissile cv covellite bi biotite Jssd Algaebuckina Sandstone Sediments dac dacitic Composition flb flow banded cx clinopyroxene bn bornite Mam Amphibolite Metamorphic dir dioritic Composition flg flaggy cy clay (general) bs bismuthinite Mch Charnokitic Igneous dlr doleritic Composition flt flattened cz clinozoisite ca calcite Mcs Calc-silicate Metamorphic dol dolomitic Composition fri "friable,loose" di diopside cb carbonate (also vein carbonate) Mes Endoskarn Metamorphic dty dirty Composition fst felsitic do dolomite cc chalcocite Mfs Felsic schist Metamorphic dun dunitic Composition glp glomero-porphyritic dr dravite cd chloritoid Mgf Felsic Gneiss (undifferentiated) Metamorphic fer ferruginious Composition gls glassy en enargite ce cerussite Mgm Mafic gneiss (undifferentiated) Metamorphic fsp feldspathic Composition gns gneissic ep epidote cf coffinite Mgn Gneiss (undifferentiated) Metamorphic fst felsitic Composition het heterogeneous er erythrite cg cerargyrite (chlorargyrite) Mgr Granulite Metamorphic gfp granophyric Composition hfl hornfelsic fc NULL ch chrysocolla Mhf Hornfels Metamorphic grd granodioritic Composition hom homogeneous fe iron oxide ci carnotite Mmb Marble Metamorphic grn granitic Composition hrd "hard,hardened" fl fluorite cj chabazite Mmi Migmatite Metamorphic hmg high magnesium (basalt) Composition imb imbricated fm ferro-magnesian mineral ck chalcedony Mms Mafic schist (undifferentiated) Metamorphic kom komatitic Composition ing intergranular fu fuchsite cl chlorite Mmu Metamorphic (undifferentiated) Metamorphic lab labile Composition inq inequigranular fx feldspar cm chromite Moa Ortho-amphibolite Metamorphic leu leucocratic Composition irr "irregular (but not bedding, see bedding)" ga galena cn carbon (carbonaceous) Mog Ortho-gneiss Metamorphic lim limey as in limestone Composition ist interstitial ge gersdorffite co cordierite Mpa Para-amphibolite Metamorphic lth lithic Composition kng knotted gh gahnite cp chalcopyrite Mpg Para-gneiss Metamorphic mag magnetic Composition lap "lappilli textured, lapilli" gi garnierite cq chrysoprase Mph Phyllite Metamorphic mel melanocratic Composition len lenticular gl glauconite cr cuprite Msc Schist Metamorphic mgw magnetic but weakly lomag Composition mas "massive (but not bedding, see bds)" gn garnet cs cherty silica Msk Skarn Metamorphic mmc monomictic Composition mct mesocumulate textured go goethite ct cassiterite Mst Slate Metamorphic mnz monzonitic Composition mig migmatitic gr graphite cu copper(native) Msu "Metasediment, general" Metamorphic mud muddy Composition mtx matrix (in or of) gs grossularite cv covellite Mvu "Metavolcanic, general" Metamorphic olg oligomictic Composition mxs matrix supported gt grunerite cx clinopyroxene Mxs Exoskarn Metamorphic ool "oolitic,oolites,ooliths" Composition nod nodular gy gypsum cy clay (general) Ois Ironstone Sediments pal pallid Composition ocl ocellar hb hornblende cz clinozoisite Oln Llignite Sediments pel pelitic Composition oct orthocumulate textured hd hedenbergite di diopside Otr Travertine Sediments plm polymictic Composition pil pillowed he hematite do dolomite Rbn Backfilled stope Misc pot potassic (mull) Composition plt peletoidal hm heavy minerals dr dravite Rbx Breccia Uncategorised rhy rhyolitic Composition por porphyritic or as phenocrysts hy hypersthene en enargite Rcb Carbonate (undifferentiated) Sediments ryd rhyodacitic Composition prd predominant or main im ilmenite ep epidote Rcc Cataclasite Metamorphic shy shaley Composition prs porous ja jarosite er erythrite Rfb Fault breccia Uncategorised sly silty Composition ptc perthitic ka kaolin fc NULL Rfz "Fault rock, fault zone (undifferentiated)" Uncategorised sny sandy Composition rad radiating kf K-feldspar fe iron oxide Rgs Greisen Metamorphic spl spilitised Composition rdd rounded ky kyanite fl fluorite Rgx Gouge Heterolithic srp serpentinised Composition rel relict lc limonite after carbonate fm ferro-magnesian mineral Rku "Rock, general or rock type" Uncategorised sty slatey Composition rex recrystallized li limonite fu fuchsite Rln "Rock, not logged" Uncategorised syt syenitic Composition rip "rippled, ripples" ll lepidolite fx feldspar Rms "Massive, any mineral" Uncategorised thl tholeiitic Composition rod "rodded, columnar" lp limonite after pyrite ga galena Rmy Mylonite Metamorphic ton tonalitic Composition san subangular ls limonite after sulphide ge gersdorffite Rnc Contamination Misc ubc ultrabasic Composition sbh subhedral lx leucoxene gh gahnite Rnh Void/hole Misc vit vitric Composition sbo subordinate lz lizardite gi garnierite Rnp Stope Misc vol volcanolithic Composition sbr subrounded mc microcline gl glauconite Rns No sample return Misc aeo aeolian Genetic sfx spinifex textured mg magnesite gn garnet Rnw Wood Misc all allochthonous Genetic skl skeletal mh maghemite go goethite Rph Phyllonite Metamorphic alv alluvial Genetic sph spherulitic mi mica gr graphite Rtt Tectonic Uncategorised aqu aqueous Genetic srg sorting good mk malachite gs grossularite Ruu Unidentified rock Uncategorised aut autochthonous Genetic stl stylolitic ml mineral (general) gt grunerite Rvc Vein - carbonate Veining clp collapse (as in collapse breccia) Genetic stm sorting moderate mn manganese oxides gy gypsum Rvq Vein - quartz Veining col colluvial Genetic stp sorting poor mo molybdenite hb hornblende Rvu Vein general Veining dep depositional Genetic stb stringy beef mr marcasite hd hedenbergite Sag Argillite Sediments dig diagenetic Genetic thk "thick, large" mt magnetite he hematite Sak Arkose Sediments dyk occurring as a dyke Genetic thn "thin, small" mu muscovite hm heavy minerals Sar Arenite Sediments elv eluvial Genetic tnn transitional mz monazite hy hypersthene Sbo Boundstone Sediments epc epiclastic Genetic trc trachytic nd NULL im ilmenite Sbx Sedimentary breccia Sediments epg epigenetic Genetic ufx uniform textured ne neotocite ja jarosite Sca Calcarenite Sediments ept epithermal Genetic var variolitic nf nepheline ka kaolin Scg Conglomerate Sediments ext extrusive Genetic ves vesicular nt nontronite kf K-feldspar Scl Calcilutite Sediments flv fluviatile Genetic vgd variegated oc orthoclase ky kyanite Sco Coal Sediments flw occurring as a flow Genetic vrm vermiform ol olivine lc limonite after carbonate Scr Calcirudite Sediments glc glacigenic Genetic vug vuggy op opaline silica li limonite Sct Chert Sediments igb ignimbritic Genetic vvvd varved ox orthopyroxene ll lepidolite Scy Claystone Sediments inf intraformational Genetic wld welded pf pyrophyllite lp limonite after pyrite Sdi Diatomite Sediments ins in situ Genetic wvb wavey bedded ph phosphate (general) ls limonite after sulphide Sdm Diamictite Sediments itv intrusive Genetic xen xenolithic pi pitchblende lx leucoxene Sdo Dolomite Sediments mma amphibolite facies Genetic xsb crossbedded pl plagioclase lz lizardite Sdu "Sediment, general" Sediments mme "metamorphic, metamorphosed" Genetic xtl crystalline pm pyromorphite mc microcline Sex Exhalite Sediments mmg greenschist facies Genetic pn pentlandite mg magnesite Sgr Grit Sediments mmh high grade metamorphism Genetic po pyrrhotite mh maghemite Sgs Grainstone Sediments mml low grade metamorphism Genetic pp phlogopite mi mica Sgw Greywacke Sediments mmm medium grade metamorphism Genetic pr prehnite mk malachite Sif Iron formation general Sediments mmn granulite facies Genetic ps psilomelane ml mineral (general) Sio Iron formation oxide facies Sediments ocp outcrop Genetic pt platinum mn manganese oxides Sjs "Jaspilite, jasper" Sediments pmy primary Genetic px pyroxene mo molybdenite Slm Limestone Sediments pyc pyroclastic Genetic py pyrite mr marcasite Smc Micrite Sediments rew reworked Genetic pz pyrolusite mt magnetite Smd Mudstone Sediments sec secondary Genetic qc quartz - carbonate mixture mu muscovite Smg Magnesite Sediments sed sedimentary Genetic qz quartz mz monazite Sml Marl Sediments sll occurring as a sill Genetic rb riebeckite nd NULL Spa Packstone Sediments syg syngenetic Genetic rc rhodochrosite ne neotocite Spe Pelite Sediments trn transported Genetic rd rhodonite nf nepheline Sph Phosphorite Sediments tuf tuffaceous Genetic ru rutile nt nontronite Sqo Ortho-quartzite Sediments tur turbiditic Genetic sa sanidine oc orthoclase Sqt Quartitzite Sediments gzb bouldery (>256mm) (grain size) Grainsize sb stibnite ol olivine Srd Rudite Sediments gzc coarse grained (0.5-1.0mm) Grainsize sc scapolite op opaline silica Srs Rudstone Sediments gzf fine grained (0.1-0.25mm) Grainsize sd siderite ox orthopyroxene Ssa Sub-arkose Sediments gzg "granule, gritty (2.0-4.0mm)" Grainsize se serpentine pf pyrophyllite Ssh Shale Sediments gzm medium grained (0.25-0.5mm) (grain size) Grainsize sf sphene ph phosphate (general) Ssl Siltstone Sediments gzo cobbly (16-256mm) (grain size) Grainsize sh scheelite pi pitchblende Ssn Sandstone Sediments gzp pebbly (4-16mm) (grain size) Grainsize si silica pl plagioclase Ssq Sub-greywacke Sediments gzv very fine grained (<0.1mm) (grain size) Grainsize sl sillimanite pm pyromorphite Stb Turbidite Sediments gzy very coarse grained (1.0=2.0mm) (grain size) Grainsize sm montmorillonite pn pentlandite Sti Tillite Sediments are arenose (weathering profile term) Regolith so scorodite po pyrrhotite Swk Wacke Sediments blc bleached Regolith sp sphalerite pp phlogopite Tac Acid tuff Igneous bxw boxworked (as in limonite after sulphide-regolith) Regolith sr sericite pr prehnite Tan Andesitic tuff Igneous cap capping Regolith ss smithsonite ps psilomelane Tdc Dacitic tuff Igneous ccr calcreted Regolith st staurolite pt platinum Tll Lithic tuff Igneous fcr ferricreted Regolith sx sulphates (general) px pyroxene Tlv Lthic vitric tuff Igneous fus fe-rich upper saprolite Regolith tb torbanite py pyrite Tlx Lithic crystal tuff Igneous gly gley Regolith tc talc pz pyrolusite Try Rhyolitic tuff Igneous gos gossanous Regolith tm tourmaline qc quartz - carbonate mixture Tta Trachyandesitic tuff Igneous hpn hardpan Regolith tn tennanite qz quartz Ttb Basic tuff Igneous lat lateritic Regolith to tochilinite rb riebeckite Ttc Trachytic tuff Igneous lch leached (not saprolite) Regolith tr tremolite rc rhodochrosite Ttf Felsic tuff Igneous lir lithorelics Regolith tt tetrahedrite rd rhodonite Tti Intermediate tuff Igneous lom loamy Regolith tz topaz ru rutile Ttm Mafic tuff Igneous lsg liesegang Regolith ur uraninite sa sanidine Ttu "Tuff, general" Igneous lus leached upper saprolite Regolith ux uranium minerals (general) sb stibnite Tub Ultrabasic tuff Igneous oxd oxidized Regolith vl violarite sc scapolite Turn Ultramafic tuff Igneous ped pedogenic Regolith vq vein quartz sd siderite Tvl Victric lithic tuff Igneous res residual Regolith vs vesuvianite (idocrase) se serpentine Tvv Vitric tuff Igneous rls lower saprolite (reduced) Regolith wf wolframite sf sphene Tvx Vitric crystal tuff Igneous sap saprolitic Regolith wl willemite sh scheelite Txl Crystal lithic tuff Igneous sfl surficial Regolith wo wollastonite si silica Txv Crystal vitric tuff Igneous sit silcreted Regolith ze zeolite sl sillimanite Txx Crystal tuff Igneous spg supergene Regolith zo zoisite sm montmorillonite Vag "Agglomerate, volcanic" Igneous aug augen textured or as augen Structure so scorodite Van Andesitic volcanic Igneous bou boudinaged Structure sp sphalerite Vbs Basalt Igneous bxx brecciated Structure sr sericite Vdc Dacitic volcanic Igneous cbx crackle brecciated Structure ss smithsonite Vft Felsitic volcanic Igneous clv cleaved Structure st staurolite Vhc Hyaloclastite Igneous crn crenulated Structure sx sulphates (general) Vhm High magnesium basalt Igneous cta cataclastic Structure tb torbanite Vig Ignimbrite Igneous ctt contorted Structure tc talc Vkm Komatiite Igneous fau "faulted,fault" Structure tm tourmaline Vkt Keratophyre Igneous fld "folded,folds" Structure tn tennanite Vlh Lahar Igneous frc "fracture, in fractures" Structure to tochilinite Vob Obsidian Igneous iso isoclinal Structure tr tremolite Vpc Pyroclastic Igneous jnt "jointed,joining" Structure tt tetrahedrite Vpp Peperite Igneous lin lineated or forming lineation Structure tz topaz Vrd Rhyodacitic volcanic Igneous myl mylonitic Structure ur uraninite Vry Rhyolitic volcanic Igneous phy phylitic Structure ux uranium minerals (general) Vsp Spilite Igneous ptg ptygmatic Structure vl violarite Vta Trachyandesitic volcanic (latite) Igneous sch "schistose, schistosity" Structure vq vein quartz Vtb Trachybasaltic