H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 11-Nov-15 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 31-Dec-14 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no GR305 H0101 Tenement_holder Redbank Copper Ltd H0102 Project_name Redbank MLN 635 H0106 Tenement_operator Redbank Copper H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SE5308 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 6363 6262 6362 6462 6263 6463 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 01-Jan-14 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 31-Dec-14 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 229 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 11-Nov-15 H0300 Lithology_data_file GR305_2014_GA_03_GEO2014A.txt H0301 Location_data_file GR305_2014_GA_02_COLL2014A.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file GR305_2014_GA_03_GEO2014A.txt H0303 Assay_data_file GR305_2014_GA_04_ASS2014A.txt H0304 Survey_data_file GR305_2014_GA_05_SURV2014A.txt H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File H0307 Lithology_code_file LoggingCodes.xlsx H0308 File verification List GR305_2014_GA_06_Verification_List_2014.txt H0400 Drill_code RC RCD H0402 Description Reverse Circulation Drilling RC precollar with diamond tail H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole_id Depth From Depth To Lith1 Lith2 Col1 Col2 Wth Oxi Grain Text Struct VStyle VType V% AltMin1 AltInt1 AltMin2 AltInt2 AltMin3 AltInt3 Min1 Min1% Min2 Min2% Min3 Min3% Min4 Min4% Regolith StratUnit Events Geologist Date Comments H1001 NA metres metres NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA H1004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D REDRC1 0 4 c st gy bn s lox f cly m s Xavier Granholm 19/10/2014 D REDRC1 4 15 ssl sm bn m mox f cly m li m sr Xavier Granholm 19/10/2014 D REDRC1 15 21 ssl ir bn lgy m mox f cly m sr Xavier Granholm 19/10/2014 D REDRC1 21 24 ir lgy bn m wox f cly m sr Xavier Granholm 19/10/2014 D REDRC1 24 30 ir st bn w wox f cly w he w br Xavier Granholm 19/10/2014 D REDRC1 30 45 ssl sm dgy f nox mf cly w su 0.5 br Xavier Granholm 19/10/2014 Minor sulphides weathered to clay along fractures D REDRC1 45 50 ssl sm dgy f nox mf qz w br Xavier Granholm 19/10/2014 Minor quartz - possible veins D REDRC1 50 64 ssl sm drd dbn f nox mf he w mn w br Xavier Granholm 19/10/2014 Pervassive hematite alteration. Manganese limited to fractures D REDRC1 64 79 ssl ir dgy bn f nox mf br ga w he w br Xavier Granholm 19/10/2014 Brecciated siltstone with minor garnets. Possible mafic tracyte at 55m. Minor weak pervassive hematite D REDRC1 79 94 ssl sm dbn drd f nox f br he m br Xavier Granholm 19/10/2014 Moderate pervassive hematite D REDRC1 94 108 ir lgy bn f nox mf br he w su 1 br Xavier Granholm 19/10/2014 Brecciated tracyte with minor sulphides extending from 100m D REDRC1 108 114 ir rd dgy f nox mf br he w br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 D REDRC1 114 130 ir rd bn f wox mf br he w qz w py 0.5 cp 0.5 br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 Pervassive and fracture controlled hematite, sulphides as blebs and within tension gashes. possible chalcocite D REDRC1 130 138 ir dgy f nox mf br cp 0.5 br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 Some possible chalcocite rimming chalcopyrite D REDRC1 138 141 ir rd f wox mf he m cl w cp 2 br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 Chlorite associated with chalcopyrite, maybe as above D REDRC1 141 143 ir lbn f nox mf cl m su 0.5 br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 chlorite as veins within tension gashes D REDRC1 143 145 ir dgy f nox f cl w cp 1 br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 D REDRC1 145 161 ir rd gy f nox f qz w cl w su 1 br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 colour grades with depth from red to grey D REDRC1 161 163 ir ssl dgy f nox f su 0.5 br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 Tranitional zone between tracyte and sediments D