H0002 Version 3 H0003 Date_generated 6-Apr-14 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 6-Feb-14 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no EL24281 EL25230 EL27358 EL27283 H0101 Tenement_holder Crossland Nickel Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Charley Creek Project H0106 Tenement_operator Crossland Strategic Metals Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SF 5313 SF 5314 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number Narwietooma Hermannsburg Anburla Macdonnell Ranges Alice Springs H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition H0202 Template_format DL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 696 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 6-Apr-14 H0300 Related_data_filenames H0301 Location_data_file CharleyCreek_2013_GR08609_A_03_DCollar.txt H0303 Downhole_geochem_data_file CharleyCreek_2013_GR08609_A_04_DAssay.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file CharleyCreek_2013_GR08609_A_05_DLith.txt H0400 Drill_code ACR H0402 Description ACR H1000 Hole_id Depfrom Depto Drill_code Recovery Lithology_1 Lithology_2 Description Comment Moisture EL H1001 metres metres % H1004 0.01 0.01 5 D CCA991 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Soil, Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules" Dry 27358 D CCA991 1 2 ACR reddish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles" Dry 27358 D CCA991 2 3 ACR reddish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles; very minor calcrete" Dry 27358 D CCA991 3 4 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand; minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Lesser calcrete" Dry 27358 D CCA991 4 5 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles, cobbles" Drilled to refusal EOH Dry 27358 D CCA992 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Soil, Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles" Dry 27358 D CCA992 1 5 ACR reddish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles, very minor cohesive clayey aggregates" Dry 27358 D CCA992 5 9 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles" Dry 27358 D CCA992 9 9.5 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles, gravel bed" Drilled to refusal EOH Dry 27358 D CCA993 0 1 ACR pale brown ALUV "Soil, Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates" Dry 27358 D CCA993 1 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles, very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates" Dry 27358 D CCA993 4 5 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles, very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete" Dry 27358 D CCA993 5 7.5 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates" Drilled to refusal EOH Dry 27358 D CCA994 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Soil, Alluvium; clay, silt, sand" Dry 27358 D CCA994 1 6 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Very minor calcrete" Very Minor calcrete 1-2m. Dry 27358 D CCA994 6 7 ACR pale brown ALUV TSED "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules. Tertiary sediments cohesive clayey" Dry 27358 D CCA994 7 8 ACR pale brownish grey TSED CCRT "Tertiary sediments; clay, silt, sand, granules. Very minor calcrete" Dry 27358 D CCA994 8 12 ACR white TSED CCRT "Tertiary sediments; clay, silt, sand weakly to moderately cemented. Calcrete" Dry 27358 D CCA994 12 15 ACR white TSED CCRT FCRT "Tertiary sediments; clay, silt, sand weakly to moderately cemented. Calcrete, minor ferricrete" Terminated in tertiary sediments EOH Dry 27358 D CCA995 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles; minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates" Dry 27358 D CCA995 2 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles; minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete" Dry 27358 D CCA995 6 9 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules; minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates" Dry 27358 D CCA995 9 10 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles" Dry 27358 D CCA995 10 14 ACR brown ALUV CCRT FCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Weakly to moderately cemented ferricrete calcrete" Dry 27358 D CCA995 14 15 ACR pale brown TSED "Tertiary sediments clay, silt, sand weakly cohesive." Dry 27358 D CCA995 15 23 ACR whitish beige TSED "Tertiary sediments clay, silt, sand weakly cohesive with patchy Fe cement." Dry 27358 D CCA995 23 30 ACR "pale brown, white" TSED "Tertiary sediments clay, silt, sand granules pebbles weakly cohesive with patchy brown to red ferruginous stains." Terminated in tertiary sediments EOH Dry 27358 D CCA996 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles; very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates" Dry 27358 D CCA996 2 10 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles; minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete" Dry 27358 D CCA996 10 11 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules; lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates" Dry 27358 D CCA996 11 12 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules; minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates" Dry 27358 D CCA996 12 13 ACR beige CCRT ALUV "Calcrete. Alluvium; clay, silt sand; lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates" Dry 27358 D CCA996 13 17 ACR "white, beige" TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay silt, sand, granules, weakly to moderately cohesive patchy ferruginous stain." Dry 27358 D CCA996 17 20 ACR white TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay silt, sand, granules, weakly to moderately cohesive." Dry 27358 D CCA996 20 24 ACR whiteish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay silt, sand, granules, weakly to moderately cohesive patchy brown ferruginous stain." Dry 27358 D CCA996 24 26 ACR white TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay silt, sand, weakly to moderately cohesive." Dry 27358 D CCA996 26 30 ACR whiteish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay silt, very minor sand, weakly to moderately cohesive patchy ferruginous stain." Terminated in tertiary sediments EOH Dry 27358 D CCA997 0 5 ACR reddish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Very minor calcrete 4-5m" Dry 27358 D CCA997 5 10 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand; lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates" Dry 27358 D CCA997 10 11 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles; minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates" Dry 27358 D CCA997 11 13 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules; minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 27358 D CCA997 13 14 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules" Dry 27358 D CCA997 14 15 ACR brown ALUV TSED "Alluvium; pebbles (basal gravel?). Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, sand, granules weakly to moderately cohesive." Contact Alluvium and Tertiary sediments. Dry 27358 D CCA997 15 24 ACR pale yellowish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt rare sand & granules weakly to moderately cohesive with patchy yellow brown Fe stain." Dry 27358 D CCA997 24 25 ACR yellowish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt rare sand grains weakly to moderately cohesive with pervasive yellow brown Fe stain." Dry 27358 D CCA997 25 27 ACR white TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, sand weakly to moderately cohesive." Dry 27358 D CCA997 27 30 ACR "yellowish brown, white" TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, sand weakly to moderately cohesive." Terminated in tertiary sediments EOH Dry 27358 D CCA998 0 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles" Dry 27358 D CCA998 4 9 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles; very minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates" Dry 27358 D CCA998 9 11 ACR "pale brown, beige" CCRT Calcrete in clay silt very minor sand. Dry 27358 D CCA998 11 13 ACR "white, beige" TSED "Tertiary sediment clay, silt, sand weakly cohesive, with patchy Fe stain." Dry 27358 D CCA998 13 15 ACR "pale redish brown, brown" TSED "Tertiary sediment clay, silt, sand, granules weakly cohesive, with Fe stain." Dry 27358 D CCA998 15 17 ACR "beige, white" TSED "Tertiary sediment clay, silt, sand, granules weakly cohesive, with patchy Fe stain." Dry 27358 D CCA998 17 18 ACR brown TSED "Tertiary sediment clay, silt, sand, granules weakly to moderately cohesive, with pervasive Fe stain." EOH Dry 27358 D CCA999 0 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles" Dry D CCA999 3 5 ACR brownish grey ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles" Dry 25230 D CCA999 5 5.5 ACR brownish grey ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles, cobbles? Basal gravel bed." Drilled to Refusal EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1000 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1000 1 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles" Dry 25230 D CCA1000 2 3 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1000 3 5 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles" Dry 25230 D CCA1000 5 6 ACR grey ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles" Dry 25230 D CCA1000 6 9 ACR grey CCRT GNIS "Quartz, biotite Gneiss & Calcrete" EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1001 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, minor weakly to moderately cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1001 2 4 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles" Dry 25230 D CCA1001 4 5 ACR beige ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1001 5 7 ACR beige ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1001 7 9 ACR pale grey CCRT RSAP Calcrete in SAPR of clay weathered quartz biotite gneiss. Dry 25230 D CCA1002 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, very minor very weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1002 2 4 ACR grey CCRT SCH Black fine grained quartz biotite schist. