----------------------------------------- Rio Tinto Exploration Pty. Limited. A.C.N. 000 057 125 ----------------------------------------- *** COPYRIGHT *** This report and its contents are confidential. All rights to the report and its contents (including, without limitation, rights to confidential information and copyright in all works (including photographs, diagrams, charts, maps and graphs) comprised in the report) remain the property of Rio Tinto Exploration Pty. Limited. No part of this report nor of the information contained in it may be disclosed to any person without the consent of Rio Tinto Exploration Pty. Limited. No part of this report nor of the information contained in it may be reproduced (including by being stored in any form), transmitted, published or used for any purpose without the prior consent of Rio Tinto Exploration Pty. Limited. *** Digital Report Details *** 27640 Walker River.pdf Report Document 27640 Walker River V.pdf Verification Report WAp46091 Tenement Location Plan WAp46570 EL385 Tenement location showing surrendered area WAp46602 Location of Auger Drill Holes Appendix 1 Auger Samples Ledger and Results EL385_2006_A_02_drillcollars.txt EL385_2006_A_03_lithology.txt EL385_2006_A_04_downholegeochem_XRF.txt EL385_2006_A_05_downholegeochem_ICP.txt Appendix 2 Walker River Mine Management Plan 2005 27359 Walker River MMP.pdf WAp46324.pdf