H0002 Version 1 H0003 Date_generated 26/03/15 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 31/01/15 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no EL29689_2015_A_03 H0101 Tenement_holder DBL Blues H0102 Project_name Mt Riddock H0106 Tenement_operator Core Exploration H0150 250K_map_sheet_numbers SH5314 Alice Springs H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5851 Riddoch H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 20/08/14 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquistion 31/01/15 H0202 Template_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records (in this file) 18 H0300 This_filetype EL29689_2015_A_03_Drill Collars.txt H0400 Drill_code RC H0401 Drill_contractor Bullion Drilling H0402 Description (describe coded used in H0400) RC= Reverse circulation H0500 Feature_type Hole_collar H0501 Geodectic_datum GDA94 H0503 Projection Universal Tranverse Mercator (UTM) H0530 Coordinate_system [Geographic/Projected] Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0900 Comments H1000 Hole_ID Easting Northing RL dtm Total Depth DIP TAZ Completion GenericType RL gps Hole_Alias Geologist Target Hole Notes Results H1001 metres metres metres metres degrees degrees metres D VGRC001 476465 7444684 685.0 120 -90 0.00 21/11/2014 RC 677 vg04 colin skidmore ip anomaly "amphibolites throughout, no water, no mineralisation" D VGRC002 476539 7444598 690.6 110 -90 0.00 22/11/2014 RC 697 vg03 colin skidmore IP considerable groundwater from 50m D VGRC003 476661 7444533 698.9 120 -90 0.00 22/11/2014 RC 664 VG02 colin skidmore IP anomaly and immediatetly adjacent to mineralised outcrop "Sample Quality data lost off iPad - not available but good and dry to 49m then variably wet with first sample per rod wet and second two samples returned dry Chalcopyrite and copper carbonate at 5-6m, trace chalcopyrite at ~30m, 43-53m, 85-104m" D VGRC004 476720 7444431 694.0 108 -90 0.00 22/11/2014 RC 695 vg1 colin skidmore ip target "very boring and repetitious hole, ended in bt-qtz-gt gneiss" D VGRC005 477279 7444411 711.8 99 -70 350.00 23/11/2014 RC 675 vg12 paige sawley VTEM anomaly Rare trace chalcopyrite at ~20m D VGRC006 477422 7444424 703.6 99 -70 355.00 23/11/2014 RC 697 vg13 colin skidmore VTEM anomaly D VGRC007 477549 7444499 698.2 51 -90 0.00 23/11/2014 RC 696 vg6 paige sawley ip anomaly terminated as mostly bt-qtz gneiss D VGRC008 477480 7444643 699.1 120 -90 0.00 24/11/2014 RC 698 vg7 colin skidmore IP anomaly D VGRC009 477406 7444734 691.6 108 -90 0.00 24/11/2014 RC 690 vg14 colin skidmore IP anomaly "minor groundwater at 25m, good flow by 90m" D VGRC010 477353 7444853 684.0 99 -90 0.00 25/11/2014 RC 656 vg9 colin skidmore IP anomaly D VGRC011 477288 7444943 677.3 99 -90 0.00 25/11/2014 RC 679 vg10 colin skidmore IP anomaly D VGRC012 477247 7445049 665.3 120 -90 0.00 25/11/2014 RC 660 vg11 colin skidmore IP anomaly northern end of eastern IP traverse IP anomaly explained as ~1% surface coating and disseminated pyrite from 67m D CRRC001 464932 7442322 738.1 84 -70 45.00 26/11/2014 RC 729 cr1 colin skidmore skippy Hollow with outcropping malachite and historic costeen. This hole was drilled under mineralised outcrop "minor calcsilicate zones near surface but monotonous gneiss from 43m with minor amphibolite, no visible sulphides" D CRRC002 466641 7440094 753.0 105 -90 0.00 26/11/2014 RC 739 cr8 colin skidmore IP anomaly on northern end of 2014 Copper Queen IP Line "several calcsilicate zones in generally more mafic gneiss, no visible sulphides" D CRRC003 467120 7440253 763.1 84 -90 0.00 26/11/2014 RC 762 cr2 colin skidmore Preliminary VTEM Ch 25 anomaly in proximity to anomalous rockchips "minor calcsilicates in generally mafic gneiss, no sulphides" D CRRC004 466099 7441561 750.3 60 -70 1.00 26/11/2014 RC 748 cr3 colin skidmore "copper soil anomaly at end of magnetic feature sub cropping malachite stained cg garnet amphibolite and calcsilicate units note dipping 45 to North thus hole will pass under outcropping mineralisation if layer parallel. designed to test for potential sub vertical feeder as amphibolite mineralisation very limited" "magnetic anomaly explained by abundant amphibolite, no sulphides, outcrop mineralisation restricted to thin layer in amphibolite pile" D CRRC005 466769 7440770 748.0 81 -60 195.00 27/11/2014 RC 743 cr9 colin skidmore "Anomalous gold and copper rock chip geochemistry situated over a low hill of structurally highly convoluted, tight chevron folded amphibolite outcrop with small quartz blows and abundant malachite-azurite staining" malachite azurite intersected at 15-17m but aside from some Quartz blows hole comprised predominantly amphibolite at top of hole and passed into unmineralised mafic gneiss D CRRC006 465768 7439667 762.0 78 -90 0.00 27/11/2014 RC 777 cr5 colin skidmore copper soil anomaly along strike (west) from Copper Queen "top of hill, amphibolite and calcrete outcrops dipping ~30 degrees to north"