H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 29-Aug-13 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 07-Jun-13 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no MA366 H0101 Tenement_holder Mount Isa Mines Limited H0102 Project_name MA366 H0106 Tenement_operator McArthur River Mining Pty Ltd H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SE5303 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 6165 6164 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 08-Jun-12 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 07-Jun-13 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 292 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 29-Aug-13 H0300 Related_data_file H0301 Location_data_file MA366_2013_A_02_DrillCollars.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file MA366_2013_A_04_LithoLog.txt H0303 Assay_data_file H0304 Survey_data_file MA366_2013_A_03_Downhole_Survey.txt H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File H0307 Lithology_code_file MA366_2013_A_05_LithoCode.txt H0308 File verification List MA366_2013_A_11_VerifcationList.txt H0310 Water_data_file H0311 Water data incl in lithology file No H0313 Alteration_data_file MA366_2013_A_06_Alteration.txt H0314 Magsusc_data_file H0315 Vein_data_file MA366_2013_A_10_Veining.txt H0316 Recovery_data_file H0317 Weathering_data_file MA366_2013_A_08_Weathering.txt H0318 DHQAQC_data_file H0319 SURFQAQC_data_file H0320 Other event_data_file MA366_2013_A_07_Mineralogy.txt MA366_2013_A_09_Structure.txt H0400 Drill_code DDH H0401 Drill_contractor Gorey and Cole H0402 Description Diamond Drilling H0500 Feature_located Drillhole_collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_Location_Survey_Instrument Total Station H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company MRM Survey Department H0536 Downhole_Geophysical_Survey_Instrument H0537 Downhole_Geophysical_Survey_Company H0900 Remarks H1000 Hole_id Depth From Depth To Lith1_Code Lith1_pc Lith2_Code Lith2_pc Lith3_Code Lith3_pc Text1_code Text2_code GrS_Code Colour_Int Colour1 Colour2 Colour3 Comments H1001 NA metres metres NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA H1004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D CO_2012_01 0 3.55 NS D CO_2012_01 3.55 3.85 SS FRL UNC FG r y w Quaternary alluvium D CO_2012_01 3.85 5.47 SX100 LTD UNC VCG r or y 20cm core loss D CO_2012_01 5.47 5.67 CY LTD UNC CL cr D CO_2012_01 5.67 6.8 NS 1.13m core loss occurs anywhere back to 5.47m D CO_2012_01 6.8 7.3 SX100 LTD UNC VCG cr br pgy D CO_2012_01 7.3 7.8 HI B LTD FG r cr D CO_2012_01 7.8 13.47 SX100 M UNC COB r or cr D CO_2012_01 13.47 13.85 SS LTD FG or cr Puggy fault D CO_2012_01 13.85 14.77 SX100 M UNC VCG or cr Possibly weathered rock and not alluvial breccia D CO_2012_01 14.77 15.9 SS LTD FG or cr Goethitic joint contact D CO_2012_01 15.9 18.9 SX100 M UNC COB or cr D CO_2012_01 18.9 20.28 SS LTD FG or cr Possibly faulted at base D CO_2012_01 20.28 21.82 SX100 M UNC COB or gy Faulted contact at base. 30 degrees FCA. Goethite infill. D CO_2012_01 21.82 24.95 SX100 M COB or Goethite joint infill D CO_2012_01 24.95 25.5 D M LTD FG or pgy 2 main faults. First is contact with unit above, 80 degrees FCA. Second is 20 degrees FCA. D CO_2012_01 25.5 26.03 D M LTD FG dgy Dominant veins 60 degrees VCA D CO_2012_01 26.03 28.8 D M LTD FG cr or Veins have white halos D CO_2012_01 28.8 30.35 D UNC LTD FG gy pgy or 15cm pug fault at top. 5cm pug fault at base. Fault