H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 09-Oct-14 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 20-Aug-14 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no GR083 H0101 Tenement_holder Glencore-Xstrata H0102 Project_name Coxco Valley-Amelia South H0106 Tenement_operator MRM H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SE5303 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5965 6165 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 21-Aug-13 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 20-Aug-14 H0202 Data_format SG4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 232 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 09-Oct-14 H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File H0308 File verification List H0319 SURFQAQC_data_file H0500 Feature_located Surface Sample H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum Nominal H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_location_Survey_Instrument GPS H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company Arnhem Exploration H0538 Surface_Geophysical_Survey_Instrument H0539 Surface_Geophysical_Survey_Company H0600 Sample_Code H0601 Sample_Type H0602 Sample_description H0700 Sample_Prep_Code H0701 Sample_Prep_Desc H0702 Job_no H0800 Assay_code H0801 Assay_company H0802 Assay_description H0900 Remarks File refers to soils samples collected most recently for which assays are pending at time of reporting. H1000 Sample ID Easting_MGA Northing_MGA Sample Type Zone Geography Regolith Colour Comments H1001 NA metres metres NA NA NA NA NA NA H1004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D MA455602 617551 8179049 Soil 53 FP CL lbr Flat alluvial soils - hard baked clays D MA455603 617649 8179054 Soil 53 FP CL lbr Flat alluvial soils - hard baked clays D MA455604 617753 8179052 Soil 53 FP CL lbr Flat alluvial soils - hard baked clays D MA455605 617849 8179051 Soil 53 FP CL lbr Flat alluvial soils - hard baked clays D MA455606 617948 8179047 Soil 53 FP CL lbr Flat alluvial soils - hard baked clays D MA455607 618052 8179049 Soil 53 FP CL lbr Flat alluvial soils - hard baked clays D MA455608 618149 8179048 Soil 53 FP CL lbr Flat alluvial soils - hard baked clays D MA455609 618248 8179050 Soil 53 FP CL lbr Flat alluvial soils - hard baked clays D MA455611 618251 8176251 Soil 53 Flat SI lbn Soft, friable D MA455612 618347 8176250 Soil 53 Flat SI lbn Soft, friable D MA455614 618449 8176249 Soil 53 Flat SI lbn Soft to lumpy D MA455615 618548 8176250 Soil 53 Flat SI lbn rounded gravel fragments in hole D MA455616 618650 8176250 Soil 53 Flat SI lbn frequent rounded gravel fragments in hole D MA455617 618752 8176249 Soil 53 Flat SI lbn Soft, friable; 5m from very small gully D MA455618 618850 8176249 Soil 53 Flat SI lbn Soft, friable D MA455619 618949 8176250 Soil 53 Flat SI lbn Soft, friable D MA455620 619051 8176250 Soil 53 Flat SA lbn Essentially sand, minor loam; moist in area of small melaleuca trees D MA455621 619150 8176251 Soil 53 Flat SI lbn Soft, friable D MA455622 618251 8176053 Soil 53 Flat SL lbn Lumpy, party friable D MA455623 618347 8176050 Soil 53 Flat SI br Soft, loam D MA455624 618452 8176050 Soil 53 Flat SI br Very soft, loamy D MA455625 618550 8176051 Soil 53 Flat SI lbr Very soft, loamy D MA455626 618652 8176049 Soil 53 Flat SI lbr Very soft, loamy D MA455627 618750 8176050 Soil 53 SL WR rbn Very rocky, amongst subcrop on western side of bedded dolomitic slt outcrop D MA455628 618850 8176050 Soil 53 SL WR rbn Very rocky, eastern side of bedded dolomite/siltstone outcrop (partly limonitic) D MA455629 618951 8176049 Soil 53 Flat SI lbr Very soft, loamy D MA455630 619050 8176050 Soil 53 SL SI lbr Sandy loam, gently sloping west D MA455631 619148 8176051 Soil 53 OUT WR br On large sandstone hill, shallow sandy soils D MA455632 619152 8175851 Soil 53 OUT SL br Shallow top soils on flanks of large sandstone outcrop D MA455633 619050 8175850 Soil 53 SL SI or Sandy loam D MA455634 618950 8175851 Soil 53 SL SI lbn Sandy loam D MA455635 618851 8175852 Soil 53 Flat SI br Soft, sandy loam D MA455636 618749 8175850 Soil 53 SL SL rbn Rocky soils amongst subcropping bedded dolomite/slt's D MA455637 618651 8175850 Soil 53 SL SL rbn Very rocky soils amongst dolomitic