Category code Description Alt_intensity 1 trace Alt_intensity 2 weak Alt_intensity 3 moderate Alt_intensity 4 strong Alt_intensity 5 intense Alteration ab albite Alteration am amphibole Alteration asp arsenopyrite Alteration at actinolite Alteration au gold Alteration bn bornite Alteration bt biotite Alteration cb carbonate Alteration cc chalcocite Alteration ch chlorite Alteration cp chalcopyrite Alteration ct chert Alteration cy clay Alteration ep epidote Alteration fd feldspar Alteration fe ferruginous Alteration fu fuchsite Alteration ga galena Alteration gb gibbsite Alteration gh goehite Alteration gn garnet Alteration gp graphite Alteration gy gypsum Alteration hm hematite Alteration hm hematite Alteration js jaspilite Alteration ka kaolinite Alteration kf K-felspar Alteration lm limonite Alteration mg magnesite Alteration mh maghemite Alteration mi mica Alteration mm montmorillonite Alteration mn maganese Alteration mo molybdenite Alteration mo molybdenite Alteration mt magnetite Alteration mu muscovite Alteration no nontronite Alteration ov olivine Alteration pg plagioclase Alteration ph phlogophite Alteration po pyrrhotite Alteration po pyrrhotite Alteration px pyroxene Alteration py pyrite Alteration py pyrite Alteration qz quartz Alteration se sericite Alteration si siliceous Alteration sm smectite Alteration sp serpentine Alteration sp sphalerite Alteration su sulphide Alteration ta tantalite Alteration tc talc Alteration tm tremolite Alteration to tourmaline Colour bf buff Colour bk black Colour bl blue Colour br brown Colour cm cream Colour cr crimson Colour gn green Colour gy grey Colour kh khaki Colour or orange Colour pi pink Colour pu purple Colour rd red Colour ta tan Colour wh white Colour ye yellow Grainsize afa aphanitic/glassy Grainsize cgr course grained Grainsize fgr fine grained Grainsize fmg fine-medium Grainsize mcg medium to course Grainsize mgr medium grained Grainsize vfg very fine grained GT_Strength ES "Extremely strong;Rating 6;UCS >250; Field test-Cannot be fractured with geopick, only chipped. Makes a ping sound when hit" GT_Strength EW Extremely weak; Rating 0; UCS 0.25-1; Field test-Indented by thumbnail GT_Strength MS Moderately strong; Rating 3;UCS 25-50; Field test-Can't be sraped or peeled with pocket knife. Can be fractured with single firm blow of geopick GT_Strength S Strong; Rating 4; UCS 50-100; Field test -Requires more than one blow with geopick to fracture GT_Strength VS Very strong; Rating 5; UCS 100-250; Field test-Requires many blows with geopick to fracture GT_Strength VW Very weak; Rating 1; UCS 1-5; Field test-Crumbles under firm blow with point of geopick. Can be peeled by pocket knife GT_Strength W Weak; Rating 2; UCS 5-25; Field test-Can be peeled by pocket knife with difficulty. Shallow indentations when hit by point of geopick Infill BX Rock breccia gouge Infill CA Carbonate Infill CC Chalcocite Infill CH Chorlite Infill CL Clay Infill CP Chalcopyrite Infill FE Limonite / Iron oxide Infill GA Galena Infill GY Gypsum Infill MO Molybdenite Infill NC No coating or infill Infill PY Pyrite Infill QZ Quartz Infill SP Sphalerite Infill TA Talc Infill UN Unsure / other than coded / undefined Intensity D Dark Intensity L Light Intensity M Mottled Lithology ALUV alluvium Lithology AMP amphibolite Lithology ANT andesite Lithology ARKS arkose Lithology ARNT arenite Lithology BIF banded iron formation Lithology BIOM biomicrite Lithology BLT basalt Lithology BX breccia Lithology CALR calcarenite Lithology CBIF carbonate iron formation Lithology CBRK