H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 20-Oct-15 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 22-Aug-15 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no EL25676 H0101 Tenement_holder Merlin Operations Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Lancelot Project H0106 Tenement_operator Merlin Diamonds Limited H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SE5307 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 6163 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 23-Aug-07 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 22-Aug-15 H0202 Data_format DG1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 277 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 20-Oct-15 H0300 This_filetype EL25676_2015_AS_09_DHGeochem.txt H0301 Location_data_file EL25676_2015_AS_07_DrillCollars.txt H0302 Downhole_lithology_data_file EL25676_2015_AS_08_DHLithLogs.txt H0303 Downhole_geochem_data_file EL25676_2015_AS_09_DHGeochem.txt H0304 Downhole_ind_minerals_data_file EL25676_2015_AS_10_DHIndMins.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file EL25676_2015_AS_21_LithCodes.pdf H0308 File_Verification_Listing EL25676_2015_AS_22_FileListing.txt H0400 Drill_code RC hammer H0401 Drill_contractor All Terrain Drilling. Qld H0402 Description reverse circulation H0600 Sample_code CT H0601 Sample_type drill spoil H0602 Sample_description composite grab samples H0700 Sample_preparation_code n/a H0701 Sample_preparation_details n/a H0800 Assay_code H0801 Assay_company H0802 Assay_description H0900 "Remarks: ""downhole geochemical samples were not analysed""" H01000 Sample_ID Drillhole_ID From (m) "To (m)" Lithology H01001 metres metres D 09-026-001 09-LAN-001 5 6 Cr limestone D 09-026-002 09-LAN-001 14 15 "Ye calcareous siltstone, very fine sandstone" D 09-026-003 09-LAN-001 33 34 fine grained well rounded and sorted friable sandstone D 09-026-004 09-LAN-001 10 11 Cr limestone D 09-026-005 09-LAN-002 6 7 Cr limestone D 09-026-006 09-LAN-002 26 27 Red-pink calcareous fine-grained sandstone/siltstone D 09-026-007 09-LAN-002 36 37 fine grained well rounded and sorted friable sandstone D 09-026-008 09-LAN-005 52 53 Ye fine sandy claystone D 09-026-009 09-LAN-003 4 5 Cr limestone D 09-026-010 09-LAN-003 24 25 Pale Ye calcareous siltstone D 09-026-011 09-LAN-003 28 29 Pink calcareous siltstone D 09-026-012 09-LAN-003 45 46 fine grained well rounded and sorted friable sandstone D 09-026-013 09-LAN-004 4 5 Pale Ye limestone D 09-026-014 09-LAN-004 20 21 Cr limestone D 09-026-015 09-LAN-006 6 7 Cr limestone D 09-026-016 09-LAN-006 20 21 pale yellow calcareous siltstone D 09-026-017 09-LAN-006 29 30 pink calcareous siltstone + fine sandstone D 09-026-018 09-LAN-006 42 43 off-white well-sorted rounded fine-grained sandstone D 09-026-019 09-LAN-007 5 6 cream limestones D 09-026-020 09-LAN-007 7 8 cream limestones D 09-026-021 09-LAN-007 29 30 brown calcareous siltstone D 09-026-022 09-LAN-007 36 37 khaki cream calcareous siltstone D 09-026-023 09-LAN-007 40 41 off-white well-sorted rounded fine-grained sandstone D 09-026-024 09-LAN-008 8 9 cream limestones D 09-026-025 09-LAN-008 26 27 pale tan calcareous sandy siltstones D 09-026-026 09-LAN-008 33 34 pale yellow calcareous siltstone D 09-026-027 09-LAN-008 36 37 off-white well-sorted rounded