H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 25/03/2014 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 15-Feb-14 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no EL28136 H0101 Tenement_holder "Bralich Holdings Pty Ltd (1) Riding Resources Pty Ltd (1) H0102 Project_name Blueys H0106 Tenement_operator Core Exploration Pty Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_numbers SH5314 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5851 H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 16/02/2013 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquistion 15/02/2014 H0202 Template_format SL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records (in this file) 161 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update H0300 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL28136_2014_A_02_Appendix_1_SurfaceGeochem H0305 Surface_geochem_comp_data_file EL28136_2014_A_02_Appendix_1_SurfaceGeochem H0501 Geodectic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Universal Tranverse Mercator (UTM) H0530 Coordinate_system [Geographic/Projected] Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surveying_instrument Hand held GPS H0533 Surveying_company Core Exploration H0600 Sample_code Rock Chip H0601 Sample_type Rock Chip H0602 Sample_description H0700 Sample_preparation_code Not know H0701 Sample_preparation_details Not known H0702 Job_no (lab job number) "AS12276649, 1632_0_1308265, 1632_0_1310517, 1632_0_1311434, 1632_0_1312555" H0800 Assay_code FA25/AA 4A/MS 4A/OE H0801 Assay_company ALS H0802 Assay_description FA 25 Fire assay "4A four acid digest, MS Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" OS Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry H0900 Comments H1000 SampleID Easting Northing Date Observations Prospect Sample_Type Au Ag Al As Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Co Cr Cs Cu Fe Ga Ge Hf In K Li Mg Mn Mo Na Nb Ni P Pb Rb Re S Sb Sc Se Sn Sr Ta Te Th Ti Tl U V W Y Zn Zr H1001 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm H1002 FA25/AA 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/OE 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS 4A/MS 4A/OE 4A/MS H1003 0.01 0.05 50 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 50 0.02 0.1 5 0.05 1 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.005 20 0.1 20 1 0.1 20 0.05 1 50 5 0.05 0.002 50 0.05 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.01 5 0.02 0.01 1 0.1 0.05 1 0.1 D BLRK00001 474583.9799 7400495.055 10/05/2013 contact 38->328 sheared and qtz veined between underlying brecciated dolomite & overlying cataclastic granite/aplite; ~3m wide zone; exposed in cutting wall Blueys Rock Chip x 1.7 12169 6 1016 x 0.11 24584 0.32 2.5 x 0.5 21 1.14 2.6 0.6 0.5 x 5941 2.2 5294 153 0.3 129 1 2 x 47 24.4 x 373 6.1 x x 0.3 47.2 x x 5.91 184 0.13 0.55 12 0.1 1.6 62 14.6 D BLRK00002 474573.9794 7400493.052 12/05/2013 Dolo-arenite? small outcrop in granite/aplite; structurally overlies dolomite; bedding estimate 10->024 Blueys Rock Chip x 0.9 57703 9 397 0.7 0.25 56876 0.28 29.3 80 1.6 4 7.44 10.4 1 0.4 0.07 30037 1.9 28578 1317 1 461 0.9 70 300 19 139 x 237 2.6 29 x 0.8 77.1 x x 1.38 3146 0.62 1.49 202 2.4 9.9 106 7.3 D BLRK00003 474579.9825 7400505.459 23/05/2013 "Dolo-sandstone, minor qtz veining+black mineral selvages ~4-5cm wide; weathered sulphide?" Blueys Rock Chip x 0.3 55570 19 398 0.9 0.19 92623 0.62 33 110 1.8 123 7.21 11.8 1 0.6 0.11 28516 2.7 37921 1118 0.8 451 0.5 56 241 13 127.7 x x 5.2 33 x 1 150.7 x x 1.39 3581 0.61 1.47 233 x 10.7 107 12 D BLRK00004 474574.9771 7400505.005 12/05/2013 fine-med grained granite; intrudes dolo-sandstone; above dolomite contact; minor qtz veins; weathered sulphides? Blueys Rock Chip x 1.2 70060 x 2302 0.8 x 2235 0.08 2.9 x 0.8 x 1.16 13.6 0.8 2.3 x 38394 3.1 2123 139 1.1 24622 2.6 4 183 14 69.9 x 327 0.8 1 x 0.8 90.8 x x 47.18 1298 0.33 3.59 10 0.8 6.8 17 90.4 D BLRK00005 474597.6296 7400514.677 23/05/2013 Ferrigineous white qtz adjacent to dolerite lens; above dolomite comntact; ~3m thick (lens?) Blueys Rock Chip x 1 3389 x 120 x x 6087 0.06 2.8 23 0.2 4 0.95 1.3 0.2 0.1 x 1557 5.1 1116 160 2.4 169 x 7 61 9 7 x 146 0.6 x x 0.3 10.7 x x 1.75 69 0.04 0.26 8 x 1.9 17 3.8 D BLRK00006 474593.6465 7400516.887 23/05/2013 qtz vein or siliceous altered aplite/granite; weathered sulphide spots <1mm diam Blueys Rock Chip x 1.4 73027 x 492 0.9 x 2692 x 1.4 x 0.6 x 0.79 14 0.4 1.2 x 15262 6.4 2203 70 x 34563 3.1 2 264 8 56.7 x x 0.4 1 x 0.6 93.5 x x 6.93 573 0.18 1.93 5 0.5 4.1 11 37.1 D BLRK00007 474599.96 7400522.986 10/05/2013 Dolerite pod in altered/siliceous granite/aplite; 1-2m above contact with underlying dolomite Blueys Rock Chip x 0.9 71907 x 466 0.8 0.3 39308 0.09 43.6 36 2.1 2 10.16 16.9 0.8 0.5 0.07 13026 32.7 34360 1617 0.2 15548 2 41 1229 11 81.9 x 244 0.2 37 x 0.6 119.6 x x 1.87 5169 0.39 0.46 377 x 15.8 87 15.6 D BLRK00008 474581.9938 7400525.061 10/05/2013 Dolerite pod 4-5m diameter; qtz-epidote veined; in altered/siliceous granite/aplite or metasandstone Blueys Rock Chip x 0.2 75738 4 322 0.6 0.49 46416 0.09 57 48 0.8 33 10.44 16.8 1.2 0.7 0.13 8186 35.8 38590 1717 3.4 5026 1.1 36 561 14 33.8 x x x 45 x 1 268.2 x x 1.28 4177 0.13 0.28 324 0.2 22.8 86 13 D BLRK00009 474573.0002 7400529.694 23/05/2013 qtz veining <5cm wide in fractured granite Blueys Rock Chip x x 19917 x 68 x x 1984 x 2.7 12 0.2 1 0.77 3.2 0.2 0.8 x 2205 1.3 1022 106 2 11016 0.5 4 111 9 9.2 x 59 0.3 1 x 0.4 28.9 x x 8.34 307 0.05 1.05 11 x 1.7 9 27.6 D BLRK00010 474563.493 7400534.438 23/05/2013 Granite; medium grained; numerous veins/black seams Blueys Rock Chip x 0.2 66809 x 323 1.1 x 6999 x 5.8 x 0.9 x 2.05 13.4 0.4 1.2 x 13050 12.2 8465 210 1.8 27561 1.1 6 217 13 57.1 x x 0.7 2 x 0.7 109.6 x x 49.66 541 0.24 3.46 22 0.3 6.7 20 46.9 D BLRK00011 474566.9613 7400537.98 12/05/2013 contact 46->026 btw granite-dolosiltstone(?) thin lens; qtz veining at contact ~5cm wide; granite also intrudes amphibolite (irregular contact) Blueys Rock Chip x 0.2 7481 6 259 x 0.12 69842 0.5 9 x 0.4 115 2.19 1.8 0.9 0.2 x 3099 0.6 16334 446 0.3 154 0.3 6 101 6 13 x 140 3.8 5 x 0.3 147 x x 1.16 418 0.05 0.64 37 0.8 3.3 30 4.9 D BLRK00012 474566.5522 7400596.217 23/05/2013 "Amphibolite; siliceous, epidote alteration; moderate L1 stretch lineation 14->106; moderate foliation S1 40->184 pllel qtz veining deformed; S2 angular folds 66->140; F2 hinge 40->216; youngetr calcite/qtz veins" Blueys Rock Chip x x 29523 3 25 0.6 4.43 2511 x 14.9 25 0.6 22 4.05 7.3 0.6 1 x 1208 26.9 27702 337 1.9 2664 1.4 17 856 6 5.7 x x 0.1 8 x 0.7 7 x 3 2.94 1734 0.03 2.16 81 0.6 8.5 35 27.1 D BLRK00013 474567.9869 7400593.009 23/05/2013 calcite veining in amphibolite; compare to earkly qtz vein Blueys Rock Chip x x 21978 4 180 3.8 0.25 219973 0.11 16.6 18 0.2 307 3.19 5.5 0.8 0.3 0.13 5757 8 12878 2601 x 5105 0.8 22 315 7 14.3 x x x 41 x 0.4 155.2 x 0.1 1.29 1939 0.08 0.22 100 x 84.1 61 10.3 D BLRK00014 474529.2519 7400614.303 23/05/2013 Calcite+qtz vein; gossanous zone of Carthew 2002; thin <15cm wide discontinuous ~10m; in epidote altered amphibolite; adjacent to granite lenses Blueys Rock Chip x x 2035 3 257 x x 194488 0.66 17.5 x 0.2 154 9.54 0.7 0.3 x x 429 1.7 68312 3194 0.2 111 x 5 90 x 1.6 x x 0.4 1 x 0.1 176.2 x x 0.28 202 x 0.44 25 1.4 12.4 56 x D BLRK00015 474529.9713 