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1003 0 2 ACR brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, very minor very weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1003 2 3 ACR beige ALUV CCRT SCH "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Very minor calcrete. Very minor quartz biotite schist." Dry 25230 D CCA1003 3 4 ACR pale grey CCRT SCH Calcrete and quartz biotite schist. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1004 0 1 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1004 1 4 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1004 4 4.5 ACR grey ALUV GNIS "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Bedrock of quartz biotite gneiss. Contact of Alluvium and bedrock." Dry 25230 D CCA1005 0 2 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1005 2 4 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1005 4 6 ACR pale greyish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1005 6 7 ACR pale greyish brown ALUV CCRT GNIS "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Calcrete. Bedrock of quart biotite gneiss. Contact of alluvium and bedrock." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1006 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1006 1 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV FCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Very minor ferricrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1006 2 4 ACR "pale brown, beige" ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Lesser calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1006 4 5 ACR pale grey ALUV CCRT GNIS PEG "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Calcrete. Bedrock of quart biotite gneiss and feldspar quartz pegmatite. Contact of alluvium and bedrock." Dry 25230 D CCA1006 5 6 ACR pale grey CCRT GNIS PEG Calcrete. Bedrock of quartz biotite gneiss and feldspar quartz pegmatite. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1007 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1007 1 2 ACR brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1007 2 3 ACR pale brownish grey ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, lesser weakly to moderately cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1007 3 4 ACR pale grey ALUV CCRT GNIS "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Calcrete. Very minor bedrock quartz, biotite gneiss. Intersect bedrock at bottom of hole." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1008 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1008 1 5 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1008 5 6.5 ACR pale grey ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Hole ends in gravel bed." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1009 0 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1009 3 5 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1009 5 6 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1009 6 7 ACR beige ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1009 7 9 ACR grey RSAP Saprock clay weathered quartz biotite gneiss. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1010 0 1 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1010 1 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1010 4 6 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1010 6 9 ACR pale grey ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1010 9 9.5 ACR pale grey ALUV GNIS "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Very minor bedrock as quartz biotite gneiss. Alluvium bedrock contact at bottom of hole." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1011 0 1 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1011 1 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1011 3 5 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor very weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1011 5 6 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete" Dry 25230 D CCA1011 6 8 ACR pale grey CCRT GNIS Calcrete and bedrock of quartz biotite gneiss. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1012 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1012 1 3 ACR pale brown ALUV FCRT CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with minor FRCT and v minor CCRT." Dry 25230 D CCA1012 3 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1012 4 5 ACR grey ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1012 5 6 ACR grey ALUV GNIS "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles & very minor bedrock as quartz biotite gniess. Intersect alluvium bedrock contact near bottom of hole." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1013 0 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1013 3 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1013 4 5 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1013 5 6 ACR grey ALUV GNIS "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules. Bedrock of quartz biotite gneiss." Dry 25230 D CCA1013 6 8 ACR grey GNIS Bedrock of quartz biotite gneiss. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1014 0 5 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1014 5 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV FCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles. FCRT as weakly Fe cemented alluvium." Dry 25230 D CCA1014 6 7 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1014 7 8 ACR grey ALUV RSAP "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Very minor saprock after quartz biotite gneiss." Dry 25230 D CCA1014 8 9 ACR grey RSAP Saprock after quartz biotite gneiss. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1015 0 5 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1015 5 6 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1015 6 8 ACR beige ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles, cobbles? Very minor calcrete." Drilled to Refusal EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1016 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1016 1 3 ACR pale grey ALUV GNIS "Bedrock as quartz biotite gneiss. Minor alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." 1-2m cannot penetrate use RAB hammer from 1-3m. Dry 25230 D CCA1016 3 6 ACR pale grey GNIS "Bedrock as quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." 3-6m Aircore. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1017 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Move 3m try hole again to see if we hit a large boulder or bedrock. Dry 25230 D CCA1017 1 2 ACR brownish grey ALUV GNIS "Bedrock as quartz biotite gneiss. Minor alluvium; silt, sand, granules." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1018 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1018 2 3 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1018 3 4 ACR brownish grey ALUV RSAP "Very minor alluvium clay, silt, sand, granules & SAPR after quartz biotite gneiss." Dry 25230 D CCA1018 4 5 ACR brownish grey RSAP Saprock clay weathered quartz biotite gneiss. Dry 25230 D CCA1018 5 6 ACR grey GNIS Bedrock as quartz biotite gneiss. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1019 0 7 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1019 7 8 ACR beige ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Minor calcrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1020 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1020 1 5 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1020 5 8 ACR brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete" EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1021 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1021 2 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1021 3 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, with minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1021 6 7 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1021 7 8 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1021 8 9 ACR beige ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules. Calcrete" Dry 25230 D CCA1021 9 10 ACR white CCRT Calcrete Dry 25230 D CCA1021 10 11 ACR white CCRT Calcrete Dry 25230 D CCA1021 11 12 ACR pale grey RSAP Saprock after gneiss. Dry 25230 D CCA1021 12 13 ACR pale green MSAP Mottled saprolite with minor Fe stain. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1022 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1022 2 4 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1022 4 7 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, with lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1022 7 9 ACR beige ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, with clayey bands. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1022 9 12 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1022 12 13 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1022 13 15 ACR grey RSAP Saprock clay weathered quartz biotite gneiss. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1023 0 1 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1023 1 2 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, with lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1023 2 9 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1023 9 10 ACR brown ALUV FCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor weakly to moderately cemented ferricrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1023 10 14 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT FCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor calcrete very minor ferricrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1023 14 15 ACR grey GNIS CCRT Bedrock as quartz biotite gneiss and minor calcrete. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1024 0 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1024 3 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1024 6 7 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1024 7 8 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1024 8 10 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1024 10 13 ACR beige pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Lesser calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1024 13 14 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1024 14 19 ACR beige TSED CCRT "Tertiary sediments clay, silt sand granules. Lesser calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1024 19 24 ACR beige pale brown TSED "Tertiary sediments clay, silt sand granules." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1025 0 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1025 6 7 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1025 7 9 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1025 9 14 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1025 14 15 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1025 15 15.5 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles, cobbles? Gravel bed." "Drilled to refusal, terminate in gravel bed. EOH" Dry 25230 D CCA1026 0 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1026 4 5 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1026 5 7 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1026 7 9 ACR brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1026 9 11 ACR brownish grey ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor clayey bands." Dry 25230 D CCA1026 11 15 ACR pale grey beige ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1026 15 18 ACR beige ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1026 18 21 ACR pale purple RSAP Saprock clay weathered fe stained bedrock Quartzite? EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1027 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1027 1 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1027 3 8 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1027 8 14 ACR brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor to lesser ferruginous weakly cohesive aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1027 14 16 ACR beige ALUV CCRT FCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules. Lesser calcrete and ferricrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1028 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1028 2 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1028 6 7 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Lesser calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1028 7 14 ACR brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1028 14 16 ACR beige CCRT Calcrete Dry 25230 D CCA1028 16 17 ACR grey RSAP Saprock clay weathered quartz plagioclase biotite gneiss. Dry 25230 D CCA1028 17 18 ACR grey GNIS "Bedrock quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1029 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1029 2 5 ACR pale brown ALUV FCRT/CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, lesser FCRT/CCRT." Dry 25230 D CCA1029 5 7 ACR beige ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles, cobbles gravel bed." Dry 25230 D CCA1029 7 9 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1029 9 11 ACR "pale brown, grey" ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1029 11 15 ACR grey ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, weakly to moderately cohesive clayey aggregates (clay rich bands)." Dry 25230 D CCA1029 15 20 ACR grey RSAP Saprock clay weathered quartz plagioclase biotite gneiss. Dry 25230 D CCA1029 20 21 ACR dark grey SAP Saprolite strongly clay weathered mafic rock. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1030 0 6 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1030 6 9 ACR "pale brown, beige" ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1030 9 10 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1030 10 11 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1030 11 14 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1030 14 15 ACR grey RSAP Saprock strongly clay weatherd bedrock biotite quartz schist. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1031 0 8 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1031 8 11 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1031 11 12 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1031 12 13 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1031 13 14 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1031 14 15 ACR pale greyish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1031 15 16.6 ACR pale grey RSAP Saprock clay weathered quartz plagioclase biotite gneiss. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1032 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1032 1 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1032 3 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules. Very minor calcrete" Dry 25230 D CCA1032 4 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1032 6 7 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1032 7 10 ACR orangish brown ALUV FCRT/CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor fericrete/calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1032 10 11 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Lesser calcrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1033 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1033 1 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1033 3 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1033 6 8 ACR pale grey ALUV Saprock clay weathered quartz plagioclase biotite gneiss. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1034 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1034 2 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules. Lesser calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1034 4 6 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1034 6 7 ACR grey ALUV "Saprock clay weathered quartz, k-feldspar, plagioclase biotite granite." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1035 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules." Dry D CCA1035 2 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry D CCA1035 4 5 ACR pale brown CCRT Calcrete Dry D CCA1035 5 13 ACR pale brown CCRT/FCRT ALUV "Calcrete/ferricrete lesser to minor alluvium clay, silt, sand, granules." Probably mineable but may not be washable may need crushing and grinding to free grains from calcrete. Dry D CCA1035 13 16 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor weakly Fe cemented aggregates." Dry D CCA1035 16 17 ACR brown FCRT "Ferricrete; silt, sand with weak Fe cement." Dry D CCA1035 17 18 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles occasional weakly cemented bands." Dry D CCA1035 18 20 ACR orangish brown FCRT "Ferricrete; silt, sand, granules with weak Fe cement." Dry D CCA1035 20 21 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry D CCA1035 21 24 ACR pale brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; silt, sand weakly cemented patchy Fe stain." Dry D CCA1035 24 25 ACR brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, sand, granules weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry D CCA1035 25 30 ACR reddish brown TSED CCRT "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles clay rich ferruginous. Very minor calcrete." Damp D CCA1035 30 31 ACR