H0002 Version 3 H0003 Date_generated 14_Mar_2013 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 14_Mar_2013 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no EL25576 EL25669 EL25670 H0101 Tenement_holder Vista Gold Australia Pty Ltd. H0102 Project_name Mount Todd Exploration H0106 Tenement_operator Vista Gold Australia Pty Ltd. H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SD5309 SD5305 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5369 5370 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 15_Mar_2012 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 14_Mar_2013 H0202 Template_format DG1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 89 H0300 Related_data_filenames H0301 Location_data_file GR087-09_2013_A_02_DrillCollars.txt H0302 Downhole_lithology_data_file GR087-09_2013_A_03_Lithologs.txt H0303 Downhole_geochem_data_file GR087-09_2013_A_04_DownholeGeochem.txt H0304 Downhole_survey_data_file GR087-09_2013_A_05_DownholeSurveys.txt H0305 Surface_geochem_soil_data_file GR087-09_2013_A_06_SoilGeochem.txt H0306 Surface_geochem_rockchip_data_file GR087-09_2013_A_07_RockChip.txt H0308 File_Verification_Listing GR087-09_2013_A_08_FileListing.txt H0400 Drill_code DIA RC H0402 Description DIA Diamond Bit - Coring RC Reverse Circulation H1000 HOLE_ID DEPFROM DEPTO DRILL_CODE RECOVERY LITHOLOGY DESCRIPTION COMMENTS H1001 metres metres % H1004 0.01 0.01 1 D SD12-001 0 0.35 DIA 100 Sol Soil "Terra rosa soil, (gravel, mud and some roots) grading to highly weathered rock." D SD12-001 0.35 1.1 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Highly weathered Pgt grading to less weathered rock. D SD12-001 1.1 2.2 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Broken rock. Thin gossaneous sheets in joints of fragments. No visible veining D SD12-001 2.2 3 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Gossan viens after sulphides. D SD12-001 3 3.8 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke "More weathering, spots rich in oxidazed hematite and gossans in joints" D SD12-001 3.8 4.4 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke "Broken rock small faulth, with thin gossaneous sheets in joints of fragments. No visible veining." D SD12-001 4.4 5.3 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Pgt with spots rich in oxidazed Hm and Gh in joints D SD12-001 5.3 6 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke "Broken rock small fault, with thin gossaneous sheets in joints of fragments. No visible veining." D SD12-001 6 7.7 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke "Pgt with a few irregular thin veins with oxides, at 7m one following bedding. Hm and Gh alt in joints and Gh in veins" D SD12-001 7.7 8.3 DIA 0 NoSamp Coreloss Coreloss D SD12-001 8.3 9.9 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Interbedding between Pgt+Psl with moderate Hm alt and Lm alt like layers in veins edges. D SD12-001 9.9 16.4 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke "Light grey Pgt (Mcg) with some Psl Layer with Hm alt. in some places Lm alt like layer in veins edges and in a few Psl Layer. Some thin Vs and Vs+Bedding with oxides. Fine upward sequence at 13.25, 14 & 15.8m." D SD12-001 16.4 16.95 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke "Broken rock small fault, with some Hm+Gh alt in joints of fragments. No visible veining." D SD12-001 16.95 20.9 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke 0.6m Coreloss...Light grey Pgt (Fmg) and Psl with Lm alt like layer with moderate to weak Hm+Gh alt. D SD12-001 20.9 23.9 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke "Broken rock, medium fault highly weathered, Gh alt in joints of fragments." D SD12-001 23.9 24.3 DIA 0 NoSamp Coreloss Coreloss D SD12-001 24.3 27 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke "Light grey Pgt (Mcg) with some thin Psl layers, Hm + weak Gh alt in joints. " D SD12-001 27 29.7 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke "Yellow (Lm alt) and red/orange (Hm/Lm alt) layers in light grey Pgt, Lm alt in thin