H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 20-Jan-2017 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 26-Jan-2017 H0005 State Northern Territory H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_report_no GR329 H0101 Tenement_holder NA H0102 Project_name Carrara H0106 Tenement_operator Teck Australia H0150 250K_map_sheet_number NA H0151 100K_map_sheet_number NA H0152 50K_map_sheet_number NA H0153 25K_map_sheet_number NA H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 10-Oct-2016 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 26-Oct-2016 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 55 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 8-Feb-2017 H0301 Collar_data_file GR329_2017_A_02_Collar.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file GR329_2017_A_07_Lithology.txt H0303 Assay_data_file GR329_2017_A_04_Assay.txt H0304 Survey_data_file GR329_2017_A_03_Survey.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file GR329_2017_A_13_TeckLoggingCodes.zip H0308 File Verification List NA H0314 Magsusc_data_file GR329_2017_A_09_MagsuscConductivity.txt H0316 Recovery_data_file GR329_2017_A_12_Recovery.txt H0318 DHQAQC_data_file GR329_2017_A_05_QAQC.txt H0320 RQD_data_file GR329_2017_A_11_RQD.txt H0324 SG_data_file GR329_2017_A_10_SG.txt H0325 Stratigraphy_data_file GR329_2017_A_06_Stratigraphy.txt H0327 StructurePoint_data_file GR329_2017_A_08_StructurePoint.txt H0400 Drill Code DDH H0401 Drill_contractor NA H0402 Drill_description NA H0500 Feature_located Drillhole Collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum Nominal H0503 Projection UTM H0530 Coordinate_system PROJECTED H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_Location_Survey_Instrument NA H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company NA H0900 Remarks NA H1000 Hole_id Depth From Depth To Projectcode PRIORITY RK1_CLASS RK1_CATEGORY RK1_SUBGROUP ROCK_CODE RK_COLOUR RK_MIN RK_GFORM RK_BFORM RK1_Text1 RK1_Text2 RK_TEXTURE RK2_CLASS RK2_CATEGORY RK2_SUBGROUP ROCK_CODE2 RK2_COLOUR RK2_MIN RK2_GRAINFORM RK2_BEDFORM RK2_Text1 RK2_Text2 RK2_TEXTURE RK3_CLASS RK3_CATEGORY RK3_SUBGROUP ROCK_CODE3 RK3_COLOUR RK3_MIN RK3_GRAINFORM RK3_BEDFORM RK3_Text1 RK3_Text2 RK3_TEXTURE LITH_LoggedBy LITH_COMMENT MARKER_BED H1001 metres metres H1004 0.001 0.001 0.00000001 D CRDD001 9.4 12.05 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPS cr,og bdf,bgh,bvtl,blam,bvtb tic Other Tabarite Tabarite TABA og,wh N.McMillan Variably weathered and competent orange and cream silt - internal textures difficult to see and may be wormy looking. Some rem bedding is v thin lam to v thin. Originl lithology unknown. Broken/rubble musd or clays. D CRDD001 12.05 26.55 CAR 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCL cr,lgy,wh cvfg,cfg BUNK tic ttm Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPC cr,wh gcly Other Tabarite Tabarite TABA cr,og,wh N.McMillan Still variably weathered and rubble/broken/incompetent zones. Intervals of white/cream/orange mud/clay broken (taberaberite) and white clay (no obvious inenal structue). Majority of competent core looks like it may be carbonate - lt grey-white crystalline silt? w/ irregular wispy internal textures (MTS?) infill w/ vfg white muds. These may have vugs and crystal growth. D CRDD001 26.55 30.05 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPN cr,wh gcly bep,bvtl,blam tnfs Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPL cr,wh gcly tnfs N.McMillan White/cream clay and mud. Some rem bedding textures: v thin lam to v thin beds. Rare grey/brown irregular nods May actually be preferentially silica replaced rather than actual nods. D CRDD001 30.05 31.57 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cr,lgy,og cfg bgh,bvtl,blam,bvtb tbd tgr,tsm Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC cr,og gsvc,ggra,gpsm N.McMillan Cream/lt grey/orange silt - likely carbonate