7400613.979 23/05/2013 Amphibolite; epidote alteration; adjacent to gossanous calcite vein Blueys Rock Chip x x 74246 2 131 0.9 0.23 56809 0.12 49.5 16 0.3 70 10.69 18.8 1.5 2.9 0.08 5129 16 32831 1782 0.3 18828 6.3 23 1270 15 13.5 x x 0.5 40 x 1.2 383.7 0.57 0.1 2.76 7891 0.06 0.33 330 0.2 28.8 109 25.6 D BLRK00016 474554.7688 7400620.555 11/05/2013 thin cap of altered granite/aplite or metasiltstone on granite; weak foliation 20->300 Blueys Rock Chip x x 70016 x 698 1 x 4080 x 4.9 x 1.4 x 2.3 13.8 0.7 1.9 x 20724 2.8 4213 178 0.2 24200 2.8 8 281 6 84.2 x x 0.4 2 x 0.5 82.6 0.12 x 6.9 525 0.34 1.44 12 0.2 5 17 52.9 D BLRK00017 474566.9914 7400639.061 11/05/2013 Granite; med grained equigranular qtz-fspr-bt (after amphibole?); leucogranite; ferriginous qtz veined (<10cm thick); small knob on hill Blueys Rock Chip x x 11269 x 113 x x 547 x 2.1 x 0.2 1 0.97 2.6 0.5 0.3 x 4617 3.1 589 90 0.3 2713 x 3 x 2 12.9 x x 0.2 x x 0.2 13.9 x x 5.15 221 0.07 0.39 11 x 0.8 8 10.2 D BLRK00018 474567.153 7400638.921 23/05/2013 granite/aplite; cut by ferrigineous qtz veins Blueys Rock Chip x x 67891 x 1098 0.6 x 1777 x 3.2 x 0.7 x 1.25 11.7 0.5 3.6 x 37330 1.5 1249 67 0.5 22370 1 3 133 10 67.9 x 90 0.3 x x 0.4 115.7 x x 58.9 793 0.33 2.07 25 0.1 3.7 12 87.5 D BLRK00019 474561.9855 7400698.06 11/05/2013 "silicified rock; gossanous; silicified siltstone?; strike 040; 4-5m wide; marks contact btw overlying amphibolite & underlying siltstone; underlying siltstone sheared 66->110, S2kink 48->306;" Blueys Rock Chip x 0.8 6620 13 96 x 0.12 1354 0.09 4.3 x 0.2 39 2.45 1.8 0.9 0.3 x 3205 4.5 846 209 3.4 31 0.3 9 273 24 12.7 x 84 7.5 3 x 0.5 20.2 x x 2.49 170 0.04 1.19 47 0.6 4.4 46 10.9 D BLRK00020 474582.4705 7400719.132 23/05/2013 gossanous; silicified rock; silicified siltstone?; strike 040; 4-5m wide; marks contact btw overlying amphibolite & underlying siltstone Blueys Rock Chip x x 18651 9 195 1 0.13 1702 0.18 7.6 6 0.6 18 2.44 4.5 0.6 0.8 x 9722 15 2003 839 1.8 87 1.1 10 355 50 39 x 227 2.2 5 x 1.3 12.2 0.05 x 5.27 463 0.16 2.3 68 0.9 9.4 57 26.2 D BLRK00021 474585.9937 7400691.012 11/05/2013 fine gr aplite? or altered/siliceous granite; small lens within amphibolite; numerous ferriginous qtz veins Blueys Rock Chip x x 58528 x 321 1.6 x 2527 x 2.4 x 0.7 8 1.09 12.9 0.5 2.2 x 10612 2.8 1662 64 0.2 26367 6.8 2 149 8 36 x x 1.5 3 x 2.6 46.2 0.57 x 25.76 759 0.16 2.68 11 1.2 14.4 14 64 D BLRK00022 474593.9714 7400680.067 23/05/2013 "vein qtz milky ~20cm wide, 3m long in aplite/granite" Blueys Rock Chip x x 3941 x 39 x x 486 x 0.8 x x 1 0.61 0.9 0.2 0.2 x 1428 1.8 1089 96 x 540 x 4 x 8 5.3 x x x x x 0.2 2.9 x x 2.24 81 0.03 0.25 3 x 1.4 4 5.1 D BLRK00023 474594.8814 7400678.768 23/05/2013 aplite + minor vein qtz adjacent to thicker qtz vein BLRK00022 Blueys Rock Chip x x 65655 2 365 2.3 x 8562 x 4.2 x 0.6 x 1.18 13.1 0.4 2.7 x 12443 6.6 6911 170 x 24775 5.5 4 201 15 40.6 x x x 3 x 1.8 112.2 0.41 x 32.09 803 0.2 3.98 14 0.6 20.6 14 83.2 D BLRK00024 474614.0054 7400670.033 23/05/2013 visible Cu malachite; gossanous calcite/calcrete breccia; disturbed ground due to prospecting; no insitu outcrop by approx position Blueys Rock Chip 0.07 344.7 13935 673 >5000 0.7 11.75 24692 75.57 3.7 22 0.4 6204 2.78 3.2 0.9 0.5 0.12 6781 3.5 12375 503 3.3 80 x 10 380 7932 23.8 x 2784 2565.2 3 x 0.6 97.4 x x 3.58 489 0.19 4.66 17 x 7.4 266 16.8 D BLRK00025 474600.0239 7400664.024 11/05/2013 "med grained granite, weakly foliated; intrudes amphibolite; qtz-epidote alteration + in jointing; ~10m W of mullock +visible Cu" Blueys Rock Chip x 1.6 67587 11 1274 0.9 0.08 8451 0.39 4.6 8 0.3 49 1.57 13.3 0.3 2.2 x 21986 4.3 3936 198 1.2 27527 2.3 4 227 49 33.5 x x 22.3 x x 1 183.6 0.15 x 42.56 1266 0.16 3.42 20 0.2 4.7 19 80.5 D BLRK00026 474639.0069 7400618.038 23/05/2013 Amphibolite; qtz veined; epidote in joints/fractures; vein zone ~30cm wide; med grained amphibolite; less deformed than surrounding amophibolite Blueys Rock Chip x x 74080 x 144 0.6 0.43 62807 x 35 77 0.4 x 9.33 15.8 1.2 0.5 0.29 7983 7.8 31536 1798 0.8 11396 1.3 50 394 8 29.2 x x 0.2 37 x 1.8 350.4 x x 2.1 5191 0.1 0.29 287 44.5 19.4 85 10.3 D BLRK00027 474687.9731 7400698.055 24/05/2013 "Granite, leucogranite, vein qtz; W margin adjacent to silica-epidote altered amphibolite" Blueys Rock Chip x x 55390 5 151 1 0.18 5058 x 1.5 x 0.1 x 0.68 9.8 0.3 1.6 x 4076 2.5 2587 96 0.8 34834 4.7 4 195 6 13.8 x 75 x 3 x 0.6 73.9 0.53 x 15.84 446 0.06 3.23 8 1.8 16.2 9 44 D BLRK00028 474680.9862 7400725.055 24/05/2013 Key Locality: gossanous brown qtz/calcite/carbonate rind developed over amphibolite/granite contact; gossanous rock; late stage development Blueys Rock Chip x 1.6 6210 12 113 x 0.18 173810 2.42 8.4 x 0.1 79 6.25 1.4 0.4 0.1 0.1 1358 1.8 34987 2632 0.2 351 x 15 133 1297 5.9 x 108 9.4 5 x 0.2 392.3 x x 2.59 222 0.02 0.38 33 0.4 13.2 69 3 D BLRK00029 474684.9672 7400724.069 24/05/2013 amphibolite underlying gossanous brown qtz/calcite/calcrete; foliated S1 32->174; overprinting S2 42->316 spaced <0.5mm; minor vein qtz + epidote Blueys Rock Chip x 0.1 71096 9 231 x 0.44 53833 0.09 55.3 24 0.7 119 9.37 13.8 0.8 0.6 0.1 5137 8.8 44991 1935 x 16970 1 67 313 11 19.6 x 119 2.9 44 x 1.5 165.2 x x 1.74 4286 0.11 0.25 282 x 21.5 103 17.6 D BLRK00030 474683.4367 7400723.287 24/05/2013 aplite; fine grained; associated with med grain granite; adjacent to gossanous contact with amphibolite; mafic laths <3mm Blueys Rock Chip x 0.1 85899 7 606 1.3 0.09 20563 0.08 11 9 0.8 38 2.15 15.1 0.3 2.1 x 16530 9.7 14074 314 x 27611 3 24 526 19 66.3 x x 2.5 5 x 1.1 292.8 0.24 x 25.63 1249 0.34 2.57 39 x 6.6 40 74.8 D BLRK00031 474641.9607 7400736.058 11/05/2013 contact btw amphibolite/granite; granite is altered/bleached/silicified; qtz-fspr-bt/chl? after primary mafic mineral;localised qtz veining at contact Blueys Rock Chip x x 46156 x 204 0.6 0.08 17333 x 3.5 x 0.4 x 1.12 7.2 x 1.2 x 14746 4.5 5362 390 x 21826 2.4 2 203 10 35.6 x 59 0.2 3 x 0.4 112.2 x x 9.59 697 0.19 3.05 19 0.8 9.2 11 39.2 D BLRK00032 474693.6313 7400672.379 24/05/2013 "dolerite; possible sulphide weathered, cubic; magnetite? numerous fine qtz veins; weakly foliated; lens ~7m wide, 15m long" Blueys Rock Chip x x 65026 x 235 0.7 0.62 49468 0.08 45.9 43 0.3 85 10.79 15.6 1.2 1 0.13 6599 5 32352 1624 0.2 12641 2.4 33 649 3 21.7 x x x 41 x 2.5 104.9 x x 2.39 7589 0.11 0.41 322 0.5 31.4 100 31.7 D BLRK00033 474594.967 7400460.981 12/05/2013 brecciated dolomite; visible Cu; qtz+calcite veining; dip shallow 12->126 ~2m thick; site of small bore drill hole (one of Bluey's?) Blueys Rock Chip x 33.7 9206 24 3365 x x 56949 2.66 2.4 x 0.3 152 2.17 2.2 0.7 0.3 x 4627 5.9 30938 654 1 200 x 5 170 1102 17.9 x 960 17.8 2 x 0.6 80.2 x x 2.79 237 0.12 1.09 11 x 4.6 104 10.9 D BLRK00034 474598.0149 7400470.062 24/05/2013 siliceous qtz/calcite veined rock mapped as dolomite; visible Cu malachite; ~2m thick Blueys Rock Chip x 95.6 7901 88 >5000 x x 55785 6.42 1.8 x 0.5 463 1.83 1.8 0.6 0.3 x 3976 5 21528 339 1.1 111 x 9 190 8314 15.4 x 4595 17.1 x x 0.4 314.9 x x 2.27 198 0.09 1.04 12 x 7 108 9.2 D BLRK00035 474585.851 7400477.019 24/05/2013 brecciated dolomite; qtz/calcite veining Blueys Rock Chip x 4.5 2629 8 146 x x 123326 0.67 1.6 x 0.2 67 0.89 0.7 0.6 0.1 x 1345 4.7 71270 470 0.2 165 x 3 144 69 5.6 x 140 8 x x 0.2 64.1 x x 0.68 90 0.08 0.61 9 0.1 3.1 62 3.2 D BLRK00036 