carbonate rock Lithology CBSH carbonaceous shale Lithology CHRT chert Lithology CLCR calcrete Lithology CLY clay Lithology CNGL conglomerate Lithology DAC dacite Lithology DLT dolerite Lithology FILL unspecified fill Lithology FIRK felsic intrusive Lithology FRCT ferricrete Lithology FVOL felsic volcanic Lithology GAB gabbro Lithology GNS gneiss Lithology GO gossan Lithology GOUG gouge Lithology GRD granodiorite Lithology GRP granophyre Lithology GRSN greisen Lithology GRT granite Lithology GYWK greywacke Lithology HFL hornfels Lithology IGM ignimbrite Lithology JASP jasper Lithology LAG lag Lithology LAT laterite Lithology LITF lithic tuff Lithology LMST limestone Lithology LOM loam Lithology LPR lamproite Lithology LPY lamprophyre Lithology LTUF lapilli tuff Lithology MBL marble Lithology MDST mudstone Lithology METB metabasite Lithology MGST magnesite Lithology MIG migmatite Lithology MSU massive sulphide Lithology MUD mud Lithology MYL mylonite Lithology MZG monzogranite Lithology NSMP no sample/ core loss Lithology OXIF oxide iron formation Lithology PEG pegmatite Lithology PHYL phyllite Lithology QZT quartzite Lithology REG regolith Lithology RHD rhyodacite Lithology RHY rhyolite Lithology SCHT schist Lithology SDST sandstone Lithology SHLE shale Lithology SKN skarn Lithology SLA slate Lithology SLCT silcrete Lithology SLST siltstone Lithology SND sand Lithology SOIL soil Lithology SPLT saprolite Lithology SPRK saprock Lithology SRP serpentinite Lithology TRC trachyte Lithology TUF tuff Lithology Va Talc rich zone in ultramafic Lithology Vb quartz carbonate typically boudinaged Lithology Vc carbonate +/- quartz late stage Lithology Vcb carbonate vein Lithology Vch chlorite vein Lithology Vdt quartz with py +/- apy pressure shadow boudinage (large) Lithology Ve dark brown non magnetic veins in chert Lithology VEBX vein breccia Lithology VEIN vein Lithology Vf quartz + chlorite + carbonate in chert Lithology Vgp quartz with py +/- apy pressure shadow boudinage (small) Lithology Vh chlorite/pyrite thin wispy black veins Lithology Vk carbonate+/- chlorite in ultamafic Lithology Vm quartz carbonate chlorite/sulphides Lithology Vp sulphides +/- chlorite +quartz + chert Lithology Vqb quartz carbonate vein Lithology Vqc quartz chlorite vein Lithology Vqk quartz K-feldspar veining +/- sulphides Lithology Vqm quartz molybdenite Lithology Vqp quartz pyrite vein Lithology Vqt quartz tourmaline vein Lithology Vqz quartz vein Lithology Vs late stage quartz veins (grey) Lithology Vt magnetie + chlorite in chert Lithology Vy quartz + carbonate + molybdenite + pyrite Lithology Vz quartz + tourmaline Lithology Xc breccia with carbonate matrix Lithology Xm breccia with chlorite +/- magnetite matrix Lithology Xo breccia with O alteration matrix Lithology Xq breccia with quartz matrix Lithology Xt quartz tourmaline breccia Number_of_Breaks CZ Crumbled zone where core is crumbled but not necessarily fractured (numeric value 999) Number_of_Breaks FZ Fracture zone where breaks per metre >20m (numeric value 500) Planarity 1 Planar Planarity 2 Slightly curved / undulating Planarity 3 Curved undulating Planarity 4 Stepped Planarity 5 Irregular Roughness 1 Very smooth / polished Roughness 2 Smooth Roughness 3 Rough - < 1mm Roughness 4 Very rough - 1.5mm Roughness 5 Hackley - >5mm Stratigraghy DYKE Stratigraghy GWKE Stratigraghy Hbx Stratigraghy lHWt Stratigraghy uHWt Structure A1 "Natural foliation parting or fracture, not broken by drilling." Structure A2 "Foliation parting or fracture, uncertain whether A1 or A3." Structure