H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 20-Oct-15 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 22-Aug-15 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no EL25676 H0101 Tenement_holder Merlin Operations Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Lancelot Project H0106 Tenement_operator Merlin Diamonds Limited H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SE5307 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 6163 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 23-Aug-07 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 22-Aug-15 H0202 Data_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 305 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 20-Oct-15 H0300 This_filetype EL25676_2015_AS_12_CosteanLithLog.txt H0301 Location_data_file EL25676_2015_AS_11_CosteanCollar.txt H0302 Downhole_lithology_data_file EL25676_2015_AS_12_CosteanLithLog.txt H0304 Downhole_ind_minerals_data_file EL25676_2015_AS_13_CosteanIndMins.txt H0308 File_Verification_Listing EL25676_2015_AS_22_FileListing.txt H0500 Feature_type costean H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD arbitrary RL200 nominal H0503 Projection Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument hand-held GPS H0533 Surveying_company MDL H0900 "Remarks: ""costeans dug with CAT backhoe""" H01000 Hole_ID From To Rock Code Colour Sample ID Field Description H01001 metres metres D 09-LTP-001 0.00 0.50 OCS Bn 09-032-028 clayey sand with f-cs rounded frosted quartz + minor small (most <5mm) BnBl transported laterite nodules D 09-LTP-001 0.50 0.90 OCSL OrBn 09-032-029 "laterite nodules, probably transported but with secondary lateritisation overprint. Nodules mostly angular, 10-20mm. Few small quartz pebbles at base of unit." D 09-LTP-001 0.90 1.40 OSCG Ye/Or/Rd 09-032-030 "mottled clay with med-vcs qtz + pebbles and cobbles 20 to 50mm. Inc in clay content near to and base of unit, more gravel in centre. Clasts mostly fg clayey Ye + YeWh sst, mod to well-ounded, few subang sil sst + chert clasts, few well-rounded small qtz pebbles. Unit's basal contact is undulating and moderately sharp. More clay-rich grit at base with smaller clasts" D 09-LTP-001 1.40 2.30 SSMC Or 09-032-031 m-cs well-sorted ? Highly weathered feldspathic sandstone - has WhCr clay blebs. Weathering patchy with areas of competent sst and areas of clay after sst (OrRd CSS) D 09-LTP-002 0.00 0.50 OCS OrBn no sample clayey sand with f-cs rounded frosted quartz + minor small (most <5mm) BnBl transported laterite nodules D 09-LTP-002 0.50 1.00 OCSL YeOr no sample "m-cs rounded frosted qtz with clay - moderately lithified unit with goethitic Fe overprint as nodules have cutans. Nodules mostly subang, <10mm with minor small rounded qtz pebbles near and at base. Has an undulating basal contact - ?possible channel" D 09-LTP-002 1.00 2.60 OSCG Cr/Rd no sample "mottled sandy clay - probably alluvial with mostly med-cs rounded qtz, some vcs well-rounded qtz (>2mm), scattered minor qtz, chert and laterite pebbles, plus few subrounded cobbles to 20cm - silicified sst + Cr fg limestone. Some insitu calcrete nodules" D 09-LTP-002 2.60 2.90 OSC Rd no sample "unit similar to above, but darker red and more clay-rich, less quartz" D 09-LTP-003 0.00 0.50 OCS OrBn 09-032-032 clayey sand with f-cs rounded frosted quartz + minor small (most <5mm) BnBl transported laterite nodules D 09-LTP-003 0.50 0.80 OCSL OrRd 09-032-032 "laterite nodules with clayey sand matrix - probably transported, most <20mm, sub-angular to sub-rounded." D 09-LTP-003 0.80 1.20 OSCG OrRd 09-032-033 "mostly matrix-supported pebble gravel. Unit about 30-40cm thick and grades laterally and vertically from clast-supported to matrix-supported. Clasts included large (10cm) chert nodules+ v large slabs of chert (40cm), Ye fg sandstone/siltstone, Wh fg sst, few small well-rounded qtz pebbles + sil sst pebbles. Matrix is med-cs with well-rnded vcs qtz + clay." D 09-LTP-003 1.20 1.80 OSC OrRd 09-032-034 f-cs qtz with well-rounded vcs qtz in red clay with minor grit fragments (<10mm) of Ye SSF/SSL + laterite + Wh SSF + commencement of calcrete nodule formation D 09-LTP-003 1.80 2.25 OSC-CCOH Rd/Wh 09-032-034 sandy clay as above but strongly overprinted by calcrete creating a limestone gravel appearance. Nodules appear similar to CrBn fg limestone but surrounded by sandy clay sim to unit above D 09-LTP-004 0.00 0.90 OCS OrBn 09-032-025 clayey sand with f-cs rounded frosted quartz + minor small (most <5mm) BnBl transported laterite nodules D 09-LTP-004 0.90 1.10 OCSGR OrBn 09-032-026 "concentration of laterite forming layer about 20cm thick at base of sand - ?lag concentration of laterite. Nodules subrnd to subang, most <20mm. Matrix is OCS with f-cs qtz" D 09-LTP-004 1.10 2.50 OCSL Or 09-032-027 Matrix-supported clayey sand with transported laterite. Sand is f-cs qtz with numerous mostly <10mm BnBl transported laterite nodules. No sandstone or qtz pebbles noted D 09-LTP-004 2.50 3.00 OCSL OrRd 09-032-027 similar to above but deeper colour - increase in clay D 09-LTP-005 0.00 0.80 OCS BnOr 09-032-022 clayey sand with f-cs rounded frosted quartz + minor small (most <5mm) BnBl transported laterite nodules D 09-LTP-005 0.80 1.20 OCSML Or 09-032-022 "laterite nodules - look like insitu as subang to 20mm with cutans. Sharp undulating contact with unit below, no quartz pebbles noted" D 09-LTP-005 1.20 1.70 OSCG RdOr 09-032-023 v sandy clay with undulating and discontinuous pebble gravel - f-cs qtz with transported laterite + Ye SSF/SSL + Wh SSF + f- sil sst pebbles. Unit astimoses from pebble gravel to cs sand with v minor grit. D 09-LTP-005 1.70 2.30 OSC OG OrRd 09-032-024 "sandy clay - inc in clay compared to unit above. Unit matrix-supported with scattered subrnd to rounded YeWh SSf/SSL + Wh SSF + sil sst pebbles, mostly 10-30mm. Few large (>20cm) CrGy lst cobbles - floaters" D 09-LTP-006 0.00 1.10 OCS BnOr 09-032-014 clayey sand with f-cs rounded frosted quartz + minor small (most 10mm) BnBl shiny transported laterite nodules D 09-LTP-006 1.10 1.30 OCSGR OrBn 09-032-015 basal 20cm has concentration of laterite nodules 5-20mm - grain-supported. Undulating basal contact - ?lag concentration. D 09-LTP-006 1.30 1.50 OCSG Rd 09-032-015 "sandy clay with f-cs more shiny qtz with clasts of rounded agate, subang-subrnd sil sst, YeWh SSF/SSL + minor trans laterite. Clasts