fine-grained sandstone - friable D 09-026-028 09-LAN-005 2 3 Pale Or f-m grained sandstone D 09-026-029 09-LAN-005 6 7 Cr limestone D 09-026-030 09-LAN-005 20 21 "Pale Ye calcareous siltstone, fine sandstone" D 09-026-031 09-LAN-005 45 46 Cr well-sorted fine sandstone D 09-026-032 09-LAN-005 49 50 Light Ye silty fie sandstone D 09-026-033 09-LAN-005 58 59 Cr fine well-sorted sandstone D 09-026-034 09-LAN-005 53 56 Bn fine sandy claystone D 09-026-035 09-LAN-054 1 2 clayey sand with pebble horizon overlying CSS D 09-026-036 09-LAN-054 2 4 f-cs CSS + SSF with chips of silicified sst D 09-026-037 09-LAN-054 6 10 fine grained CrBn limestone with fg qtz sandy limestone D 09-026-038 09-LAN-055 1 3 clayey sand with pebble horizon overlying CSS D 09-026-039 09-LAN-055 3 6 mostly f-m CSS D 09-026-040 09-LAN-055 6 7 f-cs CSS with chips of silicified SST with pebble horizon and basal clay overlying CrBn fg limestone D 09-026-041 09-LAN-055 9 12 CrGy fg limestone D 09-026-042 09-LAN-058 1 4 f-cs qtz clayey sand with transported laterite D 09-026-043 09-LAN-058 5 6 mostly f-m qtz with minor well-rounded vcs qtz with Fe-SST + f-m CSS+ silicified sst + rounded pebbles D 09-026-044 09-LAN-058 6 8 mostly f-m qtz with f-m CSS + Bl chert + silicified sandstone D 09-026-045 09-LAN-058 9 13 fg CrGy limestone + Wh clayey limestone with f-cs qtz D 09-026-046 09-LAN-058 16 20 fg CrGy limestone + Wh f-cs qtz sandy limestone D 09-026-047 09-LAN-057 1 2 f-cs qtz clayey sand with laterite D 09-026-048 09-LAN-057 2 5 f-cs qtz clay balls - ?clayey sand D 09-026-049 09-LAN-057 6 10 f-cs clean qtz with well-rounded v cs qtz + silicified SST + ?siltstone bands D 09-026-050 09-LAN-057 10 12 f-cs clean qtz with small rounded pebbles at contact with underlying f-m qtz clayey sst D 09-026-051 09-LAN-057 12 14 mostly m-cs hard qtz sst D 09-026-052 09-LAN-057 15 16 CrGy fg limestone plus Fe-stained fg sandy limestone D 09-026-053 09-LAN-057 16 17 fg sandy limestone with small rounded qtz pebbles - ?gravel horizon in limestone? D 09-026-054 09-LAN-057 21 22 f-m Fe-stained sandy limestone with non-calcareous Cr siltstone & fg qtz sandstone D 09-026-055 09-LAN-032 3 5 Cretaceous - f-m qtz in clay after sandstone + f-m qtz well-sorted sst D 09-026-056 09-LAN-032 5 7 Cretaceous - f-cs qtz in clay after sandstone + f-m qtz well-sorted sst D 09-026-057 09-LAN-032 7 9 Cretaceous - fg clayey sandstone D 09-026-058 09-LAN-032 13 15 Cretaceous - f-cs qtz sandstone with pebble bands D 09-026-059 09-LAN-032 18 19 fine-grained limestone D 09-026-060 09-LAN-034 1 3 "f-cs qtz in orange red clay, insitu laterite + minor silicified sandstone" D 09-026-061 09-LAN-034 3 5 "Cretaceous - f-m qtz in clay - probably after sandstone. Chips of silicified sst, some ?basal clay" D 09-026-062 09-LAN-034 7 12 fine-grained limestone D 09-026-063 09-LAN-046 2 5 mostly f-m qtz in alluvial sandy clay with sil sst plus trans lat clasts + top of underlying Cretaceous sst D 09-026-064 09-LAN-046 5 7 f-m qtz in sandy clay after sandstone with ?siltstone bands and basal clay D 09-026-065 09-LAN-046 9 12 mostly fine-grained limestone D 09-026-066 09-LAN-045 2 4 boundary btw base of alluvial sandy clay and underlying Cretaceous sandstone D 09-026-067 09-LAN-045 4 8 Cretaceous - mostly fg qtz well-sorted sandstone D 09-026-068 09-LAN-045 8 9 Cretaceous - mostly