H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 15-Nov-17 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 14-Oct-17 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no GR077 H0101 Tenement_holder Rio Tinto Exploration H0102 Project_name Cato Plateau Project H0106 Tenement_operator Rio Tinto Exploration H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SD5304 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 6273 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 23-Jun-16 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 14-Oct-17 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 8568 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 22-Nov-17 H0300 Related_data_file H0301 Location_data_file EL24389_EL4171_EL4170_2017_A_02_DrillCollars.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file EL24389_EL4171_EL4170_2017_A_03_Lithologs.txt H0303 Assay_data_file EL24389_EL4171_EL4170_2017_A_04_DownholeGeochem.txt H0304 Survey_data_file H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File H0307 Lithology_code_file H0308 File verification List H0310 Water_data_file H0311 Water data incl in lithology file No H0313 Alteration_data_file H0314 Magsusc_data_file H0315 Vein_data_file H0316 Recovery_data_file H0317 Weathering_data_file H0318 DHQAQC_data_file H0319 SURFQAQC_data_file H0320 Other event_data_file H0400 Drill_code VAC H0401 Drill_contractor Yearlong H0402 Description Vacuum H0500 Feature_located Drillhole_collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_Location_Survey_Instrument GPS H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company Rio Tinto Exploration H0536 Downhole_Geophysical_Survey_Instrument H0537 Downhole_Geophysical_Survey_Company H0900 Remarks Collar coordinate pickup using rugged tablet with integrated GPS. H1000 Hole_id Depth From Depth To Lith1 Lith1_Text Lith2 Lith2_Text Lith3 Comments H1001 NA metres metres NA H1004 0 0.1 0.1 0 D CATO0001 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0001 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0001 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0001 0.75 1 Soil D CATO0001 1 1.25 Soil D CATO0001 1.25 1.5 Soil D CATO0001 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 3.25 3.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 3.5 3.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 3.75 4 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 4 4.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 4.25 4.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 4.5 4.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 4.75 5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 5 5.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 5.25 5.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0001 5.5 5.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0001 5.75 6 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0001 6 6.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0001 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 9.5 9.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 9.75 10 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 10 10.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0001 10.25 10.5 Clay D CATO0001 10.5 10.75 Clay D CATO0001 10.75 11 Clay D CATO0001 11 11.25 Clay D CATO0001 11.25 11.5 Clay D CATO0001 11.5 11.75 Clay D CATO0002 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0002 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0002 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0002 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0002 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0002 D CATO0002 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0002 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0002 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0002 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0002 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0002 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0002 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0002 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0002 3.25 3.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0002 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0002 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0002 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0002 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0002 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0002 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0002 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0002 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0002 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0002 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0002 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0002 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0002 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0003 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0003 0.25 0.5 Duricrust Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0003 D CATO0003 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0003 0.75 1 Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0003 1 1.25 Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0003 D CATO0003 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0003 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0003 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0003 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0003 2.25 2.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0003 2.5 2.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0003 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0003 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0003 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0003 3.5 3.75 Ironstone Bauxite Cemented D CATO0003 3.75 4 Ironstone D CATO0003 4 4.25 Ironstone D CATO0003 4.25 4.5 Ironstone D CATO0003 4.5 4.75 Ironstone D CATO0003 4.75 5 Ironstone D CATO0003 5 5.25 Ironstone D CATO0003 5.25 5.5 Ironstone D CATO0003 5.5 5.75 Ironstone D CATO0003 5.75 6 Ironstone D CATO0004 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0004 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0004 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0004 0.75 1 Duricrust Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0004 D CATO0004 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0004 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0004 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0004 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0004 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0004 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0004 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0004 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0004 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0004 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0004 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0004 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0004 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0005 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0005 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0005 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0005 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0005 1 1.25 Duricrust Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0005 1.25 1.5 Duricrust Shale D CATO0005 1.5 1.75 Duricrust Shale D CATO0005 1.75 2 Duricrust Shale D CATO0005 2 2.25 Duricrust D CATO0005 2.25 2.5 Duricrust D CATO0005 2.5 2.75 Duricrust D CATO0006 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0006 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0006 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0006 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0006 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0006 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0007 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0007 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0007 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0007 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0007 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0007 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0007 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0007 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0007 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0008 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0008 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0008 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0008 0.75 1 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0008 1 1.25 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0008 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0008 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0008 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0009 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0009 0.25 0.5 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0009 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0009 0.75 1 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0009 1 1.25 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0009 1.25 1.5 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0009 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0009 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0009 2 2.25 Duricrust D CATO0010 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0010 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0010 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0010 0.75 1 Duricrust Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0010 1 1.25 Duricrust Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0010 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0010 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0010 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0010 2 2.25 Duricrust D CATO0010 2.25 2.5 Duricrust D CATO0010 2.5 2.75 Duricrust D CATO0010 2.75 3 Duricrust D CATO0011 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0011 0.25 0.5 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0011 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0011 0.75 1 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0011 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0011 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0011 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0011 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0012 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0012 0.25 0.5 Duricrust D CATO0012 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0012 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0012 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0012 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0012 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0012 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0012 2 2.25 Duricrust D CATO0012 2.25 2.5 Duricrust D CATO0012 2.5 2.75 Duricrust D CATO0013 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0013 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0013 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0013 0.75 1 Duricrust Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0013 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0013 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0013 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0013 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0013 2 2.25 Duricrust D CATO0013 2.25 2.5 Duricrust D CATO0013 2.5 2.75 Duricrust D CATO0014 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0014 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0014 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0014 0.75 1 Duricrust Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0014 1 1.25 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0014 1.25 1.5 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0014 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0014 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0014 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0014 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0014 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0015 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0015 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0015 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0015 0.75 1 Bauxite Pisolitic Ironstone D CATO0015 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0015 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0015 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0015 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0015 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0015 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D 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8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0017 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0017 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0017 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0017 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0017 9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0017 9.5 9.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0017 9.75 10 Clay Ironstone D CATO0017 10 10.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0017 10.25 10.5 Ironstone Bauxite Cemented D CATO0017 10.5 10.75 Ironstone D CATO0017 10.75 11 Ironstone D CATO0017 11 11.25 Ironstone D CATO0017 11.25 11.5 Ironstone D CATO0017 11.5 11.75 Ironstone D CATO0018 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0018 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0018 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0018 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 D CATO0018 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 3.25 3.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 3.5 3.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 3.75 4 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 4 4.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 4.25 4.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 4.5 4.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 4.75 5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 5 5.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 5.25 5.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0018 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 9.5 9.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 9.75 10 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 10 10.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0018 10.25 10.5 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Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0019 4.75 5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0019 5 5.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0019 D CATO0019 5.25 5.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0019 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 9.5 9.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 9.75 10 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 10 10.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 10.25 10.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 10.5 10.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 10.75 11 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 11 11.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0019 11.25 11.5 Ironstone Bauxite Cemented D CATO0019 11.5 11.75 Ironstone Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0020 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0020 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 D CATO0020 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 3.25 3.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0020 3.5 3.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 3.75 4 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 4 4.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 4.25 4.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0020 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0020 9.25 9.5 Ironstone D CATO0020 9.5 9.75 Ironstone D CATO0020 9.75 10 Ironstone D CATO0020 10 10.25 Ironstone D CATO0021 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0021 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0021 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0021 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0021 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0021 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0021 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0021 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0021 2 2.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0021 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0021 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0021 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0021 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0021 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0021 3.5 3.75 Ironstone D CATO0021 3.75 4 Ironstone D CATO0021 4 4.25 Ironstone D CATO0022 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0022 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0022 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0022 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0022 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0022 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0022 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0022 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0023 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0023 0.25 0.5 Duricrust D CATO0023 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0023 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0023 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0023 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0023 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0023 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0024 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0024 0.25 0.5 Duricrust D CATO0024 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0024 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0024 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0024 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0024 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0024 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0024 2 2.25 Duricrust D CATO0025 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0025 0.25 0.5 Duricrust D CATO0025 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0025 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0025 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0025 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0025 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0025 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0026 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0026 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0026 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0026 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0026 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0026 D CATO0026 1.25 1.5 Ironstone Bauxite Tubular D CATO0026 1.5 1.75 Ironstone D CATO0026 1.75 2 Ironstone D CATO0026 2 2.25 Ironstone D CATO0026 2.25 2.5 Ironstone D CATO0026 2.5 2.75 Ironstone D CATO0027 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0027 0.25 0.5 Duricrust D CATO0027 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0027 0.75 1 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0027 1 1.25 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0027 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0027 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0027 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0028 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0028 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0028 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 0.75 1 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 1 1.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 3.25 3.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 3.5 3.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 3.75 4 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 4 4.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 4.25 4.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0028 D CATO0028 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0028 9.5 9.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0029 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0029 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0029 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0029 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0029 1 1.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 3.25 3.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 3.5 3.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 3.75 4 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 4 4.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 4.25 4.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 4.5 4.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 4.75 5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0029 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0029 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0029 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0029 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0029 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0029 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0029 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0030 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0030 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0030 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0030 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 1 1.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 3.25 3.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 3.5 3.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 3.75 4 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 4 4.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 4.25 4.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 4.5 4.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 D CATO0030 4.75 5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0030 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0030 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0030 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0030 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0030 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0030 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0030 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0031 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0031 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0031 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0031 0.75 1 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0031 1 1.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0031 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0031 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0031 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0031 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0031 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0031 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0031 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0031 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0031 3.25 3.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0031 3.5 3.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0031 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0031 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0031 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0031 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0031 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0031 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0031 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0031 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0031 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0031 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0031 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0031 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0031 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0031 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0032 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0032 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0032 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0032 0.75 1 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0032 D CATO0032 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0032 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0032 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0032 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0032 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0032 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0032 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0032 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0032 3 3.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0032 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0032 D CATO0032 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0032 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0032 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0032 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0032 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0032 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0032 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0032 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0033 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0033 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0033 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0033 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0033 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0033 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0033 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0033 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0033 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0033 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0033 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0033 2.75 3 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0033 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0033 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0033 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0033 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0033 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0033 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0033 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0033 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0033 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0033 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0033 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0033 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0033 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0033 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0034 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0034 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0034 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0035 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0035 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0036 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0036 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0036 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0037 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0037 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0037 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0037 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0037 D CATO0037 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0037 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0037 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0038 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0038 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0038 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0038 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0038 D CATO0038 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0038 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0038 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0039 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0039 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0039 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0039 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0039 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0039 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0039 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0039 D CATO0039 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0039 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0039 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0039 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0039 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0039 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0039 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0039 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0039 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0039 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0039 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0039 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0039 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0039 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0040 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0040 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0040 0.5 0.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0040 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0040 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0040 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0040 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0040 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0040 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0040 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0040 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0040 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0040 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0040 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0041 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0041 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0041 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0041 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0041 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0041 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0041 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0041 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0041 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0041 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0041 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0041 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0041 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0041 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0041 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0041 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0042 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0042 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0042 0.5 0.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0042 0.75 1 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0042 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0042 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0042 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0042 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0042 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0042 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0043 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0043 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0043 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0043 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0043 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0043 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0043 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0043 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0043 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0043 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0043 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0044 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0044 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0044 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0044 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0044 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0044 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0044 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0044 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0044 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0044 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0044 D CATO0044 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0044 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0044 3 3.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0044 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0044 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0044 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0044 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0044 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0044 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0044 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0044 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0044 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0045 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0045 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0045 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0045 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0045 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0045 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0045 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0045 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0045 2 2.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0045 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0045 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0045 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0045 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0045 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0045 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0045 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0045 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0045 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0045 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0046 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0046 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0046 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0046 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0046 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0046 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0046 D CATO0046 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0046 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0046 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0046 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0046 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0046 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0046 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0046 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0046 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0046 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0046 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0046 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0047 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0047 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0047 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0047 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0047 D CATO0047 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0047 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0047 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0047 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0047 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0047 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0047 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0047 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0047 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0047 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0047 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0047 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0047 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0048 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0048 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0048 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0048 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0048 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0048 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0048 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0048 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0048 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0048 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0048 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0048 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0048 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0048 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0048 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0048 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0048 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0049 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0049 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0049 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0049 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0049 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0049 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0049 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0049 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0049 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0049 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0049 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0049 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0049 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0049 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0050 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0050 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0050 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0050 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0051 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0051 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0051 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0051 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0051 D CATO0051 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0051 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0051 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0051 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0051 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0051 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0051 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0051 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0051 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0051 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0052 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0052 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0052 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0053 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0053 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0053 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0053 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0053 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0053 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0053 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0053 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0053 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0053 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0053 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0054 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 D CATO0054 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0054 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0055 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite 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CATO0058 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0058 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0058 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0058 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0058 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0058 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0058 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0059 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0059 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0059 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0059 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0059 1 1.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0059 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0059 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0059 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0059 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0059 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0059 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0059 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0059 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0059 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0059 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0059 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0059 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0059 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0060 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0060 0.25 0.5 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0060 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite 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Clay Ironstone D CATO0066 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0066 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0066 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0066 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0066 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0066 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0066 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0066 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0066 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0066 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0067 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0067 4.5 4.75 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8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0070 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0070 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0070 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0070 9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0070 9.5 9.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0070 9.75 10 Clay Ironstone D CATO0070 10 10.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0070 10.25 10.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0070 10.5 10.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0070 10.75 11 Clay Ironstone D CATO0070 11 11.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0070 11.25 11.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0070 11.5 11.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0071 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0071 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0071 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0071 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0071 1 1.25 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0071 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0071 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0071 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0071 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0071 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0071 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0071 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0071 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented D 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9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0075 9.5 9.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0075 9.75 10 Clay Ironstone D CATO0075 10 10.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 3.25 3.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 3.5 3.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 3.75 4 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 4 4.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 4.25 4.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 4.5 4.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 4.75 5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 5 5.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 5.25 5.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 5.5 5.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 5.75 6 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 6 6.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0076 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 D CATO0076 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 9.5 9.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 9.75 10 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 10 10.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 10.25 10.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 10.5 10.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 10.75 11 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 11 11.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 11.25 11.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 11.5 11.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 11.75 12 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 12 12.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 12.25 12.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 12.5 12.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0076 12.75 13 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0077 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 3.25 3.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 3.5 3.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 3.75 4 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 4 4.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 4.25 4.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 4.5 4.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 4.75 5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 5 5.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 5.25 5.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 5.5 5.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 D CATO0077 5.75 6 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 6 6.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0077 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 9.5 9.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 9.75 10 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 10 10.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 10.25 10.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 10.5 10.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 10.75 11 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 11 11.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 11.25 11.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 11.5 11.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0077 11.75 12 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0078 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 D CATO0078 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 3.25 3.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 3.5 3.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 3.75 4 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 4 4.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 4.25 4.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 4.5 4.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 4.75 5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 5 5.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 5.25 5.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 5.5 5.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 D CATO0078 5.75 6 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 6 6.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 6.25 6.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0078 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 9.5 9.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 9.75 10 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 10 10.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 10.25 10.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 10.5 10.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 10.75 11 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 11 11.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 11.25 11.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 11.5 11.