474569.6602 7400452.187 24/05/2013 brecciated dolomite; intense qtz/calcite veining Blueys Rock Chip x 9.1 2843 5 218 x x 125896 2.47 4.1 x 0.3 70 0.69 0.6 0.3 0.1 x 1617 13.9 72832 359 0.3 172 x 2 157 287 7.5 x 331 4.6 x x 0.1 50.8 x x 0.65 120 0.1 0.78 14 x 4.8 23 3.4 D BLRK00037 474565.0321 7400470.998 12/05/2013 "Dolo-siltstone (underlying dolomite) bedding 2->066/84-340(overturned limb); sharp angular z fold (antiform to SE) S2 66->340, F2 2->248; 1m below dolomite contact; qtz veining 50->330/64->140, 1-5mm wide" Blueys Rock Chip x 21.5 49870 52 1956 1.2 0.77 82190 3 10.9 22 0.6 202 3.46 9.2 1.1 1.6 x 26394 3.3 42708 612 1.3 195 3.7 23 334 528 89.2 x 409 23 9 x 2.1 110.5 x x 10.06 1681 0.49 3.25 46 1.8 16.9 187 49.8 D BLRK00038 474561.0442 7400475.974 12/05/2013 Siltstone (underlying dolomite) bedding 22->070; 2m below dolomite contact Blueys Rock Chip x 2.5 19786 34 1640 2.3 0.12 172360 16.18 11.2 14 1.1 547 4.25 4.8 0.6 0.8 0.1 10636 3.4 89282 1495 1.5 269 3.8 83 239 23 45.6 x 188 24.6 4 x 1.2 255.8 0.06 x 5.05 1086 0.47 3.09 39 1.6 48.5 630 25.3 D BLRK00039 474552.9001 7400459.581 24/05/2013 siltstone-shale; green grey; bedding laminations So 40->052; Sth vergent S2 66->040 L2axis 18->112 Blueys Rock Chip x 7.8 58309 24 420 1.4 0.18 1180 0.06 1 16 3.3 60 2.9 13.9 1.7 2.9 x 32939 4.7 3921 51 0.1 521 5.5 5 160 1015 141.3 x 9316 28.4 9 x 3.5 19.5 0.3 x 11.62 1771 0.59 1.7 50 3.3 10.5 17 88 D BLRK00040 474560.0084 7400486.049 12/05/2013 brecciated dolomite; qtz+calcite infill; visible Cu staining Blueys Rock Chip 0.04 467.4 5568 700 >5000 0.6 2.61 44251 33.6 2.6 11 0.2 7391 1.81 1.2 0.8 0.3 x 2668 2.2 15627 493 1.2 84 x 9 263 7456 10.2 x 4937 1150.1 1 x 0.2 339.2 x x 1.56 99 0.09 2.46 7 x 4.1 290 7.6 D BLRK00041 474550.9935 7400502.969 12/05/2013 brecciated dolomite; qtz+calcite veining; isolated block in probable fold/fault zone; view West is structurally underlying siltstone - dolomite structurally contours above hill ie weathered away Blueys Rock Chip x 7.5 8438 3 >5000 1.3 0.22 75744 4.78 2.7 7 0.3 83 1.61 2.2 1 0.4 x 4503 11.3 42458 468 0.9 136 0.7 12 247 184 17.7 x 2197 11.4 2 x 0.6 192.9 x x 2.01 293 0.15 0.82 17 0.4 13.7 108 12.8 D BLRK00042 474542.9829 7400527.981 12/05/2013 Dolomite; overlies siltstone; intraclasts of dolomite in v coarse gr dolomitic sandstone?; to SE variation in outcrop trend reflects probable fold/fault zone in underlying siltstone Blueys Rock Chip x 4.1 7603 8 217 x x 169043 1.45 2.8 6 0.3 x 1.2 1.9 0.4 0.3 x 4505 7.7 95687 624 x 167 0.2 4 325 19 18.4 x 171 1.9 2 x 0.3 218 x x 2.09 203 0.17 0.77 17 0.3 6 83 9.3 D BLRK00043 474536.0269 7400537.045 12/05/2013 "Siltsone; underlies dolomite; bedding in siltstone 84->320; siltstone intensely cleaved, angular s F2 folds F2 32->070 S2 48->020; qtz veined" Blueys Rock Chip x 20 20252 54 303 1 0.54 35689 2.75 4.4 10 0.3 281 2.34 4.4 1.2 0.6 x 9953 2.8 20401 424 2.3 124 x 13 280 1134 36.3 x 181 6.6 5 x 0.9 65.2 x x 4.26 482 0.18 1.54 40 x 16.6 109 18.7 D BLRK00044 474536.0165 7400543.02 12/05/2013 "Siltsone; underlies dolomite; bedding in dolomite 10->088; siltstone intensely cleaved, angular s F2 folds F210->060 S2 80->340; qtz veined 80->172 approx pllel S2" Blueys Rock Chip x 56.7 69765 59 776 2 1.08 3481 2.28 9 32 1.5 435 5.75 17.3 1.4 2.7 x 34038 4.6 4592 147 1.7 251 1.1 32 243 115 135.2 x 239 8.3 12 x 4.1 25.8 x x 16.94 1515 0.44 3.1 95 0.1 15.5 101 89 D BLRK00045 474524.9508 7400563.045 12/05/2013 "Siltstone, brecciated; box work qtz+calcite veining; gossanous, visible Cu; approx bedding 28->344; S2 kink 80->310; overlying layer of brecciated dolomite is thin <1m" Blueys Rock Chip x 10.6 35325 28 633 1.1 0.17 90195 2.05 6.3 13 1 179 2.73 8.2 0.7 1.3 0.07 17806 7.4 48520 539 2.2 174 2.8 14 373 95 68.7 x 106 33.4 8 x 2 140.4 0.09 x 8.84 1113 0.24 2.18 52 1.2 14.4 86 43.1 D BLRK00046 474520.7798 7400555.178 24/05/2013 brecciated dolomite; in gully below BL13LV041; lens of dolomite in dolo-siltstone Blueys Rock Chip x 43.2 10353 206 >5000 0.7 0.21 36294 6.24 5.3 8 0.4 927 3.12 2.7 1.1 0.6 x 5316 5.2 15173 435 1.1 99 x 16 195 101 21.6 x 3627 13.2 4 x 0.6 121 x x 2.79 282 0.1 0.87 35 x 6.9 210 19.2 D BLRK00047 474505.6363 7400577.728 24/05/2013 brecciated dolo-siltstone; visible Malachite; vein qtz Blueys Rock Chip 0.02 242.4 17789 105 >5000 0.7 11.72 1334 8.65 4.6 7 0.6 2250 2.04 4.3 0.8 0.6 x 6875 3.9 1684 133 0.6 67 0.3 13 143 89 33.1 x 4274 137.7 3 x 1 952.6 x x 1.48 528 0.15 2.6 26 x 5.6 58 14.1 D BLRK00048 474500.9448 7400573.851 24/05/2013 brecciated dolo-siltstone; visible Malachite; vein qtz 68->014 Blueys Rock Chip x 25.8 6470 84 2921 x 0.33 84488 8.4 3 7 0.3 455 1.59 1.5 0.9 0.3 x 3284 6.2 44692 347 1.6 71 x 8 214 59 13.9 x 779 53.6 3 x 0.3 94.1 x x 1.96 202 0.07 0.72 13 x 5.2 162 11.1 D BLRK00049 474511.0268 7400588.038 11/05/2013 dolomite 1x2m outcrop in track; track exposes calcrete cap developed over main dolomite unit Blueys Rock Chip x 1.5 3263 13 181 x 0.05 142560 0.13 1.6 5 0.3 12 0.58 0.7 0.4 0.2 x 1758 9.1 86556 351 x 169 x 2 162 15 7.5 x 256 3.3 x x 0.2 57.4 x x 0.82 142 0.1 0.69 10 x 4.2 12 5.2 D BLRK00050 474516.021 7400590.042 11/05/2013 quartz blow marking faulted contact btw undelying dolomite/overlying amphibolite Blueys Rock Chip x 0.1 3746 4 101 x x 906 x 4.9 x x 5 1.12 1.2 0.6 x x 614 3.4 3075 138 x 42 x 4 91 3 3.1 x x 1.8 1 x 0.1 2.7 x x 0.16 100 x 0.11 13 x 0.6 5 2.4 D BLRK00051 474476.8054 7400656.396 24/05/2013 siltstone subcrop; calcrete weathering rind; subhorizontal Blueys Rock Chip x 1.4 45507 15 372 1.7 0.38 30465 0.29 38.5 24 3.2 59 2.58 11.3 1.4 1.9 x 39249 21.5 4798 1274 1.4 458 4.5 23 296 154 131.4 x x 4.4 8 x 2.3 24.1 0.11 x 10.16 2032 0.72 2.64 97 1.1 13.7 66 52.4 D BLRK00052 474513.9758 7400654.02 11/05/2013 dolomite subcrop marking Nthn extent of dolomite; amphibolite outcrop to the Sth; overlying Tertiary silcrete/calcrete breccia to the Nth Blueys Rock Chip x 0.9 8176 x 156 x 0.13 161500 0.89 2.5 7 1 11 0.84 2.1 0.4 0.4 x 5188 24.7 92820 354 x 234 0.8 4 216 57 23.2 x x 1.3 2 x 0.5 89.1 x x 2.14 360 0.16 0.88 23 x 7.2 40 12.5 D BLRK00053 474451.0379 7400622.035 11/05/2013 "brecciated siltstone, silicified, qtz vein infill; overlies siltstone; underlies Tertiary silcrete to the Nth" Blueys Rock Chip x 9.4 5249 13 160 0.6 0.07 1216 0.35 6.5 x 0.2 87 2.82 1.3 1.4 0.3 x 2405 5.6 833 172 1.8 39 x 14 169 39 9.3 x 247 13.2 2 x 0.3 13.3 x x 1.81 115 0.05 1 13 x 3.9 48 8.1 D BLRK00054 474416.9945 7400646.993 11/05/2013 Siltstone S1 28->296; strong L1 stretch lineation 18->024;F2 kinks 1-5cm spaced 86->176; axial planar qtz vein 86-176 & conjugate qtz veins 86->262; F2 fold sets 10-50cm spaced Blueys Rock Chip x 2.5 27501 17 143 1.2 0.39 1117 0.06 7.9 18 2.1 46 2.35 6.1 1.5 1.7 x 14857 27.9 3542 147 2.7 166 2 9 291 23 70.3 x 141 14.4 7 x 1.4 6.8 x x 6.98 1058 0.24 2.85 60 1.1 10.5 31 53.2 D BLRK00055 474362.6928 7400580.031 24/05/2013 "fine gr sandstone, siltstone; well bedded S0 22->164; mesoscale folding S2 48->056 F2axis 26->130" Blueys Rock Chip x 0.5 53073 14 168 1.1 0.26 488 x 2.6 17 3 12 2.89 12.4 1.8 3.6 0.07 26154 2.4 3103 66 0.8 247 4.5 5 564 18 120.8 x 844 3.1 9 4 3.1 101.4 0.26 x 16.61 1543 0.45 4.58 64 1 15.5 8 125.8 D BLRK00056 474376.66 7400589.242 24/05/2013 "fine gr sandstone, siltstone; well bedded S0 14->124; qtz vein 74->330; minor enechelon tension vein array" Blueys Rock Chip x 0.9 