f-m qtz in sandy clay after sandstone (CSS) + sil sst + pebbles horizon at base with rounded qtz pebbles plus bl chert chips D 09-026-069 09-LAN-059 1 2 f-cs qtz clayey sand with transported laterite D 09-026-070 09-LAN-059 5 6 green siltstone with fg white mica + small opaque Bl mineral D 09-026-071 09-LAN-059 6 10 "green siltstone with fg white mica, few Fe spots" D 09-026-072 09-LAN-059 10 14 green siltstone with fg white mica - some crystalline limestone inclusions D 09-026-073 09-LAN-059 14 17 green siltstone with fg white mica - more crystalline limestone D 09-026-074 09-LAN-059 17 20 green siltstone with fg white mica - crystalline limestone + Cr fg limestone inclusions D 09-026-075 09-LAN-059 20 21 "very clay-rich siltstone/mudstone with inclusions of Ye calcareous sandstone, Rd crystalline limestone, plus Bl chert" D 09-026-076 09-LAN-059 21 22 "very clay-rich siltstone/mudstone with rounded qtz pebbles plus Bl chert at contact, and Ye sandy clay from unit below" D 09-026-077 09-LAN-059 23 27 CrGy fg limestone plus Fe-stained fg sandy limestone D 09-026-078 09-LAN-059 30 33 CrGy fg limestone plus Fe-stained fg sandy limestone plus Bl chert D 09-026-079 09-LAN-059 33 36 very clay-rich calcareous siltstone/mudstone plus fg sandy limestone D 09-026-080 09-LAN-059 36 37 clayey f-m qtz sandy limestone with haematite Fe-stain D 09-026-081 09-LAN-059 37 40 f-m qtz clayey sandstone D 09-026-082 09-LAN-059 41 44 f-m qtz clayey sandstone - higher magnetic susceptibility D 09-026-083 09-LAN-059 44 46 mostly fg qtz clayey sandstone D 09-026-084 09-LAN-059 46 49 mostly clean well-sorted fg and f-m qtz sandstone D 09-026-085 09-LAN-059 53 55 fg qtz clayey sandstone D 09-026-086 09-LAN-045 11 13 fine-grained limestone interbedded with fine-grained sandy limestone D 09-026-087 09-LAN-060 1 2 f-cs clayey sand with laterite plus few small silicified sandstone chips D 09-026-088 09-LAN-060 2 3 f-m CSS with laterite plus silicified sst + rounded pebbles - pebble horizon at top of Cretaceous D 09-026-089 09-LAN-060 3 5 f-m CSS with silicified sst + Bl chert D 09-026-090 09-LAN-060 5 6 f-m CSS with f-m qtz sst + red basal clay D 09-026-091 09-LAN-060 8 12 CrGy fg limestone plus Cr fg qtz sandy limestone D 09-026-092 09-LAN-061 1 2 f-cs clayey sand with laterite plus rounded pebbles - pebble horizon at contact with underlying alluvial sandy clay D 09-026-093 09-LAN-061 2 4 straddles contact btw alluvial sandy clay and underlying Cretaceous f- CSS D 09-026-094 09-LAN-061 4 5 "Cretaceous f-m CSS with well-rounded vcs qtz plus silicified sst, Bl chert and rounded qtz pebbles" D 09-026-095 09-LAN-061 7 11 Cr fg qtz sandy limestone D 09-026-096 09-LAN-062 1 3 f-cs qtz clayey sand with transported laterite over alluvial sandy clay with small laterite plus few rounded pebbles at basal contact with Cretaceous sandstone D 09-026-097 09-LAN-062 3 4 Cretaceous - f-m qtz sandstone with sil sst + fg clayey sst + basal pebbly clay. Basal clay at contact with underlying limestone D 09-026-098 09-LAN-062 5 9 fg limestone interbedded with f-cs qtz sandy limestone D 09-026-099 09-LAN-062 15 19 fg limestone interbedded with f-cs qtz sandy limestone D 09-026-100 09-LAN-063 1 3 f-cs qtz in alluvial sandy clay with insitu laterite 10-20mm D 09-026-101 09-LAN-063 3 5 f-cs qtz in alluvial sandy clay with sill sst + bl chert + rounded pebbles - basal pebble band over Cretaceous f-m qtz sandstone D 09-026-102 09-LAN-063 5 7 f-m qtz sandy clay (CSS) with pieces of fg + f-m well-sorted sandstone + sil sst D 09-026-103 09-LAN-063 7 8 f-cs qtz sandy clay (CSS) - basal clay layer at contact with limestone D 09-026-104 09-LAN-063 10 14 mostly fg qtz sandy limestone - minor Fe-stain D 09-026-105 09-LAN-063 24 28 mostly fg qtz sandy limestone - strong Fe-stain D 09-026-106 09-LAN-064 1 2 f-cs qtz in alluvial sandy clay with insitu laterite 10-20mm D 09-026-107 09-LAN-064 3 4 f-cs qtz in alluvial sandy clay with sill sst + bl chert + rounded pebbles - basal pebble band over Cretaceous sandstone D 09-026-108 09-LAN-064 4 6 Cretaceous - f-m qtz CSS with some sil sst + bl chert + ?SSL/SMD D 09-026-109 09-LAN-064 6 8 Cretaceous - f-m qtz CSS with pebble bands + CrWh siltstone + sil sst D 09-026-110 09-LAN-064 8 10 Cretaceous - f-m qtz CSS with pebble bands + CrWh siltstone + sil sst D 09-026-111 09-LAN-064 11 15 fg limestone interbedded with f-cs qtz sandy limestone D 09-026-112 09-LAN-064 24 28 mostly fine-grained sandy limestone with moderate Fe-stain D 09-026-113 09-LAN-065 2 3 Cretaceous - f-m qtz CSS with sil sst bl chert + CrWh siltstone. D 09-026-114 09-LAN-065 3 4 Cretaceous - f-m qtz CSS with sil sst bl chert + CrWh siltstone. Basal clay at contact with underlying limestone D 09-026-115 09-LAN-065 5 7 mostly fine-grained sandy limestone D 09-026-116 09-LAN-065 7 9 fg qtz calcareous sandstone D 09-026-117 09-LAN-065 10 14 mostly fg limestone with minor fg sandy limestone D 09-026-118 09-LAN-065 20 24 mostly fine-grained sandy limestone D 09-026-119 09-LAN-065 27 30 mostly fg limestone D 09-026-120 09-LAN-047 1 4 f-cs qtz in alluvial sandy clay with sil sst clasts D 09-026-121 09-LAN-047 4 7 Cretaceous - mostly f-m sandy clay after sandstone (CSS) with few chips of well-sorted fg qtz sandstone D 09-026-122 09-LAN-047 7 10 Cretaceous - f-cs qtz in clay after sandstone (CSS) D 09-026-123 09-LAN-047 10 13 Cretaceous - mostly f-m CSS with few chips of well-sorted fg qtz sandstone D 09-026-124 09-LAN-047 13 16 "Cretaceous - f-cs qtz CSS, with minor small rounded pebbles + plus silicified siltstone pieces" D 09-026-125 09-LAN-047 16 19 "Cretaceous - f-cs qtz CSS with few chips of poorly-sorted clayey sandstone + minor small rounded pebbles of SFF + SSL + qtz, some calcrete overprint" D 09-026-126 09-LAN-047 19 21 Cretaceous - mostly f-m CSS with few chips of well-sorted f-m qtz sandstone D 09-026-127 09-LAN-047 21 22 "Cretaceous - f-cs qtz CSS, with few rounded qtz pebbles" D 09-026-128 09-LAN-047 22 26 mostly fine-grained limestone D 09-026-129 09-LAN-048 2 5 "Cretaceous - fg qtz well-sorted sandstone, few bl chert chips ?from above" D 09-026-130 09-LAN-048 5 9 Cretaceous - mostly f-cs qtz CSS with some f-m CSS D 09-026-131 09-LAN-048 9 12 Cretaceous - mostly f-cs qtz CSS with some f-m CSS plus sil sst chips + silicified siltstone + bl chert D 09-026-132 09-LAN-048 12 14 "Cretaceous - f-cs qtz CSS, with few rounded qtz pebbles" D 09-026-133 09-LAN-049 0 1 f-cs qtz clayey sand with laterite D 09-026-134 09-LAN-049 1 2 f-cs qtz clayey sand with laterite plus few rounded pebbles marking contact with alluvial sandy clay. Pebbles also at contact with underlying Cretaceous D 09-026-135 09-LAN-049 2 3 f-cs