H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 20-Aug-16 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 02-Jul-16 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no GR043/09 H0101 Tenement_holder Cameco Australia Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Beatrice H0106 Tenement_operator Alligator Energy H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SD5301 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5572 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 03-Jul-15 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 02-Jul-16 H0202 Data_format SG4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 1025 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 20-Aug-16 H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File BT_NTSG4_SURF2016A.txt BT_NTSG4_SGEO2016A.txt BT_NTSG4_WATE2016A.txt BT_NTSG4_SMAP2016A.txt H0308 File verification List BT_Verification_List_2016.txt H0319 SURFQAQC_data_file H0500 Feature_located Surface Sample H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum Nominal H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_location_Survey_Instrument GPS H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company Alligator Energy H0538 Surface_Geophysical_Survey_Instrument H0539 Surface_Geophysical_Survey_Company H0600 Sample_Code H0601 Sample_Type H0602 Sample_description H0700 Sample_Prep_Code H0701 Sample_Prep_Desc H0702 Job_no multiple H0800 Assay_code H0801 Assay_company H0802 Assay_description H0900 Remarks Logging codes.xls can be found in the appendices of this report. H1000 Sample ID Easting_MGA Northing_MGA Sample Type DataSet Map Point Orig_Grid_ID Orig_RL Lease_ID Company Prospect Geologist Year Date_Sampled Comments CPS BG Scint Photo_ID Colour Lith_Plot Lith1_Code Lith2_Code Formation Fabric_A Fab_A_Dip Fab_A_Strike Fabric_B Fab_B_Dip Fab_B_Strike Fabric_C Fab_C_Dip Fab_C_Strike Structure1 Struct1_Dip Struct1_Strike Structure2 Struct2_Dip Struct2_Strike H1001 NA metres metres NA NA NA NA metres NA NA NA NA NA Date NA CPS CPS NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA degrees degrees NA degrees degrees NA degrees degrees NA degrees degrees NA degrees degrees H1002 H1003 H1004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H1005 H1006 H1007 D BT15_MP461 303830 8606300 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 No exposure complete fine sandy/clay cover. Heli landing spot. COV ALV D BT15_MP462 303930 8606190 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 No exposure, deep cover, greater than 6ft observed in creekline. Few sst and qtz pebbles. COV ALV D BT15_MP463 304080 8606190 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Base of ridge trending 310-130. No exposure to SW. Ridge = iron rich strongly oxidised coarse mafic unit. Dolerite with typical red soil. DOL DOL D BT15_MP464 304140 8606200 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Round dol boulders at base of ridge. Med-coarse crystaline black and pink unit. Appears to extend up ridge to NW. No exposure to SW DOL DOL D BT15_MP465 304225 8606222 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 SE end of dol ridge. Runs to point 4. No exposure to south on flat alluvial plane. Blocky weathered dol scree and red soil, ridge base trending NNE-N on eastern edge. DOL DOL D BT15_MP466 304286 8606314 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Walking NNE along Dolerite base of exposure. Mad crazy think viney plant (hard going!) DOL DOL D BT15_MP467 304307 8606000 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 No exposure walking across to south east. COV ALV D BT15_MP468 304248 8606344 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Back tracked to ridge, Walking up ridge to determine geology, more blocky weathering, crystaline unit, high relative density, iron rich lith with moderate quartz content. Variable intrusives part of dolerites? DOL DOL D BT15_MP469 304108 8606390 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Dolerite, round boulders, onion skin weathering, black and pink crystaline unit. DOL DOL D BT15_MP470 304042 8606437 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Black and pink dolerite. VERY thick viney shit! Itchey and tangly!! Grrrr! DOL DOL D BT15_MP471 303932 8606447 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Base of dol ridge. Dol to east, no exposure to west, south west and north east! Hell crazy thick viney 10-11 don’t go there, not worth it! DOL DOL D BT15_MP472 303850 8606561 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Dol and Gns scree. Qtz Bi Fs laminated gneiss similar mineralogically to dolerite. Very hard competent gneiss. Black and pink laminated gns GNS GNS D BT15_MP473 303844 8606595 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Blocky outcrop. Fine almost granular lith, yellow with moderate clay alteration. Quartzite? North of dol and gns QZT QZT D BT15_MP474 303784 8606639 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 No exposure around creek line. Boulders in creek not insitu but predominantly porphyritic dolerite and quartz biotite gns. COV ALV D BT15_MP475 303698 8606642 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Moving east loose rocks appear QZT dominant weathering in blocks. Few gneiss erratics. QZT QZT D BT15_MP476 303628 8606637 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Atop Quartzite mound. Brecciated appearance with some silicification, quartz stockwork and irregular oxidised fracture surfaces. Everything loose and unorientable. Clay alteration evident, moderate, pale yellow mineral. Strong indicator of structure assoc QBX QZBX D BT15_MP477 303462 8606606 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 16-17 prodominantly QZT scree with some Gneiss clasts. Here is small quartz bi fs, clack and white crystaline granodiorite occurrence. Large boulders associating with small ridge runing E-W. GDT GDT D BT15_MP478 303431 8606648 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Almost granular with moderate clay alteration, quartzite. Brecciated appearance and some quartz stockwork QZT QZT D BT15_MP479 303412 8606738 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Red/brown soil hill, poor exposure up hill, softer lithology weathering out, small oxidised rock chips possibly more muscovitic and schistose? SST pebbles and scree increasing upslope. Very poor exposure no true indication of basement. SCH SCH D BT15_MP480 303391 8606770 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Near top of hillock at U/C. Sandstone cap to small hill with yellow and purpple mottled unit below. No clear orientation though appears relatively flat/shallow dip to NW? Schistose fabric, arkosic appearance smear zone? SCH SCH D BT15_MP481 303496 8606582 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Hard round boulders, laminated appearance, quartz biotite gneiss, few feld porphyroblasts. GNS GNS D BT15_MP482 303495 8606524 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 SST scree and quartz breccia clasts. Western base edge of exposure (no exposure to S/SE) QBX QZBX D BT15_MP483 303512 8606440 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Strongly weathered softer more felsic intrusive, Qtz Mu Fs. More felsic than dolerite group granodiorite. No foliation. Following base of exposure. GDT GDT D BT15_MP484 303485 8606377 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Base of exposure, cover to South/South East. Gns and Gdt scree. Black and white Qtz biotite units. GNS GNS D BT15_MP485 303533 8606378 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Following creek line large very coarse porphyritic dolerite, little to no exposure either side. DOL DOL D BT15_MP486 303708 8606304 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42196 Following creek line large very coarse porphyritic dolerite, little to no exposure either side with cover, likely small intrusive dyke trending creek line with softer lithology undercover. DOL DOL D BT15_MP487 312922 8607541 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Reconnissance of BT1 East MMR survey. Gusty morning in chopper, dropped on escarpment to work down to west. Looking over anomaly area, appears to slope steeply down to Beatrice flats and likely dominated by cover. Tricky decent from SST, looking along cli IMG_20150715_081452_935 SST SST D BT15_MP488 312917 8607473 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 On unconformity. Found a way down. Very steep slope from UC down to flats. Basement lithology purple and light green mottled appearance with moderate heam and sericite alteration. Unit appears strongly kinked and folded. Quarz rich lith remaining fairly g IMG_20150715_091356_294, IMG_20150715_091408_593 SCH SCH QZT S0 36 290 S0 40 268 D BT15_MP489 312905 8607454 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Best UC exposure ever. Highly variable unit, quartz rich remaining fairly granular, moderate sericite and heam alteration. Finer silty horizons primarily heam altered and show ductile deformation between quartzite beds. Smear zone fractured throughout. SCH SCH QZT D BT15_MP490 312939 8607395 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Lith below UC dipping moderatley towards NW, semi-pelie of old? Garnetiferous schistose horizons with quartzitic beds dominant. Indication of folding with almost opposite dip direction of fabric from previous location 100m to NW. QZT QZT SLT S0 35 70 D BT15_MP491 312871 8607403 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 (Awesome Olive python!) Working down slope, poor exposure on very steep bank, SST, QZT and silty scree. QZT QZT SLT D BT15_MP492 312828 8607438 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Unconformity smear lithology (purple and cream, moderately schistose unit and QZT bands) and SST scree. Relatively poor exposure. Cat scratch thick vine again BT sucks! QZT QZT SCH D BT15_MP493 312752 8607461 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Poor exposure, few large SST boulders, purple and cream smear scree and few Quartz Muscovite schist rocks. Possibly softer lithology weathering out. (see bag of rocks 7). Scree clasts show strong folded nature, no insitu exposure visible, but scree cannot SCH SCH QZT D BT15_MP494 312618 8607502 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Run-off gully few transported rounder rocks. Primarily SST scree but some large Mu schist clasts present with garnetiferous layers (equivalent of SH semi-pelite? Quartz boudinages bound by garnetiferous Mu schist laminations.) see rock 8 in todays bag of SCH SCH AMP D BT15_MP495 312538 8607520 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Loose rocks giving way to alluvial cover… Small schistose ridge to NE with deep red oxidised soil profile. Small Mu schist chips present. SCH SCH QZT D BT15_MP496 312389 8607552 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Again small strongly weathered scree only, dominated by blocky quartzite chips and few Mu schist chips. Poor exposure all loose. Burnt ground woohoo! QZT QZT SCH D BT15_MP497 312215 8607854 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Cover increasingly frustrating. Inferred continuation of Quartzite and Schist lithology with no changes in loose material. Small QZT and SCH chips. Few large Mu books visible in some chips. Now walking towards Gneiss ridgeline to north. SCH SCH QZT D BT15_MP498 312165 8607972 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 QBX ridge steep to vertical trending 020-200. similar to QBX ridge at SW corner of BT with core approx 2m wide. Small pronounced ridge associating with silicified structure. See rock 12 in todays bag. BRX QZBX QZT QBX 90 20 D BT15_MP499 312130 8608085 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Gneiss-Quartzite contact. Quartz Biotite gneiss to north, interbedded quartzite and schist to south. Small gully infers contact trending 052-232. Boulders and scree for exposure no orientable material. Time to head back to MMR target GNS GNS QZT contact 90 232 D BT15_MP500 312187 8607625 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Amphibolite/Quartz Biotite lithology and back to last northern point. QZT scree also with schistose chips indicating continuation of interbedded unit. AMP AMP QZT D BT15_MP501 312182 8607400 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 SST graveyard! Huge SST boulder field. Few small rock chips look quartzite like though very poor exposure. QZT QZT SCH D BT15_MP502 312240 8607255 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 SST graveyard continuing over MMR anomaly. No exposure of basement, allivial and SST cover COV ALV SST D BT15_MP503 312321 8607306 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Investigating over peak of MMR anomaly SST boulder and ALV cover. No in-situ exposure. COV ALV SST D BT15_MP504 312123 8607367 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Isoclinally folded rock clast, almost granular Quartzite. No in-situ exposure but loose rock strong indicator of Quartzite undercover very similar to Kudjumarndi quartzite. See photo IMG_20150715_132624_119 QZT QZT ALV D BT15_MP505 311858 8607330 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Walking through SST graveyard now at base of exposure, alluvial flat likely to dominate. Small weathered rock chips appear quartzite like. COV ALV QZT D BT15_MP506 311792 8607394 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Broad creekline running N-S, eroded bank shows cover >2m thick. Oxidised fine alluvial sediment with rounded pebble base of creek bank. Pebbles of several lithologies present, QZT, SCH, GNS, SST, GDT and Vv-coarse mu lithology. Inferred quartzite continui COV ALV QZT D BT15_MP507 311671 8607442 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 V-poor exposure but QZT and SCH loose chips dominant on flat within cover. Increasingly sandy soil with almost complete loss of any small chips within cover. COV ALV QZT D BT15_MP508 311369 8607523 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Shallow rise in topography on flat. Small angular weathered rock chips ~2cm. Oxidised and strongly weathered, few muscovitic schistose chips but Quartzite dominated almost granular rounded/folded pebbles. Continuing interbedded quartzite. QZT QZT SCH D BT15_MP509 311041 8607511 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Walking over peak of MMC anomaly, very poor exposure. In broad 1.5m deep washout shows deep cover profile.Loose transported rocks prodominantly small blocky dirty quaertzite clasts with weak Mu laminations. Burgundy-purple with oxidation, very small loose QZT QZT D BT15_MP510 310543 8607673 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Few rock chips in pig hole on alluvial flat. Blocky dirty quartzite. Weak to moderate foliation, purple oxidation, quartzite continuing parallel to gneiss ridge. QZT QZT D BT15_MP511 310243 8607738 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Broad washout, no exposure SST pebbles COV ALV D BT15_MP512 309009 8607531 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 No exposure on alluvial flat. Sine soil cover. COV ALV D BT15_MP513 308627 8607924 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42200 Washout showing >3m of cover in bank. Alluvial flat with no exposure. COV ALV D BT15_MP1 305577.2807 8608458.397 Mapping BT MGA94_53 96.640205 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Dolorite contact DOL Dol D BT15_MP2 305569.7555 8608526.83 Mapping BT MGA94_53 85.448822 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Dolorite contact DOL Dol D BT15_MP3 305603.434 8608400.606 Mapping BT MGA94_53 105.112167 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Dolorite outcrop up slope to south DOL Dol D BT15_MP4 305547.0702 8608330.736 Mapping BT MGA94_53 116.991585 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Dolorite continues west of gully DOL Dol D BT15_MP5 305538.2462 8608254.114 Mapping BT MGA94_53 134.002548 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Weathered hem dolorite DOL Dol D BT15_MP6 305533.4204 8608212.378 Mapping BT MGA94_53 141.370422 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Granodiorite (photo of rock on notepad) GNT Grdt D BT15_MP7 305531.7756 8608198.42 Mapping BT MGA94_53 142.48465 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Granodiorite contact GNT Grdt D BT15_MP8 305511.1221 8608104.023 Mapping BT MGA94_53 145.316315 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Brx zone, match with RD point. 60cps, 1.2ppm U, 3.4ppm Th 60 RS-125 BRX Fltz D BT15_MP9 305484.6317 8608068.214 Mapping BT MGA94_53 145.760635 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Altered Dolorite with schist zones DOL Dol D BT15_MP10 305425.9534 8607939.812 Mapping BT MGA94_53 174.06279 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Med/coarse dolo/Granodiorite. 80cps, 1.9ppm U, 2.4ppm Th 80 RS-125 GNT Grdt D BT15_MP11 305420.7172 8607815.308 Mapping BT MGA94_53 171.797562 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Med/coarse dolo/Granodiorite. 65cps, 0.5ppm U, 0.6ppm Th 65 RS-125 GNT Grdt D BT15_MP12 305478.5524 8607701.081 Mapping BT MGA94_53 167.366196 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Strongly hem altered - Ft zone? 80cps, 0.9ppm U, 0.6ppm Th 80 RS-125 BRX Fltz D BT15_MP13 305493.715 8607468.958 Mapping BT MGA94_53 168.273819 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Dolorite - Gneiss contact ~NNE. 160cps, 3.0ppm U, 10ppm Th 160 RS-125 DOL Dol D BT15_MP14 305477.4823 8607442.399 Mapping BT MGA94_53 170.384033 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Follows ct from 49 DOL Dol D BT15_MP18 305537.9834 8607335.165 Mapping BT MGA94_53 153.821487 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Gneiss, coarse dolo scree - ct in gully? No porph dolo west of gully. GNS GRGN D BT15_MP19 305556.1299 8607288.049 Mapping BT MGA94_53 135.847549 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Lower extent of porphyritic dolorite scree DOL Dol D BT15_MP23 305706.9941 8607171.693 Mapping BT MGA94_53 143.976669 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Granodiorite and gneiss GNT Grdt D BT15_MP24 305734.1185 8607082.147 Mapping BT MGA94_53 145.27121 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Weathered dolorite, 185cps, 1.0ppm U, 4.6ppm Th 185 RS-125 DOL Dol D BT15_MP25 305817.5545 8607116.572 Mapping BT MGA94_53 141.595505 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Dolo/gneiss contact DOL Dol D BT15_MP26 305869.7509 8607111.836 Mapping BT MGA94_53 150.504242 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 'dirty' quartzite with blocky weathering QZT Qzt D BT15_MP27 305880.9394 8607112.682 Mapping BT MGA94_53 149.212662 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 5m wide 'finger' of gneiss running NW-SE up slope GNS GRGN D BT15_MP28 305933.2293 8607124.991 Mapping BT MGA94_53 134.674728 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Gneiss scree falling from WNW GNS GN D BT15_MP30 306151.9093 8607135.102 Mapping BT MGA94_53 115.162636 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Dirty quartzite (arkose?) QZT Qzt D BT15_MP31 306247.9844 8607196.941 Mapping BT MGA94_53 111.223793 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Quartzite contact with dolo/Granodiorite to east QZT Qzt D BT15_MP33 306331 8607154 Mapping BT MGA94_53 90.0595 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Altered dolorite brx zone (photo). 