breccia in between. D CO_2012_01 30.35 31.8 D M LTD FG or gy Minor faults, 2mm pug infill, FCA ranging from 50 to 85 degrees. Veins vuggy. D CO_2012_01 31.8 33.35 D M LTD FG bl or gy 2cm thick fractured area, possibly a fault. May not be goethite for Regolith Overprint. D CO_2012_01 33.35 35 D M FG dgy bl or Haematite weathering on joints, varying vein angles D CO_2012_01 35 35.2 D BX FG or gy dgy D CO_2012_01 35.2 35.4 D M FG dgy cr VCA is 25 degrees. D CO_2012_01 35.4 35.47 XT UNC or dgy Pug fault D CO_2012_01 35.47 36.07 D M FG dgy or D CO_2012_01 36.07 36.23 XT UNC gy or FCA is 40 degrees. Selvedge alteration on footwall. D CO_2012_01 36.23 37.2 D BX FG dgy gy 30cm fracture brecciation zone at base D CO_2012_01 37.2 37.8 D UNC FG dgy gy or D CO_2012_01 37.8 40 D BX FG dgy or Haematite weathering on joints. Dominant joint angle is 65 degrees to core axis D CO_2012_01 40 40.37 XT UNC gy br FCA is 45 degrees D CO_2012_01 40.37 40.68 D BX MOT VCG gy dgy or Appears to be shatter brecciated dolomite. Minor faults. D CO_2012_01 40.68 40.78 SS B FG r cr pk Masterton Sandstone? D CO_2012_01 40.78 41 SS B FG or gy cr Haematite weathering on joints. D CO_2012_01 41 41.35 DSH BX FG gy or May be dolomite, not dolomitic shale. Haematite weathering on joints. D CO_2012_01 41.35 41.57 XT UNC gy or D CO_2012_01 41.57 45.73 D M FG cr or Oxidised joints D CO_2012_01 45.73 47.19 DSH M FG dgy or May be dolomite, not dolomitic shale. 2 fault zones, 5cm each, both with minor pug. D CO_2012_01 47.19 47.33 D BX FG or cr Haematite weathering on joints. FCA is 65 degrees, puggy contact. D CO_2012_01 47.33 48.2 DSH M FG dgy or May be dolomite. Haematite weathering on joints. Pug fault contact at base. D CO_2012_01 48.2 48.72 ALG L FG or cr Ed says they look "cool". D CO_2012_01 48.72 49 DSH M FG dgy or cr Grades towards saprolite. Selvedge bleaching alteration around veins. D CO_2012_01 49 50 D M FG or cr r D CO_2012_01 50 50.65 D UNC FG or y cr Entire interval is a fault zone with 15cm pug and 25cm core loss. D CO_2012_01 50.65 52 D M FG or cr r 3cm fault D CO_2012_01 52 52.06 XT UNC or Fault contact is at 52m and fault may continue as far as 52.54m. FCA is 40 degrees. D CO_2012_01 52.06 52.54 NS D CO_2012_01 52.54 53.42 D B BX FG or cr r Minor fault. Has a texture that could be algal mats. D CO_2012_01 53.42 53.63 D UNC FG or cr 8cm fault at top of interval and 3cm fault at base. D CO_2012_01 53.63 54.23 ALG SS LYD GOS FG or cr relativly planar algal mats/sand stone, haematite joint weathering D CO_2012_01 54.23 54.6 XT SS BX MG or cr FCA: 68; not much pug, but brecciated; 10cm core loss D CO_2012_01 54.6 55.8 ALG SS B GOS FG or cr Haematite joint infill; some joints || to bedding; microfolds = stromatalite/oncolites D CO_2012_01 55.8 56.25 XT SS BX FG or cr faulted/highly fractured area D CO_2012_01 56.25 57 ALG SS B GOS FG or cr D CO_2012_01 57 57.07 XT SS BX UNC FG or cr FCA: 65 pug contacts D CO_2012_01 57.07 57.18 SL M SLT or cr pk track bleaching penetration from fault (~100mm) with directional bleached 'selvedge" at 39 to core; gradational drop in bleaching to next unit D CO_2012_01 57.18 57.6 SL M SLT dgy gy hollow vugs D CO_2012_01 57.6 60.5 ALG SS B BX FG or cr 30 degree bedding (where applicable) many algal "heads", two main fault zones || at FCA~65; haematite and goethite infil of joins D CO_2012_01 60.5 61.9 XT ALG BX UNC FG or cr massive area of broken rock; haematite joint infil, where solid stromatalitic heads canbe seen D CO_2012_01 61.9 62.02 