H0002 Version 4.1 H0003 Date_generated 16-Apr-13 H0004 Reporting_period_end_date 18-Feb-13 H0005 State NT H0100 Tenement_no ML27244 H0101 Tenement_holder Minemakers Australia PL H0102 Project_name Wonarah Mineral Lease H0106 Tenement_operator Minemakers Australia PL H0200 Start_date_of_data_acquisition 23-Apr-12 H0201 End_date_of_data_acquisition 4-Jun-12 H0202 Template_format DL1 H0203 Number_of_data_records 345 H0204 Date_of_metadata_update 16-Apr-13 H0300 Downhole_lithology_data_file ML27244_2013_A_05_DownholeGeol.txt H0301 Location_data_file ML27244_2013_A_03_DrillCollars.txt H0302 Downhole_lithology_data_file ML27244_2013_A_05_DownholeGeol.txt H0307 Lithology_code_file ML27244_2013_A_06_LithologyCodes.txt H0400 Drill_code DD H0402 Description DD Diamond Core H1000 Hole_ID Depfrom Depto Drill_code Recovery Unit Lithology Description H1001 metres metres % H1004 0.1 0.1 5% D WNDD098 0 23.3 DD UND D WNDD098 23.3 24.3 DD 90 HMU Sms-Ssl gy bedded silty mudstone; parting along bedding D WNDD098 24.3 26.3 DD 100 HMU Sms-Ssl gy bedded silty mudstone; parting along bedding; brecciated at 26.0m D WNDD098 26.3 28.1 DD 78 HMU Sms-Ssl ltgy silty mudstone; part silicified D WNDD098 28.1 28.8 DD 129 CMU Spp ltyl-gyyl porcellanous matrix supporting bedded/brecciated angular dkgy chert D WNDD098 28.8 30.3 DD 113 CMU Spp gyyl porcellanous convoluted bands in siltstone; part brecciated; minor fg sandstone D WNDD098 30.3 31.1 DD 100 CMU Spp "gy-ylgy convoluted mudstone; brecciated with clasts of gy banded mudstone, Spp matrix" D WNDD098 31.1 32.3 DD 100 MPH Sms-Ssl "ltgy-gy silty mudstone; matrix supported, tighter packing; rubbly last 0.3m" D WNDD098 32.3 35.3 DD 100 MPH Spo ltgy-gy silty mudstone; brecciated gy mudstone clasts D WNDD098 35.3 36.7 DD 100 MPH Spo ltgy-gy silty mudstone; scattered angular dkgy chert clasts D WNDD098 36.7 38.3 DD 100 MPH Spo phosphatic matrix with Spo>Spp; mixed clast assemblage of dkgy chert/gy mdst/ltyl mdst D WNDD098 38.3 38.6 DD 100 MPH Spp ltylbn broken/fractured Spp; Spp clasts in Spo matrix D WNDD098 38.6 40.3 DD 95 MPH Spo Spo with scattered angular blk-dkgy chert clasts D WNDD098 40.3 42 DD 100 CBX Spp chert breccia with dkgy-blk rounded & angular chert clasts in Spp matrix; clay-rich over last 0.2m D WNDD098 42 43.5 DD NSR NO RECOVERY OVER 1.5m D WNDD098 43.5 44.3 DD 100 TUN Sms ylgy mudstone with chert band 44.9-44.03m D WNDD098 44.3 45.52 DD 100 TUN Sms cream mudstone with minor gy-dkgy chert bands; minor thin silty & sandy beds D WNDD098 45.52 47 DD 100 BAS Mvb extremely weathered basalt; vesicular with cream clay; part nontronitic D WNDD098 47 48.5 DD 100 BAS Mvb highly weathered basalt; clay-rich D WNDD098 48.5 50 DD 100 BAS Mvb eoh in moderately weatehred basalt D WNDD099 0 36.3 DD UND D WNDD099 35.3 37.1 DD 33 HMU Sms ltgy mudstone with gy chert D WNDD099 37.1 37.4 DD NSR NO RECOVERY OVER 0.3m D WNDD099 37.4 38 DD 67 CMU Sms ltgy mudstone with dkgy chert D WNDD099 