15-30cm qvn DOL Dol D BT15_MP35 306634.6726 8607077.645 Mapping BT MGA94_53 65.781082 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Relatively flat cover COV ALV D BT15_MP36 306780.434 8607088.472 Mapping BT MGA94_53 61.186584 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 70cps, 0.0ppm U, 2.6ppm Th 70 RS-125 DOL Dol D BT15_MP38 307320.7197 8607089.362 Mapping BT MGA94_53 57.793125 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Brx BRX BX D BT15_MP40 305614.9505 8608819.206 Mapping BT MGA94_53 65.014404 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Sandy soil cover, coarse Qtz Gneiss subcrop 90 RS-125 GNS GRGN D BT15_MP41 305529.9689 8608651.102 Mapping BT MGA94_53 50.114136 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Creek crossing - 265 cps - non rad water 265 RS-125 COV ALV D BT15_MP42 305532.6301 8608616.113 Mapping BT MGA94_53 58.765747 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Dolerite subcrop DOL Dol D BT15_MP43 305597.6868 8608558.467 Mapping BT MGA94_53 78.953491 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Quartz Gneiss boulder field close to in-situ, medium grained GNS GRGN D BT15_MP44 305594.52 8608540.612 Mapping BT MGA94_53 81.83728 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Quartz Gneiss, strong fabric. Photo. GNS GRGN D BT15_MP45 305599.6648 8608481.974 Mapping BT MGA94_53 84.000244 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Quartz Gneiss, strong fabric, approx ENE trend 170 RS-125 GNS GRGN D BT15_MP46 305578.1294 8608460.851 Mapping BT MGA94_53 87.364868 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Contact - strong hematite altered Dolerite DOL Dol D BT15_MP47 305590.4798 8608410.181 Mapping BT MGA94_53 99.381226 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Contact between Dol and QGn GNS GRGN D BT15_MP48 305604.6689 8608403.851 Mapping BT MGA94_53 103.22644 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Dolerite DOL Dol D BT15_MP49 305636.0481 8608412.021 Mapping BT MGA94_53 99.621582 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Gneiss GNS GRGN D BT15_MP50 305674.55 8608402.852 Mapping BT MGA94_53 92.171509 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Gneiss GNS GRGN D BT15_MP51 305661.0901 8608395.703 Mapping BT MGA94_53 92.892456 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Dolerite DOL Dol D BT15_MP52 305646.225 8608335.38 Mapping BT MGA94_53 94.094116 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Dolerite DOL Dol D BT15_MP53 305621.1981 8608274.533 Mapping BT MGA94_53 105.870117 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Dolerite DOL Dol D BT15_MP54 305568.0977 8608231.106 Mapping BT MGA94_53 127.73999 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Granodiorite coarse grained weak fabric - photo x 2 GNT Grdt D BT15_MP55 305552.1172 8608147.35 Mapping BT MGA94_53 128.701294 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Strongly hem altered and quartz veined like contact zone WP678 DOL Dol D BT15_MP15 305467.4334 8607450.742 Mapping BT MGA94_53 158.36911 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Fresh Dolorite/Granodiorite GNT Grdt D BT15_MP16 305464.04 8607422.063 Mapping BT MGA94_53 159.999496 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Dolorite with gneiss DOL Dol D BT15_MP17 305526.4775 8607364.845 Mapping BT MGA94_53 161.454544 24291 AGE DW 2015 42207 Porphritic dolorite, fine grained matrix with large plag phenocrysts DOL Dol D BT15_MP56 305540.2901 8608135.882 Mapping BT MGA94_53 130.864258 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Quartz Breccia BRX QZBX D BT15_MP57 305529.2663 8608121.479 Mapping BT MGA94_53 128.220581 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Dolerite DOL Dol D BT15_MP58 305522.276 8608099.314 Mapping BT MGA94_53 130.623901 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Hematite altered Dolerite (E-W trending ridges) DOL Dol D BT15_MP59 305507.4054 8608063.937 Mapping BT MGA94_53 130.143188 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Hematite altered Dolerite (E-W trending ridges) DOL Dol D BT15_MP60 305459.9286 8608034.791 Mapping BT MGA94_53 143.841919 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Granodiorite/Dolerite GNT Grdt D BT15_MP61 305446.5169 8607987.192 Mapping BT MGA94_53 146.245239 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Dolerite DOL Dol D BT15_MP62 305449.1319 8607934.935 Mapping BT MGA94_53 158.02124 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Siliceous Coarse Dolerite/Granodiorite GNT Grdt D BT15_MP63 305440.5124 8607867.152 Mapping BT MGA94_53 158.261597 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Coarse Dolerite GNT Grdt D BT15_MP64 305473.8595 8607713.392 Mapping BT MGA94_53 150.090454 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Strongly hem altered Dol. Contact zone? DOL Dol D BT15_MP65 305503.4404 8607637.783 Mapping BT MGA94_53 153.695313 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Dolerite DOL Dol D BT15_MP66 305506.185 8607479.605 Mapping BT MGA94_53 150.330688 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Contact between Dol and QGn GNS GRGN D BT15_MP67 305463.7604 8607394.937 Mapping BT MGA94_53 148.648438 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Quartz Gniess GNS GRGN D BT15_MP68 305504.3342 8607417.034 Mapping BT MGA94_53 152.974243 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Hematite and silica altered Gneiss GNS GRGN D BT15_MP69 305558.0726 8607386.602 Mapping BT MGA94_53 154.41626 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Quartz Gneiss GNS GRGN D BT15_MP70 305555.5323 8607370.412 Mapping BT MGA94_53 151.291992 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Porphyritic dolerite DOL Dol D BT15_MP71 305576.545 8607296.979 Mapping BT MGA94_53 125.577026 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Coarse Granodiorite/Dolerite GNT Grdt D BT15_MP72 305572.9527 8607272.102 Mapping BT MGA94_53 118.847778 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Quartz muscovite schist subcrop, QSH QMSch D BT15_MP73 305568.9694 8607264.489 Mapping BT MGA94_53 118.367065 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Quartz muscovite schist subcrop 215 RS-125 QSH QMSch D BT15_MP74 305630.1774 8607200.483 Mapping BT MGA94_53 116.444458 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Granodiorite GNT Grdt D BT15_MP75 305661.4897 8607187.509 Mapping BT MGA94_53 114.281616 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Mica quartz schist/dirty quartzite? Weak chlorite alt dip55 dir direction 090. Unit strike N-S into of SW trending Fault. 300 RS-125 SCH MQSch D BT15_MP76 305672.9663 8607167.464 Mapping BT MGA94_53 119.568726 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Granodiorite - subcrop?float? GNT Grdt D BT15_MP77 305652.005 8607126.388 Mapping BT MGA94_53 110.436401 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Mica quartz schist/dirty quartzite. Hematite and silica alteration SCH MQSch D BT15_MP78 305728.9076 8607102.346 Mapping BT MGA94_53 138.794922 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 50m x 20m N-S trending zone of very strongly hem altered rock with brown mica, likely altered dolerite., surrounded by QGn DOL Dol D BT15_MP79 305762.306 8607093.319 Mapping BT MGA94_53 138.073975 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Quartz Gneiss GNS GRGN D BT15_MP80 305821.2446 8607089.63 Mapping BT MGA94_53 127.499634 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 contact with altered Dolerite DOL Dol D BT15_MP81 305857.9146 8607096.408 Mapping BT MGA94_53 136.63208 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 contact with Quartz Gniess GNS GRGN D BT15_MP82 305890.649 8607124.739 Mapping BT MGA94_53 140.717651 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Blocky dirty fine to medium grained quartzite, some feldspar, arkose? Dip 45 dip direction 240. sample taken, photo taken QZT QZT D BT15_MP83 305998.7748 8607140.924 Mapping BT MGA94_53 102.024902 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 20m wide zone across gully of Quartz Gneiss and then back into Blocky Quartzite float to the east. GNS GRGN D BT15_MP84 306026.3146 8607134.842 Mapping BT MGA94_53 106.831299 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 contact blocky qtzite float into Quartz Gneiss GNS GRGN D BT15_MP85 306157.6862 8607128.075 Mapping BT MGA94_53 93.85376 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Granodiorite subcrop? Insitu? GNT Grdt D BT15_MP86 306177.6654 8607158.275 Mapping BT MGA94_53 97.458618 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Dirty quartzite QZT Qzt D BT15_MP87 306190.4235 8607176.139 Mapping BT MGA94_53 104.428101 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Dirty quartzite QZT Qzt D BT15_MP88 306239.7863 8607201.03 Mapping BT MGA94_53 102.986084 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Dirty quartzite QZT Qzt D BT15_MP89 306252.1588 8607199.213 Mapping BT MGA94_53 102.265137 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Granodiorite/Dolerite in situ?? GNT Grdt D BT15_MP90 306285.4645 8607221.269 Mapping BT MGA94_53 100.823242 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Dirty quartzite QZT Qzt D BT15_MP91 306306.8993 8607203.443 Mapping BT MGA94_53 85.201904 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 N-S trending fault/gully BRX Fltz D BT15_MP92 306486.0406 8607097.92 Mapping BT MGA94_53 61.890137 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Granodiorite GNT Grdt D BT15_MP93 306588.2278 8607092.576 Mapping BT MGA94_53 48.191528 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42207 Alluvium COV Alv D BT15_MP96 299349 8608635 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BW 2015 42208 black Soil related reading, 1400 cps, in a eddy spot near the creek 1400 RS-111 COV ALV D BT15_MP97 298110 8608543 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BW 2015 42208 Spring reading in white sand 1800 cps on top, 3000 cps 4inches down 3000 RS-111 COV ALV D BT15_MP99 305594.941694 8608817.317265 Mapping BT MGA94_53 65.148026 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 Gneiss subcrop, grain size banding GNS GRGN D BT15_MP100 305576.378848 8608878.701993 Mapping BT MGA94_53 70.444618 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 Edge of sst scree boulders and cover COV Scree D BT15_MP101 305397.120931 8608870.841889 Mapping BT MGA94_53 74.422287 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 Strongly weathered micaceous (schist?) scree SCH SCH D BT15_MP102 305398.3731 8608910.346229 Mapping BT MGA94_53 83.27079 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 SST on top of small hill, schist on side of slope to west (previous WP) SST sst D BT15_MP103 305405.977996 8608894.466158 Mapping BT MGA94_53 78.946747 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 SST scree over brown schist soils - close to contact SCH SCH D BT15_MP104 305275.22295 8608896.348174 Mapping BT MGA94_53 87.560745 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 SST continuing from previous location (WP 79) SST sst D BT15_MP105 305256.309772 8608866.015487 Mapping BT MGA94_53 80.190048 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 Micacious soils and small schist scree (ct) SCH SCH D BT15_MP106 305234.467338 8608849.823452 Mapping BT MGA94_53 77.259102 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 Schist scree SCH SCH D BT15_MP107 305217.536434 8608877.472907 Mapping BT MGA94_53 85.948425 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 SST only - CT follows topo SST sst D BT15_MP108 305177.134288 8608857.945668 Mapping BT MGA94_53 77.221039 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 Sandy cover from here towards creek/main valley. Shist ct and QGn ct under cover further south. May find subcropping within cover. SCH Sch D BT15_MP109 305109.023187 8608806.263596 Mapping BT MGA94_53 76.10968 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 In situ SST in creek SST sst D BT15_MP110 305078.595739 8608742.653047 Mapping BT MGA94_53 87.956223 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 in situ Komb. SST 10x10m block SST sst D BT15_MP111 305112.001474 8608608.683983 Mapping BT MGA94_53 84.457947 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 Track from previous point (86-87) all SST SST sst D BT15_MP112 305131.535071 8608597.42009 Mapping BT MGA94_53 85.992989 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 ct SST and QGn (photo) SST sst D BT15_MP113 305172.778712 8608620.384391 Mapping BT MGA94_53 84.375389 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 SST going under cover that includes QGn float SST SST D BT15_MP114 305283.527789 8608682.873149 Mapping BT MGA94_53 76.451088 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 Intermediate Granodiorite/granodiorite float GNT GRDT D BT15_MP115 305295.539273 8608673.996809 Mapping BT MGA94_53 74.52813 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 med/coarse no fabric, amphiboles - granodiorite - photo GNT GRDT D BT15_MP116 305287.621685 8608656.898154 Mapping BT MGA94_53 74.657616 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 SST creek SST SST D BT15_MP117 305293.216977 8608632.49134 Mapping BT MGA94_53 72.010979 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 mafic volcanic - dolerite in creek DOL DOL D BT15_MP118 305274.63871 8608583.790112 Mapping BT MGA94_53 77.507538 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 increasing QGn, decreasing dol up creek from previous point (93) GNS GRGN D BT15_MP119 305280.07952 8608567.348185 Mapping BT MGA94_53 81.908119 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 QGn subcrop GNS GRGN D BT15_MP120 305341.791415 8608520.742845 Mapping BT MGA94_53 103.154961 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 variably micaceous QGn GNS GRGN D BT15_MP121 305240.755939 8608500.579823 Mapping BT MGA94_53 90.729424 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 mica schist, SST float, soil. Ct in drainage? SCH SCH D BT15_MP122 305201.785584 8608510.273845 Mapping BT MGA94_53 88.090729 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 increasing SST to west SST SST D BT15_MP123 305165.19859 8608520.429202 Mapping BT MGA94_53 88.760345 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 QGn float amongst SST and soil GNS GRGN D BT15_MP124 305117.020847 8608525.850143 Mapping BT MGA94_53 96.903198 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 QGn subcrop, prob lith GNS GRGN D BT15_MP125 305047.682095 8608543.414004 Mapping BT MGA94_53 98.923645 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 granodiorite in creek GNT GRDT D BT15_MP126 305023.166829 8608551.871058 Mapping BT MGA94_53 103.485779 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 med-coarse Qtz Mu rock GNT GRDT D BT15_MP127 304977.051836 8608574.01673 Mapping BT MGA94_53 112.33004 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 SST boulder ridge SCH SCH D BT15_MP128 304967.579283 8608560.561103 Mapping BT MGA94_53 116.730598 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 strongly altered zone - ct SST to NW of creek, mica unit to SE, CT up drainage. Sample taken SCH SCH D BT15_MP129 304921.851299 8608604.724669 Mapping BT MGA94_53 121.494202 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 tracked around weathered dol., granodiorite scree DOL DOL D BT15_MP130 304891.326375 8608682.191212 Mapping BT MGA94_53 118.915779 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 strong hem, lim alteration, minor qvn QVN D BT15_MP131 304887.358323 8608737.703221 Mapping BT MGA94_53 121.617729 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 qvn float, brx zone? SST lith SST SST D BT15_MP132 304816.067078 8608896.971243 Mapping BT MGA94_53 107.67598 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 SST, thick bush SST SST D BT15_MP133 304746.09251 8608911.432826 Mapping BT MGA94_53 114.093758 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 cream coloured silicified SST, cascading waterfall. Photo SST SST D BT15_MP134 304684.237476 8608866.75682 Mapping BT MGA94_53 118.637718 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 brown clay soil - weathered schist? Still surrounded by SST boulders SCH SCH D BT15_MP135 304571.593553 8608747.053547 Mapping BT MGA94_53 140.317612 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 Dol scree amongst SST SST SST D BT15_MP136 304450.754847 8608698.866777 Mapping BT MGA94_53 152.014511 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 5m round Dol subcrop, intermediate medium grained. DOL DOL D BT15_MP137 304386.643869 8608697.769473 Mapping BT MGA94_53 150.266846 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 Hem red-brown surface staining on intermediate dolerite. Ct with SST DOL DOL D BT15_MP138 304347.381274 8608702.146668 Mapping BT MGA94_53 155.792847 24291 AGE DW 2015 42209 western ct, dol-SST DOL DOL D BT15_MP139 302653 8608920 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BW 2015 42209 Spring reading 715 cps on top and 2050 3 inches down 715 RS-111 SST SST D BT15_MP140 302835 8609005 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BW 2015 42209 SPRING Reading next to creek leading under insitu sandstone 300 RS-111 SST SST D BT15_MP141 302987 8608797 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BW 2015 42209 little spring on sandstone black soil 200 RS-111 SST SST D BT15_MP142 303205 8608775 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BW 2015 42209 Spring reading average 300 cps highest 530 cps, 3 inches dug down was 1030 cps 530 RS-111 COV ALV D BT15_MP143 297993.026226 8608627.385376 Mapping BT MGA94_53 30.739063 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 Kombolgie sst SST SST D BT15_MP144 297792.673089 8608143.903462 Mapping BT MGA94_53 59.895149 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 Coarse angular matrix supported CGL Unconformably sitting on Qtz mu schist. 273cps, 1.7% K, 4ppm U, 18ppm Th. Sample taken, Pb iso sample taken. 273 RS-125 SCH SCH D BT15_MP145 297827.187679 8608119.470074 Mapping BT MGA94_53 65.963341 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 SST/schist unconformity SCH SCH D BT15_MP146 297928.667215 8608031.45604 Mapping BT MGA94_53 85.295555 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 Basement conglomerate of Kombolgie SST, unconformable contact with schist. Pb isotope sample taken. SCH Sch SST D BT15_MP147 297947.372006 8608045.091126 Mapping BT MGA94_53 85.928589 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 CGL, possibly transported SST SST D BT15_MP148 298010.949893 8608059.813357 Mapping BT MGA94_53 85.590485 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 Less coarse cgl. Schist contact SCH SCH SST D BT15_MP149 298108.979442 8608120.805123 Mapping BT MGA94_53 85.89296 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 Basement conglomerate of Kombolgie SST outcropping in cliff face. Pb isotope sample taken SST SST D BT15_MP150 298141.059992 8608148.139345 Mapping BT MGA94_53 82.448639 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 Basement conglomerate of Kombolgie SST, unconformable contact with schist SCH SCH SST D BT15_MP151 298402.311331 8608257.746643 Mapping BT MGA94_53 86.993607 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 Mica schist in situ. Folded subvertical dipping 70 deg to 210. 170cps, 6.9ppm U, 25ppm Th. 170 RS-125 SCH SCH S0 70 120 D BT15_MP152 298404.47685 8608273.583085 Mapping BT MGA94_53 80.50132 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 Mica schist in situ SCH SCH D BT15_MP153 298399.765774 8608278.975024 Mapping BT MGA94_53 74.549026 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 Mica schist in situ SCH SCH D BT15_MP154 298405.647915 8608293.511541 Mapping BT MGA94_53 70.695679 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 Edge of cover abutting mica schist COV ALV D BT15_MP155 298392.213065 8608453.371761 Mapping BT MGA94_53 31.849121 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP156 297759.336558 8608382.747599 Mapping BT MGA94_53 37.616943 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 Alluvium - edge of broad creek channel COV ALV D BT15_MP157 297794.514279 8608227.371982 Mapping BT MGA94_53 20.07312 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 Alluvium - SST boulder scree contact COV ALV D BT15_MP158 297795.971318 8608161.816095 Mapping BT MGA94_53 33.531494 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 Mica quartz schist QSH MQS D BT15_MP159 297841.981037 8608145.198471 Mapping BT MGA94_53 36.175049 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 Contact - Schist to alluvium QSH MQS D BT15_MP160 297840.55848 8608136.406056 Mapping BT MGA94_53 39.05896 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 quartz mica schist with v large muscovite books, vein quartz float QSH MQS D BT15_MP162 297859.472373 8608137.235476 Mapping BT MGA94_53 35.454102 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 quartz mica schist, exposure obscured by sst scree QSH QMS D BT15_MP163 297883.058897 8608114.950402 Mapping BT MGA94_53 37.136353 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 schist float within SST boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP164 297925.916591 8608064.878103 Mapping BT MGA94_53 58.765747 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 mica schist QSH MQS D BT15_MP165 297925.296496 8608049.525482 Mapping BT MGA94_53 63.57251 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 mica schist in gully, sub vertical dip to NW, striking 220 (SW) QSH MQS D BT15_MP166 297966.628869 8608055.372968 Mapping BT MGA94_53 67.657959 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 mica schist QSH MQS D BT15_MP167 297999.255112 8608060.908415 Mapping BT MGA94_53 66.696655 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 mica schsit QSH MQS D BT15_MP168 298132.045895 8608152.731101 Mapping BT MGA94_53 78.232422 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 mica schist at UC beneath qtz cobble basal conglomerate QSH MQS D BT15_MP169 298116.325953 8608210.368222 Mapping BT MGA94_53 37.376709 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 SST boulder scree. Break of slope onto alluvium/boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP170 298135.401396 8608335.273362 Mapping BT MGA94_53 38.097656 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 margin of Alluvium with boulder scree COV ALV D BT15_MP171 298265.428071 8608309.251512 Mapping BT MGA94_53 34.492798 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 alluvium margin COV ALV D BT15_MP172 298337.598258 8608309.547857 Mapping BT MGA94_53 36.415405 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 alluvium margin COV ALV D BT15_MP173 298356.53123 8608198.015288 Mapping BT MGA94_53 47.230103 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 mica schist at UC beneath qtz cobble basal conglomerate SST SST D BT15_MP174 298362.622319 8608194.562057 Mapping BT MGA94_53 51.55603 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 sst. Pb isotope sample taken QSH MQS D BT15_MP175 298402.202739 8608248.611152 Mapping BT MGA94_53 51.315674 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42210 mica schist QSH MQS D BT15_MP267 298900 8608315 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 Folded schist, close to ct with komb sst. Between planed Pb Isotope samples 76 and 77 July 2015 SCH SCH D BT15_MP268 298142 8608202 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 SCH SCH D BT15_MP269 299215 8608341 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 In waterfall. White sst, low down in unit due to minor mica content WH SST SST D BT15_MP270 298850 8608298 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42210 SCH SCH D BT15_MP271 297806 8608148 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE FCL 2015 42210 Contact between basal conglmerate and basement Schist 273 RS-125 QSH SCH SST D BT15_MP272 298783 8608830 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE FCL 2015 42210 Conglomerate, clast supported gravel to cobble sized clasts of quartzite, angular to sub rounded, medium to coarse sand sized matrix 173 SST SST D BT15_MP273 298552 8608244 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE FCL 2015 42210 Conglomerate, clast supported gravel to cobble sized clasts of quartzite, Sub angular to sub rounded, medium to coarse sand sized matrix. Fining up wards 520 SST SST D BT15_MP274 298527 8608247 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE FCL 2015 42210 Contact between basal conglmerate and basement Schist. Qtz-mus-haematite with lenses of coarse crystaline qtz-mus. Conglomerate approx 4m thick. 