REDRC1 163 175 ssl sm dgy f nox f qz m br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 top of sediments +/- quartz D REDRC1 175 179 ssl sm drd f nox f he m br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 pervassive hematie alteration D REDRC1 179 181 ssl sm dgy f nox f br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 D REDRC1 181 184 ssl sm drd f nox f lm he m qz w br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 Hematie alterered siltstone and mudstone. minor quartz in parts D REDRC1 184 188 ssl sm bn f nox f lm cl w br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 thinly bedded siltstone and mudstone with minor chlorite on fractures D REDRC1 188 192 ssl sm dgy f nox f sk m br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 Silicified siltstone. EOH D REDRC2 0 13 ssl sm lbn s sox f cly m li m s Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 D REDRC2 13 25 ssl bn m mox f cly m li w sl Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 D REDRC2 25 29 ssl dgy w wox f li w cly w sr Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 D REDRC2 29 37 ssl dgy f nox f br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 D REDRC2 37 45 ssl rd gy f wox f he w br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 D REDRC2 45 49 ssl dgy f nox f qz w br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 Minor quartz bands D REDRC2 49 52 ir gy w wox mf cl m br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 Possible tracyte with very minor ssl. Garnets have altered to chlorite within matrix D REDRC2 52 55 ssl ir rd gy f nox mf cl w br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 Minor chlorite stringers D REDRC2 55 60 ssl rd gy f nox f bx qz w br Xavier Granholm 20/10/2014 Brecciated siltstone with minor quartz along fractures D REDRC3 0 2 er lbn s sox f cly s li s s Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 D REDRC3 2 9 ssl s sox f cly s li s s Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 D REDRC3 9 11 ssl rd ms mox f he m cly m li w sl Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 D REDRC3 11 23 ssl rd bn w mox f he m cly w li w sr Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 D REDRC3 23 28 ssl sm gy w wox f he w cly w sr Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 D REDRC3 28 34 ssl sm gy f nox f br Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 D REDRC3 34 38 ssl rd gy f nox f bx he w qz w br Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 D REDRC3 38 45 ssl lrd w nox f he m br Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 Black mineral, floats like graphite, but too hard. Unsure D REDRC3 45 53 ssl bn rd f nox f he w br Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 D REDRC3 53 58 ssl rd bn f nox f he m br Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 ?? black mineral again D REDRC3 58 67 ssl gy f nox f bx he w qz w br Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 Minor brecciation and quartz in parts D REDRC3 67 70 ssl rd gy f nox f he m br Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 D REDRC3 70 75 ssl gy f nox f he w qz w br Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 Very weak hematite and traces of quartz D REDRC3 75 98 ssl gy rd f nox f bx he w br Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 Moderate to weak hematite with ??black mineral again D REDRC3 98 107 ssl rd f nox f bx he m qz m br Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 Moderate hematite with quartz infill of breccia. Few narrow beds seen D REDRC3 107 109 ssl bn gy f nox f bx he w cl w br Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 Narrow chlorite veinlets D REDRC3 109 113 ssl gy f nox f he w br Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 Minor hematite and chlorite with possible tracyte D REDRC3 113 117 ssl sm gy bn f nox f br Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 D REDRC3 117 120 ssl sm gy f nox f br Xavier Granholm 28/10/2014 D REDRC4 0 3 ssl ir gy bn ms mox f mx jt cly m cp 