H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 7/11/2014 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 29/09/2014 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no EL26831 EL26835 EL28656 EL30156 H0101 Tenement_holder Sandfire Resources NL H0102 Project_name North Batten JV H0106 Tenement_Operator MMG Exploration Pty Ltd H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 1/01/1985 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 11/09/2014 H0202 Template_format DL_4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 490 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 10/11/2014 H0300 Downhole_lithology_data_file GR321_2014_GA_08_Appendix4_DownholeLithologicalLogs H0301 Location_data_file GR321_2014_GA_06_Appendix2_DrillCollars H0302 Downhole_lithology_data_file GR321_2014_GA_08_Appendix4_DownholeLithologicalLogs H0307 Lithology_code_file GR321_2014_GA_10_Appendix6_LithCodes H0400 Drill_code DD H0402 Description Diamond Drilling H1000 Hole_id DEPTH_FROM DEPTH_TO Relogged Lith_Qualifier Lith_Qualifier2 Lith_Qualifier3 Lithology Acidtest Weathering Regolith_Type Hardness ColourShade Colour1 Colour2 Grainsize_Crystal Comments Stratigraphy LoggedBy H1001 Units metres metres H1004 Accuracy 0.1 0.1 D 11BLDD0015 0 95.8 P NL D 11BLDD0015 95.8 100.82 P bnd lam fra SSL 5 MD BRN BRN fg Completely weathered laminated siltstones; 6mm thick cherty horizons Pmnc D 11BLDD0015 100.82 110.8 P bnd lam SSL 4 MD BRN BRN fg Highly weathered siltstones with minor sedimentary breccias; SBX are slightly haematite stained by waterflow; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Bleached Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : BR Lith2Colour2 : RD ; Grainsize_Crystal2; cg Lith2_Qualifier; mas Pmnc D 11BLDD0015 110.8 118.57 P bnd lam SSL 5 MD BRN BRN fg Completely weathered siltstones with minor sedimentary breccias; SBX are slightly haematite stained by waterflow; Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : BR Lith2Colour2 : RD ; Grainsize_Crystal2; cg Lith2_Qualifier; mas Pmnc D 11BLDD0015 118.57 122.08 P bnd lam SSL 4 MD BRN BRN fg Completely weathered laminated and banded siltstones (no sedimentary breccias) partly silicified and haematised; no dolomite reaction to HCl; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Pmnc D 11BLDD0015 122.08 131.53 P bnd lam SSL 4 MD BRN BRN fg Highly weathered siltstones with minor sedimentary breccias; no dolomite reaction to HCl possibly due to weathering; Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : BR ; Grainsize_Crystal2; cg Lith2_Qualifier; mas Pmnc D 11BLDD0015 131.53 136 P mas SBX 4 LT GRY GRY Silicified sedimentary breccia appears to be composed of dolomitic siltstone fragments some with possible domal stromatolites; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Pmx D 11BLDD0015 136 140.08 P mas SBX 4 MD BRN BRN cg Massive sedimentary breccia includes some fragments containing possible domal stromatolites; no dolomite reaction with HCl; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Pmx D 11BLDD0015 140.08 156.64 P mas SBX 4 MD BRN BRN cg Highly weathered sedimentary breccia composed of angular dolomitic siltstone clasts; weakly silicified and bleached zones. Minor dolomitic siltstone; no dolomite reaction to HCl.; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Bleached Lith2pc : 20 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : BR ; Grainsize_Crystal2; fg Lith2_Qualifier; lam Pmx D 11BLDD0015 156.64 161.7 P bnd fra STD 3 LT GRY GRY fg Pale blue grey dolomitic siltstones (dolomite leached out); partly silicified with extensive bleaching emanating into mass from fractures; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Bleached Lith2pc : 20 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GY Lith2Colour2 : WH ; Grainsize_Crystal2; cg Lith2_Qualifier; mas Pmx D 11BLDD0015 161.7 165.87 P mas SBX 3 DK BRN BRN cg Sedimentary breccia with many jigsaw fit fragments of dolomitic siltstone; some fragments angular are more than 10cm long. Sharp irregular transition to unit below.; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Pmx D 11BLDD0015 