mostly 1-5cm, few to 10cm. Nears clast-supported at top and base of unit, more matrix-supported in centre" D 09-LTP-006 1.50 3.00 OSC GR Rd 09-032-016 09-032-017 "clay-rich sandy clay comprising f-cs qtz with some vcs rounded qtz, some Mn staining. Very minor clasts noted - few v small qtz pebbles + small BnBl transported laterite. Less clay-rich/more sandy section of OSC in southern portion of trench - overprinted by calcrete. Calcrete is CrGy, interlocking angular pieces" D 09-LTP-007 0.00 0.60 OCS BnOr no sample clayey sand with f-cs rounded frosted quartz + minor small (most 5mm) BnBl shiny transported laterite nodules D 09-LTP-007 0.60 0.80 OCSL BnOr no sample "basal laterite unit with nodules to 20cm, some Fe- overprint + minor Ye SSF/SSL + chert pebbles - sharp basal contact" D 09-LTP-007 0.80 1.50 OSC Rd no sample "sandy clay with f-cs qtz + clasts/pebbles of sil sst Ye/Wh SSF/SSL + chert, most < 5cm, few to 10cm. Clasts mostly conc in top 30cm. Undulating contact with overlying laterite. Some calcrete nodule formation near base - hence shallow pit" D 09-LTP-008 0.00 0.70 OCS BnOr 09-032-011 clayey sand with f-cs rounded frosted quartz + minor small (most 5mm) BnBl shiny transported laterite nodules - inc down unit D 09-LTP-008 0.70 0.90 OCSL OrBn 09-032-012 "grain-supported laterite concentration - very friable, ?lag. Few small sst pebbles at base" D 09-LTP-008 0.90 1.30 OSC/CSS Rd/Ye no sample "mottled sandy clay with mostly med-cs rounded qtz, some vcs well-rounded qtz (>2mm). No clasts noted, hence probably ?CSS. " D 09-LTP-008 1.30 2.20 CSS RdOr 09-032-013 unit very similar to above but more uniform and more clay - looks like highly weathered sandstone D 09-LTP-009 0.00 0.50 OCS Bn Or no sample clayey sand with f-cs rounded frosted quartz + minor small (most <10mm) BnBl shiny transported laterite nodules - increasing down unit D 09-LTP-009 0.50 1.10 OSCLG BnOr no sample "laterite with scattered cobbles in sandy clay. Laterite mostly m<20mm, cobbles are chert + YeWh subang SSF/SSL + sil sst. Cobbles to 15cm, most <10cm. Matrix is f-cs with vcs well rounded qtz grains in clay" D 09-LTP-009 1.10 1.20 OSCG BnOr no sample "unit as above but more clay-rich, hence difficult to dig. Clasts mostly grit-sized Ye SSF fragments/pebbles, with ?less laterite. " D 09-LTP-010 0.00 0.50 OCS OrBn 09-032-001 clayey sand with f-cs rounded frosted quartz + very minor small (most <10mm) BnBl shiny transported laterite nodules - increasing down unit D 09-LTP-010 0.50 1.70 OSCG RdOr 09-032-002 "mostly laterite with scattered cobbles and m-cs qtz (with well rnded vcs qtz) sandy clay matrix. Laterite nodules look insitu as angular with well-developed cutans - 5-30mm nodules. Cobbles and pebbles comprise subang sil sst + YeWh SSF/SSL + ?Fe-sst, few chert pebbles. Larger clasts to 15cm, most 3-5cm. Top of unit fairly uniform but basal contact undulates - larger cobbles appear conc at basal contact?" D 09-LTP-010 1.70 2.80 OSCGR Or 09-032-003 "sandy clay with more clay than above, and much less laterite. Clasts mostly grit-sized Ye SSL + few chert + sil sst. Fe larger clasts to 10cm (Ye SSF/SSL). Laterite mostly small - <5mm shiny BnBl" D 09-LTP-010 2.80 2.90 SL CrYe no sample sandy limestone - bedrock D 09-LTP-011 0.00 0.30 OCS BnOr 09-032-004 clayey sand with f-cs rounded frosted quartz + very minor small (most <10mm) BnBl shiny transported laterite nodules - increasing down unit D 09-LTP-011 0.30 1.20 OSCLG Or 09-032-004 "sandy clay with laterite - f-cs qtz (some well-rounded vcs qtz) with clay. Grain-supported laterite nodules - ? Insitu as have cutans and interiros v similar to OSC. Clasts to 20cm of chert + sil sst + pebbles (2-5cm) of subang to subrnd YeWh SSF/SSL + chert. Upper contact is horizonatl but diffuse - lower contact is undulating and moderately-sharp, with ? conc of larger clasts near base?" D 09-LTP-011 1.20 2.10 OSCG YeOr 09-032-005 sandy clay matrix as above but marked decrease in amount of laterite. Unit comprises matrix-supported pebble gravel/grit with numerosu subang to subrnd YeWh SSF/SSL clasts plus v small BlBn transported laterite. Very poorly sorted with some large clsts to 20cm of calcretised sst + sil sst + SSF/SSL D 09-LTP-011 2.10 2.30 OSC YeOr 09-032-006 "?basal clay - much less quartz and few fragments, more Bl Mn stain spots" D 09-LTP-011 2.30 2.30 SL YeCr no sample base of pit was calcareous nodular CrBn fg limestone - bedrock D 09-LTP-012 0.00 0.50 OCS BnOr 09-032-007 f-cs qtz clayey sand with frosted and rounded grains D 09-LTP-012 0.50 1.30 OCSL RdOr 09-032-008 sand as above with laterite nodules to 10mm + few 2-3cm pebbles Ye siltsone/fine-grained sandstone D 09-LTP-012 1.30 2.50 OSCGRL RdOr 09-032-009 sandy clay with ?insitu laterite nodules to 30mm + numerous YeWh SSL/SSF clasts 5-10cm. Unit is grain/clast-supported with f-cs + minor vcs well-rnd qtz in clay as matrix D 09-LTP-012 2.50 2.90 OSCGR RdOr 09-032-010 sandy clay as above with inc clay and much less laterite. Clasts comprises grit-sized YeWh SSF/SSL fragments + few small pebbles. D 09-LTP-012 2.90 2.90 SL YeCr no sample Pit intersected fine-grained limestone at base D 09-LTP-013 0.00 0.50 OCS OrBn 09-032-018 clayey sand with minor small shiny laterite D 09-LTP-013 0.50 0.80 OCSL OrBn 09-032-019 lateritic gravel plus sandy clay over green-grey clay D 09-LTP-013 0.80 1.30 SMD GnGy 09-032-020 grey-green claystone beneath lateritic gravels D 09-LTP-013 1.30 2.70 SMD GnGy 09-032-021 grey-green claystone D 12-LTP-001 0.00 0.75 OCS YeGy 12-017-001 fine-coarse clayey sand with minor small (5mm) transported laterite nodules D 12-LTP-001 0.75 0.90 OG YeGy 12-017-002 pebble-clast-supported gravel - mostly transported laterite nodules 5-20mm + very minor small <20mm rounded sst + qtz/chert pebbles D 12-LTP-001 0.90 2.80 OSC/CSS OrRd 12-017-003 "OrRd fine-coarse qtz, mostly fine-medium, in clay. No observed laterite nodules - alluvial sandy clay or weathered sst?" D 12-LTP-001 2.80 2.95 OG/SCG OrRd no sample thin gravel horizon with sharp contact with underlying cream fine sandstone/siltstone. Gravel layer about 10-15cm thick but not all clast-supported. Clasts include 10-20mm subang to subround Cr + YeBn chert + grey chert or silicified Cretaceous sst clasts 5-10cm D 12-LTP-001 2.95 3.30 SSF/SSL CrOr no sample very fine qtz well-sorted sandstone/siltstone - probably Cretaceous D 12-LTP-002 0.00 0.80 OCS Ye 12-017-004 