0.5 su 29/10/2014 DOMINANTLY SILTSTONE WITH TRACE IR (POSS CONTAM) IR HAS DISSEM CPY D REDRC4 3 11 ir gy gn ms mox mf ad cl m m1 3 su 29/10/2014 abundant chlorite filled amygdales D REDRC4 11 16 ssl ir gy or ms mox f mx jt cly m m1 1 su 29/10/2014 D REDRC4 16 22 ir ssl bn gy ms mox mf le m m1 2 su 29/10/2014 malachite is associated with and possibly part replacing leucoxene D REDRC4 22 28 ir or bn ms mox mf mx jt le m li 1 m1 0.5 su 29/10/2014 malachite associated with leucoxene D REDRC4 28 29 ssl gy ms mox f mx bx br 1 az 1 m1 0.1 su 29/10/2014 Azurite not sighted in any other intervals in this hole D REDRC4 29 33 ir or bn ms mox f mx jt he w m1 1 cc 0.5 sl 29/10/2014 Joint and replacive/pseudomorphing malachite andpossible chalcocite D REDRC4 33 36 ir or bn ms mox f br vn bx br 6 cly m he w li 3 m1 2 az 1 sl BOCO 29/10/2014 jigsaw breccia veins with limonite and malachite dominant infill D REDRC4 36 41 ir io or gy ms mox f fb cly m cl w sl WT 29/10/2014 flow banding/btrecciation with chlorite dominant infill D REDRC4 41 44 io ir or bn m mox mf ad cl w sl BOP 29/10/2014 ch infilled irregular tointerlinked amygdales D REDRC4 44 45 ir or bn w wox f ad jt sw vn 0.1 cl w he w cp 0.1 sr 29/10/2014 trace chalco D REDRC4 45 48 ir bn or w wox mf ad le w sr 29/10/2014 contains leucoxene D REDRC4 48 54 ir bn or f nox mf vn sw vn 5 he m ab w cp 0.5 br TOFR 29/10/2014 massive IR with carbonate,chalco +/- qtz stockwork D REDRC4 54 59 io rd bn f nox mf ad ca s cl m he m br 29/10/2014 red-pink rock with chlorite alterarion in amygdales with calcite infills D REDRC4 59 60 ir io rd bn f nox mf vn co vn 5 ca s cl m he m br 29/10/2014 colloform veins of carbonate and lesser quartz D REDRC4 60 65 ir bn gy f nox mf mx vn sw vn 0.1 he m cl w ca w br 29/10/2014 trace planar/sheeted stockwork traces <1mm thick.cb+/- D REDRC4 65 67 ir bn rd f nox f mx vn sw vn 5 ca s ab w ca w br 29/10/2014 tensional carbonate quartz veins with a moderate to strong carbonate wash overprinting D REDRC4 67 72 ir bn bk f nox f mx jt he m cl w br 29/10/2014 massive intermediate igneous rock.contains possible amphiboles replaced by chlorite D REDRC5 0 5 io ia or bn s sox m ad jt cly w m1 0.1 su 30/10/2014 weathered feldspar dominated rock.CH rich lapilli/amygdales D REDRC5 5 6 il io bn s sox m ad cly s mn s m1 3 su 30/10/2014 lapilli/amygdale rich tuff/lava. Malachite replacing mafics? D REDRC6 0 5 io ia or bn s sox m ad jt cly w m1 0.1 su 30/10/2014 weathered feldspar dominated rock.CH rich lapilli/amygdales D REDRC6 5 10 il io bn s sox m ad cly s mn s m1 3 su 30/10/2014 lapilli/amygdale rich tuff/lava. Malachite replacing mafics? D REDRC6 10 13 ie ir bn gy ms sox mf cly w he w m1 5 su 30/10/2014 trachitic texture.vughs replaced by MA D REDRC6 13 15 il io bn s sox m ad cly s mn s m1 0.1 su 30/10/2014 strong clay weathering of lapilli/amygdale rich rock D REDRC6 15 20 ir io or s sox m ad bx br 5 cly m m1 2 li 2 su 30/10/2014 trachytic texture defined by feldspars/coherent lava?. Amygdaloidal/lapilli units with MA infills.LM/HE in breccia vein D REDRC6 20 21 il bn tn s sox m ad ab w he w su BOCO 30/10/2014 spongy texture D REDRC6 21 23 ir it bn rd m mox m fb ca s he w ab w sr 30/10/2014 strongly carbonated D REDRC6 23 25 ir st tn w wox f mx jt bx br 1 ca s he m ab w sr 30/10/2014 intense carbonate altered rock ssl/st. calc-silicate type alteration. contains graphite D REDRC6 25 29 ir ssl bn rd m mox mf mx jt ca s he s ab s sr 30/10/2014 intense patches and replacement by HE AB alteration.intense carbonation D REDRC6 29 30 ssl gy bu w wox f fw br 30/10/2014 weak foliation D REDRC6 30 32 ir ssl bn rd w wox m mx bx br 0.1 he m ab m sr 30/10/2014 leucoxene rich lava D REDRC6 32 33 ir ssl gy w wox f mx jt ca s m1 0.1 sr 30/10/2014 strongly Carbonated. MA as replacive spots D REDRC6 33 35 ssl st gy f nox mf fw vl vn 0.1 ca m he m ab m br 30/10/2014 D REDRC6 35 38 ir st rd bn f nox mf mx br bx br 1 ab s he s cb s br 30/10/2014 intense AB HE CB alt around small QZ CB breccia veins and veinlets/irregular