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0078 11.75 12 Clay Ironstone D CATO0079 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0079 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0079 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0079 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0079 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0079 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0079 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0079 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0079 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0079 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0079 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0079 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0079 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0079 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0080 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0080 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0080 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0080 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0080 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0080 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0080 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0080 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0080 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0081 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0081 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0081 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0081 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0081 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0081 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0082 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0082 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0082 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0082 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0082 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0082 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0082 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0082 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0082 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0082 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0082 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0082 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0082 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0082 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0082 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0082 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0083 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0083 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0083 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0083 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0083 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0083 D CATO0083 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0083 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0083 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0083 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0083 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0083 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0084 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0084 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0084 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0084 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0084 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0084 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0084 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0084 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0084 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0085 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0085 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0085 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0085 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0085 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0085 D CATO0085 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0085 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0085 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0085 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0085 2.25 2.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0085 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0085 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0085 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0086 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0086 D CATO0086 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0086 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0086 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0086 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0086 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0086 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0086 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0086 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0086 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0086 2.5 2.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0086 2.75 3 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0086 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0086 3.25 3.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0086 3.5 3.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0086 3.75 4 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0086 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0086 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0086 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0086 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0086 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0086 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0086 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0087 0.25 0.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 3.25 3.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 3.5 3.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 3.75 4 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 4 4.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 4.25 4.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 4.5 4.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0087 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0087 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0088 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0088 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0088 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0088 D CATO0088 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0088 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0088 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0088 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0089 0 0.25 Soil Ironstone D CATO0089 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0089 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0089 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0090 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0090 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0090 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0090 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0090 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0090 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0090 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0090 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0090 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0090 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0090 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0090 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0090 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0090 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0090 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0090 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0091 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0091 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0091 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0091 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0091 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0091 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0091 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0091 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0091 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0091 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0091 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0091 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0092 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0092 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0092 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0092 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0092 1 1.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0092 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0092 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0092 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0092 2 2.25 Clay Bauxite D CATO0092 2.25 2.5 Clay Bauxite D CATO0092 2.5 2.75 Clay Bauxite D CATO0092 2.75 3 Clay Bauxite D CATO0093 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0093 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0093 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0093 0.75 1 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0093 1 1.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0093 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0093 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0093 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0093 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0093 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0093 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0094 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0094 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0094 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0094 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0094 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0095 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0095 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 D CATO0095 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0095 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0096 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0096 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0096 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0096 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0096 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0096 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0096 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0096 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0096 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0096 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0097 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0097 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0097 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0097 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0097 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0097 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0097 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0097 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0097 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0097 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0097 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0097 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0098 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 D CATO0098 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0098 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0099 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0099 0.25 0.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0099 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0099 0.75 1 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0099 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0099 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0099 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0099 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0099 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0099 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0099 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0099 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0099 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0099 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0099 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0099 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0099 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0099 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0100 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0100 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0100 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0100 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0101 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0101 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0102 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0102 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0102 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0102 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0102 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0102 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0102 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0102 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0102 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0102 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0102 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0102 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0103 0 0.25 Soil Ironstone D CATO0103 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0103 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0103 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0103 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0103 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0104 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0104 0.25 0.5 Duricrust D CATO0104 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0104 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0104 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0104 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0104 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0104 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0104 2 2.25 Duricrust D CATO0104 2.25 2.5 Duricrust D CATO0105 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0105 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0105 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0105 D CATO0105 0.75 1 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0105 1 1.25 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0105 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0105 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0105 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0105 2 2.25 Duricrust D CATO0105 2.25 2.5 Duricrust D CATO0105 2.5 2.75 Duricrust D CATO0105 2.75 3 Duricrust Bauxite D CATO0105 3 3.25 Duricrust D CATO0105 3.25 3.5 Duricrust D CATO0105 3.5 3.75 Duricrust D CATO0106 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0106 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0106 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0106 0.75 1 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0106 1 1.25 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0106 1.25 1.5 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0106 1.5 1.75 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0106 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0106 2 2.25 Duricrust D CATO0106 2.25 2.5 Duricrust D CATO0106 2.5 2.75 Duricrust Clay D CATO0107 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0107 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0107 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0107 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0107 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0107 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0107 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0107 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0107 2 2.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0107 2.25 2.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0107 2.5 2.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0107 2.75 3 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0107 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0107 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0107 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0107 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0107 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0107 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0107 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0107 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0107 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0107 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0107 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0107 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0108 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0108 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0108 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0108 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0108 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0108 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0108 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0108 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0108 2.25 2.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0108 2.5 2.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0108 2.75 3 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0108 3 3.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0108 3.25 3.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0108 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 D CATO0108 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0108 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0109 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0109 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0109 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0109 0.75 1 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Ironstone D CATO0129 9.75 10 Clay Ironstone D CATO0129 10 10.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0129 10.25 10.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0129 10.5 10.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0129 10.75 11 Clay Ironstone D CATO0129 11 11.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0129 11.25 11.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0130 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0130 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0130 0.75 1 Bauxite Pisolitic Soil D CATO0130 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0130 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0130 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0130 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0130 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0130 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0130 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0130 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0130 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0130 3.25 3.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0130 3.5 3.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0130 3.75 4 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0130 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 D CATO0130 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 D CATO0130 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 9.5 9.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 9.75 10 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 10 10.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 10.25 10.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 10.5 10.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 10.75 11 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 11 11.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0130 11.25 11.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0131 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0131 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0131 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0131 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0131 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0131 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0131 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0131 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0131 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0132 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0132 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0132 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0132 0.75 1 Bauxite Pisolitic Soil D CATO0132 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 D CATO0132 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 3.25 3.5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 3.5 3.75 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 3.75 4 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 4 4.25 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 4.25 4.5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 4.5 4.75 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 4.75 5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0132 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 D CATO0132 9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0132 D CATO0133 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0133 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0133 D CATO0133 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0133 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0133 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 3.25 3.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 3.5 3.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 3.75 4 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 4 4.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 4.25 4.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 4.5 4.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 4.75 5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0133 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0133 9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0134 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0134 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0134 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0134 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0134 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0134 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0134 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0134 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0135 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0135 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0135 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0135 0.75 1 Duricrust Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0135 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0135 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0135 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0135 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0136 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0136 0.25 0.5 Duricrust D CATO0136 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0136 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0136 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0136 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0137 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0137 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0137 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0137 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0137 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0137 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0137 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0138 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0138 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0138 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0138 0.75 1 Soil Ironstone D CATO0138 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0138 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0138 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0139 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0139 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0139 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0139 0.75 1 Soil Ironstone D CATO0139 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0139 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0139 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0139 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0139 2 2.25 Duricrust D CATO0139 2.25 2.5 Duricrust D CATO0140 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0140 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0140 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0140 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0140 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0140 D CATO0140 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0140 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0140 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0140 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0140 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0140 2.5 2.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0140 2.75 3 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0140 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0140 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0141 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0141 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0141 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0141 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Soil D CATO0141 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0141 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0141 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0141 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0141 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0141 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0141 2.75 3 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0141 3 3.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0141 3.25 3.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0141 3.5 3.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0141 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 D CATO0141 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0141 9.5 9.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0142 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0142 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0142 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Soil D CATO0142 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Soil D CATO0142 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Soil D CATO0142 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0142 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0142 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0142 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0142 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0142 2.5 2.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0142 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0142 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0142 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0142 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0142 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0142 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0142 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0142 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0142 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0142 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0142 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0143 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0143 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0143 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0143 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0143 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0143 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0143 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0143 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0143 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0143 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0143 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0143 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0143 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0143 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0143 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0143 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0143 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0143 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0143 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0143 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0144 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0144 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0144 D CATO0144 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0144 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0144 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0144 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0144 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0144 D CATO0144 2 2.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0144 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0144 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0145 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0145 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0145 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0145 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0145 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0145 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0145 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0145 D CATO0145 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0145 2 2.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0145 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0145 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0145 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0145 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0145 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0145 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0145 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0146 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0146 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0146 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0146 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0146 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0146 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0146 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0146 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0147 0 0.25 Soil Ironstone D CATO0147 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0147 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0147 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0147 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0147 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0147 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0147 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0148 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0148 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0148 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0148 0.75 1 Soil Ironstone D CATO0148 1 1.25 Soil Ironstone D CATO0148 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0148 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0148 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0148 2 2.25 Duricrust D CATO0149 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0149 0.25 0.5 Duricrust D CATO0149 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0149 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0149 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0149 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0150 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0150 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0150 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0150 0.75 1 Soil Ironstone D CATO0150 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0150 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0150 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0150 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0151 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0151 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0151 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0151 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0151 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0151 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0151 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0151 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0152 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0152 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0152 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0152 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0152 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0152 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0153 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0153 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0153 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0153 0.75 1 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0153 1 1.25 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0153 1.25 1.5 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0153 1.5 1.75 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0153 1.75 2 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0153 2 2.25 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0153 2.25 2.5 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0153 2.5 2.75 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0153 2.75 3 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0153 3 3.25 Duricrust D CATO0153 3.25 3.5 Duricrust D CATO0153 3.5 3.75 Duricrust D CATO0153 3.75 4 Duricrust D CATO0153 4 4.25 Duricrust D CATO0153 4.25 4.5 Duricrust D CATO0153 4.5 4.75 Duricrust D CATO0153 4.75 5 Duricrust D CATO0153 5 5.25 Duricrust D CATO0153 5.25 5.5 Duricrust D CATO0153 5.5 5.75 Duricrust D CATO0153 5.75 6 Duricrust D CATO0153 6 6.25 Duricrust D CATO0153 6.25 6.5 Duricrust D CATO0153 6.5 6.75 Duricrust D CATO0153 6.75 7 Duricrust D CATO0153 7 7.25 Duricrust D CATO0153 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0153 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0154 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0154 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0154 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0154 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0154 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0154 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0154 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0154 D CATO0154 2 2.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0154 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0154 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0155 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0155 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0155 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0155 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0155 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0155 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0155 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0155 2 2.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0155 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0155 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0156 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0156 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0156 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0156 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0156 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0156 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0156 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0156 2 2.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0156 2.25 2.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0156 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 D CATO0156 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 9 9.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0156 9.25 9.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0157 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0157 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0157 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0157 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0157 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0157 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0157 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0157 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0157 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0157 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0158 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0158 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0158 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0158 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0158 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0158 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0159 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0159 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0159 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0159 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0159 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0159 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0160 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0160 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0160 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0160 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0160 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0160 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0160 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0161 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0161 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0161 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0161 0.75 1 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0161 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0161 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0161 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0161 D CATO0161 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0161 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0162 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0162 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0162 0.75 1 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0162 1 1.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0162 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0162 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0163 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0163 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0163 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0163 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0163 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0163 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0163 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0164 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0164 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0165 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0165 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0165 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0165 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0166 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0166 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0166 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0166 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0166 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0166 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0166 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0166 D CATO0166 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0166 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0166 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0166 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0166 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0167 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0167 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0167 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0167 0.75 1 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0167 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0167 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0167 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0167 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0167 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0167 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0167 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0168 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0168 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0168 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0168 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0168 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0168 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0168 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0168 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0168 2 2.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0168 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0168 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0168 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0168 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0168 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0168 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0168 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0168 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0168 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0169 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0169 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0169 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0169 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0169 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0169 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0169 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0169 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0169 2 2.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0169 2.25 2.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0169 D CATO0169 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0169 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0169 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0169 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0169 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0169 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0169 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0169 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0169 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0170 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0170 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0170 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0170 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0170 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0170 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0170 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0170 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0170 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0170 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0170 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0170 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0170 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0170 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0170 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0170 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0170 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0170 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0170 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0170 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0170 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0171 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0171 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0171 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0171 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0171 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0171 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0171 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0171 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0171 D CATO0171 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0171 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0171 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0171 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0171 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0171 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0171 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0171 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0171 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0171 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0171 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0171 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0172 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0172 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0172 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0172 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0172 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0172 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0172 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0172 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0172 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0172 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0172 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0172 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0172 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0172 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0173 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0173 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0173 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 D CATO0173 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0173 8.75 9 Clay Ironstone D CATO0174 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0174 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0174 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0174 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0174 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0174 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0174 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0174 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0174 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0174 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0174 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0174 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0174 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0175 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0175 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0175 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0175 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0175 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0175 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0175 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0175 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0175 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0175 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0176 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0176 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0176 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 D CATO0176 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0176 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0176 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0177 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0177 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0177 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0178 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0178 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0178 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0178 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 2.5 2.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0178 2.75 3 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0178 3 3.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0178 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 D CATO0178 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0178 8.5 8.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0179 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0179 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0179 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 2.75 3 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0179 3 3.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0179 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 D CATO0179 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 D CATO0179 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 7 7.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 7.25 7.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 7.5 7.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 7.75 8 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 8 8.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0179 8.25 8.