H0002 Version 1 H0003 Date_generated 11/12/2021 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 30/09/2021 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no EL32617 H0101 Tenement_holder Strategic Energy Resources Ltd H0102 Project_name East Tennant H0106 Tenement_operator Strategic Energy Resources Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_numbers Alroy (SF53-15) H0151 100K_map_sheet_number Frewena 5959 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 11/09/2021 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquistion 30/09/2021 H0202 Template_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records (in this file) 49 H0300 Downhole_lithology_data_file EL32617_2021_Appendix 3 Lithology H0301 Location_data_file EL32617_2021_Appendix 1 Collars H0307 Lithology_code_file EL32617_2021_Appendix 9 Lith codes H0400 Drill_code DD H0402 Description Diamond drilling H0305 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file "EL32617_2021_Appendix 1 Collars, EL32617_2021_Appendix 2 Surveys, EL32617_2021_Appendix 4 Geochemistry, EL32617_2021_Appendix 5 Mag Sus, EL32617_2021_Appendix 6 SG, EL32617_2021_Appendix 7 Structure" H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia 94 H0530 Coordinate_system [Geographic/Projected] GDA 94 H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0900 Comments H1000 Hole_Id Depth_From Depth_To Interval Simplification description Weathering Colour_Shade Colour1 Colour2 Colour Strat_Code Lith_Group Lith1_Code Description Grain_Size Alt1_Type Alt1_Int Alt1_Mode Alt2_Type Alt2_Int Alt2_Mode Alt3_Type Alt3_Int Alt3_Mode Alt4_Type Alt4_Int Alt4_Mode Alt5_Type Alt5_Int Alt5_Mode Texture Min1_Type Min1_Mode Min1_Pct D BKDD001 0 3.8 3.8 Unconsolidated SW d rb unconsolidated sediments FG D BKDD001 38.6 108.7 70.1 Georgina Basin FR l gy wh Georgina Basin SC LMST cavity rich limestone FG D BKDD001 108.7 135 26.3 Georgina Basin FR l gy bk Georgina Basin SC CBSD "dark banded layers in f.g sandy calcium sediment, minor cavities, some oviod clasts" FG D BKDD001 135 136 1 Georgina Basin FR l gy pu Georgina Basin SC CBSD "purple mineral in cavities, dark banded layers in f.g sandy calcium sediment, minor cavities, some oviod clasts" FG AZ BB 2 D BKDD001 136 195.8 59.8 Georgina Basin FR l gy bk Georgina Basin SC CBSD "dark banded layers in f.g sandy calcium sediment, minor cavities, some oviod clasts" FG D BKDD001 195.8 198.2 2.4 Georgina Basin FR d or Georgina Basin SC CBSD "orange fe altered sediment,fine brecca?, cavities " FG hm s pv D BKDD001 198.2 203.85 5.65 Georgina Basin FR l ye gy Georgina Basin SC CBSD "banded f.g sandy sediment,cavities, minor purple minerals" FG D BKDD001 203.85 204.3 0.45 Georgina Basin FR l wh gy Georgina Basin SC BREC calcium matrix breccia of dark grey shale clasts FG D BKDD001 204.3 207 2.7 Georgina Basin FR d rb gy MS BREC hematite crackle breccia + carbonate veins disrupting fg hem shale? Sed FG hm m br cb w vn D BKDD001 207 287.5 80.5 Fine grained metased FR d rb gy MS MSED "fg orange pervasive hematite altered metased(?), with spotty dark minerals (amp-mica?) 4mm scale biotite +- amph veins with common slick and slides on fracture surfaces, 2-5cm qrtz + carb + hem veins, localised black spotty minerals (amph?), localised vein crackle breccia, heavily broken ground along bio veins, pyrite bleb at 228m" FG hm m pv hm w vn qrtz w vn D BKDD001 287.5 288.5 1 Breccia FR d rb wh MS MSED "Intense veining zone, qrtz-hem-epidote, with late hem and late bio + amph veining" FG hm m pv hm m vn ep w vn D BKDD001 288.5 351.9 63.4 Fine grained metased FR d rb gy MS MSED "fg orange pervasive hematite altered metased(?), with spotty dark minerals (amp-mica?) 4mm scale biotite +- amph veins with common slick and slides on fracture surfaces, 2-5cm qrtz + hem + epidote +- chlorite veins, localised black spotty minerals (amph?), localised vein crackle breccia, heavily broken ground along bio veins, trace