A3 "Foliation parting or fracture, broken by drilling or blasting." Structure A4 "Foliation, intact" Structure B1 "Natural bedding plane fracture, not broken by drilling." Structure B2 "Bedding plane fracture, uncertain whether B1 and B3." Structure B3 "Bedding plane fracture, broken by drilling or blasting." Structure B4 "Bedding plane fracture (B1 to B3), but not continuous across core." Structure C1 "Natural geological contact between two different rock types, not broken by drilling." Structure C2 "Geological contact, uncertain whether C1 or C3." Structure C3 "Geological contact, initially intact but broken by drilling." Structure C4 "Geological contact (C1 to C3), but not broken by drilling or blasting." Structure F1 "Geological fault with slickensides, gouge or other evidence of shear movement." Structure F2 Zone of multiple core breaks induced by drilling Structure J1 "Natural geological joint, not broken by drill." Structure J2 "Geological joint, uncertain whether J1 or J3." Structure J3 "Geological joint intially cemented by infill, but broken by drilling or blasting." Structure J4 Geological fracture (J1 to J3) but not continuous across core Structure NN "Rock surface not observable, eg: covered by loose rock or soil, or by ground support such as shotcrete etc." Structure S1 Shear zone (zone of closely spaced shear fractures not classed as F1) Structure U1 Unorientated section of core. Structure V1 "Vein cemented with infill, continuous across core." Structure V2 "Vein, not continuous across core." Structure X1 "Single, drilling induced, core break." Sulphides asp arsenopyrite Sulphides bn bornite Sulphides cc chalcocite Sulphides cp chalcopyrite Sulphides ga galena Sulphides hm hematite Sulphides mo molybdenite Sulphides po pyrrhotite Sulphides py pyrite Sulphides sp sphalerite Texture bx brecciated Texture cgr coarse grained Texture eqg equigranular Texture fgr fine grained Texture ig igneous Texture lam laminated Texture ma massive Texture mf moderate foliation Texture mgr medium grained Texture ph porphyritic Texture sf strong foliation Texture sp spotty Texture vs vesicular Texture wf weak foliation Vein_Type Va Talc rich zone in ultramafic Vein_Type Vb quartz carbonate typically boudinaged Vein_Type Vc carbonate +/- quartz late stage Vein_Type Vcb carbonate vein Vein_Type Vch chlorite vein Vein_Type Vdt quartz with py +/- apy pressure shadow boudinage (large) Vein_Type Ve dark brown non magnetic veins in chert Vein_Type Vf quartz + chlorite + carbonate in chert Vein_Type Vgp quartz with py +/- apy pressure shadow boudinage (small) Vein_Type Vh chlorite/pyrite thin wispy black veins Vein_Type Vk carbonate+/- chlorite in ultamafic Vein_Type Vm quartz carbonate chlorite/sulphides Vein_Type Vp sulphides +/- chlorite +quartz + chert Vein_Type Vqb quartz carbonate vein Vein_Type Vqc quartz chlorite vein Vein_Type Vqk quartz K-feldspar veining +/- sulphides Vein_Type Vqm quartz molybdenite Vein_Type Vqp quartz pyrite vein Vein_Type Vqt quartz tourmaline vein Vein_Type Vqz quartz vein Vein_Type Vs late stage quartz veins (grey) Vein_Type Vt magnetie + chlorite in chert Vein_Type Vy quartz + carbonate + molybdenite + pyrite Vein_Type Vz quartz + tourmaline Vein_Type Xc breccia with carbonate matrix Vein_Type Xm breccia with chlorite +/- magnetite matrix Vein_Type Xo breccia with O alteration matrix Vein_Type Xq breccia with quartz matrix Vein_Type Xt quartz tourmaline breccia Weathering 1 oxide Weathering 2 oxide/transition Weathering 3 transition Weathering 4 transition/fresh Weathering 5 fresh