ALG SS B FG or cr haem/goethite joint infil D CO_2012_01 62.02 63.2 ALG SS B BX FG or cr haematite infill D CO_2012_01 63.2 63.41 SL SH B SLT dgy gy darker, finer area, not bleached? D CO_2012_01 63.41 64.54 ALG SS B BX FG or cr gy Clasts of un-altered silt/shale; fault 30mm FCA~60 D CO_2012_01 64.54 65 XT ALG BX FG or cr highly fractured area D CO_2012_01 65 66.06 SL B BX SLT dgy or large fractured section, not bleached, some pug, haematite filled joints D CO_2012_01 66.06 66.21 SL B SLT mottled cr gy gradational change; faulted bottom contact D CO_2012_01 66.21 66.3 XT SL UNC SLT or D CO_2012_01 66.3 66.78 ALG SS B FG or cr D CO_2012_01 66.78 66.85 XT SS UNC FG or cr rough fault boundary ~55 FCA D CO_2012_01 66.85 68.03 ALG SS B BX FG cr or dominant algal matt structures; haematite joint infill D CO_2012_01 68.03 68.2 XT SS UNC FG or ~10cm core loss; thickish pug D CO_2012_01 68.2 68.8 ALG SS B FG cr or haematite joint infil; thin fault contained D CO_2012_01 68.8 70.56 XT SS UNC BX FG cr or 22cm CL; massive broken area, large zone of puggy stuff within, broken clasts of algal matts contained, so similar lith D CO_2012_01 70.56 70.9 ALG SS B BX FG cr or minor fault area; highly fractured D CO_2012_01 70.9 71.96 XT ALG UNC BX FG or cr another massive faulted zone FCA: 34 or 30 (opposite directions) remnant algal mats D CO_2012_01 71.96 72.38 ALG SS B BX FG cr or horrible area, relativly fractured, splitting each big fault zone? D CO_2012_01 72.38 74.75 XT ALG UNC BX FG or possible FCA ~45 at base; `30cm of CL; Just horrible rock D CO_2012_01 74.75 75 ALG SS B BX FG cr or goethite joint infill; little bit of 'competant rock' amongst it all... D CO_2012_01 75 81.8 XT SS UNC BX FG or cr 2.55m CL; pug, broken stuff, some elements of Algal mat looking stuff; Horrible again D CO_2012_01 81.8 85.34 SS B UNC FG or cr BCA possibly small FCA; CL 1.03m; generally together but some other areas of unconsolidated or really weathered rock D CO_2012_01 85.34 85.81 ALG SS B FG cr or minor fault zone; haem/goethite joint infill D CO_2012_01 85.81 89.46 SS XT BX UNC FG or 2.5m CL; Broken, Horrible a little bit of pug D CO_2012_01 89.46 89.86 SS ALG B FG cr or small section of actual rock D CO_2012_01 89.86 91.1 NS CL D CO_2012_01 91.1 91.3 XT SS UNC BX FG or decent fault zone D CO_2012_01 91.3 92.42 SS XT B UNC FG cr or a number of 5cm faults with 10cm of intact rock between FCA ~40 D CO_2012_01 92.42 92.77 NS D CO_2012_01 92.77 92.95 QT M dgy gy fluid injection of hard, clear quartz, hardening the who area D CO_2012_01 92.95 93.3 SS XT UNC FG or unconsolidated, faulted top of next unit D CO_2012_01 93.3 97.08 SX100 XT BX UNC COB or gy hinman calls it a milled breccia in a fault zone D CO_2012_01 97.08 99.13 SS UNC FG or cr gy includes 1.82m CL; bottom of last unit; weathered/non-weathered contact D CO_2012_01 99.13 99.2 SS M Talc boundary layer D CO_2012_01 99.2 102 SX100 CL D M BOU pgy pretty massive clasts of dolomite D CO_2012_01 102 102.6 SX100 MX COB gy pgy dgy Strong dark matrix D CO_2012_01 102.6 103.8 SX100 LPK BOU gy less dark matrix D CO_2012_01 103.8 104.1 SX100 MX COB dgy gy flow structures of the matrix D CO_2012_01 104.1 104.4 SH D B SLT dgy some remenant clasts from the breccia above (grades into it) D CO_2012_01 104.4 104.54 SH XT UNC B CL dgy FCA: 34 D CO_2012_01 104.54 104.82 SX100 M BOU gy pgy more shale at the base D CO_2012_01 104.82 105.2 SL B SLT dgy gy quite heavily, resealed microfaults, resealed; veining from that D CO_2012_01 105.2 