165.87 223 P mas bnd SBX 3 MD GRN GRN cg Coarse sedimentary breccia consisting of silicified stromatolitic dolomite fragments with minor dolomitic siltstone horizons. Fragments are strongly silicified. Includes white silica-clay nodules within breccia.; Lith2pc : 5 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : GY Lith2Colour2 : BL ; Grainsize_Crystal2; fg Lith2_Qualifier; lam Pmx D 11BLDD0015 223 243.8 P bnd SBX 4 LT GRY GRY cg Grey blue sedimentary breccias becoming more bleached downwards.; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Lith2pc : 40 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : WH ; Grainsize_Crystal2; fg Lith2_Qualifier; slt Lith2_Qualifie2; alg Pmx D 11BLDD0015 243.8 262.17 P lam bnd fra SSL 1 MD RED RED fg Laminated red siltstones interbedded with sedimentary breccias; SBX are partly jigsaw fit and do not appear to have moved far.; Lith2pc : 40 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : RD Lith2Colour2 : BL ; Grainsize_Crystal2; cg Lith2_Qualifier; mas Pmq D 11BLDD0015 262.17 276.15 P mas SBX 3 MD GRY GRY cg Sedimentary breccias dominate; and include polymictic fragments indicating much greater transport than highr up. Siltstone has many rip up clasts.; LithStructure : Deformed; Lith2pc : 40 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : RD Lith2Colour2 : PK ; Grainsize_Crystal2; fg Lith2_Qualifier; lam Pmq D 11BLDD0015 276.15 284.72 P mas SSH 4 MD BLU BLU cg Both sedimentary breccias and siltstones are partially bleached with porous zones.; Lith2pc : 50 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : BL Lith2Colour2 : WH ; Grainsize_Crystal2; fg Lith2_Qualifier; bnd Pmq D 11BLDD0015 284.72 299.25 P mas bed SBX 5 MD BRN BRN cg Extensive haematite staining and deposits in fractures and along bedding; some thin zones completely weathered.; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Bleached Lith2pc : 50 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : CR Lith2Colour2 : RD ; Grainsize_Crystal2; fg Lith2_Qualifier; lam Pmq D 11BLDD0015 299.25 313.13 P bnd lam fra SDM 3 MD GRY GRY fg Moderately silicified sequence of stromatolitic dolomites and dolomitic siltstones with minor sedimentary breccias. PY in some fracture filling; with sparse carbonate.; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Lith2pc : 45 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : GY Lith2Colour2 : BK ; Lithology3; SBX Pmq D 11BLDD0015 313.13 318.8 P bnd lam STD 1 MD GRY GRY fg Slightly silicified sequence of dolomitic silstones; dolomites with thin coarser unit of dolomitic arenite. Thin carbonate veins oriented both along bedding planes and steeply inclined along the core axis.; LithStructure : Vein (undifferentiated); LithStructure : Vein (undifferentiated); Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Lith2pc : 40 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GY ; Lith2_Qualifier; mas Lithology3; SSD Pmq D 11BLDD0015 318.8 324.32 P lam STD 0 MD GRN GRN fg Sequence of dolomitic siltstones and dolomite with dolomitic arenite units increasing downhole. Sequence is pale green and red.; LithStructure : Vein (undifferentiated); LithStructure : Vein (undifferentiated); Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GY ; Lith2_Qualifier; bnd Lithology3; SSD Pmq D 11BLDD0015 324.32 331.17 P slt lam alg SDM 0 MD GRY GRY fg Slightly silicified sequence of dolomitic silstones with domal stromatolites with dolomites. Some dolomitic arenites form 12cm deep channel structures with bands of rip up clasts.; LithStructure : Vein (undifferentiated); LithStructure : Vein (undifferentiated); Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GY ; Lith2_Qualifier; mas Lithology3; SSD Pmq D 11BLDD0015 331.17 336.74 P ool bnd SSD 1 MD GRY GRY mg Arenite composed of black ooliths to 2mm diameter; thicker units composed of subangular dark grey to black oolith fragments; Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : D Lith2Colour1 : GY Lith2Colour2 : BK ; Grainsize_Crystal2; fg Lith2_Qualifier; lam Pmq D 11BLDD0015 336.74 349.25 P mas bnd SSD 1 LT PNK PNK mg Arenite is recrystalised and silicified