H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 24/02/2015 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 31-Jan-14 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no EL27369 H0101 Tenement_holder Core Exploration Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Paradise Well H0106 Tenement_operator Core Exploration Pty Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_numbers SH5314 Alice Springs H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5851 Riddoch H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 18/02/2014 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquistion 22/07/2014 H0202 Template_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records (in this file) 29 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update H0305 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL27369_2015_A_02_Appendix_1_SurfaceGeochem H0501 Geodectic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Universal Tranverse Mercator (UTM) H0530 Coordinate_system [Geographic/Projected] Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument Hand held GPS H0533 Surveying_company Core Exploration H0600 Sample_code Rock Chip H0702 Job_no (lab job number) "1632_0_1403420, 1632_0_1406929, 1632_0_1407437" H0800 Assay_code "FA25/AA, 4A/MS, 4A/OE" H0801 Assay_company Intertek Genalysis H0802 Assay_description "FA 25 Fire assay, 4A four acid digest, MS Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, OS Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry," H0900 Comments SampleID Easting Northing Date Observations Prospect Au_ppm Ag_ppm Al_ppm As_ppm Ba_ppm Be_ppm Bi_ppm Ca_ppm Cd_ppm Co_ppm Cr_ppm Cs_ppm Cu_ppm Cu-Rp1 Cu_per Fe_per Ga_ppm Ge_ppm Hf_ppm In_ppm K_ppm Li_ppm Mg_ppm Mn_ppm Mo_ppm Na_ppm Nb_ppm Ni_ppm P_ppm Pb_ppm Rb_ppm Re_ppm S_ppm Sb_ppm Sc_ppm Se_ppm Sn_ppm Sr_ppm Ta_ppm Te_ppm Th_ppm Ti_ppm Tl_ppm U_ppm V_ppm W_ppm Y_ppm Zn_ppm Zr_ppm H1000 Au Ag Al As Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Co Cr Cs Cu Cu-Rp1 Fe Ga Ge Hf In K Li Mg Mn Mo Na Nb Ni P Pb Rb Re S Sb Sc Se Sn Sr Ta Te Th Ti Tl U V W Y Zn Zr H1001 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm H1003 0.01 0.05 50 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 50 0.02 0.1 5 0.05 1 10 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.005 20 0.1 20 1 0.1 20 0.05 1 50 5 0.05 0.002 50 0.05 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.01 5 0.02 0.01 1 0.1 0.05 1 0.1 H1002 FA25/AA 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/OE 4AHBr/OE 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/OE 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 1 1220 482307 7419385 18/02/2014 "malachite + mod grained garent ~2mm + qrtz+ carb unit along general trend ~300 degrees, along strike of separate mineralised trend away from 'main' trend" New Paradise Well 0.03 10.7 71451 35 17 X 7.12 98972 1.52 38.8 29 0.3 36594 36594 3.66 10.26 11.5 5.3 0.4 0.13 393 15.4 25705 >20000 1.2 1161 0.9 15 33617 16 1.8 X X X 188 X 0.3 45 0.28 25.6 19.21 416 X 10.15 105 0.6 879 61 15.8 2 1235 481675 7419889 3/04/2014 "fe altered of bio rich + qrtz ± garent gneiss from granite, 020/70E mineral fabric" Greater PW X X 75340 X 289 1.3 X 18464 0.46 26.9 105 2 102 0.01 9.34 18.3 2.1 0.6 0.12 9820 18.1 19835 10608 X 8933 7.5 52 244 23 82.8 X X X 67 X 