105.84 SS NS UNC FG or highly oxidised area with 95% of the sample washed away (bottom of drill run) D CO_2012_01 105.84 109.8 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy poor joint infill; undiff sulph possibly sphal D CO_2012_01 109.8 110.15 SX100 LPK COB pgy gy jointed contact, increased mineralised veins D CO_2012_01 110.15 110.61 SX100 LPK BOU gy pgy drop in vein pervasiveness D CO_2012_01 110.61 111 SX100 MX COB dgy gy JCA 30, joint contact to next shatter breccia D CO_2012_01 111 111.1 SX100 BX COB dgy gy shatter network onto fault D CO_2012_01 111.1 111.42 SS UNC BX MG gy pgy FCA: 65 top 75 base; CL 19cm D CO_2012_01 111.42 112.03 SX100 LPK COB gy dgy gybn contact faults top and bottom; sulphides in major patches/branched veins D CO_2012_01 112.03 113 XT UNC BX FG gy FCA: 55 and beta: 205; 70cm core loss D CO_2012_01 113 114.55 SX100 LPK BOU gy pgy Fault: a: 15 b: 270, minor infill, veins relativly dense around this and another resealed fault, not the major one above D CO_2012_01 114.55 115 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy most veins stemming from minor sealed fault (a: 30; b: 45) D CO_2012_01 115 116.1 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy Fault with veins leading from it (a:45 b:320) coarse Galena, heaps of veining D CO_2012_01 116.1 116.33 SX100 LPK BOU pgy Fault (a:60); no ORI but slicken sides 40 degrees from bottom of fault ellipse D CO_2012_01 116.33 116.7 SX100 LPK BOU gy dgy pgy pretty dense area of veins with galena etc D CO_2012_01 116.7 117.26 SX100 BOU gy dgy pgy talc clasts; higly fractured area followed by 54cm of CL D CO_2012_01 117.26 117.8 NS CL D CO_2012_01 117.8 118.19 SX100 BOU gy mainly Talc clasts D CO_2012_01 118.19 120.1 SX100 LPK BOU gy pgy fault (a: 70, b: 030); planar veins/joints (a: 60, b:255) D CO_2012_01 120.1 121.8 SX100 MX BOU gy dgy blebs of mineralisation, and dissemenated in the matrix D CO_2012_01 121.8 122 SX100 COB gy dgy joint/fault (a: 28, b: 270) 2mm hardened infill D CO_2012_01 122 123.77 SX100 BOU gy pgy regular branched veins; some filled with clastst as well, no planar ones for measurments D CO_2012_01 123.77 123.89 SX100 BX COB gy pgy sealed fault (a: 35, b: 90), fractured with sulphides rimming clasts as well as veins D CO_2012_01 123.89 126.43 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy minor joints, minor mineralisation; SNOW D CO_2012_01 126.43 126.51 SX100 COB pgy cr gy thick carbonate fault vein, not overly mineralised (a: 45, b: 085); SNOW D CO_2012_01 126.51 128 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy generally barren zone with a few pyritic veins D CO_2012_01 128 128.3 SX100 MX COB dgy gy pgy matrix and larger area's pyrite dominant D CO_2012_01 128.3 129.17 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy joint (a: 35, b: 075)minor pyrite joint infil; D CO_2012_01 129.17 129.23 SX100 COB gy fractured area (a: 26 b: 140) D CO_2012_01 129.23 131.14 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy Fault (a:35 b: 275) D CO_2012_01 131.14 132.6 SX100 LPK BOU gy pgy fault FW contact (a: 50, b: 055) 2 other main joints with similar orientation; large swaths of pyrite through the section D CO_2012_01 132.6 133.85 SX100 LPK BOU gy pgy decreasy in patchy py from above fault/joint (a: 50, b: 055); large fault below D CO_2012_01 133.85 133.92 XT UNC FG gy Fault puggy (a: 45, b:345) D CO_2012_01 133.92 135.59 SX100 LPK BX COB gy highly fractured area, leading into fault; SNOW D CO_2012_01 135.59 