with numerous stylolites in places indicating dolomitic content. Black oolites in darker medium grained units.; texture:scour marks; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : D Lith2Colour1 : GY ; Grainsize_Crystal2; fg Pmq D 11BLDD0015 349.25 354.4 P slt bnd alg SDM 0 MD GRY GRY fg Finer unit of dolomitic siltstones with thin dolomites and some stromatolites. Numerous rip up clasts in thin units.; Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GY ; Lith2_Qualifier; mas Pmq D 11BLDD0015 354.4 359.97 P mas bed SSD 0 LT PNK PNK mg Fresh dolomitic sandstone; dolomitic siltstone. ; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Lith2pc : 20 Lith2ColourTone : D Lith2Colour1 : BR Lith2Colour2 : BK ; Grainsize_Crystal2; fg Lith2_Qualifier; bnd Pmq D 11BLDD0015 359.97 371.02 P lam bnd STD 0 MD CRM CRM fg Fr dolomitic siltstone interbedded with dolomitic arenite. SDOL massive. ; LithStructure : Deformed; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : L Lith2Colour1 : GY Lith2Colour2 : PK ; Grainsize_Crystal2; cg Lithology3; SDO Pmq D 11BLDD0015 371.02 397.9 P lam bnd 70% pyrite.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 20 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : YE ; Lith2_Qualifier; bed Pmq D 12BLDD0017 246.4 249.42 P bnd SPH 1 Residual DK GRY GRY fg Mineralised bsbLith2pc : 20 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GY ; Grainsize_Crystal2; mg Lith2_Qualifier; grd Pmq D 12BLDD0017 249.42 253.76 P bnd SPH 0 DK GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 5 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GY ; Grainsize_Crystal2; mg Pmq D 12BLDD0017 253.76 263.06 P bed SPH 0 DK GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : YE Lith2Colour2 : GN Pmq D 12BLDD0017 263.06 266.53 P bed SPH 3 Residual LT BLU BLU fg Similar to the previous interval; just weathered. Probably acid leach from the sulphides.Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : GY Lith2Colour2 : YE Pmq D 12BLDD0017 266.53 269.43 P SSL 3 Residual LT BLU BLU fg Pmq D 12BLDD0017 269.43 275.95 P mas STD 3 Residual LT GRY GRY cg Pmq D 12BLDD0017 275.95 280.17 P bnd SPH 1 Residual LT GRY GRY fg Lith2pc : 15 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : RD Lith2Colour2 : BR ; Lith2_Qualifier; bed Pmq D 12BLDD0017 280.17 282.08 P mas STD 1 Residual LT GRY GRY cg Pmq D 12BLDD0017 282.08 303.14 P bnd SPH 1 Residual LT GRY GRY fg Lith2pc : 15 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : RD Lith2Colour2 : BR ; Lith2_Qualifier; bed Pmq D 12BLDD0017 303.14 303.65 P bed SPH 0 MD YEL YEL fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : D Lith2Colour1 : GY ; Lith2_Qualifier; bnd Pmq D 12BLDD0017 303.65 305.22 P bnd SPH 1 Residual LT GRY GRY fg Lith2pc : 15 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : RD Lith2Colour2 : BR ; Lith2_Qualifier; bed Lithology3; FTZ Pmq D 12BLDD0017 305.22 313.24 P SPH 1 Residual LT GRY GRY fg Lith2pc : 15 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : RD Lith2Colour2 : BR ; Lith2_Qualifier; bed Lithology3; FTZ Pmq D 12BLDD0017 313.24 315.48 P SPH 1 Residual MD GRY GRY fg Lith2pc : 15 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : RD Lith2Colour2 : BR ; Lith2_Qualifier; bed Lithology3; FTZ Pmq D 12BLDD0017 315.48 320.95 P SPH 1 Residual LT GRY GRY fg Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : RD Lith2Colour2 : BR ; Lith2_Qualifier; bed Lithology3; FTZ Pmq D 12BLDD0017 320.95 338.11 P mas STD 1 Residual LT GRY GRY fg Pmei D 12BLDD0017 338.11 345.19 P SBX 1 Residual LT GRY GRY mg Clasts of SDSL. Pmei D 12BLDD0017 345.19 388.75 P tuf bxd STD 1 Residual LT GRY GRY fg Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GY Lith2Colour2 : BL ; Grainsize_Crystal2; mg Lithology3; FTZ Pmei D 12BLDD0017 388.75 394.91 P fau STD 1 Residual LT GRY GRY fg Pmei D 12BLDD0017 394.91 411.47 P STD 0 LT GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GY Lith2Colour2 : BL ; Grainsize_Crystal2; cg Lithology3; FTZ Pmei D 12BLDD0017 411.47 414.73 P SSL 0 MD GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock Pmei D 12BLDD0017 414.73 430.63 P mas STD 0 LT GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GY Lith2Colour2 : BL ; Grainsize_Crystal2; mg Lithology3; FTZ Pmei D 12BLDD0017 430.63 435.76 P STD 0 MD GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock Pmei D 12BLDD0017 435.76 458.19 P SBX 0 LT GRY GRY cg Some silicified areas.