comp (stylolites). Bedding lam to v thin w/ some grading. Possible stroms. Flat chip breccia? Minor v thin to thin beds of cg to pebble sandstone.Still weathered. D CRDD001 31.57 37.89 CAR 1 Sedimentary Limestone Limestone SCL br,lbr,lgy tic,ttm,tvg Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPN cr,wh gcly Other Tabarite Tabarite TABA cr,og,wh N.McMillan Intervals of white/cream/rare orange mud/clay broken (taberaberite) and white clay (no obvious internal structue). Majority of competent core looks like it may be carbonate/limestone - lt grey/lt brown/brown crystalline silt? w/ irregular wispy internal textures (MTS?). These may have vugs and crystal growth.Limestone? D CRDD001 37.89 46.44 CAR 1 Sedimentary Arenite Arenite SSSC cr,log,ta gsvf,gsfn bdf,bvtl,blam,bvtb,bthn tbd Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cr,log,ta cvfg,cfg tbd tnir Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSA og gsvc,ggra,gpsm,gpmd tbd tal N.McMillan Cream/tan/lt orange (carbonate) silt/vfg sand (and minor clay at upper contact). Bedding can be difficult to determine ranging from v thin lam to thin beds. May be irregular/diffuse. Grey lam irregular nods(?) may be pref silica replacement not "real" nods. Poss domal strom @ 40.80. Rare v thin to med intervals of orange vcg to pebble sandstone often associated w/ wispy irregular v thin internal lam. D CRDD001 46.44 47.23 CAR 1 Sedimentary Limestone Limestone SCL cr,ta Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cr,ta cvfg,cfg blam,bvtb Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC cr,ta ggra,gpsm,gpmd N.McMillan Cream/tan brown limestone (?) with minor intervals of cream/tan crystalline calcite(?) Vcg-pebble sandstone near upper contact. Stylolites. Some calcite veining. Some grey silica replaced rem. Bedding can be difficult to determine. D CRDD001 47.23 52.05 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cr,ta gcly,gslt bgh,bvtl,blam,bvtb,bthn tbd tnfs Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC og gsvc,ggra,gpsm,gpmd,gplg bthn,bmed tib N.McMillan Cream/tan silt - bedding appears lam to thin (when apparent). Rare carb flecks. Poss evap textures @ 50m. Grey resistive irregular "nods" with internal lams. Rare tan/orange thin to med coarse to pebbly sandstone. D CRDD001 52.05 52.61 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSA br gan,gsa,gsr Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSS ta ggra,gpsm,gpmd,gan,gsa,gsr tsy,tvg N.McMillan Brown/tan granular to pebble sandstone. No obvious grading. Grains gen angular to sub-rounded. Stylolites. Some vugs w/ bladed crystal growth near bottom conact - bottom sandstone packstone/grainstone? D CRDD001 52.61 54.07 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cr,ta gslt bep,bwp,bvtl,blam,bvtb,bthn,bmed tbd tnfs Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCL cr,ta tnfs,tvg N.McMillan V thin lam to thin bed of limestone (vuggy) and v thin lam to med silt (carbonate?) Bedding gen parallel but may be irregular/crinkly. Grey internally lam irregular silicified"nods" (chert?). D CRDD001 54.07 55.22 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSA br,og ggra,gpsm,gpmd,gan,gsa,gsr,smd bmed,btck Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC br,og bep,bdp,ben,bdn,bvtl tbd tcr,thc N.McMillan Orange/brown granule-pebble sandstone: poly anglur to subrouded grains. No obvious gradin. Reasonably well sorted. Interbedded w/ v thin lam fine sand - sed structures include cross cutting/hcs and moving "dunes". Bedding may be discontinuous. D CRDD001 55.22 58.28 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cr gslt bep,bvtl,blam,bvtb,bthn tbd tnfs Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCL cr bvtb,bthn,bmed tsy Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC cr gsvc,ggra bvtl,blam tbd N.McMillan Interbedded cream/tan v thin lam to med limestone and silts. Limestone may be