38 39.2 DD 33 CMU Sms ltgy mudstone with dkgy chert D WNDD099 39.2 41.7 DD 100 IPH Spp "cmbn dense porcellanous mudstone (Spp), Mn dendrites, scattered chert & mudstone clasts" D WNDD099 41.7 44.1 DD 96 IPH Spp cmgy-pkbn porcellanous mudstone with dkgy angular chert clasts D WNDD099 44.1 46.9 DD 100 IPH Spp "pkbn porcellanous mudstone, broken/fractured ground, weakly ferruginous" D WNDD099 46.9 47.9 DD 100 IPH Spp "ltyl-pkcm porcellanous mudstone, fractured, dkgybk chert, Mn dendrites" D WNDD099 47.9 49.2 DD 92 CBX Sms gy mudstone matrix with dkgy chert clasts D WNDD099 49.2 52 DD 100 TUN Sms ltgy compact mudstone; trace chert; minor porcellanous mudstone D WNDD099 52 54.5 DD 100 TUP Spp "ltyl porcellanous mudstone, fractured/broken ground, minor gy chert" D WNDD099 54.5 55 DD 40 TUN Spo ylgy-ylbn silty mudstone becoming sandier at base D WNDD099 55 55.4 DD 100 BAS Mvb "cream clay-rich extremely weathered vesicular basalt; sheared, nontronite in vesicles" D WNDD099 55.4 56.8 DD 100 BAS Mvb "cmbn highly weathered clay-rich basalt, nontronite in vesicles, bn chert" D WNDD099 56.8 57.2 DD 75 BAS Mvb eoh in cream moderately weathered basalt D WNDD100 0 36 DD UND D WNDD100 36 36.2 DD 50 HMU Sms-Ssl gy silty mdst; part silicified D WNDD100 36.2 36.7 DD 70 HMU Sms-Ssl "gy silty micaceous mudstone, near-flat dip; broken ground" D WNDD100 36.7 37.4 DD 100 HMU Sms-Ssl "bedded siltstone band 60° to CA, mostly fractured broken ground" D WNDD100 37.4 38.3 DD 100 HMU Sms-Ssl "ltgy silty mudstone; numerous silty bedding plates, broken ground" D WNDD100 38.3 39.2 DD 100 HMU Sms-Ssl "ltgy silty micaceous mudstone, bedding fracture 75° to CA" D WNDD100 39.2 43.3 DD 95 CMU Sms-Ssl "ltylgy silty mudstone; fractured broken ground, minor dkgy chert to 10mm" D WNDD100 43.3 45.5 DD 100 MPH Spo ltylgy silty mudstone with numerous angular matrix-supported gy chert clasts & lighter coloured mdst-silstone clasts D WNDD100 45.5 49.5 DD 79 MPH Spo cmgy silty mudstone with 5% gy chert D WNDD100 49.5 50.3 DD 38 CBX Spo cmgy slightly yell mdst supporting numerous dkgy chert clasts D WNDD100 50.3 51.5 DD 33 CBX Spo cmgy slightly yell mdst supporting numerous dkgy chert clasts D WNDD100 51.5 52.75 DD 100 CBX Spo chert clasts elongated along bedding D WNDD100 52.75 53.1 DD 100 CBX Sct strongly lithified chert breccia with porcellanous matrix D WNDD100 53.1 54 DD 100 TUN Sms weakly bedded mudstone D WNDD100 54 54.7 DD 94 TUN Sms Lrdbn silty mudstone D WNDD100 54.7 55.7 DD 94 TUN Sst-Ssl Lbn to cmbn fg sandy mudstone D WNDD100 55.7 56 DD 100 BAS Mvb Lbn extremely weathered vesicular basalt; bn chert to 60mm; vesicles infilled with clay D WNDD100 56 56.9 DD 100 BAS Mvb bn to purplish brown extremely weathered clay-rich basalt D WNDD100 56.9 57.2 DD 100 BAS Mvb light purplish brown highly weathered basalt; hematitic at eoh. D WNDD101 0 29.2 DD UND D WNDD101 29.2 33.2 DD 100 HMU Sms-Ssl "gybn-bngy bedded silty mudstone; extremely fractured/broken