37434 38 123 1 0.15 800 0.05 5 14 1.9 15 4.12 8 1.7 2.1 0.06 18076 2.7 2225 79 1.9 186 2.4 9 587 12 80.8 x 369 8.9 6 x 2.1 57.8 x x 10.27 820 0.3 3.14 51 0.8 11.1 14 77 D BLRK00057 474500.0028 7400525.021 12/05/2013 lenses of qtz veining & breccia in siltstone; corresponds to gossand trend of Carthew 2002; localised veining along minor fold axial zone? Blueys Rock Chip 0.03 21.4 26898 344 1044 1.1 2.02 3632 1.64 7.7 14 0.9 296 16.25 7.4 1.4 1.3 0.08 16712 1.8 2293 93 1.6 204 x 15 1663 260 55.4 x 7483 164.5 6 2 1.6 170.1 x x 14.21 251 0.24 3.68 45 x 9.9 63 42.5 D BLRK00058 474495.3049 7400529.773 24/05/2013 siltstone brecciated; gossanous qtz veining Blueys Rock Chip 0.03 23.8 30901 228 489 1.1 3.79 4557 0.53 3.2 10 0.8 121 18.46 7.9 1.1 1.5 x 16722 1.6 2941 87 2.9 193 x 7 1328 733 59.6 x 4757 46.1 5 14 1.6 103.9 x x 12.93 315 0.23 3.33 35 x 7.8 48 48.2 D BLRK00059 474484.0442 7400543.821 24/05/2013 siltstone intensely qtz veined Vein 84->014; gossanous zone ~3m wide; Blueys Rock Chip x 6.2 69188 19 405 2.4 0.53 472 0.31 6.9 19 2.3 43 2.57 16.8 0.8 3 x 33158 5.5 2928 51 1.9 201 5.3 13 126 40 135.5 x 139 10.6 11 x 4.2 9.5 0.34 x 17.87 1919 0.47 2.62 87 2.7 15.3 36 95.1 D BLRK00060 474444.0247 7400545.96 12/05/2013 "siltstone & minor breccia/qtz veining; W end of heavily brecciated, silicified/veined siltstone; equivalent to mineralised brecciated siltstone below dolomite in gully BL13LV041; overlain by silcrete cap to the Nth" Blueys Rock Chip x 4.3 26807 5 93 1.2 0.22 290 0.23 6.7 7 1.1 15 3.28 5.9 1.5 2.4 0.05 12958 3.1 1440 147 0.9 133 1.6 13 239 64 56.4 x 391 18.9 6 x 1.5 15.8 x x 10.46 583 0.22 2.17 26 1.1 14.5 32 83.4 D BLRK00061 474473.025 7400542.029 12/05/2013 "Brecciated dolo-siltstone/siltstone, intense qtz veining; here outcrop ~ bedding pllel? occupies antiformal hinge position or siliceous cap rock" Blueys Rock Chip x 2.3 14597 42 349 1.1 0.09 923 0.58 9.6 9 0.4 138 4.48 3.6 1.4 0.8 x 7204 10.4 1636 470 1.6 95 0.4 20 206 76 27.8 x 283 10.1 9 x 1 12.4 x x 4.53 479 0.12 1.31 111 0.2 8.7 84 23.5 D BLRK00062 474480.2366 7400563.181 24/05/2013 dolo-siltstone subcrop; bedding S0 26->300; minor vein qtz+calcite Blueys Rock Chip x 4.7 15011 41 237 0.7 0.16 164612 0.79 5.6 13 0.4 23 5.58 3.8 0.6 0.6 0.11 7976 2.3 87623 1365 1.6 260 1 18 459 14 29.7 x 181 7.9 3 x 0.8 267.4 x x 3.99 589 0.16 1.92 61 0.8 28.8 52 19.6 D BLRK00063 474488.5811 7400518.477 24/05/2013 siltstone --shale; green grey; gossan zone; bedding lamination S0 32->220; abundant ferrigineous qtz veining <10cm wide 68-184; S2 68->184 Blueys Rock Chip x 10.1 43415 61 208 1.8 0.46 596 0.15 10.2 22 2 196 5.94 14.7 0.7 1.7 0.05 23929 3 2410 78 0.7 241 1 28 401 841 86 x 6935 17.6 9 x 3 138 0.06 x 17.82 594 0.34 3.37 51 0.8 13.3 28 55.4 D BLRK00064 474498.6559 7400536.757 25/05/2013 "antiformal apex, dolo-siltstone; axial planar & fold axis parallel ('spears') quartz veining; gentle open F2 folding S2 78->342; F2axis 26->264" Blueys Rock Chip x 3.5 17780 7 >5000 0.5 0.1 32846 0.35 4.9 8 0.6 7 2 4 1.8 0.6 x 8599 2.8 15953 434 0.5 126 0.6 11 221 32 31.9 x 1692 6 4 x 1.1 87.4 x x 3.71 503 0.13 0.88 32 0.7 6.3 35 19.8 D BLRK00065 474496.8512 7400521.48 25/05/2013 gossan zone ~2-3m wide; silicified gossanous siltstone; strike 275 Blueys Rock Chip x 32.6 45029 96 808 2.1 1.05 372 1.74 9.7 10 1.5 241 3.03 12.1 0.6 2.4 x 22037 10 2200 303 1 128 0.4 19 185 70 90.3 x 291 28.5 12 2 2.8 16.3 x x 12.94 1225 0.45 2.66 55 x 13.6 120 77.9 D BLRK00066 474501.7394 7400525.358 25/05/2013 gossanous qtz veined siltstone; sthn limbof antiform; Sqtz vein 56-172 Blueys Rock Chip x 13.3 48367 67 234 1.7 1.25 336 0.37 4.1 15 0.9 46 4.03 13.9 0.6 2.1 x 24937 3.2 1792 64 0.8 138 1.4 10 272 313 89.9 x 1034 24.3 9 5 3.1 29.3 x x 18.11 870 0.32 1.74 51 0.5 12.4 48 69.6 D BLRK00067 474510.7297 7400522.608 25/05/2013 Key Locality: gossan qtz veining in siltstone; qtz veins <15cm wide; Sqtz 74->188; confirmed Sthly dip of gossan/fault Blueys Rock Chip x 19.1 39173 40 303 1.4 0.47 161 0.34 2.8 6 0.7 71 1.82 9 0.6 1.4 x 19177 7.4 1273 45 0.5 123 1.3 10 105 119 70.6 x 553 19.9 6 3 2.2 18.3 x x 10.02 975 0.24 1.61 32 0.2 8 59 44.4 D BLRK00068 474511.1417 7400521.941 25/05/2013 Key Locality: gossan qtz veining in siltstone; qtz veins <15cm wide; Sqtz 74->188; confirmed Sthly dip of gossan/fault Blueys Rock Chip x 13.6 52924 38 209 1.8 0.44 162 0.34 5.3 12 1 159 3.66 11.7 0.6 1.6 x 24621 3.6 1716 59 0.8 140 0.9 14 162 119 93.7 x 470 18.6 8 x 2.5 24.1 x x 14.21 814 0.32 1.86 55 0.2 7.9 81 51.9 D BLRK00069 474513.3905 7400518.075 25/05/2013 gossanous qtz vein in siltstone-shale; Sqtz 42->192; bedding lamination S0 18->190; cleaved by S2 70->190 Blueys Rock Chip x 34.6 57908 396 209 2.3 0.62 297 0.73 4.4 21 3.7 241 5.25 16.2 0.8 2.6 0.07 28778 4 3177 54 0.9 163 0.1 11 170 106 131.4 x 321 49.4 12 x 3.2 42.1 x x 21.94 1067 0.48 2.61 59 x 13.7 177 85.1 D BLRK00070 474525.1252 7400521.752 25/05/2013 gossan zone ~1.5m wide; silicified gossanous siltstone; Sqtz 62->178 Blueys Rock Chip x 20.5 80147 110 368 2.4 2.56 393 0.75 8.3 23 1.8 144 5.48 20.9 0.7 3.7 0.06 38162 6 3085 53 1.2 213 1.2 18 137 553 147.4 x 519 36.6 12 2 4.7 20 0.05 x 22.22 1127 0.5 3.47 88 x 16.6 86 120.6 D BLRK00071 474521.6496 7400527.388 25/05/2013 qtz vein in siltstone-dolosiltstone; Sqtz 80->146 Blueys Rock Chip x 7.7 35246 13 170 0.9 0.1 711 0.51 2.5 10 1.5 20 2.25 6.9 1.5 2.3 x 18058 1.7 2132 65 0.2 166 2.5 10 248 15 75.6 x 850 5 5 x 1.9 18.3 x x 8.47 945 0.29 2.32 28 1.5 11.8 26 68.6 D BLRK00072 474485.3431 7400500.646 25/05/2013 "dolomite lens, weathered; visible malachite; underlain by siltstone; overlain by dolo-siltstone & siltstone; lens; shallow dip to SSW" Blueys Rock Chip 0.05 555 7959 1281 44 2.3 16.31 153566 96 4.4 x 0.2 10058 1.62 1.5 0.3 0.4 0.1 3670 1 63956 644 x 95 x 36 412 502 11.9 x 371 3526.4 2 x 0.2 234 x x 2.29 326 0.36 10.08 4 x 9.1 1235 10.6 D BLRK00073 474485.6671 7400491.46 12/05/2013 visible Cu malachite+qtz veining; siltstone/shale; bedding layering 16-226 Blueys Rock Chip x 52.5 47324 276 255 3.6 0.45 2329 8.84 58 13 1.3 10709 3.77 11.1 1.2 1.7 x 21368 13.6 3265 1223 0.9 150 0.8 52 980 69 85.3 x 306 66.5 9 2 2.7 23.9 x x 11.47 1348 0.38 5.96 58 0.1 46.5 465 53.5 D BLRK00074 474480.1485 7400495.765 25/05/2013 gosanous siltstone; adjacent dolomite of BL13LV103; Sqtz vein 70->162 Blueys Rock Chip x 14.1 76349 261 147 10 0.78 2875 13.61 214.6 11 1 79386 5.22 9.8 0.5 2.1 0.08 21004 11 3397 3080 1 148 x 199 1502 379 72.6 x 202 270.2 18 3 1.1 45.8 x x 11.15 1715 0.71 13.53 45 x 185 1158 65.7 D BLRK00075 474448.8795 7400510.103 25/05/2013 silcrete breccia cap rock over siltstone; siltstone brecciated & qtz veined Blueys Rock Chip x 43 5700 68 648 x 0.14 451 0.42 2.2 x 0.1 178 2.27 0.8 1.5 0.2 x 1879 2.1 395 115 0.3 51 x 12 82 112 6.1 x 485 9.4 3 x 0.2 21.6 x x 1.35 102 0.05 0.7 8 x 2.4 117 7.4 D BLRK00076 474452.9548 7400513.98 25/05/2013 "siltstone, ferrigineous qtz veined; underlies silcrete breccia cap; bedding 54->176; Sqtz vein 72->180" Blueys Rock Chip x 11.2 86799 25 1203 2.5 0.58 398 0.37 7.5 23 1.3 188 5.69 17.5 1.9 2.9 x 42675 5.3 2705 84 1.8 339 2.5 19 483 210 165.3 x 1202 25.4 11 3 3.3 56.9 x x 19.64 1268 0.5 2.66 67 2 14.5 67 102.4 D BLRK00077 474454.9931 7400517.974 25/05/2013 "siltstone, ferrigineous qtz veined; highly weathered underlies silcrete breccia cap" Blueys Rock Chip x 7.6 68178 58 377 2.7 