1.8 55.9 0.19 X 0.42 3710 0.45 0.15 94 X 303.1 143 16.3 3 1236 481675 7419889 3/04/2014 strongly foliated magnetite + qrtz + feld with garnet porphs Greater PW X X 62581 X 248 1.6 X 22599 0.08 21.4 124 0.3 44 0 9.66 26.9 1.1 0.4 0.09 3897 11 5035 878 X 17278 2.8 57 250 25 11.1 X 90 X 5 X 2.6 95.7 X X 0.57 3548 0.07 0.15 268 X 2.5 190 11 4 1237 481613 7420034 3/04/2014 "banded epidote dominant green + black biotite + white qrtz unit, strong mineral foliation 120/40N, fracture set 10-15cm spacings 060/65S" Greater PW X X 88778 8 89 2.1 0.59 118803 0.07 12.6 47 0.2 43 0 7.88 23.9 1.7 2.1 0.11 1456 2 8024 2624 X 923 10.6 27 935 18 6 X X 2.4 18 X 3.9 485.4 0.87 X 13.97 4832 0.03 2.87 96 1.1 26.1 68 39.3 5 1238 481757 7420146 3/04/2014 qrtz + tourmaline + epidote pegmatite x-cutting banded metasediments Greater PW X X 68833 7 4977 0.9 0.32 28050 0.07 3.8 6 21 28 0 2.27 12.3 2.8 1.1 0.05 51096 15.9 1657 3019 X 8204 27.8 7 311 85 360.9 X X 0.7 12 X 3.5 140.1 4.16 X 6.72 2032 1.24 1.39 34 0.5 275.1 46 15 6 1239 482266 7419415 3/04/2014 "malachite staining + interstital to 2-5mm garnets in qrtz + mica band, striking ~130 (NW) 40-50cm wide surrounded by amphibolite" New Paradise Well 1.04 19.7 89724 21 79 1.3 4.78 60942 0.63 27 21 0.7 27830 27830 2.78 6.58 12.7 6.5 0.4 0.12 2399 23.4 27881 >20000 0.7 10482 2.2 7 17704 13 10.5 X X X 170 X 0.3 59.3 0.13 30.6 9.55 281 0.1 4.5 31 0.2 621.2 62 8 7 1240 482262 7419417 3/04/2014 malachite + chrisicola high tenor Cu in 2-5mm garnet with malachite +- carb +- qrtz + feld New Paradise Well 2.15 41 76952 28 88 0.7 11.15 61454 0.67 31.9 27 0.6 62356 62356 6.24 7.65 12.4 6 0.5 0.12 2867 23.1 29343 >20000 0.9 4335 1.4 9 21393 12 11.3 X 282 X 172 X 0.3 38.8 0.1 72.2 12.66 217 0.08 6.17 28 0.1 712.9 71 15.8 8 1241 482258 7419417 3/04/2014 malachite moderate tenor in 2-8mm garnets + qrtz with malachite interstital +- feld + micas New Paradise Well 0.28 5.1 72035 22 75 0.5 1.69 65379 0.6 26.7 26 0.8 18636 1.86 7 12.6 5.3 0.5 0.12 1630 29 27507 >20000 0.9 3403 1 5 23643 7 7.1 X X X 170 X 0.4 34.8 0.08 41 11.33 298 0.03 5.43 42 0.2 698.3 55 10.9 9 1242 482261 7419420 3/04/2014 malachite stained + interstital to 2-5mm garnet rich wthered unit adjacent to foliated amphibolite New Paradise Well 0.15 9.4 93730 11 61 1.1 1.85 34196 0.72 30.1 27 0.9 38454 38454 3.85 7.48 13 6.6 0.7 0.13 2621 37.9 32668 >20000 1.2 9274 1 6 8444 10 11.1 X 361 X 196 X 0.4 46.8 0.1 103.9 4.73 234 0.04 2.62 33 0.2 645 61 16.7 10 1243 482261 7419410 3/04/2014 malachite staining + interstital in 2-3mm grained garnet with qrtz + feld + mica New Paradise Well 0.15 8.9 89275 18 128 1.4 1.73 53767 0.55 21.6 18 0.8 26182 26182 2.62 5.32 13.8 5.5 0.6 0.1 4039 28.1 24641 >20000 0.2 14922 0.6 2 16273 17 15.6 X 536 X 151 X 0.3 62.1 0.06 62.4 7.07 129 0.06 3.95 13 0.1 515.7 53 12.1 11 1244 482262 7419479 3/04/2014 "at contact between foliated amphibolite (to east) weakly magnteic and hematite altered garnet + qrtz granite/melt (to west) contact ~160, qrtz + garent + mica + malachite unit" New Paradise Well 0.06 6.1 97324 3 687 1.5 0.43 29884 0.12 5.2 6 0.3 17233 1.72 2.43 17.7 2.8 0.5 X 7327 8.4 6131 11675 X 32996 0.7 4 1354 21 12.1 X 1466 X 33 X X 175.4 0.06 39.3 108.06 152 0.07 1.66 13 X 112.3 28 12.7 12 1270 485588 7418717 2/07/2014 malachite staining + interstital in wthered c.g biotite + fe