H0002 Version 3 H0003 Date_generated 15-Feb-08 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no/Combined_rept_no. EL25423 H0101 Tenement_holder Anglo-Australian Resources NL H0102 Project_name Victoria River Downs H0106 Tenement_operator Anglo-Australian Resources NL H0150 250K_map_sheet_number SE52-04 H0151 100K_map_sheet_number 5064 5065 5165 H0152 50K_map_sheet_number H0153 25K_map_sheet_number H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 01-Mar-07 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 29-Feb-08 H0202 Data_format SG1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 78 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 15-Feb-08 H0500 Feature_located Surface sample location H0501 Geodetic_datum GDA94 H0502 Vertical_datum None used H0503 Projection Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) H0530 Coordinate System Projected H0531 Projection_zone 52 H0532 Surveying_instrument GPS H0533 Surveying_company Anglo-Australian Resources NL H0600 Sample_code RO H0601 Sample_type "RO: ROCK Outcrop / Float (refer to column ""Sample_Source"" in data)" H0602 Sample_description 1-2 kg Surface Rock Samples H0700 Sample_preparation_code Crush then SSMG H0701 Sample_preparation_details "Jaw crush, then pulverize entire sample to nominal 90% -75um" H0702 Laboratory_Job_Number 710694 H0800 Assay_code AT/OES H0801 Assay_company (Laboratory) Genalysis Laboratory Services, Perth WA H0802 Assay_description HF+HClO4+HCl+HNO3 digest in teflon test tubes, optical-emission ICP determination H0900 Remarks NO RL RECORDED. Negative Results mean Below-Detection-Limit (eg: -1 means <1 unit) H1000 Sample_ID Sample_Code MGA_East MGA_North Cu Fe Mn Pb Zn DESCRIPTION Outcrop H1001 metres metres ppm % ppm ppm ppm H1002 AT/OES AT/OES AT/OES AT/OES AT/OES H1003 1 0.01 1 5 1 H1004 1 1 1 0.01 1 5 1 H1006 P P P P P H1007 D VR1009 RO 732175 8216988 8 2.98 1990 11 10 Dolomitic sandstone, Mn Alteration D VR1010 RO 731980 8217320 4 0.95 1772 29 8 Silicified breccia, weathered out vugs D VR1011 RO 731990 8217328 12 1.41 7684 109 16 Silcrete breccia with Mn staining D VR1012 RO 732033 8217390 4 0.49 1689 21 7 Silicified Mn stained Chaotic limestone D VR1013 RO 732052 8217415 7 0.59 3233 25 12 Banded silicified rock with vugs after carbonate or sulphide D VR1014 RO 727600 8220300 5 1.84 1699 115 89 Limonite stained,recrystalised dolomite, with bands of pink siderite D VR1015 RO 728100 8220200 9 2.34 6689 410 65 Banded Fe rich carbonate with replacement textures D VR1016 RO 728050 8220190 70 19.15 2056 235 1186 Circular nodules in dolostone D VR1017 RO 724800 8209300 12 1.31 902 13 35 Silicified Sandstone D VR1018 RO 724708 8209259 19 0.67 137 22 12 Chert with localised Fe enrichment D VR1019 RO 724646 8209139 31 2.01 110 24 13 Chert with alternating Fe rich and silica rich zones D VR1020 RO 724385 8206647 31 0.72 188 9 7 Banded Cherts with dirty carbonate with Fe rich zones D VR1021 RO 726212 8206720 17 1.72 103 12 8 Chert and Fe rich sediment, localised clastic breccia D VR1022 RO 728707 8203558 33 1.45 521 456 28 Banded Chert with limonites bands and vugs D VR1023 RO 728277 8203017 19 3.69 2102 299 42 Porous limonitic carbonaceous sandstone D VR1024 RO 726416 8202960 22 1.66 1025 3088 474 Cherty beds in Limestone with limonitic vugs D VR1025 RO 727188 8203307 45 3 711 166 17 Cherty beds in Limestone with limonitic vugs D VR1026 RO 727507 8203523 32 6.27 361 110 9 Gossanous banded rock D VR1027 RO 728056 8204177 51 1.02 175 18 2 Chert with Fe stone bands and localised vugs D VR1028 RO 723302 8200452 18 0.63 186 21 7 Mn stained sanstone and carbonate alteration D VR1029 RO 725874 8199632 10 1.27 233 26 15 Cherty beds with limonitic vugs D VR1030 RO 726116 8200243 13 1.46 337 66 47 Manganiferous limey sandstone, chert nodules D VR1031 RO 723227 8195500 7 1.4 834 101 50 Manganiferous cherty psuedo breccia D VR1032 RO 723044 8195462 8 1.75 605 344 239 Mn stained cherty Limestone D VR1033 RO 722990 8195467 10 2.23 1455 207 62 Well banded part brecciated limestone, weathered with limonite D VR1034 RO 722799 8195352 11 1.22 1137 84 18 Porous limonitic carbonaceous sandstone with vugs and minor chert D VR1035 RO 722799 8195352 4 0.78 366 97 7 Cherty limestone with limonitic vugs D VR1036 RO 721489 8196638 -1 0.66 152 11 32 Banded stromatalitic limestone with cherty zones D VR1037 RO 723060 8196078 -1 0.78 664 12 36 Edgwise brecciated limestone D VR1038 RO 723060 8196078 104 1.89 2188 274 15 Dolomite with extensive carbonate (inc. siderite) veining D VR1039 RO 746850 8202200 8 0.56 435 