volcanic Igneous scl "schlieren textured, schlieren" Structure vs vesuvianite (idocrase) Vtc Trachytic volcanic Igneous sls slickensided Structure wf wolframite Vth Tholeiitic volcanic Igneous tec tectonic Structure wl willemite Vub Ultrabasic volcanic Igneous unf unfoliated Structure wo wollastonite Vum Ultramafic volcanic Igneous acc acicular Texture ze zeolite Vva Acid volcanic Igneous adc adcumulate textured Texture zo zoisite Vvb Basic volcanic Igneous agg agglomeratic Texture Vvc Volcaniclastic Igneous alt alternating Texture Vvf Felsic volcanic Igneous amd amygdaloidal Texture Vvi Intermediate volcanic Igneous ams amorphous Texture Vvm Mafic volcanic Igneous ang angular Texture Vvu Volcanic undifferentiated Igneous anh anhedral Texture MGRF granulite-felsic aph aphanitic Texture MGRI granulite-intermediate apy aphyric Texture MGRM granulite-mafic bdb "bedded, banded" Texture GPPF porphyry-felsic bdc "bedded, convoluted" Texture GPPI porphyry-intermediate bdg "bedded, graded" Texture GPPM porphyry-mafic bdi interbedded Texture MGI gneiss-intermediate bdk "bedded, thick" Texture OLK Lacustrine clays bdl "bedded, laminar" Texture OCZ CLAY ZONE bdm "bedded, medium" Texture OIC INDURATED CLAY - OVERBURDEN bdn "bedded, thin" Texture Ocl Colluvium bdr "bedded, irregular" Texture Oal Alluvium bds "bedded, massive" Texture Oel Eluvium bdt "bedded, turbiditic" Texture OAE Aeolian bdv "bedded, varved" Texture bdw "bedded, wavy" Texture bdx "bedded, cross" Texture bed "bedded, bedding" Texture blb blebs Texture blk blocky Texture bnd banded Texture bot botryoidal Texture brn "branchings, anastomosing" Texture cch conchoidal Texture cls clastic or as clasts Texture cnv convoluted (but not bedding) Texture con "concretionary, concretions" Texture cry cryptocrystalline Texture csp clast supported Texture ctg coatings Texture dis disseminated Texture ear earthy Texture eqg equigranular Texture euth euthedral Texture fgm fragmental Texture fib fibrous Texture fis fissile Texture flb flow banded Texture flg flaggy Texture flt flattened Texture fri "friable, loose" Texture glp glomero-porphyritic Texture gls glassy Texture gns gneissic Texture grb granoblastic Texture het heterogeneous Texture hfl hornfelsic Texture hom homogeneous Texture hrd "hard, hardened" Texture imb imbricated Texture ing intergranular Texture inq inequigranular Texture irr "irregular (but not bedding, see bedding)" Texture ist interstitial Texture kng knotted Texture lap "lappilli textured, lapilli" Texture len lenticular Texture mas "massive (but not bedding, see bds)" Texture mct mesocumulate textured Texture mig migmatitic Texture mtx matrix (in or of) Texture mxs matrix supported Texture nod nodular Texture ocl ocellar Texture oct orthocumulate textured Texture pil pillowed Texture plt peletoidal Texture por porphyritic or as phenocrysts Texture ppb porphyroblastic Texture prd predominant or main Texture prs porous Texture ptc perthitic Texture rad radiating Texture rdd rounded Texture rel relict Texture rex recrystallized Texture rip "rippled, ripples" Texture rod "rodded, columnar" Texture san subangular Texture sbh subhedral Texture sbo subordinate Texture sbr subrounded Texture sfx spinifex textured Texture skl skeletal Texture sph spherulitic Texture srg sorting good Texture stl stylolitic Texture stm sorting moderate Texture stp sorting poor Texture sug sugary Texture thk "thick, large" Texture thn "thin, small" Texture tnn transitional Texture trc trachytic Texture ufx uniform textured Texture var variolitic Texture ves vesicular Texture vgd variegated Texture vrm vermiform Texture vug vuggy Texture vvvd varved Texture wld welded Texture wvb wavey bedded Texture xen xenolithic Texture xsb crossbedded Texture xtl crystalline Texture vcb carbonate veined Veining vlc vein on lithologic contact Veining vlt veinlet Veining vmr "massive vein,reef" Veining vqc quartz carbonate veined Veining vqz quartz veined Veining vsk stockworked or as stockworks Veining vst stringers Veining vsv vein sub vertical Veining whl "Weathered, Highly" Weathering wmd "Weathered, Moderately" Weathering wsl "Weathered, Slightly" Weathering