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 20 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GY Lith2Colour2 : BL ; Grainsize_Crystal2; fg Lith2_Qualifier; mas Lithology3; FTZ Pmei D 12BLDD0017 458.19 472.2 P sil FTZ 0 LT GRY GRY fg Strongly siliceous. Still looks karstic.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock Pmea D 12BLDD0017 472.2 490.3 P sil FTZ 0 LT CRM CRM fg Possibly stromatilitic. Has stylolites. totally silicified. There are some area of brecciation; but overall very competant and cohesive. EOHStromatolitic; RegolithProfille : Fresh rock Pmea D 12BLDD0018 0 29.8 P NL mud drilling no logging D 12BLDD0018 29.8 55.47 P bed SPH 4 Residual MO YEL YEL fg Possibly weathered black shale. Some liesegang banding.Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : YE ; Grainsize_Crystal2; mg D 12BLDD0018 55.47 56.09 P bed SPH 3 Residual DK GRY GRY fg Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : YE Lith2Colour2 : BR D 12BLDD0018 56.09 57.36 P bed SSL 4 Residual MD YEL YEL cg D 12BLDD0018 57.36 58.24 P SSL 3 Residual DK BRN BRN mg Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : GY Lith2Colour2 : GN ; Lith2_Qualifier; bed D 12BLDD0018 58.24 60.7 P bed VTF 1 Residual MD GRY GRY mg Well bedded grey rock. Grain size variable between layers. Unidentifiable black flecks up to 5mm in most layers. This rock contains dolomite; but doesnt look like a dolostone. Tuff code based on appearance. D 12BLDD0018 60.7 62.47 P bed VTF 0 MD GRY GRY mg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 40 Lith2ColourTone : D Lith2Colour1 : GY ; Grainsize_Crystal2; fg Lithology3; SPH D 12BLDD0018 62.47 70.07 P SDO 0 LT GRY GRY fg Stylolitic. Some pyrite; but obviously structural remobilised.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : D Lith2Colour1 : GY D 12BLDD0018 70.07 75.46 P bed SSH 0 DK GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GY ; Lithology3; SPH Pmq D 12BLDD0018 75.46 75.81 P bed SSH 0 DK BLK BLK fg Unit consists of three black shale units; very similar in appearance and may be structurally repeated. Black shales are heavily CB veined; stronger veining at base of each unit which is unconformable. Top has 3mm py overlain by SDOLRegolithProfille : Fresh rock; LithStructure : Vein (undifferentiated); LithStructure : Folded; Lith2pc : 5 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : GY Pmq D 12BLDD0018 75.81 80.25 P bed SSH 0 DK GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 15 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : GY Pmq D 12BLDD0018 80.25 82.53 P bed STD 0 MD GRY GRY fg bands of disseminated sulphide (mainly py; no other minerals discernable;non-magnetic) up to 11cm thick interbedded with minor black shales. Dominant unit is dolomitic siltstone. Some CB veins.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; LithStructure : Vein (undifferentiated); Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : GN Lith2Colour2 : YE ; Lithology3; SBH Pmq D 12BLDD0018 82.53 92.65 P bed SSH 0 DK GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 45 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : CR Lith2Colour2 : GY Pmq D 12BLDD0018 92.65 104.2 P bed SSH 0 DK GRY GRY fg Lith2pc : 29 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : CR Pmq D 12BLDD0018 104.2 107.62 P bed bl fra SSH 0 MD GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; LithStructure : Folded; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Pmq D 12BLDD0018 107.62 107.78 P fau STD 0 DK GRY GRY fg fault gougeRegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0018 107.78 110.35 P bed fra STD 0 MD GRY GRY fg Stockwork carbonate veining; bedding in sediments is laminar but now broken into blocks; some blocksa re jigsaw fit with CB veins.