280 QSH SCH SST D BT15_MP275 298381 8608244 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE FCL 2015 42210 Contact between basal conglmerate and basement Schist. Qtz-mus-haematite 290 QSH SCH SST D BT15_MP276 298396 8608206 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE FCL 2015 42210 Conglomerate, clast supported gravel to cobble sized clasts of quartzite, angular to sub rounded, medium to coarse sand sized matrix. Fining upwards to matrix supported and to sst. 200 SST SST D BT15_MP277 298393 8608260 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE FCL 2015 42210 Schist, Qtz-mus-haem 250 QSH SCH D BT15_MP278 298402 8608274 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE FCL 2015 42210 Schist, Qtz-mus-haem 300 QSH SCH D BT15_MP279 298402 8608277 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE FCL 2015 42210 Schist, Qtz-mus-haem 250 QSH SCH D BT15_MP280 297693 8608115 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE FCL 2015 42210 Schist, Qtz-mus-haem 210 QSH SCH D BT15_MP281 297374 8608129 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE FCL 2015 42210 Conglomerate, matrix supported cobble to gravel sized clasts of quartzite, Sub angular to sub rounded, medium to coarse sand sized matrix. Fining up wards. Clasts of crystaline quartz. SST SST D BT15_MP288 316074.42 8608828.39 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 granitic gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP289 316090.17 8608778.82 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Fltz - brecciated mica schist 150 RS-111 SCH FLTZ D BT15_MP290 316091.59 8608778.61 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Mica schist SCH SCH S1 30 80 D BT15_MP291 316086.74 8608856.13 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Mica schist 100 RS-111 SCH SCH D BT15_MP292 316090.36 8608867.88 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 mica schist, hematitic. (float garnetiferous granite) 100 RS-111 SCH SCH D BT15_MP293 316084.14 8608871.49 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 mica schist with coarser quartz bands 120 RS-111 QSH SCH S1 50 90 D BT15_MP294 316080.72 8608879.66 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 mica schist SCH SCH D BT15_MP295 316071.07 8608910.46 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Hematitic mica schist. Float - migmatite boulder SCH SCH D BT15_MP296 316075.76 8608925.31 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 fine grained dirty quartzite QZT QZT S0 70 10 D BT15_MP297 316071.23 8608952.39 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 hematite and limonite altered dirty FG Quartzite QZT QZT D BT15_MP298 316038.45 8608962.91 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 weathered granite gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP299 315898.6 8608995.64 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 weathered granite gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP300 315877.87 8609025.05 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Creek crossing, flowing, Creek float/Alluv. Water sample taken 580 RS-111 COV ALV D BT15_MP301 315869.24 8609015.92 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Hematite altered Dolerite DOL DOL D BT15_MP302 315836.4 8608986.06 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Hematite altered Dolerite DOL DOL D BT15_MP303 315721.95 8608990.08 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 SST scree. Nearby small creek up to 550cps. Water anomaly 550 RS-111 COV SCREE D BT15_MP304 315548.59 8608842.37 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Highly weathered granitoid. Next to waterhole. Nearby boulders show garnet rich granite. North side of creek is large alluvial plain with average 200-300cps 300 RS-111 COV ALV D BT15_MP305 315377.53 8608962.3 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Alluvium/Cover/Chopper pad COV ALV D BT15_MP306 315232.85 8609120.23 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Alluvium. 220cps in ck. 220 RS-111 COV ALV D BT15_MP307 315209.6 8609119.3 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Sst. Brecciated Kombolgie at base of cliff. Pb iso (19818)taken SST SST D BT15_MP308 315109.58 8609092.77 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 SST. Base of cliff. Pb iso (19819) taken. SST SST D BT15_MP309 315196.48 8608912.56 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Alluvium. Near ck confluence. Water sample taken. COV ALV D BT15_MP310 315200.54 8608855.72 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Alluvium. Ck confluence area. Scint suggest anomalism source to east. 100 RS-111 COV ALV D BT15_MP311 315213.88 8608860.56 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Alluvium. Ck confluence area. Scint suggest anomalism source to east. 160 RS-111 COV ALV D BT15_MP312 315710.46 8609085.59 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 SST. Pb Iso (19820) sampled. SST SST D BT15_MP217 311599 8606633 Mapping BT MGA94_54 24291 AGE BW 2015 42212 Shist U=88.4 Th=12.5 on surface, 4inch down U=151.9 Th=23.7 2700 cps 900 RS125 SCH SCH D BT15_MP218 311626 8606636 Mapping BT MGA94_55 24291 AGE BW 2015 42212 Shist U=61.2 Th=12.4 Surface, 12inch U=208.7 Th=26.4 4000 cps 1100 RS125 SCH SCH D BT15_MP219 314438.083077 8607925.115306 Mapping BT MGA94_53 258.723053 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 Cloritic weathered gneiss, small sample taken, walked down waterfall GN GNS GNS D BT15_MP220 314462.690485 8607900.386253 Mapping BT MGA94_53 273.306519 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 some gneiss scree, sst in situ. Close to ct. SST SST D BT15_MP221 314404.8 8607955.79 Mapping BT MGA94_54 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 Fault structure in wall of waterfall/drainage. Dipping 63⁰ to 220. Green rock chips in fault gouge. ~2% fe, 4400ppm Ti, 2100ppm Cr on XRF FLT 63 130 D BT15_MP222 314382.999898 8607973.552269 Mapping BT MGA94_53 234.078735 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 Completely weathered QGn wash out, clay minerals, chloritic lower down, QVN dipping approx 220. small heavy rock chip taken GNS GNS D BT15_MP223 314226.533366 8608287.727222 Mapping BT MGA94_53 153.532379 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 SST + (dol/Gns)? Scree in creek further south up creek. Mostly dol boulders at point DOL DOL SST D BT15_MP225 314257.380832 8608474.446833 Mapping BT MGA94_53 124.511986 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 Contact between scree slope and ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP226 314171.410241 8608476.549051 Mapping BT MGA94_53 127.714111 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 dol scree/subcrop amongst SST SST SST DOL D BT15_MP227 314088.246763 8608464.388709 Mapping BT MGA94_53 126.8153 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 track trace following SST boundary, point taken at GRDT scree/subcrop SST SST GDRT D BT15_MP228 314269.619029 8608463.797444 Mapping BT MGA94_53 138.356888 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 QGN scree, 50cps 50 40 RS-111 GNS SCREE D BT15_MP229 314249.265846 8608435.122518 Mapping BT MGA94_53 137.127182 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 Qtz Mu Gneiss scree GNS SCREE D BT15_MP230 314255.578722 8608433.614964 Mapping BT MGA94_53 138.231171 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 fine grained dol. Sample taken DOL DOL D BT15_MP231 314270.998497 8608435.152561 Mapping BT MGA94_53 138.94046 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 trace of Mica schist scree. 55cps 55 COV SCREE SCH D BT15_MP232 314277.984241 8608498.264274 Mapping BT MGA94_53 130.417313 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 Qtz +- biotite quartzite. Sample taken QZT QZT D BT15_MP233 314291.022301 8608497.681379 Mapping BT MGA94_53 128.944214 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 Qtz biotite gneiss (no fabric??) above qtzite QZT QZT D BT15_MP234 314301.265354 8608477.282262 Mapping BT MGA94_53 133.641113 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 high qtz QGn?. Granular qtz outer weathering, rounded like dol weathering QZT QZT D BT15_MP235 314323.375549 8608486.495073 Mapping BT MGA94_53 128.558731 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 Biotite Quartzite in drainage. No sst scree QZT QZT D BT15_MP236 314342.210647 8608497.902847 Mapping BT MGA94_53 146.749405 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 Dol scree above qtzite. Some tabular boulders. 2x photos QZT QZT DOL D BT15_MP237 314120.078294 8608649.575613 Mapping BT MGA94_53 114.989571 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 Creek bed rock - coarse. Contains green Cu mineralisation (XRF) 65cps 65 40 RS-111 COV COL D BT15_MP238 314150.087596 8608780.317484 Mapping BT MGA94_53 115.402565 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 SST boulders over ALV COV ALV SST D BT15_MP239 314099.430801 8608899.907605 Mapping BT MGA94_53 132.448914 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 SST cover creek. Start of scree. 20cps 20 40 RS-111 COV SST SCREE D BT15_MP240 314084.150483 8608977.692923 Mapping BT MGA94_53 157.571045 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 Base of northern cliff line Komb. SST SST SST D BT15_MP241 313950.248544 8608962.995219 Mapping BT MGA94_53 144.38147 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 125cps on ground at entrance of 1m high cave 125 RS-111 SST SST D BT15_MP242 313938.717683 8608965.683524 Mapping BT MGA94_53 145.883896 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 115cps sil sst. Possible fault zone SST SST D BT15_MP243 313890.074974 8608959.061041 Mapping BT MGA94_53 148.443008 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 166cps in cave SST SST D BT15_MP244 313842.37679 8608924.903497 Mapping BT MGA94_53 140.88205 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 strongly hem, lim altered sst. Sample and photo taken. 70cps 70 RS-111 SST SST D BT15_MP245 313780.282933 8608848.051371 Mapping BT MGA94_53 118.554054 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 Track trace roughly follows bottom of SST scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP246 313633.794867 8608847.096264 Mapping BT MGA94_53 120.84639 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 SST scree, in creek. Also minor Dol boulders COV SCREE D BT15_MP247 313621.909069 8608837.170684 Mapping BT MGA94_53 120.526749 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 Quartz float (ft zone or vein?) QVN QV D BT15_MP252 313585.978993 8608698.423697 Mapping BT MGA94_53 103.979027 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 Soil sample, 140cps 140 RS-111 COV ALV D BT15_MP257 315072.838582 8608875.029518 Mapping BT MGA94_53 122.199821 24291 AGE BT15 DW 2015 42212 SST subcrop, 60cps 60 RS-111 SST SST D BT15_MP259 311623 8606612 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42212 Bottom of little hill SCH SCH D BT15_MP260 311657 8606622 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42212 Pegmatite in area as well as coarse grained granitoid GNT GRDT D BT15_MP261 311603 8606700 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42212 top of little hill SCH SCH D BT15_MP262 311557 8606619 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42212 Some black fibrous texture mineral associated with veining Tourmaline? SCH SCH D BT15_MP263 311450 8606500 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42212 scist float also in area. Graintic/granitoid GNT GRDT D BT15_MP264 311427 8606619 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42212 SCH SCH D BT15_MP265 312101 8606707 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42212 Granodiorite float close by 370 RS-125 SCH SCH GRDT D BT15_MP266 312033 8606596 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42212 At base of hill with top of hill to east. Granodiorite. White rock found in area, main min perfect cleavage, high K, Ca, Ba. With quartz GNT GRDT D BT15_MP282 316563.38 8608651.42 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24292 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Sandstone / Chopper landing site SST SST D BT15_MP283 316127.38 8608671.08 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 hematitic mica qtz schist / gneiss in scree. U/C not observed. 80 40 RS-111 SCH SCH D BT15_MP284 316080.88 8608720.46 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 qtz biotite gneiss 100 RS-111 GNS GNS D BT15_MP285 316080.41 8608742.47 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 Qtz mica schist/gneiss ridgeline with NW trend, sharp drop to east, likely a fault. 80 RS-111 QSH SCH D BT15_MP286 316063.3 8608767.47 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 qtz feld mica (large muscovite) granitoid? 80 RS-111 GRT GRAN D BT15_MP287 316060.32 8608772.98 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42212 mica schist with x cutting qtz veins 80 RS-111 SCH SCH S1 50 70 D BT15_MP331 311709.75 8606725.07 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 mica schist in ck SCH SCH D BT15_MP332 311620.73 8606841.85 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Possible weathered dolerite in creek? Maybe transported. DOL DOL D BT15_MP333 311608.97 8606829.36 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Hem and Mn altered qtz mica schist/gneiss 210 180 RS-125 QSH SCH D BT15_MP334 311606.75 8606806.22 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Hem and Mn altered qtz mica schist/gneiss 210 180 RS-125 QSH SCH D BT15_MP335 311606.51 8606717.4 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 hem mica qtz schist, qtz brecciation and silicification common. Peak of hill. 230 180 RS-125 QSH SCH D BT15_MP336 311564.14 8606703.68 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 hem-sericite alte mica qtz schist QSH SCH D BT15_MP337 311550.15 8606690.54 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 silicified qtz gneiss/schist E-W foliation. E-W ridge GNS GNS D BT15_MP338 311435.31 8606681.1 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Hem and Mn altered qtz mica schist/gneiss QSH SCH D BT15_MP339 311371.23 8606596.49 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Hem and Mn altered qtz mica schist/gneiss QSH SCH D BT15_MP340 311381.74 8606566.14 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Qtz Breccia, sub vertical dip to 100 E. trend 010. BRX QZBX D BT15_MP313 311760.73 8606557.78 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Alluvium. Heli-drop off 180 180 RS-125 COV ALV D BT15_MP314 311710.02 8606598.33 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Alluvium/Colluvium. Slight rise with qtz mic gneiss/schist float COV ALV D BT15_MP315 311658.04 8606631.39 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 quartz brecciated mica schist on small 010 trenind ridge. Rock chip and soil taken. 500 180 RS-125 SCH SCH D BT15_MP316 311628.12 8606634.96 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 hem mica schist, edge of 010 ridge. Soil and rock sample taken. 1200 180 RS-125 SCH SCH D BT15_MP317 311622.47 8606635.12 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 hem mica schist, 010 ridge. Soil and rock sample taken. 1500 180 RS-125 SCH SCH D BT15_MP318 311611.77 8606634.87 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 hem mica schist, 010 ridge. Soil sample taken. 700 180 RS-125 SCH SCH D BT15_MP319 311604.56 8606632.39 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 hem mica schist, 010 ridge. Soil sample taken. 650 180 RS-125 SCH SCH D BT15_MP320 311596.15 8606631.83 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 hem mica schist, 010 ridge. Soil sample taken. 850 180 RS-125 SCH SCH D BT15_MP321 311586.55 8606632.42 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Alluvium, west of 010 ridge. Soil sample taken. 320 180 RS-125 COV ALV D BT15_MP322 311636.23 8606632.3 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Alluvium, east of 010 ridge. Yellow coloured Soil sample taken. 300 180 RS-125 COV ALV D BT15_MP323 311648.03 8606635.62 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Alluvium. 800 180 RS-125 COV ALV D BT15_MP324 311655.12 8606634.5 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 hem mica schist, another 010 ridge. 600 180 RS-125 SCH SCH D BT15_MP325 311679.72 8606638.43 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Quartz Breccia BRX QZBX D BT15_MP326 311695.14 8606636.75 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Quartz hematite breccia BRX QZBX D BT15_MP327 311713.33 8606642.65 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP328 311803.83 8606685.4 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Alluvium, creek, boundary with Kombolgie boulder field COV ALV D BT15_MP329 311777.43 8606703.37 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 hem mica schist in ck 260 180 RS-125 SCH SCH D BT15_MP330 311769.75 8606701.04 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42215 Qtz Breccia with large musc. In ck BRX QZBX D BT15_MP344 304357.52 8606319.41 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42217 Dolerite dominated float in creek line COV ALV D BT15_MP345 304315.7 8606379.86 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42217 strongly weathered dolerite at base of dolerite hill to the west. Edge of large greeen alluviul paddock DOL DOL D BT15_MP346 304399.87 8606466.96 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42217 weathered dolerite with large black bladed crystals DOL DOL D BT15_MP347 304443.03 8606446.89 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42217 Edge of dolerite/ alluvium DOL DOL D BT15_MP348 304546.45 8606483.68 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42217 Edge of dolerite/ alluvium DOL DOL D BT15_MP349 304551.45 8606008.29 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42217 Soil/colluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP350 304430.27 8605725.56 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42217 Alluvium - grassy plains COV ALV D BT15_MP351 304374.4 8605141.34 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 silicified hematite qtz breccia. Possible granitic gneiss protolith. Small outcrop approx 10m SW trend. Slight rise in terrain heading north. Increase in colluvium heading north BRX QZBX D BT15_MP352 304350.7 8605000.45 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Colluvium, increased hem/lim altered granitic gneiss saprock. GNS GNS D BT15_MP353 304326.37 8604968.08 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Colluvium/outcrop boundary GNS GNS D BT15_MP354 304315.04 8604940.35 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Weathered Granitic Gneiss. S0 Fol 42deg to 130 GNS GNS S0 42 40 D BT15_MP355 304359.21 8604900.82 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Qtz Hematite breccia BRX QZBX D BT15_MP356 304352.96 8604892.92 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Qtz Hematite breccia 180 120 RS-125 BRX QZBX D BT15_MP357 304354.44 8604884.19 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Qtz Hematite breccia BRX QZBX D BT15_MP358 304364.07 8604826.39 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Qtz Hematite breccia. Photo x3 looking S along brx. BRX QZBX D BT15_MP359 304387.6 8604817.82 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 strongly hem/lim altered granitic gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP360 304379.82 8604827.83 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 granodiorite boulder in breek line, displays sericite and/or chlorite alteration GNT GRDT D BT15_MP361 304401.44 8604843.25 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 remnant kombolgie boulder approx 2x2x2m SST SST D BT15_MP362 304445.4 8604882.93 