vuggy. Stylolites. Bedding gen even and parallel. Some stylolites. Rare grey internally lam silica replaced "nods"(chert)? Rare v thin lam to lam sandstones. D CRDD001 58.28 58.88 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC br,og ggra,gpsm,gan,gsa,gsr tbx,tgr N.McMillan Orange-tan sandstone: angular to sub-angular clast. Some grading. Odd internal texture- some crackle/mosaic breccia? D CRDD001 58.88 63.86 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cr,lbr,log bdf,bvtl,blam,bvtb,bthn tnfs tvg Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC og ggra,gpsm,gsa,gsr,smd tal N.McMillan Cream/lt brwn/orange vf (calcite?) silt/mud. Beding appears diffuse and can difficult to determine - v thin lam to v thin beds and often irregular/wispy. Grey internally laminated irregular silica replaced "nods" (chert). Some vugs w/ wll developed (calcite? crystals. Rare thin intervals of orange sandstone: sub-angular to sub-rounded reasonably well sorted w/ no obvious grading. Associated w/ v thin crinkly lam. D CRDD001 63.86 64.63 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC br,og gsfn bdw,bdf,bvtl tal Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSA br,og ggra,gpsm,gpmd,gsa,gsr bvtl,blam N.McMillan Orange/brown vf sandstone w/ minor lam of granular-pebbly sandstone. Dominted by irregular diffuse crinkly laminations. Bottom contact appear to contain ripup clasts from the underlying unit. D CRDD001 64.63 70.19 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPL cr,log cvfg,cfg bdf,bvtl,blam,bvtb,bthn,bmed tal,tnfs,tnee,tsy Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCL cr bvtl,blam,bvtb tib Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC ggra,gsa,gsr bvtl,blam,bvtb N.McMillan Cream/lt orange fg silt (calcite) and rare limestone (mostly near upper contact). Bedding ranges from v thin lam to med but textures may be diffuse or crinkly. Stylolites common. Some small elongate/tab nodulescassociated w/ crinkly lam. Grey internally lam silica replaced "nods" (chert). Rare v thin lam to lam intervals of sandstone. D CRDD001 70.19 71.08 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC br,og ggra,gpsm,gpmd,gsa,gsr bdf,bvtl,blam,bvtb,bthn,bmed tal,tsy Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cvfg,cfg bvtl,blam,bvtb tsy,tvg N.McMillan Light orang/bron granular-pebble sandstone: no obvious grading grains sub-angular to sub-rounded. Interbedded w/ v thin lam (and rare thin) beds of (calcite?) silt. Stylolites common. Some vugs. D CRDD001 71.08 79.29 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cr,lbr,log gslt bep,bdw,bdf,bvtl,blam,bvtb,bthn tsy Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCL cr,lbr bvtl,blam,bvtb tvg Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC br,og ggra,gpsm,gsa,gsr bvtb,bthn,bmed N.McMillan Tan/lt orange/cream (+/- calcite) silt and more vuggy limestone. Bedding textures can be diffuse but seem predom v thin lam to thin range from even and paralll to irregular. May have internally chaotic texture Styloloites common. Grey internally lam silica replaced "nods" (chert?) Rare thin to med intervals of orange sandstone: granular to pebble sub-rounded to sub-angular; no evidence of grading D CRDD001 79.29 81.18 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cr,gy,og bdw,bvtl tal,tnee Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC og ggra,gpsm,gpmd,gan,gsa,gsr N.McMillan Orange and grey silt (calcite?) predom v thin lam beds - crinkly algal bedding in wispy/irregular beds. Some small elongate nods. Stylolites. An intervalof sandstone w/ similar wispy lam. D CRDD001 81.18 110.98 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cr,lgy,wh gslt,cvfg,cfg bep,bwn,bdf,bvtl,blam,bvtb,bthn,bmed tbd,tic,tnir,tsm,tsy Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCL cr,log tnir,tsy,tvg Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC cr,og ggra,gpsm,gpmd,gsa,gsr tal N.McMillan V thin lam to med bed of cream/white/minor orange silt (+/- calcite?)