Ye fine-very coarse qtz sand with minor transported laterite + scattered small sst + silicified sediment (?Proterozoic) clasts D 12-LTP-002 0.80 1.00 OG CrYe 12-017-005 clast-supported gravel with clasts 2-15cm. Clasts mostly subangular sst + strongly silicified sediment ?limestone. Transported laterite (<10mm) + clayey sand form matrix D 12-LTP-002 1.00 2.20 OSC/CSS OrRd 12-017-006 fine-coarse sandy clay with fragments and clasts of fine qtz sst 10-20mm. ?recent alluvial or weathered sst? D 12-LTP-002 2.20 3.20 OSC/CSS Rd no sample "med-very coarse sandy clay, more red than above with coarser qtz + small clasts of very fine qtz sst. ?recent alluvial or weathered sst?" D 12-LTP-002 3.20 3.30 OG/SCG Rd no sample thin gravel horizon with sharp contact with underlying Or fine sandstone. Gravel layer about 10cm thick with clasts to 20mm of fine qtz sst ?recent alluvial or weathered sst? D 12-LTP-002 3.30 3.70 SSM Or 12-017-007 med well-sorted qtz sst with some cs qtz - probably Cretaceous D 12-LTP-003 0.00 0.60 OCS Rd 12-017-008 f-cs clayey qtz sand with minor vcs qtz to 2mm - no transported laterite. Undulating contact with bedrock D 12-LTP-003 0.60 0.60 SL CrGy no sample crystalline fine limestone - Top Springs D 12-LTP-004 0.00 0.30 OCS OrRd no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor vcs qtz to 2mm + small 5mm transported laterite. Base of sand marked by few small Wh fine sst + v nag Gy limestone clasts <50mm D 12-LTP-004 0.30 1.20 OSC Rd 12-017-009 sandy clay with fine-vcs qtz + rounded vcs qtz + small (<10mm) transported laterite nodules & minor small fine sst clasts. D 12-LTP-004 1.20 1.35 OSCGR RdBn 12-017-010 sandy clay becomes darker with increase in transported laterite with undulating contact with basal limestone. Zone darker due to black clay mottling - ?Mn D 12-LTP-004 1.35 1.40 SL CrGy no sample crystalline fine limestone - Top Springs D 12-LTP-005 0.00 0.50 OCS Or no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with transported laterite + small sst clasts. D 12-LTP-005 0.50 1.15 OSCGR OrRd 12-017-011 sandy clay with fine-vcs qtz + numerous transported laterite nodules (<10mm) & minor small Wh fine sst clasts. D 12-LTP-005 1.15 1.35 OG OrBn 12-017-012 "clast-supported gravel with clasts to 10cm, mostly subangular- subrounded fine sst + nag limestone + numerous Tran lat nodules to 20mm + small grit-sized fine sst/siltstone clasts (?Cretaceous) + chert pebbles with Wh rims. " D 12-LTP-005 1.35 1.40 SSF/SSL Cr no sample cream fine sst/siltstone - ?Cretaceous D 12-LTP-006 0.00 0.20 OCS OrBn no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor <5mm Tran lat nodules D 12-LTP-006 0.20 0.70 OSCGR/OGR Or 12-017-013 mostly clast-supported fine gravel/grit. Clasts mostly 5-20mm transported laterite nodules + subangular strongly ferruginised (lateritised) fine sst/siltstone clasts 20-40mm D 12-LTP-006 0.70 1.30 OGR Or 12-017-014 clast-supported fine gravel/grit with sandy clay matrix- similar to above but more clay-rich and slight larger clasts. Clasts mostly 5-20mm transported laterite nodules + subangular strongly ferruginised fine sst/siltstone clasts 20-40mm (clasts derived from lateritised Cretaceous?) D 12-LTP-006 1.30 2.50 OG Rd/CrGy "12-017-015 12-017-016" "coarse clast-supported gravel with clasts mostly 2-25cm, subang CrWh fine sst/siltstone + YeWh f-cs poorly-sorted clay-rich sst (2-5cm) + subang-angular silicified ?limestone (Proterozoic sediment?) + chert nodules" D 12-LTP-006 2.50 2.60 SSFC CrOr no sample f-cs qtz poorly-sorted clayey sst with bioturbation + grey clay patches D 12-LTP-007 0.00 0.50 OS OrBn no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor small trans lat nodules (<10mm) D 12-LTP-007 0.50 1.30 OGR/OG OrBn 12-017-017 OrBn fine clast-supported gravel/grit with clasts mostly 1-3cm but inc in size towards base with clasts to 10cm. Clasts mostly subang-subrnd comprising strongly ferruginised (lateritised) fine sst + transported laterite to 20mm. Few OrYe clasts of f-cs poorly-sorted sst + some f-cs poorly-sorted strongly ferruginised sst clasts. Matrix f-cs qtz + vcs qtz + laterite + clay. Undulating basal contact D 12-LTP-007 1.30 2.00 CSS OrRd 12-017-018 fine-vcs qtz in clay - highly-weathered sandstone. Some goethite nodules forming D 12-LTP-007 2.00 2.20 SSFC CrOr no sample f-cs qtz poorly-sorted clayey sst with bioturbation - grain size and texture v similar to sandy-clay above D 12-LTP-008 0.00 0.50 OCS OrGy no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor <5mm Tran lat nodules D 12-LTP-008 0.50 0.70 OCSGR OrGy 12-017-019 grit/fine gravel horizon comprising mostly transported laterite (5-20mm) with minor med qtz sst (20-30mm) + sil sst pebbles. Sharp horizontal basal contact D 12-LTP-008 0.70 1.60 OSCGR YeGy 12-017-020 f-cs qtz sandy clay with scattered transported laterite to 20mm + minor YeWh fine sst + med ferruginised sst subrnd pebbles 10-30mm. Undulating basal contact with underlying sandy clay varying from 1.1m to 1.6m D 12-LTP-008 1.60 2.00 OSC YeGy/OrRd 12-017-021 Or/Rd/Gy mottled sandy clay with f-cs qtz + occasional vcs qtz + small (<20mm) qtz pebbles D 12-LTP-008 2.00 3.00 OG OrBn 12-017-022 "clast-supported basal gravel with clasts to 15cm, most 2-8cm, subang-subrnd in f-cs qtz sandy clay matrix. Clasts mostly Proterozoic silicified sediments + chert + nag fine sandy limestone. Basal portion of gravel below 2.7m tends to be finer with more clay in matrix + increase in fine ?Cretaceous sst clasts 1-4cm. Basal contact slopes down from 2.5m to 3.0m" D 12-LTP-008 3.00 3.00 SL CrGy no sample fine limestone with angled (2.5m to 3.0m depth) undulating bedrock contact only exposed in west wall of pit D 12-LTP-009 0.00 0.50 OCS YeGy no sample fine-cs clayey sand (very compact) with minor small (5mm) trans lat nodules D 12-LTP-009 0.50 1.50 OSC YeBn 12-017-023 fine-cs (minor vcs) qtz sandy clay - v tight to dig. D 12-LTP-009 1.50 1.90 CCO-OSC YeBn no sample fine-cs (minor vcs) qtz sandy clay with cream irregular patches 10-20mm of pedogenic carbonate below 1.5m + a few <50mm clasts of Fe-sst + silicified sediment + chert D 12-LTP-009 1.90 2.40 OG Ye/OrBn 12-017-024 "fine clast-supported gravel with clasts 10-50mm, mostly ferrug Cretaceous fine sst + siltstone + transported laterite in f-vcs qtz sandy clay matrix. Few large subang cobbles to 20cm at base - CrOr f-cs sst. Sharp basal contact" D 12-LTP-009 2.40 3.15 OSC