H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 25-Feb-22 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 28-Feb-22 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no EL31331 H0101 Tenement_holder PRX H0102 Project_name PHDDD21 H0106 Tenement_operator PRODIGY GOLD H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SE5215 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 4859 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 1-Aug-21 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 28-Feb-22 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 187 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 9-Mar-22 H0300 Related_data_file H0301 Location_data_file EL31331_2021_C_01_DHCollars.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file EL31331_2021_C_05_DHLithology H0303 Assay_data_file EL31331_2021_C_04_DHAssays H0304 Survey_data_file EL31331_2021_C _03_DHSurv.txt H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File H0307 Lithology_code_file EL31331_2021_C _13_LIBLithCode H0308 Lithology_Startigraphy_file EL31331_2021_C _29_LIBLithStrat.txt H0310 Water_data_file H0311 Water data incl in lithology file No H0313 Alteration_data_file H0314 Magsusc_data_file H0315 Vein_data_file H0316 Recovery_data_file H0317 Weathering_data_file H0318 DHQAQC_data_file EL31331_2021_C_08_QAQC H0319 SURFQAQC_data_file H0320 Other event_data_file EL31331_2021_C_06_DHMinerals.txt EL31331_2021_C_07_DHStruct.txt H0400 Drill_code DD H0401 Drill_contractor UNITED DRILLING SERVICES H0402 Description Diamond Drilling H0500 Feature_located Drillhole_collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 52 H0532 Surface_Location_Survey_Instrument GPS H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company PRX H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole_id Depth From Depth To Weathering Regolith Lithology Lith1_pc Lith1_GrainSize Lith1_Texture1 Lith1_Texture2 Lith1_Fabric_1 Lith1_Fabric_2 Lith1_Hardness Lith2_Code Lith2_pc Lith2_GrainSize Lith2_Texture1 Lith2_Texture2 Lith2_Fabric_1 Lith2_Fabric_2 Lith2_Hardness Colour1 Colour2 Colour_Hue Facing Contact Lith_Strat Meta_Grade Comments Logged_By Logged_Date H1001 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA H1004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D PHDDD2101 0 1.8 DS DS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 1.8 2.2 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 2.2 3.3 CW ES NR Rd br Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 3.3 4.7 CW ES ST bx or wh Hematite dominant with increasing kaolinite Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 4.7 5 CW ES ST bx wh br Hematite - kaolinite Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 5 5.2 CW ES ST bx crm br Mostly kaolinite and pink/br heamatite Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 5.2 6 CW WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 6 6.8 CW ES ST bx ct FG VW wh br Mostly kaolinite with with think pink heamtite lamelae and increasing yellow/orange limonite on fracture places Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 6.8 7 CW ES SB mt ch BX MW crm wh "matrix supported breccia. Clasts are cherty looking. Grey/cream appearance of clasts overprinted by red/purple mm cm scale haematisation, which is in turn cross-cut by microfaulting and fracturing hosting sub mm scale gouge clasts." Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 7 7.4 CW ES ST bx ct VW crm wh Same as above but less cherty clasts and a lot more clayey. Mostly kaolinite with think pink heamtite lamelae. Looks like brecciated silt/mudstone. Veinlets of dark br quartz have been micro faulted and displaced by a few mm Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 7.4 7.6 CW ES SB mt ch BX MW crm wh "matrix supported breccia. Clasts are cherty looking. Grey/cream appearance of clasts overprinted by red/purple mm cm scale haematisation, which is in turn cross-cut by microfaulting and fracturing hosting sub mm scale gouge clasts. Veinlets of dark br quartz have been micro faulted and displaced by a few mm" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 7.6 8.8 CW ES ST FG W crm br "very fragmented CW ST, increasing yellow/orange limonite on fract planes" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 8.8 9.6 CW ES ST FG W yl crm Same as above with increased yellow limonite Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 9.6 9.8 PW ES CH bx ch FG MS pk gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 9.8 10.4 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 10.4 10.6 PW ES CH bx ch FG MS pk gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 10.6 10.8 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 10.8 11 PW ES CH bx ch FG MS pk gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 11 11.2 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 11.2 11.7 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 11.7 11.9 PW ES CH bx ch FG MS pk gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 11.9 13.2 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 13.2 13.7 PW ES CH bx ch FG MS pk gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 13.7 13.9 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 13.9 