oxide altered granite Jay 0.04 2.4 106161 4 306 1 2.78 57446 0.09 8.8 9 1.5 19543 1.95 1.4 17.5 0.3 5.8 0.08 13918 13.2 6962 605 0.5 30213 9.8 12 X 21 86.3 X 380 X 7 2 0.8 202.7 1.09 16.6 4.39 1462 0.43 0.58 40 0.8 5.2 14 52.8 13 1271 485592 7418723 2/07/2014 malachite interstital + some staining in c.g up to 1cm qrtz + feld + bio granite Jay X 0.9 92089 X 1416 X 1.49 25438 0.05 12.7 11 2.3 11507 1.15 1.69 13.3 0.3 0.4 0.07 61170 15.9 10180 564 0.3 15881 11.2 17 100 55 302.4 X 304 X 12 X 1 202.5 0.76 13.1 1.52 2200 1.3 0.3 61 0.5 2.8 25 11.3 14 1272 485599 7418716 2/07/2014 "in felsic c.g melt interlayered with biotite gneiss malachite staining + interstital in c.g 5-20mm garnet + qrtz + feld + fe oxide unit, mineralised melts trend 172 degrees" Jay X 1.8 110959 X 1831 0.8 1.94 37400 0.09 14.8 14 2.5 11839 1.18 2.01 18.3 0.3 2.8 0.08 43855 17.4 11967 904 0.3 24288 17.5 19 3912 23 246.6 X 1214 X 15 3 1.4 240.6 1.83 15.3 4.67 2605 1.05 0.84 69 0.6 45.1 21 17.1 15 1273 485600 7418713 2/07/2014 "along strike of 1272, malachite staining + interstital in biotite rich c.g qrtz + feld + fe oxide altered granite melt, interlayered with biotite gneiss metased" Jay 0.09 7.8 102649 5 3702 0.8 7.1 48799 0.06 25.9 23 3.4 35722 35722 3.57 3.44 20 0.5 0.3 0.21 33792 16.4 19985 1576 0.7 21025 22.8 44 9984 16 252.2 X 1327 X 24 8 2 230.9 1.51 27.8 2.56 4403 1.13 1.26 128 0.6 111.9 55 4.1 16 1274 485623 7418687 2/07/2014 "c.g garnet 5-20mm porph altered bio + fe oxide granite melt, malachite replace=ing minerals wrapped by biotite fabric + malachite staining, outcrop 3-5m wide striking 180 degrees" Jay X 1.9 102674 X 750 0.7 1.79 39965 0.05 42.7 X 4.9 16206 1.62 4.96 21.7 0.5 0.6 0.16 39675 35.6 35871 1314 0.4 19239 39.6 38 6770 12 364.6 X 444 X 41 4 3.4 219.7 2.29 19.9 1.19 7288 1.63 0.45 219 0.6 67.5 87 3.1 17 1275 485619 7418667 2/07/2014 "along strike of 1274, malachite +- chysacolla, higher tenue Cu, in c.g garnet porph + qrtz + feld + fe altered granite melt" Jay 0.04 3.3 102396 3 797 0.9 3.21 45760 0.33 25.6 8 2.4 35139 35139 3.51 2.95 18.6 0.5 0.5 0.14 29299 14.6 15981 1198 0.6 23309 18.7 19 7372 31 193.9 X 628 X 18 10 1.6 206 1.38 30.6 3.05 3146 0.87 0.94 100 0.4 82.7 42 9.2 18 1276 485641 7418658 2/07/2014 malachite bearing felsic melt bearing 168 degrees 1m wide amphibolite between mineralised melts across strike Jay 0.04 2.2 86984 X 1652 X 0.92 29478 0.06 13.4 6 2.3 17875 1.79 1.65 13.4 0.5 X 0.09 73645 16.9 10608 625 0.3 11570 11.5 21 10741 43 376 X 637 X 14 10 1.2 190.7 0.72 29.9 1.01 2173 1.66 0.5 56 0.3 137.8 24 1.2 19 1277 485603 7418652 2/07/2014 along strike of 1275 + 1274 c.g garnet felsic melt with malachite replacemnet of interstital minerals Jay 0.23 18.9 94008 X 1429 0.9 12.97 32308 0.07 7.3 X 0.5 65941 65941 6.59 1.83 13.9 0.1 X 0.19 10806 4 3738 719 1.1 27882 4.9 6 X 24 54 X 6972 0.1 3 6 0.6 235.8 0.51 33 X 702 0.31 0.37 37 0.2 4.6 8 1.5 20 1278 485559 7418555 2/07/2014 "malachite in biotite dominant c.g qrtz melt, along strike of clean granite amongst banded gneiss, malachite along micaceous fabric plains, fabric 190 degrees" Jay 0.39 2.4 70096 X 855 X 5.07 9292 0.1 59.1 103 5.8 44644 44644 4.46 7.01 20.1 0.5 0.9 0.23 49883 61.6 52017 2497 0.8 4515 50.4 82 669 X 506.6 X 445 X 69 10 3.6 48.9 1.99 60.5 0.45 10867 2.34 0.61 318 0.6 14.9 151 25.4 21 1279 485493 7418505 