pyrite maracite with biotite vein faces" FG hm m pv hm w vn qrtz w vn PY BB trace D BKDD001 351.9 368.05 16.15 spotted banded meatsed FR d gy bk MS MSED "weak prvasive magnetite +- amph +- chl +- hem lithological banding dominant with pervasive hem metased, weak magnet response, x cutting qrtz +_ amp +- hem +- epidote veins 1-4cm, late thin hem veins, trace pyrite at hem + bio fracture vein faces" FG mt m pv hm w vn qrtz w vn PY BB trace D BKDD001 368.05 368.15 0.1 spotted banded meatsed FR d gy bk MS MSED "same as above with irredesent sulphide rimmed by hem with purple lusture, up to 1% Cu on XRF, irredesent hem or chalco? In qrtz + hem veins ( chl, + epid +amph)" CP BB 0.1 D BKDD001 368.15 375.7 7.55 spotted banded meatsed FR d gy bk MS MSED "weak prvasive magnetite +- amph +- chl +- hem lithological banding dominant with pervasive hem metased, weak magnet response, x cutting qrtz +_ amp +- hem +- epidote veins 1-4cm, late thin hem veins, trace pyrite at hem + bio fracture vein faces" FG mt m pv hm w vn qrtz w vn PY BB trace D BKDD001 375.7 387.4 11.7 Fine grained metased FR d rb gy gn MS MSED "Intense veining zone of pervasive hm host metased with 2-5cm qrtz + amph + chl +-hem veins, epidote veins, late hm veins, minor chalco in qrtz fracture plains at 384.65m, occassional spotty mag-amp alteration" FG hm m pv ep m vn hm w vn CP BB trace D BKDD001 387.4 414.6 27.2 spotted banded meatsed FR d gy bk MS MSED "weak pervasive magnetite +- amph +- chl +- hem lithological banding dominant with pervasive hem metased, weak magnet response, x cutting qrtz +_ amp +- hem +- epidote veins 1-4cm, late thin hem veins, trace pyrite at hem + bio fracture vein faces" FG mt w pv hm w vn qrtz w vn PY BB trace D BKDD001 414.6 418 3.4 Fine grained metased FR d rb gy MS MSED "altered pervasive hm metased with qrtz + epidote veining, fg hm veins" FG hm m pv qrtz w vn ep w vn D BKDD001 418 425.2 7.2 spotted banded meatsed FR d gy bk MS MSED "banded spotted amph +- chl +- magnetite unit banded with psammitic metased, heavily fractured, bion + hm veining " FG D BKDD001 425.2 428.1 2.9 Fine grained metased FR d rb gy MS MSED "altered pervasive hm metased with qrtz + epidote veining, fg hm veins" FG hm m pv qrtz w vn ep w vn D BKDD001 428.1 433.4 5.3 spotted banded meatsed FR d gy bk MS MSED "banded spotted amph +- chl +- magnetite unit banded with psammitic metased, heavily fractured, bion + hm veining " FG D BKDD001 433.4 435.3 1.9 vein FR l gy or MS MSED "K-spar hm bands alteration with qrtz + epidote some spotted amph bands, intense <1cm qrtz, hm, bio veining" FG Kspar s pv ep s vn qrtz m vn D BKDD001 435.3 456.6 21.3 spotted banded meatsed FR d bk gy MS MSED "coarsening amph spots up to 4mm, moderate magnet response, banded unit with psammitic unit, occassional hm + qrtz veins" MG hm w vn D BKDD001 456.6 458 1.4 Alteration breccia FR d gr BREC "intense chlorite +- amphibole alteration, disrupting bedding of metased" FG ch s pv D BKDD001 458 462.7 4.7 Alteration breccia FR d or gr BREC zone of hm + epidote + qrtz + carbonate veining brecciating banded spotty amph metased FG hm m vn D BKDD001 462.7 468 5.3 Alteration breccia FR d gy or FZ shear zone - intense brittle fractures of metased FG D BKDD001 468 471.9 3.9 Fine grained metased FR d gy or MS MSED "psammitic metased with zones of spotty amph, intense qrtz and hm veins with py +- cp on fracture plains" FG hm m vn qrtz w vn CP vn 0.5 D BKDD001 471.9 484.5 12.6 spotted banded meatsed FR d gy MS MSED "weakly magnetic spotted amph +- mag bands with psammitic banded metased, qrtz + hm thinlets <2mm, + 2-3cm scale qrtz + hm + chl vns trace sulphides" FG hm w vn qrtz w vn D BKDD001 484.5 484.8 0.3 Alteration breccia FR d gr rb BREC thin breccia band with hm + chl + qrtz matrix of spotted metased brecciated FG hm s pv ch s pv D BKDD001 484.8 509.9 25.1 spotted banded meatsed FR d gy MS MSED "weakly magnetic spotted amph +- mag bands