H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 18-Feb-16 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 31-Dec-15 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no GR378/15 H0101 Tenement_holder PNX Metals Ltd H0102 Project_name Hayes Creek H0106 Tenement_operator PNX Metals Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SD5208 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5270 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 1-Jan-15 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 31-Dec-15 H0202 Data_format SG1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 41 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 18-Feb-16 H0300 RockChip_geochem_data_file GR378_2015_GA_02_RockChips H0307 Lithology_code_file GR378_2015_GA_13_codelisting H0500 Feature_located Surface_location H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 52 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS H0533 Surveying_company PNX Metals Ltd H0600 Sample_code GRAB H0601 Sample_type GRAB Grab Sample H0602 Sample_description 2kg grab samples H0700 Sample_preparation_code H0701 Sample_preparation_details "Samples are dried in a gas fired drierĀ at 130C for three hours then cooled to room temp then crushed through a 200x125 Jaques Jaw Crusher cleaned with compressed air between each sample. Particle size discharge 3 - 5 mm. Approximately 1 Kg of sample is split from the crushed sample using a Jones Riffle splitter, the 1Kg subsample is pulverised to a nominal 100 micron particle size in a vertical spindle pulveriser. The pulverised sample is roll mixed on a rubber mat to ensure the sample is homogenised and 400 gram cut taken from the mat rolled sample for assay. A 400 gram barren granitic sand is pulverised as a flush between every sample, the pulveriser is cleaned with compressed air after every barren flush" H0702 Job_no Lab_Submission H0800 Assay_code FA50 G400 FA50 H0801 Assay_company NAL North Australian Laboratories Pty Ltd H0802 Assay_description FA50 is Fire Assay Fusion with a Lead Oxide Flux and various other reagents depending on the mineral type followed by cupellation of the recovered lead button in a Magnesium Oxide cupel . The dore prill is parted and the Au content analysed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. [AAS] "G400 FA50 is FA50 as well as Hydrochloric, Nitric, Perchloric and Hydrofluoric acids digest in Teflon Tubes. Leach residue digested with Hydrochloric acid. Reported elements analysed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) or Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)" LA001 Fused bead for Laser Ablation MS - have been determined by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry XRF XRF fusion with pre oxidisation using 66:34 flux containing 10% LiNO3 added - have been determined by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry on oven dry (105'C) sample unless otherwise stated. H1000 Prospect LeaseID SampleID East_MGA North_MGA Descrption Alteration Weathering Sample_Type Sample_Method Date_Sampled Sampler Lab_Submission Comments Analyte Au Au (R) Cu Pb Zn Ag As Fe Mn S Bi ppm H1001 metres metres dd/mm/yyyy ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm H1002 FA50 FA50 G400I G400I G400I G400I G400I G400I G400I G400I G400M H1003 0.01 0.01 1 5 2 1 10 20 1 20 0.02 H1004 H1005 H1006 P H1007 D Mount Bonnie MLN811 HAYRC134 776141 8501149 gossan outcrop 3 CHIPS GRAB 30/07/2015 KPEARCE NAL2344 southern gossan GA400 FA50 0.2 927 2756 4017 13 7339 302472 363 3136 337 D Mount Bonnie MLN459 HAYRC135 775995 8501077 qtz vein 4 CHIPS GRAB 30/07/2015 KPEARCE NAL2343 FA50 L D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR001 776043 8501252 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.95 958 7587 1891 28 3649 94916 3001 1637 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR002 776024 8501272 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 1.4 1.36 1483 12481 2278 102 4457 124018 3437 2388 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR003 776017 8501303 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.43 830 6617 1886 20 2733 69642 2548 1177 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR004 776020 8501325 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.52 524 6175 2221 14 2159 64025 1692 706 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR005 776025 8501347 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.59 0.41 472 6139 1684 21 2216 57376 1776 726 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR006 776017 8501383 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.35 542 5622 1864 19 2203 64850 1786 744 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR007 775987 8501364 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.29 469 3771 1865 22 1562 49783 1430 611 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR008 775980 8501340 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.48 483 3600 2018 15 1372 43347 1594 633 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR009 775969 8501318 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 