- bedding may be diffuse and range from even and parallel to wavy/irregular/crinkly. Some thicker beds may be internally chaotic. Intervals of vuggy limestone may have bladed crystals. Minor lam to thin beds of orange /cream granule to pebble sandstone: sub-angular to sub-rounded w/ no obvious grading. Are associated w/ v thin lam crinkly algal lam. Stylolites. Stroms between 91.26 - 91.53m. Grey internally laminated silica replaced irregular/rounded "nods" decrease downhole. D CRDD001 110.98 112.71 CAR 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLC cr cvfg,cfg tnfs,tvg N.McMillan Cream fine crystalline carbonate(?) may be vuggy w/ some fine crystals ingrown. No obvious bedding textures. White/lt-grey silica replaced "nods" (chert?) - seems to have some internal lams. D CRDD001 112.71 116.08 CAR 1 Sedimentary Limestone Limestone SCL cr,lbr bep,bwp,bvtl tal,tsm,tsy,tvg Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cr gcly,gslt,cvfg,cfg BUNK tnfs,tsy Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC lbr,log ggra,gpsm,gpmd,gsa,gsr blam,bvtb,bthn tbd N.McMillan Cream/tan silt (+/- carbonate) w/ no obvious bedding. Cream/lt brown limestone which may be vuggy +/- crinkly v thin lam - potential stroms @ 115.3m. Minor intervals of orange/lt brown lam to thin beds of granular to pebble sandstone: poly; sub-angular to angular. Stylolites common. Grey internally lam silica replaced irregular "nods" (chert?) D CRDD001 116.08 139.12 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cr,gy,lgy gcly,gslt,cvfg bep,bwp,bdw,bvtl,blam,bvtb,bthn,bmed tbd tgr,tic,ttm,tnfs,tsm Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC cr,wh cvfg,cfg bdf,bms,bgh,bvtl,blam,bmed,btck ttm,tsy Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCL cr,lbr bvtl,blam tal,tsm,tvg N.McMillan Cream to grey siltstone to coarse sandstone. Bedding may be crinkly lam and ranges from v thin lam to med. May be internally chaotic - possibly patchy alteration texture. Some grading. White/cream crystalline silt/mud more massive - ghost/diffuse internal bedding textures - may be v thin lam to med/thick. Rare nods. MTS. Stylolites. Grey/lt brown vuggy limestone may be v thin crinkly lam - some green coloration @ 134m. Stroms @ 137.80m. Pyrite on fracture surface @ 2137m. D CRDD001 139.12 140.48 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPN cr,wh gcly bdw,bdf,bvtl tbd tsm,tvg N.McMillan White/cream clay. Rem bedding appears v thin lam and discontinuous/crinkly. Some vugs/porous intervals. Possible strom at lower contact. D CRDD001 140.48 155.33 CAR 1 Sedimentary Limestone Limestone SCL cr,lgy,wh tal,tic,tsm,tvg Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cr,gy,lgy,og gslt,cfg bep,bwp,bwd,bvtl,blam tal,tnfs,tsy Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC cr,lgy,og gsvf,gsfn bep,bwp,bwd tsy N.McMillan Cream/white/lt grey limestone: may be vuggy or associated w/ crinkly algal lam - poss domal stroms. May have irregular internal texure. Grey/cream/orange silt to fine sand (+/- carbonate). Bedding gen v thin lam/algal lam ranges even parallel to irregular/wavy/discontinuous. Stylolites. Very minor intervals of white crystalline mud - seems to be associated w/ limestone. Rare grey internally lam silica replaced "nods". D CRDD001 155.33 159.05 CAR 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCL cr,lgy,wh tvg tsm N.McMillan Extremely vuggy crystalline limestone. Some v thin lam - poss domal strom. D CRDD001 159.05 168.59 CAR 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLC cvfg,cfg bwp,bwn,bvtl,blam tal tvg tcl,tnir,tsy Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPL gcly,gslt N.McMillan Cream/white crys limestone - bedding often wavy/crinkly lam and may be vuggy. Some clots. Ints of white carbonate silt - ghost textures appear brecciated and internally chaotic. Where visible looks v thin lam to v thin irregular/crinkly beds. Stylolites. Rare silica replacement. Rare grey internally lam silica replaced irregular "nods". D CRDD001 168.59 185.84 CAR 1 Sedimentary Limestone Limestone SCLC cr,lbr cvfg,cfg bep,bwd,bdw,bdf,bvtl tal,tcl,tfss,tnfs,tod,tsy,tvg N.McMillan Cream/lt brown rare grey crys carbonate - upper portion v thin lam discon/diffuse bedding. Rare lt grey nods. From 173m bedding tetures decrease and irregular internal tectures increase (clots/patchy alt?