136 SX100 COB gy FBC ~40 highly fractured, not much pug D CO_2012_01 136 136.42 SX100 LPK COB gy dgy Faults (a:55, b: 280); SNOW D CO_2012_01 136.42 138.09 SX100 BOU gy pgy D CO_2012_01 138.09 139 SX100 LPK BOU pgy Planar vein (a:48 b:320); large sedimentary clasts D CO_2012_01 139 139.1 SH BX FG dgy Fault (a: 48, b: 260) D CO_2012_01 139.1 147.16 SX100 BX BOU pgy gy joint infill with SNOW (a: 60, b: 190) generally this orrientation D CO_2012_01 147.16 147.42 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy two faults with similar orientation, not much pug/fill (a:55, b: 340) D CO_2012_01 147.42 149.1 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy large thick veins filled with clasts and sulphides. D CO_2012_01 149.1 152.62 SX100 LPK BOU pgy cr JCA 75 D CO_2012_01 152.62 152.76 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy 3 weird 10-5mm bands of medium grained sand BCA 78 D CO_2012_01 152.76 155.4 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy cleaved, regular fracture/breaks alpha: 40 D CO_2012_01 155.4 155.48 XT UNC BX MG gy FCA: 43 D CO_2012_01 155.48 158.35 SX100 LPK M BOU gy pgy FCA: 74 with pug ~5mm D CO_2012_01 158.35 158.5 SX100 UNC COB gy Fault Footwall a: 50, b: 010 D CO_2012_01 158.5 163.1 SX100 LPK M BOU gy pgy poorly mineralised zone D CO_2012_01 163.1 163.4 SX100 LPK M BOU gy pgy joint (a: 46 b: 020); fault (a: 50, b: 010); fault with more brecciation ~3cm thick D CO_2012_01 163.4 166.3 SX100 LPK M BOU gy pgy more heavily veined at top, but pretty consistant, no prefered direction D CO_2012_01 166.3 166.3 joint contact to less mineralised area a: 58, b:300 D CO_2012_01 166.3 167.08 SL D CL M SLT pgy possibly single clast in breccia, fault bound D CO_2012_01 167.08 167.08 a: 44 b: 010 D CO_2012_01 167.08 172.65 SX100 LPK M pgy gy consistant sulphide rich veining; no major structures, minor microfaults, rare joints; SNOW IN JOINTS IN THIS AREA D CO_2012_01 172.65 172.94 CL M SLT pgy generally competant clast D CO_2012_01 172.94 178.06 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy normal large dolomitic silstone breccia; joints between 10 and 80 JCA, D CO_2012_01 178.06 178.065 XT BX UNC FG gy a: 58, b: 095 D CO_2012_01 178.065 180.62 SX100 LPK M BOU pgy gy division with a drop of veining, SNOW around joints D CO_2012_01 180.62 184.3 SX100 LPK BOU pgy varying joint angles D CO_2012_01 184.3 184.35 MG dgy puggy fault with central clast D CO_2012_01 184.35 186.8 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy D CO_2012_01 186.8 186.97 SS XT BX UNC MG gy generally uncosolidated fault FW (a: 58, b: 000) D CO_2012_01 186.97 189.02 SX100 M BOU pgy gy planar veins (35, 180 and 35, 000) D CO_2012_01 189.02 189.14 SX100 LPK BOU pgy naumber of sub-|| joints with sulphide infill (a: 58 b: 300 and a: 15 b: 350) D CO_2012_01 189.14 189.9 SX100 LPK BOU pgy generally well veined zone up to 3mm thick veins, D CO_2012_01 189.9 192.48 SX100 LPK M BOU pgy gy generally barren zone D CO_2012_01 192.48 193.1 SX100 LPK BOU pgy 1cm fracture zone at HW 50 degrees to core D CO_2012_01 193.1 193.41 SX100 LPK BOU pgy poorly mineralised section D CO_2012_01 193.41 194.02 SX100 BX LPK BOU pgy D CO_2012_01 194.02 194.03 SX100 BX LPK VCG gy pgy fault/fracture zone (a: 42 b: 350) D CO_2012_01 194.03 197.29 SX100 BX LPK BOU gy minor area of stockworked veins, generally well mineralised veins D CO_2012_01 197.29 198.03 SX100 BX BOU gy pgy two major two minor faults major faults ~65FCA; FW contact JN (a: 45 b: 