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; LithStructure : Vein (undifferentiated); Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : CR D 12BLDD0018 110.35 212.96 P bed STD MD GRY GRY fg Bedded silty doolimitic sediments; major stylolites disrupting bedding.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; LithStructure : Vein (undifferentiated); Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : CR D 12BLDD0018 212.96 223.2 P bed SSH 0 DK BLK BLK fg Bands of disseminated PY to 3cm thick; minor CP in some transported PY blebs to 1cm long by 0.5cm thick. Minto CB veining; plus some PY veining. 217.42 to 218.9m Galena blebs in thin bandsRegolithProfille : Fresh rock; LithStructure : Vein (undifferentiated); Lith2pc : 5 Lith2ColourTone : D Lith2Colour1 : GY Pmq D 12BLDD0018 223.2 226.75 P ang SBX 0 MD GRY GRY cg Sedimentary breccia consisting of angular dolomite clasts to 15cm plus sulphide clasts to 3cm in dark grey dolomitic silstone matrix.Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Pmp D 12BLDD0018 226.75 244.1 P fra SDO 0 LT GRY GRY fg Pressure dissolution brecciaRegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified D 12BLDD0018 244.1 244.25 P SBX 0 LT GRY GRY cg 15cm angular breccia includes dolomite; black slale and py clastslithology:dissolution breccia; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified D 12BLDD0018 244.25 255.6 P mas SDO 0 LT GRY GRY fg Massive dolomite; a few pressure dissolution stylolites.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified D 12BLDD0018 255.6 292.5 P bed SDM 0 LT CRM CRM fg Massive stromatilitic dolomite; mediumgrey to cream colour. Includes numerous domed and columnar stromatolites. Some pressure dissolution fractures with recrystallised infill and pyrite.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Lith2pc : 20 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : GY Lith2Colour2 : CR ; Lith2_Qualifier; lam D 12BLDD0018 292.5 309.65 P bnd SDO 0 LT CRM CRM fg Moderately solicified dolomite; with moderately intense pressure fracturing.Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified D 12BLDD0018 309.65 325.76 P fra SDO 0 MD CRM CRM fg Moderately silicified dolomite with recrystallised pressure dissolution veins to 6cm wide. Pyramidal calcite crystals in vugs with some pyrite laths.LithStructure : Deformed; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GY ; Lith2_Qualifier; bxw D 12BLDD0018 325.76 326.5 P bnd SDM 1 MD GRY GRY fg Stromatilitic dolomite which appears moderately intensely fractured and annealed. Minor py associated with stromatolite. Slight weathering around fractures and increased permeability suggests proximity to fault?RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified D 12BLDD0021 0 53.8 P NL D 12BLDD0021 53.8 58.24 P bed SPH 4 Residual MO YEL YEL fg D 12BLDD0021 58.24 65.74 P bed SPH 3 Residual MO GRY GRY fg D 12BLDD0021 65.74 68.22 P bed STD 4 Residual MO YEL YEL fg D 12BLDD0021 68.22 84.06 P bed STD 1 MD GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 84.06 87.68 P STD 3 Residual LT YEL YEL fg Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified D 12BLDD0021 87.68 91.86 P SSH 1 Residual MO BLK BLK fg D 12BLDD0021 91.86 94.25 P bed STD 0 MD GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 94.25 94.94 P bed SPH 0 DK GRY GRY fg Still very dolomitic; just more carbonaceous than units either side.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 94.94 122.4 P bed SPH 0 MD GRY GRY fg Variable carbonaceous composition and sulphide %. Py never exceeds 2% over a metre.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 122.4 129.92 P bed SPH 0 MD GRY GRY fg Two small units of sand which have convoluted bedding if bedded at all.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 20 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : YE Lith2Colour2 : GY ; Lithology3; SSD D 12BLDD0021 129.92 131.45 P bed STD 0 MD GRY GRY fg Bands of massive pyrite are increasing downhole.