7 -1 Cherty rocks with Fe rich vugs D VR1040 RO 746850 8202200 10 1.11 476 -5 1 Cherty rocks with Fe rich vugs D VR1045 RO 746867 8202227 30 8.77 1873 11 16 Gossan vuggy with malachite filled voids D VR1046 RO 746867 8202227 24 7.52 1488 10 14 Gossan vuggy with malachite filled voids D VR1046A RO 745888 8199449 14 1.29 25724 13 8 Purple siltstone with veins and spots of specular hematite D VR1047 RO 745888 8199449 20 1.14 34835 9 9 banded Purple siltstone with veins and spots of specular hematite D VR1048 RO 745738 8199449 8 0.71 28407 8 8 Purple siltstone with veins and spots of specular hematite D VR1049 RO 745888 8199500 28 2.46 5943 6 11 Vuggy Basalt D VR1050 RO 745878 8199500 22 1.63 82135 7 2 Sandstone with 1cm vein of specular hematite D VR1051 RO 745430 8201120 28 5.77 11165 16 6 Cherty breccia with hematite alteration D VR1052 RO 746653 8202037 8 1.49 900 -5 -1 Coarse quartz grit with hematitic matrix and minor clasts of glauconitic clay D VR1053 RO 746676 8202017 17 1.87 412 -5 2 Chert and chalcedony with malachite filling vugs (basalt o/c nearby) D VR1054 RO 746711 8202021 18 4.8 230 -5 2 Chert with hematitic veins, vecicular basalt D VR1055 RO 746945 8201854 18 2.35 421 -5 6 Chalcedonic chert with banded malachite D VR1056 RO 748038 8207364 7 2.34 9040 8 10 Ripple marked hematitic sandstone D VR1057 RO 745594 8199348 38 1.61 7132 8 20 Well bedded siltstone with hematitic nodules and veinlets, mn stained D VR1058 RO 745594 8199348 19 0.89 16758 7 18 Well bedded siltstone with hematitic nodules and veinlets, mn stained D VR1059 RO 745526 8199361 22 0.91 14179 9 12 Purple to white "zebra rock" siltstone with spotty specular hematite D VR1060 RO 724478 8196490 8 0.86 3417 14 12 Irregular Chalcedonic rock with vugs of limonite (weatering product?) D VR1061 RO 722832 8197720 -1 0.27 446 6 2 Banded silicious dolostone D VR1062 RO 722683 8197636 2 0.98 210 11 13 Silstone with limonite coated vugs D VR1063 RO 722478 8197867 -1 1.18 931 3292 11 Grey semi massive dolostone in siltstone sequence with discrete galena crystals D VR1064 RO 722465 8197850 -1 0.95 705 312 16 Siltstone beds adjacent to galena occurrence D VR1065 RO 721797 8197905 31 1.52 746 138 29 Knobly siliceous horizon with limonite filled vugs (Duricrust?) D VR1069 RO 722372 8194347 19 3.12 244 45 10 Gossanous recemented breccia D VR1070 RO 722270 8194335 18 1.84 685 54 7 Limonitic siltstone D VR1071 RO 722265 8194424 14 1.73 452 28 6 Breciated chert D VR1072 RO 722132 8194551 3 1.25 409 12 7 Dolomitic sandstone with nodules of rectangular material wetherd to limonite D VR1073 RO 720432 8195494 -1 0.34 93 6 6 Brown dolomite minor pink calcite D VR5001 RO 699151 8219172 19 0.95 126 6 6 thinly bedded sandy slightly cherty dolomite, possibly very fine sulphides D VR5002 RO 699151 8219172 23 2.56 235 8 3 dirty brown cream cherty dolomite with Fe crystalline pseudomorphs to 5mm D VR5003 RO 699826 8218021 9 0.58 69 7 -1 thinly bedded pale pink and white sandy cherty dolomite, vertical bedding strike 210 D VR5004 RO 700692 8214887 29 1.82 455 70 30 yw and l brn cherty dolomite, massive to finely bedded D VR5005 RO 700669 8214628 9 0.64 147 9 -1 very broken blocky quartz vein with small specks sulphide possibly 1-2m trending 135 D VR5006 RO 700741 8214551 12 0.62 68 8 -1 very brecciated cherty rock, fragments to 20cm, not far from margin of quartz vein D VR5007 RO 698277 8213891 11 0.88 213 8 14 possible siliceous structure 5m wide trending 340 D VR5008 RO 698432 8214036 1 0.45 154 8 9 flat lying thinly bedded sandy dolomite D VR5009 RO 707502 8196526 9 0.94 438 10 1 scattered o/c thinly banded cherty rock in yw sandy dolomite D VR5010 RO 706945 8197099 1 1.03 357 5 14 massive crystalline dolomite D VR5011 RO 706248 8197318 2 0.73 907 -5 10 cream massive sandy dolomite with minor stromatolites D VR5012 RO 706085 8196979 -1 0.78 963 185 5 crystalline stromatolitic dolomite D VR5013 RO 706100 8196503 -1 0.65 528 7 6 crystalline bedded dolomite D VR5014 RO 707225 8196453 -1 0.88 295 10 11 pk pale yw crystalline dolomite D VR5017 RO 712606 8197634 19 3.06 838 24 5 FLOAT ferruginous siliceous crud, only piece in creek D VR5018 RO 712957 8196215 20 0.87 648 6 25 2-3m wide banded cherty rock D VR5019 RO 711260 8204352 10 0.88 215 8 -1 partly brecciated pk gy dolomite trends 045 dips 45 NW D VR5020 RO 712618 8205788 -1 0.37 135 -5 -1 stromatolitic sandy dolomite bit cherty in places D VR5021 RO 711036 8203700 13 0.87 104 36 8 3-5m wide ridge of highly brecciated dolomite, cherty dolomite and chert, trends 110 fragments to 20cm EOF