/poss ooids and fossils eg 182.80 - 183). Rare breccia/conglomerate texture near base of the unit. Sharp contact with underlying unit. Some vugs within the unit may have chalk infill. D CRDD001 185.84 199.17 CAR 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLG cr,lyw gsvc,ggra bms tma tod,tsy Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLC cr N.McMillan Pale yellow/cream coarse carbonate sandstone. Appears massive and well sorted with light cream swathes of vf cream crystalline carbonate silts which gives the appearance of bedding. Intervals of grey ooid grains increase in frequency downhole. Stylolites. D CRDD001 199.17 206.72 CAR 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLG cr,gy,lyw gsvc,ggra,swl tod tma tnir,tsy,tvg Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLC cr cvfg,cfg N.McMillan Lt yellow/cream/grey ooid dolograinstone. Well sorted and massive. Swathes of fine cream carbonate give the impression of beding. Irregular grey nods may contain or be surrounded by ooids. Vugs increase downhole. Stylolites. D CRDD001 206.72 213.9 CAR 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCL cr tvg tma N.McMillan Cream vuggy massive limestone. D CRDD001 213.9 219.25 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPL cr,lbr,lgy,ta gcly,gslt bep,bvtl,blam tnfs tal tnee,tnir Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCL lgy,wh BUNK tal,tsy N.McMillan Cream/tan/lt brown/grey-brown (carbonate?) shale with elongate and irregular lt grey/white carbonate nods. Bedding may be difficult to see. Crinkly algal (?) lam common. Nods increase in density downhole to carbonate dom lith. Stylolites. Vugs. D CRDD001 219.25 228.8 CAR 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCL cr tvg tma tsy Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLC cr N.McMillan Cream vuggy crystalline massive limestone with "rafts" or "swathes" of vf cream carbonates. Rare vugs are infilled with white chalk. Potential fault between 226.06m - 227. Lower contact is appears sharp. Stylolites. D CRDD001 228.8 233.88 CAR 1 Sedimentary Pelite Pelite SSPL gy,kh,lbr gcly,gslt bep,bvtl tbd tnir,tsy Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLG bk,br,gy,wh bvtb,bthn,bmed tod tfss Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPC gy gcly N.McMillan V thin lam to lam khaki/brown/grey-brown (with minor orange near upper contact) carbonate shales with swathes of cream cream/lt brown carbonates and what may be ssd. Very thin to medium interbeds of ooid and fossiliferous grainstones. Irregular white carbonate nods. Stylolites. Wispy carb lams may contain some pyrite grains. A minor interval of wet clay was intersected. D CRDD001 233.88 244.79 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPL br gcly,gslt bvtl tnee tnir tal Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLG blam,bvtb,bthn,bmed tod tfss N.McMillan Brown v thin lam carbonate shales and crinkly algal lam. Lt brown/tan bedding parallel and elongate nodules and grey rounded/irregular nods - multiple generations? Lt tan seem to surround the grey nods. Interbeds up to med of ooid/fossiliferous grainshtone. Bedding parallel nods increase downhole. D CRDD001 244.79 312.75 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU br,gy gcly,gslt bep,bdp,bwd,bwn,bdw,bvtl tbd tnfs tnee,tnir,tnle,tpa,tsy Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLW cr,lgy,yw gva,gan trt