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 131.45 139 P bed SPH 0 DK GRY GRY fg pyritic bands up to 0.5cmRegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 139 139.73 P bed SDO 0 LT WHT WHT fg texture:wavy bedding; Lith2pc : 40 Lith2ColourTone : D Lith2Colour1 : GY ; Lith2_Qualifier; bnd D 12BLDD0021 139.73 151 P bed STD 0 DK BLK BLK fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 151 153 P mas STD 0 MD GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith1RegolithOverprint : Silicified D 12BLDD0021 153 160.05 P bed STD 0 DK BLK BLK fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 160.05 160.6 P bed itb SDO 0 MD GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 50 Lith2ColourTone : D Lith2Colour1 : BK Lith2Colour2 : BL ; Lith2_Qualifier; tuf Lith2_Qualifie2; bed D 12BLDD0021 160.6 188.1 P bed itb STD 0 DK BLK BLK fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 5 Lith2ColourTone : L Lith2Colour1 : WH Lith2Colour2 : GY ; Lith2_Qualifier; bnd D 12BLDD0021 188.1 218 P bed STD 0 DK BLK BLK fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 218 218.51 P bnd tuf SDO 0 LT WHT WHT fg Pyrite band occurs at the basal contact of the dolomite with the shale.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 218.51 243.65 P mas bed SDH 0 DK BLK BLK fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 243.65 251.67 P mas SDH 0 DK BLK BLK fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 251.67 284.42 P bed mas SDH 0 DK BLK BLK fg mm scale parallel laminations.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 284.42 284.78 P bnd SDO 0 LT WHT WHT fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 30 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : BL Lith2Colour2 : GY D 12BLDD0021 284.78 290.18 P bed mas SDH 0 DK GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 290.18 294.56 P itb bed STD 0 MD GRY GRY fg texture:wavy bedding; RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 50 Lith2ColourTone : D Lith2Colour1 : GY ; Lith2_Qualifier; mas D 12BLDD0021 294.56 346.22 P mas bed SDH 0 DK BLK BLK fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 346.22 348.77 P bed itb SDH 0 DK GRY GRY fg RegolithProfille : Fresh rock; Lith2pc : 50 Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : GY ; Grainsize_Crystal2; mg D 12BLDD0021 348.77 349.24 P ang SBX 0 MD GRY GRY cg Jigsaw breccia. pyritic veins and blebs in matrix of brecciaRegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 349.24 376.9 P mas SDH 0 DK BLK BLK fg pyritic bands from 349.2-373mRegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 376.9 383.04 P ang pol SBX 0 MD GRY GRY cg Sharp upper contact marked by pyrite band and carbonate veining.RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D 12BLDD0021 383.04 387.8 P mas SDO 0 LT GRY GRY fg EOH. stylolites and disseminated pyrite (<0.01%)RegolithProfille : Fresh rock D McA20 0 16 P CLS D McA20 16 30 P SSL Kl D McA20 30 82 P SSL RED RED Pmx D McA20 82 93 P bed SSL LT GRN GRN Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GN Lith2Colour2 : WH Pmx D McA20 93 125 P bxd SSL LT GRN GRN Interval mostly Breccia; Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GN Lith2Colour2 : WH Pmx D McA20 125 143 P bed SSL LT GRN GRN Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GN Lith2Colour2 : WH Pmx D McA20 143 183 P bxd SSL LT GRN GRN Interval mostly Breccia; Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GN Lith2Colour2 : WH Pmx D McA20 183 222 P bed SSL LT GRN GRN Lith2pc : 10 Lith2ColourTone : P Lith2Colour1 : GN Lith2Colour2 : WH Pmx D McA20 222 282 P nod cht SSL LT GRN GRN Lith2ColourTone : M Lith2Colour1 : BR ; Lith2_Qualifier; bed Pmx D McA20 282 297 P STD MD BRN BRN Pmq D McA20 297 318.5 P SPH DK BLK BLK Lith2pc : 5 Lith2ColourTone : D Lith2Colour1 : BR ; Lithology3; SSD Pmq D McA20 318.5 403.3 P SPH DK BLK BLK PYRITE: generally <5% but up to 15%; Bulk forms discrete beds of lam Py up to 0.85m thick ( upto 60% PY) but generally about 0.10m thick. PY not as abundant as in MCA17; MCA19. Py beds become less numerous d/hole towards last at 403.5m; Lith2pc : 5 Lith2ColourTone : D Lith2Colour1 : BR ; Lithology3; SSD Pmq D McA20 403.3 430 P STD DK BLK BLK Lith2pc : 5 Lith2ColourTone : D Lith2Colour1 : BR ; Lithology3; SSD Pmq D NBDD005 0 1.2 P grv cly LAL 5 3 MO BRN WHT polymict rounded gravel with