subcrop D MA455638 618552 8175849 Soil 53 SL SI br Sandy loam, gently sloping west D MA455639 618451 8175850 Soil 53 SL SI rbn Shallow soils amongst dolomitic outcrop D MA455640 618352 8175850 Soil 53 Flat SI rbn Sandy loam, gently sloping west D MA455641 618251 8175850 Soil 53 Flat SI lbn Soft sandy loam D MA455642 618547 8176650 Soil 53 Flat CL rbn Loamy clay, minor rock fragments D MA455644 618651 8176651 Soil 53 Flat SI br Soft, sandy loam, minor rocks in hole D MA455645 618751 8176649 Soil 53 SL SL rbn Soil amonst subcroppping bedded dolomitic slt's D MA455646 618852 8176648 Soil 53 OUT SL rbn On large outcrop of bedded dolomite/slt's; poorly developed soils D MA455647 618650 8178450 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn Clay loam D MA455648 618550 8178450 Soil 53 Flat sl gy Clay loam D MA455649 618450 8178450 Soil 53 Flat sl gy Clay loam D MA455651 618350 8178450 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455652 618250 8178450 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455653 618150 8178450 Soil 53 fp cl gy D MA455654 618050 8178450 Soil 53 Flat sl gy Clay loam D MA455655 618065 8178250 Soil 53 Flat sl gy 15m E of creek D MA455656 618150 8178250 Soil 53 Flat sl or Minor rock frags D MA455657 618250 8178250 Soil 53 Flat sl or D MA455658 618350 8178250 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455659 618450 8178250 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455660 618550 8178250 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455662 618650 8178250 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455663 618650 8177850 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455664 618550 8177850 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455665 618450 8177850 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455666 618350 8177850 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn Minor subcrop D MA455667 618250 8177850 Soil 53 fp cl gy D MA455668 618150 8177850 Soil 53 fp cl gy D MA455669 618650 8177650 Soil 53 Flat sl gy D MA455670 618550 8177650 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455671 618450 8177650 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455672 618350 8177650 Soil 53 h sl out sl wr lbn Low N-S ridge D MA455673 618250 8177650 Soil 53 fp sl lgy Clay loam D MA455674 618150 8177650 Soil 53 Edge of fp sl gy Clay loam D MA455675 618550 8176450 Soil 53 Flat sl pisolites lbn Very low ridge D MA455676 618650 8176450 Soil 53 Flat sl pisolites lbn Ferricrete bedrock D MA455677 618750 8176450 Soil 53 Flat sl gravel lbn Pisolites D MA455678 618850 8176450 Soil 53 Flat sl gravel gy D MA455680 618950 8176450 Soil 53 Flat sl gravel gy D MA455681 619050 8176450 Soil 53 Flat sa gy Next to small creek D MA455682 619150 8176450 Soil 53 Soakage sa tn Swamp/soakage D MA455683 618150 8177450 Soil 53 Flat sl gravel lbn D MA455684 618250 8177450 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455685 618350 8177450 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455686 618450 8177450 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455687 618550 8177450 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455688 618650 8177450 Soil 53 Flat sl gravel lgy D MA455689 619135 8177250 Soil 53 Flat, outcrop sl wr tn 15m W of creek. Qtz veining D MA455690 619050 8177250 Soil 53 sl sl wr tn Gentle N slope D MA455691 618950 8177250 Soil 53 h sl wr lbn Scree. Low ridge D MA455692 618850 8177250 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455693 618750 8177250 Soil 53 Flat sl wr tn Float. Subcrop D MA455694 618650 8177250 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455695 618550 8177250 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455696 618450 8177250 Soil 53 Flat sl or D MA455697 618350 8179050 Soil 53 Flat sl tn Clay loam D MA455699 618450 8179050 Soil 53 Flat sl or Clay loam D MA455701 618550 8179050 Soil 53 Flat sl tn Clay loam D MA455702 618650 8179050 Soil 53 Flat sl tn Clay loam D MA455703 618750 8179050 Soil 53 Flat sl tn Clay loam D MA455704 618850 8179050 Soil 53 Flat sl tn Clay loam D MA455705 618950 8179050 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn Drainage area D MA455706 619050 8179050 Soil 53 Flat, outcrop sl tn D MA455707 619150 8179050 Soil 53 Flat sl tn