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Qtz hematite breccia, co-incident with N-S subtle ridge BRX QZBX D BT15_MP363 304466.49 8604880.2 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 fine-medium grained crystalline volcanic - granodiorite/dacite. Samples taken. Zone approx 5-10m wide bound by qtz-hem breccias trends north under colluvium and south under scree cover. GNT GRDT D BT15_MP364 304467.25 8604880.54 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 fine-medium grained crystalline volcanic - granodiorite/dacite. Samples taken. Zone approx 5-10m wide bound by qtz-hem breccias trends north under colluvium and south under scree cover. GNT GRDT D BT15_MP365 304506.04 8604849.94 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 colluvium/alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP366 304458.14 8604815.21 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Quartz-hem breccia BRX QZBX D BT15_MP367 304410.07 8604821.06 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Diorite/Dolerite float? DOL DOL D BT15_MP368 304321.56 8604860.62 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 siliceous, hematitic granitic gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP369 304310.35 8604864.42 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 hematitic granitic gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP370 304289.71 8604863.17 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 broad siliceous and brecciated zone within granitic gneiss, trending NW GNS GNS D BT15_MP371 304270.31 8604856.95 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 broad siliceous and brecciated zone within granitic gneiss, trending NW GNS GNS D BT15_MP372 304229.43 8604843.17 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 granitic gneiss, S0 Fol 30deg to 132 GNS GNS D BT15_MP373 304220.14 8604851.41 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 contact with porphyritic quartz Gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP374 304216.26 8604847.06 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 photo . Siliceous porphyritic gneiss looking east to hematitc gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP375 304177.76 8604868.38 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 hematitic grantic gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP376 304130.04 8604887.07 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 hematitic and sericite/chlorite? Altered schist float. CSH SCH D BT15_MP377 304085.46 8604874.93 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Granodiorite. Boulder exposure area 20x20m GNT GRDT D BT15_MP378 304121.3 8604862.35 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Quartz breccia N-S trending BRX QZBX D BT15_MP379 304112.09 8604811.28 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Quartz breccia N-S trending BRX QZBX D BT15_MP380 304110.72 8604788.36 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Quartz breccia N-S trending BRX QZBX D BT15_MP381 304097.77 8604743.13 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Quartz breccia N-S trending. Photo looking N BRX QZBX D BT15_MP382 304125.8 8604744.77 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Quartz Gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP383 304174.22 8604798.09 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Quartz- breccia N-S ridge GNS GNS D BT15_MP384 304175.6 8604786.26 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Quartz- breccia N-S ridge GNS GNS D BT15_MP385 304193.32 8604722.77 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Granodiorite east of QBX ridge GNT GRDT D BT15_MP386 304214.32 8604639.93 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 green altered qtz mica gneiss. Close to schistose, flat lying?N-S ridge SCH SCH D BT15_MP387 304209.54 8604591.88 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Quartz breccia BRX QZBX D BT15_MP388 304211.69 8604500.85 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Weathered granitic gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP389 304250.36 8604470.69 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 Weathered granitic gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP390 304240.59 8604453.14 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 chloritic schist/gniess ,elevated cps, assoc with 040 trending gully/flt 667 120 RS-125 CSH SCH D BT15_MP391 304237.83 8604458.65 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 chloritic schist/gniess ,elevated cps, assoc with 040 trending gully/flt 800 120 RS-125 CSH SCH D BT15_MP392 304232.81 8604446.67 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 chloritic schist/gniess ,elevated cps, assoc with 040 trending gully/flt 2204 120 RS-125 CSH SCH D BT15_MP393 304207.07 8604414.08 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 chloritic schist/gniess ,elevated cps, secondary U minerals, assoc with 040 trending gully/flt 520 120 RS-125 CSH SCH D BT15_MP394 304206.85 8604414.41 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 chloritic schist, west of gully CSH SCH D BT15_MP395 304209.96 8604402.92 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 weathered granitic gniess east of gully GNS GNS D BT15_MP396 304170.88 8604398.45 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RHD 2015 42217 weathered red/black granitic gniess on N-S ridge, south of this point all Alluvium. GNS GNS D BT15_MP397 304525.99 8606233.83 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Brown soil cover with redder soil to north closer to dolerite ridge. Heading south towards Beatrice hill. COV ALV D BT15_MP398 304143.16 8606092.46 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Brown soil, not red dol soil COV ALV D BT15_MP399 304092.83 8605967.97 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Creek washout shows greater than 2m of cover in bank. COV ALV D BT15_MP400 304049.06 8605600.58 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Brown soil, no exposure COV ALV D BT15_MP401 304026 8605462.89 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Brown soil, no exposure COV ALV D BT15_MP402 303976.11 8605401.59 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 very light brown soil. Vast open space, great heli pad/laydown. COV ALV D BT15_MP403 303999.93 8605271.86 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Granodiorite boulders. Massive med-coarse quartz feld biotite unit. Shallow ridge trending 150-330. No exposure to east on Alluvial flat. GDT GDT ALV D BT15_MP404 303934.03 8605231.03 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Just over peak of granodiorite ridgeline, cross cutting ~1m wide quartz stockwork ridge. North south orientation. BRX QZBX GDT QBX 90 6 D BT15_MP405 303934.99 8605234.58 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Back on true granodiorite, black and white coarse massive unit. GDT GDT D BT15_MP406 303883.64 8605274.27 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Foliation visible in pink gneissic unit. Granitic in composition. Boulders only so unorientable. 50m west back onto alluvial flat. Gneiss ridge trending 306-126 GNS GNS 306 D BT15_MP407 303987.84 8605134.04 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Back on granodiorite ridgeline. Trending towards NW corner of Beatrice hill. No exposure 75m to west and 60m to east. GDT GDT D BT15_MP408 304005.09 8605074.3 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Granodiorite ridgeline. Trending 300-120 towards Beatrice hill. No exposure 50m to west and 75m to east. GDT GDT D BT15_MP409 304045.88 8605036.3 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Granodiorite ridge trending N-S. East west break with alluvial cover closing in tighter on both sides. GDT GDT Fr 82 164 Fr 88 242 D BT15_MP410 304028.89 8604979.53 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Washout, saprock exposure in bank 2m below surface cover. Unit appears similat in texture to GDT tough strong clay GDT GDT D BT15_MP411 304047.11 8604921.68 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Chloritic looking unit with almost schistose fabric. Very small exposure at north side of beatrice hill with GDT cover. North south strike dipping steep to west, could relate to S1 structural fabric. CSH CMS GDT S1 73 4 Fr1 78 358 D BT15_MP412 304099.49 8604840.51 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Qaurtz mica schist, with quartz dominant almost granular horizons. Reasonable outcrop. GDT to east and quartz breccia float around. Weak schistose fabric almost flat lying. MSH QMS SS0 0 360 FRr1 88 7 Fr2 69 107 D BT15_MP413 304111.15 8604820.23 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Quartz breccia trending 352-172, strong clay alt on east side. Altered GGN or SCH to west BRX QZBX GGN D BT15_MP414 304171.29 8604781.03 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Quartz breccia N-S trend with GGN float cover. BRX QZBX GGN D BT15_MP415 304235.34 8604457.97 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Reconnicance of 650cps anomaly on BT scint grid. Lith appears slightly chlor altered coarse schisty gneiss. Blocky appearance with fracturing. Weak-moderate anomalism. Gully/Creekline trending 040 = inferred fault coinciding with elevated cps trend! GNS GGN CSH D BT15_MP416 304237.83 8604458.98 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE Beatrice RL 2015 42217 Peak of anomaly 2400cps, U 129ppm Th 12ppm. Moderate chlorite to broken, unorientable chlorite cschist/altered GGN. Hodge podge of liths too coarse and quartz rich to excite me… GNS GGN CSH D BT15_MP341 304279.52 8606126.59 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42217 Dolerite / Alluvium contact (Dolerite sub crop?) DOL DOL D BT15_MP342 304324.14 8606147.46 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42217 Quartzite subcrop., paler soil to the east QZT QZT D BT15_MP343 304344.11 8606246.84 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RHD 2015 42217 Dolerite boulder/float DOL DOL D BT15_MP417 303601 8606237 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Alluvial cover to east, dolerite at base of ridge. DOL DOL ALV D BT15_MP418 303653 8606214 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Alluvial cover to east, dolerite at base of ridge. DOL DOL ALV D BT15_MP419 303545 8606208 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Variable dolerite coarse blue porph and coarse mafic almost granodioritic. DOL DOL D BT15_MP420 303471 8606220 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Bit of a mixed bag! Porph blue dol, porph granite, GDT and Granitic pink gneiss. Suspect still on DOL ridge with shedding of other units. DOL DOL D BT15_MP421 303438 8606220 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Dirty quartzite or Arkose? above gneiss. Inferred flat lying or dipping to north to line up with previous observations to NE. E-W strike dipping North. Intrusives at depth below gneiss and quartzite. QZT QTZ GNS D BT15_MP422 303385 8606218 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Dirty quartzite. Top of dirty quartzite or arkose type unit ridge. Appears to overlay lower dolerite and other intrusives. Strrply sipping trending 020-200 parallel to GNE ridge to east. QZT QZT ARK SS0 80 20 D BT15_MP423 303371 8606210 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Quartzite and gneiss contact marked by topographic break. Contact orientation 350-170. pink foliated GNE on east side, blocky dirty quartzite on west. GNS GNS QZT contact 90 350 D BT15_MP424 303280 8606306 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Pink gneiss. Granitic in composition. SST fall GNS GNS D BT15_MP425 303223 8606345 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Gneiss continues to here. SST float and soily bank becoming dominant cover now. Few intrusive clasts shedding from higher up. GNS GNS D BT15_MP426 303158 8606389 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Coarse crystaline black and white unit. Granodiorite rigde trending E-W, stood on northern edge. Soil profive increasing, palaeoweathered profile weathing out giving fine cover on steep slope? Few smear schist chips around. GDT GDT D BT15_MP427 303148 8606512 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 SST and soil cover on bank. No exposure or inferred basement though few quartz breccia float clasts between waypoint 32 and 33. COV ALV QBX D BT15_MP428 303293 8606756 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Quartz breccia trending approx 330-150 steep to vertical dip. Strongly altered crystaline country rock, GDT/GNS. BRX BX GDT D BT15_MP429 303266 8606818 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 E-W granodiorite ridge. On eastern edge here. Approx 50m wide, red soil to north. GDT GDT D BT15_MP430 303250 8606848 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Dolerite gneiss contact. Gneiss to north Dolerite to south. Dolerite dyke separating GDT (further south) from gneiss. Roughly trending 295-115. DOL DOL GNS D BT15_MP431 303282 8606845 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Dirty quartzite, arkose like and gneiss. Quartzite assocaiting with quartz breccia cros cutting gneiss? QZT QZT GNS D BT15_MP432 303285 8606869 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Dirty quartzite and quartz breccia structure trending 012 dipping 60 QZT QZT BRX S1 60 12 Fr 60 12 D BT15_MP433 303225 8607001 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Unknown, large rounded bouldders in drainage gully, mixture of dolerites and gneiss boulders. UNK UNK D BT15_MP434 303214 8607044 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Up hill into palaeoweathered profile. Poor exposure. Quartz rich oxidised unit with gneiss underlying. SAP SAP GNS D BT15_MP435 303274 8607005 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Saprock in creekline. (Spring emergence) N-S quartz veins, possibly flat lying unit though could be fracturing. Quartz rich almost granular unit. Dirty quartzite. SAP SAP QZT S1 75 355 D BT15_MP436 303354 8606952 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 No exposure close to creek line, water course leading to intense deep weathering of surrounding lith. COV ALV D BT15_MP437 303542 8606625 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RL 2015 42221 Gneiss close to watercourse and flat. No exposure to north or east along creek. GNS GNS ALV D BT15_MP438 304235 8608798 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 High point of Beatrice fault valley. Dry creekline start of westerly drainage. SST cover, few GDT/QBGNS loose rocks. GDT dome in valley giving rise? GDT GDT SST D BT15_MP439 304298 8608808 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Highly altered unit trending 102-282. Fine mafic dyke, dolerite. Strong clay alteration, few schist like rock chips also. DOL DOL SCH D BT15_MP440 304602 8608850 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 SST and soil cover along creekline. Loss of intrusives seen to the west. COV ALV SST D BT15_MP441 304680 8608874 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Poor exposure with SST fall and soil cover. Few blocky chips possibly altered fine mafic. Dolerite? Strong clay alteration, slightly elevated cps 160 compared to 80 over sst uning RS-125 indicates off SST. 160 80 RS-125 DOL DOL SST D BT15_MP442 304800 8608904 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Very strong 1000cps radiogenic spring. 600cps over water with sandy base. 1000cps over dark organic soil edges. 1000 80 RS-125 COV ALV SST D BT15_MP443 304855 8608896 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Highly fractured and broken SST exposure in creekline, . Radiogenic water still giving mildlley anomalous scint results (175cps). Brecciated and re-silicified SST. To be expected along BT fault line… 175 80 RS-125 SST SST D BT15_MP444 305028 8608808 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Crossed over radiogenic spring to south. Coarse weathered crystaline unit. Altered fine mafic unit and some gneiss or dirty quartzite clasts. DOL DOL GNS D BT15_MP445 305190 8608771 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Little exposure with colluvial cover. SST scree and soil. Small saprock clasts highly altered, texturaly similar to granodiorite. GDT GDT D BT15_MP446 305237 8608843 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Quartz rich unit, fairly altered, likely granitic gneiss with felsics altered out. Radiogenic creek close by. 250 80 RS-125 GNS GNS QZT D BT15_MP447 305343 8608936 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 1700cps at creek emergence, 2700cps on black soil around creek emergence. On SST with creek flowing under boulders from north. 2700 80 RS-125 SST SST D BT15_MP448 305505 8608982 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Pb iso 10 spot, on SST scarp edge. North of pacman N pit, someone knows geology down there? SST SST D BT15_MP449 305748 8608982 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Break of slope, SST fall only. South looks to be alluvial around creekline though not been there yet, focusing on north side of creek. SST SST D BT15_MP450 305996 8608968 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Sandy flat, break of slope, bank steep to south from here. ~100cps slightly elevated indicating over basement? 100 80 RS-125 UNK UNK SST D BT15_MP451 306042 8608999 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 SST scarp edge. Looking over valley to south. Southern side of creekline and opposite ridgeline looks fairly homogenous in topography and colour likely similar lithology dominating. GNS observed during wire pulling over there. Western end looks redded pos 80 80 RS-125 SST SST D BT15_MP452 306108 8608877 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Down to base of slope forom north scarp edge. Few saprolitic clasts, highly weathered mafic/GDT/GNS. Unknown, elevated 120cps indicateson basement. 120 80 RS-125 UNK UNK GNS D BT15_MP453 306165 8608826 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Saprock exposure in washout. Approx 2m of cover above. Texture resembles coarse crystaline unit. Weathered GDT/GNS IMG_20150806_131753_400 & IMG_20150806_131745_976 GNS GNS GDT D BT15_MP454 306354 8608768 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 No recent exposure. Deep cover profile evident in washouts. 