000); hard rock well ineralised D CO_2012_01 198.03 199.29 SX100 LPK BOU gy pgy joint (a: 50, b: 308) D CO_2012_01 199.29 200.55 SX100 MX COB gybn gy pgy joint (a: 40, b: 020); Big increase in sulphides, generally in matrix (havent seen this for a while) D CO_2012_01 200.55 200.55 XT fault/joint contact (a: 45, b:050) D CO_2012_01 200.55 201.06 SX100 LPK BX BOU pgy generally poorly mineralised D CO_2012_01 201.06 201.06 XT fault/joint (a: 45, b: 270) D CO_2012_01 201.06 201.47 SX100 LPK pgy gy planar vein (a:35, b: 010) vein around 4mm thick D CO_2012_01 201.47 201.56 XT SX100 BX UNC COB pgy unconsolidated fault zone, on on each side of 8cm section both || (a: 65, b: 315) D CO_2012_01 201.56 202.33 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy D CO_2012_01 202.33 202.47 SX100 BX COB gy fractured area, prefered orientation is a:55 b: 220 D CO_2012_01 202.47 202.9 SX100 LPK BOU gy pgy very minor mineralisation! D CO_2012_01 202.9 203.08 SX100 CL LPK BX BOU gy dgy pgy resealed fault sub || to core axis beta ~150, offset of 40mm, clast pretty broken pre deposition D CO_2012_01 203.08 205.61 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy hard contact below where sulphides dont penetrate well D CO_2012_01 205.61 205.92 SX100 CL COB PGY pk possibly single clast of silicified breccia in a breccia D CO_2012_01 205.92 206.78 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy D CO_2012_01 206.78 207.55 SX100 BX LPK BOU gy dgy pgy fault contact; shatter network of veins through single clast? But well mineralised D CO_2012_01 207.55 207.57 XT gy fault zone; oxidised pyrite stain; angle a: 66 b: 320 D CO_2012_01 207.57 208.93 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy relativly poorly mineralised D CO_2012_01 208.93 209.31 SX100 COB pgy gybn well mineralised zone D CO_2012_01 209.31 210.87 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy very poorly mineralised area D CO_2012_01 210.87 211 SX100 COB pgy veins generally <6mm with sulphides rimming that contact D CO_2012_01 211 211.13 SX100 COB pgy gy poorly mineralised zone D CO_2012_01 211.13 211.7 SX100 LPK COB pgy gy D CO_2012_01 211.7 212.23 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy fractured FW contact D CO_2012_01 212.23 212.53 SX100 BX LPK COB gybn gy pgy fractured area with a fair bit of iron oxidation (high py); HW contact (s: 50, b: 000) D CO_2012_01 212.53 214.37 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy generally pretty competant veins pyrite rich D CO_2012_01 214.37 214.6 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gybn breccia with sulphides basically diseminated in veins which is most of the mattrix D CO_2012_01 214.6 214.86 SX100 LPK BOU pgy big drop in sulphides and grading less downhole D CO_2012_01 214.86 216.87 SX100 gybn pgy contact a: 57 b: ~030; veins penetrate down hole on this contact, not uphole D CO_2012_01 216.87 220 SX100 LPK BX BOU pgy gy shatter network possibly single clast limited D CO_2012_01 220 220.06 XT dgy odd... Folded joint/fault with mica infill generally quite fissile D CO_2012_01 220.06 222.66 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy veins possibly much thick incorperating much of the smaller clasts, not overly mineralised D CO_2012_01 222.66 222.67 XT FG gy FCA 75 D CO_2012_01 222.67 223.72 SX100 BOU pgy gy dominant clasts are a bleached silt? D CO_2012_01 223.72 224.27 CL BX pgy gr siltstone/breccia in breccia D CO_2012_01 224.27 226.1 SX100 BOU pgy gr veins mainly in single