1.31 1.37 1701 11044 2936 112 3778 64467 1797 732 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR010 775960 8501303 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.5 666 4453 2276 36 1849 58620 1863 641 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR011 775953 8501286 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.69 1217 7950 2327 37 4149 117303 3221 1899 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR012 775937 8501275 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 1.12 1.15 1678 4965 1726 79 1960 53408 690 701 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR013 775923 8501256 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.27 559 2158 1576 24 869 34239 659 248 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR014 775915 8501238 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 1.29 1.25 1323 9800 1724 134 4550 87721 1368 2683 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR015 775909 8501218 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.24 565 2351 1364 34 1157 36499 1492 282 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR016 775917 8501201 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.94 0.92 1130 6301 2915 70 2654 58587 3996 1430 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR017 775930 8501185 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 3.35 3.5 1992 15552 1678 182 6155 85706 1667 6380 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR018 775952 8501182 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.71 697 3555 2675 41 1550 48986 2333 1183 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR019 775969 8501191 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.74 763 4619 1549 67 2024 47320 1515 3448 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR020 775991 8501200 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.89 0.87 1105 8055 1114 67 3766 63351 1204 3586 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR021 776009 8501213 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 1.33 1.33 1632 12649 1382 102 5233 76643 1567 5020 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR022 776035 8501231 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.47 850 4416 1147 55 1812 45294 1195 1858 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR023 776034 8501209 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 1.22 1.24 882 7123 1268 54 3294 61204 2483 4598 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR024 776007 8501189 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 1.24 1.21 1159 8626 1565 52 4068 75888 3536 5053 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR025 775976 8501174 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.66 0.74 965 7234 1482 52 3378 62591 2729 4329 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR026 775940 8501200 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.53 774 3567 1762 43 1598 40424 2111 878 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR027 775952 8501204 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.22 728 3443 1361 33 1645 39915 1027 863 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR028 775941 8501230 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.95 0.9 973 4904 1860 69 2413 56736 2071 1536 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR029 775976 8501220 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.63 0.68 1084 5838 1650 110 2663 51769 1263 1431 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR030 775958 8501228 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.32 851 3889 1467 40 1875 41085 1442 978 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR031 775950 8501244 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.44 723 3856 1541 45 1704 45328 1381 1157 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR032 775962 8501258 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.71 0.77 1147 7020 1795 56 2777 56188 1909 3581 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR033 775986 8501247 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.33 928 4006 1854 46 2121 47189 2426 1395 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR034 775997 8501230 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.41 700 4203 1489 35 2169 46213 1480 1473 D Mount Bonnie MLN1033 MBWR035 775978 8501288 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.42 724 6004 2576 22 2449 72424 1694 776 D Mount Bonnie MLN342 MBWR036 775991 8501280 waste dump spoils CHIPS GRAB 16/11/2015 ABENNETT NAL2367 bulk sample from the Mount Bonnie Waste Dump GA400 FA50 0.29 634 3937 2432 27 1798 58355 1849 722 D Mount Bonnie MLN1039 172066 776121 8501297 2m wide qtz vein in pit wall FACE GRAB 7/10/2015 BERMEL NAL2365 Vein 80/225 mag FA50 L D Mount Bonnie MLN1039 172067 776145 8501331 ferruginous siltsone FACE GRAB 7/10/2015 BERMEL NAL2366 Rock chip samples taken from Mount Bonnie Pit wall G400 + FA50 L 659 629 29100 13 1588 216461 28960 656 D Mount Bonnie MLN811 172091 776153 8501288 qtz vein in pit wall FACE GRAB 7/10/2015 BERMEL NAL2365 Vein 80/200 mag FA50 L L EOF