0.52 443 0.27 5.5 14 1.5 342 3.69 16.5 1 2.9 x 32291 5.6 2364 90 1.1 214 1.6 15 478 190 115.6 x 619 97.4 11 3 3.8 112.5 x x 19.49 1182 0.45 3.37 67 0.3 14.5 69 84.4 D BLRK00078 474431.4682 7400542.402 25/05/2013 fine sandstone & siltstone; shallow Nth dip bedding 30->002; near ridgeline break in silcrete breccia cap Blueys Rock Chip x 2.7 53367 x 223 1.3 0.45 231 x 4.9 16 2.7 7 3.72 11.6 1.2 3 0.06 27132 1.9 2681 126 0.9 262 4.3 11 264 9 113.6 x 324 5.9 8 x 2.8 23.7 0.12 x 15.08 1469 0.42 2.3 46 1.8 14.8 22 108.7 D BLRK00079 474416.255 7400541.04 25/05/2013 "siltstone, ferrigineous gossanous qtz veined; underlies silcrete breccia cap; Sqtz vein 64->212; veins<10cm wide" Blueys Rock Chip x 12.4 33923 15 255 1.8 0.52 288 0.18 5.5 17 1.7 157 3.56 8.1 1 2.9 x 16659 3.4 1633 90 3.2 132 2.5 13 212 148 70 x 539 31.2 5 2 1.9 32.1 0.28 x 12.25 673 0.28 2.45 36 1.6 13.6 34 92.5 D BLRK00080 474385.8215 7400488.511 25/05/2013 qtz sandstone & quartzite; overlain by siltstone; linear trend on Carthew 2002 map; bedding approx 24->180; S2 76->026 Blueys Rock Chip x 36.5 34581 21 513 1 0.08 200 0.64 5.2 8 1.5 104 2.69 6.7 1.1 1.9 x 17199 2 1561 131 0.1 139 1.3 12 85 48 74.1 x 180 16.3 5 x 1.5 21.2 x x 7.31 718 0.25 1.22 20 0.5 11.7 65 61.9 D BLRK00081 474494.1084 7400455.044 25/05/2013 "KeyLocality: qtzite, silicified siltstone, siltstone; bedding 42->006; recumbent F1 folding S1 16->356; non-cylindrical F1 axis 10->290; moderate L1 stretching lineation32->026; clockwise vergence closure up" Blueys Rock Chip x 4.2 33587 8 208 0.6 0.4 207 x 0.7 7 1.3 x 1.04 6.4 0.8 2.8 x 16253 0.9 1340 52 0.1 236 3 6 127 18 68.9 x 556 4.9 4 x 1.7 21.9 0.11 x 8.84 871 0.27 1.29 19 0.8 10.9 8 90.2 D BLRK00082 474510.3146 7400466.04 25/05/2013 qtzite & siltstone; F2 synform folding btw BL13LV 115-116; bedding 40->174; asymmetric F1 folds S1 30-150 F1axis 26->110; vergence anticlockwise closure up; crossed F1 closure btw BL13LV115-116 Blueys Rock Chip x 3.4 46702 x 177 1.2 0.23 319 0.11 1.8 14 2.8 59 2.99 10.4 1.2 3.2 x 23641 1.6 2524 99 0.3 222 3.7 8 223 16 105.1 x 289 3.9 6 x 2.5 25.1 0.13 x 12.05 1197 0.38 1.77 34 0.8 10.9 17 119 D BLRK00083 474501.2211 7400473.995 25/05/2013 ferrigineous qtz veined Sqtz 45->160 siltstone (bedding 74->180) against sheared L1 42->180 milky white qtz vein; contact btw siltstone units to Nth with structurally underlying? qtzite+siltstone package to Sth Blueys Rock Chip x 2.7 67998 96 601 3.7 0.26 633 1.08 37.6 47 3.7 75 24.56 19.4 2.1 4.1 0.13 33476 3.9 4150 312 2.5 274 3.2 62 1048 258 145.4 x 2144 23.2 16 5 3.5 91.3 0.3 x 32.55 1975 0.54 4.6 118 1.7 16.6 85 113 D BLRK00084 474498.4652 7400474.204 25/05/2013 sheared L1 42->180 milky white qtz vein Blueys Rock Chip x 4.9 51222 52 294 2.3 0.37 407 0.7 12.6 30 1.8 59 12.16 9 1.8 1.7 0.08 24701 2 2880 131 2 160 1 24 489 145 109.3 x 1202 7.5 10 4 1.8 58.8 x x 16.78 631 0.35 2.47 50 0.8 9 39 55 D BLRK00085 474514.5009 7400470.028 25/05/2013 ferrigineous qtz vein in siltstone; Sqtz 38->178 Blueys Rock Chip x 4.3 48199 22 113 1.5 0.52 133 0.08 2.9 13 2 17 2.33 11 1.5 2.5 x 24195 2 2322 65 0.2 209 3.4 14 200 140 105.7 x 443 5.2 8 x 2.9 41.4 0.17 x 14.32 1327 0.37 1.82 45 1.4 13.1 17 81.3 D BLRK00086 474635.2836 7400465.032 25/05/2013 vein qtz in granite Blueys Rock Chip x 0.3 2604 x 90 x x 391 x 0.9 x 0.1 1 0.87 0.9 x x x 811 1 721 116 x 290 x 4 x 4 3.8 x x 0.2 x x 0.1 5.8 x x 0.61 55 0.02 0.08 3 x 0.7 4 2.1 D BLRK00087 474639.0715 7400461.939 25/05/2013 amphibolite with black weathered cubic mineral; between 2 vertical small bore drill holes Blueys Rock Chip x x 66266 2 390 0.6 0.29 35449 0.06 47.8 16 1.9 43 10.35 16.8 1.3 0.6 0.13 14427 23.7 29769 1832 x 16560 1.6 47 750 25 66.2 x 54 0.1 43 x 1.1 118 x x 1.52 5276 0.28 0.24 378 0.1 17.9 93 14.2 D BLRK00088 474637.6255 7400471.68 25/05/2013 vein qtz in granite Blueys Rock Chip x 0.7 4597 2 54 x x 846 x 4.2 x 0.2 1 1.18 1.8 0.5 x x 1251 2.7 2382 179 x 117 x 10 115 3 6.3 x 50 0.1 2 x 0.2 4 x x 0.21 294 0.04 0.2 12 x 1.4 10 2.1 D BLRK00089 474685.9113 7400415.085 25/05/2013 prominent qtz blow; deformed vein; ~30m strike extent ~1m thick in amphibolite Blueys Rock Chip x x 3843 x 24 x x 328 x 2.7 x 0.1 1 1.09 1.2 0.2 x x 933 5.2 2164 122 x 139 x 7 53 3 4.4 x x x x x 0.1 5.1 x x 0.06 49 0.02 0.06 11 x 0.5 8 0.7 D Inkheart Gossan 474895 7401414 11/07/2013 Black iron rich gossan in dolomite in Bitter Springs Formation. Brecciated white carbonate with medium brown cavity filling ?siderite coated in irredescent hematite. Inkheart Rock Chip x 10.9 8623 33 82 x 0.17 437 0.29 1 6 0.4 82 2.98 2.3 1 0.3 x 4026 2.9 649 126 0.3 118 x 5 169 50 15.8 x 422 8.7 1 x 0.5 25.7 x x 4.76 199 0.07 0.7 14 x 3.3 23 9 D BLU011 474583 7400497 5/08/2013 "dense f.g white and dusty orange host unit f.g granite? Barite? And shale/carbonate host, malachite + azurite +- secondary olive green mineral" Blueys Rock Chip 0.34 4065 3290 6199 44753 0.25 21.42 9230 402.68 2.4 5 0.19 54755 2.33 0.99 x 0.27 0.34 1804 2 3101 206 x 247 0.64 9 x 1082 6.9 x 8002 23559 2 1.9 0.3 388.43 x 0.3 0.78 46 0.16 13.49 4 1 2.23 5589 5 D BLU012 474645 7400491 5/08/2013 "galena + malachite in white qrtz + orange feld + carbonate, mullock heap" Blueys Rock Chip 0.07 1151 6261 818.4 1161.5 0.3 1.63 20723 53.56 1.5 11 0.34 5473 1.67 1.79 x 0.38 0.04 3750 5 11965 218 0.7 72 0.71 3 75 249367 12.27 x 28780 2254 2 2.7 0.5 129.55 x 0.25 1.13 189 0.2 3.49 9 0.8 11.35 392 8.1 D BLU013 474645 7400491 5/08/2013 "galena rich sample, mullock heap" Blueys Rock Chip 0.08 1262 6678 938.6 1498 0.34 1.78 20001 53.95 1.3 11 0.53 2531 1.6 1.88 x 0.37 0.03 4079 5 11423 192 0.6 68 0.52 2 144 233938 13.32 x 17984 1915 1 2.6 0.3 166.78 x 0.16 1.52 202 0.22 4.72 8 0.6 14.79 154 7.8 D 1101 474811 7401354 6/08/2013 gossaneous vein in Bitter Springs shale/quartzite Inkheart Rock Chip x 29.52 14685 284 228.7 0.54 1.12 926 1.63 2.4 47 0.37 1732 45.39 6.31 1.65 1.13 0.07 4879 4 787 158 2 116 1.17 2 954 4107 17.33 x 3127 14.71 2 11.6 1.2 21.85 x 0.11 30.88 539 0.09 1.52 67 1.1 5.12 63 38.2 D 1102 474807 7401352 6/08/2013 "high lusture steely hematite yellow-red-green irradesent hematite colouring, gossaneous hematite + qrtz replacing sheared shale + qrtzite" Inkheart Rock Chip x 28.73 4257 44.5 180.4 0.3 0.4 463 1.23 1.3 15 0.2 306 9.92 1.78 x 0.56 0.04 1607 3 395 142 0.5 46 0.94 2 324 3070 5.95 x 1296 7.63 1 3.1 0.4 31.71 x 0.1 12.49 163 0.05 1.25 12 0.6 10.82 36 17.1 D 1103 474985 7401617 6/08/2013 "wthered purple hematite layer 5cm thick within wthered qrtz sand up to 4mm, strike 054/40N S0" Inkheart Rock Chip x 7.99 71883 233.1 360.7 2.13 0.95 361 0.63 6.1 60 4.31 473 8.88 23.74 0.4 3.72 0.11 34640 4 2797 42 0.9 980 3.84 6 306 608 106.01 x 17248 10.55 14 3.1 4.6 125.08 0.1 0.15 24.81 1906 0.38 4.37 182 4.7 18.29 36 123.2 D 1104 475001 7401602 6/08/2013 foliated qrtz vein in light greeen-grey shale schist Inkheart Rock Chip x 3.12 8530 26.7 82.2 0.45 0.18 200 0.28 0.9 6 0.7 24 1.08 2.27 x 0.86 0.01 4975 2 608 92 x 43 0.94 4 x 235 24.18 x 283 8.52 1 0.9 0.7 14.56 0.02 0.09 3.62 326 0.14 0.41 8 0.6 4.07 26 25.1 D 1105 474998 7401588 6/08/2013 gossaneous qrtz veins in grey-green shale red/orange iron staining Inkheart Rock Chip x 47.33 35225 116.7 144 1.2 0.84 163 0.23 1.4 17 1.59 111 4.5 9.16 0.21 2.71 0.04 18819 2 1965 70 0.6 154 1.05 3 85 166 78.28 x 1003 8.69 5 2.1 2.1 22.81 x 0.11 12.83 804 0.26 1.16 37 0.7 7.87 25 