ground, limonitic fracture coatings" D WNDD101 33.2 33.8 DD 100 HMU Sms-Ssl gybn silty mudstone with traces of dkgy chert; 33.6m bedding 50° to CA D WNDD101 33.8 34.3 DD 60 CMU Sms-Ssl "numerous dkgy chert pieces, some re-drilled; matrix washed out" D WNDD101 34.3 34.7 DD NSR NO RECOVERY OVER 0.4m D WNDD101 34.7 35.1 DD 75 CMU Sst-fg ylbn clayey sand & dkgy chert pieces D WNDD101 35.1 35.4 DD 33 CMU Sct ltgy chert pieces; matrix washed out D WNDD101 35.4 35.9 DD 50 MPH Spo cream clay-rich phosphatic mudstone with angular gy chert clasts D WNDD101 35.9 37.1 DD 42 MPH Spo? "dkgy chert pieces, washed & eroded; clay? matrix washed out" D WNDD101 37.1 37.2 DD 200 MPH Spo gybn clay-rich mudstone with dkgy-gy chert pieces D WNDD101 37.2 38.1 DD 66 MPH Spo ltylbn clay-rich to muddy phosphorite with dkgy chert pieces D WNDD101 38.1 38.2 DD NSR NO RECOVERY OVER 0.2m D WNDD101 38.2 38.4 DD 50 MPH Spo? dkgy chert pieces D WNDD101 38.4 39 DD NSR NO RECOVERY OVER 0.6m D WNDD101 39 40.1 DD 127 MPH Spo ylbn to ltyl clay-rich phosphorite with minor gy chert D WNDD101 40.1 40.3 DD NSR NO RECOVERY OVER 0.2m D WNDD101 40.3 41.2 DD 78 MPH Spo mixed clay-rich & indurated phosphorite with dkgy chert; Spo>Spp D WNDD101 41.2 41.9 DD NSR NO RECOVERY OVER 0.7m D WNDD101 41.9 42 DD 200 MPH Sct eoh; dkgy chert bands with indurated phosphorite matrix; Spo>Spp D WNDD102 0 6 DD UND D WNDD102 6 6.1 DD 100 HMU Sms "Lgy, moderately to well lithified mudstone, angular chery fragments (10%) Trace FeO, as limonite." D WNDD102 6.1 6.2 DD 100 HMU Sms aa D WNDD102 6.2 6.3 DD 100 HMU ssl-sst "rebn rounded rubble, fine grained sandstone/siltstone. Appears washed out. Moderate FeOx (hem alteration)" D WNDD102 6.3 7 DD 100 HMU sms well lithified Lgy mudstone with approx 5% cherty clasts(angular) and siltstone clasts. Trace FeOx as limonite. D WNDD102 7 7.6 DD 100 HMU sms aa D WNDD102 7.6 8.3 DD 100 HMU sms aa D WNDD102 8.3 8.4 DD 100 HMU sms "aa with 10% large chert fragments, up to 4cm." D WNDD102 8.4 9 DD 100 HMU sms "8.4 -9 recovered , contact between well lithified " D WNDD102 9 9.9 DD 0 NSR NO RECOVERY OVER 0.9m D WNDD102 9.9 11.1 DD 92 APU spo "spo easily broken core, Lgy" D WNDD102 11.1 11.3 DD 75 APU spo "pale grey spo, minor angular chert fragments (up to 1.5cm), easily crumbled" D WNDD102 11.3 11.6 DD 100 APU spo "spo, aa one large chert fragment (5cm). Friable" D WNDD102 11.6 11.9 DD 100 APU spo "spo>spp cream friable in part, weak limonite alteration" D WNDD102 11.9 12.2 DD 100 APU spo aa D WNDD102 12.2 12.4 DD 50 APU spo "spo, friable, cream, trace iron oxide." D WNDD102 12.4 13.1 DD 100 APU spo "spo, easily crumbled core, minor minor feox on joint sufaces as limonite and haematite alt. Minor (3%) rounded cherty clasts." D WNDD102 13.1 13.5 DD 100 APU spo "spo=spp, mixed indurated and soft phosphorite mudstone Weak feox as haematite (fracture controlled)" D WNDD102 13.5 14.2 DD 100 APU spp "degraded spp. MnOx(13.5-13.8, black pyrolusite/psilomelane)(3%). Indurated but degraded for the most part. Rounded and cuspate chert fragments." D WNDD102 14.2 15 DD 50 APU spo "cream mudstone , moderately lithified, 3 chert bands, 1.5cm thich running across the core at approx. 