H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 18-Feb-16 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 31-Dec-15 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no GR378/15 H0101 Tenement_holder PNX Metals Ltd H0102 Project_name Hayes Creek H0106 Tenement_operator PNX Metals Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SD5208 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5270 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 1-Jan-15 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 31-Dec-15 H0202 Data_format SG1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 17 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 18-Feb-16 H0300 Surface_soils_data_file GR378_2015_GA_03_LabSoils.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file GR378_2015_GA_13_codelisting.txt H0500 Feature_located Surface_location H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 52 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS H0533 Surveying_company PNX Metals Ltd H0600 Sample_code GRAB H0601 Sample_type GRAB Grab Sample H0602 Sample_description 2kg grab samples H0700 Sample_preparation_code H0701 Sample_preparation_details "Samples are dried in a gas fired drierĀ at 130C for three hours then cooled to room temp then crushed through a 200x125 Jaques Jaw Crusher cleaned with compressed air between each sample. Particle size discharge 3 - 5 mm. Approximately 1 Kg of sample is split from the crushed sample using a Jones Riffle splitter, the 1Kg subsample is pulverised to a nominal 100 micron particle size in a vertical spindle pulveriser. The pulverised sample is roll mixed on a rubber mat to ensure the sample is homogenised and 400 gram cut taken from the mat rolled sample for assay. A 400 gram barren granitic sand is pulverised as a flush between every sample, the pulveriser is cleaned with compressed air after every barren flush" H0702 Job_no NAL2346 NAL2357 H0800 Assay_code FA50 G400 FA50 H0801 Assay_company NAL North Australian Laboratories Pty Ltd H0802 Assay_description FA50 is Fire Assay Fusion with a Lead Oxide Flux and various other reagents depending on the mineral type followed by cupellation of the recovered lead button in a Magnesium Oxide cupel . The dore prill is parted and the Au content analysed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. [AAS] "G400 FA50 is FA50 as well as Hydrochloric, Nitric, Perchloric and Hydrofluoric acids digest in Teflon Tubes. Leach residue digested with Hydrochloric acid. Reported elements analysed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) or Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)" H1000 Prospect LeaseID SampleID East_MGA North_MGA Interval_Type StandardID SampleType SampleMethod Mesh Date_Sampled Sampler LabNo Comments Analyte Au AU_R H1001 metres metres dd/mm/yyyy ppm ppm H1002 FA50 FA50 H1003 5 5 0.01 0.01 H1004 H1005 H1006 P H1007 D Maze MLN816 BSL000343 776952 8501346 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 21/08/2015 PeterKeepence NAL2346 soil FA50 0.11 0.16 D Maze MLN816 BSL000344 776975 8501349 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 21/08/2015 PeterKeepence NAL2346 soils on base of slope FA50 0.08 0.05 D Maze MLN816 BSL000345 777004 8501351 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 21/08/2015 PeterKeepence NAL2346 FA50 0.01 D Maze MLN816 BSL000346 777026 8501343 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 21/08/2015 PeterKeepence NAL2346 soil on slope FA50 0.02 D Maze MLN816 BSL000347 777056 8501343 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 21/08/2015 PeterKeepence NAL2346 soils at base of slope w/ dolerite float FA50 0.01 D Maze MLN816 BSL000348 777076 8501343 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 21/08/2015 PeterKeepence NAL2346 dolerite float with shale-silstone outcrop w/ FA50 0.01 D Maze MLN816 BSL000349 777097 8501352 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 21/08/2015 PeterKeepence NAL2346 dolerite outcrop and float on steep slope FA50 L D Maze MLN816 BSL000350 777110 8501338 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 21/08/2015 PeterKeepence NAL2346 dolerite outcrop FA50 0.01 D Maze MLN816 BSL000952 776974 8501085 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 30/10/2015 TrevorRoss NAL2357 dolerite float hem soils near creek FA50 L D Maze MLN816 BSL000953 776951 8501080 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 30/10/2015 TrevorRoss NAL2357 dolerite float with hem soils next to creek FA50 L D Maze MLN816 BSL000960 777012 8501094 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 30/10/2015 TrevorRoss NAL2357 dolerite steep slope FA50 0.28 0.26 D Maze MLN816 BSL000961 777035 8501092 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 30/10/2015 TrevorRoss NAL2357 dolerite steep slope FA50 L D Maze MLN816 BSL000962 777055 8501092 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 30/10/2015 TrevorRoss NAL2357 dolerite steep slope FA50 L D Maze MLN816 BSL000963 777075 8501088 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 30/10/2015 TrevorRoss NAL2357 dolerite steep slope FA50 L D Maze MLN816 BSL000964 777103 8501093 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 30/10/2015 TrevorRoss NAL2357 dolerite steep slope FA50 L D Maze MLN816 BSL000965 777125 8501097 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 30/10/2015 TrevorRoss NAL2357 dolerite steep slope FA50 L D Maze MLN816 BSL000966 777142 8501099 ORIGINAL SOIL SIEVE 80 30/10/2015 TrevorRoss NAL2357 dolerite steep slope FA50 L EOF