Clay loam D MA455708 619150 8178850 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455709 619050 8178850 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455710 618950 8178850 Soil 53 Flat sl wr tn Subcrop D MA455711 618850 8178850 Soil 53 Flat sl wr tn Subcrop D MA455712 618750 8178850 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn Clay loam D MA455713 618650 8178850 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn Subcrop D MA455714 618550 8178850 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455715 618450 8178850 Soil 53 Flat sl, gravel lbn D MA455716 618350 8178850 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455717 618250 8178850 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455718 618150 8178850 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455719 618050 8178850 Soil 53 Flat sl tn Scree, gravel. Washout area. Low ridge D MA455720 618050 8178650 Soil 53 fp cl gy Float D MA455721 618150 8178650 Soil 53 fp cl gy D MA455722 618250 8178650 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455723 618350 8178650 Soil 53 Flat sl, pisolites lbn D MA455724 618450 8178650 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn Clay loam D MA455725 618550 8178650 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn Clay loam D MA455727 618650 8178650 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455728 618750 8178650 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455729 618850 8178650 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn Subcrop D MA455730 618950 8178650 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455731 619050 8178650 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455732 619150 8178650 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455733 618350 8177250 Soil 53 Flat, outcrop sl wr tn Base of ridge D MA455734 618250 8177250 Soil 53 Flat, outcrop sl wr tn Base of ridge D MA455735 618150 8177250 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455736 618150 8177050 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455737 618250 8177050 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455739 618350 8177050 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455740 618450 8177050 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455741 618550 8177050 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455742 618650 8177050 Soil 53 Flat sl, gravel lbn D MA455743 618750 8177050 Soil 53 h out sl wr lbn D MA455744 618850 8177050 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455745 618950 8177050 Soil 53 sl out sl wr tn D MA455746 619050 8177050 Soil 53 sl out sl wr tn D MA455747 619150 8177050 Soil 53 Flat, outcrop sl wr tn Scree. Bedrock D MA455748 619150 8176850 Soil 53 Flat sl tn D MA455749 619050 8176850 Soil 53 sl out sl wr bn Base of slope D MA455751 618950 8176850 Soil 53 h out sl wr tn Bedrock D MA455752 618850 8176850 Soil 53 Flat sl tn Drainage area D MA455753 618750 8176850 Soil 53 Flat sl or D MA455754 618650 8176850 Soil 53 Flat sl or D MA455755 618550 8176850 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455756 618950 8176650 Soil 53 Flat sl lbn D MA455758 619050 8176650 Soil 53 Flat sa gy D MA455759 619150 8176650 Soil 53 Flat sa gy D MA456336 626133 8157255 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456338 626033 8157255 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy D MA456339 625933 8157255 Soil 53 sl sl wr lbn D MA456340 625833 8157255 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy D MA456341 625733 8157255 Soil 53 h out sl wr gy D MA456342 625633 8157255 Soil 53 sl/gully sl wr gy D MA456343 625533 8157255 Soil 53 h sl out sl wr gy D MA456344 625433 8157255 Soil 53 h sl out sl wr gy D MA456345 625333 8157255 Soil 53 sl out sl wr tn D MA456346 625228 8157255 Soil 53 Gully out sl wr gy D MA456347 625133 8157255 Soil 53 sl sl wr lbn D MA456348 625033 8157255 Soil 53 sl out sl wr tn D MA456349 624933 8157255 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456351 624728 8157255 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy D MA456352 624633 8157255 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy D MA456353 624533 8157255 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456354 624433 8157255 Soil 53 sl sl wr lbn D