H0002 Version 4 H0003 Date_generated 03-Feb-19 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 27-Oct-17 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combind_report_no EL28521 H0101 Tenement_holder Australian Minera Resources Pty Ltd H0102 Project_name EL28521 AMR Barrow Creek H0106 Tenement_operator Australian Minera Resources H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SF5306 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5755 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 28-Oct-16 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 27-Oct-17 H0202 Data_format DL4 H0203 Number_of_data_records 56 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 03-Feb-19 H0300 Related_data_file H0301 Location_data_file AMRBC_NTSL4_COLL2017A.txt H0302 Lithology_data_file AMRBC_NTDL4_GEO2017A.txt H0303 Assay_data_file AMRBC_NTDG4_ASS2017A.txt AMRBC_NTDG4_ASS2017A_1.txt H0304 Survey_data_file AMRBC_NTDS4_SURV2017A.txt AMRBC_NTDS4_SURV2017A_1.txt H0305 SurfGeochem_Data_File H0307 Lithology_code_file H0308 File verification List AMRBC_Verification_List_2017.txt H0310 Water_data_file H0311 Water data incl in lithology file No H0313 Alteration_data_file H0314 Magsusc_data_file H0315 Vein_data_file H0316 Recovery_data_file H0317 Weathering_data_file H0318 DHQAQC_data_file AMRBC_NTQG4_DQAQC2017A_1.txt H0319 SURFQAQC_data_file H0320 Other event_data_file AMRBC_NTDL4_GEOT2017A.txt H0400 Drill_code BCD17 H0401 Drill_contractor GMP Exploration Drilling H0402 Description Diamond Drilling H0500 Feature_located Drillhole_collar H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum AHD H0503 Projection Map Grid of Australia (MGA) H0508 Local Grid Name H0530 Coordinate_system Projected H0531 Projection_zone 53 H0532 Surface_Location_Survey_Instrument Topcon HiPerGa GNSS+ H0533 Surface_Location_Survey_Company Eupene Exploration Enterprises Pty Ltd H0536 Downhole_Geophysical_Survey_Instrument H0537 Downhole_Geophysical_Survey_Company H0900 Remarks HoleCodes not finalised H1000 Hole_id Depth From Depth To Interval Subint_Frm Subint_To At_Depth Subint_comment Lithology Regolith Alteration Colour Description H1001 NA metres metres metres metres metres NA NA NA NA NA NA NA H1004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D BCD17_001 0 6 6 0 6 Open hole: FAS TO R fine red aeolian sand D BCD17_001 6 7.2 6 35.3 HQ: 8 Trays: CS rubble of coarse quartz- feldspar sand with rounded pebbles of vein quartz D BCD17_001 18.3 19.5 Coarse clayey sand with grit and pebble bands D BCD17_001 21 22.3 Another cycle fine to coarse D BCD17_001 33.2 33.9 Coarse sand with rounded quartz and pisolite pebbles D BCD17_001 42 57 35.3 84 Open hole with samples every 3m from 42m Med- coarse sand; quartz and ironstone in cream- yellow clay matrix; most grains rounded ; some sub- angular. D BCD17_001 57 69 Med- coarse quartz (dominant) sand in pale and orange clay matrix(matrix more dominant than above and below). Still in RIVER SEDIMENTS. D BCD17_001 80 84 Chlorite schist fragments with decreasing contamination with river sand. D BCD17_001 84.4 87.4 @84.4 Start NQ2 Weathered khaki ?chlorite schist cut by pre- metamorphic massive quartz veins up to >30cm thick. <50% recovery. Quartz veins contain planar phyllosilicate inclusions D BCD17_001 120.95 122.4 Banded quartzite D BCD17_001 122.4 122.61 Very broken rubble of chlorite schist D BCD17_001 122.61 122.9 Banded quartzite D BCD17_001 133.8 135.6 Very broken rubble of banded chlorite schist. Occasional hairline quartz/ manganese/sulfide parallel to banding. D BCD17_001 135.6 139.3 135.6 135.95 Quartz vein with cavities containing secondary light brown mineral (not calcite):photo Silicified siltstone; black chloritic joint/ fracture selvages on many broken pieces. There are several other massive quartz veins in the interval with scales varying from mm to cm D BCD17_001 143.4 144.4 Indistinctly banded biotite feldspar (quartz) schist or microgneiss; lower compositional quartz and quartz veining. Chlorite selvages possibly with very fine peacock- hued plates of ?sulfides in minute amounts. END OF HOLE D BCD17_002 0 4 Red aeolian sand D BCD17_002 4 12 0 12 open hole Red -brown med to coarse angular to sub- rounded quartz sand with fine pisolitic iron particles. Probable overbank river sediments or decomposed bedrock. D BCD17_002 21 25 Decomposed gneiss but with phyllosilicaes and probably some feldspar preserved but alternating pale and maroon patches throughout. D BCD17_003 0 4 0 119 