87.2 D 1106 475208 7401597 6/08/2013 "bleached gossan crust, gossaneous hematite vein/layer within sheared interbedded dolomitic/quartzite layers, local strike 012, 20cm thick" Inkheart Rock Chip x 2.99 17263 182.5 176.5 14.2 0.16 43612 3.16 114.7 26 1.79 32 44.58 5.76 x 1.11 0.07 10175 6 5537 3057 1.4 196 1 132 950 1077 41.85 x 1285 15.32 9 1.9 1 70.11 x 0.1 6.83 505 0.41 6.22 40 2.8 72.41 1038 40.1 D 1107 475208 7401597 6/08/2013 "1m along strike of 1106 more hematite gossaneous, rich, i.e not just crust, vuggy gossan, botyroidal" Inkheart Rock Chip x 1.95 15614 95.7 95.4 13.08 0.14 18168 2.05 117 27 1.35 55 49.36 5.67 x 0.84 0.07 8606 6 3210 3148 1 154 1.08 110 632 670 36.1 x 729 4.58 5 2.2 1.1 32.72 0.02 0.11 5.53 403 0.29 6.05 40 0.9 52.95 367 30.9 D 1108 475231 7401595 6/08/2013 hematite + quartz breccia hematite alteration fluid brecciating quartz + host sediment porous vuggy gossaneous texture bedding strike 020 Inkheart Rock Chip x 3.3 7963 22.3 107.5 0.96 0.4 28104 0.87 24.5 27 0.46 186 17.1 7.44 x 0.75 0.04 2917 7 3568 195 2.8 95 0.77 13 196 109 12.22 x 713 4.5 3 7 0.8 54.38 x 0.11 10.09 216 0.09 2.5 42 1.1 4.66 63 24 D 1109 475261 7401589 6/08/2013 brecciated gossanous qrtz vein in Bitter Springs carbonates Inkheart Rock Chip x 1.35 9120 38.7 164.4 1.45 0.22 5349 1.86 36.5 14 1.05 63 8.25 3.13 x 0.42 0.02 4268 25 3892 206 0.5 758 0.92 44 1083 134 17.98 x 2418 47.78 3 1.5 0.5 58.77 x 0.1 4.77 252 0.35 2.14 28 1.4 21.02 406 12.5 D 1110 475268 7401579 6/08/2013 "large outcrop of sheared orange dolomite/carbonate with abundant quartz veins sub parallel with dominant fabric, perpendicular kink? Folds in dolomite between qrtz veins, 045/55N qrtz veins/dom fabric" Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.64 3331 6.9 117 0.84 0.06 153534 3.86 9.3 7 0.14 85 2.2 0.85 x 0.22 0.02 1979 3 78761 1607 x 85 0.66 21 93 19 7.29 x 317 10.42 1 1 0.3 121.67 x 0.09 1.09 110 0.49 0.78 11 0.8 16.93 123 6.3 D 1111 475303 7401838 6/08/2013 "pod of gossaneous hematite + magnesium/white staining dolomite, with thick sheared dolomite striking ~040, f.g semi massive hematite chips with white carbonate vuggs + bleached white gossaneous chips " Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.14 2906 16.8 275 2.05 0.12 69070 0.49 370.8 10 0.39 10 13.29 1.25 x 0.27 0.07 2145 7 39263 15764 1.1 124 0.8 157 265 55 7.61 x 265 2.79 5 1.3 0.3 152.44 x 0.09 2.13 126 0.98 3.54 46 0.5 37.36 310 10.9 D 1112 475393 7401620 6/08/2013 "red brown hematite breccia gossan at top of valley with sheared dolomite either side, yellow goethitic hematite in breccia matrix, qrtz clasts, vuggy gossan texture" Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.57 9388 8.5 109.7 0.81 0.31 8978 0.18 10.2 11 0.95 22 11.29 2.83 x 1.44 0.02 4612 7 4846 215 1.8 81 2.04 26 607 53 21.2 x 397 2.06 2 1.1 0.7 21.44 0.05 0.09 4.04 332 0.13 2.87 33 1.3 7.74 46 50.5 D 1113 475377 7401611 6/08/2013 dense hematite boxwork gossan texture Inkheart Rock Chip x 6.12 5517 23.2 140.8 0.85 0.17 6628 0.18 14.6 8 0.43 34 4.16 2.97 x 0.12 0.02 2635 13 1778 373 0.6 84 1.16 12 672 112 12.07 x 739 7.97 2 1.5 0.3 61.4 x 0.08 5.52 202 0.16 1.66 13 1 6.13 27 5.9 D 1114 475340 7401538 6/08/2013 gossan in Bitter Springs dolomite striking E-W Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.65 18524 61 156.7 1.22 0.48 2942 0.61 29.1 29 1.76 7 32.4 6.24 0.05 0.78 0.04 6629 12 5526 50 5 177 1.36 28 1688 28 29.08 x 909 5.91 16 4.9 1.1 54.87 0.03 0.11 6.42 403 0.19 4.88 70 1.1 8.59 20 31.9 D 1115 475356 7401508 6/08/2013 "appears to be in the hinge of a macro scale fold (sample 1114 on limb to west) gossan 5m wide, high in steely red brown hematite, derived from hydrothermal fluid?, qrtz clasts, dolomitic protolith, 075/55N S0 in dolomite 5m S of sample" Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.46 25890 51.9 189.4 4.21 0.23 1184 0.6 31.8 30 2.01 5 34.76 6.58 0.2 1.13 0.03 14705 13 3424 135 4.3 146 1.18 70 1440 70 49.71 x 1126 7.23 9 4.9 1.4 22.57 0.02 0.09 7.44 457 0.31 9.73 61 1.4 31.4 168 37.8 D 1116 474758 7401256 6/08/2013 "black steely hematite matrix gossan, irregular white qrtz clasts, in situ patchy outcrop on side of hill high lusture steely hematite matric with red oxidised hematite + Qrtz" Inkheart Rock Chip x 4.4 9386 10.1 587.2 0.75 0.21 1326 0.19 4.1 37 0.53 76 20.17 5.09 0.34 0.63 0.05 2412 11 1736 165 0.4 80 1.26 9 487 263 12.07 x 1092 3.02 2 2.1 0.6 124.99 0.02 0.09 8.59 388 0.09 1.49 42 0.6 7.24 11 19.8 D 1117 474656 7401200 6/08/2013 "steely hematite matrix, dark grey breccia gossan, angular qrtz clasts dolomite protolith?" Inkheart Rock Chip x 2.37 9007 315.8 199.2 0.67 0.54 736 0.14 4.3 34 0.37 348 21.91 8.26 0.92 0.59 0.08 2252 3 663 97 5.3 145 0.79 5 2556 1176 8.15 x 2924 19.67 6 2.8 0.6 169.42 x 0.11 46.76 507 0.11 27.24 70 0.7 8.85 43 28.5 D 1118 474508 7401111 6/08/2013 "most NW 3m chip sample of large hematite gossaneous outcrop that strikes ~060, steely heatite gossan, irradesent hem" Inkheart Rock Chip x 1.02 14328 84.1 107.9 1.16 0.45 1571 0.2 7.6 30 1.36 236 34.27 12.39 1.09 2.09 0.08 5715 15 2404 97 4.6 337 1.54 11 355 75 25.12 x 3157 2.25 3 2.6 1.5 64.81 0.06 0.12 19.99 509 0.18 9.12 34 0.7 7.1 32 69.3 D 1119 474514 7401112 6/08/2013 "adjacent to 1118, semi massive steely hematite gossan, irradesent hem " Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.74 16371 72.3 98.2 1.06 0.84 991 0.26 5.8 37 1.42 140 41.49 14.07 1.43 2.64 0.05 7898 20 3148 120 3.3 374 1.84 7 361 93 30.85 x 4119 1.66 4 3 2 56.6 0.1 0.1 16.64 610 0.2 7.79 48 0.9 8.48 30 86.8 D 1120 474523 7401104 6/08/2013 "most SE steely hematite gossan, breccia qrtz" Inkheart Rock Chip x 1.47 19733 252.1 70.7 1.58 0.46 1400 0.39 14.4 31 1.46 255 40.45 8.34 1.1 1.73 0.03 10004 31 3924 69 3.9 604 0.84 17 372 32 47.16 x 4192 12.83 2 5 1.6 26.26 x 0.11 8.76 496 0.31 9.81 45 0.6 6.46 81 57.1 D 1121 474522 7401108 6/08/2013 "steely hematite gossan, breccia qrtz" Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.75 15674 49.4 65.8 1.03 0.36 1199 0.3 6.8 25 1.46 127 28.7 8.48 0.51 1.34 0.03 9131 31 4113 84 2.2 317 1.13 8 288 39 42.56 x 2122 3.67 2 3.1 1.2 24.74 0.02 0.12 8.68 423 0.33 8.51 32 0.6 5.95 46 44.2 D 1122 474634 7401092 6/08/2013 "large gossaneous body steely hematite + red oxidised hem matrix breccia, qrtz clasts, quite substancual outcrop of red brown hem gossan" Inkheart Rock Chip x 1.91 15411 51.9 360.3 2.43 0.26 4130 1.35 34.9 33 0.61 648 44.2 7.76 0.59 1.51 0.04 2080 7 3682 313 11.4 182 1.29 33 1119 17 10.64 x 830 3.55 2 5.9 1.8 66.26 0.06 0.1 10.04 519 0.14 2.99 73 0.6 8.76 177 43.4 D 1123 474674 7401116 6/08/2013 "northern end of same gossaneous body as 1122, on flat ground red brown hem breccia gossan, minor qrtz" Inkheart Rock Chip x 1.18 11322 182.2 264.2 3.8 0.15 927 1.07 52.3 21 2.42 152 37.6 4.24 0.2 0.66 0.01 5666 16 2254 144 15.7 145 0.97 54 3900 11 26.76 x 1353 2.64 1 4.2 1 32.53 x 0.08 4.12 323 0.16 9.76 62 0.9 14.21 194 18.8 D 1124 474769 7401155 6/08/2013 "deep red brown steely hem dominant gossan, qrtz breccia network qrtz veining texture" Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.79 5589 293 502.5 11.68 0.07 1976 0.21 69 10 0.43 24 20.72 1.34 0.08 0.29 0.03 1590 10 1442 233 10 62 0.56 189 2081 143 6.96 x 1074 59.71 x 7.8 0.3 50.68 x 0.07 2.56 104 0.07 5.24 13 1.2 10.15 575 8.4 D 1125 474247 7400455 6/08/2013 "sample targeting qrtz + hem