Ye/Or/Rd mottled 12-017-025 Ye/Or/Rd mottled probably alluvial sandy clay - fine-med qtz with small qtz pebbles + pedogenic carbonate patches. Sharp basal contact D 12-LTP-009 3.15 3.40 OG Ye/Or/Rd mottled 12-017-026 "fine clast-supported gravel with clasts 10-50mm, mostly chert + qtz pebbles in f-cs qtz sandy GyWh clay matrix. Well-defined sharp contact over probable Cretaceous bedrock" D 12-LTP-009 3.40 3.80 SSFC Gy no sample fine-vcs qtz in pale grey clay with minor qtz/chert pebbles + small <20mm subround to well rounded clasts of Wh fine well-sorted qtz sst D 12-LTP-010 0.00 0.70 OCS OrBn no sample fine-med qtz clayey sand with minor cs qtz + v minor small trans lat nodules D 12-LTP-010 0.70 2.70 CSS OrYe 12-017-027 "fine-med, minor cs, qtz sandy clay probably after Cretaceous sst - YeOr mottles + pedogenic carbonate nodule formation. No qtz pebbles nor trans lat nodules or ferruginised sst clasts" D 12-LTP-010 2.70 3.70 CSS OrYe no sample sandy clay as above but pedogenic carbonate grades out from 2.7m D 12-LTP-010 3.70 3.80 SSFM OrYe no sample fine-med qtz sandstone - highly weathered D 12-LTP-011 0.00 0.50 OCS CrGy no sample fine-cs clayey sand with minor small (5mm) trans lat nodules D 12-LTP-011 0.50 0.60 OGR CrGy 12-017-028 thin lag gravel ~10cm thick with transported laterite <10mm + subround ferruginised fine-med sst + fine qtz sst ?Cretaceous source. D 12-LTP-011 0.60 1.50 ?OSC YeOr/Gy mottled no sample fine-med qtz sandy clay with very minor small trans lat nodules - some pedogenic carbonate D 12-LTP-011 1.50 2.80 ?CSS Ye/Or/Gy mottled no sample fine-med qtz sandy clay - probably after sst. Very minor small (<1cm) rounded chert pebbles D 12-LTP-011 2.80 3.60 CSS/Ksst Ye/Or/Rd mottled 12-017-029 "mottled fine-med qtz, minor cs in clay with very minor small (<10mm) rounded chert pebbles. Probably highly-weathered Cretaceous sst" D 12-LTP-011 3.60 3.80 CSS/Ksst Ye/Or/Rd mottled no sample "mottled fine-med qtz, minor cs in clay with increase in small (<10mm) rounded chert pebbles. Probably highly-weathered Cretaceous sst" D 12-LTP-012 0.00 1.10 OB GyBl 12-017-030 dark grey clay with fine-med qtz & flat lathe gypsum crystals D 12-LTP-012 1.10 1.60 SSFM/Ksst Cr/Ye/Gy mottled no sample fine to med clayey sandstone with trace white mica + minor cs qtz - Cretaceous. A 10cm white 'clast' barite nodule present in sst. Colour change marks boundary with overlying black soil which probably formed from insitu weathering of sst D 12-LTP-013 0.00 1.00 OB GyBl no sample dark grey clay with fine-med qtz + gypsum crystals D 12-LTP-013 1.00 1.50 SMD GyBn no sample laminated mudstone with white gypsum crystals - Cretaceous D 12-LTP-013 1.50 2.00 SSL GyBn/Or no sample clay-rich very fine sst/siltstone with minor gypsum crystal aggregates - Cretaceous D 12-LTP-013 2.00 2.30 SSFM/Ksst YeCr no sample fine-med qtz clay-rich sandstone - Cretaceous D 12-LTP-014 0.00 0.30 OCS OrBn no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor trans lat nodules D 12-LTP-014 0.30 0.60 OLG OrRd 12-017-031 laterite grit/fine gravel - clasts subrnd to round. Mostly ferruginised fine sst + siltstone (lateritised Cretaceous) + Wh fine well-sorted sst + transported laterite nodules. Undulating contact with bedrock D 12-LTP-014 0.60 0.70 SL WhGy no sample fine crystalline limestone - Top Springs D 12-LTP-015 0.00 0.40 OCS Gy no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor trans lat nodules D 12-LTP-015 0.40 0.50 OGR Gy 12-017-032 "thin gravel/grit horizon at base of sand, on sandy clay. Comprises 10 to 30mm subrnd to rounded ferruginised fine sst clasts + laterite + minor clayey Ksst clasts to 5cm. ?lag deposit formed from underlying sandy clay?" D 12-LTP-015 0.50 1.30 OSC Ye/Or/Gy mottled 12-017-033 mostly alluvial sandy clay with scattered pebbles. Fine-vcs qtz sandy clay + scattered 10-30mm ferruginised fine sst/siltstone pebbles + transported laterite. Base of sequence difficult to define - based on disappearance of pebbles & more orange colouration + grainsize appears finer. D 12-LTP-015 1.30 1.60 CSS OrBn no sample "mottled fine-med qtz, occasional cs qtz sandy clay ?after Ksst. Becomes more mottled CrBn with depth" D 12-LTP-015 1.60 2.20 SSFM/Ksst CrYe no sample Cretaceous sandstone - fine-med qtz clayey sst with trace mica D 12-LTP-016 0.00 1.80 OB GyBl no sample "fine-med qtz, minor cs qtz in GyBn clay - some possible laterite/grit but this is more likely to be contamination as site in rubbish tip" D 12-LTP-016 1.80 2.50 SSFM YeCr no sample fine-med qtz sst with minor cs-vcs qtz + trace chert pebbles to 20mm - highly weathered Cretaceous sst D 12-LTP-016 2.50 3.10 SSFM/Ksst Cr 12-017-034 Cretaceous sandstone - fine-med qtz clayey sst with minor vcs qtz + 10-20mm chert pebbles D 12-LTP-017 0.00 0.30 OCS/OLG YeBn no sample surface 'lag' horizon with polished subrnd to round Fe-sst + trans laterite nodules 5-20mm in fine-cs qtz clayey sand. ?lag formed from sandy clay below? D 12-LTP-017 0.30 1.00 ?OSC Gy/Ye/Or mottled 12-017-036 "fine-med qtz, minor cs qtz with occ small trans lat (<10mm) in grey clay - similar to ""black soil"" but not a residual soil formed from the material below. Has a few calcrete nodules" D 12-LTP-017 1.00 1.15 ?OG/?CCO-SSFC Gy/CR 12-017-035 ?gravel - comprised nag-subang 10-50mm calcrete nodules with fine-cs qtz internal texture. Looks like calcrete over-printing poorly-sorted clayey sst similar to underlying bedrock. Has this layer formed insitu or is it transported? D 12-LTP-017 1.15 2.70 SSFM/Ksst CrYe no sample "Cretaceous sandstone - fine-cs qtz poorly-sorted clayey sst, highly-weathered " D 12-LTP-018 0.00 0.30 OS GyBn no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor <10mm trans lat nodules D 12-LTP-018 0.30 0.50 OSGR GyBn 12-017-037 "thin gravel/grit horizon at base of sand, on sandy clay. Comprises 10-30mm subrnd-rounded ferruginised SSF/SSL clasts + <10mm trans lat nodules" D 12-LTP-018 0.50 1.30 OSC YeOr mottled 12-017-038 fine-cs qtz in sandy clay with minor small (<20mm) ferruginised fine sst/siltstone + transported laterite clasts. Base not clearly-defined - estimated from disappearance of Fe-SSF/SSL clasts +TLs D 12-LTP-018 1.30 2.80 CSS Ye/Or/Gy mottled no sample "fine-med, some cs qtz in clay ?after sst. - very mottled" D 12-LTP-018 2.80 3.50 CSS CrBn no sample highly-weathered fine-med qtz with minor cs-vcs qtz clayey sst with some calcrete nodule