Open hole Red aeolian sand and dust. D BCD17_003 4 9 Clayey coarse quartz sand- decomposed granite gneiss- contaminated with surface sand D BCD17_003 9 24 Decomposed granitic gneiss- clayey coarse sand with a little white mica D BCD17_003 24 30 Increasingly clayey decomposed basement- red/ yellowish. D BCD17_003 75 87 Sandy Clay after microgneiss D BCD17_003 119.6 184.9 @144 narrow crush zone- late feature D BCD17_003 119.6 184.9 150.05 151.5 granitoid dyke; quartz veins D BCD17_003 119.6 184.9 155.5 156.2 granitoid dyke; contact near parallel to LCA. Some pegmatite. D BCD17_003 184.9 186 185.1 185.3 Open fractures lined with fine pyrite confined to a specific unit maybe 30mm thick (photo) Hematitic banded schist (BIF?) D BCD17_003 186 199 190 192 occasional thin granitoid stringers- may be adularia in part. Foliated compositionally banded microgneiss and schist of amphibolite metamorphic grade D BCD17_003 224.4 225.3 Increased hematitisation in Crush zone sub- parallel to LCA. D BCD17_003 227.3 228 Foliated compositionally banded microgneiss and schist of amphibolite metamorphic grade D BCD17_003 236.4 239 238.85 238.9 massive quartz lenses in microgneiss Foliated compositionally banded microgneiss and schist of amphibolite metamorphic grade D BCD17_003 239 256.3 @243.5 calcite veinlets containing crystallised pink- orange mineral. (photo) Interval is again dominated by ? Acid volcanics as for intervsal 229.9 to 236.4 above. Several internal more foliated zones with more phyllosilicates the included calcite veinlets occurr in a zone resembling fine grained augen gneiss with some apparent incipient migmatisation. plentiful red- brown micaceous hematrite selvages on many joints. D BCD17_003 239 256.3 @247.5 50mm pegmatitic quartz vein. Contacts @90� to LCA. D BCD17_003 239 256.3 248.1 248.3 pegmatitic quartz vein @60� to LCA D BCD17_004 0 1 0 94.2 HQ cored at drillers choice- charged open hole rates until 94.2 Red fine aeolian sand D BCD17_004 1 3 Poor recovery of quartzite pebbles and cobblesin partly lateritised matrix. D BCD17_004 3 8 Similar maerial to above continues to about 8m. Cobbles derived from outwash from nearby Osborne Range quartzite outcrops. D BCD17_004 16.5 35.8 Pallid clayey sand with variably preserved primary rock textures. D BCD17_004 75 83.5 totally oxidised pale bedrock with well preserved foliation and limonitic veining in relatively consolidated basement schist/ microgneiss. Foliation dips at moderate angle to LCA. D BCD17_004 83.5 94.2 Red-weathered bedrock (limonite and hematite both present)- limonite particularly on and sround veinlets; hematite in body of rock. Bedrock is typical of textures observed in other holes - totally oxidised schist/ microgneiss. D BCD17_004 109.34 109.66 Broken zone of pale pink leached clay and fine hematite and limonite on joints. D BCD17_004 109.66 116 112.8 113.1 <1cm quartz vein Alternating limonitic and hematitic zones in totally weathered microgneiss cut by fine veinlets as above D BCD17_004 109.66 116 113.2 113.4 2cm irregular Y- shaped vein D BCD17_004 109.66 116 115 5mm qz. Vein D BCD17_004 116 119 116.45 broken 2cm thick quartz vein with gossan parallel to foliation ~70�to LCA. Limonite stained oxidised microgneiss cut by fine veinlets D BCD17_004 119.5 121.8 Limonite stained microgneiss cut by limonite veinlets. D BCD17_004 121.8 123.6 Broken (brecciated by tectonic activity?) gossanous vuggy quartz vein zone with minor included limonite stained ? Igneous country rock especially on edges. D BCD17_004 123.6 125.53 @125.5 same. D BCD17_004 130.6 132 @130.95 5mm quartz vein Greenish chloritic (?secondary) quartz feldspar microgneiss. D BCD17_004 130.6 132 130.95 131.8 core is very broken with limonite on broken surfaces. D BCD17_004 132 132.35 Hematitic bleached microgneiss cut by numerous irregiular limonitic veinlets. D BCD17_004 149 164.8 @164.8 End of HQ. NQ2 start recorded as 164.41. D BCD17_004 149 164.8 160.1 160.25 (2X 2 to 7 cm ) irregular quartz/ calcite veins with a grey quartz and pinkish calcite. The veins are approximately normal to foliation. These are surrounded by a zone of irregular calcite /quartz veinlets that extends from ~159- ~161m. There are patches of dark chlorite in larger veins. D BCD17_004 149 164.8 162.5 162.8 crackle breccia with calcite infill D BCD17_004 164.8 178.8 178.87 massive quartz vein; strike 45�to LCA dip 80�towaards core bottom. D BCD17_004 164.8 186.18 186.23 composite quartz/ calcite vein; calcite pale pink.