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0180 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0180 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0180 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0180 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0180 1 1.25 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0180 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0180 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0180 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0180 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0180 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0180 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0180 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0180 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0180 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0180 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0180 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0180 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0180 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0180 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0181 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0181 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0181 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0181 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0181 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0181 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0181 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0181 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0181 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0181 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0181 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0181 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0181 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0182 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0182 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0182 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0182 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0182 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0182 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0182 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0183 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0183 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0183 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0183 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0183 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0183 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0183 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0184 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0184 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0184 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0184 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0184 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0184 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0184 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0185 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0185 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0185 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0185 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0185 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0185 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0185 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0185 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0185 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0185 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0185 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0185 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0186 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0186 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0186 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0186 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0187 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0187 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0187 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0187 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0187 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0187 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0187 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0187 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0187 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0187 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0187 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0187 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0187 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0187 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0187 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0187 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0188 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0188 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0188 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0188 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0188 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0188 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0188 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0188 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0188 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0188 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0189 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0189 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0189 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0189 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0189 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0189 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0189 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0189 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0189 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0189 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0190 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0190 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0190 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0190 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0190 D CATO0190 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0190 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0190 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0190 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0190 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0190 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0190 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0190 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0190 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0191 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0191 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0191 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0191 0.75 1 Soil D CATO0191 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0191 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0191 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0192 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0192 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0192 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0192 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0192 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0192 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0193 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0193 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0193 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0193 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0193 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0193 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0194 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0194 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0194 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0194 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0194 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0194 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0194 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0195 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0195 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0195 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0195 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0195 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0195 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0195 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0195 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0195 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0195 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0195 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0195 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0196 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0196 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0196 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0196 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0196 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0196 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0196 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0196 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0196 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0197 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0197 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0197 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0197 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0197 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0197 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0197 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0197 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0198 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0198 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0198 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0198 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0198 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0198 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0198 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0198 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0199 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0199 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0199 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0199 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0199 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0199 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0199 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0199 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0199 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0199 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0199 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0200 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0200 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0200 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0200 0.75 1 Soil Ironstone D CATO0200 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0200 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0200 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0200 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0201 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0201 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0201 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0201 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0201 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0201 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0201 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0201 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0202 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0202 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0202 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0202 0.75 1 Soil Ironstone D CATO0202 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0202 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0202 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0202 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0202 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0202 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0203 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0203 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0203 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0203 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0203 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0203 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0203 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0204 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0204 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0204 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0204 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0204 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0204 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0204 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0204 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0204 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0204 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0204 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0204 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0204 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0204 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0204 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0205 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0205 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0205 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0205 0.75 1 Soil D CATO0205 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0205 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0205 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0205 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0205 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0205 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0205 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0205 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0205 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0205 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0205 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0205 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0205 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0205 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0206 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0206 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0206 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0206 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0206 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0206 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0206 D CATO0206 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0206 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0206 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0206 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0206 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0206 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0206 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0206 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0206 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0206 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0206 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0207 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0207 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0207 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0207 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0207 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0207 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0207 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0207 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0207 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0207 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0207 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0207 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0208 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0208 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0208 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0208 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0208 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0208 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0208 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0208 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0208 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0208 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0208 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0208 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0209 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0209 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0209 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0209 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0209 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0209 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0209 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0209 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0209 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0209 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0209 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0209 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0209 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0209 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0209 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0210 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0210 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0210 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0210 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0210 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0210 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0210 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0211 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0211 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0211 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0211 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0211 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0211 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0211 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0211 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0211 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0211 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0211 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0211 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0212 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0212 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0212 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0212 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0212 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0212 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0212 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0212 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0212 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0212 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0213 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0213 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0213 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0213 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0213 1 1.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0213 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0213 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0213 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0213 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0213 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0213 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0213 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0213 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0213 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0213 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0214 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0214 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0214 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0214 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0214 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0214 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0214 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0214 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0214 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0214 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0214 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0214 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0215 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0215 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0215 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0215 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0215 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0215 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0215 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0215 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0215 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0216 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0216 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0216 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0216 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0216 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0216 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0216 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0216 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0217 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0217 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0217 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0217 0.75 1 Soil D CATO0217 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0217 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0217 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0217 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0218 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0218 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0218 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0218 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0218 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0218 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0218 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0218 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0218 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0218 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0218 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0218 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0219 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0219 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0219 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0219 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0219 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0219 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0219 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0219 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0219 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0219 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0219 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0219 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0219 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0219 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0219 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0220 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0220 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0220 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0220 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0220 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0220 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0220 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0221 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0221 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0221 0.75 1 Soil Ironstone D CATO0221 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0221 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0222 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0222 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0222 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0222 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0222 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0222 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0222 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0222 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0222 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0223 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0223 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0223 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0223 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0223 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0223 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0223 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0223 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0223 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0223 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0223 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0223 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0224 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0224 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0224 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0224 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0224 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0224 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0224 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0224 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0224 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0224 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0224 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0225 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0225 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0226 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0226 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0226 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0226 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0226 D CATO0226 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0226 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0226 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0226 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0226 2 2.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0226 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0226 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0226 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0226 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0226 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0226 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0226 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0226 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0227 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Cemented Soil D CATO0227 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0227 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Nodular D CATO0227 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Nodular D CATO0227 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0227 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0227 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0228 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0228 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0228 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0228 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0228 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0228 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0228 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0228 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0228 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0228 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0228 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0228 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0228 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0228 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0228 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0228 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0228 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0228 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0229 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0229 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0229 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0229 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0229 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0229 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0229 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0229 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0229 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0229 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0229 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0229 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0229 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0229 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0229 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0229 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0229 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0230 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0230 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0230 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0230 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0230 1 1.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0230 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0230 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0230 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0230 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0230 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0231 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0231 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0231 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0231 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0231 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0231 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0231 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0231 D CATO0231 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0231 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0231 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0231 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0231 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0231 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0231 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0231 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0231 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0232 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0232 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0232 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0232 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0232 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0232 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0232 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0232 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0232 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0232 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0233 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0233 0.25 0.5 Duricrust D CATO0233 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0233 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0233 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0233 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0234 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0234 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0234 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0234 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0234 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0234 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0234 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0234 1.75 2 Duricrust Clay D CATO0235 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0235 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0235 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0235 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0235 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0235 1.25 1.5 Duricrust D CATO0235 1.5 1.75 Duricrust D CATO0235 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0236 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0236 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0236 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0236 0.75 1 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0236 1 1.25 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0236 1.25 1.5 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0236 1.5 1.75 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0236 1.75 2 Duricrust D CATO0236 2 2.25 Duricrust D CATO0236 2.25 2.5 Duricrust D CATO0236 2.5 2.75 Duricrust D CATO0236 2.75 3 Duricrust D CATO0237 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0237 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0237 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0237 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0237 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0237 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0237 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0237 1.75 2 Ironstone D CATO0237 2 2.25 Ironstone D CATO0238 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0238 0.25 0.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0238 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0238 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0238 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0238 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0238 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0238 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0238 2 2.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0238 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0238 D CATO0238 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0238 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0239 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0239 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0239 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0239 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0239 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0239 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0239 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0239 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0240 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0240 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0240 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0240 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0240 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0240 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0241 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0241 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0241 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0241 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0241 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0241 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0242 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0242 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0242 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0242 0.75 1 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0242 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0242 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0242 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0243 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0243 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0243 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0243 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0243 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0244 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0244 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0244 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0244 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0244 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0245 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0245 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Pisolitic Ironstone D CATO0245 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Pisolitic Ironstone D CATO0245 D CATO0245 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0245 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0246 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0246 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0246 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Pisolitic Ironstone D CATO0246 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0246 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0247 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0247 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0247 0.5 0.75 Soil Ironstone D CATO0247 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0247 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0248 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0248 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0248 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0248 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0248 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0249 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0249 0.25 0.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0249 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0249 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0249 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0250 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0250 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0250 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0250 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0250 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0251 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0251 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0251 D CATO0251 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0251 0.75 1 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0251 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0251 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0251 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0251 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0252 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0252 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0252 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0252 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0252 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0252 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0252 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0252 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0253 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0253 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0253 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0253 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0253 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0254 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0254 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Pisolitic Soil D CATO0254 0.5 0.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0254 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0254 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0254 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0254 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0254 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0255 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0255 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0255 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0255 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0255 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0255 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0255 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0255 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0255 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0255 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0256 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0256 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0256 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0256 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0256 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0256 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0256 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0256 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0257 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0257 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0257 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0257 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0257 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0257 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0257 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0257 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0257 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0257 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0258 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0258 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0258 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0258 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0258 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0258 D CATO0258 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0258 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0258 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0258 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0258 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0258 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0258 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0259 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0259 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0259 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0259 D CATO0259 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0259 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0259 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0259 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0259 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0259 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0259 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0259 2.5 2.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0259 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0260 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0260 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0260 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0260 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0260 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0260 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0260 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0260 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0261 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0261 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0261 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0261 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0261 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0261 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0261 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0261 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0262 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0262 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0262 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0262 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0262 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0262 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0263 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0263 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0263 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0263 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0263 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0263 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0263 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0263 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0264 0 0.25 Soil Ironstone D CATO0264 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0264 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0264 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0264 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0265 0 0.25 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0265 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0265 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0265 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0265 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0265 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0265 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0265 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0265 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0266 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0266 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0266 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0266 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0266 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0266 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0266 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0266 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0266 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0266 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0267 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0267 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0267 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0267 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0267 1 1.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0267 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0267 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0267 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0267 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0267 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0268 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0268 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0268 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0268 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0268 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0268 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0268 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0269 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0269 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0269 0.5 0.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0269 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0269 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0269 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0269 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0269 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0269 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0269 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0270 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0270 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0270 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0270 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0270 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0270 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0270 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0271 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0271 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0271 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0271 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0271 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0271 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0271 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0271 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0272 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0272 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0272 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0272 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0272 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0273 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0273 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0273 0.5 0.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0273 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0273 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0273 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0273 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0273 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0273 D CATO0273 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0273 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0273 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0273 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0274 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0274 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0274 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0274 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0274 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0275 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0275 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0275 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0275 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0275 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0275 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0275 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0275 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0275 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0275 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0276 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0276 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0276 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0276 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0276 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0276 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0276 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0277 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0277 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0277 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0277 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0277 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0278 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0278 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0278 0.5 0.