H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 5-Nov-14 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 24-Oct-14 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no EL 27942 H0101 Tenement_holder AMI Resources H0102 Project_name Dulcie Range H0106 Tenement_operator AMI Resources H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SF5311 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 6052 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number NA H0153 25K_map_sheet_number NA H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 25-Oct-13 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 24-Oct-14 H0202 Template_format SG1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 18 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 5-Nov-14 H0300 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL27942_2014_A_02_SurfaceGeochem.txt H0305 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL27942_2014_A_02_SurfaceGeochem.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file NA H0500 Feature_located Surface_location H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection UTM H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS Averaged Position H0533 Surveying_company NA H0600 Sample_code Rock H0601 Sample_type Rock Rock outcrop H0602 Sample_description H0700 Sample_preparation_code NA H0701 Sample_preparation_details NA H0702 Job_no H0800 Assay_code Au-AA26 ME-ICP61 Cu-OG62 H0801 Assay_company ALS H0802 Assay_description Au-AA26 Au by fire assay and AAS. 50g nominal sample weight ME-ICP61 33 elements by 4-acid ICP-AES Cu-OG62 "Assay Cu method, 4 acid near-total digestion and ICP finish" H1000 SAMPLE Tenure Project Sample Type East North Location Comments Au Ag Al As Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Ga K La Mg Mn Mo Na Ni P Pb S Sb Sc Sr Th Ti Tl U V W Zn Cu H1001 ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm % ppm % ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % H1002 Au-AA26 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 ME-ICP61 Cu-OG62 H1003 0.01 0.5 0.01 5 10 0.5 2 0.01 0.5 1 1 1 0.01 10 0.01 10 0.01 5 1 0.01 1 10 2 0.01 5 1 1 20 0.01 10 10 1 10 2 0.01 H1004 H1005 H1006 H1007 D DU-01 27942 Dulcie Range rock 599101 7497678 Copper site 933 Quartz schist containing Malachite sericite 0.11 10.3 5.14 <5 350 7.7 515 0.6 <0.5 33 8 >10000 3.7 20 1.96 20 1.81 2010 35 0.9 57 740 23 0.04 <5 4 38 <20 0.03 <10 10 16 830 120 3.02 D DU-02 27942 Dulcie Range rock 599103 7497678 Copper site 933 Quartz schist containing Malachite sericite 0.03 1.7 5 <5 210 5.9 158 7.55 <0.5 25 24 9780 8.84 20 0.38 10 1.7 3410 55 0.09 42 500 16 0.01 <5 5 77 <20 0.14 <10 <10 28 2030 104 D DU-03 27942 Dulcie Range rock 599106 7497678 Copper site 933 Quartz vein with the black mineral 0.14 16.6 2.9 <5 340 9.7 1154 4.19 <0.5 48 13 >10000 8.69 10 0.15 30 2.5 3010 81 0.05 94 630 26 0.29 <5 4 43 <20 0.04 <10 10 7 1460 134 4.71 D DU-04 27942 Dulcie Range rock 599224 7497347 Copper site 933 Volcano rock pores containing calcite <0.01 <0.5 0.79 <5 270 1.4 10 0.05 <0.5 <1 12 251 2.13 <10 0.43 <10 0.05 95 <1 0.04 <1 130 4 0.02 <5 1 21 <20 0.03 <10 <10 18 40 3 D DU-05 27942 Dulcie Range rock 596349 7491582 Copper