qtz with some well-rounded vcs qtz ?after sandstone with few rounded pebbles D 09-026-136 09-LAN-049 3 5 red clay ?basal clay over CrBn fg limestone D 09-026-137 09-LAN-049 5 7 fg calcareous sandstone D 09-026-138 09-LAN-049 8 12 Cr fg qtz sandy limestone D 09-026-139 09-LAN-029 5 8 base of Cretaceous - f-cs CSS with silicified sandstone + red ?basal clay - inc in mag sus @ 6-7m D 09-026-140 09-LAN-029 9 14 CrBn fg limestone - very clayey D 09-026-141 09-LAN-030 1 4 f-cs clayey sand with laterite (mostly in 1-2m) D 09-026-142 09-LAN-030 4 7 f-cs qtz CSS with silicified sandstone + Bl chert + red sandy clay ?basal clay. NB some laterite @ 4-5m ?surface contamination due to rod change @4m but may be part of gravel on top of Cretaceous - increase in mag sus D 09-026-143 09-LAN-030 8 10 CrGy fg limestone D 09-026-144 09-LAN-030 12 16 CrBn fg limestone D 09-026-145 09-LAN-031 0 2 f-cs qtz clayey sand with laterite (<10mm) + silicified sandstone chips D 09-026-146 09-LAN-031 2 6 "f-m qtz sandy clay with minor small laterite @ 3-4m + higher mag sus - ?contamination, NB not certain if OSC or CSS" D 09-026-147 09-LAN-031 7 9 f-cs qtz CSS with silicified sandstone + red sandy clay ?basal clay D 09-026-148 09-LAN-031 10 15 CrBn fg limestone D 09-026-149 09-LAN-031 16 19 possible gravel horizon within limestone sequence with sandstone + siltstone + qtz pebbles + jasper + chert D 09-026-150 09-LAN-031 20 24 fg Gy limestone with fg qtz sandy limestone and ?calcareous siltstone - very clay-rich D 09-026-151 09-LAN-031 24 28 fg Gy limestone and ?calcareous siltstone - very clay-rich D 09-026-152 09-LAN-031 28 31 fg qtz sandy limestone + calcareous siltstone D 09-026-153 09-LAN-031 36 38 fg qtz sandy limestone + calcareous siltstone D 09-026-154 09-LAN-031 38 42 fg qtz sandy limestone with haematite Fe-stain D 09-026-155 09-LAN-031 43 48 fg and f-m wellsorted and clayey sandstone D 09-026-156 09-LAN-033 4 7 f-cs qtz with well-rounded vcs qtz with chips of sandstone + silicified sandstone + red sandy clay (?basal clay) - NB: laterite in sample from surface contamination due to rod change @4m D 09-026-157 09-LAN-033 10 14 CrBn fg limestone D 09-026-158 09-LAN-035 3 5 f-m CSS with silicified sandstone + Bl chert + rounded pebbles - no IM as samples disturbed by rig running over them! D 09-026-159 09-LAN-035 8 12 fg limestone with minor Fe-stain D 09-026-160 09-LAN-036 7 10 f-m qtz CSS with silicified sandstone - increase in mag sus at basal contact with limestone D 09-026-161 09-LAN-036 15 19 CrBn fg limestone - taken beneath zone contaminated with red sandy clay dragged down from higher up drill-hole D 09-026-162 09-LAN-037 7 10 f-cs qtz CSS with f-m qtz sandstone + silicified sandstone - increase in mag sus at basal contact with limestone D 09-026-163 09-LAN-037 11 14 CrBn fg limestone D 09-026-164 09-LAN-038 1 3 f-cs qtz clayey sand with minor laterite - most laterite in 0-1m interval D 09-026-165 09-LAN-038 3 8 mostly f-m qtz CSS with silicified sandstone + f-m qtz sandstone chips D 09-026-166 09-LAN-038 8 12 fg sandstone + siltstone D 09-026-167 09-LAN-038 12 16 fg clayey sandstone D 09-026-168 09-LAN-038 16 20 siltstone + f-m qtz sandstone + f-cs sandstone with rounded qtz pebbles (17-18m) D 09-026-169 09-LAN-038 20 23 "f-cs qtz with chips of siltstone, f-m qtz sandstone + silicified sandstone + Bl chert + rounded qtz pebbles + red sandy clay (?basal clay) - NB: laterite in sample from surface contamination due to rod change @4m" D 09-026-170 09-LAN-038 24 28 Gy Bn fg limestone D 09-026-171 09-LAN-039 3 6 Cretaceous - f-m qtz in clay - probably after sandstone. Chips of silicified sst and well-sorted qtz sst D 09-026-172 09-LAN-039 11 14 Cretaceous - f-cs qtz in clay after sandstone D 09-026-173 09-LAN-039 14 19 Cretaceous - f-cs qtz in clay after sst with well-rounded vcs qtz + sil sst chips + bands of gy siltstone D 09-026-174 09-LAN-039 19 21 Cretaceous - f-cs qtz in clay after sst - some silicified sst plus rounded pebbles at base D 09-026-175 09-LAN-039 22 26 fine-grained limestone with some fine-grained sandy limestone D 09-026-177 09-LAN-041 4 7 f-cs qtz CSS with silicified sandstone + siltstone + Bl chert + rounded pebbles + red sandy clay ?basal clay. D 09-026-178 09-LAN-041 10 14 Cr Bn fg limestone D 09-026-179 09-LAN-042 1 2 f-cs qtz sandy clay with laterite (cutans) D 09-026-180 09-LAN-042 5 7 "f-m qtz CSS with silicified sandstone, red sandy clay - ?basal clay" D 09-026-181 09-LAN-042 8 12 CrBn fg limestone D 09-026-182 09-LAN-050 0 1 f-cs clayey sand with laterite (most <10mm) - some cutans D 09-026-183 09-LAN-050 4 5 f-cs qtz sandy-clay ?after sandstone with subrounded sst pebbles + qtz pebbles + silicified sandstone - increase in mag sus D 09-026-184 09-LAN-050 6 9 f-cs qtz CSS D 09-026-185 09-LAN-050 11 12 f-cs qtz with well-rounded vcs qtz with chips of silicified sandstone + rounded qtz pebbles + Bl chert D 09-026-186 09-LAN-050 13 14 f-cs qtz with greenish clay balls with small rounded pebbles included + chert - ?pebbly clay layer at base of Cretaceous D 09-026-187 09-LAN-050 15 19 CrGy fg limestone D 09-026-188 09-LAN-043 1 3 "f-cs qtz in orange red clay, numerous insitu laterite + minor silicified sandstone" D 09-026-189 09-LAN-043 3 6 f-m qtz in alluvial sandy clay with fragments of Ye + Wh SSF/SSL + silicified sst D 09-026-190 09-LAN-043 6 8 "Cretaceous - f-cs qtz in clay after sandstone with some siltstone, ?basal clay" D 09-026-191 09-LAN-043 9 14 fine-grained limestone interbedded with fine-grained sandy limestone D 09-026-192 09-LAN-043 32 36 "calcareous siltstone/mudstone - very clay-rich, minor fg sandy limestone, some haematite stain" D 09-026-193 09-LAN-043 38 42 f-m qtz sandy clay-rich limestone - haematite stain D 09-026-194 09-LAN-043 42 45 fg clayey sandstone + f-m qtz well-sorted sandstone D 09-026-195 09-LAN-043 45 46 fg + f-m qtz well-sorted sandstone D 09-026-196 09-LAN-051 1 2 "f-cs qtz alluvial sandy clay with well-rounded vcs qtz, with rounded pebbles + chert plus ?chips off silicified sandstone pebbles" D 09-026-197 09-LAN-051 2 5 f-cs qtz with well-rounded vcs qtz alluvial sandy clay D 09-026-198 09-LAN-051 5 6 "Or-Rd clay balls with minor fg qtz ?basal clay, over CrGy qtz sandy limestone" D 09-026-199 09-LAN-051 6 10 Cr fg qtz sandy limestone D 09-026-200 09-LAN-052 1 3 f-cs qtz clayey sand with laterite and few pebbles above alluvial sandy clay with m-cs qtz CSS with silicified sandstone + chert D 09-026-201 09-LAN-052 3 4 red clay ?basal clay over CrBn fg limestone D 09-026-202 09-LAN-052 5 7 CrBn fg qtz sandy limestone with minor Fe-stain D 09-026-203 09-LAN-052 7 11 Cr Gy fg limestone D 09-026-204 09-LAN-053 1 4 CrBn