formation D 12-LTP-018 3.50 3.80 SSFM/Ksst CrOr 12-017-039 Cretaceous sandstone - fine-med with minor cs-vcs qtz clayey sst with trace mica D 12-LTP-019 0.00 0.40 OCS Gy no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor small trans lat nodules (<10mm) D 12-LTP-019 0.40 0.60 OSGR Gy 12-017-040 "fine gravel/grit horizon with clasts 10-30mm, mostly subrnd to round Fe-SSF/SSL + trans lat (<10mm) overlying a calcrete horizon (sharp boundary)" D 12-LTP-019 0.60 0.70 CCOM-SSFC CrGy no sample calcrete nodule formation overprinting highly-weathered fine-cs clay-rich sandstone D 12-LTP-019 0.70 1.50 CCOW-SSF C CrOr 12-017-041 Ye/Or mottled partially-calcretised highly-weathered fine-cs poorly-sorted clay-rich sst - Cretaceous Sst D 12-LTP-019 1.50 2.10 SSFM/Ksst CrYe no sample Cretaceous sandstone - weathered fine-med qtz poorly-sorted clayey sst with minor cs qtz. Some goethite Fe-nodule formation. D 12-LTP-020 0.00 0.20 OCS GyBn no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor trans lat nodules (<5mm) D 12-LTP-020 0.20 0.40 OSGR GyBn 12-017-042 "fine gravel/grit with clasts 5-20mm, mostly subrnd-round Fe fine sst + Fe siltstone + transported laterite with fine-cs clayey sand matrix" D 12-LTP-020 0.40 1.40 OSC-GR Or/Ye/Rdmottled 12-017-043 fine-cs qtz sandy clay with small scattered pebbles of Fe-fine sst/siltstone + transported laterite. Pebbles scattered throughout unit with thin discontinuous band marking basal contact D 12-LTP-020 1.40 2.00 CSS Gy/Rd mottled no sample fine-cs qtz in mottled clay after sst D 12-LTP-020 2.00 2.95 SSFC CrBn no sample Cretaceous sandstone - mottled highly-weathered fine-cs qtz clayey sst D 12-LTP-020 2.95 3.00 SSFM/Ksst GyCr no sample fine-med qtz clayey sst with trace mica - Cretaceous D 12-LTP-021 0.00 0.30 OCS Bn no sample fine-cs clayey sand with minor small trans laterite nodules D 12-LTP-021 0.30 0.50 OSCGR OrBn 12-017-044 fine gravel/grit horizon with poorly defined basal contact. Clast mostly red ferruginised fine sst/siltstone (lateritised Cretaceous) D 12-LTP-021 0.50 0.80 OSC OrRd no sample "fine-vcs qtz sandy clay with scattered small rounded clasts of Fe-SSF/SSL, most 5-10mm" D 12-LTP-021 0.80 1.00 OG OrBn no sample basal gravel with large (+100mm) subrnd to round chert clasts + 20-50mm subrnd chert + small (<20mm fine Wh sst clasts (rounded). Basal gravel over lies a chert boulder base. Gravel present in dips in undulating chert boulder base. D 12-LTP-021 1.00 1.00 OG OrBn no sample base of pit comprises very hummocky hard lard chert boulders - possibly close to limestone contact - too hard to dig D 12-LTP-022 0.00 0.10 OCS Bn no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor small trans lat nodules (<10mm) D 12-LTP-022 0.10 0.40 OSCGR OrBn 12-017-045 "fine gravel/grit with clasts 10-50mm, mostly subrnd-round Fe fine sst + Fe siltstone + transported laterite with fine-cs clayey sand matrix" D 12-LTP-022 0.40 2.00 OSC GyBn 12-017-046 "fine-vcs qtz sandy clay scattered throughout with small rounded clasts of Fe-SSF/SSL, most 5-10mm - very clayey" D 12-LTP-022 2.00 2.40 OSCG Or 12-017-047 "more sandy matrix with increase in larger clasts up to 100mm, mostly subang to subrnd chert + smaller Wh fine sst clasts, mostly 20-50mm, few to 100mm" D 12-LTP-022 2.40 3.80 SSF/Ksst CrYe no sample "Cretaceous sandstone - fine well-sorted qtz sst with worm burrows - large limestone boulder or bedrock ""pinnacle"" at northern end of pit" D 12-LTP-023 0.00 0.40 OCS OrRd no sample fine-cs clayey qtz sand with small (<5mm) trans lat nodules D 12-LTP-023 0.40 1.00 OCSGR OrRd no sample fine-cs clayey qtz sand with trans lat nodules increasing down profile D 12-LTP-023 1.00 1.60 OGR/OG Rd 12-017-048 "gradational contact onto fine clast-supported gravel with clasts mostly 10-30mm, few to 50mm - mostly subang to subrnd clasts Fe-SSF+SSL + minor chert + Wh fine well-sorted sst" D 12-LTP-023 1.60 1.90 OG Rd 12-017-049 "coarser basal clast-supported gravel with clasts to 100mm, most 20-50mm, subang to rounded. Clasts comprise silicified Proterozoic sediments (?dolomite or lst) + 20-30mm subang chert pebbles + subang Wh quartzite after probable fine-med sst + Wh sil Cretaceous siltstone" D 12-LTP-023 1.90 2.50 SSFM Or no sample fine-med well-sorted qtz with minor small inter-grain cream clay patches ?after feldspar. Some carbonate nodule formation overprinting sst - ?Cretaceous D 12-LTP-024 0.00 0.30 OCS GyBn no sample fine-cs clayey qtz sand with small (<5mm) trans lat nodules D 12-LTP-024 0.30 0.60 OSCGR Ye 12-017-050 fine gravel/grit - clast-supported. Clasts mostly 10-30mm - trans lat nodules + subang-subrnd Fe-SSF + Fe-SSL + minor hae Fe-stained SSL (rounded). Matrix comprises fine-cs qtz sandy clay. Unit has diffuse basal boundary D 12-LTP-024 0.60 1.30 OSC-GR YeOr 12-017-051 "fine-med, minor cs, qtz sandy clay with scattered small trans lat nodules <10mm + few larger 20-30mm Fe-sst clasts. Some increase in concentration of pebbles near base of sequence - sharp dipping basal boundary." D 12-LTP-024 1.30 1.80 CSS CrBn no sample sandy clay after highly-weathered fine-med qtz clayey sst with trace mica D 12-LTP-024 1.80 2.20 SSFM/Ksst Cr no sample Cretaceous sandstone - fine-med qtz clayey sandstone with trace mica D 12-LTP-025 0.00 0.55 OB BlBn no sample "fine-cs qtz in clay with minor small <5mm trans lat nodules - ""black soil"" but not formed insitu" D 12-LTP-025 0.55 0.90 OG Bn 12-017-052 "fine clast-supported gravel with clasts mostly 10-40mm, subang-subrnd Fe-siltstone + transported laterite + Ye f-med clayey sst clasts. Sharp undulating basal contact" D 12-LTP-025 0.90 1.00 SSFM Cr no sample Cretaceous sandstone - fine-med qtz clayey sst with trace mica & probable worm burrows D 12-LTP-026 0.00 0.40 OB BnGy no sample fine-cs qtz in GyBn clay with minor small (<5mm) trans lat nodules. D 12-LTP-026 0.40 0.50 OBGR BnGy no sample as above - slight inc in lat nodules + small Fe-SSL pebbles mark base of unit D 12-LTP-026 0.50 1.10 CSS YeBn/Cr mottled no sample sandy clay after highly-weathered fine-med qtz clayey sst D 12-LTP-026 1.10 1.50 SSFM/Ksst Cr/Ye mottled no sample Cretaceous sandstone - fine-med qtz clayey poorly-sorted sst with trace mica + goe Fe-stain mottling D 12-LTP-027 0.00 0.40 OCS BnBl no sample fine-cs clayey qtz sand with small (<5mm) trans lat nodules D 12-LTP-027 0.40 0.60 OGR Bn 12-017-053 "fine gravel/grit horizon ~20cm thick with 