2/07/2014 "malachite in v.c.g 2-3cm biotite + qrtz melt along trend of other malachite bearing low tenue outcrops, which aren’t sampled" Jay 0.04 2.5 61263 8 577 X 9.09 76473 0.11 71.6 X 8.1 45662 45662 4.57 7.45 24 1.2 X 0.28 53709 44.5 61534 1251 0.9 881 5.1 63 27435 X 529.7 X 289 X 66 16 0.4 34.1 0.33 54.4 17.93 1959 2.75 1.98 420 0.2 344.3 134 1.5 22 1280 485571 7418306 2/07/2014 "c.g garnet + qrtz + fe oxide + bio altered granite with malachite staining qrtz + replacing interstital minerals, c.g biotite" Jay 0.01 1.6 81392 8 640 0.7 3.07 71839 0.12 37.8 48 4.4 19553 1.96 4.6 37.5 2.9 X 0.15 32261 27.1 30663 1979 0.4 15365 7 49 25102 54 310.2 X 392 X 36 16 1.1 134.2 0.34 25.6 633.18 4569 1.64 5.14 194 0.2 371.1 80 0.8 23 1285 485825 7418762 2/07/2014 "high tenue malachite with v.c.g biotite + c.g qrtz feld, adjacent to magnetic amphibolite" Manny 0.21 4.4 73365 3 744 X 3.66 36195 0.1 32.9 16 3.2 64959 64959 6.5 3.74 39.3 3.7 X 0.24 41520 29.3 24840 1249 1.1 3380 14.2 49 14976 69 262.6 X 825 X 23 25 3.7 138.6 0.9 95.4 840.32 4377 1.19 14.53 95 0.7 408.5 105 3.7 24 1286 485838 7418788 2/07/2014 "high tenue malachite + azurite in veins + staining of f.g granite qrtz + feld + fe oxide, 1-3mm crystals" Manny 0.04 3.7 56577 X 107 0.6 3.58 33214 0.21 61.5 X 0.2 88468 88468 8.85 11.57 17.3 0.3 0.2 0.19 1790 8 18809 1936 9.9 7422 3 10 X 4 5.1 X 1303 X 46 5 1.4 109.4 0.27 16.5 23.35 9992 0.05 0.54 179 0.2 63 96 7.1 25 1287 485850 7418790 2/07/2014 in situ blue azurite + malachite in moderately magnetic f.g 1-3mm magnetite + qrtz + feld + garnet gneiss? Manny 0.02 1.8 64964 X 65 0.6 0.65 45584 0.13 129 X 0.1 21484 21484 2.15 17.67 19.4 0.9 0.5 0.14 1835 8.8 29767 2430 7.3 10075 2.6 18 261 X 4.1 X 492 X 53 3 1.9 88.8 0.25 6.8 5.52 18676 0.03 0.16 546 0.3 42.1 126 10.8 26 1288 485864 7418798 22/07/2014 "moderate tp strong magnet response, dense, f.g 1-2mm magnetite + high lusture black biotite + qrtz + feld + malachite =- minor azurite rich veins ~2mm, adjacent to moderate grained magnetic amphibolite" Manny 0.06 6.7 66109 2 181 0.6 2.83 52973 0.14 74.9 X 0.5 53836 5.4 97257 14.4 1.1 2.3 0.13 2685 5.7 26449 1733 2.1 11050 4.4 15 X 18 10.5 X 1435 0.2 49 3 1.1 104.9 1.12 0.7 2.44 9743 0.1 0.91 342 2 46.4 88 27 27 1289 485849 7418787 22/07/2014 malachite + azurite <2mm veins in f.g - m.g 1-3mm magnetite + qrtz + feld + bio f.g amphibolite? Manny 0.05 3.9 54356 X 59 0.5 1.69 46042 0.22 77.7 X 0.1 60518 6.05 103277 14.1 1.4 0.6 0.12 1328 6.4 23091 1657 3.2 6696 2.6 9 X 21 2.8 X 421 X 45 4 1.3 86.8 0.19 0.3 0.53 10686 0.02 X 347 0.8 46.2 67 10 28 1290 485829 7418784 22/07/2014 malachite veining in f.g - m.g 1-2mm magnetite bearing unit with qrtz + feld + bio mafic? F.g magnetic felsic? intermediate mafic? Manny 0.08 11.4 62761 2 221 0.5 2.5 30082 0.12 70.9 X 0.5 85841 8.6 88905 14.3 0.9 0.6 0.14 3240 7.4 22761 1298 1.9 14946 1.3 8 X 8 8.8 X 833 X 38 3 0.8 621.3 0.09 0.6 1.46 7418 0.08 0.17 226 0.6 30.7 78 18.3 29 1291 485739 7418755 22/07/2014 "further west of Manny, magnetite 1-3mm bearing f.g amphibolite? Magnetic felsic? With malachite rich veins <2mm variably orientated" Manny 0.07 8.4 62583 X 116 0.6 5.01 40462 0.19 33.1 X 0.6 64213 6.4 60860 16.8 1.7 2.7 0.29 4515 10.3 23206 1614 5.3 5685 4.3 13 X 14 18.7 X 1228 X 37 3 1.3 98.3 1.38 6.3 1.25 5023 0.13 0.86 272 1.1 52.8 69 25.7 EOF