14 PW ES CH bx ch FG MS pk gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 14 14.1 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 14.1 14.3 PW ES CH bx ch FG MS pk gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 14.3 14.8 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 14.8 15.5 PW ES CH bx ch FG MS pk gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 15.5 15.7 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 15.7 16.1 PW ES CH bx ch FG MS pk gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 16.1 16.4 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 16.4 17.9 PW ES CH bx ch FG MS pk gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 17.9 18.2 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 18.2 18.5 PW ES CH bx ch FG MS pk gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 18.5 19.1 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 19.1 19.4 PW ES CH bx ch FG MS pk gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 19.4 19.7 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 19.7 21 HW ES CH bx ch FG MS wh gy "Considerable increase in kaolinite content, smaller fragments of above chert within the clay" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 21 21.6 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 21.6 21.8 PW EL CH bx ch FG MS pl gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 21.8 22 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 22 22.8 PW EL CH bx ch FG MS pl gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 22.8 23.2 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 23.2 23.5 PW EL CH bx ch FG MS pl gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 23.5 24.5 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 24.5 24.7 PW EL CH bx ch FG MS pl gy "Highly fragmented chert. Lots of loss core possibly due to competency and/or clay content.. All chert faces coated with clays and clasts sub angular to sub rounded. Clasts are multi cm to sub cm scale. Abundant to very abundant pink/red haematite alteration as mm to cm scale bands, or as specs/blebs and fracture infill. Within fracture the heamatite is microcrystalline, able to see tiny crystal faces with x20 lense. scratches red. Occasionnal cross cutting clear/milky quartaz veinlets associated with incresed chlorite alteration. chlorite is usually fracture controlled, or manifests as small bands and blebs within the chert" Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 24.7 26.1 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 26.1 31.9 PW EL CH 65 bx ch FG MS ST 35 bx pl br Same as above but a lot more coarser chlorite coming in into the fractures and in between cherty and ST clasts. Haematisation is stronger and pervasive too rather than moderate and PT Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 31.9 32.1 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 32.1 38.9 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 38.9 39.7 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 39.7 40.2 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 40.2 40.5 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 40.5 41.3 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 41.3 42 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 42 42.1 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 42.1 42.3 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 42.3 43.2 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 43.2 43.5 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 43.5 43.7 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 43.7 43.8 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 43.8 44.3 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 44.3 45.4 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 45.4 45.5 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 45.5 48 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 48 48.3 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 48.3 48.5 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 48.5 48.6 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 48.6 50.2 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 50.2 50.5 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 50.5 50.7 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 50.7 50.9 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 50.9 54.4 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 54.4 54.6 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 54.6 55.6 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 55.6 55.8 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 55.8 55.9 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 55.9 56.1 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 56.1 56.4 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 56.4 56.6 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 56.6 56.9 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 56.9 57 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 57 57.2 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 57.2 59.9 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 59.9 60.1 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 60.1 62 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 