MA456355 624433 8157455 Soil 53 sl sl wr lbn D MA456356 624533 8157455 Soil 53 h out sl wr gy D MA456357 624633 8157455 Soil 53 h out sl wr dgy Major outcrop D MA456358 624733 8157455 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456359 624833 8157455 Soil 53 sl sl wr lbn D MA456360 624933 8157455 Soil 53 h out sl wr lbn D MA456361 625033 8157465 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn Cliff face D MA456362 625333 8157435 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456363 625433 8157455 Soil 53 h sl wr lbn D MA456364 625533 8157455 Soil 53 sl sl wr lbn D MA456366 625633 8157455 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456367 625733 8157455 Soil 53 sl sl wr dgy D MA456368 625833 8157455 Soil 53 Flat sl wr gy D MA456369 625933 8157455 Soil 53 Flat sl wr bu D MA456370 626033 8157455 Soil 53 Flat sl wr bu D MA456371 626133 8157445 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy D MA456372 626133 8157655 Soil 53 h out sl wr lbn D MA456373 626033 8157655 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456374 625933 8157655 Soil 53 Flat out sl wr gy D MA456375 625833 8157655 Soil 53 Saddle out sl wr lbn D MA456376 625733 8157655 Soil 53 Saddle out sl wr lbn D MA456377 625523 8157655 Soil 53 Flat sa wr gy Next to creek D MA456379 625433 8157655 Soil 53 sl sl wr gy D MA456380 625333 8157655 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy Bedrock - shallow sample D MA456381 625233 8157655 Soil 53 Saddle out sl wr gy D MA456382 625133 8157655 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456383 625033 8157655 Soil 53 sl out sl wr tn D MA456384 624933 8157655 Soil 53 sl/h sl wr lbn D MA456385 624833 8157655 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456386 624733 8157655 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456387 624633 8157655 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy D MA456388 624533 8157655 Soil 53 sl sl wr lbn D MA456389 624433 8157655 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy D MA456390 625133 8157855 Soil 53 sl/h sl wr lbn D MA456391 625233 8157855 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456392 625333 8157865 Soil 53 Gully out sl wr gy D MA456393 625433 8157855 Soil 53 Gully sl wr gy D MA456394 625533 8157860 Soil 53 Gully out sl wr gy Bedrock - shallow sample D MA456395 625633 8157855 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456396 625853 8157855 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lb D MA456397 625933 8157855 Soil 53 sl out sl wr tn D MA456398 626033 8157855 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456399 626133 8157855 Soil 53 sl sl wr lbn D MA456401 626133 8158055 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456402 626023 8158050 Soil 53 Flat out sa wr gy D MA456404 625833 8158055 Soil 53 sl sl wr lbn D MA456405 625733 8158055 Soil 53 Gully/sl out sl wr lbn D MA456406 625633 8158055 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy D MA456407 625533 8158055 Soil 53 sl out sl wr br D MA456408 625433 8158055 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy D MA456409 625333 8158055 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456410 625233 8158055 Soil 53 sl sl wr lbn D MA456411 625133 8158055 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456412 625033 8158055 Soil 53 Saddle out sl wr lbn D MA456413 626133 8158255 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy D MA456414 625933 8158255 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456415 625833 8158255 Soil 53 Saddle sl wr gy D MA456416 625733 8158255 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy D MA456417 625633 8158255 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy D MA456418 625733 8158455 Soil 53 sl out sl wr dgy D MA456419 625833 8158455 Soil 53 h out sl wr gy D MA456421 625933 8158455 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy D MA456422 626033 8158455 Soil 53 sl out sl wr gy D MA456423 626115 8158455 Soil 53 Flat sa wr gy Sandy area above creek D MA456424 626128 8158655 Soil 53 sl out sl wr lbn D MA456425 626033 8158655 Soil 53 H/sl out sl wr lbn D MA456426 625933 8158655 Soil 53 H/sl out sl wr gy D MA456427 625833 8158655 Soil 53 H/sl out sl wr gy D MA456428 625733 8158655 Soil 53 H/sl out sl wr gy EOF