H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 06-Sep-16 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 29-Jul-16 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no GR427 H0101 Tenement_holder Tracker Geoservices Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name Florina Fertilizer Minerals H0106 Tenement_operator Tracker Geoservices H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SD5212 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5068 5069 5168 5169 5268 5269 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 30-Jul-15 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 29-Jul-16 H0202 Data_format SG4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 10 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 06-Sep-16 H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File FLR_NTSG4_SURF2016A.txt H0308 File verification List FLR_Verification_List_2016.txt H0319 SURFQAQC_data_file H0500 Feature_located Surface Sample H0501 Geodetic_datum WGS84 H0502 Vertical_datum Nominal H0503 Projection Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 52 H0532 Surface_location_Survey_Instrument GPS H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company H0538 Surface_Geophysical_Survey_Instrument H0539 Surface_Geophysical_Survey_Company H0600 Sample_Code GNT014 GNT015 GNT016 GNT017 GNT018 GNT032 GNT033 GNT035 GNT036 GNT038 H0601 Sample_Type Rock Chip Rock Chip Rock Chip Rock Chip Rock Chip Rock Chip Rock Chip Rock Chip Rock Chip Rock Chip H0602 Sample_description Glauconite sandstone Glauconite sandstone Glauconite sandstone Glauconite sandstone Glauconite sandstone Glauconite sandstone Glauconite sandstone Glauconite sandstone Glauconite sandstone Glauconite sandstone H0700 Sample_Prep_Code SP11 H0701 Sample_Prep_Desc dry, jaw crush 10mm, pulverise 300g to 75 micron H0702 Job_no 1410683 H0800 Assay_code XRF: TGA H0801 Assay_company FB1/XRF :Intertek Perth LOI/GR:Intertek Perth H0802 Assay_description Li fusion XRF finish. TGA LOI 1000deg H0900 Remarks Collection of 10 rock samples for mineralogy and chemistry H1000 Sample ID Easting Northing Sample Type Elevation Grid Assay_Company Assay_Code Job_Number Al2O3 CaO Fe2O3 K2O MgO P2O5 SiO2 LOI H1001 NA metres metres NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA H1002 H1003 H1004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H1005 H1006 H1007 D GNT014 791399 8385774 UTM Zone52 Intertek Perth FB1/XRF/TGA 5320/1410683 4.68 4.13 10.7 4.38 1.93 2.89 67.95 2.84 D GNT015 792112 8385039 UTM Zone52 Intertek Perth FB1/XRF/TGA 5320/1410683 4.39 2.04 8.69 3.69 1.02 1.41 77.42 1.02 D GNT016 791480 8385572 UTM Zone52 Intertek Perth FB1/XRF/TGA 5320/1410683 3.33 2.21 4.58 2.59 0.68 1.59 83.01 1 D GNT017 797382 8387989 UTM Zone52 Intertek Perth FB1/XRF/TGA 5320/1410683 2.19 10.13 7.45 2 4.82 1.12 59.83 11.87 D GNT018 797395 8387980 UTM Zone52 Intertek Perth FB1/XRF/TGA 5320/1410683 4.47 2.42 6.14 3.19 0.91 1.79 78.68 1.51 D GNT032 797550 8388340 UTM Zone52 Intertek Perth FB1/XRF/TGA 5320/1410683 1.79 7.5 1.06 1.72 4.52 1.06 65.62 9.64 D GNT033 797550 8388340 UTM Zone52 Intertek Perth FB1/XRF/TGA 5320/1410683 4.84 12.13 4.9 3.31 8.07 0.52 47.97 17.98 D GNT035 803981 8385442 UTM Zone52 Intertek Perth FB1/XRF/TGA 5320/1410683 9.18 0.06 3.88 5.78 0.68 0.08 78.46 1.5 D GNT036 803981 8385442 UTM Zone52 Intertek Perth FB1/XRF/TGA 5320/1410683 3.03 2.78 9.13 2.34 2.24 0.43 75.88 4.21 D GNT038 799605 8386710 UTM Zone52 Intertek Perth FB1/XRF/TGA 5320/1410683 4.76 0.05 6.2 3.34 0.88 0.89 81.88 1.53