180cps basement indicator though could be radiometric drainage or both. 180 80 RS-125 COV ALV D BT15_MP455 306382 8608744 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Porhyritic blue dolerite exposure in creek. Fresh appearance large porphs. Jointing trending 076-256 indicating E-W dyke. DOL DOL JNT 90 76 D BT15_MP456 306532 8608585 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Dol boulders on south side of valley. Start of dolerite domain on western end of ridgeling. Non porphyritic black and white homogenous intrusive. DOL DOL D BT15_MP457 306362 8608883 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Highly fractured and altered unit, not dolerite! Gneiss/GDT coarse crystaline relict texture. SAP GGN D BT15_MP458 306346 8609048 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Brecciated sst in creek. Spring subtly radiogenic, heading to investigate lukes cave and water source. Cave 100m to north. SST SST D BT15_MP459 306330 8609087 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Lukes cave enterance. Water flowing from within cave up to 1300cps in shallow still pools. Flowing well up to 600cps. BG 200cps in cave. 1300 200 RS-125 SST SST D BT15_MP460 306566 8608766 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42222 Deep washout. Incised banks show deep cover profile, few dol and granitic gneiss lithic clasts. GNS GNS DOL D BT15_MP533 310290 8608294 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 FCL 2015 42226 Mica-quartz schist haematite altered located in drainage gully south of helo pad 258 258 SCH SCH D BT15_MP534 310356 8608314 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 FCL 2015 42226 Base of hill subrounded quartz biotite- gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP535 310212 8608199 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 FCL 2015 42226 Quartz vein 1.5m wide trend 000 within Qtz-mica gneiss 90 90 GNS GNS D BT15_MP536 310159 8608316 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 FCL 2015 42226 Quartz breccia 150 150 BRX QZBX D BT15_MP517 308963 8602865 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 Quartz-mica gneiss 358 358 GNS GNS D BT15_MP514 309152 8602384 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 Sandstone / Chopper landing site 111 111 RS-125 SST SST D BT15_MP515 309020 8602772 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 Quartz-biotite minor garnet gneiss 187 187 RS-125 GNS GNS QZT D BT15_MP516 309025 8602803 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 Dirty Quartzite 271 271 QZT QZT D BT15_MP518 308989 8603017 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 Quartz breccia minor pitting 254 254 BRX QZBX D BT15_MP519 309042 8603108 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 intrusive fine grained greenish colour silica altered 299 299 RYTF RYTF D BT15_MP520 309066 8603244 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 intrusive fine grained greenish colour silica altered 301 301 RYTF RYTF D BT15_MP521 309113 8603342 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 intrusive fine grained greenish colour silica altered 307 307 RYTF RYTF D BT15_MP522 309127 8603431 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 intrusive porphry feldspars weathering out as clay 276 276 RYTF RYTF D BT15_MP523 309230 8603437 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 intrusive porphry feldspars weathering out as clay 216 216 RYTF RYTF D BT15_MP524 309331 8603431 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 intrusive porphry feldspars weathering out as clay 186 186 RYTF RYTF D BT15_MP525 309167 8603456 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 intrusive porphry amigdales of quartz feldspars weathering out as clay 199 199 RYTF RYTF D BT15_MP526 309146 8603491 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 Quartz breccia 234 234 BRX QZBX D BT15_MP527 309185 8603607 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 intrusive porphry feldspars weathering out as clay 235 235 RYTF RYTF D BT15_MP528 309232 8603717 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 intrusive porphry feldspars weathering out as clay 317 317 RYTF RYTF D BT15_MP529 309257 8603820 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 intrusive porphry feldspars weathering out as clay 403 403 RYTF RYTF D BT15_MP530 309254 8604018 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 intrusive porphry feldspars weathering out as clay 303 303 RYTF RYTF D BT15_MP531 309262 8604107 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 intrusive fine grained greenish colour silica altered 309 309 RYTF RYTF D BT15_MP532 309250 8604393 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT10 FCL 2015 42227 Quartz breccia 298 298 BRX QZBX D BT15_MP604 297858.75074825 8607438.0319607 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42238 Coarse qtz cobble cgl at base of sst, approx loc of UC CGL CONG D BT15_MP601 298180.52833021 8607838.4004668 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42238 Sst (chopper landing) SST sst D BT15_MP602 297904.8697554 8607417.2261956 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42238 SST boulder scree/alluvium contact, + break of slope COV ALV D BT15_MP603 297866.24622071 8607422.825056 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42238 Qtz mica gneiss float amongst sst dominated scree. Suggests just below U/C GNS GNS D BT15_MP605 297791.86870516 8607444.4206603 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42238 UC exposure, approx 30m above valley floor, basement is qtz mica gneiss 442 100 RS-125 IMG_1867 GNS GNS D BT15_MP606 297606.99687604 8607416.556332 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42238 UC, qtz mica gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP607 297506.24915044 8607433.2129416 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42238 qtz cobble cgl at base of sst ,approx location of UC CGL CONG D BT15_MP608 297142.54145023 8607520.91509 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42238 SST boulder scree/alluvium contact, + break of slope COV ALV D BT15_MP609 297124.48305122 8607523.3345976 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42238 qtz cobble cgl at base of sst ,approx location of UC CGL CONG D BT15_MP610 297097.0408814 8607515.7261462 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42238 qtz cobble cgl at base of sst ,approx location of UC CGL CONG D BT15_MP611 296536.22451914 8607630.2328387 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42238 SST boulder scree/alluvium contact, + break of slope COV ALV D BT15_MP612 298311.96708829 8607524.0044612 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 U/C - Qtz mica gns GNS GNS D BT15_MP613 298328.81334819 8607507.6377926 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 U/C - Qtz mica gns GNS GNS D BT15_MP614 298353.09735964 8607486.0121944 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 end of observable UC, qtz mica gns dip 15/d.direction 340 - caution undulose! GNS GNS S0 15 250 D BT15_MP615 298402.40750853 8607443.9807498 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 U/C - Qtz mica gns. UC approx 40-50m above valley floor GNS GNS D BT15_MP616 298461.22511589 8607439.4216778 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 U/C - Qtz mica gns GNS GNS D BT15_MP617 298582.29884769 8607438.9417755 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 U/C - Qtz mica gns. Dip 10/ d dir 100 GNS GNS S0 10 10 D BT15_MP618 298640.01975776 8607466.6861282 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 U/C - Qtz mica gns, more schistose, peak CPS164 (BG25) 164 25 RS-111 GNS GNS D BT15_MP619 298672.96190573 8607465.1464416 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 U/C - Qtz mica gns - lose UC outcrop here GNS GNS D BT15_MP620 298805.71175305 8607426.3643356 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 U/C - Qtz mica gns Find UC outcrop. Approx 50m above valley floor GNS GNS D BT15_MP621 298920.06512175 8607405.698542 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 U/C - Qtz mica gns GNS GNS D BT15_MP622 299006.16822789 8607323.7652193 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 U/C - Coarse granitic gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP623 299023.61643442 8607284.7231662 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 Granodiorite directly below UC, outcrop 10m high, 30m across, migmatitc texture in places GNT GRDT D BT15_MP624 299041.12236186 8607221.4560441 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 Granodiorite directly below UC, siliceous sst above GNT GRDT D BT15_MP625 299181.17802723 8607085.5737025 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 Mica qtz schist at UC. Dip 26/d dir 050 SCH SCH D BT15_MP626 299345.47647482 8606948.8715279 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 Qtz Mica gns GNS GNS D BT15_MP627 299371.83019319 8606925.0463774 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 Qtz mica gneiss, contact with sst scree GNS GNS D BT15_MP628 299379.80392463 8606872.9969719 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42239 U/C - Qtz mica gns GNS GNS D BT15_MP718 301882.397103 8606150.749136 Mapping BT MGA94_53 84.810356 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 GNS hill, Altered QTZ biotite GNS, fine to medium grained diorite GNS GNS D BT15_MP719 301924.919583 8606160.559321 Mapping BT MGA94_53 94.591454 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 QTZ GNS ridge trending north east for at least 25m GNS GNS D BT15_MP720 299443.252333 8606550.370383 Mapping BT MGA94_53 15.524317 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP721 300127.466105 8606330.015182 Mapping BT MGA94_53 32.044853 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 ALV CT COV ALV D BT15_MP732 300173.961172 8606533.371376 Mapping BT MGA94_53 52.273529 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 ALV CT COV ALV D BT15_MP733 300206.696972 8606467.098578 Mapping BT MGA94_53 45.841511 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 ALV CT COV ALV D BT15_MP734 300134.651164 8606575.912915 Mapping BT MGA94_53 54.443424 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 ALV CT COV ALV D BT15_MP735 300449.793683 8606124.827821 Mapping BT MGA94_53 23.71212 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 GRDT ALV CT GNT GRDT D BT15_MP736 300141.553311 8606971.496312 Mapping BT MGA94_53 90.544533 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 GNS U/C GNS GNS D BT15_MP737 300197.545883 8606904.950488 Mapping BT MGA94_53 75.806061 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 GNS1 GNS GNS D BT15_MP738 300148.486791 8606787.887399 Mapping BT MGA94_53 72.606705 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 GRDT CT GNT GRDT D BT15_MP739 300142.315769 8606815.832371 Mapping BT MGA94_53 65.295532 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 GRDT CT GNT GRDT D BT15_MP740 300139.115906 8606652.397065 Mapping BT MGA94_53 60.807064 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 GRDT CT GNT GRDT D BT15_MP741 300516.31965 8606075.613835 Mapping BT MGA94_53 34.338211 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 GRDT HIILL GNT GRDT D BT15_MP742 300134.203029 8606391.584522 Mapping BT MGA94_53 34.350098 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 GRDT SCREE CT GNT GRDT D BT15_MP743 300424.26108 8606140.692721 Mapping BT MGA94_53 28.686159 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 GRDT SST CT GNT GRDT ALV D BT15_MP744 300080.598616 8606784.203043 Mapping BT MGA94_53 58.62928 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 GRDT TO CRK GNT GRDT D BT15_MP745 300768.763986 8606510.313603 Mapping BT MGA94_53 87.807404 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 SCREE1 COV SCREE D BT15_MP746 300752.774502 8606512.195769 Mapping BT MGA94_53 106.027473 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 SCREE2 COV SCREE D BT15_MP747 300168.90549 8606727.176034 Mapping BT MGA94_53 80.163773 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 SCREE3 COV SCREE D BT15_MP748 300255.078443 8606836.977939 Mapping BT MGA94_53 104.597244 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 SCREE BELOW SST COV SCREE D BT15_MP749 300365.185673 8606072.784849 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24.887552 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 SCREE CT COV SCREE ALV D BT15_MP750 300714.291043 8606156.325634 Mapping BT MGA94_53 48.706463 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 SST BOULDERS at base of slope COV SCREE D BT15_MP751 300640.941853 8606124.940672 Mapping BT MGA94_53 45.980782 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 SST SCREE COV SCREE ALV D BT15_MP752 300194.705685 8606302.609405 Mapping BT MGA94_53 47.410259 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 SST SCREE HILL COV SCREE D BT15_MP753 300823.323642 8606275.587094 Mapping BT MGA94_53 67.702385 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 STT SST SST D BT15_MP629 300110.08887886 8606917.7278671 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 small qtz mica gneiss cobble in creek, must be below UC here. COV SCREE D BT15_MP630 300137.80316154 8606901.1012514 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 in main creek, granodiorite boulder float dominates, some minor qtz mica gneiss and fine diorite? COV SCREE D BT15_MP631 300193.80069016 8606927.715834 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 in main creek, granodiorite boulder float dominates, some minor qtz mica gneiss and fine diorite? COV SCREE D BT15_MP632 300239.53214262 8606899.0516685 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 gneiss, granodiorite and some grey schist as float, much of this strongly weathered and friable COV SCREE D BT15_MP633 300133.94410641 8606738.3243841 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 coarse crystalline granodiorite outcrop GNT GRDT D BT15_MP634 300078.18570728 8606771.8975504 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Granodiorite outcrop/subcrop GNT GRDT D BT15_MP635 300030.17015595 8606722.5475954 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Granodiorite outcrop/subcrop GNT GRDT D BT15_MP636 300021.35534839 8606693.6134849 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Granodiorite outcrop/subcrop GNT GRDT D BT15_MP637 299977.48745674 8606641.6340652 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Granodiorite outcrop/subcrop GNT GRDT D BT15_MP638 299962.80160805 8606597.8329807 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Granodiorite outcrop/subcrop GNT GRDT D BT15_MP639 299914.94272775 8606542.3942651 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Granodiorite - Alluvium contact GNT GRDT D BT15_MP640 299956.50178301 8606519.898844 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Granodiorite - Alluvium contact GNT GRDT D BT15_MP641 300037.59141581 8606485.8357774 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Granodiorite - Alluvium contact GNT GRDT D BT15_MP642 300087.74264082 8606461.730684 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Granodiorite - Alluvium contact GNT GRDT D BT15_MP643 300126.34968382 8606380.5772025 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST boulder scree - Alluvium contact (occasional granodiorite cobble suggests GRDT subcrop) COV SCREE D BT15_MP644 300124.84069431 8606316.1703124 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST boulder scree - Alluvium contact (occasional granodiorite cobble suggests GRDT subcrop) COV SCREE D BT15_MP645 300128.41939073 8606255.6726265 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST boulder scree - Alluvium contact (occasional granodiorite cobble suggests GRDT subcrop) COV SCREE D BT15_MP646 300168.50243986 8606195.3249101 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST boulder scree - Alluvium contact (occasional granodiorite cobble suggests GRDT subcrop) COV SCREE D BT15_MP647 300190.33743555 8606135.2871306 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST boulder scree - Alluvium contact (occasional granodiorite cobble suggests GRDT subcrop) COV SCREE D BT15_MP648 300245.07334999 8606030.8983786 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 COV ALV D BT15_MP649 300307.98089612 8606062.9818481 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST boulder scree - Alluvium contact (occasional granodiorite cobble suggests GRDT subcrop) COV SCREE D BT15_MP650 300435.94815375 8606084.6774321 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST boulder scree - Alluvium contact (occasional granodiorite cobble suggests GRDT subcrop) COV SCREE D BT15_MP651 300471.66915125 8606089.6864125 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Granodiorite - Alluvium contact GNT GRDT D BT15_MP652 300561.59832914 8606034.5476358 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Granodiorite - Alluvium contact GNT GRDT D BT15_MP653 300595.35681569 8606008.562925 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Granodiorite - Alluvium contact GNT GRDT D BT15_MP654 300708.00329461 8605998.9548806 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Granodiorite GNT GRDT D BT15_MP655 300735.997936 8606067.1909914 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST boulder scree - (granodiorite cobble suggests GRDT subcrop) COV SCREE D BT15_MP656 300729.43424394 8606166.0608667 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP657 300725.39378023 8606200.5438478 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 E-W ridge SST SST D BT15_MP658 300759.24297107 8606254.4428768 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sandy plateau region within sst SST SST D BT15_MP659 300836.58074472 8606291.0554244 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP660 300746.46191241 8606513.5901281 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP661 300864.76504053 8606595.9533633 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sandy plateau region within sst SST SST D BT15_MP662 300854.81230646 8606651.9819589 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst base of escarpment SST SST D BT15_MP663 300950.95885095 8606702.3217124 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree (art) COV SCREE D BT15_MP664 300963.50078013 8606758.4002977 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst base of escarpment SST SST D BT15_MP665 301001.25850116 8606688.9544332 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree (art) COV SCREE D BT15_MP666 301144.34863723 8606739.8540728 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP667 301240.53641094 8606706.8907823 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP668 301238.83776702 8606700.9020013 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST + GRDT boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP669 301276.16670414 8606646.0631636 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP670 301295.44548811 8606623.8476855 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST + GRDT boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP671 301355.99472277 8606605.1314951 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST + GRDT boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP672 301404.6039749 8606569.6187237 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST + GRDT boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP673 301483.68986754 8606541.1845114 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP674 301529.75939963 8606527.2373503 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP675 301558.62810051 8606516.1496072 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP676 301600.72313564 8606511.1306288 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Creek line, Sandy ALV. Sst float only. COV ALV D BT15_MP677 301654.403582 8606495.1338848 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP678 301682.39822339 8606469.7690478 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP679 301735.82304858 8606459.7410889 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP680 301798.45023601 8606439.7051672 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 sst boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP681 301840.14947062 8606444.2042514 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Contact between GRDT and sst only boulder scree GNT GRDT D BT15_MP682 301818.31447492 8606427.5576398 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Contact between GRDT and sst only boulder scree GNT GRDT D BT15_MP683 301781.06799624 8606407.6116997 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Contact between GRDT and sst only boulder scree GNT GRDT D BT15_MP684 301765.47510467 8606321.1992887 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Contact between GRDT and sst only boulder scree GNT GRDT D BT15_MP685 301786.69990789 8606301.3233344 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Granodiorite GNT GRDT D BT15_MP686 301804.41198144 8606222.8892994 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST + GRDT boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP687 301791.77110213 8606165.8309135 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 GRDT ridge GNT GRDT D BT15_MP688 301950.99010964 8606068.1308001 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST only scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP689 301923.56443152 8606106.1130689 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST + GRDT boulder scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP690 301580.1085249 8606068.430739 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST boulder scree - alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP691 301542.27659127 8605977.1093272 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 SST boulder scree - alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP692 301504.66729543 8605869.8611573 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP693 301564.45791242 8605709.5137955 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Alluvium - contact with Scree comprising GRDT/SST/Hem altered GNS COV ALV D BT15_MP694 301422.55517793 8605769.9314977 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT RHD 2015 42240 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP695 300569.888106 8606092.254679 Mapping BT MGA94_53 34.390602 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 GRDT and SST in drainage GNT GRDT SST D BT15_MP696 300624.005047 8606122.948964 Mapping BT MGA94_53 45.476707 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 SST (and GRDT) scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP697 300810.558624 8606313.993188 Mapping BT MGA94_53 70.273636 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 Sandy (unconsolidated) to north east, contact with SST scree COV ALV SCREE D BT15_MP698 300723.291219 8606329.538402 Mapping BT MGA94_53 69.956146 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 Sharp corner of sandy area, walked perimeter COV ALV SST D BT15_MP699 300761.289671 8606397.631945 Mapping BT MGA94_53 74.16938 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 Sandy drainage COV ALV D BT15_MP700 300817.30307 8606561.21295 Mapping BT MGA94_53 102.256393 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 Sandy drainage contact COV ALV D BT15_MP701 300860.583813 8606619.04932 Mapping BT MGA94_53 109.287003 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 Sandy drainage contact COV ALV D BT15_MP702 300860.583037 8606619.160599 Mapping BT MGA94_53 109.276527 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 Sandy drainage contact COV ALV D BT15_MP703 300939.022377 8606700.584181 Mapping BT MGA94_53 116.902924 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 SST in situ to north SST SST D BT15_MP704 300955.193166 8606765.418295 Mapping BT MGA94_53 127.237457 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 SST scree all the way to base of cliff, no other rock types COV SCREE D BT15_MP705 301103.704118 8606755.613074 Mapping BT MGA94_53 101.482529 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 Scree jutting to the south COV SCREE D BT15_MP706 301138.126489 8606696.658943 Mapping BT MGA94_53 90.615364 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 