with psammitic banded metased, qrtz + hm thinlets <2mm, + 2-3cm scale qrtz + hm + chl vns trace sulphides" FG hm w vn qrtz w vn D BKDD001 509.9 512.1 2.2 vein FR l gy gr rb MS VEIN Zone of intense qrtz +chl + hm veins into metased FG qrtz m vn ch w vn D BKDD001 512.1 518 5.9 Fine grained metased FR d gy MS MSED "psammitic metased with zones of spotty amph, broken and sheared" FG hm m vn qrtz w vn D BKDD001 518 519.6 1.6 vein FR d rb gy MS MSED intense thin hm veins in fg metased with qrtz + chl veins FG hm s vn D BKDD001 519.6 521.1 1.5 spotted banded meatsed FR d gy MS MSED "weakly magnetic spotted amph +- mag bands with psammitic banded metased, qrtz + hm thinlets <2mm, + 2-3cm scale qrtz + hm + chl vns trace sulphides" FG hm w vn qrtz w vn D BKDD001 521.1 531.6 10.5 fine grained mgnetic metased FR d gy MS MSED "homogenous weak to moderate magnetic dark metased (fg mafic), occassional hm veins, distinctive different to earlier fg hm pv meatsed" FG D BKDD001 531.6 532.5 0.9 vein FR l gy rb VEIN "steep core parallel hm + carbonate + pyrite vein, into fg dark unit, cross cuts minor chl breccia zone, cavities in carbonate" FG cb s vn hm m vn PY vn 2 D BKDD001 532.5 544.2 11.7 fine grained mgnetic metased FR d gy MS MSED "homogenous weak to moderate magnetic dark metased (fg mafic), occassional hm veins, distinctive different to earlier fg hm pv meatsed " FG D BKDD001 544.2 548.05 3.85 Fine grained metased FR wh gy MS MSED "bleached banded spotty metased with fg psammite, thin hm pyrite veins 546m" FG hm w vn PY vn 0.5 D BKDD001 548.05 577.3 29.25 fine grained mgnetic metased FR d gy MS MSED "homogenous weak to moderate magnetic dark metased, occassional qrtz + hm + epid +- K-spar veins, distinctive different to earlier fg hm pv meatsed " FG D BKDD001 577.3 579.3 2 vein FR d wh rb VEIN "thick qrtz + hem + chl + sulphide (CP) vein in fg metased, possiblly two sulphide types (<1%)" FG qrtz s vn hm w vn cl w vn CP vn 0.5 D BKDD001 579.3 581.8 2.5 fine grained mgnetic metased FR d gy rb MS MSED "banded metased with hm veinlets varied intensity veins and patchy alteration, quite intense in short zones, also patchy chlorite +- carb alteration and hm + qrtz veins" FG hm m vn cl vn w PY vn trace D BKDD001 581.8 583.9 2.1 vein FR rb gy VEIN "highly siliceous hm alteration, intense hm veinlets, reminant spotted banding, veining irregular orientation" FG hm s vn D BKDD001 583.9 603.9 20 fine grained mgnetic metased FR d gy rb MS MSED "banded metased with hm veinlets varied intensity veins and patchy alteration, quite intense in short zones, also patchy chlorite +- carb alteration and hm + qrtz veins" FG hm m vn cl vn w PY vn trace D BKDD001 603.9 605 1.1 vein FR d or gr VEIN bleached orange - siliceous alteration K-spar - hm?vein with intense epidote + amph? Veinlets within fgdark metased FG kspar s pv ep s vn D BKDD001 605 621.3 16.3 fine grained mgnetic metased FR d gy rb MS MSED "banded dark grey metased, magnetic in parts with occasionally qrtz + hm veining,altered metased with bands of dark grey magnetic homogenous unit, which can truncate qrtz veining" FG hm m vn cl vn w D BKDD001 621.3 623.5 2.2 vein FR d wh or VEIN thick qrtz + hem + chl vein with orange hm - k-sap alteration FG Kspar m pv qrtz m vn D BKDD001 623.5 635.3 11.8 fine grained mgnetic metased FR d gy rb MS MSED "banded dark grey metased, magnetic in parts with occasionally qrtz + hm veining,altered metased with bands of dark grey magnetic homogenous unit, which can truncate qrtz veining" FG hm m vn cl vn w D BKDD001 635.3 640 4.7 Fine grained metased FR d gy MS MSED "highly fractured fg banded metased, some hm + qrtz veining, hm veinlets" FG hm w vn D BKDD001 640 690.4 50.4 fine grained mgnetic metased FR d gy rb MS MSED "banded dark grey metased, magnetic in parts with occasionally qrtz + hm veining,altered metased with bands of dark grey magnetic homogenous unit, chl + carbonate veining" FG hm m vn cl vn w EOF