veins, x-cutting quartzite + shale" Inkheart Rock Chip x 7.83 49286 140.4 189.4 2.69 0.59 495 0.99 10 27 1.16 103 9.47 8.74 0.73 2.22 0.05 26212 3 1742 73 2.3 327 2.89 19 1023 1792 100.04 x 3543 36.4 6 11.2 1.8 89.88 0.11 0.13 11.82 1215 0.36 4.2 50 2 11.78 88 69.8 D 1126 474200 7400524 6/08/2013 "dull orange brown wthered surface, dolomitic unit with galena? In veinlets + iron alteration, high silver coloured soft lusturous mineral, galena rather than hem?" Inkheart Rock Chip x 3.64 21769 46.6 1212.1 5.48 0.35 1417 5.1 95.8 22 1.21 224 45.24 7.12 0.67 1.02 0.14 10566 4 4540 15686 11.7 78 1.47 139 594 175 45.47 0.005 291 24.77 13 15.4 1.1 58.49 0.06 0.09 5.65 455 0.64 10.95 266 1.9 50.45 489 41.1 D 1127 474171 7400460 6/08/2013 "quartz veining with wthered cavities host rock +- sulp, within altered ornag f.g quartzite" Inkheart Rock Chip x 2.45 4253 3 81.6 0.26 0.04 491 0.11 1.9 8 0.16 25 1.44 1.02 0.97 0.18 x 1606 3 436 208 x 40 0.62 5 x 49 7.16 x x 3.96 x 1 0.3 9.58 x 0.08 0.7 153 0.04 0.34 15 0.4 2.12 21 5.5 D 1128 473343 7401980 7/08/2013 "red to black hematite gossan, high lusture hem, primary bedding preserved 025/32W S0, cavity rich gossan, square shape cubic sulphides" Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.13 11824 13.9 574.8 3.37 0.43 5576 1 432 21 1.12 20 42.95 5.26 x 0.72 0.03 6579 12 2772 46571 0.4 221 0.99 251 952 90 24.28 x 631 1.16 8 1.9 0.9 93.63 0.02 0.09 7.87 340 1.65 7.62 74 0.4 63.5 363 25.6 D 1129 473342 7402064 7/08/2013 "coarse square cavity hematite gossan, in lareg outcrop striking ~048, 5m wide at least two gossan layers wide sheared dolomite separating them" Inkheart Rock Chip x x 10628 6.9 123.4 1.17 0.21 456 0.85 653.9 24 0.68 9 49.45 3.96 x 0.52 0.04 4851 9 1428 17081 0.5 173 1.22 270 597 201 18.09 x 1127 0.59 3 1.8 0.8 29.28 0.02 0.08 5.78 366 0.36 3.76 54 0.4 28.06 764 18 D 1130 473600 7401937 7/08/2013 "hematite +- quartz clasts, breccia gossan, rich in gossan cavity textures, gossan again appears stratigraphic, needs further investigation" Inkheart Rock Chip x x 25550 76.9 636.6 10.53 0.31 1477 0.19 73.5 33 3.79 32 42.91 7.89 0.21 1.13 0.1 10520 22 5112 2049 0.6 284 1.59 224 1890 154 43.81 x 1582 0.88 14 7.2 1.6 177.13 0.07 0.09 12.69 658 0.26 8.4 94 0.7 45.3 265 43.8 D 1131 473927 7400766 7/08/2013 "hematite gossan, some bubble textures, quartzite host rock, adjacent to track with pipe" Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.07 11277 13.7 250.5 2.33 0.22 198 0.15 15.4 34 1.1 110 4.98 3.79 x 0.5 0.24 5404 6 1515 254 0.2 70 1.01 44 296 162 29.41 x 225 4.83 4 1.6 0.8 52.58 x 0.08 3.68 352 0.16 12.81 98 0.5 27.7 58 18 D 1132 474164 7400475 7/08/2013 "outcrop of abundant quartz veining through quartzite, cubic hematite (from pyrite?) irradesent hem in white quartz with orange goethitic hem cavities" Inkheart Rock Chip x 8.68 3591 14.5 512.6 0.47 0.9 7123 0.39 3.7 x 0.2 147 2.56 1.16 0.26 0.21 0.02 1817 4 3859 444 0.1 30 0.64 8 236 126 7.77 x 172 9.86 2 x 0.4 25.38 x 0.07 1.17 143 0.05 0.77 22 0.4 2.82 65 6.2 D 1133 474109 7400476 7/08/2013 white quartz dominant veining through quartzite Inkheart Rock Chip x 43.16 7033 6.7 13503 0.49 0.09 46438 1.89 5.7 9 0.29 460 3 1.97 0.45 0.37 0.03 3745 6 20660 446 x 34 0.99 14 134 27 16.14 x 2739 10.41 2 1.2 0.6 258.61 x 0.09 1.34 265 0.08 1.64 48 0.6 4.33 60 10.4 D 1134 474093 7400341 7/08/2013 "quartz vein infused black carbonate shale, 5m from amphibolite basement to West" Inkheart Rock Chip x 1.61 1487 x 88.3 0.23 0.04 169716 0.37 1.8 6 0.36 5 0.51 0.53 x 0.13 x 998 11 96088 307 x 112 0.61 7 114 16 5.72 x 680 1.61 x 1 0.2 81.95 x 0.08 0.57 81 0.06 0.49 14 0.3 1.86 22 3.7 D 1135 474453 7400499 7/08/2013 "qrtz veined dolomite intricate network of qrtz veins with reminant brown dolomite clasts, remnant sulp?, markacite after pyrite? Galena? Minor malachite" Inkheart Rock Chip x 12.85 5892 14.5 226.8 0.73 0.12 2730 5.15 16.8 6 0.17 693 2.21 1.59 0.22 0.31 0.02 2954 4 1351 389 0.3 20 0.78 24 165 53 11.75 x 141 15.11 4 1.1 0.5 20.47 x 0.08 1.67 212 0.08 0.96 9 0.6 9.66 117 8.8 D 1136 473750 7400596 20/08/2013 "orange/yellow quartzite with hematite +- manganese gossan, 40 *20m outcrop, chip samples varied chips quartzite with gossan, some qtz back veining" Inkheart Rock Chip x 2.3 14354 53 200 3.9 0.51 589 0.65 19 33 0.7 178 7.29 3.8 0.8 1 0.51 6516 6.4 1246 315 1.4 63 2 66 776 226 28.9 x 141 33.2 7 x 1.2 11.9 0.19 0.1 4.67 326 0.16 16.45 797 2.5 21.3 207 31.1 D 1137 473796 7400532 20/08/2013 ".5m wide band within sheared qrtzite and dolomite , strike 076, hem +- manganese gossan with qrtz + carbonate, photo of outcrop looking NE" Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.6 49077 100 651 6.5 0.36 2741 2.97 42.3 17 2.6 107 11.34 8.7 1 1.5 0.07 54806 5.5 2765 170 6.5 520 2 73 2220 55 145.6 x 615 14.9 7 8 1.1 229.2 0.23 x 15.68 374 1.1 31.7 55 1.3 21.2 148 47.7 D 1138 473847 7400669 20/08/2013 "40cm band with sheared dolomite with colourful irradesent hemataite (peacock), strike 071/50 N dominant fabric, dominantly hematite crust on quartzite" Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.3 19364 29 196 1.2 0.2 595 0.08 2.6 16 1.3 12 2.72 5.7 0.6 1.3 x 10143 11.6 2204 54 0.8 218 5.1 7 89 23 47.2 x 1335 10.7 2 x 1.5 36.1 0.33 x 8.44 1243 0.25 2.08 108 1.2 16.1 18 40.7 D 1139 474196 7401049 21/08/2013 yellow to orange weathered fe oxides layer ~10cm thick within dolomite Inkheart Rock Chip 0.01 0.2 88829 4293 272 1.4 0.6 348 0.54 6.8 47 1.9 44 7.44 14.6 0.6 4.1 0.18 47747 5.4 1951 45 0.9 5683 3 5 731 706 298 x 77146 16.7 12 3 1.2 251.2 0.36 0.1 73.38 966 3.71 2.1 86 1.4 26 25 58.3 D 1140 474196 7401049 21/08/2013 "bulk weathered cream to white dolomite, very soft talcy texture" Inkheart Rock Chip x x 86919 2799 382 1.7 0.37 247 0.14 3.1 67 3.6 16 4.38 18.4 0.9 3.4 0.35 50339 13.4 6148 28 1.4 2872 7.7 8 473 135 161.1 x 42806 9.8 9 x 2.8 212.4 0.63 0.1 34.31 2411 1.15 3.68 85 3.8 47.9 29 97.9 D 1141 474196 7401049 21/08/2013 hematite + fe oxide purple-red-brown layer ~10cm thick more compotent than surrounding layers of dolomite Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.6 36609 332 176 1 0.48 x 0.17 3.5 29 2.6 30 4.74 16 1.6 1.5 x 21456 10.2 3073 84 0.7 593 4.5 4 99 45 95.6 x 7380 5.7 6 x 2.2 24.8 0.35 0.1 11.88 1477 0.56 1.44 64 1.7 12.9 12 47.8 D 1142 474347 7401200 21/08/2013 "solid heavy tree quartzite outcrop, clean sheared quartzite" Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.7 16525 20 85 1 0.1 x 0.13 1.7 5 1.1 4 0.72 4 0.7 1.1 x 8454 2.4 871 55 x 58 2.4 5 x 10 39.6 x 340 1.9 2 x 1.2 5.5 0.18 x 4.7 451 0.2 0.59 11 1.2 5.1 7 33.1 D 1143 474605 7401260 22/08/2013 qrtz veined large outcrop hematite alteration of quartzite Inkheart Rock Chip x 1.4 8334 9 146 x 0.29 58 x 1.2 8 0.3 6 1.83 2.5 0.8 0.7 x 3797 4.9 529 92 0.1 x 1.4 3 118 25 14.6 x 337 9 x x 0.7 15 0.15 x 2.03 237 0.11 0.47 17 1 2.9 11 22.5 D 1144 474656 7401156 22/08/2013 "irradesent hematite stained quartz rich layer within sheared dolomite, some hematite matrix within qrtzite, outcrop strike E/W" Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.3 11285 63 120 0.7 0.12 320 0.08 1.8 15 0.7 80 3.58 2.8 1.2 0.4 x 5295 2.4 689 99 0.2 54 1.8 7 556 126 20.5 x 1606 2.8 3 x 0.9 149.2 0.16 x 7.91 273 0.11 3.31 15 0.7 7.1 13 14.4 D 1145 474698 7401251 22/08/2013 "gossaneous hematite with coarse qrtz outcrop on E side of HTQ ridge, qrtz clasts 2-5mm with wthered red hematite matrix" Inkheart Rock Chip x 2.7 17521 54 147 0.7 4.56 311 0.06 2.2 20 0.7 41 6.48 5.7 1.4 0.9 x 5983 5.4 994 151 1.3 97 1.4 5 239 51 25.7 x 386 13.9 3 x 1.3 17.6 0.16 0.1 7.32 697 0.13 0.96 53 0.9 4 11 28.8 D 1146 475005 7401251 22/08/2013 "felsic veined by qrtz and epidote basement unit?, qrtz + feld + high lusture mica (muscovite) + epidote veins + hematite/manganese staining, metasediment" Inkheart Rock Chip x x 86753 4 964 1.5 0.19 24872 0.08 5.1 x 0.6 25 2.22 19.2 0.7 2 x 11860 9.4 4769 408 x 35147 5.4 5 556 15 32.3 x 55 2.4 3 x 0.9 437.8 0.34 0.1 7.55 2543 0.12 2.43 31 0.8 9.3 25 86.3 D 1147 474803 7401349 23/08/2013 "red brown to purple hematite altered qrtzite with common coarse qrtz veins/clasts up to 3cm, gossaneous" Inkheart Rock Chip 0.01 0.4 20545 312 145 1 1.24 715 0.14 3.4 33 1.1 476 12.66 7.9 1.4 1.4 0.07 10100 11.3 2256 529 1.1 256 1.7 6 401 24 39.9 x 763 8.4 2 x 1.5 20 0.17 x 14.05 600 0.17 1.55 61 1.3 4.6 20 48 D 1148 475395 7401601 24/08/2013 "wthered hematite crust, dolomite? 