veins D REDRC6 38 40 ssl ir gy f nox f mx jt ab w he w cb w cp 0.1 br 30/10/2014 D REDRC6 40 69 il ie bn rd w nox m ad bx br 10 ab s he s cb s m1 10 sr 30/10/2014 lapilli tuff and agglomerate/autoclastic with matrix fill of MA/CB. fragmentals have intense HE AB SI alteration D REDRC6 69 78 ssl it rd bn f nox mf br br bx br 20 ab s he s sk s br TOFR 30/10/2014 strong replacive and breccia vein AB HE +/- CB veining. Jigsaw breccias D REDRC7 0 3 it ir rd bn m mox f mx he m cl w su 31/10/2014 D REDRC7 3 7 ir it or tn m mox f jt go w cl w su 31/10/2014 D REDRC7 7 8 ia ir or tn m mox f mx jt go w cl w m1 0.1 su 31/10/2014 D REDRC7 8 16 ir ia rd or m mox f mx jt he w go w cl w su 31/10/2014 D REDRC7 16 18 ir ye tn m mox f fb br m1 0.1 su 31/10/2014 minor flow banding and cooling fractures/brecciation D REDRC7 18 22 it sst bn gy s mox mf cl w cly w sl BOCO 31/10/2014 tuffaceous sandstone wacke containing volcanic quench fragments D REDRC7 22 26 ir ye tn m mox f ad m1 0.1 sl 31/10/2014 amygdaloidal lava. trace malachite in amygdales D REDRC7 26 38 ir gy tn w mox mf mx m1 0.1 sr 31/10/2014 massive andesite/trachyte with traces of malachite replacing Mafic minerals? D REDRC7 38 44 ir gy gn w mox mf ad cl w m1 2 cp 0.1 sr TOFR 31/10/2014 amygdaloidal lave with malachite? in amygdales (chrysocolla/other Cu mineral?) D REDRC7 44 48 ir gy bu f wox f mx m1 0.5 cp 0.5 cc 0.1 br 31/10/2014 massive to weakly amygdaloidal lava. D REDRC7 48 51 ir bn rd w wox mf mx jt ab m he m cb m br 31/10/2014 massive andesite/trachyte D REDRC7 51 54 ir ia tn or f wox mf mx vn bx br 1 cb s ab m he w br 31/10/2014 quartz carbonate veined redroc alteration of intermediate to felsic volcanic D REDRC7 54 58 ir bn rd w wox mf ad br bx br 2 cl m ab w he w m1 0.5 cp 0.2 br 31/10/2014 amygdale rich which are filled with HEABCB.carbonate breccia vein with MA and CPY D REDRC7 58 61 ir bn rd w wox f ad mx si vn 0.1 ab w he w cb w br 31/10/2014 sparsely amygdaloidal rock. colloform carbonate silica AD infills. trace carbonate tension array fine veins D REDRC7 61 76 ir bn bu f nox f mx jt he w ab w cl w br 31/10/2014 chlorite as joint coatings D REDRC7 76 78 ir bn bu f nox f mx vn sp vn 5 he w ab w cl w br 31/10/2014 sparry veins. open space fill with carbonate, quartz. trace rutile needles D REDRC9 0 5 il ir por mbn s sox m br ab m sk m he m he 10 vi 1 sm BOCO 1/11/2014 D REDRC9 5 21 ir mor m mox f fb ab s sk s he m m1 0.5 cc 0.1 su 1/11/2014 vesicular/amygdaloidal and flow banded D REDRC9 21 28 ira ir mor lgy w wox mf mx jt cl m ab w he w cp 0.2 as 0.1 m1 0.1 sl 1/11/2014 very green chlorite alteratin ex mafics or feldspars? any fuchsite? D REDRC9 28 36 ir mor prd f wox mf mx jt cl m he m sr BOP 1/11/2014 D REDRC9 36 38 ir mrd mor f nox mf mx jt ab s he m cl m cp 0.5 br 1/11/2014 chalco in joint/vein D REDRC9 38 53 ira ir mor lgy f nox mf pp jt ab m he w cl w br 1/11/2014 sparsely feldspar porphyritic massive andesite/rhyolite D REDRC9 53 56 ir por lgy f nox f mx mx cl w ab w he w br 1/11/2014 fine grained andesite. trace porphyritic feldspars D REDRC9 56 59 ir pgy por f nox f mx jt cl w cly w br 1/11/2014 D REDRC9 59 60 ir ia por f nox f pp ab w he w br 1/11/2014 contains weak ghost textures f probable thermally corroded feldspars D REDRC9 60 64 io sst pgy f nox m cm sk s do m cp 0.1 br 1/11/2014 hyaloclastite shard/fragment bearing sandstone D REDRC9 64 65 ir mor f nox f ad ab s he m cl w py 0.2 br 1/11/2014 chilled contact. amygdales/spherullites contain chlorite and pyrite D REDRC9 65 73 ir it lgy prd f nox mf mx jt cl w cly w br 1/11/2014 D REDRC9 73 74 ir lor f nox mf vn sw br 5 ab s sk m he w br 1/11/2014 quartz dolomite stockwork crackle veins D REDRC9 74 76 ir lor f nox mf mx jt ab m sk m vi w as 0.1 br 1/11/2014 contains graphite traces and arsenopyrite D REDRC9 76 78 ir prd f nox f mx jt ab w he w cl w cp 0.2 py 0.1 br 1/11/2014 chalcopyrite smears and disseminations along chloritic joint planes D REDRC9 78 84 ir ia mor f nox f mx jt cl w ab w he w br 1/11/2014 D REDRC9 84 88 io il lgy