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0278 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0278 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0278 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0278 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0278 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0278 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0278 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0279 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0279 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0279 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0279 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0279 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0280 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0280 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0280 D CATO0280 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0280 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0280 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0280 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0280 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0280 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0280 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0281 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0281 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0281 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0281 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0281 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0282 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0282 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0282 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0282 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0282 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0283 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0283 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0283 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0283 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0283 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0283 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0283 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0284 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0284 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0284 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0284 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0284 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0284 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0285 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0285 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0285 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0285 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0285 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0286 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0286 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0286 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0286 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0286 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0286 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0286 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0286 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0286 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0286 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0286 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0286 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0287 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0287 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0287 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0287 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0287 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0287 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0287 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0287 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0287 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0287 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0287 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0287 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0288 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0288 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0288 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0288 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0288 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0288 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0288 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0288 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0288 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0289 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0289 0.25 0.5 Soil Ironstone D CATO0289 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0289 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0289 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0290 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0290 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0290 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0290 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0290 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0291 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0291 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0291 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0291 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0291 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0292 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0292 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0292 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0292 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0293 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0293 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0293 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0293 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0293 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0294 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0294 D CATO0294 0.25 0.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0294 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0294 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0294 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0294 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0294 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0294 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0295 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0295 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0295 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0295 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0295 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0296 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0296 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0296 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0296 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0296 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0297 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0297 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0297 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0297 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0297 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0298 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0298 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0298 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0298 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0298 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0299 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0299 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 4.75 5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 5 5.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0299 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0300 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0300 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0300 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0300 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0301 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0301 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0301 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0301 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0301 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0301 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0302 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0302 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0302 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0302 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0302 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0303 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0303 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0303 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0303 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0303 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0303 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0303 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0303 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0303 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0303 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0303 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0304 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0304 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0304 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Soil D CATO0304 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0304 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0304 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0304 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0304 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0304 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0304 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0304 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0304 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0304 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0305 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0305 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0305 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0305 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0305 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0305 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0305 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0305 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0305 D CATO0305 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0305 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0305 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0305 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0305 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0305 3.25 3.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0305 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0305 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0306 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0306 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0306 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0306 0.75 1 Soil D CATO0306 1 1.25 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0306 1.25 1.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0306 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0306 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0306 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0306 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0306 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0306 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0307 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0307 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0307 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0307 0.75 1 Soil D CATO0307 1 1.25 Soil D CATO0307 1.25 1.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0307 1.5 1.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0307 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0307 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0307 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0307 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0307 2.75 3 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0307 3 3.25 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0307 3.25 3.5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0307 3.5 3.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0307 3.75 4 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0307 4 4.25 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0307 4.25 4.5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0307 4.5 4.75 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0307 4.75 5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0307 5 5.25 Clay Bauxite D CATO0307 5.25 5.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0307 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0308 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0308 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0308 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0308 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0308 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0309 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0309 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0309 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0309 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0309 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0309 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0309 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0310 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0310 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0310 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0310 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0310 1 1.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0310 D CATO0310 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0310 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0310 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0310 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0310 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0311 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0311 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0311 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0311 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0311 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0311 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0311 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0312 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0312 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0312 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0312 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0312 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0312 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0312 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0313 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0313 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0313 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0313 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0313 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0314 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0314 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0314 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0314 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0314 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0315 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0315 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0315 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0315 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0315 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0315 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0315 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0315 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0316 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0316 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0316 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0316 0.75 1 Soil D CATO0316 1 1.25 Soil D CATO0316 1.25 1.5 Soil D CATO0316 1.5 1.75 Soil D CATO0316 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0316 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0316 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0316 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0316 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0316 D CATO0316 3 3.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0316 3.25 3.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0316 3.5 3.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0316 3.75 4 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0316 4 4.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0316 4.25 4.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0316 4.5 4.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0316 4.75 5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0316 5 5.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0316 5.25 5.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0316 5.5 5.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0316 5.75 6 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0316 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0316 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0316 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0316 6.75 7 Clay Ironstone D CATO0317 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0317 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0317 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0317 0.75 1 Soil D CATO0317 1 1.25 Soil D CATO0317 1.25 1.5 Soil D CATO0317 1.5 1.75 Soil D CATO0317 1.75 2 Soil D CATO0317 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0317 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0317 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0317 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0317 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0317 3.25 3.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0317 3.5 3.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0317 3.75 4 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0317 4 4.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0317 D CATO0317 4.25 4.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0317 4.5 4.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0317 4.75 5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0317 5 5.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0317 5.25 5.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0317 D CATO0317 5.5 5.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0317 5.75 6 Clay Ironstone D CATO0317 6 6.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0317 6.25 6.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0317 6.5 6.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0318 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0318 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0318 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0318 0.75 1 Soil D CATO0318 1 1.25 Soil D CATO0318 1.25 1.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0318 1.5 1.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0318 1.75 2 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0318 2 2.25 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0318 2.25 2.5 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0318 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0318 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0318 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0318 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0318 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0318 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0318 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0318 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0318 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0319 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0319 0.25 0.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0319 0.5 0.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0319 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0319 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0319 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0319 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0320 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0320 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0320 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0320 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0320 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0320 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0320 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0320 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0320 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0320 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0320 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0320 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0321 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0321 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Nodular D CATO0321 D CATO0321 0.5 0.75 Clay Bauxite Nodular D CATO0321 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Nodular D CATO0321 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Nodular D CATO0321 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Nodular D CATO0321 D CATO0321 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Nodular D CATO0321 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0321 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0321 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0321 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0321 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0322 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0322 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0322 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0322 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0322 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0322 D CATO0322 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0322 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0322 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0322 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0322 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0322 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0322 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0323 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0323 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0323 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0323 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0323 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0323 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0323 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0324 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0324 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0324 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0324 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0324 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0324 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0324 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0325 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0325 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0325 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0325 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0325 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0325 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0326 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0326 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0326 0.5 0.75 Soil D CATO0326 0.75 1 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0326 1 1.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0326 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0326 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0326 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite D CATO0326 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0326 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0326 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0326 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0327 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0327 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0327 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0327 0.75 1 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0327 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Nodular D CATO0327 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0327 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0327 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0327 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0327 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0327 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0327 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0328 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0328 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0328 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0328 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0328 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0328 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0328 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0328 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0328 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0328 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0328 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0328 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0329 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0329 0.25 0.5 Clay Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0329 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0329 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0329 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0329 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0329 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0329 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0329 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0330 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0330 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0330 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0330 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0330 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0330 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0330 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0330 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0330 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0330 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0331 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0331 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0331 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0331 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0331 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0331 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0331 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0331 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0331 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0331 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0331 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0332 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0332 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0332 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0332 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Cemented D CATO0332 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0332 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0332 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0332 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0332 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0333 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0333 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0333 0.5 0.75 Duricrust Bauxite Cemented D CATO0333 D CATO0333 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0333 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0333 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0333 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0333 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0333 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0333 2.25 2.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0333 2.5 2.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0333 2.75 3 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0333 3 3.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0333 3.25 3.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0333 3.5 3.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0333 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0333 4 4.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0333 4.25 4.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0333 4.5 4.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0334 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0334 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0334 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0334 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0334 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0334 D CATO0334 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0334 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0334 1.75 2 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0334 2 2.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0334 2.25 2.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0334 2.5 2.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0334 2.75 3 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0334 3 3.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0334 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0334 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0334 3.75 4 Clay Ironstone D CATO0335 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0335 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0335 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Cemented D CATO0335 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented D CATO0335 1 1.25 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0335 1.25 1.5 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0335 1.5 1.75 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0335 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0335 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0335 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0335 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0335 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0335 3 3.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0335 3.25 3.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0335 3.5 3.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0336 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0336 0.25 0.5 Duricrust D CATO0336 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0336 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0336 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0337 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0337 0.25 0.5 Duricrust D CATO0337 0.5 0.75 Duricrust D CATO0337 0.75 1 Duricrust D CATO0337 1 1.25 Duricrust D CATO0338 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0338 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0338 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0338 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0338 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0338 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0338 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0338 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0338 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0339 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0339 0.25 0.5 Soil D CATO0339 0.5 0.75 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0339 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0339 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0339 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0339 1.5 1.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0339 1.75 2 Clay Bauxite Cemented D CATO0339 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0339 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0339 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0339 2.75 3 Clay Ironstone D CATO0340 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0340 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0340 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0340 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0340 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0340 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0341 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0341 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0341 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0341 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0341 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0342 2 2.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0342 2.25 2.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0342 2.5 2.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0342 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0342 0.25 0.5 Soil Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0342 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0342 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0342 1 1.25 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0342 1.25 1.5 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0342 D CATO0342 1.5 1.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0342 1.75 2 Clay Ironstone D CATO0343 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0343 0.25 0.5 Bauxite Cemented Bauxite Pisolitic D CATO0343 0.5 0.75 Bauxite Cemented Ironstone D CATO0343 D CATO0343 0.75 1 Bauxite Cemented Clay D CATO0343 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D CATO0343 1.25 1.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0344 0 0.25 Soil D CATO0344 0.25 0.5 Clay Ironstone D CATO0344 D CATO0344 0.5 0.75 Clay Ironstone D CATO0344 0.75 1 Clay Ironstone D CATO0344 1 1.25 Clay Ironstone D EARC401 0 0.5 LAT Laterite gravel in clay D EARC401 0.5 1 LAT Laterite gravel in clay D EARC401 1 1.5 LAT Laterite gravel in clay D EARC401 1.5 2 LAT Laterite gravel in clay D EARC401 2 2.5 LAT Laterite gravel in clay D EARC401 2.5 3 LAT Laterite gravel in clay D EARC401 3 3.5 LAT Laterite gravel in clay D EARC401 3.5 4 LAT Laterite gravel in clay D EARC401 4 4.5 LAT Laterite gravel in clay D EARC401 4.5 5 LAT Laterite gravel in clay D EARC401 5 5.5 LAT Laterite gravel in clay D EARC401 5.5 6 LAT Laterite gravel in clay D EARC401 6 6.5 CL Dark Laterite Clay D EARC401 6.5 7 CL Dark Laterite Clay D EARC401 7 7.5 CL Dark Laterite Clay D EARC401 7.5 8 CL Dark Laterite Clay D EARC401 8 8.5 CL Dark Laterite Clay D EARC401 8.5 9 CL Dark Laterite Clay D EARC401 9 9.5 CL Dark Laterite Clay D EARC401 9.5 10 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 10 10.5 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 10.5 11 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 11 11.5 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 11.5 12 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 12 12.5 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 12.5 13 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 13 13.5 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 13.5 14 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 14 14.5 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 14.5 15 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 15 15.5 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 15.5 16 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 16 16.5 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 16.5 17 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 17 17.5 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 17.5 18 CL Mauve to dark indureated clays with Kaolinite and smectite D EARC401 18 18.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 18.5 19 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 19 19.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 19.5 20 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 20 20.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 20.5 21 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 21 21.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 21.5 22 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 22 22.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 22.5 23 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 23 23.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 23.5 24 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 24 24.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 24.5 25 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 25 25.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 25.5 26 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 26 26.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 26.5 27 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 27 27.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 27.5 28 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 28 28.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 28.5 29 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 29 29.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 29.5 30 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 30 30.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 30.5 31 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 31 31.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 31.5 32 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 32 32.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 32.5 33 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 33 33.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 33.5 34 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 34 34.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 34.5 35 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 35 35.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 35.5 36 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 36 36.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 36.5 37 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 37 37.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 37.5 38 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 38 38.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 38.5 39 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 39 39.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 39.5 40 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 40 40.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 40.5 41 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 41 41.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. Furriginised @ 41m D EARC401 41.5 42 SST Poorly sorted medium grained sandstone D EARC401 42 42.5 SST Poorly sorted medium grained sandstone D EARC401 42.5 43 CST Sandy claystone D EARC401 43 43.5 SST Medium grained poorly sorted sandstone with minor claystone fragments D EARC401 43.5 44 SST Medium grained poorly sorted sandstone with minor claystone fragments D EARC401 44 44.5 SST Medium grained poorly sorted sandstone with minor claystone fragments D EARC401 44.5 45 SST Medium grained poorly sorted sandstone with minor claystone fragments D EARC401 45 45.5 SST Medium grained poorly sorted sandstone with minor claystone fragments D EARC401 45.5 46 CST Light brown to white indurated claystone D EARC401 46 46.5 CST Light brown to white indurated claystone D EARC401 46.5 47 CST Light brown to white indurated claystone D EARC401 47 47.5 CST Light brown to white indurated claystone D EARC401 47.5 48 CST MN Mineralised claystone with minor Mn mineralisation in oxide bands (MARKER HORIZON) D EARC401 48 48.5 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 48.5 49 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 49 49.5 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 49.5 50 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 50 50.5 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 50.5 51 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 51 51.5 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 51.5 52 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 52 52.5 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 52.5 53 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 53 53.5 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 53.5 54 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 54 54.5 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 54.5 55 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 55 55.5 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 55.5 56 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 56 56.5 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 56.5 57 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 57 57.5 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 57.5 58 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 58 58.5 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 58.5 59 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 59 59.5 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 59.5 60 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 60 60.5 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 60.5 61 SST Fining up weathered sandstone. Angula well sorted with minor fragments of Mn mineralisation (TARGET HORIZON BARREN) D EARC401 61 61.5 CST Geothitic orange claystone D EARC401 61.5 62 CST Geothitic orange claystone D EARC401 62 62.5 CST Geothitic orange claystone D EARC401 62.5 63 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC401 63 63.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC401 63.5 64 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC401 64 64.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC401 64.5 65 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC401 65 65.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC401 65.5 66 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC402 0 0.5 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 0.5 1 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 1 1.5 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 1.5 2 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 2 2.5 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 2.5 3 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 3 3.5 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 3.5 4 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 4 4.5 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 4.5 5 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 5 5.5 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 5.5 6 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 6 6.5 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 6.5 7 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 7 7.5 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 7.5 8 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 8 8.5 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 8.5 9 LAT Laterite gravel with minor mineralisation at some intervals D EARC402 9 9.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 9.5 10 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 10 10.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 10.5 11 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 11 11.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 11.5 12 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 12 12.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 12.5 13 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 13 13.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 13.5 14 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 14 14.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 14.5 15 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 15 15.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 15.5 16 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 16 16.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 16.5 17 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 17 17.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 17.5 18 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 18 18.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 18.5 19 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 19 19.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 19.5 20 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 20 20.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 20.5 21 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 21 21.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 21.5 22 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 22 22.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 22.5 23 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 23 23.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 23.5 24 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 24 24.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 24.5 25 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 25 25.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 25.5 26 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 26 26.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 26.5 27 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 27 27.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 27.5 28 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 28 28.5 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 28.5 29 CL White to light brown clay. Fe oxidation (geothitic) in places D EARC402 29 29.5 SST Fine to medium grained weathered sandstone D EARC402 29.5 30 SST Fine to medium grained weathered sandstone D EARC402 30 30.5 SST Fine to medium grained weathered sandstone D EARC402 30.5 31 SST Fine to medium grained weathered sandstone D EARC402 31 31.5 SST Fine to medium grained weathered sandstone D EARC402 31.5 32 SST Fine to medium grained weathered sandstone D EARC402 32 32.5 SST Fine to medium grained weathered sandstone D EARC402 32.5 33 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 33 33.5 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 33.5 34 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 34 34.5 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 34.5 35 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 35 35.5 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 35.5 36 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 36 36.5 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 36.5 37 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 37 37.5 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 37.5 38 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 38 38.5 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 38.5 39 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 39 39.5 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 39.5 40 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 40 40.5 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 40.5 41 CL Light brown sandy clay D EARC402 41 41.5 CL Geothitic clay with minor massive mineralisation D EARC402 41.5 42 SST Clean well sorted sandstone fining upwards in geothitic clay matrix D EARC402 42 42.5 SST Clean well sorted sandstone fining upwards in geothitic clay matrix D EARC402 42.5 43 SST Clean well sorted sandstone fining upwards in geothitic clay matrix D EARC402 43 43.5 SST Clean well sorted sandstone fining upwards in geothitic clay matrix D EARC402 43.5 44 SST Clean well sorted sandstone fining upwards in geothitic clay matrix D EARC402 44 44.5 SST Clean well sorted sandstone fining upwards in geothitic clay matrix D EARC402 44.5 45 SST Clean well sorted sandstone fining upwards in geothitic clay matrix D EARC402 45 45.5 SST "Medium to coars grained sandstone with claystone fragments. (TARGET HORIZON, POORLY MINERALISED)" D EARC402 45.5 46 SST "Medium to coars grained sandstone with claystone fragments. (TARGET HORIZON, POORLY MINERALISED)" D EARC402 46 46.5 SST "Medium to coars grained sandstone with claystone fragments. (TARGET HORIZON, POORLY MINERALISED)" D EARC402 46.5 47 CL Geothitic red/brown claystone D EARC402 47 47.5 CL Geothitic red/brown claystone D EARC402 47.5 48 CL Geothitic red/brown claystone D EARC402 48 48.5 CL Geothitic red/brown claystone D EARC402 48.5 49 CL Geothitic red/brown claystone D EARC402 49 49.5 CL Geothitic red/brown claystone D EARC402 49.5 50 CL Geothitic red/brown claystone D EARC402 50 50.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC402 50.5 51 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC402 51 51.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC402 51.5 52 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC402 52 52.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC402 52.5 53 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC402 53 53.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC402 53.5 54 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC402 54 54.