tfss,tpa,tsy,tvg Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLP cr,lgy,yw gva,gan tma tfss,tsy,tvg N.McMillan A series of metre thick intervals of three main rock types: V thin lam gry/grey-brown silts with dk grey irregular and bedding parallel nods (some appear bed-like) which increase in frequency toward the base of the intervals and may include rare bioclast/fossiliferous v thin to med packstone/grainstone beds. Cream/yellow "ribbon" bioclastic/fossiliferous limestone (wackestone/packstone?) associated with v thin lam muds. More massive coarser limestone (packstone/grainstone?) often associated with vugs. Stylolites. Variable patchy dolomitisation texture. Orange weathring on fracture surfaces. Upper contact appears to have worm fossils (pers comm. Cawood) D CRDD001 312.75 324.38 CAR 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLP cr,lgy bdw tma tfss tod,tsy Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU gy car gcly,gslt bvtl tbd N.McMillan Massive cream/lt-grey fossiliferous packstone? limestone. Some ooids are observed. Rem internal lam appear wispy and discontinuous. Stylolites. Minor intervals of v thin lam grey silts with v minor sandstone intervals (appear to be carbonate grains). D CRDD001 324.38 353.33 CAR 1 Sedimentary Limestone Limestone SCLP cr,gy bdw,bthn,bmed tfss tsy,tvg Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU br,gy gcly,gslt bep,bdw,bvtl tbd tnfs tnir,tnle,tpa,tvg N.McMillan Thin to med bioclast/fossiliferous packstone (?) which may contain irregular/wispy/discontinuous internal bedding textures and some vugs. Interbedded with v thin lam grey/grey-brown silts with dk grey silica replaced nods (or possibly rem bedding). Nods may be irregular or appear bed like. Bedding may be irregular. Some patchy dol alteration texture. Silts decrease in frequency downhole. D CRDD001 353.33 366.1 CAR 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLF cr,gy,lgy,log bdw tfss tsy Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU br,log,ta gcly,gslt bvtl tbd tnir,trt,tsy N.McMillan Cream/lt to med grey/lt orange fossiliferous limestone with crytalline matrix (floatstone?). Rem bedding textures are discontinuous and wispy. Minor intervals of brown/tan v thin lam silts with "ribbon" texture - appear like stacked irregular nodules. Stylolites. Some patchy alteration textures may actually be weathering due to meteoric water. Silts appear to decrease downhole. D CRDD001 366.1 376.95 CAR 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLF cr tma,tvg Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLF cr tfss tma,tvg Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPS cr,gy gcly,gslt bvtl tnfs,tpa N.McMillan Cream limestone - both crystalline and floatstone (?). Vugs with crystal growth common. Interbeds of v thin lam cream silts (and rare fine sands) w/ silica replaced internally laminated rem bedding. Rare silica replacement of limestone interval. D CRDD001 376.95 395.05 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU cr,gy,lgy,og,ta gcly,gslt bdw,bvtl,blam,bvtb tbd tnfs tic,tnir,tpa,tsy,tvg N.McMillan Variably weathered grey/orange/cream/tan irregular and discontinuously bedded silts. Dominated by irregular to rounded grey to lt-grey/cream nods. Interval has pervasive patchy alt textures. Nods may be silica replaced and may be rem bedding rather than actual nods. Bedding is irregular and beds may be internally chaotic. Some stylolites. Rare vugs. D CRDD001 395.05 411.95 CAR 1 Sedimentary Limestone Limestone SCLG cr,gy bwd tfss tma tsy,tvg N.McMillan Thick interval of cream to grey fossiliferous and sub-rounded intraclast? Carbonate limestone grainstone or floatstone? Massive with some rem internal bedding – discontinuous and wispy. Stylolites. Vugs with crystal growth. V thin lam dk grey silts with silica replaced irregular nods/rem bedding. Internally chaotic and v patchy alt textures. Bedding is generally destroyed. D