Scree ALV bench COV SCREE ALV D BT15_MP707 301158.983747 8606651.112759 Mapping BT MGA94_53 84.069847 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 GRDT subcrop, contact slightly up slope. Colluvium soil cover down to east-south-east GNT GRDT D BT15_MP708 301237.004366 8606574.434326 Mapping BT MGA94_53 70.597382 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 Fine grained dacite (?) amongst GRDT and SST scree GNT GRDT D BT15_MP709 301267.915113 8606551.409789 Mapping BT MGA94_53 59.153339 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 Scree field COV SCREE D BT15_MP710 301312.566818 8606506.687738 Mapping BT MGA94_53 45.549194 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 Predominantly SST scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP711 301370.671399 8606464.609592 Mapping BT MGA94_53 38.475559 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 Contact between scree and ALV COV SCREE ALV D BT15_MP712 301440.009828 8606399.81481 Mapping BT MGA94_53 33.544777 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 ALV and long grass COV ALV D BT15_MP713 301542.755797 8606314.340209 Mapping BT MGA94_53 29.892464 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 RS111 scint not elevated in creek line 35 30 RS111 COV ALV D BT15_MP714 301621.051686 8606243.635167 Mapping BT MGA94_53 32.791176 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP715 301667.842395 8606234.334526 Mapping BT MGA94_53 34.951221 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 Contact between ALV and SST + GRDT scree, some basement CGL SST and GNS scree COV ALV SCREE D BT15_MP716 301703.034291 8606190.213933 Mapping BT MGA94_53 41.27478 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 Mostly GRDT GNT GRDT D BT15_MP717 301717.37998 8606174.492775 Mapping BT MGA94_53 44.504971 24291 AGE BT DW 2015 42240 GRDT and GNS scree COV SCREE GRDT D BT15_MP754 308030.954192 8608643.164393 Mapping BT MGA94_53 33.448166 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP755 307795.077564 8608635.485811 Mapping BT MGA94_53 30.196201 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP756 307563.325808 8608467.088009 Mapping BT MGA94_53 27.882231 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP771 307217.012148 8608947.127859 Mapping BT MGA94_53 36.746479 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP772 307196.471584 8608947.100554 Mapping BT MGA94_53 36.306599 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP773 307203.79306 8608924.467193 Mapping BT MGA94_53 34.065186 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP774 307358.959405 8608911.687054 Mapping BT MGA94_53 32.85952 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP775 307503.089685 8609068.655443 Mapping BT MGA94_53 32.867706 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP776 307627.709818 8609088.968721 Mapping BT MGA94_53 31.954647 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP777 307667.967593 8609066.556981 Mapping BT MGA94_53 33.899006 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP778 307689.490786 8609000.434207 Mapping BT MGA94_53 35.440289 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP779 307678.026743 8608993.049625 Mapping BT MGA94_53 34.531807 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP780 307658.747947 8608982.848969 Mapping BT MGA94_53 31.928862 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP781 307658.330947 8608963.603881 Mapping BT MGA94_53 31.984653 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP782 307685.424365 8608975.285235 Mapping BT MGA94_53 34.962585 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP783 307728.979796 8608946.042598 Mapping BT MGA94_53 33.929886 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP784 307785.655701 8608954.167169 Mapping BT MGA94_53 38.451527 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Sandy ridge, swampy COV ALV D BT15_MP785 307971.316837 8608898.217264 Mapping BT MGA94_53 45.333767 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP786 308075.811972 8608809.078914 Mapping BT MGA94_53 40.166458 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP787 308189.955315 8608787.394593 Mapping BT MGA94_53 42.014229 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP788 308333.862247 8608832.835349 Mapping BT MGA94_53 48.028679 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP789 308507.545882 8608796.823039 Mapping BT MGA94_53 47.285938 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP790 308604.182109 8608760.071141 Mapping BT MGA94_53 48.497383 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Schist contact SCH SCH ALV D BT15_MP791 308589.707017 8608730.327279 Mapping BT MGA94_53 46.441322 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Schist ALV contact SCH SCH ALV D BT15_MP792 308619.647024 8608673.329852 Mapping BT MGA94_53 44.440056 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Schist ALV contact SCH SCH ALV D BT15_MP793 308664.154221 8608648.627029 Mapping BT MGA94_53 42.702564 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Schist ALV contact SCH SCH ALV D BT15_MP794 308717.409691 8608631.503404 Mapping BT MGA94_53 40.583435 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Schist ALV contact, minor quartz float SCH SCH ALV D BT15_MP795 308758.321806 8608705.676552 Mapping BT MGA94_53 44.695095 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Schist ALV contact SCH SCH ALV D BT15_MP796 308761.924186 8608751.288401 Mapping BT MGA94_53 46.507122 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Schist, Dol, ALV contact SCH SCH ALV D BT15_MP797 308745.490968 8608786.797299 Mapping BT MGA94_53 50.787979 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Schist Dol contact SCH SCH DOL D BT15_MP798 308805.905794 8608756.117419 Mapping BT MGA94_53 45.476681 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Dol ALV contact DOL DOL ALV D BT15_MP799 308839.582377 8608709.651515 Mapping BT MGA94_53 41.533695 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST boulder scree over schist subcrop, contact with ALV COV SCREE SCH D BT15_MP800 308858.771981 8608699.161938 Mapping BT MGA94_53 40.580326 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST boulder scree over schist subcrop, contact with ALV COV SCREE SCH D BT15_MP801 308875.125168 8608724.606091 Mapping BT MGA94_53 40.730942 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST boulder scree over schist subcrop, contact with ALV COV SCREE SCH D BT15_MP802 308901.244634 8608783.861211 Mapping BT MGA94_53 43.933514 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST boulder scree over schist subcrop, contact with ALV COV SCREE SCH D BT15_MP803 309066.702441 8608840.39405 Mapping BT MGA94_53 43.723381 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Mafic volcanic outcropping in wall of creek DOL DOL D BT15_MP804 309057.999679 8608744.190058 Mapping BT MGA94_53 45.722229 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Possible Dol GRDT contact. DOL DOL GRDT D BT15_MP805 309061.181119 8608690.667138 Mapping BT MGA94_53 44.229412 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 GRDT ALV contact GNT GRDT ALV D BT15_MP806 309221.005474 8608695.935661 Mapping BT MGA94_53 56.942181 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Drainage rise in ALV/CLV COV ALV D BT15_MP807 309514.790202 8608786.298369 Mapping BT MGA94_53 64.528229 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree contact with ALV/CLV COV SCREE ALV D BT15_MP808 309675.043655 8608776.414562 Mapping BT MGA94_53 60.76165 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree contact with ALV/CLV COV SCREE ALV D BT15_MP809 309709.34944 8608650.29441 Mapping BT MGA94_53 51.280437 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 ALV/CLV COV ALV D BT15_MP810 309595.095615 8608509.914321 Mapping BT MGA94_53 45.242073 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Saprolitic (volcanic?) subcrop in ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP811 309513.038508 8608282.671988 Mapping BT MGA94_53 42.78146 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Saprolitic (volcanic?) subcrop in ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP812 309214.197505 8608332.348241 Mapping BT MGA94_53 44.895332 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 GRDT boulder, possible subcrop GNT GRDT D BT15_MP757 307345.54691 8608386.851723 Mapping BT MGA94_53 28.634735 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 ALV Dol CT DOL DOL ALV D BT15_MP758 307113.636907 8608741.64543 Mapping BT MGA94_53 30.96229 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 ALV Dol CT DOL DOL ALV D BT15_MP759 306845.285694 8608746.027129 Mapping BT MGA94_53 30.909857 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 ALV Dol CT DOL DOL ALV D BT15_MP760 306831.932231 8608825.484316 Mapping BT MGA94_53 31.588778 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP761 306727.404502 8609031.890282 Mapping BT MGA94_53 41.062904 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP762 306761.242032 8609106.352917 Mapping BT MGA94_53 39.250435 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP763 306781.919807 8609133.265114 Mapping BT MGA94_53 38.716183 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST boulder drainage COV ALV D BT15_MP764 306825.27604 8609102.696242 Mapping BT MGA94_53 36.101124 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Densly forrested ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP765 306880.133421 8609057.812688 Mapping BT MGA94_53 34.126568 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Scree slope to creek COV SCREE D BT15_MP766 306945.584353 8608988.667162 Mapping BT MGA94_53 31.863535 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 Scree slope to creek contact, ALV to south COV SCREE ALV D BT15_MP767 307057.579569 8608980.56745 Mapping BT MGA94_53 35.043648 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP768 307183.824817 8608904.422444 Mapping BT MGA94_53 30.41222 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP769 307236.700707 8608911.418958 Mapping BT MGA94_53 33.271103 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP770 307229.034211 8608936.590911 Mapping BT MGA94_53 35.298706 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 SST scree ALV contact SST SST ALV D BT15_MP813 309178.654757 8608332.444642 Mapping BT MGA94_53 43.012665 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 GRDT boulder, possible subcrop GNT GRDT D BT15_MP814 308431.886093 8608589.204752 Mapping BT MGA94_53 42.896038 24291 AGE BT1 DW 2015 42241 ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP815 308115.81418901 8608662.2027842 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP816 307792.71727196 8608631.3790583 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP817 307548.39290546 8608458.1343218 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP818 307332.16213049 8608405.5650221 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Dolerite - Alluvium contact DOL DOL D BT15_MP819 307284.154825 8608498.3961266 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Dolerite - Alluvium contact DOL DOL D BT15_MP820 307272.66836389 8608573.8907599 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Dolerite - Alluvium contact DOL DOL D BT15_MP821 307256.15193777 8608605.4143434 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Brecciated Dolerite - Alluvium contact DOL DOL D BT15_MP822 307191.4880268 8608686.6278126 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Dolerite - Alluvium contact DOL DOL D BT15_MP823 307120.41709481 8608734.6080464 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Dolerite - Alluvium contact DOL DOL D BT15_MP824 307029.16033599 8608762.9822709 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Dolerite - Alluvium contact DOL DOL D BT15_MP825 306842.8042549 8608743.5762209 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Dolerite - Alluvium contact DOL DOL D BT15_MP826 306827.66488477 8608829.2187886 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP827 306769.62238677 8608958.9323858 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP828 306707.53117922 8609029.2080814 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP829 306751.81136309 8609102.7531115 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST boulder scree - edge major ck. COV SCREE D BT15_MP830 306845.38520416 8609102.2732092 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP831 306901.60537057 8609016.6906293 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP832 307048.43087411 8608983.4973857 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP833 307162.2812463 8608924.2994352 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP834 307222.04712576 8608941.2959756 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP835 307259.68940497 8608887.566912 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP836 307379.26239311 8608930.9680778 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP837 307425.99983858 8608946.1049968 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP838 307432.74493921 8608992.6155297 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP839 307472.35797521 8609017.0005662 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP840 307505.22591058 8609091.0155006 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP841 307565.56075329 8609104.2528062 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium - Creek line COV ALV D BT15_MP842 307639.7815978 8609104.7527045 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP843 307750.91908722 8609028.7281791 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST scree (Doug followed ALV contact) COV SCREE D BT15_MP844 307767.41077581 8609000.7338772 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 E-W ridge of sst scree and sandy. COV SCREE D BT15_MP845 307816.85285821 8608936.8968711 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP846 307905.69358466 8608896.7850357 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP847 308014.50574599 8608859.0127241 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP848 308054.01158601 8608819.0008684 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP849 308279.403494 8608801.7143871 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP850 308416.92768517 8608843.3459131 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP851 308505.08400654 8608806.9833146 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP852 308564.36338118 8608766.3315891 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP853 308598.5259141 8608761.0326677 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 hematitic mica qtz schist contact with ALV SCH SCH D BT15_MP854 308647.07744531 8608748.3052583 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 hematitic mica qtz schist SCH SCH D BT15_MP855 308662.4147157 8608746.1956877 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 hematitic mica qtz schist - top of hill SCH SCH D BT15_MP856 308695.41458458 8608751.1746743 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 hematitic mica qtz schist SCH SCH D BT15_MP857 308757.44807122 8608738.7572018 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 hematitic mica qtz schist contact with ALV SCH SCH D BT15_MP858 308748.7322138 8608774.3199631 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 hematitic mica qtz schist contact with strongly weathered DOL, contact trend NNW. SCH S0 fabric dip 52/dip dir160 SCH SCH D BT15_MP859 308801.414913 8608745.4658363 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Dolerite - Alluvium contact DOL DOL D BT15_MP860 308848.22657107 8608765.4717641 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Dolerite ridge with some sst boulder cover (Doug follwoed DOL-ALV contact) DOL DOL D BT15_MP861 308891.32759921 8608772.070421 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST boulder scree - ALV contact. Probable SCH sub crop. COV SCREE D BT15_MP862 308930.28921351 8608811.6023744 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST boulder scree - ALV contact. Probable DOL sub crop. COV SCREE D BT15_MP863 308951.93455478 8608857.8829541 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP864 309016.1037151 8608898.8046246 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP865 309073.10723671 8608873.4097937 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 DOL/Basalt? Dyke? Fine (aphinitic) dark grey blue with occasional phenocryst. Dominant fracture plane Dip70/Dip Dir 180 DOL DOL D BT15_MP866 309058.39665049 8608830.5985078 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Dolerite - Alluvium contact DOL DOL D BT15_MP867 309051.89892518 8608810.5325921 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Dolerite - Alluvium contact DOL DOL D BT15_MP868 309048.78199604 8608741.1467154 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 GRDT - Alluvium contact GNT GRDT D BT15_MP869 309068.99256041 8608692.48662 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 GRDT - Alluvium contact GNT GRDT D BT15_MP870 309127.64525089 8608745.6557976 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Deep channel in alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP871 309192.37512861 8608800.9645397 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP872 309253.60052251 8608664.4023365 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Raised colluvium flat COV ALV D BT15_MP873 309396.61644598 8608793.3660863 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP874 309775.62018736 8608784.3879138 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 SST Boulder scree - Alluvium contact COV SCREE D BT15_MP875 309644.11546253 8608524.9507215 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP876 309500.14302112 8608327.170979 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP877 309534.84977976 8608288.4588587 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP878 309419.67182663 8608302.9659059 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP879 309251.58029066 8608316.0032522 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium - Fe pisolith COV ALV D BT15_MP880 309159.60614338 8608321.6920942 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium - GRDT cobble - suggest GRDT subcrop COV ALV D BT15_MP881 308825.18768211 8608408.1844889 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP882 308664.07213041 8608498.276151 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 mica qtz schist, small low outcrop approx 20mx20m, some gneissic bands. Overall dip sub vertical, trending 290. SCH SCH D BT15_MP883 308539.74129011 8608516.0225388 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP884 308398.63840252 8608572.3910652 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP885 308274.28282469 8608593.2368221 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RHD 2015 42241 Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP940 303495.7748 8606511.97 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 Minor Quartz and Brx and GRDT scree amongstST COV Scree D BT15_MP941 303539.0902 8606549.773 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 SST scree going under cover to east. Some GRDT scre COV Scree D BT15_MP942 303552.7536 8606569.889 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 Pink Qtz GNS in sit GNS GNS D BT15_MP943 303594.3374 8606637.895 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 Qtz GN GNS GNS D BT15_MP944 303630.1738 8606625.077 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 Hem BRX hill top. Ex Sulphide textures. Qtziteparent rock/surround. ~20x20m ara BRX bx D BT15_MP945 303660.9061 8606628.167 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 GNS scre GNS GNS D BT15_MP946 303690.3108 8606603.482 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 Qtzite scree amongsSST COV Scree D BT15_MP947 303678.3378 8606400.263 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 GNS scree ct with AL COV Scree D BT15_MP948 303716.1945 8606379.167 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 ALV gently sloping to south. Some DOL boulders COV ALV D BT15_MP949 303745.5662 8606311.991 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 Porph DOL boulders in crek COV Scree D BT15_MP950 303969.2347 8606322.159 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 DOL AL CT DOL Dol D BT15_MP951 303489.6234 8606395.094 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 GNS CT GNS GNS D BT15_MP952 303570.8697 8606400.633 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 GNS DOL E W CT GNS GNS D BT15_MP953 303426.6499 8606418.999 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 GNS SST SCREE COV Scree D BT15_MP954 303368.4755 8606377.448 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 GRDT SCREE GNT GRDT D BT15_MP955 303626.5704 8606249.434 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 P BTA PAD COV ALV D BT15_MP956 303485.6984 8606491.105 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 SST SCREE COV Scree D BT15_MP957 303411.3456 8606384.046 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 DW 2015 42264 SST SCREE COV Scree D BT15_MP886 303376.05341258 8606412.9006232 Mapping BT 408 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 Float amongst sst scree GNT GRDT D BT15_MP887 303423.70614676 