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC402 54.5 55 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC403 0 0.5 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 0.5 1 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 1 1.5 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 1.5 2 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 2 2.5 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 2.5 3 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 3 3.5 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 3.5 4 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 4 4.5 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 4.5 5 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 5 5.5 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 5.5 6 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 6 6.5 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 6.5 7 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 7 7.5 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 7.5 8 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 8 8.5 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 8.5 9 LAT Laterite with some minor Mn mineralisation in parts associated with tertiary pisoliths D EARC403 9 9.5 CL Grey to white and Mauve clays D EARC403 9.5 10 CL Grey to white and Mauve clays D EARC403 10 10.5 CL Grey to white and Mauve clays D EARC403 10.5 11 CL Grey to white and Mauve clays D EARC403 11 11.5 CL Grey to white and Mauve clays D EARC403 11.5 12 CL Grey to white and Mauve clays D EARC403 12 12.5 CL Grey to white and Mauve clays D EARC403 12.5 13 CL Grey to white and Mauve clays D EARC403 13 13.5 SND Coarse grained very poorly sorted clay rich sands D EARC403 13.5 14 SND Coarse grained very poorly sorted clay rich sands D EARC403 14 14.5 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 14.5 15 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 15 15.5 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 15.5 16 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 16 16.5 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 16.5 17 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 17 17.5 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 17.5 18 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 18 18.5 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 18.5 19 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 19 19.5 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 19.5 20 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 20 20.5 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 20.5 21 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 21 21.5 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 21.5 22 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 22 22.5 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 22.5 23 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 23 23.5 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 23.5 24 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 24 24.5 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 24.5 25 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 25 25.5 CST Light grey indurated claystone D EARC403 25.5 26 CST Orange claystone with minor Mn to Fe mineralisation along laminations D EARC403 26 26.5 CST Orange claystone with minor Mn to Fe mineralisation along laminations D EARC403 26.5 27 CST Light grey clastone D EARC403 27 27.5 CST Light grey clastone D EARC403 27.5 28 CST Light grey clastone D EARC403 28 28.5 CST Light grey clastone D EARC403 28.5 29 CST Light grey clastone D EARC403 29 29.5 CST Light grey clastone D EARC403 29.5 30 CST Light grey clastone D EARC403 30 30.5 CST Light grey clastone D EARC403 30.5 31 SST Fining upward poorly sorted weathered sandstone with minor Mn oxide fragments D EARC403 31 31.5 SST Fining upward poorly sorted weathered sandstone with minor Mn oxide fragments D EARC403 31.5 32 SST Fining upward poorly sorted weathered sandstone with minor Mn oxide fragments D EARC403 32 32.5 CST Light grey claystone D EARC403 32.5 33 CST Light grey claystone D EARC403 33 33.5 CST Light grey claystone D EARC403 33.5 34 CST Light grey claystone D EARC403 34 34.5 CST Light grey claystone D EARC403 34.5 35 CST Light grey claystone D EARC403 35 35.5 CST Light grey claystone D EARC403 35.5 36 CST Light grey claystone D EARC403 36 36.5 CST Light grey claystone D EARC403 36.5 37 CST Light grey claystone D EARC403 37 37.5 CST Light grey claystone D EARC403 37.5 38 CST Light grey claystone D EARC403 38 38.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 38.5 39 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 39 39.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 39.5 40 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 40 40.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 40.5 41 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 41 41.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 41.5 42 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 42 42.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 42.5 43 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 43 43.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 43.5 44 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 44 44.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 44.5 45 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 45 45.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 45.5 46 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 46 46.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 46.5 47 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 47 47.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 47.5 48 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 48 48.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 48.5 49 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 49 49.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 49.5 50 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 50 50.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 50.5 51 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 51 51.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 51.5 52 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 52 52.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 52.5 53 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 53 53.5 SST Medium to coarse grained fining upward well sorted weathered sandstone in altered (FeO) matrix D EARC403 53.5 54 SST Coarse grained angular weathered sandstone with minor claystone fragments D EARC403 54 54.5 SST Coarse grained angular weathered sandstone with minor claystone fragments D EARC403 54.5 55 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC403 55 55.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC403 55.5 56 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC403 56 56.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC403 56.5 57 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC403 57 57.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC403 57.5 58 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC403 58 58.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC403 58.5 59 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC403 59 59.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC403 59.5 60 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC404 0 0.5 LAT Gravel Laterite with minor Mn in tertiary pisoliths D EARC404 0.5 1 LAT Gravel Laterite with minor Mn in tertiary pisoliths D EARC404 1 1.5 LAT Gravel Laterite with minor Mn in tertiary pisoliths D EARC404 1.5 2 LAT Gravel Laterite with minor Mn in tertiary pisoliths D EARC404 2 2.5 LAT Gravel Laterite with minor Mn in tertiary pisoliths D EARC404 2.5 3 LAT Gravel Laterite with minor Mn in tertiary pisoliths D EARC404 3 3.5 LAT Gravel Laterite with minor Mn in tertiary pisoliths D EARC404 3.5 4 LAT Gravel Laterite with minor Mn in tertiary pisoliths D EARC404 4 4.5 LAT Gravel Laterite with minor Mn in tertiary pisoliths D EARC404 4.5 5 LAT Gravel Laterite with minor Mn in tertiary pisoliths D EARC404 5 5.5 LAT Gravel Laterite with minor Mn in tertiary pisoliths D EARC404 5.5 6 LAT Gravel Laterite with minor Mn in tertiary pisoliths D EARC404 6 6.5 LAT Gravel Laterite with minor Mn in tertiary pisoliths D EARC404 6.5 7 LAT Gravel Laterite with minor Mn in tertiary pisoliths D EARC404 7 7.5 CL White smectite clays with Sand D EARC404 7.5 8 CL White smectite clays with Sand D EARC404 8 8.5 CL White smectite clays with Sand D EARC404 8.5 9 CL White smectite clays with Sand D EARC404 9 9.5 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC404 9.5 10 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC404 10 10.5 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC404 10.5 11 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC404 11 11.5 CST Ferruginous claystone mineralised in places with minor stringers of Mn along fractures D EARC404 11.5 12 CST Ferruginous claystone mineralised in places with minor stringers of Mn along fractures D EARC404 12 12.5 CST Ferruginous claystone mineralised in places with minor stringers of Mn along fractures D EARC404 12.5 13 CST Ferruginous claystone mineralised in places with minor stringers of Mn along fractures D EARC404 13 13.5 CST Ferruginous claystone mineralised in places with minor stringers of Mn along fractures D EARC404 13.5 14 CST Ferruginous claystone mineralised in places with minor stringers of Mn along fractures D EARC404 14 14.5 SST Mineralised weathered sandstone unit highly Fe altered. D EARC404 14.5 15 SST Mineralised weathered sandstone unit highly Fe altered. D EARC404 15 15.5 SST Mineralised weathered sandstone unit highly Fe altered. D EARC404 15.5 16 SST Mineralised weathered sandstone unit highly Fe altered. D EARC404 16 16.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 16.5 17 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 17 17.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 17.5 18 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 18 18.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 18.5 19 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 19 19.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 19.5 20 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 20 20.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 20.5 21 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 21 21.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 21.5 22 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 22 22.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 22.5 23 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 23 23.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 23.5 24 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 24 24.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 24.5 25 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 25 25.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 25.5 26 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 26 26.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 26.5 27 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 27 27.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 27.5 28 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 28 28.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 28.5 29 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 29 29.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 29.5 30 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 30 30.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 30.5 31 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 31 31.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 31.5 32 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 32 32.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 32.5 33 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 33 33.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 33.5 34 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 34 34.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 34.5 35 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 35 35.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 35.5 36 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC404 36 36.5 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC404 36.5 37 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC404 37 37.5 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC404 37.5 38 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC404 38 38.5 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC404 38.5 39 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC404 39 39.5 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC404 39.5 40 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC404 40 40.5 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC404 40.5 41 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC404 41 41.5 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC404 41.5 42 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC405 0 0.5 LAT "Gravel, mix of Fe and Al Laterite and some basement fragments. Mn mineralised claystone noted." D EARC405 0.5 1 LAT "Gravel, mix of Fe and Al Laterite and some basement fragments. Mn mineralised claystone noted." D EARC405 1 1.5 LAT "Gravel, mix of Fe and Al Laterite and some basement fragments. Mn mineralised claystone noted." D EARC405 1.5 2 LAT "Gravel, mix of Fe and Al Laterite and some basement fragments. Mn mineralised claystone noted." D EARC405 2 2.5 LAT "Gravel, mix of Fe and Al Laterite and some basement fragments. Mn mineralised claystone noted." D EARC405 2.5 3 LAT "Gravel, mix of Fe and Al Laterite and some basement fragments. Mn mineralised claystone noted." D EARC405 3 3.5 LAT "Gravel, mix of Fe and Al Laterite and some basement fragments. Mn mineralised claystone noted." D EARC405 3.5 4 CL Light grey to white clay with minor sand D EARC405 4 4.5 CL Light grey to white clay with minor sand D EARC405 4.5 5 CL Light grey to white clay with minor sand D EARC405 5 5.5 CL Light grey to white clay with minor sand D EARC405 5.5 6 CL Light grey to white clay with minor sand D EARC405 6 6.5 CL Light grey to white clay with minor sand D EARC405 6.5 7 CL Light grey to white clay with minor sand D EARC405 7 7.5 CL Light grey to white clay with minor sand D EARC405 7.5 8 CL Light grey to white clay with minor sand D EARC405 8 8.5 CL Light grey to white clay with minor sand D EARC405 8.5 9 CL Mix of orange claywith white/red claystone D EARC405 9 9.5 CL Mix of orange claywith white/red claystone D EARC405 9.5 10 CL Mix of orange claywith white/red claystone D EARC405 10 10.5 CL Mix of orange claywith white/red claystone D EARC405 10.5 11 CL Mix of orange claywith white/red claystone D EARC405 11 11.5 CL Mix of orange claywith white/red claystone D EARC405 11.5 12 CL Mix of orange claywith white/red claystone D EARC405 12 12.5 CL Mix of orange claywith white/red claystone D EARC405 12.5 13 CL Mix of orange claywith white/red claystone D EARC405 13 13.5 CL Mix of orange claywith white/red claystone D EARC405 13.5 14 CL Mix of orange claywith white/red claystone D EARC405 14 14.5 CL Mix of orange claywith white/red claystone D EARC405 14.5 15 CL Mix of orange claywith white/red claystone D EARC405 15 15.5 CL Mix of orange claywith white/red claystone D EARC405 15.5 16 CST Mn mineralised claystone with minor weathered fragments of mn mineralised sandstone showing Fe alteration D EARC405 16 16.5 CL Dark brown to orange clay with sand with minor Mn oxide fragments/remnants throughout D EARC405 16.5 17 CL Dark brown to orange clay with sand with minor Mn oxide fragments/remnants throughout D EARC405 17 17.5 CL Dark brown to orange clay with sand with minor Mn oxide fragments/remnants throughout D EARC405 17.5 18 CL Dark brown to orange clay with sand with minor Mn oxide fragments/remnants throughout D EARC405 18 18.5 CL Dark brown to orange clay with sand with minor Mn oxide fragments/remnants throughout D EARC405 18.5 19 SST Weathered sandstone with minor remnants of Mn oxide mineralisation D EARC405 19 19.5 SST Weathered sandstone with minor remnants of Mn oxide mineralisation D EARC405 19.5 20 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 20 20.5 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 20.5 21 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 21 21.5 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 21.5 22 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 22 22.5 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 22.5 23 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 23 23.5 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 23.5 24 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 24 24.5 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 24.5 25 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 25 25.5 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 25.5 26 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 26 26.5 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 26.5 27 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 27 27.5 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 27.5 28 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 28 28.5 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 28.5 29 CL Brown to white clays with minor sand D EARC405 29 29.5 SST Very weathered sandstone/claystone highly furriginised with minor Mn oxide remnants D EARC405 29.5 30 SST Very weathered sandstone/claystone highly furriginised with minor Mn oxide remnants D EARC405 30 30.5 CL Brown clay with loose sand D EARC405 30.5 31 CL Brown clay with loose sand D EARC405 31 31.5 CL Brown clay with loose sand D EARC405 31.5 32 CL Brown clay with loose sand D EARC405 32 32.5 SST Weathered and Fe altered sandstone. Possible remnant Mn mineralised horizon. D EARC405 32.5 33 SST Weathered and Fe altered sandstone. Possible remnant Mn mineralised horizon. D EARC405 33 33.5 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 33.5 34 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 34 34.5 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 34.5 35 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 35 35.5 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 35.5 36 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 36 36.5 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 36.5 37 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 37 37.5 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 37.5 38 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 38 38.5 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 38.5 39 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 39 39.5 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 39.5 40 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 40 40.5 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 40.5 41 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 41 41.5 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 41.5 42 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 42 42.5 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 42.5 43 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 43 43.5 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 43.5 44 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 44 44.5 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 44.5 45 CL Orange geothitic clays D EARC405 45 45.5 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC405 45.5 46 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC405 46 46.5 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC405 46.5 47 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC405 47 47.5 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC405 47.5 48 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC405 48 48.5 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC405 48.5 49 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC405 49 49.5 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC405 49.5 50 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC406 0 0.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn) D EARC406 0.5 1 LAT Laterite gravel with some mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn) D EARC406 1 1.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn) D EARC406 1.5 2 LAT Laterite gravel with some mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn) D EARC406 2 2.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn) D EARC406 2.5 3 LAT Laterite gravel with some mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn) D EARC406 3 3.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn) D EARC406 3.5 4 CL Light grey - pink clays with some sand D EARC406 4 4.5 CL Light grey - pink clays with some sand D EARC406 4.5 5 CL Light grey - pink clays with some sand D EARC406 5 5.5 CL Light grey - pink clays with some sand D EARC406 5.5 6 CL Light grey - pink clays with some sand D EARC406 6 6.5 CL Light grey - pink clays with some sand D EARC406 6.5 7 CL Light grey - pink clays with some sand D EARC406 7 7.5 CL Light grey - pink clays with some sand D EARC406 7.5 8 CL Light grey - pink clays with some sand D EARC406 8 8.5 SND Very weathered brown sand in clay furriginous clay matrix D EARC406 8.5 9 SND Very weathered brown sand in clay furriginous clay matrix D EARC406 9 9.5 SND Very weathered brown sand in clay furriginous clay matrix D EARC406 9.5 10 CST White and dark brown claystone with sand. Minor Mn mineralisation noted along laminations D EARC406 10 10.5 CST White and dark brown claystone with sand. Minor Mn mineralisation noted along laminations D EARC406 10.5 11 CST White and dark brown claystone with sand. Minor Mn mineralisation noted along laminations D EARC406 11 11.5 CST White and dark brown claystone with sand. Minor Mn mineralisation noted along laminations D EARC406 11.5 12 SST Weathered sansdstone in clay matrix. Minor oxides (Fe and Mn) noted D EARC406 12 12.5 SST Weathered sansdstone in clay matrix. Minor oxides (Fe and Mn) noted D EARC406 12.5 13 SST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 13 13.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 13.5 14 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 14 14.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 14.5 15 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 15 15.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 15.5 16 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 16 16.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 16.5 17 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 17 17.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 17.5 18 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 18 18.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 18.5 19 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 19 19.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 19.5 20 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 20 20.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 20.5 21 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 21 21.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 21.5 22 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 22 22.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 22.5 23 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 23 23.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 23.5 24 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 24 24.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 24.5 25 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 25 25.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 25.5 26 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 26 26.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 26.5 27 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 27 27.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 27.5 28 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 28 28.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 28.5 29 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 29 29.5 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 29.5 30 CST White smectite indurated claystone. Orange Fe alteration in places D EARC406 30 30.5 CST Claystone witn Mn Oxide mineralisation D EARC406 30.5 31 CST Claystone witn Mn Oxide mineralisation D EARC406 31 31.5 CST Claystone witn Mn Oxide mineralisation D EARC406 31.5 32 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 32 32.5 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 32.5 33 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 33 33.5 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 33.5 34 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 34 34.5 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 34.5 35 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 35 35.5 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 35.5 36 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 36 36.5 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 36.5 37 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 37 37.5 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 37.5 38 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 38 38.5 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 38.5 39 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 39 39.5 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 39.5 40 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 40 40.5 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 40.5 41 CL Orange Furriginous clays grading to white clays D EARC406 41 41.5 CL Dark grey to black anoxic clays D EARC406 41.5 42 CL Dark grey to black anoxic clays D EARC406 42 42.5 CL Dark grey to black anoxic clays D EARC406 42.5 43 CL Dark grey to black anoxic clays D EARC406 43 43.5 CL Dark grey to black anoxic clays D EARC406 43.5 44 CL Dark grey to black anoxic clays D EARC406 44 44.5 CL Dark grey to black anoxic clays D EARC406 44.5 45 CL Dark grey to black anoxic clays D EARC406 45 45.5 CL Dark grey to black anoxic clays D EARC406 45.5 46 CL Dark grey to black anoxic clays D EARC406 46 46.5 CL Dark grey to black anoxic clays D EARC406 46.5 47 CL Dark grey to black anoxic clays D EARC406 47 47.5 CL Dark grey to black anoxic clays D EARC406 47.5 48 CL Dark grey to black anoxic clays D EARC407 0 0.5 LAT Gravel laterite with some tertiary mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn). Clay rich. D EARC407 0.5 1 LAT Gravel laterite with some tertiary mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn). Clay rich. D EARC407 1 1.5 LAT Gravel laterite with some tertiary mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn). Clay rich. D EARC407 1.5 2 LAT Gravel laterite with some tertiary mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn). Clay rich. D EARC407 2 2.5 LAT Gravel laterite with some tertiary mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn). Clay rich. D EARC407 2.5 3 LAT Gravel laterite with some tertiary mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn). Clay rich. D EARC407 3 3.5 LAT Gravel laterite with some tertiary mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn). Clay rich. D EARC407 3.5 4 LAT Gravel laterite with some tertiary mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn). Clay rich. D EARC407 4 4.5 LAT Gravel laterite with some tertiary mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn). Clay rich. D EARC407 4.5 5 LAT Gravel laterite with some tertiary mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn). Clay rich. D EARC407 5 5.5 LAT Gravel laterite with some tertiary mineralised pisoliths (Fe and Mn). Clay rich. D EARC407 5.5 6 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 6 6.5 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 6.5 7 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 7 7.5 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 7.5 8 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 8 8.5 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 8.5 9 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 9 9.5 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 9.5 10 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 10 10.5 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 10.5 11 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 11 11.5 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 11.5 12 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 12 12.5 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 12.5 13 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 13 13.5 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 13.5 14 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 14 14.5 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 14.5 15 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 15 15.5 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 15.5 16 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 16 16.5 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 16.5 17 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 17 17.5 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay with sand D EARC407 17.5 18 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 18 18.5 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 18.5 19 CL White indurated smectite clay grading to light grey clay D EARC407 19 19.5 SST Very weathered sandstone with minor Mn Oxide Mineralisation D EARC407 19.5 20 SST Very weathered sandstone with minor Mn Oxide Mineralisation D EARC407 20 20.5 SST Very weathered sandstone with minor Mn Oxide Mineralisation D EARC407 20.5 21 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 21 21.5 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 21.5 22 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 22 22.5 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 22.5 23 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 23 23.5 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 23.5 24 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 24 24.5 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 24.5 25 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 25 25.5 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 25.5 26 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 26 26.5 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 26.5 27 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 27 27.5 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 27.5 28 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 28 28.5 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 28.5 29 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 29 29.5 CL Light brown to Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 29.5 30 CST Claystone with some remnant Mn Mineralisation and sands D EARC407 30 30.5 CST Claystone with some remnant Mn Mineralisation and sands D EARC407 30.5 31 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 31 31.5 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 31.5 32 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 32 32.5 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 32.5 33 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 33 33.5 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 33.5 34 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 34 34.5 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 34.5 35 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 35 35.5 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 35.5 36 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 36 36.5 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 36.5 37 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 37 37.5 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 37.5 38 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 38 38.5 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 38.5 39 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 39 39.5 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 39.5 40 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 40 40.5 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 40.5 41 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 41 41.5 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 41.5 42 CL Orange Fe Clays D EARC407 42 42.5 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC407 42.5 43 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC407 43 43.5 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC407 43.5 44 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC407 44 44.5 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC407 44.5 45 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC407 45 45.5 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC407 45.5 46 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC407 46 46.5 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC407 46.5 47 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC407 47 47.5 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC407 47.5 48 CL Black Anoxic Clays D EARC408 0 0.5 LAT Laterite piso's with some minor laterisation in places associated with Piso's D EARC408 0.5 1 LAT Laterite piso's with some minor laterisation in places associated with Piso's D EARC408 1 1.5 LAT Laterite piso's with some minor laterisation in places associated with Piso's D EARC408 1.5 2 LAT Laterite piso's with some minor laterisation in places associated with Piso's D EARC408 2 2.5 LAT Laterite piso's with some minor laterisation in places associated with Piso's D EARC408 2.5 3 LAT Laterite piso's with some minor laterisation in places associated with Piso's D EARC408 3 3.5 LAT Laterite piso's with some minor laterisation in places associated with Piso's D EARC408 3.5 4 LAT Laterite piso's with some minor laterisation in places associated with Piso's D EARC408 4 4.5 LAT Laterite piso's with some minor laterisation in places associated with Piso's D EARC408 4.5 5 LAT Laterite piso's with some minor laterisation in places associated with Piso's D EARC408 5 5.5 LAT Laterite piso's with some minor laterisation in places associated with Piso's D EARC408 5.5 6 LAT Laterite piso's with some minor laterisation in places associated with Piso's D EARC408 6 6.5 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 6.5 7 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 7 7.5 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 7.5 8 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 8 8.5 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 8.5 9 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 9 9.5 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 9.5 10 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 10 10.5 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 10.5 11 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 11 11.5 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 11.5 12 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 12 12.5 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 12.5 13 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 13 13.5 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 13.5 14 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 14 14.5 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 14.5 15 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 15 15.5 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 15.5 16 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 16 16.5 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 16.5 17 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 17 17.5 SND Weathered sand and clay. Light grey to white. D EARC408 17.5 18 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 18 18.5 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 18.5 19 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 19 19.5 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 19.5 20 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 20 20.5 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 20.5 21 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 21 21.5 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 21.5 22 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 22 22.5 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 22.5 23 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 23 23.5 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 23.5 24 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 24 24.5 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 24.5 25 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 25 25.5 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 25.5 26 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 26 26.5 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 26.5 27 SST Very fine weathered sandstone in white clay matrix D EARC408 27 27.5 SST MN Massive Mn Sandstone with some white clays D EARC408 27.5 28 CL White sandy clay D EARC408 28 28.5 CL White sandy clay D EARC408 28.5 29 CL White sandy clay D EARC408 29 29.5 CL White sandy clay D EARC408 29.5 30 CL White sandy clay D EARC408 30 30.5 SST Weathered sandstone with some remnant Mn mineralisation D EARC408 30.5 31 SST Weathered sandstone with some remnant Mn mineralisation D EARC408 31 31.5 CST Mineralised claystone with with some massive Mn banding D EARC408 31.5 32 SST MN Massive Mn Sandstone with some furriginisation **Target Horizon** D EARC408 32 32.5 SST MN Massive Mn Sandstone with some furriginisation **Target Horizon** D EARC408 32.5 33 SST MN Massive Mn Sandstone with some furriginisation **Target Horizon** D EARC408 33 33.5 SST FE "Furritinised Sandstone, medium grained and massive" D EARC408 33.5 34 SST FE "Furritinised Sandstone, medium grained and massive" D EARC408 34 34.5 CST Massive claystone with some mnor mineralisation D EARC408 34.5 35 CST Massive claystone with some mnor mineralisation D EARC408 35 35.5 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 35.5 36 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 36 36.5 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 36.5 37 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 37 37.5 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 37.5 38 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 38 38.5 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 38.5 39 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 39 39.5 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 39.5 40 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 40 40.5 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 40.5 41 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 41 41.5 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 41.5 42 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 42 42.5 CL Orange clay grading to light brown D EARC408 42.5 43 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC408 43 43.5 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC408 43.5 44 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC408 44 44.5 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC408 44.5 45 CL Black anoxic clay D EARC409 0 0.5 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 0.5 1 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 1 1.5 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 1.5 2 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 2 2.5 LAT MN "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 2.5 3 LAT MN "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 3 3.5 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 3.5 4 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 4 4.5 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 4.5 5 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 5 5.5 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 5.5 6 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 6 6.5 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 6.5 7 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 7 7.5 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 7.5 8 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 8 8.5 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 8.5 9 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 9 9.5 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 9.5 10 LAT "Laterite Gravel, sand and clay with some Minor Fe and Mn mineralisation" D EARC409 10 10.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 10.5 11 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 11 11.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 11.5 12 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 12 12.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 12.5 13 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 13 13.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 13.5 14 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 14 14.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 14.5 15 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 15 15.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 15.5 16 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 16 16.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 16.5 17 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 17 17.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 17.5 18 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 18 18.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 18.5 19 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 19 19.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 19.5 20 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 20 20.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 20.5 21 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 21 21.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 21.5 22 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 22 22.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 22.5 23 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 23 23.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 23.5 24 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 24 24.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 24.5 25 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 25 25.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 25.5 26 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 26 26.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 26.5 27 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 27 27.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 27.5 28 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 28 28.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 28.5 29 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 29 29.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 29.5 30 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 30 30.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 30.5 31 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 31 31.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 31.5 32 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 32 32.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 32.5 33 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 33 33.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 33.5 34 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 34 34.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 34.5 35 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 35 35.5 SST Weathered Fe sandstone coarsening upwards from V fine to fine grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC409 35.5 36 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 36 36.5 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 36.5 37 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 37 37.5 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 37.5 38 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 38 38.5 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 38.5 39 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 39 39.5 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 39.5 40 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 40 40.5 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 40.5 41 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 41 41.5 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 41.5 42 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 42 42.5 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 42.5 43 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 43 43.5 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 43.5 44 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 44 44.5 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 44.5 45 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 45 45.5 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 45.5 46 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 46 46.5 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 46.5 47 SST Fining upwards clean weathered sandstone D EARC409 47 47.5 SST MN Massive secondary Mn band (10cm) in sand D EARC409 47.5 48 CL White smectite clay D EARC409 48 48.5 CST "Geothitic claystone layer, indicator horizon" D EARC409 48.5 49 CST "Geothitic claystone layer, indicator horizon" D EARC409 49 49.5 CST "Geothitic claystone layer, indicator horizon" D EARC409 49.5 50 CST "Geothitic claystone layer, indicator horizon" D EARC409 50 50.5 CST MN Geothitic claystone with minor Mn banding D EARC409 50.5 51 CL Fe Clays D EARC409 51 51.5 CST MN Geothitic claystone with massive mn (Sstone) chips D EARC409 51.5 52 CL Fe Clays D EARC409 52 52.5 CL Fe Clays D EARC409 52.5 53 CL Fe Clays D EARC409 53 53.5 SST MN Massive Mn Sandstone in orange clay (wet) D EARC409 53.5 54 CL White/brown clay D EARC409 54 54.5 CL White/brown clay D EARC409 54.5 55 CL White/brown clay D EARC409 55 55.5 CL White/brown clay D EARC409 55.5 56 CL White/brown clay D EARC409 56 56.5 CL White/brown clay D EARC409 56.5 57 CL White/brown clay D EARC409 57 57.5 SST Mudstone/ siltstone with trace Mn D EARC409 57.5 58 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 58 58.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 58.5 59 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 59 59.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 59.5 60 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 60 60.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 60.5 61 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 61 61.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 61.5 62 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 62 62.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 62.5 63 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 63 63.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 63.5 64 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 64 64.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 64.5 65 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 65 65.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 65.5 66 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 66 66.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 66.5 67 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 67 67.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 67.5 68 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 68 68.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 68.5 69 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 69 69.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 69.5 70 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 70 70.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 70.5 71 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 71 71.5 CL White/Grey smectite clay D EARC409 71.5 72 SST MN Siltstone with some secondary Mn mineralisation (minor staining) D EARC409 72 72.5 SST MN Siltstone with some secondary Mn mineralisation (minor staining) D EARC409 72.5 73 CL Light brown/white smectite clay D EARC409 73 73.5 CL Light brown/white smectite clay D EARC409 73.5 74 CL Light brown/white smectite clay D EARC409 74 74.5 CL Light brown/white smectite clay D EARC409 74.5 75 CL Light brown/white smectite clay D EARC409 75 75.5 SST MN Massive Manganes Standstone **Target horizon** Not weathered. D EARC409 75.5 76 SST MN Massive Manganes Standstone **Target horizon** Not weathered. D EARC409 76 76.5 SST MN Massive Manganes Standstone **Target horizon** Not weathered. D EARC409 76.5 77 SST MN Massive Manganes Standstone **Target horizon** Not weathered. D EARC409 77 77.5 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 77.5 78 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 78 78.5 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 78.5 79 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 79 79.5 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 79.5 80 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 80 80.5 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 80.5 81 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 81 81.5 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 81.5 82 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 82 82.5 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 82.5 83 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 83 83.5 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 83.5 84 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 84 84.5 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 84.5 85 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 85 85.5 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 85.5 86 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 86 86.5 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 86.5 87 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 87 87.5 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 87.5 88 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 88 88.5 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 88.5 89 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 89 89.5 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 89.5 90 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 90 90.5 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 90.5 91 QZT "Weathered quartzite (sugary texture), fine to medium grained and rounded" D EARC409 91 91.5 QZT Hole ended at 91.5m in sand due to high risk of bogging the drill rods. Ground water. D EARC410 0 0.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with some Mn stained piso's, sand and clay" D EARC410 0.5 1 LAT "Laterite gravel with some Mn stained piso's, sand and clay" D EARC410 1 1.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with some Mn stained piso's, sand and clay" D EARC410 1.5 2 LAT "Laterite gravel with some Mn stained piso's, sand and clay" D EARC410 2 2.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with some Mn stained piso's, sand and clay" D EARC410 2.5 3 LAT "Laterite gravel with some Mn stained piso's, sand and clay" D EARC410 3 3.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with some Mn stained piso's, sand and clay" D EARC410 3.5 4 LAT "Laterite gravel with some Mn stained piso's, sand and clay" D EARC410 4 4.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with some Mn stained piso's, sand and clay" D EARC410 4.5 5 LAT "Laterite gravel with some Mn stained piso's, sand and clay" D EARC410 5 5.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with some Mn stained piso's, sand and clay" D EARC410 5.5 6 LAT "Laterite gravel with some Mn stained piso's, sand and clay" D EARC410 6 6.