beige TSED "Tertiary sediment; mudstone; clay, silt patchy Fe stain." Damp D CCA1035 31 34 ACR white TSED "Tertiary sediment; mudstone; clay, silt, very minor granules." Dry D CCA1035 34 35 ACR "white, pale brown" TSED "Tertiary sediment; mudstone; clay, silt." Damp D CCA1035 35 37 ACR white TSED "Tertiary sediment; sandstone; silt, fine grained sand weakly cemented." Damp D CCA1035 37 38 ACR "pale brown, white" TSED "Tertiary sediment; sandstone; silt, fine grained sand weakly cemented." Wet D CCA1035 38 40 ACR "pale brown, white" TSED "Tertiary sediment; sandstone; silt, fine grained sand occasional graniules." Wet D CCA1035 40 41 ACR pale brown TSED Tertiary sediment; fine grained sandstone; weakly cemented. Damp D CCA1035 41 42 ACR pale brown TSED Tertiary sediment; fine grained sandstone; weakly cemented. Wet D CCA1035 42 44 ACR "white, pale brown" TSED Tertiary sediment; fine grained sandstone; weakly cemented minor granules patchy Fe stain. Wet D CCA1035 44 46 ACR white yellow TSED Tertiary sediment; fine grained sandstone; weakly cemented minor granules patchy Fe stain. Wet D CCA1035 46 48 ACR white TSED "Tertiary sediment; grainstone; silt, sand, granules weakly cemented." Wet D CCA1035 48 49 ACR white TSED "Tertiary sediment; mudstone; clay, silt, weakly cemented rare patchy Fe stain." Wet D CCA1035 49 51 ACR white TSED "Tertiary sediment; conglomerate; silt, sand, granules, pebbles weakly cemented rare patchy Fe stain." Wet D CCA1035 51 54 ACR white TSED "Tertiary sediment; sandstone; silt, sand, occasional granules weakly cemented rare patchy Fe stain." Wet D CCA1035 54 57 ACR white TSED "Tertiary sediment; mudstone; clay, silt, weakly cemented rare patchy Fe stain." Wet D CCA1035 57 58 ACR white TSED Tertiary sediment; sandstone; fine grained sand weakly cemented. Wet D CCA1035 58 60 ACR white TSED "Tertiary sediment; mudstone; clay, silt." EOH Wet D CCA1036 0 1 ACR reddish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." 0-4m Aircore. Dry 24281 D CCA1036 1 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 24281 D CCA1036 2 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules." Dry 24281 D CCA1036 3 4 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 24281 D CCA1036 4 5 ACR pale brown ALUV GNIS "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules minor bedrock as quartz biotite gneiss." 4-8m RAB Hammer. Dry 24281 D CCA1036 5 8 ACR pale grey GNIS "Quartz, biotite Gneiss." EOH Dry 24281 D CCA1038 0 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 24281 D CCA1038 3 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Minor calcrete." Dry 24281 D CCA1038 4 6 ACR orangish brown FCRT/CCRT Ferricrete/calcrete cemented alluvium. Dry 24281 D CCA1038 6 18 ACR orangish brown FSAP Ferruginous saprolite clay weathered bedrock. Pervasive ferruginous stain becoming patchy towards base of unit. Dry 24281 D CCA1038 18 26 ACR "brown, white, red" MSAP Mottled saprolite with patchy pervasive Fe stain. Dry 24281 D CCA1038 26 30 ACR "brown, white, red" MSAP Mottled saprolite with patchy pervasive Fe stain. Damp 24281 D CCA1038 30 31 ACR "yellow, white, red" MSAP Mottled saprolite with patchy pervasive Fe stain. Wet 24281 D CCA1038 31 39 ACR "yellow, brown, white" RSAP "Saprock strongly to moderately clay weathered bedrock of quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Damp 24281 D CCA1038 39 40 ACR pale brown RSAP "Saprock strongly to moderately clay weathered bedrock of quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Wet 24281 D CCA1038 40 42 ACR pale brownish grey RSAP "Saprock strongly to moderately clay weathered bedrock of quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Damp 24281 D CCA1038 42 43 ACR pale brownish grey RSAP "Saprock strongly to moderately clay weathered bedrock of quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Wet 24281 D CCA1038 43 45 ACR pale brownish grey RSAP "Saprock strongly to moderately clay weathered bedrock of quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Damp 24281 D CCA1038 45 47 ACR pale brown RSAP "Saprock strongly to moderately clay weathered bedrock of quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss with pale green clay (clay weatherd epidote?)." Wet 24281 D CCA1038 47 48 ACR pale brown RSAP "Saprock strongly to moderately clay weathered bedrock of quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss with pale green clay (clay weatherd epidote?)." Damp 24281 D CCA1038 48 49 ACR pale grey RSAP "Saprock strongly to moderately clay weathered bedrock of quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Damp 24281 D CCA1038 49 51 ACR pale grey RSAP "Saprock strongly to moderately clay weathered bedrock of quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Damp 24281 D CCA1038 51 53 ACR pale brown RSAP "Saprock strongly to moderately clay weathered bedrock of quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss with pale green clay (clay weatherd epidote?)." Wet 24281 D CCA1038 53 53.7 ACR pale brown RSAP "Saprock strongly to moderately clay weathered bedrock of quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Drilled to refusal saprock/bedrock contact @ 53.7m EOH. Wet 24281 D CCA1041 0 1 ACR reddish brown ALUV FCRT CCRT Soil: alluvium; ferricrete; calcrete Dry 24281 D CCA1041 1 2 ACR reddish brown FCRT/CCRT Ferricrete/calcrete Dry 24281 D CCA1041 2 4 ACR reddish brown FCRT/CCRT Ferricrete/calcrete Dry 24281 D CCA1041 4 5 ACR pink FCRT/CCRT Ferricrete/calcrete Dry 24281 D CCA1041 5 14 ACR white PSAP Pallid saprolite Dry 24281 D CCA1041 14 15 ACR "yellow, white" MSAP Mottled saprolite; patchy pervasive Fe stain. Dry 24281 D CCA1041 15 21 ACR yellowish brown FSAP Ferruginous saprolite; pervasive Fe stain. Dry 24281 D CCA1041 21 25 ACR "white, yellow" MSAP Mottled saprolite; patchy pervasive Fe stain. Damp 24281 D CCA1041 25 30 ACR white RSAP "Saprock; strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss with very minor weak patchy pervasive Fe stain." Damp 24281 D CCA1041 30 34 ACR "pale brown, white" RSAP "Saprock; strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss with minor weak patchy pervasive Fe stain." Damp 24281 D CCA1041 34 38 ACR "pale brown, grey" RSAP "Saprock; strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss with pervasive Fe stain." Damp 24281 D CCA1041 38 39 ACR grey RSAP "Saprock; strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Damp 24281 D CCA1041 39 42 ACR brownish grey RSAP "Saprock; strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss with very minor weak patchy pervasive Fe stain." EOH Wet 24281 D CCA1042 0 1 ACR reddish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 24281 D CCA1042 1 2 ACR reddish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules." Dry 24281 D CCA1042 2 3 ACR brown ALUV GNIS "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules and stronly weathered bedrock of quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Dry 24281 D CCA1042 3 3.2 ACR brown GNIS "Bedrock of quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Drilled to Refusal EOH Dry 24281 D CCA1043 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1043 2 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1043 3 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1043 4 5 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1043 5 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1043 6 7 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1043 7 10 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1043 10 10.8 ACR pale grey GNIS "Bedrock as quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss. Minor calcrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1044 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1044 1 8 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1044 8 10 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1044 10 11 ACR grey PSAP "Pallid saprolite; very strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Dry 25230 D CCA1044 11 16 ACR grey RSAP "Saprock; strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Dry 25230 D CCA1044 16 17 ACR grey RSAP "Saprock; strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1045 0 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles, minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1045 6 8 ACR "orangish brown, brown" ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1045 8 10 ACR "brown, grey" MSAP Mottled saprolite. Dry 25230 D CCA1045 10 11 ACR white PSAP Pallid saprolite. Dry 25230 D CCA1045 11 11.8 ACR pale grey RSAP "Saprock strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1046 0 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1046 4 5 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1046 5 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete" Dry 25230 D CCA1046 6 7 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1046 7 9 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete" Dry 25230 D CCA1046 9 10 ACR pale grey PSAP Pallid saprolite. Dry 25230 D CCA1046 10 11 ACR pale grey RSAP "Saprock strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1047 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1047 1 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1047 2 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1047 3 8 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor to minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1047 8 10 ACR pale grey PSAP CCRT Pallid saprolite as very strongly clay weatherd gneiss. Lesser calcrete. Dry 25230 D CCA1047 10 12 ACR pale grey RSAP CCRT "Saprock as strongly clay weatherd quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss. Lesser calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1047 12 12.5 ACR grey RSAP "Saprock as strongly clay weatherd quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss and k-feldspar, quartz granite." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1048 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1048 1 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1048 3 10 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1048 10 12 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules. Minor to lesser calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1048 12 14.5 ACR pale brown RSAP "Saprock strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss. Minor to lesser calcrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1049 0 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1049 4 10 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1049 10 10.2 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss. Pale reddish brown translucent mineral mod soft <5 on Mohs scale" EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1050 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1050 2 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1050 3 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1050 4 8 ACR "orangish brown, brownish grey" ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1050 8 9 ACR brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1050 9 10 ACR grey ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Basal gravel bed." Dry 25230 D CCA1050 10 11 ACR pale grey RSAP "Saprock very strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1051 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1051 1 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1051 3 5 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1051 5 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1051 6 6.3 ACR brown ALUV SCH "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Bedrock as quartz biotite schist." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1052 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1052 1 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1052 2 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1052 4 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules. Lesser calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1052 6 8 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1052 8 8.8 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Basal gravel bed. Bedrock?" EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1053 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1053 1 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1053 2 2.8 ACR orangish brown ALUV GNIS "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates basal gravel bed? Very minor quartz, plagioclase biotite gneiss." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1054 0 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1054 4 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1054 6 6.7 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles, cobbles? basal gravel bed? Very minor bedrock?" EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1055 0 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1055 3 7 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1055 7 8 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1055 8 9 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1055 9 10 ACR orangish brown ALUV GNIS "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor plagioclase, quartz, mica gneiss." Dry 25230 D CCA1056 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1056 2 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1056 6 8 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1056 8 12 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1056 12 16 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1056 16 17 ACR grey RSAP "Saprock strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1056 17 17.3 ACR grey RSAP CCRT "Saprock strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1057 0 7 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1057 7 10 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT/FCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete/ferricrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1057 10 13 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1057 13 15 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Gravel bed." Dry 25230 D CCA1057 15 16 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1057 16 18 ACR "orangish brown, greyish brown" ALUV FCRT/CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand with weak ferricrete/calcrete cement." Dry 25230 D CCA1057 18 20 ACR pale brown FCRT/CCRT Ferricrete/calcrete. Dry 25230 D CCA1057 20 21.5 ACR white CCRT Calcrete. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1058 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1058 1 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1058 2 5 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1058 5 7 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with lesser to minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1058 7 11 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with lesser to minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1058 11 14 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with lesser to minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1058 14 16 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1058 16 19 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules. Lesser calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1058 19 20 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1058 20 25.2 ACR grey RSAP CCRT "Saprock strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss. Minor calcrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1059 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1059 2 8 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor to minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1059 8 10 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1059 10 16 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor to minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1059 16 17 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1059 17 17.3 ACR brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete. Very minor quartz, biotite gneiss." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1060 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1060 2 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1060 6 12 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1060 12 14 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Lesser to minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1060 14 14.5 ACR pale brown ALUV FCRT/CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Minor ferricrete/calcrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1061 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1061 1 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1061 3 8 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor to lesser calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1061 8 10 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1061 10 14 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor to lesser calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1061 14 14.5 ACR pale grey ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete. Basal gravel bed." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1062 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1062 1 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1062 6 7 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1062 7 9 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1062 9 12 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1062 12 14 ACR brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1062 14 16 ACR brownish grey ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1062 16 17 ACR grey RSAP CCRT "Saprock; strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss. Minor calcrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1063 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1063 2 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1063 4 6 ACR brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1063 6 7 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1063 7 11 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1063 11 12 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1063 12 13.3 ACR greenish grey RSAP CCRT "Saprock; strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss. Minor to lesser calcrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1064 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1064 2 2.8 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor to minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." EOH Dry 27283 D CCA1065 0 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 3 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 4 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 6 8 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 8 11 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 11 12 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Minor calcrete." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 12 18 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 18 20 ACR "pale brown, orangish brown" ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 20 23 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 23 28 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand with common weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 28 31 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 31 34 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with common weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 34 36 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 36 42 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 42 44 ACR orangish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, sand common weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 44 45 ACR orangish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, sand, granules lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 45 46 ACR orangish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, sand, granules lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1065 46 50 ACR orangish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt very minor sand grains common weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Damp 27283 D CCA1065 50 60 ACR reddish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, very minor granules ferruginous." Damp 27283 D CCA1065 60 62 ACR reddish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, very minor granules ferruginous." Wet 27283 D CCA1065 62 64 ACR reddish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles ferruginous." Wet 27283 D CCA1065 64 69 ACR reddish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, very minor sand and granules ferruginous." EOH Wet 27283 D CCA1066 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt." Raining while drilling this hole therefore difficult to judge when cuttings become damp. Dry 27283 D CCA1066 1 8 ACR "orangish brown, reddish brown" ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1066 8 9 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 27283 D CCA1066 9 10 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1066 10 25 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1066 25 36 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with v minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1066 36 40 ACR orangish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt minor sand and granules common weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1066 40 44 ACR orangish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt minor sand and granules common weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Damp? 27283 D CCA1066 44 51 ACR orangish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, sand common weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Damp 27283 D CCA1066 51 55 ACR reddish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt very minor sand and granules common weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Damp 27283 D CCA1066 55 57 ACR reddish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt minor sand and granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Damp 27283 D CCA1066 57 66 ACR orangish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt predominantly as weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Damp 27283 D CCA1066 66 68 ACR orangish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt very minor granules predominantly as weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Damp 27283 D CCA1066 68 72 ACR "orangish brown, brown" TSED "Tertiary sediment; silt, sand, granules, pebbles, cobbles. Gravel bed." Wet 27283 D CCA1066 72 73.3 ACR brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles. " EOH Wet 27283 D CCA1067 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 2 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 3 7 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 7 13 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor to minor calcrete." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 13 14 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 14 20 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 20 25 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 25 28 ACR "orangish brown, pale brown" ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt very minor sand predominantly as weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 28 31 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with lesser to minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 31 33 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt commonly as weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 33 37 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules with lesser to minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 37 38 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand commonly as weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 38 41 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules rare pebbles with minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 41 50 ACR "orangish brown, brown" TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt very minor sand predominantly as weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 50 51 ACR brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 51 52 ACR grey TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt very minor sand as weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 52 54 ACR "grey, brown" TSED "Tertiary sediment; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 54 57 ACR "grey, brown" TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt as weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1067 57 58 ACR brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." EOH Dry 27283 D CCA1068 0 3 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1068 3 7 ACR reddish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1068 7 9 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles." EOH Dry 27283 D CCA1069 0 1 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1069 1 9 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, minor pebbles minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1069 9 10 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 27283 D CCA1069 10 11 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1069 11 17 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1069 17 19 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 27283 D CCA1069 19 21 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1069 21 23 ACR "orangish brown, brown" ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1069 23 31 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt very minor sand, granules, predominantly as weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1069 31 34 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1069 34 46 ACR "orangish brown, brown" ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1069 46 48 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt very minor sand, predominantly as weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Damp 27283 D CCA1069 48 52 ACR "orangish brown, brown" ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt minor sand, granules, predominantly as weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Damp 27283 D CCA1069 52 56 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Damp 27283 D CCA1069 56 59 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Wet 27283 D CCA1069 59 60 ACR brownish grey ALUV "Alluvium; sand, granules, pebbles, cobbles? Gravel bed." EOH Wet 27283 D CCA1070 0 5 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1070 5 9 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1070 9 10 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 27283 D CCA1070 10 13 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1070 13 14 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 27283 D CCA1070 14 29 ACR "orangish brown, brown" ALUV "Alluvium; clay silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1070 29 30 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1070 30 33 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay silt minor sand, granules." Dry 27283 D CCA1070 33 35 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1070 