veins and Hm in Psl layer. " D SD12-001 29.7 32.9 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke "Grey/greenish Pgt with a thin Psl layer, some Hm/Gh in joints. Fine upward sequence at 31.9m." D SD12-001 32.9 35.7 DIA 100 Psl Siltstone "Grey/reddish Psl with some gray/greenish Pgt layers, some Hm/Gh in joints. Fine upward sequence at 35m" D SD12-001 35.7 37.8 DIA 100 Psl Siltstone "Fault zone, broken rock. Interbedding between grey/reddish and gray+ Yellow/greenish Psl and thin gray/greenishPgt layer. Some Hm/Gh in joints." D SD12-001 37.8 40.4 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke "0.6m coreloss...Very broken rock, fault zone. Weak increase Hm/Gh in joints." D SD12-001 40.4 43.6 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke "Transition/Fresh to fresh Pgt/Psl, with Hm/Lm and weak Gh in joint in some veins, vuggy veins (Vs+Vqz) at 40.55m. Fine upward sequence at 40.9, 41.5 & 42.25m. At 42.8m Qtz veins with Ch ot Bt (black mineral). At 43.25m Qtz veins with Kf alt." D SD12-001 43.6 44 DIA 100 Psl Siltstone "VsB (Quartz + Sulphides in vein edges following bedding), to show brecciated Psl cemented qtz" D SD12-001 44 48.45 DIA 100 Psl Siltstone "Medium to light grey Psl-Pgt with fine upward sequence at 44.45, 44.75, 46.35, 46.9 &47.7m. At 45.55m vqz following bedding. From 46.4m iregullar Qtz veinlets, some ones vuggys. Some Hm-Lm in some joints and Py in other ones. A few Py dots in wallrock." D SD12-001 48.45 49.5 DIA 100 Psl Siltstone "Three thick and vuggy Vqz following bedding with some Py+Cp+ Po dots and small well shaped Qtz crystals, also shows a small black mineral Ch or Bt. At 48.6m a brecciated Vqz following bedding with vqz veinlets going to wallrock.. Thin vs with Py/Cp, some Py in joints a like small spots in wallrock." D SD12-001 49.5 51 DIA 100 Psl Siltstone "Several Vqz+Kf+Bt? alt veinlets, some ones with vuggs and a few ones with Py traces. At 50.1 m brecciated Pgt (20mm) with some Py dots in wallrock. Some joints with Hm alt and othres with Py. Fine upward sequence at 50.4m" D SD12-001 51 53 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Py disseminated in rock (dots and spots a few ones next to veins). Thin vs some ones with vuggs and othres with Kf alt in the middle and weak Se/Ch+/-Ab alt or following bedding. D SD12-001 53 54.1 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke "Strong chloritic and sericit alteration. One vein is thick and vuggy. Microfractures filled with Kf, Se, or Sulphides" D SD12-001 54.1 56 DIA 100 Psl Siltstone Sericite thick halos sorrounding veins. Veinlets of quartz with sericite and Kf. D SD12-001 56 57 DIA 100 Psl Siltstone "Irregular veining. Veins are white or pink, sometimes vuggy. Spots of chalcopyrite within veins." D SD12-001 57 57.8 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Voids with sulphides. Some disseminated sulhides. Also dark little spots in rock…chlorite? D SD12-001 57.8 58.35 DIA 100 Psl Siltstone Fault with movement following bedding plane. Gouge is white and cream-gray. Sulphides are visible in a vein following bedding D SD12-001 58.35 59.5 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Veins following bedding with dark edges. Disseminated spots of py in rock. D SD12-001 59.5 60.5 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Disseminated sulphides in rock; vuggy veins D SD12-001 60.5 61 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Intense chloritic alteration. D SD12-001 61 61.5 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Disseminated py and selvedge alteration in vuggy veins D SD12-001 61.5 64.3 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Vuggy veins a few full of sulphides. Wavy bedding. D SD12-001 64.3 65 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Disemminated py throw the rock and also a thin vein full of py D SD12-001 65 68.5 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Sericite alteration dissapear. Some isolated spots of disseminated py on rock D SD12-001 68.5 69.55 DIA 100 Pgt Greywacke Two VsB from 68.65 to 69m with Py/