clasts D CO_2012_01 226.1 226.1 XT fault joint a: 45 b: 170 D CO_2012_01 226.1 227.85 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy D CO_2012_01 227.85 227.86 XT UNC FG dgy 2 main faults divided by around 3cm solid rock (a: 35 b: 190) D CO_2012_01 227.86 228.48 SX100 LPK COB gy joint a: 60, b:230; clasts getting relativly finer D CO_2012_01 228.48 228.56 XT UNC FG dgy couple of close faults, with pug, a: 45 b: 330 D CO_2012_01 228.56 228.9 SX100 LPK COB gy pgy faulted contact at FW a: 65, b: 250 D CO_2012_01 228.9 229 SH C CL dgy cr fault top and bottom FW a: 82, b: 100 D CO_2012_01 229 234.19 SX100 LPK BOU pgy D CO_2012_01 234.19 234.19 XT fault 30/260; not smooth but some pug D CO_2012_01 234.19 237.77 SX100 LPK BOU pgy generally barren unit D CO_2012_01 237.77 237.77 XT UNC a: 25, b:110, generally barren D CO_2012_01 237.77 239.45 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy cr joints (a: 57, b: 030) D CO_2012_01 239.45 241 SX100 LPK BOU pgy gy veins worm sub|| to core D CO_2012_01 241 241.17 SX100 LPK BX COB pgy fractured area D CO_2012_01 241.17 242.2 SX100 LPK BOU pgy D CO_2012_01 242.2 242.32 SX100 LPK BX COB pgy gy faults a: 55, b: 290 D CO_2012_01 242.32 257.9 SX100 M BOU pgy gy minor joints (a: 48, b: 240); very very minor mineralisation D CO_2012_01 257.9 258.72 SX100 M BOU pgy gy gybn 3 faults evenly spaced, iron staining HW (a: 68, b: ~350); FCA: 85 and 68 D CO_2012_01 258.72 262.64 SX100 M BOU pgy fault (a: 68, b: 340) D CO_2012_01 262.64 264.5 CL SX100 SS BX BOU br pgy gybn single sourced clast that has progressivly been broken and brecciated D CO_2012_01 264.5 272.68 SX100 M BOU pgy gy regular joints at a: 75, b: 055; very little mineralisaation D CO_2012_01 272.68 272.94 CL M BOU br cr highly veined single clast D CO_2012_01 272.94 274.6 SX100 M LPK BOU pgy gy barren D CO_2012_01 274.6 275.88 SX100 M LPK BOU pgy gy minor mineralisation D CO_2012_01 275.88 278.72 SX100 M LPK BOU gy pgy br minor joints (a:80, b: 265); barely any mineralisation D CO_2012_01 278.72 285.33 SX100 M BX BOU pgy br gybn major single clast which has been brecciated and veined sedimentary and bedded D CO_2012_01 285.33 288.57 SX100 M BOU pgy cr Fault (a: 51, b: 080); very minor veining; selvedge on clast veins D CO_2012_01 288.57 290.56 SX100 MX BOU gy cr Possibly the "second breccia" contact a: 70; mineralisation very minor veins, one || to core; greater clast variation D CO_2012_01 290.56 295.18 SX100 MX BOU gy regular joints (a: 70, b: 220), no mineralisation D CO_2012_01 295.18 298.9 SX100 MX BOU gy br cr D CO_2012_01 298.9 301.23 SX100 BOU br gy cr one major clast lithology of a laminated br,cr,gy silt/sandston D CO_2012_01 301.23 301.65 SX100 COB gy cr br generally barren veins D CO_2012_01 301.65 301.66 gy fault (a: 54 b: 140); snow on the fault D CO_2012_01 301.66 305.2 SX100 BOU gy fault (a: 35, b: 350) fairly well mineralised D CO_2012_01 305.2 306.37 SX100 LPK BOU gy cr planar mineralised vein (a: 55, b: 310); genrarally poorly mineralised D CO_2012_01 306.37 307.14 SX100 LPK BOU gy pgy fractures/joints || to core; vein (a: 56, b: 275) D CO_2012_01 307.14 311.48 SX100 LPK COB gy joint (a: 28, b: 115) Py infill D CO_2012_01 311.48 314.05 SX100 LPK BOU pgy cr gybn Poorly mineralised, bleached breccia possibly, vein contact above D CO_2012_01 314.05 317.39 SX100 LPK COB pgy cr gy ambiguous FW boundary with drop in sulphides D CO_2012_01 317.39 318.54 SX100 LPK BOU gy pgy poor mineralised zone, jointed contact D CO_2012_01 