10-30mm clasts, mostly subround Fe-SSL. ? Deflationary lag?" D 12-LTP-027 0.60 1.60 OSC-GR GyBn/Or mottled no sample sandy clay with mostly fine-med qtz + scattered small clasts 10-30mm - subang-rounded Fe-SSL D 12-LTP-027 1.60 2.20 ?SSL Gn/Bn/CrWh mottled 12-017-054 ?highly-weathered + carbonate-overprinted sediment - ?siltstone or interbedded fine sst + siltstone. Very clay-rich. Goethite Fe-stain along contact between ?siltstone and underlying SSFM D 12-LTP-027 2.20 2.70 SSFM/Ksst CrYe no sample Cretaceous sandstone - fine-med qtz clayey sst with trace mica D 12-LTP-028 0.00 0.80 OCS OrBn/Or no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor small trans lat nodules (<5mm)increasing down unit D 12-LTP-028 0.80 1.20 OG OrBn 12-017-055 "fine gravel horizon with mostly brown Fe-coated clasts 10-200mm, most 10-50mm. Clasts include subang-subrnd Fe-SSL + SSF + trans lat nodules" D 12-LTP-028 1.20 1.40 OG CrOr no sample "underlying paler gravel horizon comprises mostly subang-subrnd clasts 10-50mm, few to 100mm. Clasts mostly chert pebbles that were not iron coated. Sharp contact with underlying Or ?fine-med sst - ?lag gravel formed from sst below?" D 12-LTP-028 1.40 1.70 SSFM Or no sample "fine-med qtz with minor cs-vcs qtz grains. No clay, except as discrete inter-granular patches - ?after feldspar grains. Is this Cretaceous Sandstone?" D 12-LTP-028 1.70 1.80 SCG Or no sample thin float horizon with cobbles of chert + silicified sediment clasts (50-100mm) D 12-LTP-028 1.80 2.60 SSFM Or no sample "fine-med qtz with minor cs-vcs qtz grains. No clay, except as discrete inter-granular patches - ?after feldspar grains" D 12-LTP-028 2.60 2.80 SCG Or 12-017-056 "basal clast-supported gravel with sand matrix clasts mostly 30-50mm, up to 200mm. Clasts comprise subang silicified Proterozoic sediments + subang silicified fine sst/siltstone" D 12-LTP-028 2.80 3.40 SSFC Or no sample fine-cs qtz sandstone with minor vcs qtz + scattered small rounded pebbles to 20mm D 12-LTP-029 0.00 0.70 OCS Or no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand D 12-LTP-029 0.70 0.90 OG Or 12-017-057 fine gravel/grit with most clasts 0.5 to 3cm with some angular clasts to 10cm. Gravel is clast-supported with the large angular clasts mostly chert + silicified ?Proterozoic sediments + sun round to rounded Fe-sst + sst + Wh fine well-sorted sst +chert + subangular silicified Cretaceous fine-med sst. D 12-LTP-029 0.90 0.95 SSFM CrGy no sample ?Cretaceous sandstone - strongly silicified fine-med qtz sst - looks like quartzite D 12-LTP-030 0.00 0.75 OCS OrBn no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand D 12-LTP-030 0.75 0.85 OCS Or no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor small transported laterite nodules (<5mm) D 12-LTP-030 0.85 1.50 OG OrBn 12-017-058 "clast-supported gravel with clasts to 10cm, most 2-5cm with irregular shapes Subang-subround. Clasts mostly lateritised SSL + SSF with fine-cs clayey sand matrix. Relatively sharp basal contact dipping towards NW." D 12-LTP-030 1.50 1.80 OG OrRd 12-017-059 "clay-rich gravel, mostly clast-supported with clasts 2-10cm, some rounded chert pebbles + Wh fine well-sorted sst subrounded clasts. Matrix is fine-cs qtz in red clay" D 12-LTP-030 1.80 2.10 OSC OrRd no sample "sandy clay with fine-med, some cs qtz in red clay + small Ye sst clasts. Most likely alluvial sandy clay but v similar to 12-LTP-028 as clasts similar. Two large fine crystalline limestone 'floaters'" D 12-LTP-031 0.00 0.30 OCS Ye no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand D 12-LTP-031 0.30 2.00 OSC-GR Ye 12-017-060 fine-cs qtz sandy clay with minor vcs qtz + 5-20mm trans laterite + minor pebbles (scattered). Also has black circular small patches of Bl iridescent material overprinting sandy clay - ? Manganese. Pebbles are mostly Fe-SSL + SSL. D 12-LTP-031 2.00 2.40 OSC-GR Ye no sample sandy clay as above with some calcrete nodule formation below 2.0m. V hard to dig - very slow hence ended hole D 12-LTP-032 0.00 0.30 OCS YeBn no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor Tran laterite nodules + few pebbles at base. NB Rounded cobles to 8cm on surface - pit sited near Cretaceous fine-cs sst subcrop with numerous Fe-sst + sil Proterozoic sediments + chert clasts on surface (3 to 8cm) D 12-LTP-032 0.30 1.60 OSC-GR Ye no sample fine-cs qtz sandy clay with goethite Fe-mottles + scattered small Fe-SSL+ SSF pebbles (subang to subrnd) D 12-LTP-033 0.00 0.30 OCS YeBn no sample fine-cs clayey sand with minor <10mm trans laterite nodules D 12-LTP-033 0.30 0.50 OGR YeBn 12-017-061 fine gravel/grit horizon with clasts to 4cm - most 1 to 2cm. Mostly trans laterite nodules + pebbles of lateritised/ferruginised SSL + SSF + SSFM (lateritised Cretaceous rocktypes) D 12-LTP-033 0.50 1.20 OSC-GR Bn 12-017-062 fine-cs qtz sandy clay with minor scattered trans laterite nodules + pebbles - rocktypes and sizes similar to overlying grit horizon D 12-LTP-033 1.20 1.30 CSO-CSS Cr/OrBn no sample fine-med qtz with minor cs qtz in clay after sandstone overprinted by silcrete making weathered sandstone look like gravel with very angular clasts D 12-LTP-033 1.30 2.10 SSFM/Ksst CrYe no sample Cretaceous sandstone - fine-med qtz with minor cs qtz clayey sandstone - bedrock D 12-LTP-034 0.00 0.70 OB GyBl no sample black soil - fine to med qtz in GyBl clay with minor trans laterite nodules _ Fe-SSL pebbles <10mm D 12-LTP-034 0.70 3.40 SSL/Kssl GyBn no sample Cretaceous siltstone - massive siltstone with no laminae visible. Very damp. Gypsum 'veins' below 3m depth D 12-LTP-035 0.00 0.20 OCS Or no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with transported laterite to 10mm D 12-LTP-035 0.20 1.20 OSC YeBn 12-017-063 "sandy clay with fine-med qtz, some cs qtz, in GyBn to YeBn clay with scattered Fe-SSL + SSF pebbles" D 12-LTP-035 0.75 1.00 OG Or 12-017-064 clast-supported cross-cutting fine gravel with clasts mostly 1-3cm. Clasts mostly Fe-SSL + SSF. ?gravel band associated with current-day creek to West. D 12-LTP-035 1.20 1.30 OGR YeBn no sample grit horizon 10cm thick marks base of Alluvials - mostly trans laterite nodules with few pebbles to 3cm D 12-LTP-035 1.30 2.30 SSFM/Ksst YeOr no sample Cretaceous sandstone - highly weathered fine-med qtz clayey sandstone with minor cs to vcs qtz + occasional chert pebbles + trace mica. D 12-LTP-036 0.00 1.10 OB GyBn no sample "fine-med