lor f nox m ad sk m ab w cl m m1 1 cp 0.1 br 1/11/2014 amygdale/lapilli fill of chlorite carbonate silica and Cu minerals D REDRC9 88 90 sst ft drd f nox m mx jt sk s he s cb m br 1/11/2014 Strong SI AB HE alt f sandstone (volc detritus) with carbonate alt in groundmass (dolomite?) D REDRC9 90 93 io mor f nox mf ad ab w sk w cb w m1 0.5 cp 0.1 as 0.1 py 0.1 br 1/11/2014 hyaloclastote and amygdaloidal volcanic. D REDRC9 93 96 ir mbn lgn f nox m ad ab w he w cb w py 0.1 m1 0.1 br 1/11/2014 amygdaloidal volc with carbonate chlorite infill D REDRC9 96 102 ir ira mrd f nox mf mx vn sv vn ab m he m cb w br 1/11/2014 fine quartz cb veinlets D REDRC10 0 2 lm drd dbn s sox cm he w cly s sm 2/11/2014 D REDRC10 2 6 ls mor s sox f cly i su 2/11/2014 no chips.saprolitic clays D REDRC10 6 13 ir io por mgn s sox mf ad cly m m1 2 su 2/11/2014 spongy amygdalar texture. flow alignment of amygdales/vesicles D REDRC10 13 16 ir mor s sox mf ad ab m he m sk w su 2/11/2014 D REDRC10 16 23 ir mor lye s sox f mx ab m he m sk m su 2/11/2014 D REDRC10 23 26 ia mye s sox mf fw cly m ab w he w su BOP 2/11/2014 possible shear. weak to moderate FO D REDRC10 26 30 ir ia mor prd m mox m mx ab m he m sl 2/11/2014 D REDRC10 30 33 ira ia pbu gy w mox mf mx jt le m ac w sr 2/11/2014 D REDRC10 33 35 fs ir mrd por w wmx mf mx jt le w sr TOFR 2/11/2014 aggregates and disseminations of ilmentite part altered to leucoxene (white) D REDRC10 35 36 ir ira mgy lrd f nox m pp jt le s cl m cp 0.5 br 2/11/2014 all leucoxenated D REDRC10 36 41 ir mrd mor f nox mf pp ab s he m sk w cp 0.1 br 2/11/2014 D REDRC10 41 45 ir pgn lrd f nox mf cl m cp 0.1 br 2/11/2014 chalco takes out/with chlorite clots/pseudomorphs D REDRC10 45 50 ir prd lbn f nox mf pp ab m he m py 0.1 cp 0.1 br 2/11/2014 D REDRC10 50 59 ir prd lor f nox mf pp ab m he w cl w br 2/11/2014 D REDRC10 59 60 ir por f nox vf fb ab m he w br 2/11/2014 D REDRC10 60 66 sst ir dbn mrd f nox m cm sk s he s cb m br 2/11/2014 contacts are moderately bleached and carbonated more-so than HE SI altered core of sandstone D REDRC10 66 69 io dbu mgn f nox m ft cl m ab w he w br 2/11/2014 chilled lobes and fragments of lava D REDRC10 69 74 ir ira pbn pgn f nox mf cl w ab w he w br 2/11/2014 flow aloghned mafic phenos. altered to chlorite D REDRC10 74 83 ir prd f nox f mx jt cl w ab w he w br 2/11/2014 D REDRC10 83 86 ir lgy lgn f nox f mx jt cl m ab w he w py 0.1 br 2/11/2014 D REDRC10 86 88 ir il cr drd f nox cm ft sk s cb s he m br 2/11/2014 chilled margin. jasperlitic fragments. CH CB filled amygdales or lapilli. strong matrix silica and carbonates D REDRC10 88 90 sst fo dbn drd f nox cm sk i he s cb s br 2/11/2014 D REDRC10 90 97 io lgy f nox c ad cl m he w br 2/11/2014 D REDRC10 97 102 ir por f nox mf mx jt ab m he w cl w as 0.1 br 2/11/2014 same strat/depth as in REDRC9 D REDRC11 0 1 er iv drd dbn s mox f s Xavier Granholm 13/11/2014 Surface scree and pad rubble D REDRC11 1 3 iv ir dbn lbn s mox f he m s Xavier Granholm 13/11/2014 D REDRC11 3 6 iv drd dbn m mox f he m s Xavier Granholm 13/11/2014 D REDRC11 6 9 ir bn m mox mf cly w su Xavier Granholm 13/11/2014 D REDRC11 9 12 ir bn rd m mox f he w cly w su Xavier Granholm 13/11/2014 minor weathered vesicles possibly py D REDRC11 12 15 ir rd bn w mox f m1 1 cp 0.5 sr Xavier Granholm 13/11/2014 Very minor chalcopyrite oxidising to malachite D REDRC11 15 20 ir lbn m mox f cl w cp 0.5 sr Xavier Granholm 13/11/2014 Minor chalcopyrite and chlorite pitting. Water 22m D REDRC11 20 25 it ir lbn dbn s wox mf bx ft cly m li w sr BG Xavier Granholm 13/11/2014 Tuff and minor tracyte breccia fault zone D REDRC11 25 31 iv dbn drd s nox f vg he m cl w br Xavier Granholm 13/11/2014 Minor vesicles with chlorite infill mostly weathered out D REDRC11 31 33 ir bn w nox mf cl w br Xavier Granholm 13/11/2014 D REDRC11 33 39 iv rd bn f nox f he m cl w br WT Xavier Granholm 13/11/2014 chlorite as fracture infill and minor pitting Water table at 35m D REDRC11 39 44 ir gy f nox f ab w gr w br Xavier Granholm 13/11/2014 graphite