318.54 319.85 SX100 LPK COB pgy cr gy fault FW contact; joints (a: 55 b:030) D CO_2012_01 319.85 321.02 SX100 BOU pgy fault HW contact (a: 57, b: 070); poorly mineralised D CO_2012_01 321.02 321.15 SX100 COB gy fault (a: 55, b: 355); fracture area D CO_2012_01 321.15 321.88 SX100 BOU pgy minor fracturing D CO_2012_01 321.88 322.16 SX100 BX COB gy br pgy faulted area, fractured rock, Alpha around 45 D CO_2012_01 322.16 325.9 SX100 BX LPK BOU pgy cr gy fault bound top and bottom; joints and fractures ~a45. generally fractured through whole section, 3mm 'blobs' of py present D CO_2012_01 325.9 326 gy fractured and faulted area D CO_2012_01 326 328 SX100 BX BOU gy cr pgy poorly mineralised; 5mm 'blobs' of mineralisation in one section D CO_2012_01 328 328.49 SS UNC FG gy pgy fault (a: 45, b: 270); pug top 5cm; then disipates to the footwall D CO_2012_01 328.49 328.94 SS B BX FG pgy cr resealed fractures, tectonic breccia possibly D CO_2012_01 328.94 329.34 SX100 M BX COB gy pgy br breccia area leading to anothe fault D CO_2012_01 329.34 329.44 SS BX UNC FG gy pgy not much pug D CO_2012_01 329.44 329.54 SX100 BX M BOU cr pgy broken section between two faults D CO_2012_01 329.54 329.61 UNC CL gy nice and puggy; alpha varying on (FW ~55) branched off secion of pug too D CO_2012_01 329.61 329.78 SX100 M BOU cr fault top and bottom D CO_2012_01 329.78 329.98 UNC FG gy HW a:65 FW a: 85; large fault/fissile area D CO_2012_01 329.98 330.71 SX100 M COB pgy cr gy joints a:62 D CO_2012_01 330.71 330.98 UNC BX FG gy fw a ~45 D CO_2012_01 330.98 331.54 SX100 M B BOU gy cr br mainly breccia, minor interbedded sand; fault bounded D CO_2012_01 331.54 331.59 UNC CL gy FW a: 45 D CO_2012_01 331.59 331.78 SL B SLT pgy cr grades into the breccia at base D CO_2012_01 331.78 331.8 SX100 MX COB pgy gy dropstones at the base of above unit?; faulted contacts D CO_2012_01 331.8 332.15 SS UNC BX FG gy breccia clasts within; FW a: 40 D CO_2012_01 332.15 332.3 SX100 M BOU gy pgy D CO_2012_01 332.3 332.5 SS UNC B VFG gy contacts ~35 degrees D CO_2012_01 332.5 333.5 SX100 M COB gy r pgy pretty fractured area; D CO_2012_01 333.5 334.44 SS B UNC FG gy a number of faults/fissile areas along one length with areas of competant but fractured core D CO_2012_01 334.44 334.74 SX100 M VCG gy r cr fracture zone with hard breccia edges D CO_2012_01 334.74 335.19 SL BX UNC VFG gy pgy joints || bedding D CO_2012_01 335.19 335.32 SS UNC VFG gy very fissile area with pug D CO_2012_01 335.32 335.74 SL L SLT gy r cr slump folds at the base D CO_2012_01 335.74 336.5 SS B VCG gy cr r possibly minor styolites? D CO_2012_01 336.5 336.63 SL B SLT cr gy joint 45 D CO_2012_01 336.63 336.86 SS B VCG gy D CO_2012_01 336.86 337.44 SL B SLT cr gy pretty massive silt, beds up to 30cm D CO_2012_01 337.44 337.55 CN M COB cr gy dgy uneven bed; clasts have a cream rim with grey centre D CO_2012_01 337.55 337.65 SS GB MG gy 3 beds 2 ~3mm one larger around 6cm D CO_2012_01 337.65 337.74 SL B SLT cr gy D CO_2012_01 337.74 337.77 SS RB FG cr dgy doublet from black shale D CO_2012_01 337.77 338.03 SL B RB SLT gy cr 3 reverse graded beds (from shale) at base (going by colour D CO_2012_01 338.03 338.05 UNC CL gy FCA: 65 D CO_2012_01 338.05 338.21 CN B COB gy cr dgy minor interbedded siltstone + in the matrix D CO_2012_01 338.21 338.4 SL B UNC SLT dgy D CO_2012_01 338.4 339.43 SL B SLT cr gy dgy smooth undulating joints; minor interbed of conglomerate D CO_2012_01 339.43 340 SS B CG gy BCA varying from 15-40 degees