qtz with minor cs qtz in GyBn clay - ""black soil""" D 12-LTP-036 1.10 1.60 SSFM/Ksst Cr no sample Cretaceous sandstone - highly-weathered fine-med qtz clayey sst with Bl opaque grains common D 12-LTP-037 0.00 0.60 OB GyBl no sample black soil with minor fine qtz in Gy clay with minor gypsum D 12-LTP-037 0.60 1.90 SSL Gy no sample Cretaceous siltstone with fine qtz + minor goethite Fe-stain D 12-LTP-038 0.00 0.30 OGR CrGy 12-017-065 "clast-supported fine gravel, probably from sheetwash down-slope. Comprises solely of small clasts of lateritised siltstone - irregular subangular-subrounded" D 12-LTP-038 0.30 1.20 SSL-HW GyBn no sample highly-weathered siltstone. Has a 'breccia' texture with pieces of more competent siltstone in matrix of fine qtz in sandy clay D 12-LTP-038 1.20 1.80 SSL/Kssl Gy/Pk no sample Cretaceous siltstone with minor haematite Fe-stain along fractures + bedding D 12-LTP-039 0.00 0.60 OB GyBl no sample GyBl clay with minor fine qtz + occasional small lateritised SSL pebbles D 12-LTP-039 0.60 1.70 SSL/Kssl Gy no sample Cretaceous siltstone with goethite stain along fractures & bedding planes + some goethite spots - ?incipient laterite formation? D 12-LTP-040 0.00 0.30 OCS Gy 12-017-066 fine-cs qtz clayey sand with <10mm small clasts of Fe-Sst + chert grit along basal contact D 12-LTP-040 0.30 0.60 OSC-GR YeGy 12-017-067 fine-cs qtz sandy clay with scattered Fe-SSL pebbles 1-2cm + fine-med partially ferruginised sst clasts to 5cm + trans laterite nodules - more pebbles in top 15cm than below D 12-LTP-040 0.60 1.30 CSS Or/Gy no sample fine-med qtz sandy clay - mottled D 12-LTP-040 1.30 2.00 SSFM-HW Bn/Cr no sample highly-weathered fine-med qtz clayey sandstone D 12-LTP-040 2.00 2.40 SSFM/Ksst Cr no sample fine-med clayey qtz sst with Bl opaques common + trace mica D 12-LTP-041 0.00 0.20 OCS GyBl no sample fine-med qtz clayey sand D 12-LTP-041 0.20 0.60 OCS-GR GyBl no sample fine-med qtz clayey sand with minor small lat + Fe-SSL + SSF pebbles inc at west end of pit towards creek down slope D 12-LTP-041 0.60 1.40 CSS BnGy no sample fine-med qtz sandy clay after sst with goethite spotting D 12-LTP-041 1.40 2.00 SSFM-HW Bn no sample highly-weathered fine-med qtz clayey sandstone D 12-LTP-041 2.00 2.00 SSFM/Ksst Ye no sample fine-med clayey sst - Cretaceous sandstone D 12-LTP-042 0.00 0.40 OCS YeBn 12-017-068 fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor clasts near base (0.5-2cm) D 12-LTP-042 0.40 1.20 OSCGR YeBn 12-017-069 fine-cs qtz sandy clay with scattered small pebbles + minor clasts to 5cm. Clasts mostly silicified siltstone + Fe-SSL + SSF D 12-LTP-042 1.20 1.30 OG YeBn no sample thin fine gravel horizon marks base of sandy clay with clast to 5cm - clast-supported. Clasts comprise silicified Cretaceous SSL with haematite Fe-stain D 12-LTP-042 1.30 1.60 SSFM-HW CrYe/Bn no sample mottled highly-weathered fine-med clayey sst. D 12-LTP-042 1.60 1.70 SSFM/Ksst Cr no sample fine-med qtz clayey sst with trace mica + bl opaques. D 12-LTP-043 0.00 0.20 OCSGR OrBn 12-017-070 "fine-cs qtz clayey sand with grit - small subrnd-rounded Fe-SSL + SSF mostly 0.5 to 2cm, few to 3cm" D 12-LTP-043 0.20 0.80 OGR OrBn no sample "fine clast-supported gravel/grit with fine-cs qtz sandy clay matrix. Clasts mostly 1-2cm, few to 5cm. Clasts Fe-SSL + SSF" D 12-LTP-043 0.80 1.20 OSC-G OrBn no sample fine-med qtz sandy clay with scattered minor clasts to 5cm - most clasts are not Fe-coated (lateritised) D 12-LTP-043 1.20 2.00 OG OrBn 12-017-071 "basal gravel - clast-supported. Clasts mostly 2-5cm, some to 10cm, subang to rounded, mostly haematite-stained SSL + SSF + ferruginised fine-med sst. No clasts are Fe-coated (lateritised). " D 12-LTP-043 2.00 2.30 SSF-HW GnGy/Bn no sample Gn Gy clay with minor fine qtz - highly weathered siltstone D 12-LTP-043 2.30 3.00 SSL/Kssl GnGy/Bn no sample weathered siltstone D 12-LTP-044 0.00 0.70 OB BlGy 12-017-072 grey clay with fine quartz - 'black soil'. Clasts 2 to 10cm of haematite Fe-stain siltstone (not lateritised) in lag on surface & scattered through black soil D 12-LTP-044 0.70 1.70 SSL-HW Gy/Ye/Or mottled no sample highly-weathered Cretaceous siltstone with YeOr goethite mottles D 12-LTP-045 0.00 0.40 OCS GyBn no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor small transported laterite nodules (5-10mm) D 12-LTP-045 0.40 0.90 OSCGR Or 12-017-073 fine-cs qtz sandy clay with scattered numerous small subround-round pebbles of Fe-SSF +Fe-SSF + chert - clasts mostly 1-2cm D 12-LTP-045 0.90 1.10 OSCGR YeBn 12-017-074 fine-cs qtz sandy clay with subang-rounded 1-3cm chert D 12-LTP-045 1.10 1.30 OG YeBn no sample basal gravel with subang to rounded clasts 2-5cm over chert bedrock. Undulating basal contact with clasts trapped in crevices or dips. Fine-cs qtz sandy clay matrix. Most clasts are chert but few are silicified hard well-sorted fine sandstone. D 12-LTP-045 1.30 1.30 SCT Gy no sample very hummocky chert - bedrock D 12-LTP-046 0.00 0.30 OCS GyBn no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor <10mm Tran laterite nodules D 12-LTP-046 0.30 0.40 OGRL GyBn 12-017-075 lag gravel overlying sandy clay - concentration of mostly trans laterite nodules D 12-LTP-046 0.40 1.40 OSC-GR YeOr 12-017-076 "fine-cs qtz sandy clay with scattered Fe-SSL + Fe-SSF clasts, mostly 1-3cm + minor small rounded chert pebbles" D 12-LTP-046 1.40 2.50 CSS OrYe no sample "fine-med, some cs, qtz in clay after sandstone - some incipient calcrete nodule formation" D 12-LTP-046 2.50 3.20 SSFM Or no sample highly-weathered fine-med qtz sandstone with minor rounded cs to vcs grains + occasional small (<20mm) chert pebbles - ?Cretaceous Sandstone D 12-LTP-047 0.00 0.20 OCS GyBn no sample fine-med qtz clayey sand with minor small trans laterite nodules (<10mm) D 12-LTP-047 0.20 0.30 OGRL GyBn no sample thin lag gravel overlying sandy clay - clasts mostly trans laterite nodules 10-20mm D 12-LTP-047 0.30 0.90 OSC OrRd 12-017-077 fine-cs qtz sandy clay with scattered clasts mostly 1-2cm trans laterite nodules + Fe-SSL + Fe-SSF D 12-LTP-047 0.90 1.35 OG OrRd no sample "basal gravel with clasts to 5cm at base - fines upwards. Gravel clast-supported with fine-cs qtz sandy clay matrix. Clasts mostly 2-5cm, subrnd partially ferruginised fine-med qtz clayey sst (locally derived) + Fe-SSL + Fe-SSF clasts + trans laterite nodules + v minor chert + subang-subrnd clasts of SSF." D 