white clay matrix and some sandy layers; some clasts are manganese rich; Q MDS D NBDD005 1.2 7.9 P SSL 3 3 CRM TAN leached interbedded siltstone and clay/shale; pervasive dendritic manganese on fractures and bedding surfaces; minor orange (iron?) staining; Pmnc MDS D NBDD005 7.9 13.2 P SSL 3 3 TAN GRY leached interbedded siltstone and clay/shale; minor intervals of grey unweathered interbedded siltstone - preserved due to silicification? Some bedding preserved in leached clay rich areas; occasional dendritic manganese; manganese and iron staining (red/orange) fractures and bedding surfaces; voids from 11-12m - after carbonate? Pmnc MDS D NBDD005 13.2 20.5 P SSL 3 3 TAN CRM leached interbedded siltstone and clay/shale; minor preserved bedded; pervasive dendritic manganese on fractures and bedding surfaces; minor orange (iron?) staining; Pmnc DDC D NBDD005 20.5 35.2 P SSL 3 3 TAN GRY leached interbedded siltstone and clay/shale; minor intervals of grey unweathered interbedded siltstone - preserved due to silicification? Some bedding preserved in leached clay rich areas; common dendritic manganese; manganese and iron staining (red/orange) fractures and bedding surfaces; Pmnc DDC D NBDD005 35.2 49.9 P SSL 3 3 TAN GRY leached interbedded siltstone sandstone and clay/shale; intervals of grey unweathered interbedded siltstone - preserved due to silicification? Some areas of tan/brown are very light (porous?) - highly weathered or de-dolomitised? Occasional dendritic manganese; manganese and iron staining (red/orange) fractures and bedding surfaces; occasional silicified nodules or clasts in siltstone Pmnc DDC D NBDD005 49.9 51.7 P lam V SIH 0 3 DK GRN calcareous and with many cross-cutting calcite veins including pink ones; rare 1mm Py blebs Pmnc LGS D NBDD005 348 355.4 P cal lam SSL 0 3 DK GRN veins and vugs are infilled with calcite; strong HCl rxn in veins and vugs whereas higher up hole it was more dolomite as it onlyfizzes lightly when scratched to a powder Pmnc LGS D NBDD005 355.4 356.5 P V SSL 0 4 MD GRY only very minor laminations as measured in structural table; possibly breccaited from a fault but no main structure Pmnc LGS D NBDD005 405.2 407.3 P cal BFL 0 4 DK GRY minor vein breccia in an overall breciated interval; this has some aspects of being a sedimentary breccia of accummulation of angular clasts but also some fault-related in-situ brecciation; containing siltstone and shale clasts see photo107-0175 Pmnc LGS D NBDD005 407.3 410.1 P cal itb SIH 0 4 MD GRY finely interlaminated; fine calcite veins; lower contact is a calcite vein with small pore space and 1mm pyrite cubes Pmnc LPC D NBDD005 410.1 413 P cal itb SSL 0 4 MD GRY Pmnc LPC D NBDD005 413 422 P SSL 0 4 MD GRY "intervals of in situ brecciation with shaley matrices and calcite veining conatining Py cubes; calcite infills veins and ""vugs"" which may be veinlets/dewatering structures made dicontinuous by deformation and slumping" Pmnc LPC D NBDD005 422 422.7 P cal SSL 0 4 MD GRY lots of calcite infilling pore space of irregular shapes; perhaps evaporitic in origin; see photo 107-177 Pmnc LPC D NBDD005 422.7 453.5 P cal SSL 0 4 MD GRY minor brecciation and 30mm calcite vein at 446m see structure table Pmnc LPC D NBDD005 453.5 455 P cal SSL 0 4 MD GRY 1mm sphalerite mixed with carbonate? At 454.8 in 1mm cubes and thin fractures see photo 107-0179; Pmnc LPC D NBDD005 455 456.1 P vug evp SIH 0 4 DK GRY calcite in vugs and in layer-parallel bands perhaps pseudomorphed after evaporites especially in bottom metre of interval see photo 107-0180 Pmnc LPC D NBDD005 456.1 473.2 P cal SSL 0 4 MD GRY wealy calcareous (weak HCl rxn over most of interval); minor 40 cm interlaminated SIH interval at 470m with wavy and disrupted blaminae; minor bxd intervals Pmnc LPC D NBDD005 473.2 476 P cal SSL 0 4 DK GRN 20 cm interval at the top of possible tuff (bright chloritic green fg interval) and another less bright green intervals between 475 and 476 which may be tuff; sandy intervals are also frequent as usual in the siltstone Pmnc LPC D NBDD005 476 477 P itb SIH 0 4 DK GRY fine interlaminations Pmnc LPC D NBDD005 477 484.8 P vug