site 932 The pyrite bearing porphyritic granite <0.01 <0.5 0.99 <5 400 1.2 3 0.03 <0.5 5 5 16 3.21 <10 0.5 10 0.13 187 <1 0.03 4 200 6 0.02 <5 1 13 <20 0.01 <10 <10 10 10 8 D DU-06 27942 Dulcie Range rock 596092 7497722 Copper site 932 Porphyritic granite <0.01 <0.5 0.66 12 2810 0.7 9 0.02 <0.5 10 8 288 2.28 <10 0.35 10 0.02 162 3 0.13 3 70 29 0.12 <5 1 34 <20 0.01 <10 <10 17 10 2 D DU-07 27942 Dulcie Range rock 595878 7497919 Copper site 932 Volcano breccia containing limonite <0.01 <0.5 0.41 97 1020 8.4 2 0.12 0.5 20 7 678 25.5 <10 0.11 <10 0.05 1510 4 0.06 45 5360 459 0.05 <5 1 39 <20 0.02 <10 <10 15 <10 610 D DU-08 27942 Dulcie Range rock 595877 7497916 Copper site 932 Volcano breccia containing limonite <0.01 <0.5 0.27 306 910 13.9 2 1.04 <0.5 68 13 787 18.28 <10 0.04 10 0.04 2090 5 0.05 62 7140 1080 0.06 7 1 61 <20 0.01 <10 <10 29 20 522 D DU-09 27942 Dulcie Range rock 590242 7498334 Point Spring copper site Granite with Malachite K-feldspar <0.01 16.8 5.33 <5 1240 2 2 0.07 <0.5 <1 3 >10000 0.57 10 3.99 10 0.08 78 3 1.16 1 140 44 0.02 <5 2 40 70 0.11 <10 <10 4 10 6 2.34 D DU-10 27942 Dulcie Range rock 590242 7498338 Point Spring copper site Granite with Malachite K-feldspar <0.01 8.8 5.74 <5 2320 2 6 0.05 <0.5 <1 4 >10000 0.83 20 4.47 60 0.09 124 5 1.18 2 260 29 0.05 <5 2 62 100 0.06 <10 <10 4 <10 4 2 D DU-11 27942 Dulcie Range rock 590242 7498345 Point Spring copper site Granite with Malachite K-feldspar <0.01 10.5 5.33 <5 530 1.4 17 0.06 <0.5 1 2 >10000 0.77 10 4.98 30 0.09 111 4 0.87 3 960 28 0.01 <5 2 73 40 0.07 <10 <10 7 <10 4 1.95 D DU-12 27942 Dulcie Range rock 590230 7498354 Point Spring copper site Granite with Malachite K-feldspar <0.01 1.6 5.59 <5 1380 1.7 <2 0.06 <0.5 1 1 1800 0.41 10 4.79 10 0.08 106 2 1.39 3 150 14 0.02 <5 2 43 60 0.06 <10 <10 2 <10 2 D DU-13 27942 Dulcie Range rock 590243 7498323 "Point Spring copper site, 9.1-12.1m" Granite with Malachite K-feldspar <0.01 7.5 6.08 <5 1440 1.1 <2 0.03 <0.5 16 2 >10000 2.8 20 5.1 90 0.52 220 2 0.43 27 200 28 0.03 <5 5 37 70 0.13 <10 <10 12 <10 24 1.17 D DU-14 27942 Dulcie Range rock 590256 7498341 "Point Spring copper site, 15.3-18.3m" Granite with Malachite K-feldspar <0.01 9.1 5.89 <5 1000 1.7 4 0.04 <0.5 1 2 >10000 1.2 20 5 40 0.08 77 7 1.03 3 220 30 0.03 <5 2 48 70 0.06 <10 <10 4 <10 4 2.56 D DU-15 27942 Dulcie Range rock 590329 7498540 "Point Spring copper site, 22-30m" Granite with Malachite K-feldspar <0.01 1.7 5.61 5 1450 1.3 <2 0.04 <0.5 2 3 1340 0.64 10 5.1 10 0.09 100 2 1.16 6 110 14 0.03 <5 3 48 80 0.08 <10 <10 3 <10 3 D DU-16 27942 Dulcie Range rock 590378 7498572 "Point Spring copper site, 30-32m" Granite with Malachite K-feldspar <0.01 0.9 5.47 <5 1120 1.6 <2 0.06 <0.5 1 3 1280 0.58 10 4.76 20 0.07 74 1 1.32 5 150 13 0.02 <5 2 45 70 0.07 <10 <10 3 <10 3 D DU-17 27942 Dulcie Range rock 590305 7498359 Point Spring copper site Granite 0.01 <0.5 5.78 <5 1450 1.9 <2 2.22 <0.5 23 19 1860 1.85 10 4.78 20 0.59 418 <1 0.84 13 340 7 0.04 <5 6 87 40 0.16 <10 10 27 <10 33 D DU-18 27942 Dulcie Range rock 590210 7498363 Point Spring copper site Malachite granite <0.01 2.4 6.2 <5 1780 2.1 3 0.09 <0.5 5 3 4970 1.74 20 4.22 120 0.32 193 1 1.75 18 230 12 0.04 <5 3 55 80 0.06 <10 <10 12 10 17 EOF