1-3mm qrtz clasts, white magnesium? Stained wthered gossan" Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.1 24501 51 284 1 0.35 1999 0.1 3.1 56 1.9 14 12.8 9.9 1.3 1.6 0.06 21543 48.3 11508 115 1.6 4595 2.9 6 1517 123 86.2 x 26052 5.6 6 x 2.2 176.1 0.25 x 11.95 770 0.83 5.07 65 1.3 4.9 27 51.6 D 1149 475348 7401600 24/08/2013 "grey-green f.g quartz carbonaceous? Qrtz veined unit, f.g high lusture soft galena or hematite within qrtz veins" Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.2 3681 7 37 0.6 0.07 218417 0.33 2.8 x 0.2 6 2.37 0.7 x 0.3 x 2379 3 117891 870 x 131 0.9 5 167 37 7.4 x x 1.8 x x 0.3 201.6 0.14 0.1 1.27 144 0.1 0.65 13 0.5 9.9 29 9.9 D 1150 475103 7401721 25/08/2013 "intense dark black hematite +- manganese gossan at contact with qrtz veined grey-green f.g. qrtz carbonate unit, gossanous" Inkheart Rock Chip 0.01 11 23397 39 167 28 0.15 1990 12.88 1577.9 15 1 1787 48.45 4.1 0.5 0.7 0.25 7267 2.6 2152 10625 1.6 95 1.4 1340 679 203 29 x 1034 37.8 7 5 1.1 17.2 0.17 x 4 332 3.79 21.9 19 3.1 162.5 2662 24 D 1160 474394 7400525 4/10/2013 f.g high lusture purple bands/portion in siliceous hydrothermal unit Blueys Rock Chip x 8.3 9024 17 124 0.6 0.22 1793 0.1 2.6 8 0.4 201 3.18 2.4 0.8 0.4 x 4054 11.9 1239 218 2.2 137 0.2 8 383 19 14.5 x x 44.6 4 x 0.5 22 x 0.8 2.46 371 0.11 1.26 146 0.3 6.1 46 12.8 D 1161 474401 7400538 4/10/2013 larger outcrop dark purple to black layer/band fe dominant Blueys Rock Chip x 5.5 6582 23 899 1 0.06 1734 0.17 4.8 5 0.2 179 4.29 1.7 1 0.3 x 2786 3.7 595 256 2.2 91 x 16 320 204 8.8 x 847 16.7 1 x 0.4 22.3 x 0.3 1.38 171 0.07 1.57 15 x 4.7 82 10.1 D 1162 474409 7400541 4/10/2013 "fe rich dark purple to black, f.g with orange siliceous unit" Blueys Rock Chip x 4.7 5181 14 171 1.2 x 431 0.09 4.2 5 0.3 67 4.44 1.2 0.5 0.2 x 2255 12.5 836 265 2.1 88 0.2 13 440 46 8.4 x 115 19.5 2 x 0.2 24.7 x 0.2 0.6 161 0.09 1.2 22 x 4.1 39 7.2 D 1163 474419 7400529 4/10/2013 "black stained siliceous unit, Fe rich" Blueys Rock Chip x 3.9 15885 63 369 2.6 0.52 1010 0.51 6 9 0.4 120 8.15 4 0.8 0.7 0.08 7827 9.8 1770 233 3.3 148 0.2 24 560 485 23.9 x 794 44.6 2 2 0.8 23.8 x x 4.01 318 0.13 2.26 34 0.4 5.5 112 21.5 D 1164 474167 7400427 4/10/2013 bulk purple siliceous hydrothermal unit Blueys Rock Chip x 1.2 10867 8 101 0.6 x 578 0.69 1.8 9 0.8 127 2.02 3 0.5 0.4 x 6143 8.7 1821 403 0.5 72 1 7 203 30 22.4 x x 4.8 3 x 0.6 3.4 x x 1.67 337 0.1 0.77 82 0.3 9.1 45 12.4 D 1165 474168 7400430 4/10/2013 "common orange siliceous unit with qrtz veins, bulk of local hill" Blueys Rock Chip x 2.9 16430 13 127 0.9 0.1 844 0.98 2.9 13 1.2 210 2.71 4.4 0.3 0.8 x 9283 14.9 2575 290 0.5 124 1.9 10 265 71 35.1 x 62 7.6 4 x 1 6.4 0.1 x 3.73 717 0.16 1.02 113 0.6 13.4 48 24.7 D 1166 474158 7400427 4/10/2013 "at western contact of orange siliceous hydrothermal unit with carbonate calc-silicate, highly lusterous orange f.g qrtz siliceous unit" Blueys Rock Chip x 3.4 7120 13 670 0.7 0.11 489 0.54 2.9 9 0.3 221 2.9 1.6 0.3 0.3 x 3562 4.5 710 756 1 63 0.4 9 340 169 10.9 x 184 11.7 2 x 0.2 10 x x 0.98 221 0.06 0.9 100 0.3 8.6 65 10.2 D 1167 474114 7400473 4/10/2013 "f.g deep red siliceous unit which is brecciated by qrtz veins, " Blueys Rock Chip 0.11 1533 7179 255 510 1.1 32.89 7723 78.1 2.6 8 0.2 4814 6.06 2 1.1 0.4 0.09 3701 4.8 3827 227 2.7 97 x 10 171 374 12.3 x 624 6892 3 x 0.3 27.5 x 0.4 1.27 131 0.1 26.97 77 0.2 4.7 313 11.1 D 1168 474107 7400475 4/10/2013 within vein dominant platform bulk host rock f.g siliceous qrtz dominant Blueys Rock Chip x 6.8 17760 27 497 1 0.33 26138 1.65 11.9 11 0.6 424 5.22 4.7 0.6 0.7 x 9295 9.7 13944 974 1.1 90 0.2 21 203 12 33.4 x 111 45.1 5 2 0.9 34.2 x x 3.31 484 0.17 2.54 33 x 8.4 122 23.3 D 1169 475099 7401529 4/10/2013 thin <5cm purple fe oxide band within bedded quartzite Inkheart Rock Chip x 9.7 69448 97 478 2.2 0.51 797 0.61 1.2 21 4.6 342 4.44 15.5 0.3 5 0.06 39087 3.2 4073 84 0.7 364 6.2 9 207 26 156.3 x 6225 43 11 x 3.6 45.5 0.37 x 24.68 1550 0.72 3.21 45 2.5 17.5 15 151.6 D 1170 475098 7401530 4/10/2013 qrtz + fe oxide vein x-cutting qrtzite bedded Inkheart Rock Chip x 3.5 45796 1895 572 2.8 1.99 2021 1.39 4.3 9 1.9 713 4.11 7.8 0.3 1.9 0.51 17962 4.3 3130 103 1.1 351 1.9 57 1518 2453 69 x 9459 65.6 12 x 1.4 365 0.12 x 61.43 508 0.48 4.23 23 1 22.5 28 63 D 1171 475099 7401549 4/10/2013 "fe oxide dark vein 10cm wide x cutting qrtzite, thin vein fracture face" Inkheart Rock Chip x 2.2 17214 95 128 0.7 0.18 261 0.12 0.8 6 0.8 66 1.07 3.6 0.2 0.9 0.07 8796 1.2 1031 66 0.3 106 1.3 5 298 601 34.2 x 1462 21.3 3 x 0.8 37.2 0.15 x 14.13 405 0.16 1.46 12 0.3 7.6 11 33.1 D 1172 475149 7401615 4/10/2013 folded purple fe oxide layer Inkheart Rock Chip x 17.8 105016 115 354 3.3 0.38 3697 0.17 3.3 87 6.2 292 9.27 71.9 0.6 3.5 0.23 50421 4.6 7130 63 0.6 474 8.6 10 190 65 186.4 x 2421 23.3 27 2 5.4 64.8 0.81 x 26.71 2742 0.89 5.05 235 3.9 20.1 13 114.5 D 1173 475106 7401716 4/10/2013 more siliceous fe oxide gossan Inkheart Rock Chip 0.01 7.8 24556 60 96 34.2 0.12 1327 10.25 1364.2 30 1 2660 46.6 5.4 0.6 0.7 0.53 7331 4 1807 7060 1.6 94 0.9 1372 666 713 30.5 x 1059 20.7 7 x 1.1 12.6 0.2 x 5.58 338 0.85 30.24 20 2.6 186 2825 23.5 D 1174 475102 7401717 4/10/2013 "blue-brown gossan with qrtz veining, massive" Inkheart Rock Chip x 10.1 52363 75 102 12.2 0.29 1277 5.42 427.6 24 2.6 2378 30.62 12 0.5 1.6 0.49 16809 4 2689 870 3.5 208 3.5 706 1585 5626 58.9 x 2595 117.4 16 4 1.8 114.1 0.65 x 10 637 0.38 16.58 27 3.7 64.7 2120 45.1 D 1175 475288 7401775 4/10/2013 coarse qrtz -fe oxide veins/bands within green carbonate Inkheart Rock Chip x 6.9 23256 33 108 2.7 0.12 1473 0.69 60.6 11 1.1 143 11.58 5.8 1 0.9 x 10899 1.5 1775 522 0.4 141 1.1 93 463 2395 36.4 x 1409 8.6 5 x 1.4 23.9 0.09 x 5.64 430 0.2 2.09 25 0.8 15.1 549 30.5 D 1176 475303 7401479 4/10/2013 Fe oxide stained grey/green carbonate unit Inkheart Rock Chip x 0.3 89111 786 300 5.3 0.73 1057 0.07 34.7 38 6.4 73 3.97 21.8 0.4 2.9 0.08 50938 37.8 14727 161 0.3 422 10.1 52 218 114 235 x 222 4.2 19 x 5.1 14.3 1.04 x 18.04 3709 0.89 3.3 114 3.2 21 88 110.3 D BL1 474646 7400487 Blueys Rock Chip 0.121 >1500 17500 4670 6640 0.67 20 3200 274 2.6 20 0.41 44300 2.79 3.85 0.06 0.9 0.109 8400 2.3 900 106 3.07 100 0.7 6.1 290 7350 29.8 0.003 2200 >10000 4.8 1 0.7 115 <0.05 0.28 4.3 670 0.29 8.7 24 1 4.9 1590 31.1 EOF