50 degreed to LCA. Jointed perpendicular to bedding." D WNDD102 15 15.2 DD 100 APU spo "spo, clayey friable mudstone, approximately 15% chert fragments." D WNDD102 15.2 16.3 DD 82 APU sms "cream, soft mudstone, friable in part. Feox weakly defines bedding, 10cm chert band @16.2m" D WNDD102 16.3 17.3 DD 100 APU sms "pale yellow brown mudstone, spo, soft but well lithified. No significant chert." D WNDD102 17.3 18.4 DD 100 APU spo "spo, description aa" D WNDD102 18.4 20.3 DD 105 BPH spp "spp, banded Lyebn to Dbn hard phosphorite. Joint and bedding controlled limonite alteration (weak to medium), this < 1mm thick veins, joint and bedding parallel. Possibly remobilised phosphorite or unreactive carbonate. No obvious fizzing (less veining from 19.5)" D WNDD102 20.3 20.8 DD 100 BPH spp aa D WNDD102 20.8 21 DD 50 BPH spp "spp, cherty apearance, broken ground, Dbn" D WNDD102 21 22.8 DD 100 BAS Mvb "Lyebn friable clay. Myebn 21.8 -22.7. 22.7 -22.8 Dbn, trace nontronite" D WNDD103 0 1.5 DD REG "soil, rebn loam" D WNDD103 1.5 2.4 DD REG "yebn, soft to friable clay with angular cherty fragments througout" D WNDD103 2.4 2.9 DD HMU sms "Lbn silty mudstone, moderately limonitic , 5% chert fragments, some angular, friable in the most part." D WNDD103 2.9 3.3 DD HMU sms "aa, friable" D WNDD103 3.3 3.7 DD HMU ssl-sms "Lgy, bleached silty-mudstone, 5-10% angular chert fragments up to 15mm, limonite and haematite feox alteration of clay, ehich infills fractures Moderately lithified" D WNDD103 3.7 3.9 DD HMU ssl-sms "aa, highly broken" D WNDD103 3.9 4.1 DD HMU ssl-sms "aa, 0.2m of Drebn sand in core, possible cave in." D WNDD103 4.1 5 DD HMU ssl-sms "Lgy bleached silty-mudstone and sandstone. Minor isolated chert fragments, 3 chert bands approx 4mm in thickness (5%). Some sandy lenses throughout, moderately lithified" D WNDD103 5 5.4 DD APH ssl-sst "Lgy ssl-sst, 5 -5.15 sandy. Bleached moderately lithified. Limonite altered clay infilling fractures." D WNDD103 5.4 7.1 DD APH spo "Lgy sandstone with siltstone as clasts or lenses. Sandstone appears to be a matrix, 1% chert (small fragments) Well lithified Some clay infilling of fractures, Feox on joint surfaces as limonite." D WNDD103 7.1 7.4 DD APH spo aa D WNDD103 7.4 7.8 DD APH spo "Lgy mudstone, bleached, feox as limonite on joint surfaces." D WNDD103 7.8 8.4 DD APH spo "Lgy mudstone siltstone Subtly brecciated. Indurated mudstone clasts in a softer coarser matrix. (X28-indurated finer grained clast), (X29-softer coarser grained matrix)" D WNDD103 8.4 8.9 DD APH spo "Lgy mudstone, bedded moderately lithified, bleached, Trace FeOx as Limonite." D WNDD103 8.9 10 DD APH spo aa brecciated in places D WNDD103 10 10.3 DD APH spo