fg limestone + Cr fg sandy limestone with minor Fe-stain D 09-026-205 09-LAN-044 1 2 f-cs qtz in alluvial sandy clay with minor laterite D 09-026-206 09-LAN-053 10 14 Cr fg qtz sandy limestone D 09-026-207 09-LAN-053 4 8 Cr fg qtz sandy limestone with minor Fe-stain D 09-026-208 09-LAN-044 3 6 "f-cs qtz in alluvial sandy clay with clasts of fg sandstone + sil sst, some possible calcrete overprint" D 09-026-209 09-LAN-044 6 11 fine-grained limestone D 09-026-210 09-LAN-044 20 25 fine-grained limestone interbedded with fine-grained sandy limestone D 09-026-211 09-LAN-044 35 38 calcareous siltstone interbedded with fg sandy limestone - some bl chert D 09-026-212 09-LAN-044 38 40 "calcareous siltstone/mudstone - very clay-rich, minor fg sandy limestone, some haematite stain" D 09-026-213 09-LAN-044 40 42 f-m qtz sandy clay-rich limestone - some haematite stain D 09-026-214 09-LAN-044 42 44 mostly f-m qtz well-sorted sandstone with some fg clayey sandstone D 09-026-215 09-LAN-044 44 47 mostly f-m qtz clayey sandstone D 09-026-216 09-LAN-044 47 49 mostly mg qtz well-sorted sandstone D 09-026-217 09-LAN-066 0 1 f-cs qtz clayey sand with transported laterite (<5mm) - few pebbles at contact with alluvial sandy clay D 09-026-218 09-LAN-066 2 4 f-cs qtz in alluvial sandy clay with sill sst + bl chert + laterite + CrWh siltstone D 09-026-219 09-LAN-066 5 10 Cretaceous - f-cs qtz CSS with f-m sst + sil sst D 09-026-220 09-LAN-066 10 12 Cretaceous - f-cs qtz CSS with f-m sst + sil sst . Base marked by rounded qtz pebbles D 09-026-221 09-LAN-066 12 15 Cretaceous - Cr siltstone + sil sst - pebbles mark base of unit D 09-026-222 09-LAN-066 15 19 "Cretaceous - mostly clean, well-sorted fg qtz sandstone" D 09-026-223 09-LAN-066 19 22 "Cretaceous - very clean, well-sorted fg qtz sandstone" D 09-026-224 09-LAN-066 22 24 "Cretaceous - strongly- ferruginised f-cs qtz sandstone, poorly-sorted" D 09-026-225 09-LAN-066 24 25 Cretaceous - f-cs qtz sandstone + basal clay at contact with limestone D 09-026-226 09-LAN-066 26 31 fg qtz sandy limestone with variable Fe-stain D 09-026-227 09-LAN-066 33 36 fg qtz sandy clay-rich limestone - bl chert D 09-026-228 09-LAN-066 35 40 calcareous siltstone with fg qtz sandy limestone - haematite-stained D 09-026-229 09-LAN-066 42 43 f-m qtz well-sorted sandstone D 09-026-230 09-LAN-025 0 2 f-cs qtz clayey with laterite + f-m qtz CSS D 09-026-231 09-LAN-025 4 8 fg qtz well-sorted sandstone D 09-026-232 09-LAN-025 8 11 fg + f-m qtz sandstone D 09-026-233 09-LAN-025 11 13 f-cs qtz + silicified sandstone + minor Bl chert D 09-026-234 09-LAN-025 14 18 Gy fg limestone with Fe-stain D 09-026-235 09-LAN-025 18 23 CrGy fg clayey limestone D 09-026-236 09-LAN-025 23 25 fg limestone + calcareous siltstone D 09-026-237 09-LAN-025 28 32 calcareous siltstone/mudstone D 09-026-238 09-LAN-025 32 36 f-m qtz clayey sandy limestone D 09-026-239 09-LAN-025 37 40 mostly well-sorted fg qtz sandstone D 09-026-240 09-LAN-026 2 5 f-cs qtz CSS + silicified sandstone Gy/Or clay with minor qtz ?basal clay D 09-026-241 09-LAN-026 5 10 CrWh siltstone/fg clayey sandstone + chert D 09-026-242 09-LAN-026 10 15 fg clayey sandstone + f-m qtz sandstone + siltstone D 09-026-243 09-LAN-026 15 17 siltstone + f-m qtz sandstone + partially silicified sandstone + chert + sandy clay ?basal clay D 09-026-244 