12-LTP-047 1.35 1.80 SSFM/Ksst Cr no sample "fine-med qtz clayey sst, calcretised below 1.6m - Cretaceous Sandstone" D 12-LTP-047 1.80 1.80 SL Gy no sample grey crystalline limestone at base of pit - very hard D 12-LTP-048 0.00 0.20 OCS GyYe no sample fine-cs qtz clayey sand D 12-LTP-048 0.20 0.65 OCS-GR GyYe 12-017-078 "fine-cs qtz clayey sand with minor small trans laterite nodules, increasing down horizon. Nodules mostly 5 to 10mm" D 12-LTP-048 0.65 0.85 OCSGR GyYe no sample fine gravel/grit horizon on sandy clay - most clasts are 10-20mm Fe-SSL + Fe-SSF with clayey sand matrix D 12-LTP-048 0.85 1.00 OSC-GR Gy/Ye/Or mottled no sample "fine-cs qtz, some vcs qtz, in clay with scattered small clasts , especially near top of unit " D 12-LTP-048 1.00 1.90 OSC Gy/Ye/Or mottled no sample "fine-cs qtz, some vcs qtz, sandy clay " D 12-LTP-048 1.90 2.30 OG OrBn 12-017-079 clast-supported basal gravel with sandy clay matrix. Clasts are well-rounded pebbles to 30mm over coarser basal layer with large subang-subrnd clasts of chert D 12-LTP-048 2.30 2.60 SSFM Or no sample clean fine-cs qtz sandstone with minor vcs qtz grains - ?Cretaceous or older? D 12-LTP-049 0.00 0.70 OB GyBn no sample black soil' with fine-med qtz in Gy clay D 12-LTP-049 0.70 1.00 OGR YeBn no sample "fine gravel/grit with clasts mostly 10-30mm, clast-supported with fine-med qtz in sandy clay matrix. Clasts mostly subang-subrnd SSL + SSF - not Fe-coated" D 12-LTP-049 1.00 1.15 OGR YeBn 112-107-081 " fine grit - most clasts/gains are ,10mm and include laterite + lateritised SSL" D 12-LTP-049 1.15 1.50 OG Bn no sample "basal gravel with clasts 20-50mm, some to 200mm (locally-derived SSFM). Clasts mostly subang to subrounded SSL + SSF with mod haematite Fe-stain but not Fe-coated" D 12-LTP-049 1.50 1.70 SSFM/Ksst Cr no sample Cretaceous Sandstone - fine-med qtz clayey sst with Bl opaques + trace mica D 12-LTP-050 0.00 0.30 OGL YeBn 12-017-082 "fine-med qtz clayey sand with grit pebbles, most 10-20mm, few to 40mm, subang-subrounded. All clasts Fe-coated SSF + SSF" D 12-LTP-050 0.30 0.60 OSCGR YeBn 12-017-083 "fine-cs qtz sandy clay with scattered pebbles, more numerous at top of unit. Clasts mostly 10-30mm Ye SSF + PkRd SSL + SSF + Fe-coated SSL + SSF" D 12-LTP-050 0.60 0.90 OSC YeBn no sample fine-cs qtz sandy clay with minor small pebbles D 12-LTP-050 0.90 1.35 SSL/Kssl YeBn/GnGy no sample mottled highly-weathered siltstone D 12-LTP-050 1.35 1.60 SSFM/Ksst Cr no sample fine-med qtz clayey sst with Bl opaques + trace mica D 12-LTP-051 0.00 0.50 OB YeBn 12-017-084 "'black soil' with fine-med, minor cs, qtz in YeGy clay with minor small pebbles 10-30mm" D 12-LTP-051 0.50 0.80 OSC-GR Bn no sample "fine-med qtz, minor cs qtz, sandy clay with minor 10-30mm pebbles in Bn clay. Clasts mostly Fe-coated SSF + SSL" D 12-LTP-051 0.80 1.10 OSC/CSS Bn no sample fine-med qtz sandy clay with no clasts observed - sandy clay or clay after sandstone? D 12-LTP-051 1.10 1.30 SSFM-HW Ye/Bn no sample mottled highly-weathered fine-med qtz clayey sandstone D 12-LTP-051 1.30 1.60 SSFM/Ksst YeCr no sample fine-med qtz clayey sandstone with black opaques + trace mica D 12-LTP-052 0.00 0.70 OB GyBl 12-017-085 'black soil' - clay with fine qtz + few small trans laterite nodules + Fe-SSL + Fe-SSF clasts scattered down profile D 12-LTP-052 0.70 1.40 SSL-HW GyBl no sample clay with fine qtz - no pebbles. Massive with little laminae observed - becomes more structured towards base. D 12-LTP-052 1.40 1.60 SSFM/Ksst CrYe/GyWh no sample fine-med qtz clayey sandstone with Bl opaques + trace mica D 12-LTP-053 0.00 0.90 OB GyBl no sample 'black soil' - fine-med qtz in Gy clay with scattered small (10mm) Fe-coated SSL+SSF D 12-LTP-053 0.90 1.30 SSL-HW Gy/Or no sample mottled clay after siltstone - more structured towards base. D 12-LTP-053 1.30 1.70 SSFM/Ksst YeGy no sample fine-med qtz clayey sandstone with Bl opaques + trace mica D 12-LTP-054 0.00 1.00 OSCGR YeBn 12-017-086 fine-cs qtz in clay with numerous scattered pebbles 10-30mm - silicified + Fe-stained SSF + SSL - clasts not lateritised D 12-LTP-054 1.00 1.30 SSL-HW YeBn no sample clay after siltstone with fine qtz + small (5mm) 'clasts' of less weathered siltstone which increase down horizon D 12-LTP-054 1.30 2.20 SSL/Kssl Gy no sample grey siltstone with goethite Fe-stain along fractures D 12-LTP-055 0.00 0.00 OGL YeBn no sample lateritised + Fe-coated SSL + SSF pebbles 10-30mm on surface D 12-LTP-055 0.00 0.30 OSC YeBn no sample fine-cs qtz in sandy clay with minor pebbles D 12-LTP-055 0.30 0.60 OSCGR YeBn 12-017-088 fine-cs qtz sandy clay with numerous scattered clasts 10-40mm D 12-LTP-055 0.60 0.90 OSC-GR GyBl no sample "fine qtz in clay with minor small clasts <20mm - less numerous than above, some gypsum crystals" D 12-LTP-055 0.90 1.20 SSL-HW GyBl no sample clay with fine qtz after siltstone D 12-LTP-055 1.20 1.90 SSL/Kssl Gy/YeOr no sample grey siltstone with goethite stain along fractures D 12-LTP-056 0.00 0.50 OSCGR GyBl 12-017-087 fine-cs qtz in GyBl clay with numerous scattered 10-30mm Fe-coated SSL + SSF clasts D 12-LTP-056 0.50 0.70 OSC Gy no sample fine qtz in clay with v minor <10mm pebbles - probably alluvial D 12-LTP-056 0.70 1.30 SSL/Kssl Gy no sample siltstone with goethite Fe-stain along fractures D 12-LTP-057 0.00 1.00 OSCGR GyBl no sample fine-cs qtz in clay with scattered numerous small (10-30mm) Fe-stained SSL + SSF clasts (not lateritised) - pebbles of Fe-stained SSL + SSF on surface D 12-LTP-057 1.00 1.20 OG OrBn 12-017-089 "basal gravel with fine clast-supported gravel with clasts to 80mm, most 10-50mm" D 12-LTP-057 1.20 1.70 SSL/Kssl GyPk+Ye no sample weathered siltstone with haematite + goethite Fe-stain D 12-LTP-058 0.00 0.30 OCS YeGy no sample clayey sand with minor small trans laterite with minor small trans laterite nodules D 12-LTP-058 0.30 0.45 OGR YeCr 12-017-090 "fine-cs qtz clayey sand matrix with grit. Clasts are 10-25mm, mostly Fe-coated SSF + SSL. " D 12-LTP-058 0.45 1.30 OSCGR Ye/Or/Rd mottled 12-017-091 fine-cs qtz in YeOr clay with numerous scattered pebbles 0.5-3cm - mostly Fe-coated SSF + SSL D 12-LTP-058 1.30 2.00 CSS Gy/Rd mottled no sample "fine-med, some cs qtz in grey clay - no pebbles. Probably clay after sandstone" D 12-LTP-058 2.00 2.50 SSFM/Ksst CrYe no sample weathered sandstone - mottled brown + CrYe. Fine-med qtz clayey sandstone with Bl opaques + trace mica EOF