adjacent to fault zone D REDRC11 44 49 ir rd bn w nox f ft li w cly w he w br Xavier Granholm 13/11/2014 Clay and limonite predominately 45-46 within small fault zone. EOH due to excessive water and caving D REDRCD12 0 2 iv er bn s sox f li m cl w s Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 2 8 iv ir rd bn s mox f cly s li s cl w su Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 8 11 iv rd bn s mox f cly s he m cl w sr Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 11 14 iv ir lbn lbn m mox f he m cly w li w sr Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 14 17 ssl bn m wox f he w cly w sr Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 17 19 ssl bn w wox f cl m he w sr Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 19 23 it ir lbn s sox f cly w az 0.5 br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 Possible fault zone due to weathering and oxidation D REDRCD12 23 27 ssl ir bn s nox f cl w br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 27 33 ir bn bk f nox mf gr w br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 33 34 it tn f nox f gr w br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 34 35 sq mv lgy f nox f gr m cl br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 35 41 ir bn bk f nox mf cl m py 0.2 br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 41 43 ir rd gy f nox mf cl w ab w br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 43 47 i ssl dgy rd f nox f he m br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 possible basalt flow D REDRCD12 47 57 ir rd gy f nox f ab m qz w br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 57 62 ir rd f nox f he m cl w br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 62 63 ssl gy f nox f br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 63 67 ir ssl rd f nox f br he m cl w ab w br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 67 74 ssl iv rd dgy f nox f he w cl w ab w br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 74 82 iv ssl rd gy f nox f br he m ab m qz w br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 Quartz infill D REDRCD12 82 84 ir iv rd bn f nox mf br he m cl m sk w br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 silicified with minor quartz veinlets D REDRCD12 84 93 iv ssl rd f nox f he m ab m br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 93 101 iv ssl rd f nox f he w cl w br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 D REDRCD12 101 107.8 iv gy f nox mf ab w cl w br Xavier Granholm 14/11/2014 Start of HQ diamond core D REDRCD12 107.8 108.6 it lbn tn f nox f br ck 2 cl m qz w br Xavier Granholm 20/11/2014 Narrow tuff bed with crackle breccia predominately chlorite veins with minor quartz infill D REDRCD12 108.6 108.85 mb bk wh f nox mf cm qz w fd 15 br Xavier Granholm 20/11/2014 Fine grained mafic with chilled margins and medium grained feldspars. minor fractured qtz veins D REDRCD12 108.85 110.9 it iv tn lgy f nox f br ck 2 qz m ab m cl w br Xavier Granholm 20/11/2014 Fine grained weak to moderate chlorite altered tuff with volcanic, mod brecciation with quartz albite infil predominately with qz centre and albite edges, appears sedimentry in parts D REDRCD12 110.9 111.7 mb bk wh f nox mf cm qz m ab fd 10 br Xavier Granholm 20/11/2014 Same mafic unit as above, though with less medium grained feldspars. qz-ab veins appear cherty D REDRCD12 111.7 116.1 it ir gn gy f nox mf fb he m cl m ab w br Xavier Granholm 20/11/2014 tuff and porphyritic tracyte with foliated basalt flow. basalt has picked up tuff fragments and are within matrix. strong he (?ab) as infill in parts, weak to mod chlorite D REDRCD12 116.1 120.3 it ir tn gy f nox f pp br vl 1 qz m ab m br Xavier Granholm 20/11/2014 interlayered tuff and tracyte, minor wispy enecelon ablite veins through matrix, contacts brecciated with tracyte fragements within tuff body D REDRCD12 120.3 129.1 ir rd gy f nox f pp vn 1 qz m ab m he m cp 0.5 py 0.1 br Xavier Granholm 20/11/2014 Tracyte with minor