Type of File Description of file Name of Title File Name Report File Combined annsual final text with not data EL29906 EL29787 GR_2021_AS.pdf Appendix Consultant Report EL29906 EL29787 Lake Lewis Modelling report Appendix 1.pdf Appendix Consultant Report EL29906 EL29787 Resouce Potetntial reivwof geophsyical data Appendix 2 Appendix Consultant Report EL29906 EL29787 Resource Potential Spatial data Appendix 3.zip Appendix Consultant Report EL29906 EL29787 Gravity Data Appendix4.zip Appendix Consultant Report EL29906 EL29788 Haines Gravity Survey Reprot Appendix 5.pdf Tabular Data Geochemical analysis of surface brine EL29906 EL29788 GR379_2021_AS_Surface Geochem.txt File Verification GR379_2021_AS_File Listing.txt