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with some Mn stained piso's, sand and clay" D EARC410 6.5 7 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 7 7.5 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 7.5 8 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 8 8.5 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 8.5 9 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 9 9.5 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 9.5 10 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 10 10.5 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 10.5 11 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 11 11.5 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 11.5 12 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 12 12.5 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 12.5 13 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 13 13.5 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 13.5 14 CL Light grey talcy clay D EARC410 14 14.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 14.5 15 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 15 15.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 15.5 16 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 16 16.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 16.5 17 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 17 17.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 17.5 18 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 18 18.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 18.5 19 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 19 19.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 19.5 20 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 20 20.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 20.5 21 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 21 21.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 21.5 22 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 22 22.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 22.5 23 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 23 23.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 23.5 24 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 24 24.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 24.5 25 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 25 25.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 25.5 26 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 26 26.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 26.5 27 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 27 27.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 27.5 28 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 28 28.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 28.5 29 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 29 29.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 29.5 30 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 30 30.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 30.5 31 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 31 31.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 31.5 32 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 32 32.5 SST Very weathered medium grained poorly sorted sandstone D EARC410 32.5 33 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 33 33.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 33.5 34 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 34 34.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 34.5 35 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 35 35.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 35.5 36 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 36 36.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 36.5 37 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 37 37.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 37.5 38 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 38 38.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 38.5 39 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 39 39.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 39.5 40 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 40 40.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 40.5 41 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 41 41.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 41.5 42 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 42 42.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 42.5 43 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 43 43.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 43.5 44 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 44 44.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 44.5 45 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 45 45.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 45.5 46 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 46 46.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 46.5 47 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 47 47.5 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 47.5 48 CL Fe orange to brown clay D EARC410 48 48.5 CST MN Massive Mn in claystone D EARC410 48.5 49 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 49 49.5 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 49.5 50 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 50 50.5 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 50.5 51 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 51 51.5 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 51.5 52 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 52 52.5 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 52.5 53 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 53 53.5 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 53.5 54 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 54 54.5 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 54.5 55 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 55 55.5 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 55.5 56 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 56 56.5 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 56.5 57 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 57 57.5 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 57.5 58 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 58 58.5 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 58.5 59 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 59 59.5 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC410 59.5 60 CL Red clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC411 0 0.5 GVL "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC411 0.5 1 GVL "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC411 1 1.5 GVL "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC411 1.5 2 GVL "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC411 2 2.5 GVL "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC411 2.5 3 GVL Laterite with trace Mn D EARC411 3 3.5 GVL "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC411 3.5 4 GVL "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC411 4 4.5 GVL "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC411 4.5 5 GVL "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC411 5 5.5 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 5.5 6 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 6 6.5 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 6.5 7 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 7 7.5 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 7.5 8 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 8 8.5 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 8.5 9 CL Laterite clays with trace Mn D EARC411 9 9.5 CL Laterite clays with trace Mn D EARC411 9.5 10 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 10 10.5 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 10.5 11 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 11 11.5 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 11.5 12 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 12 12.5 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 12.5 13 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 13 13.5 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 13.5 14 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 14 14.5 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 14.5 15 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 15 15.5 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 15.5 16 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 16 16.5 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 16.5 17 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 17 17.5 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 17.5 18 CL Orange to dark grey clays with smectite and kaolinite D EARC411 18 18.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 18.5 19 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 19 19.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 19.5 20 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 20 20.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 20.5 21 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 21 21.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 21.5 22 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 22 22.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 22.5 23 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 23 23.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 23.5 24 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 24 24.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 24.5 25 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 25 25.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 25.5 26 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 26 26.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 26.5 27 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 27 27.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 27.5 28 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 28 28.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 28.5 29 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 29 29.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 29.5 30 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 30 30.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 30.5 31 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 31 31.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 31.5 32 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix. Medium grained well sorted D EARC411 32 32.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 32.5 33 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 33 33.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 33.5 34 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 34 34.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 34.5 35 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 35 35.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 35.5 36 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 36 36.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 36.5 37 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 37 37.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 37.5 38 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 38 38.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 38.5 39 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 39 39.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 39.5 40 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 40 40.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 40.5 41 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 41 41.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 41.5 42 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 42 42.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 42.5 43 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 43 43.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 43.5 44 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 44 44.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 44.5 45 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 45 45.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 45.5 46 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 46 46.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 46.5 47 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 47 47.5 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 47.5 48 CL Light grey to orange clays D EARC411 48 48.5 CL Finely laminated claystone with Mn mineralisation along fractures. Indicator horizon D EARC411 48.5 49 CL Finely laminated claystone with Mn mineralisation along fractures. Indicator horizon D EARC411 49 49.5 CL Finely laminated claystone with Mn mineralisation along fractures. Indicator horizon D EARC411 49.5 50 CL Finely laminated claystone with Mn mineralisation along fractures. Indicator horizon D EARC411 50 50.5 CL Clay grading from orange-brown to dark anoxic clays D EARC411 50.5 51 CL Clay grading from orange-brown to dark anoxic clays D EARC411 51 51.5 CL Clay grading from orange-brown to dark anoxic clays D EARC411 51.5 52 CL Clay grading from orange-brown to dark anoxic clays D EARC411 52 52.5 CL Clay grading from orange-brown to dark anoxic clays D EARC411 52.5 53 CL Clay grading from orange-brown to dark anoxic clays D EARC411 53 53.5 CL Clay grading from orange-brown to dark anoxic clays D EARC411 53.5 54 CL Clay grading from orange-brown to dark anoxic clays D EARC411 54 54.5 CL Clay grading from orange-brown to dark anoxic clays D EARC411 54.5 55 CL Clay grading from orange-brown to dark anoxic clays D EARC411 55 55.5 CL Clay grading from orange-brown to dark anoxic clays D EARC411 55.5 56 CL Clay grading from orange-brown to dark anoxic clays D EARC411 56 56.5 CL Clay grading from orange-brown to dark anoxic clays D EARC411 56.5 57 CL Clay grading from orange-brown to dark anoxic clays D EARC412 0 0.5 LAT Lateritic gravels D EARC412 0.5 1 LAT Lateritic gravels D EARC412 1 1.5 LAT Lateritic gravels D EARC412 1.5 2 LAT Lateritic gravels D EARC412 2 2.5 LAT Lateritic gravels D EARC412 2.5 3 LAT Lateritic gravels D EARC412 3 3.5 LAT Lateritic gravels D EARC412 3.5 4 LAT Lateritic gravels D EARC412 4 4.5 LAT Lateritic gravels D EARC412 4.5 5 LAT Lateritic gravels D EARC412 5 5.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 5.5 6 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 6 6.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 6.5 7 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 7 7.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 7.5 8 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 8 8.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 8.5 9 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 9 9.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 9.5 10 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 10 10.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 10.5 11 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 11 11.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 11.5 12 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 12 12.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 12.5 13 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 13 13.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 13.5 14 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 14 14.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 14.5 15 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 15 15.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 15.5 16 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 16 16.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 16.5 17 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 17 17.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 17.5 18 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 18 18.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 18.5 19 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 19 19.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 19.5 20 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 20 20.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 20.5 21 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 21 21.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 21.5 22 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 22 22.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 22.5 23 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 23 23.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 23.5 24 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 24 24.5 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 24.5 25 CL Weathered orange to dark grey clay grading to light grey and talcy D EARC412 25 25.5 SND Weathered clayey sand D EARC412 25.5 26 CL Light grey/orange clay D EARC412 26 26.5 CL Light grey/orange clay D EARC412 26.5 27 SST "Weathered sandstone, very fine to fine graned coursening upwards, in an orange clay matrix" D EARC412 27 27.5 SST "Weathered sandstone, very fine to fine graned coursening upwards, in an orange clay matrix" D EARC412 27.5 28 SST "Weathered sandstone, very fine to fine graned coursening upwards, in an orange clay matrix" D EARC412 28 28.5 SST "Weathered sandstone, very fine to fine graned coursening upwards, in an orange clay matrix" D EARC412 28.5 29 SST "Weathered sandstone, very fine to fine graned coursening upwards, in an orange clay matrix" D EARC412 29 29.5 SST "Weathered sandstone, very fine to fine graned coursening upwards, in an orange clay matrix" D EARC412 29.5 30 CST Claystone with minor Mn staining D EARC412 30 30.5 CL Grey talcy clay D EARC412 30.5 31 CL Grey talcy clay D EARC412 31 31.5 CL Grey talcy clay D EARC412 31.5 32 CL Grey talcy clay D EARC412 32 32.5 SST Coursening upwards weathered sandstone in a clay matrix D EARC412 32.5 33 SST Coursening upwards weathered sandstone in a clay matrix D EARC412 33 33.5 SST Coursening upwards weathered sandstone in a clay matrix D EARC412 33.5 34 SST Coursening upwards weathered sandstone in a clay matrix D EARC412 34 34.5 SST Coursening upwards weathered sandstone in a clay matrix D EARC412 34.5 35 SST Coursening upwards weathered sandstone in a clay matrix D EARC412 35 35.5 SST Coursening upwards weathered sandstone in a clay matrix D EARC412 35.5 36 SST Coursening upwards weathered sandstone in a clay matrix D EARC412 36 36.5 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 36.5 37 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 37 37.5 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 37.5 38 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 38 38.5 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 38.5 39 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 39 39.5 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 39.5 40 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 40 40.5 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 40.5 41 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 41 41.5 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 41.5 42 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 42 42.5 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 42.5 43 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 43 43.5 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 43.5 44 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 44 44.5 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 44.5 45 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 45 45.5 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 45.5 46 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 46 46.5 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 46.5 47 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 47 47.5 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 47.5 48 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 48 48.5 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 48.5 49 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 49 49.5 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 49.5 50 CL Orange to light grey clays D EARC412 50 50.5 CST Claystone with minor Mn stringers D EARC412 50.5 51 CST Claystone with minor Mn stringers D EARC412 51 51.5 SST Very weathered dark brown sandstone with Mn fragments D EARC412 51.5 52 SST Very weathered dark brown sandstone with Mn fragments D EARC412 52 52.5 SST Very weathered dark brown sandstone with Mn fragments D EARC412 52.5 53 SST Very weathered dark brown sandstone with Mn fragments D EARC412 53 53.5 CL Dark brown clay D EARC412 53.5 54 CL Dark brown clay D EARC412 54 54.5 CL Dark brown clay D EARC412 54.5 55 CST Competent siltsone with traces of Mn D EARC412 55 55.5 CST Competent siltsone with traces of Mn D EARC412 55.5 56 CL Grey massive clays D EARC412 56 56.5 CL Grey massive clays D EARC412 56.5 57 CL Grey massive clays D EARC412 57 57.5 CL Grey massive clays D EARC412 57.5 58 CL Grey massive clays D EARC412 58 58.5 CL Grey massive clays D EARC412 58.5 59 CL Grey massive clays D EARC412 59 59.5 CL Grey massive clays D EARC412 59.5 60 CL Grey massive clays D EARC413 0 0.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 0.5 1 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 1 1.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 1.5 2 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 2 2.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 2.5 3 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 3 3.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 3.5 4 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 4 4.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 4.5 5 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 5 5.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 5.5 6 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 6 6.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 6.5 7 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 7 7.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 7.5 8 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 8 8.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 8.5 9 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 9 9.5 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 9.5 10 LAT "Laterite gravel with clay, pisoliths in a sandy matrix" D EARC413 10 10.5 CST Light grey to dark pink claystone D EARC413 10.5 11 CST Light grey to dark pink claystone D EARC413 11 11.5 CST Light grey to dark pink claystone D EARC413 11.5 12 CST Light grey to dark pink claystone D EARC413 12 12.5 CST Light grey to dark pink claystone D EARC413 12.5 13 CST Light grey to dark pink claystone D EARC413 13 13.5 CST Light grey to dark pink claystone D EARC413 13.5 14 CST Light grey to dark pink claystone D EARC413 14 14.5 CST Light grey to dark pink claystone D EARC413 14.5 15 CL White to dark grey clay D EARC413 15 15.5 CL White to dark grey clay D EARC413 15.5 16 CL White to dark grey clay D EARC413 16 16.5 CL White to dark grey clay D EARC413 16.5 17 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 17 17.5 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 17.5 18 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 18 18.5 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 18.5 19 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 19 19.5 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 19.5 20 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 20 20.5 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 20.5 21 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 21 21.5 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 21.5 22 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 22 22.5 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 22.5 23 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 23 23.5 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 23.5 24 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 24 24.5 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 24.5 25 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 25 25.5 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 25.5 26 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 26 26.5 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 26.5 27 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 27 27.5 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 27.5 28 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 28 28.5 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 28.5 29 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 29 29.5 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 29.5 30 SST "Very weathered brown sandstone in orange Fe clay. Fining up to medium, well sorted, angular grains" D EARC413 30 30.5 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 30.5 31 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 31 31.5 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 31.5 32 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 32 32.5 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 32.5 33 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 33 33.5 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 33.5 34 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 34 34.5 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 34.5 35 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 35 35.5 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 35.5 36 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 36 36.5 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 36.5 37 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 37 37.5 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 37.5 38 CL Orange and grey clay D EARC413 38 38.5 CL Orange and grey clay with trace Mn D EARC413 38.5 39 CST Competent claystone with minor Mn and Fe mineralised stringers D EARC413 39 39.5 CST Competent claystone with minor Mn and Fe mineralised stringers D EARC413 39.5 40 CST Competent claystone with minor Mn and Fe mineralised stringers D EARC413 40 40.5 CST Competent claystone with minor Mn and Fe mineralised stringers D EARC413 40.5 41 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 41 41.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 41.5 42 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 42 42.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 42.5 43 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 43 43.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 43.5 44 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 44 44.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 44.5 45 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 45 45.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 45.5 46 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 46 46.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 46.5 47 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 47 47.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 47.5 48 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 48 48.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 48.5 49 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 49 49.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 49.5 50 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 50 50.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 50.5 51 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 51 51.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 51.5 52 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 52 52.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 52.5 53 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 53 53.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 53.5 54 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 54 54.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 54.5 55 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 55 55.5 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 55.5 56 CL Orange/grey clays grading into dark anoxic clay D EARC413 56 56.5 CST Brown competent siltstone (marker) D EARC413 56.5 57 SST MN Very fine grained massive mineralised sandstone heavily Fe oxidised D EARC413 57 57.5 CL Grey/white clays D EARC413 57.5 58 CL Grey/white clays D EARC413 58 58.5 CL Grey/white clays D EARC413 58.5 59 CL Grey/white clays D EARC413 59 59.5 CL Grey/white clays D EARC413 59.5 60 CL Grey/white clays D EARC413 60 60.5 SST MN Mineralised medium grained sandstone D EARC413 60.5 61 SST MN Mineralised medium grained sandstone D EARC413 61 61.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 61.5 62 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 62 62.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 62.5 63 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 63 63.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 63.5 64 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 64 64.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 64.5 65 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 65 65.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 65.5 66 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 66 66.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 66.5 67 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 67 67.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 67.5 68 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 68 68.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 68.5 69 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 69 69.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 69.5 70 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 70 70.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 70.5 71 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 71 71.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 71.5 72 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 72 72.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 72.5 73 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 73 73.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 73.5 74 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 74 74.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 74.5 75 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 75 75.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 75.5 76 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 76 76.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 76.5 77 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 77 77.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 77.5 78 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 78 78.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 78.5 79 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 79 79.5 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 79.5 80 SST Weathered sandstone clean and clay matrix with some intervals of Fe oxidised remnant mineralisation throughtout as small grains. D EARC413 80 80.5 SST As previous interval with massive mineralisation as clasts. Could be contamination from other intervals D EARC413 80.5 81 SST As previous interval with massive mineralisation as clasts. Could be contamination from other intervals D EARC413 81 81.5 SST As previous interval with massive mineralisation as clasts. Could be contamination from other intervals D EARC413 81.5 82 QZT Weathered quartzite with some remnant mineralisation D EARC413 82 82.5 QZT Weathered quartzite with some remnant mineralisation D EARC413 82.5 83 QZT Weathered quartzite with some remnant mineralisation D EARC413 83 83.5 QZT Weathered quartzite with some remnant mineralisation D EARC413 83.5 84 QZT Weathered quartzite with some remnant mineralisation D EARC413 84 84.5 QZT Weathered quartzite with some remnant mineralisation D EARC413 84.5 85 QZT Weathered quartzite with some remnant mineralisation D EARC413 85 85.5 QZT Weathered quartzite with some remnant mineralisation D EARC413 85.5 86 CL White sandy clay D EARC413 86 86.5 CL White sandy clay D EARC413 86.5 87 CL White sandy clay D EARC413 87 87.5 CL White sandy clay D EARC413 87.5 88 CL White sandy clay D EARC413 88 88.5 CL White sandy clay D EARC413 88.5 89 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 89 89.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 89.5 90 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 90 90.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 90.5 91 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 91 91.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 91.5 92 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 92 92.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 92.5 93 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 93 93.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 93.5 94 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 94 94.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 94.5 95 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 95 95.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 95.5 96 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 96 96.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 96.5 97 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 97 97.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 97.5 98 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 98 98.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 98.5 99 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 99 99.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 99.5 100 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 100 100.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 100.5 101 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 101 101.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 101.5 102 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 102 102.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 102.5 103 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 103 103.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 103.5 104 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 104 104.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 104.5 105 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 105 105.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 105.5 106 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 106 106.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 106.5 107 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 107 107.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 107.5 108 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 108 108.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 108.5 109 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 109 109.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 109.5 110 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 110 110.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 110.5 111 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 111 111.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 111.5 112 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 112 112.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 112.5 113 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 113 113.5 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 113.5 114 QZT Clean quartzite with weathered clay matrix. Evidence of remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC413 114 114.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC413 114.5 115 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC413 115 115.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC413 115.5 116 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC413 116 116.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC413 116.5 117 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC413 117 117.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC413 117.5 118 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC413 118 118.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC413 118.5 119 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC413 119 119.5 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC413 119.5 120 CL Black anoxic clays D EARC414 0 0.5 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC414 0.5 1 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC414 1 1.5 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC414 1.5 2 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC414 2 2.5 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC414 2.5 3 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC414 3 3.5 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC414 3.5 4 LAT Laterite with trace Mn D EARC414 4 4.5 LAT Laterite with trace Mn D EARC414 4.5 5 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC414 5 5.5 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC414 5.5 6 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC414 6 6.5 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC414 6.5 7 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC414 7 7.5 LAT Laterite with trace Mn D EARC414 7.5 8 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC414 8 8.5 LAT CLY Clay Rich Laterite Gravels D EARC414 8.5 9 LAT CLY Clay Rich Laterite Gravels D EARC414 9 9.5 LAT CLY Clay Rich Laterite Gravels D EARC414 9.5 10 LAT CLY Clay Rich Laterite Gravels D EARC414 10 10.5 LAT CLY Clay Rich Laterite Gravels D EARC414 10.5 11 LAT CLY Clay Rich Laterite Gravels D EARC414 11 11.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC414 11.5 12 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC414 12 12.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC414 12.5 13 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC414 13 13.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC414 13.5 14 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC414 14 14.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC414 14.5 15 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC414 15 15.5 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC414 15.5 16 CL Brown to Orange Furriginous Clays D EARC414 16 16.5 CL SND Sandy clay with Furriginous clasts D EARC414 16.5 17 CL SND Sandy clay with Furriginous clasts D EARC414 17 17.5 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC414 17.5 18 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC414 18 18.5 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC414 18.5 19 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC414 19 19.5 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC414 19.5 20 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC414 20 20.5 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC414 20.5 21 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC414 21 21.5 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC414 21.5 22 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC414 22 22.5 CL SND Sandy clay with minor Mn oxide Mineralisation along laminations D EARC414 22.5 23 CL SND Sandy clay with minor Mn oxide Mineralisation along laminations D EARC414 23 23.5 CL SND Sandy clay with minor Mn oxide Mineralisation along laminations D EARC414 23.5 24 CL Grey fine grained clay D EARC414 24 24.5 CL Grey fine grained clay D EARC414 24.5 25 CL Grey fine grained clay D EARC414 25 25.5 CL Grey fine grained clay D EARC414 25.5 26 SST CLY Weathered sandstone in a clay matrix D EARC414 26 26.5 SST CLY Weathered sandstone in a clay matrix D EARC414 26.5 27 SST CLY Weathered sandstone in a clay matrix D EARC414 27 27.5 SST CLY Weathered sandstone in a clay matrix D EARC414 27.5 28 SST CLY Weathered sandstone in a clay matrix D EARC414 28 28.5 SST CLY Weathered sandstone in a clay matrix D EARC414 28.5 29 CL Grey Clay D EARC414 29 29.5 CL Grey Clay D EARC414 29.5 30 SST Weathered brown sandstone D EARC414 30 30.5 CL Mauve clay with sand D EARC414 30.5 31 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 31 31.5 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 31.5 32 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 32 32.5 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 32.5 33 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 33 33.5 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 33.5 34 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 34 34.5 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 34.5 35 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 35 35.5 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 35.5 36 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 36 36.5 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 36.5 37 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 37 37.5 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 37.5 38 SST Weathered fining upward sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in a Furriginous clay matrix D EARC414 38 38.5 SST MAN FE Sandstone target horizon with minor Mn. Massive well mineralised with heavy Fe oxidtion D EARC414 38.5 39 SST MAN FE Sandstone target horizon with minor Mn. Massive well mineralised with heavy Fe oxidtion D EARC414 39 39.5 SST MAN FE Sandstone target horizon with minor Mn. Massive well mineralised with heavy Fe oxidtion D EARC414 39.5 40 SST MAN FE Sandstone target horizon with minor Mn. Massive well mineralised with heavy Fe oxidtion D EARC414 40 40.5 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 40.5 41 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 41 41.5 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 41.5 42 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 42 42.5 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 42.5 43 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 43 43.5 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 43.5 44 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 44 44.5 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 44.5 45 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 45 45.5 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 45.5 46 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 46 46.5 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 46.5 47 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 47 47.5 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC414 47.5 48 CL Orange clays grading to dark anoxic clays D EARC415 0 0.5 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC415 0.5 1 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC415 1 1.5 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC415 1.5 2 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC415 2 2.5 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC415 2.5 3 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC415 3 3.5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC415 3.5 4 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC415 4 4.5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC415 4.5 5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC415 5 5.5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC415 5.5 6 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC415 6 6.5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC415 6.5 7 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC415 7 7.5 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC415 7.5 8 LAT Laterite Gravel D EARC415 8 8.5 CL Pink Purple and white clays D EARC415 8.5 9 CL Pink Purple and white clays D EARC415 9 9.5 CL Pink Purple and white clays D EARC415 9.5 10 CL Pink Purple and white clays D EARC415 10 10.5 CL Pink Purple and white clays D EARC415 10.5 11 CL Pink Purple and white clays D EARC415 11 11.5 CL Pink Purple and white clays D EARC415 11.5 12 CL Pink Purple and white clays D EARC415 12 12.5 CL Pink Purple and white clays D EARC415 12.5 13 CL Sandy orange clays D EARC415 13 13.5 CL Sandy orange clays D EARC415 13.5 14 CL Sandy orange clays D EARC415 14 14.5 CL Sandy orange clays D EARC415 14.5 15 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 15 15.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 15.5 16 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 16 16.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 16.5 17 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 17 17.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 17.5 18 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 18 18.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 18.5 19 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 19 19.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 19.5 20 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 20 20.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 20.5 21 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 21 21.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 21.5 22 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 22 22.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 22.5 23 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 23 23.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 23.5 24 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 24 24.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 24.5 25 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 25 25.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 25.5 26 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 26 26.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 26.5 27 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 27 27.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 27.5 28 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 28 28.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 28.5 29 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 29 29.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 29.5 30 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 30 30.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 30.5 31 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 31 31.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 31.5 32 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 32 32.5 CL Light grey talc clays with some orange intervals D EARC415 32.5 33 SST MAN Sandy clay with FeO + trace - minor Mn D EARC415 33 33.5 CL Grey Clay D EARC415 33.5 34 CL Grey Clay D EARC415 34 34.5 CL Grey Clay D EARC415 34.5 35 CL Grey Clay D EARC415 35 35.5 CL Sandy clay with FeO + trace - minor Mn D EARC415 35.5 36 CL Sandy clay with FeO + trace - minor Mn D EARC415 36 36.5 CL Sandy clay with FeO + trace - minor Mn D EARC415 36.5 37 CL Sandy clay with FeO + trace - minor Mn D EARC415 37 37.5 CL Sandy clay with FeO + trace - minor Mn D EARC415 37.5 38 CL Sandy clay with FeO + trace - minor Mn D EARC415 38 38.5 CL Sandy clay with FeO + trace - minor Mn D EARC415 38.5 39 CL Sandy clay with FeO + trace - minor Mn D EARC415 39 39.5 CL Orange furriginous clays D EARC415 39.5 40 CL Orange furriginous clays D EARC415 40 40.5 CL Orange furriginous clays D EARC415 40.5 41 CL Orange furriginous clays D EARC415 41 41.5 CL Orange furriginous clays D EARC415 41.5 42 CL Orange furriginous clays D EARC415 42 42.5 CL Orange furriginous clays D EARC415 42.5 43 CL Orange furriginous clays D EARC415 43 43.5 SST Sandstone with FeO + minor Mn D EARC415 43.5 44 SST Light brown sand in clay D EARC415 44 44.5 SST "Mineralised sandstone, very altered to Fe and clay rich" D EARC415 44.5 45 SST Sandstone with FeO + minor Mn D EARC415 45 45.5 CL Very sandy orange furriginous clay D EARC415 45.5 46 CL Very sandy orange furriginous clay D EARC415 46 46.5 CL Very sandy orange furriginous clay D EARC415 46.5 47 CL Very sandy orange furriginous clay D EARC415 47 47.5 CL Very sandy orange furriginous clay D EARC415 47.5 48 CL Very sandy orange furriginous clay D EARC415 48 48.5 CL White to light brown clay D EARC415 48.5 49 CL White to light brown clay D EARC415 49 49.5 CL White to light brown clay D EARC415 49.5 50 CL White to light brown clay D EARC415 50 50.5 CL White to light brown clay D EARC415 50.5 51 CL White to light brown clay D EARC415 51 51.5 CL White to light brown clay D EARC415 51.5 52 CL White to light brown clay D EARC415 52 52.5 CL White to light brown clay D EARC415 52.5 53 CST Siltstone with trace Mn D EARC415 53 53.5 CL White to grey mudstone/claystone D EARC415 53.5 54 CL White to grey mudstone/claystone D EARC415 54 54.5 CL White to grey mudstone/claystone D EARC415 54.5 55 CL White to grey mudstone/claystone D EARC415 55 55.5 CL White to grey mudstone/claystone D EARC415 55.5 56 CL White to grey mudstone/claystone D EARC415 56 56.5 SST Very weathered sandstone in Furriginous clay matrix D EARC415 56.5 57 SST Very weathered sandstone in Furriginous clay matrix D EARC415 57 57.5 SST Very weathered sandstone in Furriginous clay matrix D EARC415 57.5 58 SST Very weathered sandstone in Furriginous clay matrix D EARC415 58 58.5 SST Very weathered sandstone in Furriginous clay matrix D EARC415 58.5 59 SST Very weathered sandstone in Furriginous clay matrix D EARC415 59 59.5 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC415 59.5 60 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC415 60 60.5 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC415 60.5 61 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC415 61 61.5 CL Grey to White talc clays D EARC415 61.5 62 CST Sandstone with minor Mn D EARC415 62 62.5 CST Sandstone with minor Mn D EARC415 62.5 63 CL Grey to white clays with weathered mineralised sandstone clasts D EARC415 63 63.5 CL Grey to white clays with weathered mineralised sandstone clasts D EARC415 63.5 64 CL Grey to white clays with weathered mineralised sandstone clasts D EARC415 64 64.5 CL MAN Clay + Sandstone with Mn D EARC415 64.5 65 SST MAN FE Sandstone target horizon with minor - trace Mn and highly furriginous D EARC415 65 65.5 SST MAN FE Sandstone target horizon with minor - trace Mn and highly furriginous D EARC415 65.5 66 SST MAN FE Sandstone target horizon with minor - trace Mn and highly furriginous D EARC415 66 66.5 SST MAN FE Sandstone target horizon with minor - trace Mn and highly furriginous D EARC415 66.5 67 SST MAN FE Sandstone target horizon with minor - trace Mn and highly furriginous D EARC415 67 67.5 SST Very weathered sandstone medium grained coarsening upwards D EARC415 67.5 68 SST Very weathered sandstone medium grained coarsening upwards D EARC415 68 68.5 SST Very weathered sandstone medium grained coarsening upwards D EARC415 68.5 69 SST Very weathered sandstone medium grained coarsening upwards D EARC415 69 69.5 SST Very weathered sandstone medium grained coarsening upwards D EARC415 69.5 70 SST Very weathered sandstone medium grained coarsening upwards D EARC415 70 70.5 CL Grey to White Clay D EARC415 70.5 71 CL Grey to White Clay D EARC415 71 71.5 CL Grey to White Clay D EARC415 71.5 72 CL Grey to White Clay D EARC415 72 72.5 CL Grey to White Clay D EARC415 72.5 73 CL Grey to White Clay D EARC415 73 73.5 CL Grey to White Clay D EARC415 73.5 74 CL Grey to White Clay D EARC415 74 74.5 CL Grey to White Clay D EARC415 74.5 75 CL Grey to White Clay D EARC415 75 75.5 CL Grey to White Clay D EARC415 75.5 76 CL Grey to White Clay D EARC415 76 76.5 CL Grey to White Clay D EARC415 76.5 77 CL Grey to White Clay D EARC415 77 77.5 SST MAN FeO rich Sandstone with minor Mn. Well mineralised D EARC415 77.5 78 SST MAN FeO rich Sandstone with minor Mn. Well mineralised D EARC415 78 78.5 QZT Coarsening upwards weathered clean quartzite D EARC415 78.5 79 QZT Coarsening upwards weathered clean quartzite D EARC415 79 79.5 QZT Coarsening upwards weathered clean quartzite D EARC415 79.5 80 QZT Coarsening upwards weathered clean quartzite D EARC415 80 80.5 QZT Coarsening upwards weathered clean quartzite D EARC415 80.5 81 QZT Coarsening upwards weathered clean quartzite D EARC415 81 81.5 QZT Coarsening upwards weathered clean quartzite D EARC415 81.5 82 QZT Coarsening upwards weathered clean quartzite D EARC415 82 82.5 QZT Coarsening upwards weathered clean quartzite D EARC415 82.5 83 QZT Coarsening upwards weathered clean quartzite D EARC415 83 83.5 QZT Coarsening upwards weathered clean quartzite D EARC415 83.5 84 QZT Coarsening upwards weathered clean quartzite D EARC418 0 0.5 GVL Gravel and soil with laterite and furriginous laterite piso's D EARC418 0.5 1 GVL Gravel and soil with laterite and furriginous laterite piso's D EARC418 1 1.5 GVL Gravel and soil with laterite and furriginous laterite piso's D EARC418 1.5 2 GVL Gravel and soil with laterite and furriginous laterite piso's D EARC418 2 2.5 GVL Gravel and soil with laterite and furriginous laterite piso's D EARC418 2.5 3 GVL Gravel and soil with laterite and furriginous laterite piso's D EARC418 3 3.5 GVL Gravel and soil with laterite and furriginous laterite piso's D EARC418 3.5 4 GVL Gravel and soil with laterite and furriginous laterite piso's D EARC418 4 4.5 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 4.5 5 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 5 5.5 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 5.5 6 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 6 6.5 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 6.5 7 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 7 7.5 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 7.5 8 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 8 8.5 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 8.5 9 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 9 9.5 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 9.5 10 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 10 10.5 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 10.5 11 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 11 11.5 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 11.5 12 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 12 12.5 CL SND Sandy clay weathered white to brown with sand. Minor Mn Remnants D EARC418 12.5 13 CL MAN Mn clays bands of Mn oxides in brown orange clay D EARC418 13 13.5 SST Trace Mn in brown weathered sandstone D EARC418 13.5 14 SST Trace Mn in brown weathered sandstone D EARC418 14 14.