35 38 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay silt, sand, granules minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1070 38 39 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1070 39 46 ACR brownish grey TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt." Dry 27283 D CCA1070 46 49 ACR brownish grey TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt." Damp 27283 D CCA1070 49 51 ACR brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; silt, sand, granules very minor pebbles." Damp 27283 D CCA1070 51 56 ACR orangish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt very minor sand, granules." Damp 27283 D CCA1070 56 59 ACR orangish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt very minor sand, granules." Wet 27283 D CCA1070 59 62 ACR brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt." Wet 27283 D CCA1070 62 63 ACR brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt very minor sand, granules, pebbles, cobbles?" EOH Wet 27283 D CCA1071 0 1 ACR reddish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 27283 D CCA1071 1 8 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules very minor pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1071 8 9 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 27283 D CCA1071 9 18 ACR "orangish brown, brown" ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules very minor pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1071 18 20 ACR brownish grey ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 27283 D CCA1071 20 24 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1071 24 25.3 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." EOH Dry 27283 D CCA1072 0 1 ACR reddish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 27283 D CCA1072 1 5 ACR reddish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1072 5 9 ACR orangish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 27283 D CCA1072 9 10 ACR brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt. Very minor calcrete." Dry 27283 D CCA1072 10 12 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt." Dry 27283 D CCA1072 12 13 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt very fine sand predominantly as weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 27283 D CCA1072 13 22 ACR "pale brown, orangish brown" ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules very minor pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1072 22 25 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1072 25 28 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1072 28 33 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt minor sand, granules." Dry 27283 D CCA1072 33 35 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 27283 D CCA1072 35 40 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt minor sand, granules." Dry 27283 D CCA1072 40 48 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 27283 D CCA1072 48 53 ACR orangish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, very minor sand." Dry 27283 D CCA1072 53 54 ACR orangish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, sand, granules." Damp 27283 D CCA1072 54 55 ACR reddish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt, minor sand, granules." Damp 27283 D CCA1072 55 62 ACR reddish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt." Damp 27283 D CCA1072 62 63 ACR reddish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt." Wet 27283 D CCA1072 63 66 ACR pale reddish brown TSED "Tertiary sediment; clay, silt." EOH Wet 27283 D CCA1073 0 6 ACR "pale brown, orangish brown" ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1074 0 3 ACR "pale brown, orangish brown" ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1074 3 4 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1074 4 5 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, moderately cemented cohesive aggregates (cemented band or layer)." Dry 25230 D CCA1074 5 8 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1074 8 11 ACR pale brownish grey ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Minor calcrete. Hole appears to terminate in calcrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1075 0 1 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt minor sand." Dry 25230 D CCA1075 1 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1075 2 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1075 4 5 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1075 5 6 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1075 6 8 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt very minor sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1075 8 9 ACR pale grey ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1075 9 10.2 ACR pale grey ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules. Minor calcrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1076 0 4 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1076 4 5 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1076 5 6 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1076 6 8 ACR "pale brown, pale grey" ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1076 8 10 ACR pale grey ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. 8-9m gravel bed?" Dry 25230 D CCA1076 10 10.9 ACR pale grey ALUV PSAP "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Pallid saprolite strongly clay weathered bedrock." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1077 0 1 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles, cobbles? Terminate in gravel bed?" EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1078 0 2 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1078 2 6 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1078 6 7 ACR yellowish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1078 7 8 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1078 8 10 ACR "pale brown, grey" ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1078 10 14 ACR pale grey RSAP CCRT "Saprock; strongly clay weathered plagioclase quartz, biotite gneiss. Minor calcrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1079 0 1 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1079 1 2 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1079 2 4 ACR pale orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1079 4 5 ACR pale orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Gravel bed?" Dry 25230 D CCA1079 5 6 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1080 0 1 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1080 1 2 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1080 2 7 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules lesser to minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1080 7 8 ACR pale grey ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1080 8 9 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1080 9 12 ACR pale grey ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1080 12 13 ACR pale grey PSAP Pallid saprolite; very strongly clay weathered bedrock. Dry 25230 D CCA1080 13 14 ACR grey RSAP "Saprock; strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Damp 25230 D CCA1080 14 27 ACR reddish grey RSAP "Saprock; strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss. Pervasive haematite stain." Damp 25230 D CCA1080 27 30 ACR reddish grey RSAP "Saprock; strongly clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss. Pervasive haematite stain." EOH Wet 25230 D CCA1081 0 3 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1081 3 5 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1081 5 9 ACR "pale brown, pale grey" ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1081 9 9.3 ACR pale grey ALUV GNIS CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Very mior quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss. Very minor calcrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1082 0 4.4 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1083 0 1 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1083 1 2 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles (gravel bed?)." Dry 25230 D CCA1083 2 3 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1083 3 5 ACR grey GNIS CCRT "Quartz, biotite gneiss. Very minor calcrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1084 0 3 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1084 3 4 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt very minor fine grained sand." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1085 0 2.5 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1086 0 3 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules very minor pebbles." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1087 0 1 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1087 1 2.6 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; very minor clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1088 0 0.6 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1089 0 2 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1090 0 1 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1090 1 2 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1090 2 3 ACR pale grey ALUV GNIS "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Very minor quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1091 0 5 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1091 5 6 ACR grey RSAP "Saprock; clay weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1092 0 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules very minor pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1092 3 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules very minor pebbles very minor weakly cohesive aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1092 4 5 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules very minor pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1092 5 6 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT GNIS "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Very minor calcrete. Very minor quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." Dry 25230 D CCA1092 6 6.9 ACR grey GNIS CCRT "Quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss. Very minor calcrete." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1093 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1093 1 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1093 2 4 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1093 4 7 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1093 7 8 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1093 8 8.8 ACR pale grey GNIS "Quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss weakly clay weathered." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1094 0 2 ACR "pale brown, orangish brown" ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1094 2 5 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules pebbles minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1094 5 7 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1094 7 8 ACR pale brown ALUV PSAP "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Lesser pallid saprolite very strongly clay weathered bedrock." Dry 25230 D CCA1094 8 9.2 ACR "pale brown, pale grey" PSAP Pallid saprolite very strongly clay weathered gneiss. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1095 0 1 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1095 1 2 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1095 2 3 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1095 3 4 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1095 4 6 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1095 6 8 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules very minor to minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1095 8 9 ACR brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules. Very minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1095 9 10 ACR beige ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1095 10 11 ACR beige ALUV RSAP CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules. Saprock after quartz, biotite gneiss. Calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1095 11 12 ACR grey RSAP "Saprock; clay weathered quartz, biotite gneiss." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1096 0 5 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1096 5 7 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt very minor sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1096 7 8 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1096 8 9 ACR grey ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1096 9 11 ACR pale grey ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1096 11 13 ACR "pale brown, pale grey" ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1096 13 15 ACR grey GNIS "Weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1097 0 1 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1097 1 3 ACR "orangish brown, brown" ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1097 3 7 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules very minor pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1097 7 7.3 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules very minor moderately cohesive aggregates." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1098 0 2 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1098 2 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1098 4 6.3 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1099 0 2 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1099 2 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1099 3 4 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules." Dry 25230 D CCA1099 4 6 ACR pale brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Minor calcrete." Dry 25230 D CCA1099 6 7 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1099 7 8 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1099 8 8.3 ACR brown ALUV GNIS "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Very minor quartz, k-feldspar, biotite gneiss." Gneiss at bottom of hole. EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1100 0 1 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1100 1 6 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles very minor to minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1100 6 7 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry 25230 D CCA1100 7 8 ACR pale grey ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry 25230 D CCA1100 8 9 ACR pale grey ALUV GNIS "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles. Very minor quartz plagioclase biotite gneiss at BOH." EOH Dry 25230 D CCA1101 0 1 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry D CCA1101 1 2 ACR reddish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry D CCA1101 2 4 ACR reddish brown ALUV CCRT "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor calcrete." Dry D CCA1101 4 5 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor to lesser weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry D CCA1101 5 6 ACR orangish brown ALUV MSAP "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Lesser mottles saprolite." Dry D CCA1101 6 14.5 ACR grey MSAP Mottled saprolite; strongly weathered bedrock with minor pervasive ferruginous stain. EOH Dry D CCA1102 0 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles very minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry D CCA1102 3 7 ACR "pale brown, beige" ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry D CCA1102 7 8 ACR pale orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, very minor sand predominantly weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry D CCA1102 8 9 ACR pale brown ALUV GNIS "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles minor moderately cohesive clayey aggregates. Bottom of hole strongly weathered quartz, plagioclase, biotite gneiss." EOH Dry D CCA1103 0 2 ACR reddish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry D CCA1103 2 3 ACR reddish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry D CCA1103 3 4 ACR pale brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry D CCA1103 4 6 ACR pale brown MSAP Mottled saprolite; clay weathered bedrock with minor pervasive ferruginous stain. Dry D CCA1103 6 7 ACR grey SAP Saprolite clay weathered bedrock. EOH Dry D CCA1104 0 3 ACR reddish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles very minor to minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry D CCA1104 3 4 ACR beige MSAP ALUV "Mottled saprolite; strongly clay weathered bedrock with patchy pervasive ferruginous stain. Lesser alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry D CCA1104 4 12 ACR "pale grey, pale pink, beige" MSAP Mottled saprolite; strongly clay weathered bedrock with patchy pervasive ferruginous stain. EOH Dry D CCA1105 0 3 ACR reddish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules, pebbles very minor to minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry D CCA1105 3 6 ACR beige MSAP Mottled saprolite; strongly clay weathered bedrock with patchy pervasive ferruginous stain. EOH Dry D CCA1106 0 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules, pebbles." Dry D CCA1106 3 4 ACR orangish brown ALUV PSAP "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules weakly cohesive clayey aggregates. Very minor pallid saprolite." Dry D CCA1106 4 6 ACR white PSAP Pallid saprolite; bleached strongly clay weathered bedrock. Dry D CCA1106 6 9 ACR "beige, brown" MSAP Mottled saprolite; strongly clay weathered bedrock with patchy pervasive ferruginous stain. EOH Dry D CCA1107 0 1 ACR brown ALUV "Alluvium; silt, sand, granules." Dry D CCA1107 1 3 ACR orangish brown ALUV "Alluvium; clay, silt, sand, granules very minor to minor weakly cohesive clayey aggregates." Dry D CCA1107 3 4 ACR brown MSAP ALUV "Mottled saprolite; strongly clay weathered bedrock with patchy pervasive ferruginous stain. Very minor alluvium; sand, granules." Dry D CCA1107 4 7 ACR "beige, pale pink" MSAP Mottled saprolite; strongly clay weathered bedrock with patchy pervasive ferruginous stain. EOH Dry EOF