Column Column_description Code Code_description Reg Regolith Rcy Clay Zone Reg Regolith Rsl Lower Saprolite Reg Regolith Rsp "Saprolite, undivided (>20% supergene iron oxide minerals)" Reg Regolith Rspf Saprolite (undivided) ferruginous oxides Reg Regolith Rspfs "Saprolite ferruginised and silicified " Reg Regolith Rsps Saprolite silicified Reg Regolith Rsr Saprock (<20% supergene iron oxide minerals) Reg Regolith Rsu Upper saprolite Lith1 Primary Lithology Mvb Basalt Lith1 Primary Lithology Mzc Mafic Volcaniclastic Lith1 Primary Lithology Ocg Colluvial grit and gravel (particles > 2mm and rounded by hydraulic transportation) Lith1 Primary Lithology Ocp Colluvium with > 20% pisolithic particles Lith1 Primary Lithology Ocr "Colluvial scree (particles > 2mm; poorly sorted, angular and/or pisoliths)" Lith1 Primary Lithology Ocs Colluvial silt and sand (particles 1/256 to 2mm) Lith1 Primary Lithology Oct Calcrete Lith1 Primary Lithology Ocy Colluvial clay (particles < 1/256 mm) Lith1 Primary Lithology Ofc Ferricrete Lith1 Primary Lithology Osd Sand Lith1 Primary Lithology Osi Silcrete Lith1 Primary Lithology Slt Siltstone Lith1 Primary Lithology Sms Mudstone Lith1 Primary Lithology Ssh Shale Lith1 Primary Lithology Sst Sandstone Lith1 Primary Lithology V "Veining Undifferentiated " Lith2 Secondary Lithology Mvb Basalt Lith2 Secondary Lithology Mzc Mafic Volcaniclastic Lith2 Secondary Lithology Ocg Colluvial grit and gravel (particles > 2mm and rounded by hydraulic transportation) Lith2 Secondary Lithology Ocp Colluvium with > 20% pisolithic particles Lith2 Secondary Lithology Ocr "Colluvial scree (particles > 2mm; poorly sorted, angular and/or pisoliths)" Lith2 Secondary Lithology Ocs Colluvial silt and sand (particles 1/256 to 2mm) Lith2 Secondary Lithology Oct Calcrete Lith2 Secondary Lithology Ocy Colluvial clay (particles < 1/256 mm) Lith2 Secondary Lithology Ofc Ferricrete Lith2 Secondary Lithology Osd Sand Lith2 Secondary Lithology Osi Silcrete Lith2 Secondary Lithology Slt Siltstone Lith2 Secondary Lithology Sms Mudstone Lith2 Secondary Lithology Ssh Shale Lith2 Secondary Lithology Sst Sandstone Lith2 Secondary Lithology V "Veining Undifferentiated " Colour_prefix Colour shade l Light Colour_prefix Colour shade m Medium Colour_prefix Colour shade d Dark Colour1 Primary colour bn Brown Colour1 Primary colour bu Blue Colour1 Primary colour cm Cream Colour1 Primary colour gr Green Colour1 Primary colour gy Grey Colour1 Primary colour or Orange Colour1 Primary colour pi Pink Colour1 Primary colour pp Purple Colour1 Primary colour rd Red Colour1 Primary colour wh White Colour2 Secondary colour bn Brown Colour2 Secondary colour bu Blue Colour2 Secondary colour cm Cream Colour2 Secondary colour gr Green Colour2 Secondary colour gy Grey Colour2 Secondary colour or Orange Colour2 Secondary colour pi Pink Colour2 Secondary colour pp Purple Colour2 Secondary colour rd Red Colour2 Secondary colour wh White Grain_size Grain size cg Coarse grained (5 - 30mm) Grain_size Grain size fg Fine grained (0.5 - 1mm) Grain_size Grain size mg Medium grained (1 - 5mm) Grain_size Grain size vfg Very fine grained (< 0.5mm) Texture_1 Primary texture amy Amygdaloidal Texture_1 Primary texture mas Massive Texture_1 Primary texture pis Pisolitic Texture_1 Primary texture por Porphyritic Texture_2 Secondary texture amy Amygdaloidal Texture_2 Secondary texture mas Massive Texture_2 Secondary texture mg Megacrystic Vein Vein type cal Calcite Vein Vein type qtz Quartz Vein Vein type qtzepi Quartz epidote Vn_pct Vein percentage Percentage from 0 to 100 Min Minerals mnt Magnetite Min Minerals qtz Quartz Min_int Mineral intensity E Extreme (>50%) Min_int Mineral intensity M Moderate (5-30%) Min_int Mineral intensity S Strong (30-50%) Min_int Mineral intensity T Trace Min_int Mineral intensity W Weak (1-5%)