8606483.0363473 Mapping BT 409 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 E-W contact between GRDT south and GNS north GNT GRDT D BT15_MP888 303451.35446269 8606539.4348675 Mapping BT 410 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 QH BRX BRX BX D BT15_MP889 303457.3326998 8606555.6315707 Mapping BT 411 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 QH BRX BRX BX D BT15_MP890 303449.15282226 8606574.5977102 Mapping BT 412 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 QH BRX BRX BX D BT15_MP891 303451.56885464 8606603.6018065 Mapping BT 413 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 QH BRX BRX BX D BT15_MP892 303434.59890708 8606637.3449382 Mapping BT 414 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 QH BRX, 330 trend approx dip 60 to SW BRX BX FLT 60 150 D BT15_MP893 303408.97082301 8606665.7091647 Mapping BT 415 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 QH BRX BRX BX D BT15_MP894 303435.80280034 8606667.2188574 Mapping BT 416 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 QH BRX BRX BX D BT15_MP895 303507.80551274 8606579.0967944 Mapping BT 417 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 Granitic gns loose boulder scree GNS GNS D BT15_MP896 303483.69466402 8606561.7803192 Mapping BT 418 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 QH BRX BRX BX D BT15_MP897 303481.26213995 8606536.2055248 Mapping BT 419 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 QH BRX BRX BX D BT15_MP898 303497.64663257 8606523.9280239 Mapping BT 420 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 QH BRX trending 330, dives SE under alluv/colluv. Sst scree cover to SW BRX BX D BT15_MP899 303518.88792747 8606468.6492757 Mapping BT 421 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 contact Alv/colluv - Granitic gns. loose gns boulder scree to SW GNS GNS D BT15_MP900 303506.16458972 8606439.1252852 Mapping BT 422 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 granitic gns, loose boulders GNS GNS D BT15_MP901 303595.59077111 8606407.7716672 Mapping BT 423 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 colluvium granitic gneiss subcrop GNS GNS D BT15_MP902 303663.73442838 8606391.2050393 Mapping BT 424 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 colluvium - porphyritic dol subcrop DOL DOL D BT15_MP903 303689.98095077 8606319.3596632 Mapping BT 425 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 colluvium - porphyritic dol subcrop DOL DOL flt 60 180 D BT15_MP904 303733.79112152 8606206.3626634 Mapping BT 426 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 weathered Dol DOL Dol D BT15_MP905 303827.33197921 8606288.7658905 Mapping BT 427 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 alv - chopper pad COV alv D BT15_MP906 303944.2910347 8606346.6641054 Mapping BT 428 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT4 RHD 2015 42264 Dolerite contact with Alv DOL Dol D BT15_MP924 310990.71955698 8605480.2804553 Mapping BT 446 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 qhbrx-malachite sample photo 000trend 60dip to west BRX QZBX flt 60 180 D BT15_MP925 311035.69239177 8605466.7532088 Mapping BT 447 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 grdt GNT GRDT D BT15_MP926 311090.27163517 8605445.2075943 Mapping BT 448 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 grdt GNT GRDT D BT15_MP927 311124.68978926 8605449.0868047 Mapping BT 449 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 alv COV ALV D BT15_MP928 311327.52106725 8605601.5557701 Mapping BT 450 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 alv COV ALV D BT15_MP929 311450.21098453 8605632.1295469 Mapping BT 451 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 alv, large sst boulders COV ALV D BT15_MP930 311555.93095425 8605880.209051 Mapping BT 452 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 320cps in ck by big tree 320 100 Exploranium COV ALV D BT15_MP931 311570.78996567 8605884.7281312 Mapping BT 453 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 up to 720cps in uncon cgl layer 30cm depth sst Dom 720 100 Exploranium COV ALV D BT15_MP932 311687.50989169 8606111.5219679 Mapping BT 454 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 alv COV ALV D BT15_MP933 311821.48836981 8606325.4884157 Mapping BT 455 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 alv COV ALV D BT15_MP934 312022.93434596 8606475.7278349 Mapping BT 456 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 grdt GNT GRDT D BT15_MP935 312100.50300325 8606577.6970793 Mapping BT 457 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 GRDT more garnitic boulder GNT GRDT D BT15_MP936 312088.63723331 8606613.3498223 Mapping BT 458 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 grdt garnets? Sample GNT GRDT D BT15_MP937 312087.98581161 8606646.7530232 Mapping BT 459 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 migmatite GNT GRDT D BT15_MP938 312046.02270999 8606699.6922476 Mapping BT 460 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 sst scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP939 311721.33434499 8606567.7790981 Mapping BT 461 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 alv - chopper COV ALV D BT15_MP958 303834.646 8605429.711 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 Hem stained white quartzite with hem bands QZT QZT D BT15_MP959 303756.9537 8605414.794 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 QGN outcrop. Trend SSW? GNS GNS D BT15_MP960 303788.1395 8605382.82 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 Ridge of brx qtz mica GNS trending approx N-S. SW striking QVN GNS GNS D BT15_MP961 303786.3831 8605354.256 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 BRX. Some schist variation within lith BRX BX D BT15_MP962 303670.8836 8605384.33 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 Dirty QZT. Grey. Striking approx N-S. Dip ~50deg to east QZT QZT D BT15_MP963 303673.3656 8605418.653 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 GRDT float (trace) amongst in situ QZT QZT QZT D BT15_MP964 303671.4443 8605429.261 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 GRDT Outcrop. Close to condact, GRDT to West going under alv/colv GNT GRDT D BT15_MP965 303617.8216 8605294.788 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 Contact between alv to south and dirty QZT to NW QZT QZT D BT15_MP966 303582.1088 8605274.632 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 South west extent of diry QZT 'finger'. Under alv to SW QZT QZT D BT15_MP967 303481.5095 8605317.973 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 Quartz BRX ridge. 180 cps. Ridge N-S, BRX 045 strike 180 RS-125 BRX BX D BT15_MP907 308800.30996987 8605261.5549763 Mapping BT 429 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 Aluuvium- 100cps ,chopper landing 100 100 Exploranium COV ALV D BT15_MP908 308993.33693899 8605124.3329074 Mapping BT 430 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 10m 040 trending qbx v low outcrop. BRX QZBX D BT15_MP909 309240.16804215 8604659.6574908 Mapping BT 431 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 beak of slope COV ALV D BT15_MP910 309314.16624886 8604610.6974564 Mapping BT 432 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 020 ridge 420cps tuff? Sample Dip 70-80 to 110E qbx vn sets 000 &330 420 100 Exploranium TUF RYTF D BT15_MP911 309343.76058404 8604685.7921711 Mapping BT 433 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 N extent of outcrop/scree TUF RYTF D BT15_MP912 309551.67130212 8604759.8770913 Mapping BT 434 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 sandy Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP913 309714.93077334 8604816.2856096 Mapping BT 435 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 sandy Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP914 310288.29731062 8605194.8285582 Mapping BT 436 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 sandy Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP915 310395.27889452 8605266.3440015 Mapping BT 437 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 sandy Alluvium COV ALV D BT15_MP916 310500.98237255 8605351.7966078 Mapping BT 438 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 sst sub crop alv more pisolitic COV ALV D BT15_MP917 310672.85875106 8605436.1294421 Mapping BT 439 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 alv pisolitic COV ALV D BT15_MP918 310702.9313452 8605408.1151444 Mapping BT 440 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 grdt boulders sample photo GNT GRDT D BT15_MP919 310727.66063225 8605430.5205838 Mapping BT 441 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 grdt boulders GNT GRDT D BT15_MP920 310769.66496309 8605454.8056406 Mapping BT 442 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 changed veg. Diff geol. red soil. Grdt float w fabric GNT GRDT D BT15_MP921 310850.25984524 8605475.7013874 Mapping BT 443 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 GRDT more mafic-biotite? GNT GRDT D BT15_MP922 310936.69278515 8605500.9462489 Mapping BT 444 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 qhbrx BRX QZBX D BT15_MP923 310986.86050185 8605489.1086584 Mapping BT 445 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT9 RHD 2015 42266 qhbrx BRX QZBX D BT15_MP968 303480.5448 8605331.021 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 BRX with 350 strike. Same as previous? Qtz mica medium grained hem altered GNS GNS GNS D BT15_MP969 303539.1562 8605262.275 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 90cps ALV red brown soil 90 RS-125 COV ALV D BT15_MP970 303386.3525 8605187.21 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 ALV contact with QZT hill QZT QZT D BT15_MP971 303368.4425 8605201.017 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 BRX QZT. Strongly BRX, Ex sulphides, 145cps N-S ~22m wide 145 RS-125 QZT QZT D BT15_MP972 303348.2402 8605214.595 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 Western BRX contact with white QZT QZT QZT D BT15_MP973 303323.8242 8605225.712 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 Increasing fabric to west. QGN. 185cps 13.6Th over 0.0U 185 RS-125 GNS GRGN D BT15_MP974 303341.6847 8605188.45 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 BRX contact BRX BX D BT15_MP975 303354.6225 8605172.273 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 BRX contact with ALV BRX BX D BT15_MP976 303287.6085 8605183.971 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 GRDT at base of QGN hill (transported?) GNS GRGN D BT15_MP977 303213.1485 8605249.517 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 Walk contact of QGN GNS GRGN D BT15_MP978 303187.7596 8605212.055 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 Pale 'arch' on aerial photos is granitic GNS with remnant GRDT boulders sporadic on top of ridge. 130cps GNS GRGN D BT15_MP979 303211.2602 8605176.812 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 GRDT boulders GNS GRGN D BT15_MP980 303250.6011 8605175.972 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 GRDT boulders GNS GRGN D BT15_MP981 303425.5532 8605128.732 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP982 303543.7656 8605082.082 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE DW 2015 42266 ALV COV ALV D BT15_MP983 310439 8608355 Mapping BT 1 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Quartz mica schist dipping steep to north. Coarse crystaline qtz mica gneiss below (south). On Gneiss/schist contact, striking E-W roughly. 20151005_112316, 20151005_112330 QSH QMSch GNS S0 35 105 D BT15_MP984 310488 8608363 Mapping BT 2 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Quartz rich weakly schistose unit. In creekline. Quartz dominant fairly fresh competent boring unit. Quartz mica schist with Qtz laminations, dipping NE. Slightly undulose unit, weakly folded. E-W Gneiss schist contact. 20151005_114113_HDR QSH QMSch GNS S0 60 110 D BT15_MP985 310680 8608536 Mapping BT 3 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Oxidised quartz dominant mica schist. Loose exposure QMsch hillock continuation of unit to east. GNS approx 100m south. QSH QMSch SS0 30 84 D BT15_MP986 310778 8608554 Mapping BT 4 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 QMSch oxidised boring quartz mica schist. Quartz dominant, moderate schistose fabric, no orientation possible. QSH QMSch D BT15_MP987 310787 8608562 Mapping BT 4b MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Good exposure on side of hill. Schistose fabric parallel to bedding appears shallower but still striking E-W. Vertical oxidised fractures trending 340-160. QSH QMSch SS0 16 84 Fr 90 340 D BT15_MP988 310764 8608603 Mapping BT 5 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Back in creek. Good exposure of E-W striking Quartz mica schist. Fairly regular quartz dominant unit. 338-158 Silicified fracture with surrounding chlorite alteration approx 15cm either side of fracture, very limited alteration. 20151005_125258, 20151005_125327 QSH QMSch SS0 43 120 SS0 58 85 Fr 85 158 D BT15_MP989 310738 8608666 Mapping BT 6 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Qtz mica schist hill, on north side of creek. Poor exposure, no orientation possible with scree and loose exposure. Inferr E-W schist continuation. QSH QMSch D BT15_MP990 310786 8608686 Mapping BT 7 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Dolerite and Schist contact trending 110-290 swinging to E-W moving east. Dolerite on north, Schist on south. Dolerite intruding BT fault? DOL DOL QMSch D BT15_MP991 311003 8608639 Mapping BT 8 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Dolerite and sandstone boulders in creek. Still on dolerite with schist visible 20m to south of creek, close to contact here. DOL DOL D BT15_MP992 311101 8608657 Mapping BT 9 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Dol schist contact. Schist close to contact appears deformed and fractured, but relatively fresh. Oxidised quartz mica schist to south. Blue porphyritic dolerite to north. Creek marks contact here. Schist dipping back to south here possibly due to deforma 20151005_141946 DOL DOL QMSch SS0 38 222 D BT15_MP993 311224 8608658 Mapping BT 10 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Quartz mica schist exposure dipping south. Dolerite not far to north, deformation along col contact causing southerly dip? Dol Schist contact continuing E-W. Strongly oxidised and moderately deformed/ folded. 20151005_144920 QSH QMSch DOL SS0 33 263 Fr 90 192 D BT15_MP994 311224 8608518 Mapping BT 11 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Quartz mica schist scree, loose exposure possibly dipping steep to south? QSH QMSch D BT15_MP995 311276 8608387 Mapping BT 12 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Quartz mica schist on top of small hill. Gneiss ridge to south. General dip back to north continuing E-W strike. 2 southerly dips below likely due to deformation along dolerite contact. QSH QMSch S0 58 87 D BT15_MP996 311272 8608362 Mapping BT 13 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Quartz breccia ridgeline, silicified, minor specular heamatite approx 1m wide. 20151005_152908 BRX QBX QMSch QBX 90 38 D BT15_MP997 311286 8608245 Mapping BT 14 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Quartz mica schist maroon with oxidation. Quartz biotite gneiss with garnets to south. QSH QMSch GNS D BT15_MP998 311182 8608208 Mapping BT 15 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Quartz breccia ridge trending 038, continuation of QBX at point 13. QMsch surrounding. 20151005_155405 BRX QBX QMSch D BT15_MP999 311039 8608133 Mapping BT 16 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Schist and Gneiss contact?, appears fairly transitional. Schist overlying Gneiss with dip to north. QSH QMSch GNS D BT15_MP1000 310956 8608144 Mapping BT 17 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Schist appears folded on ridgeline indicating possible antiform with a plunge to the east. Quartz mica schist here possibly thin veneer with gneiss below. Unknown lithology boulders on top of ridge, little fabric, possibly smear lith below unconformity, c 20151005_161140, 20151005_161149, 20151005_161154 QSH QMSch Smear D BT15_MP1001 310849 8608172 Mapping BT 18 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Oxidised quartz mica schist. QSH QMSch SS0 68 110 D BT15_MP1002 310822 8608166 Mapping BT 19 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42282 Gneiss schist contact trending 130-320. quartz mica schist to north., Quartz biotite gneiss to south QSH QMSch GNS D BT15_MP1003 310438 8608017 Mapping BT 20 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 Quartz biotite gneiss boulders, not orientable but close to in-situ. 20151006_104524 GNS GNS D BT15_MP1004 310373 8608107 Mapping BT 21 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 North south kink in gneiss exposure. Quartz biotite gneiss continuing with alluvial flat to sout. Some quartz breccia float around. GNS GNS D BT15_MP1005 310228 8608150 Mapping BT 22 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 North south gully full of quartz breccia material. Inferr north south structure here. Quartz biotite gneiss dominant lith from east. Schist scree on west side of structure, loss of gneiss. GNS GNS QMSch D BT15_MP1006 310212 8608193 Mapping BT 23 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 Quartz breccia ridge trending 175-355. Quartz mica schist surround. Quartz biotite gneiss visible 50m to east. QSH QMSch QBX QBX 90 175 D BT15_MP1007 310184 8608208 Mapping BT 24 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 Quartz breccia ridge trending 022-202. Quartz mica schist on end of ridgeline. Loose exposure no orientation. QSH QMSch QBX QBX 90 202 D BT15_MP1008 310236 8608262 Mapping BT 25 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 Quartz mica oxidised schist in west, Quartz biotite gneiss with garnet and muscovite to east. On structural contact here trending 027-207. west side downthrown. QBX structures abundant on ridge end trending similar. QSH QMSch GNS FLT 90 207 D BT15_MP1009 310458 8608257 Mapping BT 26 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 Quartz biotite garnet gneiss. Large exposure, general gneissic fabric trending 110 dipping towards north moderately. Moderate gneissic foliation. GNS GNS SS0 36 110 D BT15_MP1010 310717 8608252 Mapping BT 27 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 Gneiss schist faulted contact, gully marking weathered out structural contact here trending 006-186. QSH QMSch GNS FLT 90 186 D BT15_MP1011 310809 8608258 Mapping BT 28 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 Schist and gneiss boulders. Another north south structure. Gully again marking likely structure along lithological contact and alligns with large fracture face ontop of hill. 007-187 trend. Schist on west side, GNS on east. QSH QMSch GNS FLT 90 187 D BT15_MP1012 310904 8608269 Mapping BT 29 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 Hmmm Gneiss island within schist., unsure of structural mechanic, but likely faulted wedge. Schist above, below and either side. Surrounding quartz breccias and gullys allign closely with gneiss boundaries, supporting faulting. See map for structures. GNS GNS QMSch D BT15_MP1013 310902 8608346 Mapping BT 30 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 Schist south of gneiss island. Maroon oxidised quartz mica schist. Gneiss structural pinch above. Steep north south striking oxidised fractures in schist parallel to ofsetting structures. Very close to GNS sch contact. GNS to north. QSH QMSch GNS S0 52 104 Fr 90 196 Fr 78 196 D BT15_MP1014 310915 8608419 Mapping BT 31 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 Quartz mica schist, red oxidised. E-W strike continuing, fairly steep dip to north. Photo looking south along ridge, GNS to north and west. 20151006_144805 QSH QMSch SS0 50 104 D BT15_MP1015 310099 8608212 Mapping BT 32 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 End of ridge. Quartz breccia float, some gneiss float, quartz mica schist float most dominant. Strong red weathering in gully trending E-W. fault on end of ridge? QSH QMSch QBX D BT15_MP1016 309977 8608420 Mapping BT 33 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 Saprock/recent sediment? Strongly clay altered lithology in creekline. White clay with blocky weathering appearance, suspect Saprolite lithology along watercourse. Quarz mica schist? Softest and easiest to alter? 4m deep washout in creekline. 20151006_155333 SAP SAP QMSch D BT15_MP1017 309665 8608230 Mapping BT 34 MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 RL 2015 42283 AAARGH big crocodile. 3m+ salty beware! SSt boulders transported quite away from escarpment here forming boulder horizon 3m below surface and recent sediment accumulation. No saprock evident. 