large feldspars altered to qz. minor qz-ab veins and single large vein with cp bleb and trace py, moderate he through matrix D REDRCD12 129.1 144.6 ir it gy tn f nox f br qz m cl w gr w cp 1 py 0.5 br Xavier Granholm 20/11/2014 Interlayed and brecciated tuff and tracyte. qz infill and veins. possible graphite within few qz veins, minor cp, few large feldspars altered by cl D REDRCD12 144.6 149.3 iv it gy rd f nox f ah vl 2 qz w ab m he w br Xavier Granholm 20/11/2014 Intermediate volcanic grading to tuffaceous material with increase in hematite-albite alteration, minor qz veinlets, interval ends with albite infill breccia D REDRCD12 149.3 150.4 ir dgy f nox mf fh ft 2 ab w cl w py 0.5 br Xavier Granholm 20/11/2014 Milled and fault brecciated tracyte with ery fine grained mud cement infill. Minor albite and feldspars altering to chlorite from within host rock, minor pyrite within tracyte D REDRCD12 150.4 157.8 it rd f nox f br bx 5 ab s qz m he w br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Strongly albitised and silicified brecciated tuff, minor silicified chlorite at edges of qz infill veins. Albite is disseminated through unit D REDRCD12 157.8 162.1 ssl dgy f nox f lm vn qz w ab w br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Bedded silstone with minor qz-ab veins extending from contacted units D REDRCD12 162.1 168.4 it ir rd f nox f mx br bx he s gr m cp 10 py 5 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Strongly hematite altered tuff and tracyte, alteration overprints majority of fabrics and minerals. Moderate brecciation with massive sulphide and graphite infill and disseminated sulphides. D REDRCD12 168.4 171 ir rd f nox mf mx fl 5 he m gr w cp 2 py 1 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Weakly foliated tracyte with moderate dissmeinated hematite, minor breccia infill veins hosting sulphides and minor weak graphite D REDRCD12 171 171.2 ssl dgy f nox f lm br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Minor sediment package, strongly broken leading intobreccia zone D REDRCD12 171.2 176.1 ir rd dgy f nox f br fl bx 5 he m cl m gr w cp 5 py 3 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Weakly foliated and brecciated tracyte, few large feldspars, breccia veins with cl, gr, sulphide infill. infill predominately cl D REDRCD12 176.1 177.1 ir rd f nox mf mx fl fl he m cl m br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Weakly foliated tracyte with minor chlorite veins along foliation, disseminated hematite through D REDRCD12 177.1 184.2 it ir lrd f nox f mx br ck br 4 he m cl m py 2 cp 1 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Generally massive tuff and minor tracyte with disseminated hematite through, minor crackle veins increasing to breccia vein infill with minor sulphides, predominately chlorite D REDRCD12 184.2 188.4 it ir lrd f nox f br bx he m cl m cp 5 py 2 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Moderately brecciated tuff and tracyte with dissmeinated hematite, breccia infill predominately chlorite with increasing sulphides, weakly foliated in parts D REDRCD12 188.4 188.6 ssl bn f nox f lm br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Finely bedded siltstone with small fracture, no real defined boundaries and could be tuffaceous sediments D REDRCD12 188.6 189.8 it lrd f nox f br fl bx he m cl m cp 2 py 1 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Weakly foliated and brecciated tuff, breccia veins predominately chlorite with minor sulphide, interval ends with sulphide hosted breccia vein D REDRCD12 189.8 191.8 ir lgy f nox mf mx vn cl w py 0.5 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Relatively unaltered tracyte with minor narrow chlorite veins and tace pyrite D REDRCD12 191.8 199.8 it ir lrd f nox f mx br bx he w cl w cp 2 py 2 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Massive hematite altered tuff and tracyte with minor sporadic breccia veins, predominately chlorite with minor sulphides, D REDRCD12 199.8 