aa D WNDD103 10.3 10.5 DD APH spo "Lgy bleached mudstone , well lithified, trace FeOx" D WNDD103 10.5 11 DD APH spo aa D WNDD103 11 11.2 DD APH spo aa D WNDD103 11.2 11.8 DD APH spp "gybn porcellanous phosphorite breccia. Leucocratic veining between indurated clasts, traces of FeOx. (X30-Veining), (X31-clasts/groundmass). Traces of vuggs." D WNDD103 11.8 14.1 DD APH spp "bngy indurated phosphoritic matrix supported breccia. Clasts look cherty in places, (X32-cherty looking clasts) (X33-veining/matrix)" D WNDD103 14.1 15.1 DD APH spp "aa, with angular breccia clasts, up to 20mm" D WNDD103 15.1 16.2 DD APH spp aa D WNDD103 16.2 16.6 DD APH spo "Lbngy clayey phosphorite, indurated clasts in soft clay" D WNDD103 16.6 17.4 DD APH spo aa D WNDD103 17.4 18 DD APH spo "Lgy, sst, broken core, trace FeOx, clayey in part" D WNDD103 18 19 DD APH spo "Lgybn mudstone phosphorite with a 5cm chert clast . Well lithified, soft-moderate hardness" D WNDD103 19 19.7 DD APH spp "bn porcellinous phosphorite, weakly brecciated at 19.2m, weak limonite alteration. X34(spp), X35(clay infill of fractures)19.2m, traces of Mnox." D WNDD103 19.7 20.1 DD APH spo "Lyebn clayey mudstone, four chert bands throughout interval, joints in chert bed form cubes or chert blocks. Thickest band is 3cm thick @20.3m. Weak limonite alteration" D WNDD103 20.1 20.6 DD BPH spp "Lbn highly broken degraded porcellinous phosphorite, trace Mnox." D WNDD103 20.6 21.1 DD BPH spp "Lbn porcellinous phosphorite, bedded at approx. 40 deg to LCA. Soft breccia matrix/fracture fill clay at 20.6-20.8m" D WNDD103 21.1 21.4 DD TUN sst "Lyebn fg. Sst, weak limonitic band" D WNDD103 21.4 21.7 DD BAS Mv "Lyebn clay, nontronite as blebs up to 4mm, soft." D WNDD103 21.7 21.85 DD BAS Mv aa D WNDD103 21.85 22.9 DD BAS Mv "Dbn, clay altered basalt, 5% nontronite blebs throughout, swelling clays. Minor Mnox + Feox." D WNDD103 22.9 23.4 DD BAS Mv "Dbn basalt, lower saprolite, Feox(strong) ubiquitous, extreme accumulation of Feox in subhorizontal bands up to 1-2mm in thickness, Goethitic." D WNDD104 0 5.3 DD UND D WNDD104 5.3 6.6 DD HMU sms-sst "well lithified mudstone-siltstone, bedded weak feox as limonite on bedding planes, Kaolinitic. One .5cm chert band" D WNDD104 6.6 7.6 DD HMU sms-sst aa with 3 1cm thick chert bands D WNDD104 7.6 7.85 DD HMU sms-sst "aa, minor cherty blocks up to 1cm" D WNDD104 7.85 8.3 DD APH spp well lithified matrix supported sst-ssl breccia. Minor cherty clasts 5% overall D WNDD104 8.3 11.3 DD APH spp "aa X36(cherty looking clast), X37(fine sst-ssl matrix), X38(ssl clast). Clasts range in size from sub mm to 50mm(cherty looking and ssl)" D WNDD104 11.3 14.3 DD APH spp "Porcellinous phosphorite, Lbn, brecciated, gy cherty looking clasts(angular), as well as angular sms clasts, mottled limonite alteration" D WNDD104 14.3 14.7 DD APH spp "aa X39(angular sms clast) X40(rounded cherty clast) X41(cream matrix), trace limonite alteration" D WNDD104 14.7 