20151006_160624, 20151006_162106 COV ALV D BT15_MP1018 316115 8609159 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 BW 2015 42289 strongly weathered Dolerite DOL DOL D BT15_MP1019 314331 8608663 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 BW 2015 42289 Amphibolite AMPH AMPH D BT15_MP1020 316145 8609159 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 BW 2015 42289 Dolerite DOL DOL D BT15_MP1021 313333 8608784 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 BW 2015 42289 mica quartz Schist SCH MQSch D BT15_MP1022 316318 8609184 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE BT1 BW 2015 42289 Basalt (bluestone) BAS BASL D BT15_MP1023 308708.31108506 8604025.6865337 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Sandy Alluvium 130 130 Exploranium COV Alv D BT15_MP1024 308813.16524113 8604317.2471874 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Qtz Mica Gneiss (mapping sample taken) GNS QMGn D BT15_MP1025 308842.07517123 8604413.4776 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Contact between Qtz Mica Gneiss and Granodiorite GNT GRDT D BT15_MP1026 308874.6462562 8604465.5869932 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granodiorite, alluvium to the west. GNT GRDT D BT15_MP1027 308880.1379885 8604489.2921681 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granodiorite - (mapping sample taken) GNT GRDT D BT15_MP1028 308939.31841301 8604607.968012 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granodiorite GNT GRDT D BT15_MP1029 308996.12403437 8604611.2173506 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granodiorite (Qtz-albite?-mica rock) refer drilling samples?!! GNT GRDT D BT15_MP1030 309113.54485714 8604519.7359714 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 QBX - NE tending - photo looking SW QBX QBX D BT15_MP1031 309068.69571002 8604450.4000845 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 QBX - top of hill, steep NW dip QBX QBX D BT15_MP1032 309097.71283609 8604417.9566883 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granodiorite east of QBX, questionable NE fabric GNT GRDT D BT15_MP1033 309074.03901712 8604398.9905488 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 20m wide gneiss/schist zone between QBX and Granodiorite, trending NE, diping approx 60deg to East GNS GNS S0 60 360 D BT15_MP1034 309058.89140115 8604308.8289009 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 20m wide gneiss/schist zone between QBX and Granodiorite, trending NE, diping approx 60deg to East GNS GNS S0 60 360 D BT15_MP1035 309042.16882892 8604290.7925721 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granodiorite GNT GRDT D BT15_MP1036 309058.89964699 8604258.9390558 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Qtz mica gneiss GNS GNS D BT15_MP1037 309038.21082365 8604217.4175074 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granodiorite GNT GRDT D BT15_MP1038 309016.18617354 8604195.7019276 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Porphyritic dolerite DOL DOL D BT15_MP1039 313715.32792097 8603570.6591532 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granodiorite (subcrop/colluvium) GNT GRDT D BT15_MP1040 313767.26024835 8603553.4126637 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granodiorite _ alluvium contact GNT GRDT D BT15_MP1041 313866.14441314 8603502.0631157 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granodiorite subcrop _ alluvium and sst boulder scree GNT GRDT D BT15_MP1042 313973.38161821 8603468.909864 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Fine to medium crystalline intermediate volcanic - diorite/dacite? At margin of Granodiorite? Contact zone with Granitoid rocks. Exploranium 200cps 200 Exploranium GNT DIO D BT15_MP1043 313985.0329962 8603432.0373693 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granitoid, some gneissic, some massive. Up to 488cps (exploranium) - sample selection taken 488 Exploranium GNT GRAN D BT15_MP1044 313870.95998621 8603479.6376804 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 granodiorite float GNT GRDT D BT15_MP1045 314025.21499546 8602487.269674 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granitic Gneiss approx 60deg dip to west, trending North. 500cps (exploranium) photo taken looking N. GNS GRGN S0 60 180 D BT15_MP1046 314023.89566037 8602489.9191347 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granitic Gneiss approx 60deg dip to west, trending North. 500cps (exploranium) photo taken looking N. GNS GRGN S0 60 180 D BT15_MP1047 314113.01674552 8602467.9336098 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granitic gneiss GNS GRGN D BT15_MP1048 316240.4445739 8601973.4042698 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granite. Up to 925cps 925 Exploranium GNT GRAN D BT15_MP1049 315992.10448124 8602021.8044181 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 BRX in granitoid, trending SE, approx 70deg dip to NE. strong epidote alt. 510 Exploranium BRX BRX BRX 70 315 D BT15_MP1050 315995.8398487 8601931.5527886 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Very Qtz rich granite - 500cps 500 Exploranium GNT GRAN D BT15_MP1051 316172.25968742 8601866.7559778 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Fractures granite with epidote alteration GNT GRAN D BT15_MP1052 316235.48882148 8601916.9557598 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Brx in granite, S trending E dip BRX BRX BRX 80 360 D BT15_MP1053 316272.64459588 8601933.7823348 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42291 Granite. GNT GRAN D BT15_MP1054 308112.3097 8608665.942 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 Alluvium (chopper) COV ALV D BT15_MP1055 308137.105 8608824.87 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 break of slope, up into sst boulders and sand. n/E photo looking west COV SCREE D BT15_MP1056 308133.5098 8608874.41 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst boulders and sandy, sloping, pandanus grove n/e (groundwater?) COV SCREE D BT15_MP1057 308132.3966 8608959.482 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 base of steep scree- n/e photo looking north COV SCREE D BT15_MP1058 308278.6779 8608942.436 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst scree/sand COV SCREE D BT15_MP1059 308272.8151 8608877.119 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst scree plateau COV SCREE ALV D BT15_MP1060 308274.7858 8608826.239 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 break of slope sst scree/alv photo looking north. Slight gully trending North, inferred fault 30 East COV SCREE ALV FLT 30 360 D BT15_MP1061 308286.7011 8608751.305 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 alv, ck sst float only COV ALV D BT15_MP1062 308361.9609 8608871.52 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 walking up subtle drainage/fault? Break of slope rig no further north. N/e COV SCREE D BT15_MP1063 308392.2066 8608964.101 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 base of steep slope, still n/e COV SCREE D BT15_MP1064 308452.5167 8608932.538 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 up to 328 cps background generally <100. Base of steep slope, sst Boulder and sands n/e 328 100 Exploranium COV SCREE D BT15_MP1065 308563.8686 8608954.083 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst scree n/e COV SCREE D BT15_MP1066 308611.7852 8608906.833 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst scree n/e COV SCREE D BT15_MP1067 308480.3877 8608860.252 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 seep up to 300cps photo 300 100 Exploranium COV SCREE D BT15_MP1068 308566.1857 8608819.561 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP1069 308578.2906 8608812.672 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 qtzite float amongst sst scree - samples taken QZT Qzt D BT15_MP1070 308610.6391 8608817.871 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 mica qtz sch. SCH MQS D BT15_MP1071 308615.5948 8608824.1 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 mica qtz sch trending 020, photo x2 looking north SCH MQS SS0 90 20 D BT15_MP1072 308640.6045 8608854.584 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP1073 308660.9799 8608830.928 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 qtz mica sch SCH QMS D BT15_MP1074 308685.2557 8608840.167 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 qtz mica gns trending SE SCH QMS D BT15_MP1075 308690.566 8608858.673 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 hematite alteration zone - dolerite subcrop??- samples taken. Up to 135ppm U xrf DOL DOL FER D BT15_MP1076 308692.5203 8608876.059 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 1400cps in hole! Hematitic Dol sub crop?? Pre sampled 500cps at surface. Photo. 110ppm U xrf, 330ppm Th 1400 200 Exploranium DOL DOL FER D BT15_MP1077 308686.072 8608946.045 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP1078 308675.1381 8608988.236 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst base of cliff SST SST D BT15_MP1079 308698.9768 8608869.351 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 hem alt zone, Dol subcrop? DOL DOL D BT15_MP1080 308727.7713 8608869.211 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 hem alt zone trending East DOL DOL D BT15_MP1081 308738.664 8608866.301 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 edge of dol, sst scree to East DOL DOL D BT15_MP1082 308743.5786 8608845.755 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 edge of dol, sst scree to East. DOL DOL D BT15_MP1083 308716.8868 8608823.56 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 qtz mica schist. Se trending contact with dol SCH QMS D BT15_MP1084 308794.6203 8608835.148 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 dol outcrop amongst sst scree DOL DOL D BT15_MP1085 308814.6412 8608846.785 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 dol outcrop amongst sst scree DOL DOL D BT15_MP1086 308856.5961 8608878.159 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP1087 308900.3733 8608913.852 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP1088 308938.7247 8608948.405 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP1089 309025.2566 8609008.832 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst scree nxt to ck COV SCREE D BT15_MP1090 309059.2954 8609005.083 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP1091 309068.0608 8608897.495 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst scree COV SCREE D BT15_MP1092 309119.4077 8608872.5 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 sst scree hematitic, dol aubcrop? COV SCREE D BT15_MP1093 309125.8064 8608842.116 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 dol DOL DOL D BT15_MP1094 308885.9513 8608681.749 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 alv COV ALV D BT15_MP1095 308742.6385 8608693.516 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 hem mica sch. Trending 090 steep dip to South SCH MQS SS0 80 90 D BT15_MP1096 308714.0337 8608680.929 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 hem mica sch nw trend sub vert SCH MQS SS0 90 315 D BT15_MP1097 303028.8786 8609166.84 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42292 Sst (chopper landing) SST SST D BT15_MP1138 293036.5398 8608150.767 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 basal qtz cobble conglomerate SST CGL D BT15_MP1139 293056.2473 8608145.828 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 basal qtz cobble conglomerate SST CGL D BT15_MP1140 293053.5757 8608124.562 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 basal qtz cobble conglomerate SST CGL D BT15_MP1141 293065.458 8608104.506 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 basal qtz cobble conglomerate SST CGL D BT15_MP1142 293142.3257 8608070.763 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 Alv ALV ALV D BT15_MP1143 293191.875 8608056.626 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 Alv - chopper pad ALV ALV D BT15_MP1144 293177.0242 8607991.579 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 Qtz cobble conglomerate - alluvium contact SST CGL D BT15_MP1145 293193.2273 8607884.371 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 mica schist in creek - sst dominant float MQS MQS SST D BT15_MP1146 293119.6249 8607648.719 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 muscovite schist in creek - sst dominant float MQS MQS SST D BT15_MP1147 293122.5109 8607625.054 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 muscovite qtz schist - trending 240 sub vertical dip - photo MQS MQS SS0 90 240 D BT15_MP1148 293137.3452 8607602.598 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 muscovite schist at unconformity - pb isotope smaple taken above UC. Schist trending 240, dip 40deg to SE MQS MQS SST SS0 40 240 D BT15_MP1149 293042.6252 8607716.645 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 muscovite qtz schist - at inferred UC MQS MQS SST D BT15_MP1150 293037.5293 8607729.883 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst - pb isotope sample SST SST D BT15_MP1151 293069.0284 8607777.363 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 mica qtz schist at inferred UC MQS MQS SST D BT15_MP1152 293084.1678 8607802.478 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 mica qtz schist at inferred UC MQS MQS SST D BT15_MP1098 291892.5773 8607851.908 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 Gritty sandstone (Kombolgie) plateau, Peak exploranium 8100cps, visible Torbernite, Cameco sample site (rock cutter), appears similar to Westmoreland mineralisation. Peak radioactivity on tight NW (300) trending fractures. RL 160m 8100 100 SST SST Fr 300 D BT15_MP1099 291934.928 8607768.015 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst sample approx 100m SE of peak U, sent for Pb iso 80 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1100 291926.0802 8607802.908 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst sample approx 50m SE of peak U. Major fracture NW (320) General BG sst scint <100cps 100 100 SST SST Fr 320 D BT15_MP1101 291886.6238 8607864.475 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 gritty sst, 9m NW of peak U, 5200cps, (another rock cutter sample site - Cameco) 5200 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1102 291900.6335 8607850.528 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst 10m SE of peak U, 1100cps 1100 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1103 291896.4776 8607854.037 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst, 5m SE of Peak, 2700cps 2700 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1104 291890.3509 8607859.636 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst, 5m NW of peak U, 3200 3200 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1105 291884.1995 8607868.884 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst, 15m nW of peak U, 2200cps 2200 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1106 291881.5444 8607875.063 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst, 25m NW of Peak U, 4200 4200 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1107 291877.0256 8607883.101 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst , approx 30m NW of Peak U, 300cps, northwestern extent of anomalism observed. 300 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1108 291860.3525 8607844.589 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst, 30m west of Peak U, 600cps 600 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1109 291866.974 8607846.189 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst ,20m west of peak U, 340cps 340 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1110 291881.4454 8607858.236 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst, 10m west of peak U, 500 cps, small sst boulder rise (trending N) between 10-20m west of peak, appear to shield radioactivity response. 500 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1111 291894.4656 8607832.112 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst, 500cps 500 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1112 291911.6005 8607866.645 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 very siliceous, gritty sst, up to 1000cps, impossible to sample (photo), on chopper landing plateau 1000 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1113 291923.2766 8607875.363 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 siliceous gritty sst layer (unable to sample) up to 1850cps, possible Th?? Approx 1m below narrow (<50cm) red slaty/siltstone horizon (<200cps) 1850 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1114 291935.2495 8607887.4 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 Coarse Qtz cgl layer/bed SST CGL D BT15_MP1115 291967.2352 8607897.478 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 conglomerate bed - 1000cps 1000 100 SST CGL D BT15_MP1116 291997.6294 8607902.787 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 N-S fracture in siliceous sst with peak 1800cps - sample taken. Dominant vfracture set in area 140deg. SST SST Fr 140 D BT15_MP1117 292081.8607 8608006.856 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 Pb isotope sst sample site adjacent to dolerite valley (nr Cameco drill site) - 150cps 150 100 SST SST D BT15_MP1118 292049.7513 8608042.919 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 Hematite altered Dolerite - Cameco drill pad DOL DOL D BT15_MP1119 292083.7737 8608027.232 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 Fresh porphyritic dolerite DOL DOL D BT15_MP1120 292086.4124 8608038.54 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 soil cover (over dolerite?) peak 800cps 800 100 DOL DOL D BT15_MP1121 292051.2109 8608066.494 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 between 2 sst outcrops, 700cps, sst highly fractured sst/brx, sst tilted to North dip, photo looking west 700 100 SST SST BRX D BT15_MP1122 292039.4111 8608074.592 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst, Pb isotope sample SST SST D BT15_MP1123 292129.9257 8608047.478 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst, block appears rotated, bedding 10deg to west, fractures 50deg to west SST SST S0 10 180 Fr 50 180 D BT15_MP1124 292187.9022 8608054.876 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst scree in soil, 700cps in soil, 1100cps at 10cm. No other rock visible but Dol suspected at depth. 700 100 ALV ALV DOL D BT15_MP1125 292236.7341 8608065.634 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 Dolerite (porphyritic) outcrop DOL DOL D BT15_MP1126 292303.1874 8608058.256 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst - pb iso sample SST SST D BT15_MP1127 292295.7496 8608140.409 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 quartz breccia - pb iso sample SST SST BRX D BT15_MP1128 292365.9465 8608170.793 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 siliceous sst, steep fractures to South. SST SST D BT15_MP1129 292351.4338 8608149.007 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 weathered dolerite in creek line - 3200cps at 10cm. 3200 100 DOL DOL D BT15_MP1130 292448.4874 8608179.251 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 SST - Fault, looking North. - photo SST SST FLTZ D BT15_MP1131 292526.0808 8608149.167 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst, Pb isotope sample SST SST D BT15_MP1132 292624.1074 8608164.594 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst - 30m zone of elevated (300+ cps) SST SST D BT15_MP1133 292718.8769 8608180.441 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst breccia , steep N dip. photo looking East SST SST D BT15_MP1134 292779.723 8608107.416 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst, Pb isotope sample SST SST D BT15_MP1135 292968.0086 8608144.738 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 fltz - hem-lim altered fault gouge. Sst outcrop nearby. Dolerite float. ALV ALV FLTZ D BT15_MP1136 292993.9995 8608127.452 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 weathered pulple-white gneiss? - boulder in creek line isolated occurance - basement GNS GNS D BT15_MP1137 293037.6942 8608126.322 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 basal qtz cobble conglomerate SST CGL D BT15_MP1153 293101.7644 8607803.268 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 hematite mica qtz schist - some coarse qtz/muscovite (gneiss?) with muscovite 'books' MQS MQS GNS D BT15_MP1154 293103.4795 8607821.864 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 qtz mica schist. QMS QMS D BT15_MP1155 293092.8094 8607839.38 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 mica qtz schist at UC, under sst with conglomerate qtz , peak at 550cps, pb iso sample taken. Photo. Basement schist trending 240 and dip 40 to SE 550 100 MQS MQS SST D BT15_MP1156 293107.2891 8607851.768 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 mica schist treding 240 dip 40 to SE MQS MQS SS0 40 240 D BT15_MP1157 293420.7054 8607867.974 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 Qtz-muscovite schist QMS QMS D BT15_MP1158 293439.6379 8607850.188 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 sst Pb isotope sample SST SST D BT15_MP1159 293451.9572 8607875.063 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 Qtz mica schist QMS QMS D BT15_MP1160 293494.2913 8607926.153 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 Qtz mica schist QMS QMS D BT15_MP1161 293481.3371 8607914.995 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 mica qtz schist in creek line MQS MQS D BT15_MP1162 293471.071 8607936.061 Mapping BT MGA94_53 24291 AGE RD 2015 42297 mica quartz schist MQS MQS