201.6 it lrd f nox f mx br bx he w cl m cp 1 py 1 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 As aboe but predominately tuff, minor sulphides within sporadic breccia veins D REDRCD12 201.6 203.2 ir gy rd f nox mf mx br bx cl m he w py 3 cp 1 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 tracyte with interval contacts brecciated, breccia infill similar to all above with chlorite and few large sulphide blebs D REDRCD12 203.2 208.8 it ir gy lrd f nox mf br bx cl m he w cp 5 py 3 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Patchy brecciation with minor hematite in zones, sulphides predominately confined to more intense breccia zones D REDRCD12 208.8 213.4 it ir gy f nox mf br ft bx cl m cly m py 1 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Brecciated tuff and minor tracyte, chlorite infill with ery minor pyrite, clayey fault zone 210.4-201.5 and highly fractures around D REDRCD12 213.4 216.9 ir lbn gy f nox m br cl m br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Brecciatd and relatiely unaltered tracyte, feldspar dominated, clast has been milled to a dr=egree with chlorite matrix infill D REDRCD12 216.9 223.5 ir lbn rd f nox m mx fl 5 ab m he w br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Massive and weakly foliated tracyte, minor weak hematite (possible albite) central to interval, most feldspars completely altered to albite D REDRCD12 223.5 230.7 it ir lrd f nox mf br ab m qz m cl w br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Brecciated and interlayered tuff and tracyte, most likely contact zone along edge of tracyte pipe, interstitial albite through, grading to qz infill, increasing silicification D REDRCD12 230.7 233.3 ir dgy lbn f nox m br cl m ab m br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Brecciated tracyte with chlorite infill, clasts hae been milled and are sub-rounded where evident, few feldspars altered to albite D REDRCD12 233.3 239.8 mb dgy f nox f mx ep w cl w py 1 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Massive finegrained basalt with very minor tracyte clasts. patchy epidote alteration and very minor pyrite blebs D REDRCD12 239.8 240.6 ir gy lbn f nox mf mx br 5 cl m qz m br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Massive and weakly brecciated tracyte, chlorite infill, most feldspars replaced by qz D REDRCD12 240.6 246 mb ir dgy f nox f br bx 2 cl m ep w py 1 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Interlayedered and brecciated basalt and tracyte. chlorite infill and weak interstitial epidote D REDRCD12 246 254.6 mb dgy gn f nox f mx vn 2 cl w ep w py 1 br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Massive baslat with minor chlorite veins and weak epidote, minor pyrite blebs D REDRCD12 254.6 256.3 ssl ir bn lgn f nox f br bx 5 cl m ab m qz w br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Breccia siltstone and minor tracyte, chlorite infill tranitioning to albite infill at interval end, minor silicification D REDRCD12 256.3 259 mb dgy f nox f mx vn 2 cl w ep w br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Massive baslat with minor erratic chlorite veins D REDRCD12 259 261.9 it ssl lrd f nox f br ab m cl w br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Brecciated tuff and siltstone. Large sub-angular clasts with sediment and albite infill, interstitial albite D REDRCD12 261.9 262.8 ssl it gy rd f nox mf gr qz m ab w br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Quartz rich siltstone with minor tuff fragments, minor silicificationa and albite replacement D REDRCD12 262.8 269.8 it ssl rd f nox f br ab m qz m br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Brecciated and fragmented tuff with minor quartz rich siltstone fragments, albite through with minor ab and qz veins D REDRCD12 269.8 270.8 ssl it rd f nox f mx fl vn ab m qz w cl w br Xavier Granholm 21/11/2014 Bedded siltstone and minor tuff extending to EOH, albite alteration overprints main texture, minor ab and cl veins EOF