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 14.5 15 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 15 15.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 15.5 16 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 16 16.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 16.5 17 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 17 17.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 17.5 18 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 18 18.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 18.5 19 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 19 19.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 19.5 20 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 20 20.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 20.5 21 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 21 21.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 21.5 22 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 22 22.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 22.5 23 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 23 23.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 23.5 24 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 24 24.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 24.5 25 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 25 25.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 25.5 26 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 26 26.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 26.5 27 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 27 27.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 27.5 28 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 28 28.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 28.5 29 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 29 29.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 29.5 30 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 30 30.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 30.5 31 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 31 31.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 31.5 32 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 32 32.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 32.5 33 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 33 33.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 33.5 34 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 34 34.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 34.5 35 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 35 35.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 35.5 36 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 36 36.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 36.5 37 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 37 37.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 37.5 38 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 38 38.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 38.5 39 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 39 39.5 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 39.5 40 CL Brown to orange clay. Sandy in places D EARC418 40 40.5 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 40.5 41 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 41 41.5 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 41.5 42 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 42 42.5 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 42.5 43 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 43 43.5 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 43.5 44 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 44 44.5 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 44.5 45 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 45 45.5 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 45.5 46 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 46 46.5 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 46.5 47 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 47 47.5 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC418 47.5 48 CL Laminated dark anoxic clays D EARC419 0 0.5 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 0.5 1 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 1 1.5 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 1.5 2 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 2 2.5 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 2.5 3 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 3 3.5 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 3.5 4 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 4 4.5 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 4.5 5 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 5 5.5 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 5.5 6 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 6 6.5 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 6.5 7 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 7 7.5 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 7.5 8 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 8 8.5 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 8.5 9 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 9 9.5 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 9.5 10 GVL LAT Lateritic gravel with Fe and Mn coated pisoliths D EARC419 10 10.5 CL White to dark purple clays D EARC419 10.5 11 CL White to dark purple clays D EARC419 11 11.5 CL White to dark purple clays D EARC419 11.5 12 CL White to dark purple clays D EARC419 12 12.5 CL White to dark purple clays D EARC419 12.5 13 SND Loose sad in fine grained clay matrix D EARC419 13 13.5 SND Loose sad in fine grained clay matrix D EARC419 13.5 14 SND Loose sad in fine grained clay matrix D EARC419 14 14.5 SND Loose sad in fine grained clay matrix D EARC419 14.5 15 SND Loose sad in fine grained clay matrix D EARC419 15 15.5 SND Loose sad in fine grained clay matrix D EARC419 15.5 16 SND Loose sad in fine grained clay matrix D EARC419 16 16.5 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 16.5 17 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 17 17.5 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 17.5 18 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 18 18.5 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 18.5 19 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 19 19.5 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 19.5 20 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 20 20.5 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 20.5 21 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 21 21.5 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 21.5 22 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 22 22.5 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 22.5 23 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 23 23.5 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 23.5 24 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 24 24.5 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 24.5 25 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 25 25.5 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 25.5 26 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 26 26.5 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 26.5 27 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 27 27.5 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 27.5 28 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 28 28.5 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 28.5 29 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 29 29.5 CL White and orange Fe clays with small sand stringers D EARC419 29.5 30 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 30 30.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 30.5 31 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 31 31.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 31.5 32 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 32 32.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 32.5 33 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 33 33.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 33.5 34 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 34 34.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 34.5 35 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 35 35.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 35.5 36 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 36 36.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 36.5 37 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 37 37.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 37.5 38 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 38 38.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 38.5 39 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 39 39.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 39.5 40 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 40 40.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 40.5 41 SST Coarsening upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted. Some clay banding in places D EARC419 41 41.5 CL White and purple clays D EARC419 41.5 42 CL White and purple clays D EARC419 42 42.5 CL White and purple clays D EARC419 42.5 43 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 43 43.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 43.5 44 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 44 44.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 44.5 45 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 45 45.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 45.5 46 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 46 46.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 46.5 47 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 47 47.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 47.5 48 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 48 48.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 48.5 49 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 49 49.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 49.5 50 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 50 50.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 50.5 51 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 51 51.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 51.5 52 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 52 52.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 52.5 53 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 53 53.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 53.5 54 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 54 54.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 54.5 55 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 55 55.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 55.5 56 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 56 56.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 56.5 57 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Well sorted fine to medium grained in Fe clay matrix D EARC419 57 57.5 SST Competent sandstone with some evidence of Mn mineralisation. Target horizon barren D EARC419 57.5 58 SST Competent sandstone with some evidence of Mn mineralisation. Target horizon barren D EARC419 58 58.5 SST Grey to orange competent sandstone. Medium grained well sorted. D EARC419 58.5 59 SST Grey to orange competent sandstone. Medium grained well sorted. D EARC419 59 59.5 SST Grey to orange competent sandstone. Medium grained well sorted. D EARC419 59.5 60 SST Grey to orange competent sandstone. Medium grained well sorted. D EARC419 60 60.5 SST Grey to orange competent sandstone. Medium grained well sorted. D EARC419 60.5 61 SST Grey to orange competent sandstone. Medium grained well sorted. D EARC419 61 61.5 SST Grey to orange competent sandstone. Medium grained well sorted. D EARC419 61.5 62 SST Grey to orange competent sandstone. Medium grained well sorted. D EARC419 62 62.5 CL White Clay D EARC419 62.5 63 CL White Clay D EARC419 63 63.5 CL White Clay D EARC419 63.5 64 CL White Clay D EARC419 64 64.5 CL White Clay D EARC419 64.5 65 CL White Clay D EARC419 65 65.5 CL White Clay D EARC419 65.5 66 CL White Clay D EARC419 66 66.5 CL White Clay D EARC419 66.5 67 CL White Clay D EARC419 67 67.5 CL White Clay D EARC419 67.5 68 CL White Clay D EARC419 68 68.5 CL White Clay D EARC419 68.5 69 CL White Clay D EARC419 69 69.5 CL White Clay D EARC419 69.5 70 CL White Clay D EARC419 70 70.5 CL White Clay D EARC419 70.5 71 CL White Clay D EARC419 71 71.5 CL White Clay D EARC419 71.5 72 CL White Clay D EARC420 0 0.5 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 0.5 1 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 1 1.5 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 1.5 2 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 2 2.5 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 2.5 3 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 3 3.5 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 3.5 4 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 4 4.5 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 4.5 5 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 5 5.5 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 5.5 6 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 6 6.5 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 6.5 7 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 7 7.5 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 7.5 8 LAT Red ferruginous laterite D EARC420 8 8.5 LAT CLY Grey to white clays in lateite D EARC420 8.5 9 LAT CLY Grey to white clays in lateite D EARC420 9 9.5 LAT CLY Grey to white clays in lateite D EARC420 9.5 10 LAT CLY Grey to white clays in lateite D EARC420 10 10.5 LAT CLY Grey to white clays in lateite D EARC420 10.5 11 LAT CLY Grey to white clays in lateite D EARC420 11 11.5 LAT CLY Grey to white clays in lateite D EARC420 11.5 12 LAT CLY Grey to white clays in lateite D EARC420 12 12.5 SND CLY Brown poorly sorted sand in ferruginous clays D EARC420 12.5 13 SND CLY Brown poorly sorted sand in ferruginous clays D EARC420 13 13.5 SND CLY White fine grained sand grading to darker ferruginous sands D EARC420 13.5 14 SND CLY White fine grained sand grading to darker ferruginous sands D EARC420 14 14.5 SND CLY White fine grained sand grading to darker ferruginous sands D EARC420 14.5 15 SND CLY White fine grained sand grading to darker ferruginous sands D EARC420 15 15.5 SND CLY White fine grained sand grading to darker ferruginous sands D EARC420 15.5 16 SND CLY White fine grained sand grading to darker ferruginous sands D EARC420 16 16.5 SND CLY White fine grained sand grading to darker ferruginous sands D EARC420 16.5 17 CL SND Ferruginous clays with sand D EARC420 17 17.5 CL SND Ferruginous clays with sand D EARC420 17.5 18 CL SND Ferruginous clays with sand D EARC420 18 18.5 CL SND Brown fine clay rich sand D EARC420 18.5 19 CL SND Brown fine clay rich sand D EARC420 19 19.5 CL SND Blacn to brown clays with find sands D EARC420 19.5 20 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 20 20.5 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 20.5 21 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 21 21.5 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 21.5 22 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 22 22.5 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 22.5 23 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 23 23.5 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 23.5 24 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 24 24.5 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 24.5 25 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 25 25.5 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 25.5 26 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 26 26.5 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 26.5 27 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 27 27.5 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 27.5 28 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 28 28.5 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 28.5 29 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 29 29.5 CL Dark and lightgrey massive anoxic clays furriginous in parts becoming sandy D EARC420 29.5 30 SND Fine ferruginous sands D EARC420 30 30.5 SND Fine ferruginous sands D EARC420 30.5 31 CL White to grey fine claystone D EARC420 31 31.5 CL White to grey fine claystone D EARC420 31.5 32 CL White to grey fine claystone D EARC420 32 32.5 CL White to grey fine claystone D EARC420 32.5 33 CL White to grey fine claystone D EARC420 33 33.5 CL White to grey fine claystone D EARC420 33.5 34 CL White to grey fine claystone D EARC420 34 34.5 CL White to grey fine claystone D EARC420 34.5 35 CL White to grey fine claystone D EARC420 35 35.5 CL SND Red ferruginous clay with sand D EARC420 35.5 36 CL SND Red ferruginous clay with sand D EARC420 36 36.5 CL SND Red ferruginous clay with sand D EARC420 36.5 37 CL SND Red ferruginous clay with sand D EARC420 37 37.5 CL SND Red ferruginous clay with sand D EARC420 37.5 38 CL SND Red ferruginous clay with sand D EARC420 38 38.5 CL SND Red ferruginous clay with sand D EARC420 38.5 39 CL SND Red ferruginous clay with sand D EARC420 39 39.5 SST Poorly sorted medium grained loose sand with ferruginous clay D EARC420 39.5 40 SST Poorly sorted medium grained loose sand with ferruginous clay D EARC420 40 40.5 SST Well sorted sandstone fining upwards. Two sequences D EARC420 40.5 41 SST Well sorted sandstone fining upwards. Two sequences D EARC420 41 41.5 SST Well sorted sandstone fining upwards. Two sequences D EARC420 41.5 42 SST Well sorted sandstone fining upwards. Two sequences D EARC420 42 42.5 SST Well sorted sandstone fining upwards. Two sequences D EARC420 42.5 43 SST Well sorted sandstone fining upwards. Two sequences D EARC420 43 43.5 SST Well sorted sandstone fining upwards. Two sequences D EARC420 43.5 44 SST Well sorted sandstone fining upwards. Two sequences D EARC420 44 44.5 SST Well sorted sandstone fining upwards. Two sequences D EARC420 44.5 45 SST Well sorted sandstone fining upwards. Two sequences D EARC420 45 45.5 SST Well sorted sandstone fining upwards. Two sequences D EARC420 45.5 46 SST Well sorted sandstone fining upwards. Two sequences D EARC420 46 46.5 SST CLY Fine grained sandstone with clays D EARC420 46.5 47 SST CLY Fine grained sandstone with clays D EARC420 47 47.5 SST CLY Fine grained sandstone with clays D EARC420 47.5 48 SST CLY Fine grained sandstone with clays D EARC420 48 48.5 SST CLY Fine grained sandstone with clays D EARC420 48.5 49 SST CLY Fine grained sandstone with clays D EARC420 49 49.5 SST CLY Fine grained sandstone with clays D EARC420 49.5 50 SST CLY Fine grained sandstone with clays D EARC420 50 50.5 SST CLY Fine grained sandstone with clays D EARC420 50.5 51 SST CLY Fine grained sandstone with clays D EARC420 51 51.5 SST CLY Fine grained sandstone with clays D EARC420 51.5 52 SST CLY Fine grained sandstone with clays D EARC420 52 52.5 SST MN Sandstone with minor manganese mineralisation noted. D EARC420 52.5 53 CST White claystone D EARC420 53 53.5 CST White claystone D EARC420 53.5 54 CST White claystone D EARC420 54 54.5 CST White claystone D EARC420 54.5 55 CST White claystone D EARC420 55 55.5 CST White claystone D EARC420 55.5 56 CST White claystone D EARC420 56 56.5 SST White clean sandstone with minor clays D EARC420 56.5 57 SST White clean sandstone with minor clays D EARC420 57 57.5 SST White clean sandstone with minor clays D EARC420 57.5 58 SST White clean sandstone with minor clays D EARC420 58 58.5 SST Medium grained ferriginous sandstone with evidence of goethite/limonite. D EARC420 58.5 59 SST Medium grained ferriginous sandstone with evidence of goethite/limonite. D EARC420 59 59.5 SST Medium grained ferriginous sandstone with evidence of goethite/limonite. D EARC420 59.5 60 SST Clean medium grained well sorted sandtone in clay matrix D EARC420 60 60.5 SST Clean medium grained well sorted sandtone in clay matrix D EARC420 60.5 61 SST Clean medium grained well sorted sandtone in clay matrix D EARC420 61 61.5 SST Clean medium grained well sorted sandtone in clay matrix D EARC420 61.5 62 SST Clean medium grained well sorted sandtone in clay matrix D EARC420 62 62.5 SST Clean medium grained well sorted sandtone in clay matrix D EARC420 62.5 63 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 63 63.5 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 63.5 64 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 64 64.5 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 64.5 65 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 65 65.5 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 65.5 66 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 66 66.5 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 66.5 67 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 67 67.5 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 67.5 68 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 68 68.5 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 68.5 69 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 69 69.5 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 69.5 70 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 70 70.5 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 70.5 71 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 71 71.5 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 71.5 72 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 72 72.5 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 72.5 73 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 73 73.5 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 73.5 74 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 74 74.5 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC420 74.5 75 BAS Crystalline (Rhyolite?) basement with evidence of manganese mineralisation along fractures D EARC421 0 0.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 0.5 1 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 1 1.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 1.5 2 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 2 2.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 2.5 3 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 3 3.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 3.5 4 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 4 4.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 4.5 5 Lat MN Laterite with possible Mn D EARC421 5 5.5 Lat MN Laterite with possible Mn D EARC421 5.5 6 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 6 6.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 6.5 7 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 7 7.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 7.5 8 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 8 8.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 8.5 9 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 9 9.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 9.5 10 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 10 10.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC421 10.5 11 SST Light grey very weathered sandstone D EARC421 11 11.5 SST Light grey very weathered sandstone D EARC421 11.5 12 SST Light grey very weathered sandstone D EARC421 12 12.5 SST Light grey very weathered sandstone D EARC421 12.5 13 SST Light grey very weathered sandstone D EARC421 13 13.5 SST Light grey very weathered sandstone D EARC421 13.5 14 SST Light grey very weathered sandstone D EARC421 14 14.5 SST Dark brown weathered sandstone D EARC421 14.5 15 SST Dark brown weathered sandstone D EARC421 15 15.5 SST Dark brown weathered sandstone D EARC421 15.5 16 SST Dark brown weathered sandstone D EARC421 16 16.5 CL MN Clay with Manganese D EARC421 16.5 17 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 17 17.5 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 17.5 18 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 18 18.5 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 18.5 19 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 19 19.5 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 19.5 20 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 20 20.5 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 20.5 21 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 21 21.5 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 21.5 22 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 22 22.5 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 22.5 23 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 23 23.5 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 23.5 24 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 24 24.5 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 24.5 25 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 25 25.5 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 25.5 26 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 26 26.5 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 26.5 27 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 27 27.5 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 27.5 28 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 28 28.5 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 28.5 29 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 29 29.5 CL Sandy weathered clay furriginised with some white clay horizons D EARC421 29.5 30 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 30 30.5 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 30.5 31 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 31 31.5 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 31.5 32 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 32 32.5 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 32.5 33 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 33 33.5 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 33.5 34 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 34 34.5 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 34.5 35 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 35 35.5 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 35.5 36 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 36 36.5 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 36.5 37 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 37 37.5 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 37.5 38 SST Fining upwards sequence of very weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC421 38 38.5 SST Weathered sandstone with some remnant manganese mineralisation D EARC421 38.5 39 SST Weathered sandstone with some remnant manganese mineralisation D EARC421 39 39.5 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 39.5 40 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 40 40.5 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 40.5 41 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 41 41.5 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 41.5 42 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 42 42.5 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 42.5 43 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 43 43.5 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 43.5 44 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 44 44.5 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 44.5 45 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 45 45.5 SST Fe Fe rich sandstone. D EARC421 45.5 46 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 46 46.5 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 46.5 47 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 47 47.5 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 47.5 48 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 48 48.5 CL Orange and light grey to which clay D EARC421 48.5 49 SST MAN Fe Palaeo surface? Sandstone with Fe/Mn - Weathered. D EARC421 49 49.5 SST MAN Fe Palaeo surface? Sandstone with Fe/Mn - Weathered. D EARC421 49.5 50 CL Grey to white clay with minor sand D EARC421 50 50.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 50.5 51 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 51 51.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 51.5 52 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 52 52.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 52.5 53 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 53 53.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 53.5 54 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 54 54.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 54.5 55 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 55 55.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 55.5 56 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 56 56.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 56.5 57 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 57 57.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 57.5 58 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 58 58.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 58.5 59 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 59 59.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 59.5 60 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 60 60.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 60.5 61 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 61 61.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 61.5 62 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 62 62.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 62.5 63 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 63 63.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 63.5 64 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 64 64.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 64.5 65 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 65 65.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 65.5 66 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 66 66.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 66.5 67 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 67 67.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 67.5 68 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 68 68.5 QZT Fining upward quartzite. Poorly sorted fine to medium grained with minor remnant mineralisation throughout D EARC421 68.5 69 QZT Hole terminated due to high torque on rod string. D EARC422 0 0.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 0.5 1 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 1 1.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 1.5 2 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 2 2.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 2.5 3 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 3 3.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 3.5 4 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 4 4.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 4.5 5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 5 5.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 5.5 6 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 6 6.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 6.5 7 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 7 7.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 7.5 8 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 8 8.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 8.5 9 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 9 9.5 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 9.5 10 LAT Laterite gravel with some minor mineralised piso's D EARC422 10 10.5 CL SND Weathered sandy clay D EARC422 10.5 11 CL SND Weathered sandy clay D EARC422 11 11.5 CL SND Weathered sandy clay D EARC422 11.5 12 CL SND Weathered sandy clay D EARC422 12 12.5 CL SND Weathered sandy clay D EARC422 12.5 13 CL SND Weathered sandy clay D EARC422 13 13.5 CL SND Weathered sandy clay D EARC422 13.5 14 CL SND Weathered sandy clay D EARC422 14 14.5 CL SND Weathered sandy clay D EARC422 14.5 15 CL SND Weathered sandy clay D EARC422 15 15.5 CL SND Weathered sandy clay D EARC422 15.5 16 SND Clay rich dark brown weathered sand D EARC422 16 16.5 CL Dark grey clay D EARC422 16.5 17 CL Dark grey clay D EARC422 17 17.5 SST Very weathered and altered sandstone with Fe clay matrix D EARC422 17.5 18 SST Very weathered and altered sandstone with Fe clay matrix D EARC422 18 18.5 SST Very weathered and altered sandstone with Fe clay matrix D EARC422 18.5 19 SST Very weathered and altered sandstone with Fe clay matrix D EARC422 19 19.5 SST Very weathered and altered sandstone with Fe clay matrix D EARC422 19.5 20 SST Very weathered and altered sandstone with Fe clay matrix D EARC422 20 20.5 SST Very weathered and altered sandstone with Fe clay matrix D EARC422 20.5 21 SST Very weathered and altered sandstone with Fe clay matrix D EARC422 21 21.5 SST Very weathered and altered sandstone with Fe clay matrix D EARC422 21.5 22 SST Very weathered and altered sandstone with Fe clay matrix D EARC422 22 22.5 SST Very weathered and altered sandstone with Fe clay matrix D EARC422 22.5 23 SST Very weathered and altered sandstone with Fe clay matrix D EARC422 23 23.5 SST Very weathered and altered sandstone with Fe clay matrix D EARC422 23.5 24 SST Very weathered and altered sandstone with Fe clay matrix D EARC422 24 24.5 CST Slightly mineralised claystone D EARC422 24.5 25 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 25 25.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 25.5 26 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 26 26.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 26.5 27 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 27 27.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 27.5 28 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 28 28.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 28.5 29 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 29 29.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 29.5 30 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 30 30.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 30.5 31 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 31 31.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 31.5 32 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 32 32.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 32.5 33 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 33 33.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 33.5 34 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 34 34.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 34.5 35 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 35 35.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 35.5 36 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 36 36.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 36.5 37 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 37 37.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 37.5 38 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 38 38.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 38.5 39 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 39 39.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 39.5 40 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 40 40.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 40.5 41 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 41 41.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 41.5 42 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 42 42.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 42.5 43 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 43 43.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 43.5 44 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 44 44.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 44.5 45 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 45 45.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 45.5 46 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 46 46.5 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 46.5 47 CL Orange and light grey clay D EARC422 47 47.5 SST MAN FE Fe rich Sandstone - possible Mn D EARC422 47.5 48 CL Crey massive clays D EARC422 48 48.5 CL Crey massive clays D EARC422 48.5 49 CL Crey massive clays D EARC422 49 49.5 CL Crey massive clays D EARC422 49.5 50 CL Crey massive clays D EARC422 50 50.5 SST MAN FE Well mineralised sandstone clasts D EARC422 50.5 51 SST Fine weathered sandstone D EARC422 51 51.5 SST Fine weathered sandstone D EARC422 51.5 52 CL White to grey clay D EARC422 52 52.5 CL White to grey clay D EARC422 52.5 53 CL White to grey clay D EARC422 53 53.5 CL White to grey clay D EARC422 53.5 54 CL White to grey clay D EARC422 54 54.5 CL White to grey clay D EARC422 54.5 55 SST MAN Fine graned Mn Mineralised sandstone D EARC422 55 55.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 55.5 56 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 56 56.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 56.5 57 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 57 57.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 57.5 58 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 58 58.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 58.5 59 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 59 59.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 59.5 60 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 60 60.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 60.5 61 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 61 61.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 61.5 62 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 62 62.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 62.5 63 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 63 63.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 63.5 64 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 64 64.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 64.5 65 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 65 65.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC422 65.5 66 CL Sandy light brown clay D EARC422 66 66.5 CL Sandy light brown clay D EARC422 66.5 67 CL Sandy light brown clay D EARC422 67 67.5 CL Sandy light brown clay D EARC422 67.5 68 CL Sandy light brown clay D EARC422 68 68.5 CL Sandy light brown clay D EARC422 68.5 69 CL Sandy light brown clay D EARC422 69 69.5 CL Sandy light brown clay D EARC422 69.5 70 CL Sandy light brown clay D EARC422 70 70.5 CL Sandy light brown clay D EARC422 70.5 71 CL Sandy light brown clay D EARC422 71 71.5 CL Sandy light brown clay D EARC422 71.5 72 CL Sandy light brown clay D EARC422 72 72.5 CL Sandy light brown clay D EARC422 72.5 73 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 73 73.5 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 73.5 74 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 74 74.5 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 74.5 75 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 75 75.5 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 75.5 76 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 76 76.5 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 76.5 77 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 77 77.5 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 77.5 78 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 78 78.5 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 78.5 79 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 79 79.5 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 79.5 80 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 80 80.5 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC422 80.5 81 QZT Quartzite with partially mineralized fragments throughout. Fining upward D EARC423 0 0.5 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 0.5 1 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 1 1.5 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 1.5 2 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 2 2.5 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 2.5 3 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 3 3.5 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 3.5 4 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 4 4.5 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 4.5 5 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 5 5.5 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 5.5 6 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 6 6.5 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 6.5 7 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 7 7.5 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 7.5 8 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 8 8.5 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 8.5 9 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 9 9.5 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 9.5 10 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 10 10.5 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 10.5 11 LAT Laterite gravel D EARC423 11 11.5 CL SND Sand rich weathered clay. Dark brown with white/grey grains D EARC423 11.5 12 CL SND Sand rich weathered clay. Dark brown with white/grey grains D EARC423 12 12.5 CL SND Sand rich weathered clay. Dark brown with white/grey grains D EARC423 12.5 13 CL SND Sand rich weathered clay. Dark brown with white/grey grains D EARC423 13 13.5 CL SND Sand rich weathered clay. Dark brown with white/grey grains D EARC423 13.5 14 CL SND Sand rich weathered clay. Dark brown with white/grey grains D EARC423 14 14.5 CL SND Sand rich weathered clay. Dark brown with white/grey grains D EARC423 14.5 15 CL SND Sand rich weathered clay. Dark brown with white/grey grains D EARC423 15 15.5 CL SND Sand rich weathered clay. Dark brown with white/grey grains D EARC423 15.5 16 CL SND Sand rich weathered clay. Dark brown with white/grey grains D EARC423 16 16.5 CL SND Sand rich weathered clay. Dark brown with white/grey grains D EARC423 16.5 17 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe rich clay matrix D EARC423 17 17.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe rich clay matrix D EARC423 17.5 18 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe rich clay matrix D EARC423 18 18.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe rich clay matrix D EARC423 18.5 19 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe rich clay matrix D EARC423 19 19.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe rich clay matrix D EARC423 19.5 20 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe rich clay matrix D EARC423 20 20.5 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe rich clay matrix D EARC423 20.5 21 SST Weathered sandstone in Fe rich clay matrix D EARC423 21 21.5 SST Very weathered sandstone D EARC423 21.5 22 SST Very weathered sandstone D EARC423 22 22.5 SST Very weathered sandstone D EARC423 22.5 23 SST Very weathered sandstone D EARC423 23 23.5 SST Very weathered sandstone D EARC423 23.5 24 SST Very weathered sandstone D EARC423 24 24.5 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 24.5 25 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 25 25.5 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 25.5 26 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 26 26.5 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 26.5 27 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 27 27.5 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 27.5 28 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 28 28.5 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 28.5 29 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 29 29.5 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 29.5 30 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 30 30.5 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 30.5 31 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 31 31.5 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 31.5 32 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 32 32.5 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 32.5 33 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 33 33.5 CL Orange and grey clays D EARC423 33.5 34 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC423 34 34.5 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC423 34.5 35 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC423 35 35.5 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC423 35.5 36 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC423 36 36.5 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC423 36.5 37 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC423 37 37.5 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC423 37.5 38 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC423 38 38.5 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC423 38.5 39 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC423 39 39.5 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC423 39.5 40 SST Weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC423 40 40.5 SST MAN Sandstone with remnant mineralisation fragments D EARC423 40.5 41 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 41 41.5 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 41.5 42 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 42 42.5 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 42.5 43 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 43 43.5 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 43.5 44 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 44 44.5 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 44.5 45 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 45 45.5 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 45.5 46 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 46 46.5 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 46.5 47 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 47 47.5 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 47.5 48 CL Grey and orange clays D EARC423 48 48.5 SST Very weathered sandstone D EARC423 48.5 49 SST Very weathered sandstone D EARC423 49 49.5 SST Very weathered sandstone D EARC423 49.5 50 SST Very weathered sandstone D EARC423 50 50.5 SST Very weathered sandstone D EARC423 50.5 51 SST Very weathered sandstone D EARC423 51 51.5 CL Orange clays with increasing fine sands D EARC423 51.5 52 CL Orange clays with increasing fine sands D EARC423 52 52.5 CL Orange clays with increasing fine sands D EARC423 52.5 53 CL Orange clays with increasing fine sands D EARC423 53 53.5 CL Orange clays with increasing fine sands D EARC423 53.5 54 CL Orange clays with increasing fine sands D EARC423 54 54.5 CL Orange clays with increasing fine sands D EARC423 54.5 55 CL Orange clays with increasing fine sands D EARC423 55 55.5 CL Orange clays with increasing fine sands D EARC423 55.5 56 CL Orange clays with increasing fine sands D EARC423 56 56.5 CL Orange clays with increasing fine sands D EARC423 56.5 57 CL Orange clays with increasing fine sands D EARC423 57 57.5 CL Orange clays with increasing fine sands D EARC423 57.5 58 SST Fe Fe rich sandstone horizon D EARC423 58 58.5 SST Fe Fe rich sandstone horizon D EARC423 58.5 59 SST Fe Fe rich sandstone horizon D EARC423 59 59.5 SST Fe Fe rich sandstone horizon D EARC423 59.5 60 SST Fe Fe rich sandstone horizon D EARC423 60 60.5 SST Fe Fe rich sandstone horizon D EARC423 60.5 61 CL Orange clay D EARC423 61 61.5 CL Orange clay D EARC423 61.5 62 SST Very weathered sandstone in orange clay matrix D EARC423 62 62.5 CST Claystone white with minor Mn mineralisation along fractures D EARC423 62.5 63 CST Claystone white with minor Mn mineralisation along fractures D EARC423 63 63.5 SST Weathered sandstone in white and orange clay matrix D EARC423 63.5 64 SST Weathered sandstone in white and orange clay matrix D EARC423 64 64.5 SST Weathered sandstone in white and orange clay matrix D EARC423 64.5 65 SST Weathered sandstone in white and orange clay matrix D EARC423 65 65.5 SST Weathered sandstone in white and orange clay matrix D EARC423 65.5 66 SST Weathered sandstone in white and orange clay matrix D EARC423 66 66.5 SST Weathered sandstone in white and orange clay matrix D EARC423 66.5 67 SST Weathered sandstone in white and orange clay matrix D EARC423 67 67.5 SST Weathered sandstone in white and orange clay matrix D EARC423 67.5 68 CST Claystone white with minor Mn mineralisation along fractures D EARC423 68 68.5 CST Claystone white with minor Mn mineralisation along fractures D EARC423 68.5 69 CST Claystone white with minor Mn mineralisation along fractures D EARC423 69 69.5 QZT Hard quartzite D EARC423 69.5 70 QZT Hard quartzite D EARC423 70 70.5 CL Dark to light grey clays D EARC423 70.5 71 CL Dark to light grey clays D EARC423 71 71.5 CL Dark to light grey clays D EARC423 71.5 72 CL Dark to light grey clays D EARC423 72 72.5 CL Dark to light grey clays D EARC423 72.5 73 CL Dark to light grey clays D EARC423 73 73.5 QZT Quartzite fining upwards. Fine to medium grained D EARC423 73.5 74 QZT Quartzite fining upwards. Fine to medium grained D EARC423 74 74.5 QZT Quartzite fining upwards. Fine to medium grained D EARC423 74.5 75 QZT Quartzite fining upwards. Fine to medium grained D EARC423 75 75.5 QZT Quartzite fining upwards. Fine to medium grained D EARC423 75.5 76 QZT Quartzite fining upwards. Fine to medium grained D EARC423 76 76.5 QZT Quartzite fining upwards. Fine to medium grained D EARC423 76.5 77 QZT Quartzite fining upwards. Fine to medium grained D EARC423 77 77.5 QZT Quartzite fining upwards. Fine to medium grained D EARC423 77.5 78 QZT Quartzite fining upwards. Fine to medium grained D EARC426 0 0.5 GVL Gravel with basement fragments D EARC426 0.5 1 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC426 1 1.5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC426 1.5 2 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC426 2 2.