62 62.1 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 62.1 62.5 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 62.5 62.6 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 62.6 62.8 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 62.8 63.1 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 63.1 66.4 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 66.4 66.5 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 66.5 68.3 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 68.3 68.7 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 68.7 70.7 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 70.7 70.9 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 70.9 72.3 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 72.3 72.4 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 72.4 74.3 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 74.3 74.7 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 74.7 78.6 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 78.6 78.9 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 78.9 79.5 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 79.5 80.1 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 80.1 85 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 85 85.1 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 85.1 93.2 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 93.2 93.7 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 93.7 96.3 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 96.3 96.5 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 96.5 97.1 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 97.1 97.8 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 97.8 99.1 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 99.1 99.2 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 99.2 101.2 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 101.2 101.5 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 101.5 101.9 PW EL IS Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 101.9 102 WL Ddutheil 7/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 108.6 110 FR ST vf XW CT VW gy pk M Contorted veining with alteration halos extending into siltstone country rock. Plastic deformation observed with .5cm veinlets displaying compression contortion while brittle deformation observed with local fault dislocation of said deformed veinlets. Moderately to well fractured interval. Alteration extending into siltstone with banded preference to certain indistinct sedimentary bands/layers <5cm wide. Alteration potentially albite haematite with fracture related chlorite. Variable silica interstitially flooded. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 110 110.1 FR CL core loss Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 110.1 111 FR ST vf XW CT VW gy pk M Contorted veining with alteration halos extending into siltstone country rock. Plastic deformation observed with .5cm veinlets displaying compression contortion while brittle deformation observed with local fault dislocation of said deformed veinlets. Moderately to well fractured interval. Alteration extending into siltstone with banded preference to certain indistinct sedimentary bands/layers <5cm wide. Alteration potentially albite haematite with fracture related chlorite. Variable silica interstitially flooded. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 111 111.7 FR CL core loss Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 111.7 112.1 FR ST vf bx XS XW gy pk M As above with increased fault gouging with associated chlorite alteration in the clay disintigrated gouge. Highly fractured with core loss around the area. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 112.1 115.1 FR ST 50 vf bo SS 50 fg bx XW rd gy Bimodal zone with siltstone preferentially perfavisvely haematized while coarser sandstone not haematized. Deep red pervasive oxidation obsqures grains potentially in the repeated alternating coloured rocks. 20-40 cm of red followed by a boudinaged faulted vein displaying augen quartz with pressure halo stretching. Fault seperator 3cm with platy chlorite dominating gouge. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 115.1 115.65 FR ST 75 vf SH 25 cy XA gy br L Zone of sericite dominated alteration after about 20cm of unaltered silt/shale. Sericite alteration pervasive an preferentially alters siltstone rather thn shale. Rip up clasts of shale present in altered siltstone. Increased fracturing associated with altered zone with quartz veining <1cm wide. No haematite in this zone. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 115.65 117.7 FR ST vf kr bx XW gy D Weakly crackle brecciated. Healed with submm quartz veining. Irregular plastic deformed later staged veining present in zone. Trace diagenetic pyrite present as disseminations. Weak fault gounge parallel with core axit. Clay disintegration and chlorite alteration present on fault. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 117.7 120.7 FR ST vf kr bx XW XS gy Increased fault gouging parallel with core axit. Associated veining along shear. Increased fracturing in interval. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 120.7 122.45 FR ST cy kr bx XW XS VW gy br L Increased alteration in zone presumably sericite albite. Brittle and ductile deformation continues with crackle breccia healed with sub mm veining. Larger 2-4mm veins display ductile compression folds. Variable fault gouging on interval. Diagenetic pyrite at disseminations. Py present in crackle breccia veining also. Grainsize finer than silt approaching claystone/shale. Interval ends with increased veining. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 122.45 123.25 FR SH cy bx kr VN FT gy wh Veined interval. Brecciated vein with rip-up shale clasts within vein. Fault/shear sub-parallel with core axis. Graphitic gouging present along vein margin and within shear. Silica flooding present with association to veining. Brittle and ductile deformation present along with crackle fracturing leaing into veined zone Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 123.25 123.9 FR SH cy ma VN VS gy D Reduced brecciation. Reduced plastic deformation. Assumed to be on the other side of a fault. Haematite again present as vein halo alteration and within vein alteration of previous sulphides potentially. Crackle bresccia still present with increased size of clasts that are glued together by haematitic veining. Non rotated clasts. Increased pyrite present in later stage cross cutting planaer veining. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 123.9 125.1 FR ST vf bx fb FT XW gy rd M Interval starts with a fault dislocation with associated vein with haematite alteration. Sharp contract between previous shale and coarser silt-vfg SS. Brittle ductile deformation present with contorted veining and dislocated locally. Fault vein 5cm sub boudinaged. Bedded interval with some beds displaying preference to alteration. Haematite altered beds and subordinate sericite alteration present locally. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 125.1 126.55 FR SH cy ma fb ST gy M Massive shale interbedded with silts and sands. Finely bedded in part. Silica chlorite sericite alteration with preference to increased grainsized beds. Crackle breccia at start and end of interval. Shales massive in part. Diagenetic pytire present Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 126.55 127 FR SH cy kr vu VN BX gy wh D Crackle breccia veined zone. Pyrite mineralisation present and with affinity to vein fracture heals. Vuggy veins fault dislocated with euhedral 2-5mm crystals internally in voids. Sericite chlorite alteration halo to crackle breccia zone. Increased pyrite diagenetic and vein related. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 127.3 128 FR IS vf-mg CT VN gy Plastic deformation observed with contorted veining. Veins altered with potassic alteration and haematite in part. Interbedded sediments predominately shale with subordinate sandstone lenses. Brittle deformation locally. Pyrite in vein. Veining shows crustiform banding. Sericite alteration more associated with increased grainsized bands Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 128 129.8 FR ST 50 vf ch BX CH 50 gn gy M Increased alteration in interval. Silica flooding with sericite. Possible albite alteration also. Increased pyrite mineralisation along breciated rip-up clasts. Veining increased with multiple generations. Vugs locally in vein breccia with pyrite euhedral crystalline mineralisation. Heavily silica flooded. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 129.8 131.3 FR IS vf-mg ch gn gy Silicified interval with decreased brecciation/shearing. Decreased mineralisation present. Decreased veining. Increased grain sized groundmass likely sandstone for majority. Cherty in part potentially obsquered by silica flooding. Interpreted to be interbedded silts and sands with silicification. Silica chlorite alteration dominant with sericite in part. Interval ends on a local fault/shear Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 131.3 133 FR IS vf-mg ch FT BX gn gy As above with increased shearing/faulting and resultant brecciation. Fault gouged breccia silicified weakly as healing. Gouging present locally. Increased pyrite disseminations present. Cherty groundmass in bands with sandier bands. Interbedded sediment interpreted with chert banding sheared and silicified. Increased pyrite mineralisation with shear at 132m. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 133 133.6 FR IS vf ch gy gn Reduced pyrite. Reduced shearing. Increased shale percentage of interbedded sediment. Well silicified with cherty layers. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 133.6 136.35 FR IS vf ch bx XM SH gy gn Increased pyrite with depth. Zone of intense fracturing. Brecciation common with some clasts rounded through physical grinding. Breccia healed by veins in part with pyrite mineralised along fracture surfaces an in veinlets. Increased folliation with dept. Interval terminates on more massive non-cherty slate. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 136.35 137.3 FR SH cy kr bx VN bk wh Crackle breccia shale with non rotated clasts glued with 1-3mm quartz veining with abundant pyrite mineralisation rusty in part. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 137.3 138 FR SH cy kr bx FT SH bk Fault zone with increased shearing and gouging. Interval starts with increased veining and then decreases. Increased chlorite in gouge and decreased pyrite over entire interval Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 138 138.4 FR ST vf ma XW br Altered zone with silica flooding associated with decreased foliation/shearing. Silica sericite alteration preseumed. Plastic and brittle deformation. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 138.4 140.8 FR IS vf BX gy br Variably silicified interbedded sediments. Silts and fine sands with dominant shale lenses. Brecciated in part. Sheared in part. Sericite alteration associated with the silica flooding and extends as alteration halos to fractures in sub-crackle breccia. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 140.8 142.7 FR ST vf ma br gy Altered interval with sericite silic alteration. Whispy alteration parallel with bedding to begin interval followed by pervasive alteration from 140.9-141.2 and again from 141.6-end of interval. Interval ends with drop of sericite alteration. Fractures and shearing generally located in non-pervasively sericite altered zone of dark grey siltstone. Pyrite mineralisation follows fracture heals. Generally non brecciated interval. Pyrite increasing with depth Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 142.7 143.15 FR SH cy bx XW VN gy L "Interval dominated with silica flooding with associated pyrite mineralisation consisting of patches, in vein mineralisation and halo to veining/fracture heals. Zone showing plastic deformation and brittle shearing healed with silica. Rip-up clasts are shale. This silica flooding/veining exists at a competancy contract with sandy unit downhole." Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 143.15 143.5 FR SS fg-cg uf sd BO SH gy L Coarser grained sand interval showing bedding with parallel narrow shearing. Shear zones 5cm wide with shale rip up clasts from elswhere in hole.Sheared zone with veining displaying augen boudinaged veins. Coarsening downhole observed. Pyrite mineralisation strong along shear. Silica chlorite with minor sericite alteration present. Sericite with afinity to shear planes. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 143.5 144.9 FR VN si CT VN pk gy Vein? Felsic intrusive? Crenulated contorted and kinked in part. Appears aggate as cryptocrystalline silica %100. Haematite alteration in part. Colloform and crustiform in part. Well mineralised with pyrite. Pyrite abundant on upper interval margin. Upper contact sub-parallel with core axis and bedding. Bedding has flattened/sheared out from 34 degrees to 10 degrees over the last few meters. Internal zonation with biotite rinds. Bottom contact with weak brecciation and not as mineralised with pyrite. Sericite alteration present and increasing with depth. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 144.9 146.8 FR SH vf si kr VN gy M Shale/siltstone after unknown silica interval. Weakly brecciated in part. 10cm vein at 145.5 with silica flooding and associated pyrite mineralisation similar to above silica interval suggests veining responsible. Fault gouging throughout with intensity increased near 146m with associated chlorite alteration. Breccia healed without much quartz in this interval Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 146.8 147.2 FR SS mg sd gy gn L Sandy unit with medium to coarse grained sediment. Chlorite alteration halo extending wither side of sandy unit into shale. Shale end members display crackle breccia predominately moreso than sand unit described in this interval. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 147.2 148 FR SH cy bx VN gy gn D Shale unit with veining. Veining with silica flooded halo with wider dispersed chlorite alteration. Pyrite mineralised with afinity to bedding and alteration on halo to vein. Mineralisation and veining display plastic. Brittle deformation Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 148 148.9 FR SH cy ma gy D Dark grey massive shale. Relatively non deformed. Fault dislocated veining in part. Chlorite alteration decreased but present. Increased veining with haematitic alteration near end of interval. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 148.9 149.1 FR SH cy si VN SH pk gy Shear parallel with core axis with cryptocrystalline agatized vein on one half and shale on the other half. Irregular contact between them. Colloform and crustiform textures in veining. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 149.1 153.25 FR IS vf-mg bd bx XW VN br gy L Interval with interbedded sediments. Medium grained sand lenses subordinate to siltstones and shales. Bedded in part. Brecciated in part. Well chloritized near increased shearing intensity. Shears sub parallel with core axis. Sericite commonbelow 151m. Variably silicified away from localised shearing. Mineralisation dropped out. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 153.25 155 FR ST vf ma gy D Dark grey massive siltstone to shale. Non graphitic. Weakly faulted wnad brittle dislocation of veinlets in part. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 155 156.3 FR IS vf-mg bd XW gy br Silica chlorite sericite altered banded siltstone with increased pyrite mineralisation. PY associated with silica flooding interstitially. Trace vuggy mily quartz veining at start of interval. Brittle ductile deformation observed with wavy sedimentary bedding and fault dislocations. non brecciated. Bedding direction very plastic and changes dramitically over interval. Facing direction could not be determined. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 156.3 156.6 FR ST vf bx VN SH gn gy Shear zone with sheared veining and increased chlorite alteration. Potasic/haematitic alteration within vein. Shearing parallel with core axis. Shale rip up clasts present. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 156.6 158.3 FR ST vf kr ma BX gy M Crackle breccia in siltstone. Crackle breccia healed with milkt quartz. Later stage 1cm irregular veining displays plastic folding and deformation. These veins with weak sericite alteration and silica flooding into halo porespace. Increased sericite alteration with depth as vein halo alteration Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 158.3 160.5 FR IS vf-mg VN BX gy br Sericite altered and veined interval of fine grained sandstones siltstones and shales. Faceing direction not apparent. Brecciation healed with veining including rip up clasts. Some veining displays vuggs. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 160.5 161.5 FR IS vf-mg si XW VN pk gy Coloform crustiform deformed veining with silica flooding and chlorite altered halos. Brittle ductile with fault dislocated veining post plastic deformation. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 161.5 165 FR IS vf-mg gy Weakly deformed interval with fine silts to fine sandstone with minor medium grained beds. Chlorite altered banding parallel with bedding. Bedding changes alpha angle from sub parallel to core axis to nearly 45 degrees in places. Fracture heals present as milky veinlets. Disseminated py present trace and diagenetic in nature. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 165 166.3 FR IS vf-mg si gy pk As above with increased potassic and sericite alteration on veining. Increasing deformation with depth. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 166.3 168.5 FR IS vf-mg bx SH XW gy gn Shear zone. Shearing sub parallel with core axis. Increased chlorite alteration on interval. Sericite present as veinlet halo alteration. Crackle breccia in part. Cross cutting veining present with later stage non ductily deformed planar veining. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 168.5 171 FR IS vf-mg ma gy "Not much deformation in this interval. Gradational changing from silts to fine-medium sands. Faulting still present and chlorite alteration obsequres facing direction, which is still unanswered. Potentiall flame structures indicate younging down hole however subparallel bedding to core axis prevents understanding what is down hole along with ductile deformation common." Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 171 172.1 FR IS vf-mg kr bx SH gy bk D Interval with abundant pyrite mineralisation leading up to a 3cm shaer with rip-up shale clasts. Black shale not found nearby. Potentially a shale bed that the shear exploited as a competancy contrast. Patchy and blebby pyrite present. Crackle breccia at end of interval with decreased pyrite. Fault gouging next to crackle breccia indicating reactivation of once healed structure. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 172.1 175.65 FR IS vf-mg uf gy Decreased deformation and shearing. Pyrite with aphinity with blacker finer shale beds. Sandstone typically fine grained with gradational transition. Brittle and ductile deformation still present with variable bedding direction. Facing direction not generally apparent however fining down hole seems most likely Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 175.65 176.3 FR SS mg ma kr gy L Increased chlorite alteration with increased grainsize sandier interval. Next interval crustiform veining potentially exploiting the coarser grained competancy contract with the sandstone unit described herewith. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 176.3 180 FR ST vf si CT VN pk gy Contorted veining with colloform crustiform silica flooded interval. Pyrite as fracture healingas coloform banding and cubic 2mm crystals near riped up silicified sediment clasts. Alteration appears potassic/haematitic in vein with chlorite sericite halos extending away from the pink. Brittle and ductile deformation abundant. Silica flooding complete. Shear fault gouging present at 179 with local clay disintigration. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 180 182.3 FR IS vf-mg bx SH FT gy M Reduced pink alteration and reduced silica flooding interstitially. Increased chlorite. Increased fault gouging and clay disintigration from physical weathering. Rip up clasts rotated and rounded off in shears. Sericite alteration present with shearing. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 182.3 184.1 FR ST vf bd si XA gy br L Banded altered very fine sandstone or siltstone. Banding from alteration of silica sericite chlorite. Weakly fractured. Pyrite associated with silica rich bands of interstitall silica flooding. Trace irregular fault disjointed veining <1cm. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 184.1 186.3 FR SH vf VN XA gy M Alteration drops out. Zone weakly fractured. Late stage translucent sub-planar veining with very fine disseminated pyrite mineralisation within vein at 184.8. Irregular whispy veining also present. Finer grained rock approaching shale. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 186.3 189.5 FR IS vf-mg uf bd gy gn L Banded altered bedded sediments. Bands of intensly silica flooded sediment parallel with bedding present. Silica with sericite and increased pyrite mineralisation (189m 186.5). General increase in pyrite disseminations. Weakly deformed interval with local plastic/brittle healing centered at 187 with associated silica sericite pyrite chlorite alteration. Fining uphole observed in graded bedding Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 189.5 193.3 FR IS vf-mg kr bd gy gn L Increased deformation and alteration present. Interesting star textures possible porphyroblasts cordiorite? Alteration dominated by silica sericite chlorite. Banded. Increased mineralisation as disseminated pyrite. Bands of shale with interbeded silts and sands. No facing direction observed here. Interval ends on weak fault gouge with Shale below. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 193.3 194.6 FR SH cy ma bk Massive black shale. Interval ends on increased silica flooding. 2cm quartz vein at 194 with pyrite halo. Rare patchy pyrite in shale. Gouging associated with vein. Graphitic gouging along vein. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 194.6 199.4 FR SH cy ma FT bk As above with fault gouging. Rare patchy pyrite. Graphitic gouging common with 20cm fault gouge at 195.6. Increased patchy elongated elipses of pyrite alteration with depth. Common pyrite patches near end of interval 3-7cm long by 2cm high. Increased veining near end of interval replaced by pyrite. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 199.4 202.6 FR IS vf si bd VN XW gy M Silicified interval with increased pyrite mineralisation and veining. Late state translucent veining (buck at times) cross cutting earlier mineralised irregular and deformed veining; reactivated accomodation space/structure centered at 200m. Deep red mineralisation with pyrite near 200m buck vein not sphalerite possibly reduced haematite? Patchy pyrite and intesnse silica in zone Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 202.6 204.5 FR SH cy si bx PO XW bk wh Interval begins on a weakly healed fault breccia with partial hraphitic gouge at transition into shale. Chlorite drops out. Silica and deformation remain with increased crackle breccia. White mineral flowers (porphyroblasts cordiorite?) again present- 2-4mm radiating crosses/florets/worms with rounded petals. Rip up chert clasts present. Pyrite abundant. No more red mineral. late stage veining present across previously deformed/mineralised veins. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 204.5 209.65 FR IS vf-mg kr si XW VN bk wh Interval starts and ends on a 10cm planar vein with internal deformation/brecciation and sheared gouged edges with internal py mineralisation. Interval with more interbedded silts and sands displaying preferance to chlorite alteration and silica flooding. Crackle brecciation increased with vein healing without rotation of clasts for the most part. Ductile deformation in part. no more white florets. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 209.65 212.5 FR SS fg bx si VN XW gy L Light to medium grey fine sandstone. Brecciated but not crackled. Larger SS clasts up to 20cm and rounded in part. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 212.5 216.6 FR SH cy ma XA bk Decreased grainsize and deformation. Reduced veining and breccia infil. Increased fracturing. Decreased alteration including silica infill. Massive in part. Bedding again discernable. Facing direction not apparent Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 216.6 220.5 FR SH cy ma kr bk As above with increased elipsoid pyrite replacement alteration at start of interval until 218. Weakly crackle breccia in bands. No significant veining. Generally massive black shale. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 220.5 223 FR SH cy ma kr VN bk As above with increasing graphitic nature with depth and decreasing grainsize to extremely mud slate. More massive with bedding apparent. When fractured along bedding plane graphitic schene aparant. Interval starts with a 10cm crackle breccia and ends on whispy deformed veining. Narrow breccia veins throughout. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 223 224.5 FR SH cy ma bk Decreased deformation increased massive nature in graphitic shale. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 224.5 226.6 FR SH cy ma kr VN bk As above with increased graphitic component of shale. Increased crackle breccia zones. Decreased pyrite. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 226.6 231 FR SH cy ma VN XA bk As above with increased fracture heals with irregular jagged veinlets. Pyrite mineralised in brecciated vein at start of interval. Patchy pyrite in massive shale throughout. Ekeys 8/08/2021 D PHDDD2101 231 240.7 FR ST bk Shale Ekeys 8/08/2021