CRDD001 411.95 417.96 CAR 1 Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCL cr,ta tma tvg tnfs,tsy N.McMillan Cream/tan crystalline/massive limestone. V vuggy. Some silica replaced nods/rem bedding. Stylolites. Some rem internal bedding. D CRDD001 417.96 428.78 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPU dgy,gy,og bdw,bvtl,blam tnfs tnir,tpa,tsy Sedimentary Carbonate Limestone SCLF dgy,gy,lgy blam,bvtb,bthn tfss N.McMillan Dark grey/orange v thin lam bedded silts with irregular and bedding parallel lt grey nods – may appear bed-like. Stylolites. Minor intervals of lt-dk grey fossiliferous/carbonate floatstone? Patchy alteration texture. D CRDD001 428.78 463.57 CAR 1 Sedimentary Pelite Pelite SSPS cr,wh gcly,gslt bgh,bvtl tbx,tvg Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPC cr,wh bgh,bvtl tbx,tvg Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC ggra blam,bvtb,bthn tib N.McMillan Strongly leached white/cream carbonate silts and clays. Rare patches of rem grey dol – gen near upper contact. Rare sandstone beds. Some silica replacement. Rem bedding features: v thin lam bedding. Vugs. Breccia near base of interval. Significant core loss in this interval: 4.2m. Core often broekn/rubbly. D CRDD001 463.57 467.29 CAR 1 Sedimentary Pelite Pelite SSPU dgr,gy gcly,gslt bdw,bvtl,blam,bvtb,bthn tvg Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSC dgr,gy bvtb,bthn,bmed N.McMillan Lt grey/green carbonate silt and sands. Bedding ranges from v thin lam to thin beds – rare med beds. Calcite veins. Bedding often discontinuous. Lower contact is green likely due to chlorite from underlying unit. Some vugs. Section of core at contact (@467.2cm core block) has coarse pyrite – vein? D CRDD001 467.29 568.76 CAR 1 Igneous Volcanic Mafic IVMB dbr,drd,gr chl,qtz bms tam tvg N.McMillan *HELEN SPRINGS VOLCANICS* Brick red-brown qtz-chlorite basalt. High chlorite content. Often very coarse crystallinity. Bright red (hematite?) bands – flow bands? Near mid to lower portion of the unit. Amygdaloids dominant in upper portion of contact seem mostly chalk and chlorite. Upper contact is brecciated – non conformable D CRDD001 568.76 620.37 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSA lgy,pk,pu,wh bio,wmc gsvf,gsfn,gsmd bdw,bdf,bvtb,bthn,bmed tbd tpa tcr,tfb,tcm Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSQ lgy,pk,pu qtz gsvf,gsfn,gsmd bdw,bdf,bvtb,bthn,bmed tbd tpa tfb,tcm Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPH gr gcly,gslt bvtl tib N.McMillan Pink/purple/white/maroon/lt grey variably weathered/leached v fine to med grained micaceous/lithic/quartz sandstone. Rare granule grain beds. Bedding thickness can be difficult to determin due to internal discontin/irregular lam - may be flaser bedding? - but appears to rande from thin to med. Patchy/"spotty" alteration textures. Shiny gunmetal grey platy and angualr clasts (graphite?) are common. Broken aligned "flat pebble" clasts. Minor intervals of v thin lam green silts/shales. Sed features: scours/cross or onlap bedding/truncated bedding/poss flaser bedding. Upper contact appears baked and brecciated. D CRDD001 620.37 622.88 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Rudite SSCP cr,gr,pu gpsm,gpmd,gsr,gls,smd tbd Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPH gr gcly,gslt bvtl tbd N.McMillan Purple/cream/green intervals of conglomerate - may be matrix supported or clast supported. Sub-rounded ploymictic up to 1cm. No obvious grading but appear reasonably well supported in the clast supported intervals. May also have flat pebble clasts in mud matrix. Irregular/disontinous mud laminae. Rare v thin lam green silt/shales with some slickensides. D CRDD001 622.88 645.11 CAR 1 Sedimentary Arenite Arenite SSSQ cr,lpu,pk,wh gsmd,gscr,gsvc bms,bgh,bthn,bmed Sedimentary Clastic Rudite SSCG cr,lpu,pk,wh gsvc,ggra bmed,btck N.McMillan Cream/white/lt pink-purple with