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 2.5 3 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 3 3.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 3.5 4 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 4 4.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 4.5 5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 5 5.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 5.5 6 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 6 6.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 6.5 7 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 7 7.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 7.5 8 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 8 8.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 8.5 9 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 9 9.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 9.5 10 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 10 10.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 10.5 11 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 11 11.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 11.5 12 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 12 12.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 12.5 13 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 13 13.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 13.5 14 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 14 14.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 14.5 15 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 15 15.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 15.5 16 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 16 16.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 16.5 17 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 17 17.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 17.5 18 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 18 18.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 18.5 19 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 19 19.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 19.5 20 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 20 20.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 20.5 21 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 21 21.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 21.5 22 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 22 22.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 22.5 23 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 23 23.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 23.5 24 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 24 24.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 24.5 25 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 25 25.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 25.5 26 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 26 26.5 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 26.5 27 CL Sandy brown clay - white clay becoming more clay rich towards the base D EARC426 27 27.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 27.5 28 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 28 28.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 28.5 29 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 29 29.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 29.5 30 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 30 30.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 30.5 31 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 31 31.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 31.5 32 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 32 32.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 32.5 33 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 33 33.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 33.5 34 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 34 34.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 34.5 35 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 35 35.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 35.5 36 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 36 36.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 36.5 37 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 37 37.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 37.5 38 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 38 38.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 38.5 39 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 39 39.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 39.5 40 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 40 40.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 40.5 41 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 41 41.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 41.5 42 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 42 42.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 42.5 43 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 43 43.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 43.5 44 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 44 44.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 44.5 45 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 45 45.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 45.5 46 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 46 46.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 46.5 47 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 47 47.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 47.5 48 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 48 48.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 48.5 49 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 49 49.5 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 49.5 50 CL SND Light brown to orange clay with some fine sand D EARC426 50 50.5 BAS Weathered Sandstone / Basement rock with clast of Mn? D EARC426 50.5 51 BAS Weathered Sandstone / Basement rock with clast of Mn? D EARC426 51 51.5 BAS Weathered Sandstone / Basement rock with clast of Mn? D EARC426 51.5 52 BAS Weathered Sandstone / Basement rock with clast of Mn? D EARC426 52 52.5 BAS Weathered Sandstone / Basement rock with clast of Mn? D EARC426 52.5 53 BAS Weathered Sandstone / Basement rock with clast of Mn? D EARC426 53 53.5 BAS Weathered Sandstone / Basement rock with clast of Mn? D EARC426 53.5 54 BAS Weathered Sandstone / Basement rock with clast of Mn? D EARC426 54 54.5 BAS Weathered Sandstone / Basement rock with clast of Mn? D EARC426 54.5 55 BAS Weathered Sandstone / Basement rock with clast of Mn? D EARC426 55 55.5 BAS Weathered Sandstone / Basement rock with clast of Mn? D EARC426 55.5 56 BAS Weathered Sandstone / Basement rock with clast of Mn? D EARC426 56 56.5 BAS Weathered Sandstone / Basement rock with clast of Mn? D EARC426 56.5 57 BAS Weathered Sandstone / Basement rock with clast of Mn? D EARC427 0 0.5 GVL Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 0.5 1 GVL Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 1 1.5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC427 1.5 2 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC427 2 2.5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC427 2.5 3 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC427 3 3.5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC427 3.5 4 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC427 4 4.5 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 4.5 5 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 5 5.5 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 5.5 6 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 6 6.5 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 6.5 7 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 7 7.5 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 7.5 8 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 8 8.5 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 8.5 9 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 9 9.5 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 9.5 10 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 10 10.5 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 10.5 11 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 11 11.5 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 11.5 12 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 12 12.5 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 12.5 13 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 13 13.5 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 13.5 14 LAT Mix of clay and laterite in sandy gravel D EARC427 14 14.5 CL Sandy clay with brown clay fragments D EARC427 14.5 15 CL Sandy clay with brown clay fragments D EARC427 15 15.5 CL Sandy clay with brown clay fragments D EARC427 15.5 16 CL Sandy clay with brown clay fragments D EARC427 16 16.5 CL Sandy clay with brown clay fragments D EARC427 16.5 17 CL Sandy clay with brown clay fragments D EARC427 17 17.5 CL Sandy clay with brown clay fragments D EARC427 17.5 18 CL Sandy clay with brown clay fragments D EARC427 18 18.5 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 18.5 19 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 19 19.5 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 19.5 20 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 20 20.5 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 20.5 21 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 21 21.5 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 21.5 22 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 22 22.5 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 22.5 23 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 23 23.5 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 23.5 24 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 24 24.5 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 24.5 25 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 25 25.5 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 25.5 26 CL SND White to light grey clay in sands D EARC427 26 26.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 26.5 27 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 27 27.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 27.5 28 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 28 28.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 28.5 29 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 29 29.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 29.5 30 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 30 30.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 30.5 31 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 31 31.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 31.5 32 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 32 32.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 32.5 33 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 33 33.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 33.5 34 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 34 34.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 34.5 35 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 35 35.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 35.5 36 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 36 36.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 36.5 37 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 37 37.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 37.5 38 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 38 38.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 38.5 39 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 39 39.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 39.5 40 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 40 40.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 40.5 41 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 41 41.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 41.5 42 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 42 42.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 42.5 43 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 43 43.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 43.5 44 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 44 44.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 44.5 45 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 45 45.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 45.5 46 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 46 46.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 46.5 47 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 47 47.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 47.5 48 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 48 48.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 48.5 49 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 49 49.5 CL White to grey mix of smectite and geothitic clays D EARC427 49.5 50 BAS Intersected hard basement. Drilled to refusal. D EARC428 0 0.5 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 0.5 1 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 1 1.5 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 1.5 2 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 2 2.5 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 2.5 3 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 3 3.5 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 3.5 4 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 4 4.5 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 4.5 5 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 5 5.5 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 5.5 6 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 6 6.5 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 6.5 7 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 7 7.5 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 7.5 8 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 8 8.5 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 8.5 9 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 9 9.5 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 9.5 10 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 10 10.5 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 10.5 11 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 11 11.5 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 11.5 12 GVL Sand and gravel grading into unconsolidated brown clayston fragments D EARC428 12 12.5 CST Dark grey mudstone unconsolidated with sand (contamination) D EARC428 12.5 13 CST Dark grey mudstone unconsolidated with sand (contamination) D EARC428 13 13.5 CST Dark grey mudstone unconsolidated with sand (contamination) D EARC428 13.5 14 CST Dark grey mudstone unconsolidated with sand (contamination) D EARC428 14 14.5 CST Dark grey mudstone unconsolidated with sand (contamination) D EARC428 14.5 15 CST Dark grey mudstone unconsolidated with sand (contamination) D EARC428 15 15.5 CST Dark grey mudstone unconsolidated with sand (contamination) D EARC428 15.5 16 CST Dark grey mudstone unconsolidated with sand (contamination) D EARC428 16 16.5 CST Dark grey mudstone unconsolidated with sand (contamination) D EARC428 16.5 17 CST Dark grey mudstone unconsolidated with sand (contamination) D EARC428 17 17.5 CST Dark grey mudstone unconsolidated with sand (contamination) D EARC428 17.5 18 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 18 18.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 18.5 19 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 19 19.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 19.5 20 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 20 20.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 20.5 21 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 21 21.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 21.5 22 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 22 22.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 22.5 23 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 23 23.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 23.5 24 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 24 24.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 24.5 25 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 25 25.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 25.5 26 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone. Fairly clean in Fe clay matrix D EARC428 26 26.5 CL Orange to grey clays D EARC428 26.5 27 CL Orange to grey clays D EARC428 27 27.5 CL Orange to grey clays D EARC428 27.5 28 CL Orange to grey clays D EARC428 28 28.5 CL Orange to grey clays D EARC428 28.5 29 CL Orange to grey clays D EARC428 29 29.5 CL Orange to grey clays D EARC428 29.5 30 CL Orange to grey clays D EARC428 30 30.5 CL Orange to grey clays D EARC428 30.5 31 CL Orange to grey clays D EARC428 31 31.5 CL Orange to grey clays D EARC428 31.5 32 CL SND Brown clay with very fine sand D EARC428 32 32.5 CL SND Brown clay with very fine sand D EARC428 32.5 33 CL SND Brown clay with very fine sand D EARC428 33 33.5 CL SND Brown clay with very fine sand D EARC428 33.5 34 CL SND Brown clay with very fine sand D EARC428 34 34.5 CL SND Brown clay with very fine sand D EARC428 34.5 35 CL SND Brown clay with very fine sand D EARC428 35 35.5 CL SND Brown clay with very fine sand D EARC428 35.5 36 CL SND Brown clay with very fine sand D EARC428 36 36.5 CST Light grey claystone D EARC428 36.5 37 CST Light grey claystone D EARC428 37 37.5 CST Light grey claystone D EARC428 37.5 38 SST Medium grained weathered sandstone in brown matrix. Evidence of Mn staing around 40.5m. Target horizon but barren D EARC428 38 38.5 SST Medium grained weathered sandstone in brown matrix. Evidence of Mn staing around 40.5m. Target horizon but barren D EARC428 38.5 39 SST Medium grained weathered sandstone in brown matrix. Evidence of Mn staing around 40.5m. Target horizon but barren D EARC428 39 39.5 SST Medium grained weathered sandstone in brown matrix. Evidence of Mn staing around 40.5m. Target horizon but barren D EARC428 39.5 40 SST Medium grained weathered sandstone in brown matrix. Evidence of Mn staing around 40.5m. Target horizon but barren D EARC428 40 40.5 SST "Sandstone ""host?"" horizon with FeO with trace Mn" D EARC428 40.5 41 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 41 41.5 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 41.5 42 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 42 42.5 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 42.5 43 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 43 43.5 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 43.5 44 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 44 44.5 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 44.5 45 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 45 45.5 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 45.5 46 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 46 46.5 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 46.5 47 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 47 47.5 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 47.5 48 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 48 48.5 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 48.5 49 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 49 49.5 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 49.5 50 SST Fining upwards medium to fine grained weathered sandstone D EARC428 50 50.5 CL White clays D EARC428 50.5 51 CL White clays D EARC428 51 51.5 CL White clays D EARC428 51.5 52 SST Coarse grained angular clean sandstone. Minor Mn fragments visible. D EARC428 52 52.5 SST Coarse grained angular clean sandstone. Minor Mn fragments visible. D EARC428 52.5 53 SST Coarse grained angular clean sandstone. Minor Mn fragments visible. D EARC428 53 53.5 SST Coarse grained angular clean sandstone. Minor Mn fragments visible. D EARC428 53.5 54 SST Coarse grained angular clean sandstone. Minor Mn fragments visible. D EARC428 54 54.5 CL Grey to white clay D EARC428 54.5 55 CL Grey to white clay D EARC428 55 55.5 CL Grey to white clay D EARC428 55.5 56 CL Grey to white clay D EARC428 56 56.5 SST "Medium grained poorly sorted sandstone mineralised with Mn in matrix with some remaining intact, but mostly furriginised. Target horizon" D EARC428 56.5 57 SST "Medium grained poorly sorted sandstone mineralised with Mn in matrix with some remaining intact, but mostly furriginised. Target horizon" D EARC428 57 57.5 CL White Grey clays D EARC428 57.5 58 CL White Grey clays D EARC428 58 58.5 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 58.5 59 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 59 59.5 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 59.5 60 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 60 60.5 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 60.5 61 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 61 61.5 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 61.5 62 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 62 62.5 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 62.5 63 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 63 63.5 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 63.5 64 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 64 64.5 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 64.5 65 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 65 65.5 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 65.5 66 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 66 66.5 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 66.5 67 SST Fining upwards medium to coarse grained well sorted angular sandstone D EARC428 67 67.5 CST Geothitic claystone D EARC428 67.5 68 CST Geothitic claystone D EARC429 0 0.5 GVL "Gravel with some basement laterite, competent claystone fragments" D EARC429 0.5 1 GVL "Gravel with some basement laterite, competent claystone fragments" D EARC429 1 1.5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC429 1.5 2 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC429 2 2.5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC429 2.5 3 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC429 3 3.5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC429 3.5 4 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC429 4 4.5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC429 4.5 5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC429 5 5.5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC429 5.5 6 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC429 6 6.5 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC429 6.5 7 LAT Laterite profile with trace Mn D EARC429 7 7.5 CL Fe rich clay with trace Mn D EARC429 7.5 8 CL Fe rich clay with trace Mn D EARC429 8 8.5 CL Fe rich clay with trace Mn D EARC429 8.5 9 CL Fe rich clay with trace Mn D EARC429 9 9.5 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 9.5 10 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 10 10.5 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 10.5 11 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 11 11.5 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 11.5 12 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 12 12.5 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 12.5 13 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 13 13.5 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 13.5 14 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 14 14.5 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 14.5 15 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 15 15.5 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 15.5 16 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 16 16.5 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 16.5 17 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 17 17.5 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 17.5 18 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 18 18.5 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 18.5 19 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 19 19.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Angular and fairly well sorted D EARC429 19.5 20 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Angular and fairly well sorted D EARC429 20 20.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Angular and fairly well sorted D EARC429 20.5 21 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Angular and fairly well sorted D EARC429 21 21.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Angular and fairly well sorted D EARC429 21.5 22 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Angular and fairly well sorted D EARC429 22 22.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Angular and fairly well sorted D EARC429 22.5 23 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Angular and fairly well sorted D EARC429 23 23.5 CST Light grey mudstone D EARC429 23.5 24 CST Light grey mudstone D EARC429 24 24.5 CST Light grey mudstone D EARC429 24.5 25 SST Coarse grained weathered sandstone D EARC429 25 25.5 SST Coarse grained weathered sandstone D EARC429 25.5 26 CST MAN Siltstone with trace Mn D EARC429 26 26.5 CL Dark brown sandy clay D EARC429 26.5 27 CL Dark brown sandy clay D EARC429 27 27.5 CL Dark brown sandy clay D EARC429 27.5 28 CL Dark brown sandy clay D EARC429 28 28.5 CL Dark brown sandy clay D EARC429 28.5 29 CL Dark brown sandy clay D EARC429 29 29.5 CL Dark brown sandy clay D EARC429 29.5 30 CL Dark brown sandy clay D EARC429 30 30.5 CL Dark brown sandy clay D EARC429 30.5 31 CL Dark brown sandy clay D EARC429 31 31.5 CL Dark brown sandy clay D EARC429 31.5 32 CL Dark brown sandy clay D EARC429 32 32.5 CL Dark brown sandy clay D EARC429 32.5 33 CL Dark brown sandy clay D EARC429 33 33.5 CL Light brown to grey clays D EARC429 33.5 34 CL Light brown to grey clays D EARC429 34 34.5 CL Light brown to grey clays D EARC429 34.5 35 CL Light brown to grey clays D EARC429 35 35.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered siltstone. Fairly well sorted in Fe matrix D EARC429 35.5 36 SST Coarsening upwards weathered siltstone. Fairly well sorted in Fe matrix D EARC429 36 36.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered siltstone. Fairly well sorted in Fe matrix D EARC429 36.5 37 SST Coarsening upwards weathered siltstone. Fairly well sorted in Fe matrix D EARC429 37 37.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered siltstone. Fairly well sorted in Fe matrix D EARC429 37.5 38 SST Coarsening upwards weathered siltstone. Fairly well sorted in Fe matrix D EARC429 38 38.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered siltstone. Fairly well sorted in Fe matrix D EARC429 38.5 39 SST Coarsening upwards weathered siltstone. Fairly well sorted in Fe matrix D EARC429 39 39.5 SST Coarsening upwards weathered siltstone. Fairly well sorted in Fe matrix D EARC429 39.5 40 SST Coarsening upwards weathered siltstone. Fairly well sorted in Fe matrix D EARC429 40 40.5 CST MAN Sandstone and siltstone with trace Mn and FeO. Host unit? D EARC429 40.5 41 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 41 41.5 CL White to light grey clays D EARC429 41.5 42 SST weathered sandstone with some fragments of altered Mn matrix D EARC429 42 42.5 SST weathered sandstone with some fragments of altered Mn matrix D EARC429 42.5 43 SST weathered sandstone with some fragments of altered Mn matrix D EARC429 43 43.5 SST weathered sandstone with some fragments of altered Mn matrix D EARC429 43.5 44 SST weathered sandstone with some fragments of altered Mn matrix D EARC429 44 44.5 SST weathered sandstone with some fragments of altered Mn matrix D EARC429 44.5 45 SST weathered sandstone with some fragments of altered Mn matrix D EARC429 45 45.5 SST Clean very coarse grained sandstone. Angular fragments with some evidence of remnant mineralisation D EARC429 45.5 46 SST Clean very coarse grained sandstone. Angular fragments with some evidence of remnant mineralisation D EARC429 46 46.5 SST Clean very coarse grained sandstone. Angular fragments with some evidence of remnant mineralisation D EARC429 46.5 47 SST Clean very coarse grained sandstone. Angular fragments with some evidence of remnant mineralisation D EARC429 47 47.5 SST Clean very coarse grained sandstone. Angular fragments with some evidence of remnant mineralisation D EARC429 47.5 48 SST Clean very coarse grained sandstone. Angular fragments with some evidence of remnant mineralisation D EARC429 48 48.5 SST Clean very coarse grained sandstone. Angular fragments with some evidence of remnant mineralisation D EARC429 48.5 49 SST Clean very coarse grained sandstone. Angular fragments with some evidence of remnant mineralisation D EARC429 49 49.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Poorly sorted clay rich D EARC429 49.5 50 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Poorly sorted clay rich D EARC429 50 50.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Poorly sorted clay rich D EARC429 50.5 51 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Poorly sorted clay rich D EARC429 51 51.5 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Poorly sorted clay rich D EARC429 51.5 52 SST Fining upwards weathered sandstone. Poorly sorted clay rich D EARC429 52 52.5 CST Mudstone (contaminated) D EARC429 52.5 53 CST Mudstone (contaminated) D EARC429 53 53.5 BAS Very coarse grained sandstone. Poorly sorted angular fragments. Basement D EARC429 53.5 54 BAS Very coarse grained sandstone. Poorly sorted angular fragments. Basement D EARC429 54 54.5 BAS Very coarse grained sandstone. Poorly sorted angular fragments. Basement D EARC429 54.5 55 BAS Very coarse grained sandstone. Poorly sorted angular fragments. Basement D EARC429 55 55.5 BAS Very coarse grained sandstone. Poorly sorted angular fragments. Basement D EARC429 55.5 56 BAS Very coarse grained sandstone. Poorly sorted angular fragments. Basement D EARC429 56 56.5 BAS Very coarse grained sandstone. Poorly sorted angular fragments. Basement D EARC429 56.5 57 BAS Very coarse grained sandstone. Poorly sorted angular fragments. Basement D EARC429 57 57.5 BAS Very coarse grained sandstone. Poorly sorted angular fragments. Basement D EARC429 57.5 58 BAS Very coarse grained sandstone. Poorly sorted angular fragments. Basement D EARC429 58 58.5 BAS Very coarse grained sandstone. Poorly sorted angular fragments. Basement D EARC429 58.5 59 BAS Very coarse grained sandstone. Poorly sorted angular fragments. Basement D EARC429 59 59.5 BAS Very coarse grained sandstone. Poorly sorted angular fragments. Basement D EARC429 59.5 60 BAS Very coarse grained sandstone. Poorly sorted angular fragments. Basement D EARC430 0 0.5 GVL Gravel soil with laterite and basement fragments. Mn staining along fractures. D EARC430 0.5 1 GVL Gravel soil with laterite and basement fragments. Mn staining along fractures. D EARC430 1 1.5 GVL Gravel soil with laterite and basement fragments. Mn staining along fractures. D EARC430 1.5 2 GVL Gravel soil with laterite and basement fragments. Mn staining along fractures. D EARC430 2 2.5 GVL Gravel soil with laterite and basement fragments. Mn staining along fractures. D EARC430 2.5 3 LAT Laterite with trace Mn D EARC430 3 3.5 LAT Laterite with trace Mn D EARC430 3.5 4 LAT Laterite and basement fragments. Mn staining along fractures. D EARC430 4 4.5 LAT Laterite and basement fragments. Mn staining along fractures. D EARC430 4.5 5 CL Clay and silstsonte D EARC430 5 5.5 CL Clay and silstsonte D EARC430 5.5 6 CL Clay and silstsonte D EARC430 6 6.5 CL Clay and silstsonte D EARC430 6.5 7 CL Clay and silstsonte D EARC430 7 7.5 CL Clay and silstsonte D EARC430 7.5 8 CL SND Dark brown sandy clays with with clay interspersed D EARC430 8 8.5 CL SND Dark brown sandy clays with with clay interspersed D EARC430 8.5 9 CL SND Dark brown sandy clays with with clay interspersed D EARC430 9 9.5 CL SND Dark brown sandy clays with with clay interspersed D EARC430 9.5 10 CL SND Dark brown sandy clays with with clay interspersed D EARC430 10 10.5 CL SND Dark brown sandy clays with with clay interspersed D EARC430 10.5 11 CL SND Dark brown sandy clays with with clay interspersed D EARC430 11 11.5 CL SND Dark brown sandy clays with with clay interspersed D EARC430 11.5 12 CL SND Dark brown sandy clays with with clay interspersed D EARC430 12 12.5 CL SND Dark brown sandy clays with with clay interspersed D EARC430 12.5 13 CL SND Dark brown sandy clays with with clay interspersed D EARC430 13 13.5 SST Poorly sorted reworked sandstone with Fe altered matrix D EARC430 13.5 14 SST Poorly sorted reworked sandstone with Fe altered matrix D EARC430 14 14.5 SST Poorly sorted reworked sandstone with Fe altered matrix D EARC430 14.5 15 SST Poorly sorted reworked sandstone with Fe altered matrix D EARC430 15 15.5 CL Light grey to white clays D EARC430 15.5 16 CL Light grey to white clays D EARC430 16 16.5 CL Light grey to white clays D EARC430 16.5 17 CL Light grey to white clays D EARC430 17 17.5 CL Light grey to white clays D EARC430 17.5 18 CL Light grey to white clays D EARC430 18 18.5 CL Light grey to white clays D EARC430 18.5 19 CL Light grey to white clays D EARC430 19 19.5 CL Light grey to white clays D EARC430 19.5 20 CL Light grey to white clays D EARC430 20 20.5 SST Fining upwards sandstone. Well sorted angular in altered Fe matrix D EARC430 20.5 21 SST Fining upwards sandstone. Well sorted angular in altered Fe matrix D EARC430 21 21.5 SST Fining upwards sandstone. Well sorted angular in altered Fe matrix D EARC430 21.5 22 SST Fining upwards sandstone. Well sorted angular in altered Fe matrix D EARC430 22 22.5 SST Fining upwards sandstone. Well sorted angular in altered Fe matrix D EARC430 22.5 23 SST Fining upwards sandstone. Well sorted angular in altered Fe matrix D EARC430 23 23.5 SST Fining upwards sandstone. Well sorted angular in altered Fe matrix D EARC430 23.5 24 SST Fining upwards sandstone. Well sorted angular in altered Fe matrix D EARC430 24 24.5 SST Fining upwards sandstone. Well sorted angular in altered Fe matrix D EARC430 24.5 25 SST Fining upwards sandstone. Well sorted angular in altered Fe matrix D EARC430 25 25.5 SST Fining upwards sandstone. Well sorted angular in altered Fe matrix D EARC430 25.5 26 SST Fining upwards sandstone. Well sorted angular in altered Fe matrix D EARC430 26 26.5 SST Fining upwards sandstone. Well sorted angular in altered Fe matrix D EARC430 26.5 27 SST Fining upwards sandstone. Well sorted angular in altered Fe matrix D EARC430 27 27.5 SST Sandstone target horizon with trace Mn D EARC430 27.5 28 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. D EARC430 28 28.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. D EARC430 28.5 29 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. D EARC430 29 29.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. D EARC430 29.5 30 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. D EARC430 30 30.5 CL Light brown to dark brown clays. D EARC430 30.5 31 SST Altered reworked sandstone medium grained poorly sorted and angula in dark altered (Fe) matrix D EARC430 31 31.5 SST Altered reworked sandstone medium grained poorly sorted and angula in dark altered (Fe) matrix D EARC430 31.5 32 SST Altered reworked sandstone medium grained poorly sorted and angula in dark altered (Fe) matrix D EARC430 32 32.5 SST Altered reworked sandstone medium grained poorly sorted and angula in dark altered (Fe) matrix D EARC430 32.5 33 CL Orange to light brown clays D EARC430 33 33.5 CL Orange to light brown clays D EARC430 33.5 34 CL Orange to light brown clays D EARC430 34 34.5 CL Orange to light brown clays D EARC430 34.5 35 CL Orange to light brown clays D EARC430 35 35.5 CL Orange to light brown clays D EARC430 35.5 36 CL Orange to light brown clays D EARC430 36 36.5 CL Orange to light brown clays D EARC430 36.5 37 CL Orange to light brown clays D EARC430 37 37.5 CL Orange to light brown clays D EARC430 37.5 38 CL Orange to light brown clays D EARC430 38 38.5 CL Orange to light brown clays D EARC430 38.5 39 CL Orange to light brown clays D EARC431 0 0.5 GVL Basement and laterite fragments D EARC431 0.5 1 GVL Basement and laterite fragments D EARC431 1 1.5 GVL Basement and laterite fragments D EARC431 1.5 2 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 2 2.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 2.5 3 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 3 3.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 3.5 4 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 4 4.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 4.5 5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 5 5.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 5.5 6 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 6 6.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 6.5 7 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 7 7.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 7.5 8 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 8 8.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 8.5 9 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 9 9.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 9.5 10 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 10 10.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 10.5 11 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 11 11.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 11.5 12 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 12 12.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 12.5 13 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 13 13.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 13.5 14 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 14 14.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 14.5 15 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 15 15.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 15.5 16 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 16 16.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 16.5 17 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 17 17.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 17.5 18 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 18 18.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 18.5 19 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 19 19.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 19.5 20 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 20 20.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 20.5 21 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 21 21.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 21.5 22 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 22 22.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 22.5 23 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 23 23.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 23.5 24 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 24 24.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 24.5 25 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 25 25.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 25.5 26 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 26 26.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 26.5 27 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 27 27.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 27.5 28 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 28 28.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 28.5 29 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 29 29.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 29.5 30 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 30 30.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 30.5 31 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 31 31.5 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 31.5 32 CL Brown to light grey and dark grey clay D EARC431 32 32.5 SST Poorly sorted sandstone reworked with some minor Fe and Mn mineralisation D EARC431 32.5 33 SST Poorly sorted sandstone reworked with some minor Fe and Mn mineralisation D EARC431 33 33.5 SST Poorly sorted sandstone reworked with some minor Fe and Mn mineralisation D EARC431 33.5 34 CL Light grey to brown clays D EARC431 34 34.5 CL Light grey to brown clays D EARC431 34.5 35 CL Light grey to brown clays D EARC431 35 35.5 CL Light grey to brown clays D EARC431 35.5 36 CL Light grey to brown clays D EARC431 36 36.5 CL Light grey to brown clays D EARC431 36.5 37 CL Light grey to brown clays D EARC431 37 37.5 CL Light grey to brown clays D EARC431 37.5 38 CL Light grey to brown clays D EARC431 38 38.5 CL Light grey to brown clays D EARC431 38.5 39 CL Light grey to brown clays D EARC431 39 39.5 CL Light grey to brown clays D EARC431 39.5 40 CST Hard competent light brown claystone D EARC431 40 40.5 CST Hard competent light brown claystone D EARC431 40.5 41 SST "Coarsening upwards sandstone with Fe altered matrix. Poorly sorted, angular clasts" D EARC431 41 41.5 SST "Coarsening upwards sandstone with Fe altered matrix. Poorly sorted, angular clasts" D EARC431 41.5 42 SST "Coarsening upwards sandstone with Fe altered matrix. Poorly sorted, angular clasts" D EARC431 42 42.5 SST "Coarsening upwards sandstone with Fe altered matrix. Poorly sorted, angular clasts" D EARC431 42.5 43 SST "Coarsening upwards sandstone with Fe altered matrix. Poorly sorted, angular clasts" D EARC431 43 43.5 SST "Coarsening upwards sandstone with Fe altered matrix. Poorly sorted, angular clasts" D EARC431 43.5 44 SST "Coarsening upwards sandstone with Fe altered matrix. Poorly sorted, angular clasts" D EARC431 44 44.5 SST "Coarsening upwards sandstone with Fe altered matrix. Poorly sorted, angular clasts" D EARC431 44.5 45 SST "Coarsening upwards sandstone with Fe altered matrix. Poorly sorted, angular clasts" D EARC431 45 45.5 SST "Coarsening upwards sandstone with Fe altered matrix. Poorly sorted, angular clasts" D EARC431 45.5 46 SST "Coarsening upwards sandstone with Fe altered matrix. Poorly sorted, angular clasts" D EARC431 46 46.5 SST "Coarsening upwards sandstone with Fe altered matrix. Poorly sorted, angular clasts" D EARC431 46.5 47 CL White to light grey muds. D EARC431 47 47.5 CL White to light grey muds. D EARC431 47.5 48 CL White to light grey muds. D EARC431 48 48.5 CL White to light grey muds. D EARC431 48.5 49 CL White to light grey muds. D EARC431 49 49.5 CL White to light grey muds. D EARC431 49.5 50 CL White to light grey muds. D EARC431 50 50.5 CL White to light grey muds. D EARC431 50.5 51 CL White to light grey muds. D EARC432 0 0.5 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 0.5 1 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 1 1.5 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 1.5 2 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 2 2.5 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 2.5 3 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 3 3.5 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 3.5 4 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 4 4.5 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 4.5 5 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 5 5.5 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 5.5 6 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 6 6.5 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 6.5 7 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 7 7.5 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 7.5 8 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 8 8.5 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 8.5 9 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 9 9.5 GVL Gravel with laterite and geothitic claystone fragments with some minor mineralisation. Becoming sand and clay rich towards base D EARC432 9.5 10 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 10 10.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 10.5 11 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 11 11.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 11.5 12 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 12 12.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 12.5 13 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 13 13.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 13.5 14 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 14 14.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 14.5 15 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 15 15.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 15.5 16 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 16 16.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 16.5 17 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 17 17.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 17.5 18 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 18 18.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 18.5 19 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 19 19.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 19.5 20 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 20 20.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 20.5 21 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 21 21.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 21.5 22 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 22 22.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 22.5 23 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 23 23.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 23.5 24 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 24 24.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 24.5 25 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 25 25.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 25.5 26 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 26 26.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 26.5 27 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 27 27.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 27.5 28 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 28 28.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 28.5 29 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 29 29.5 CL Varying clays light grey to white-orange with some competent areas of geothitic claystone D EARC432 29.5 30 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC432 30 30.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC432 30.5 31 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in clay matrix D EARC432 31 31.5 CL SND Light to dark brown sandy clay D EARC432 31.5 32 CL SND Light to dark brown sandy clay D EARC432 32 32.5 CL SND Light to dark brown sandy clay D EARC432 32.5 33 CL SND Light to dark brown sandy clay D EARC432 33 33.5 CL SND Light to dark brown sandy clay D EARC432 33.5 34 CL SND Light to dark brown sandy clay D EARC432 34 34.5 CL SND Light to dark brown sandy clay D EARC432 34.5 35 CL SND Light to dark brown sandy clay D EARC432 35 35.5 CL SND Light to dark brown sandy clay D EARC432 35.5 36 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in altered clay matrix D EARC432 36 36.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in altered clay matrix D EARC432 36.5 37 CL Geothitic Clays D EARC432 37 37.5 CL Geothitic Clays D EARC432 37.5 38 CL Geothitic Clays D EARC432 38 38.5 CL Geothitic Clays D EARC432 38.5 39 CL Geothitic Clays D EARC432 39 39.5 CL Geothitic Clays D EARC432 39.5 40 CL Geothitic Clays D EARC432 40 40.5 SST MAN Mineralised Mn sandstone. Slightly altered. Target horizon D EARC432 40.5 41 SST MAN Mineralised Mn sandstone. Slightly altered. Target horizon D EARC432 41 41.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC432 41.5 42 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC432 42 42.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC432 42.5 43 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC432 43 43.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC432 43.5 44 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC432 44 44.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC432 44.5 45 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC432 45 45.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC432 45.5 46 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC432 46 46.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC432 46.5 47 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC432 47 47.5 SST Fine grained weathered sandstone in Fe clay matrix D EARC432 47.5 48 CL Fine grained siltstone bands in clay D EARC432 48 48.5 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 48.5 49 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 49 49.5 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 49.5 50 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 50 50.5 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 50.5 51 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 51 51.5 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 51.5 52 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 52 52.5 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 52.5 53 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 53 53.5 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 53.5 54 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 54 54.5 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 54.5 55 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 55 55.5 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 55.5 56 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 56 56.5 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays D EARC432 56.5 57 CL White clay grading into black anoxic clays