09-LAN-026 18 23 CrBn fg limestone + fg clayey limestone D 09-026-245 09-LAN-026 23 27 calcareous siltstone with fg sandy limestone D 09-026-246 09-LAN-026 27 32 calcareous siltstone/mudstone with minor fg sandy limestone D 09-026-247 09-LAN-026 33 37 fg qtz sandstone D 09-026-248 09-LAN-026 38 40 f-m well-sorted qtz sandstone D 09-026-249 09-LAN-009 0 2 f-cs clayey sand with transported laterite (<10mm) D 09-026-250 09-LAN-009 2 4 f-cs poorly-sorted red sandy clay with minor vcs rounded qtz D 09-026-251 09-LAN-009 4 5 ?pebble layer at lst contact - matrix OrRd sandy clay D 09-026-252 09-LAN-009 5 9 f-m. minor cs qtz clayey sandstone D 09-026-253 09-LAN-009 10 14 f-cs qtz clayey sandstone - ?interbedded with clay-rich bands D 09-026-254 09-LAN-009 18 19 ?basal gravel? Very clay-rich with small fragments of wh fg sst + hard well-sorted sst + clay D 09-026-255 09-LAN-009 21 25 fine-grained limestone interbedded with fine-grained sandy limestone D 09-026-256 09-LAN-009 35 34 f-cs poorly-sorted sandstone - non-calcareous D 09-026-257 09-LAN-011 1 2 silicified qtz sandstone - hard and partially ferruginised D 09-026-258 09-LAN-011 2 3 brown sticky clay with goethite spots & calcareous - ?clay at base of Cretaceous D 09-026-259 09-LAN-011 6 10 fine-grained limestone interbedded with fine-grained sandy limestone D 09-026-260 09-LAN-011 17 21 mostly calcareous siltstone with minor fg limestone D 09-026-261 09-LAN-011 23 26 "f-cs clay-rich calcareous sandstone - finer towards base, f-m" D 09-026-262 09-LAN-011 27 30 f-m well-sorted qtz sandstone with minor green mudstone bands D 09-026-263 09-LAN-014 1 3 f-cs rounded qtz in red-brown clay with silicified sandstone + minor inclusions of YeWh SSF - grit fragments. Mildly calcareous towards base - calcrete overprint D 09-026-264 09-LAN-014 8 12 fine-grained limestone interbedded with fine-grained sandy limestone - some bl chert frags D 09-026-265 09-LAN-013 1 2 f-cs qtz in red clay with grit fragments of SSF + Fe-SST + silicified sst - alluvial. ?calcrete overprint D 09-026-266 09-LAN-013 2 3 f-cs qtz in red clay with grit fragments - some ?calcrete development/overprint D 09-026-267 09-LAN-013 3 4 sandy clay with pebble horizon at basal contact with limestone - pebbles include qtzite + fg limestone D 09-026-268 09-LAN-013 5 10 fine-grained limestone interbedded with fine-grained sandy limestone D 09-026-269 09-LAN-017 1 3 f-cs qtz in OrRd clay with laterite (5-10mm) - ? Alluvial D 09-026-270 09-LAN-017 4 6 "f-cs qtz in OrRd clay with bl chert chips + silicified sst chips - sst inc in basal metre, also in in clay" D 09-026-271 09-LAN-018 1 2 OrRd sandy clay with chert + silicified sandstone clasts D 09-026-272 09-LAN-018 2 6 pale orange sandy clay ?after Cretaceous sandstone. Has chips of silicified sandstone + chert fragments - ?contamination D 09-026-274 09-LAN-019 3 4 alluvial red sandy clay with pebbles of chert D 09-026-275 09-LAN-021 1 4 f-m qtz in clay - probably alluvial D 09-026-276 09-LAN-021 4 9 Cretaceous f-m qtz sandstone + silicified sandstone D 09-026-277 09-LAN-021 9 11 "Cretaceous f-m qtz sandstone with more clay + some bl chert, some siltstone" D 09-026-278 09-LAN-021 11 12 ?pebble conglomerate horizon at base of Cretaceous D 09-026-279 09-LAN-021 13 17 fine-grained limestone interbedded with fine-grained sandy limestone EOF