variably patchy or spotty alteration med to coarse qtz sandstone. Appears well sorted. Near base coarse/granular sandstone. Minor lithic flat pebble clasts or rafts. Beds appear massive with interally diffuse ghost bedding. Bedding can be difficult to determine but appears med to thick. Rare v thin lam of green silts/shale. D CRDD001 645.11 719.71 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSQ lpu,pk,wh gsfn,gsmd,gscr bdw,blam,bvtb,bthn,bmed tbd tcr,tfb,tpa,tsg Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSA lpu,pk,wh bio,mic gsfn,gsmd,gscr bdw,bdf,blam,bvtb,bthn,bmed tcr,tfb,tpa,tsg Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPH gr gcly,gslt bvtl tib N.McMillan White/pale pink and purple/cream quartz and lithic/micaceous fine to coarse sandstone. When observed well sorted sub-rounded grains - gen appear clast supported. Internal discontinuous/irregular mud lam and flat pebble/broken lithic fragments. Intervals of v thin lam green silts/shale (at times soapy). Some poss silica replacement. Bedding difficult to determine due to increasing discontinuous irregular mud laminations - but seem to range form lam to med-thick. Mud laminations increase downhole. Sed features: cross bedding/truncated bedding/syn cracks?/flaser/onlap bedding? Patchy alt. D CRDD001 719.71 755.61 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSQ cr,lpu,pk,wh gsfn,gsmd bdw,bdf,bvtb,bthn,bmed tic,tsg Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSA cr,lpu,pk mic gsvf,gsfn bvtb,bthn,bmed Sedimentary Clastic Pelite SSPH gr gcly,gslt bep,bvtl tib N.McMillan Predom cream and lt green (purple/pink colouration increases downhole) fine to med and rare coarse qtz sandstone and micaceous +/- lithic sandstone. Bedding difficult to determine due to diffuse textures - thin to med? V thin lam green shales and black micaceous laminae. Flat pebble clasts or rafts within interval. Sed features are quite different to other intervals may be at an angle to interpreted bedding features. Some interp to be syneresis cracks. Patchy or spotty colouration associated with purple/pink colours. Some silica alt/replacement. D CRDD001 755.61 786.22 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSQ cr,gr,gy,pk,pu gsvf,gsfn,gsmd bmed,btck tpa Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSA gr,gy,pk,pu mic gsvf,gsfn bmed,btck tpa N.McMillan Similar to the above unit. Purple/pink/cream/white/pale green/lt-med grey predominantly v fine to med qtz and micaceous +/- lithic sandstone. Rarer coarse sandstones seem to be concentrated more toward the upper protion of the interval. More massive with internal sed structures greatly reduced from above unit - may be due to colour making them difficult to see - appear med to thick bedded. Patchy and spotting colouration common. Green/black biotite laminae through the unit may be v thin lam or on lapping "dune-like" structures. Very rare v thin lam green shales. D CRDD001 786.22 786.77 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Rudite SSCP cr,drd gpsm,gpmd,gplg,gro,gwr,gls N.McMillan Minor conglomerate interval. Matrix supported with flat lying elongate pebbles (up to 2cm) - seem to be oriented to bedding. Polymicitic but dominated by red (hematite stained - ironstones?) clasts. Some parts of the unit are densly packed. D CRDD001 786.77 800.42 CAR 1 Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSQ cr,gy,pk,pu gsvf,gsfn,gsmd bthn,bmed,btck tpa Sedimentary Clastic Arenite SSSA cr,gr,gy,pk,pu mic gsvf,gsfn,gsmd bthn,bmed,btck tpa N.McMillan Purple/pink/cream/white/pale green/lt-med grey predominantly v fine to med qtz and micaceous +/- lithic sandstone. Gen massive with diffuse/rem internal structures - may be due to colour making them difficult to see - appear med to thick bedded. Patchy and spotting colouration common. Green/black biotite laminae through the unit may be v thin lam or on lapping "dune-like" structures. EOF