14.9 DD APH spo "soft, sms, kaolonitie rich, clayey, one chert band 1cm thick" D WNDD104 14.9 15.4 DD APH spo "aa two chert bands 1.5cm thick , jointed to form blocks X42(cherty band in sms), X43(sms-proximal to chert) at 15.3m, haematite alteration in joints and fractures" D WNDD104 15.4 16.4 DD APH spo "cream sms, limonite and goethite oxidation on joint surfaces" D WNDD104 16.4 17.1 DD APH spo "sms, no chert visible" D WNDD104 17.1 18 DD APH spo aa D WNDD104 18 18.8 DD BPH spp "hard porcellinous phosphorite. .5% veining (soft cream coloured) throughout. Thin 1mm veins. Weak fizzing after application of HCl, both of veining and phosphorite groundmass. Feox as limonite on joint surfaces." D WNDD104 18.8 19.3 DD BPH spp "aa, clayey shear at 19.2m, 1% Mnox as pyrolusite." D WNDD104 19.3 19.6 DD BPH spp aa D WNDD104 19.6 20.1 DD BPH spp aa X44(surface of a phosphatic vein exposed on a fracture) X45(phosphorite groundmass) at 19.9m D WNDD104 20.1 20.8 DD BPH spp "Porcellinous phosphorite, small <1mm cavities in bands, possibly originating from the dissolution of original carbonate. No fizzing." D WNDD104 20.8 21.2 DD TUN sst "sandstone, transitional sediments, weak FeOx as Limonite." D WNDD104 21.2 22.5 DD TUN sms "nontronitic extremely weathered, chert band from 21.6-21.7, soft and friable in part." D WNDD104 22.5 23.4 DD BAS Mv "clay altered basalt. 8% nontronit, filling cavities. No visible chert. Eoh @ 23.4" D WNDD105 0 12 DD UND D WNDD105 12 13.3 DD HMU ssl-ssm "sms ssl breccia, 5% clasts, trace limonite alteration, trace haematite alteration, well lithified." D WNDD105 13.3 13.5 DD HMU spo aa D WNDD105 13.5 14 DD APH spo "fsst and clay, highly broken and friable. 18% chert fragments" D WNDD105 14 14.3 DD LPH fsst-sms aa D WNDD105 14.3 15.5 DD LPH sms-ssl "bleached, sms-ssl" D WNDD105 15.5 18.1 DD APH spp "porcellinous phosphorite, minor(<1%) veining" D WNDD105 18.1 19 DD APH spp porcellinous phosphorite degraded in part D WNDD105 19 19.4 DD APH spo "spo, clayey, sms, weak Feox as haematite" D WNDD105 19.4 19.8 DD TUN sms "spo, clayey, sms, weak Feox as haematite" D WNDD105 19.8 19.9 DD TUN sms soft clayey mudstone D WNDD105 19.9 20.3 DD TUN sms ssl "sms, almost completely weathered to clay. Small 1mm chert fragments in clay " D WNDD105 20.3 21.1 DD TUN sms "clay with 5% chert fragments up to 3mm, some bedding visible" D WNDD105 21.1 22.2 DD TUN sms aa D WNDD105 22.2 22.6 DD TUN sms "lgy clayey sms, mottled limonite alt.(weak) 5cm chert band at 22.5m" D WNDD105 22.6 23.5 DD TUN ssl-sms weak patchy limonite alteration. Cherty band at 23.4 - 23.5m D WNDD105 23.5 23.7 DD TUN sst-ssl moderately weathered sst-ssl D WNDD105 23.7 26.3 DD BAS Mv "moderately weathered vesicular basalt, vesicles infilled with clay and quartz(chalcedony) at 24.25m, 4cm wide zone of quartz infilling cavities." D WNDD105 26.3 26.9 DD BAS Mv clay altered basalt. D WNDD106 0 2.2 DD UND D WNDD106 2.2 3.2 DD HMU sst "soft, weak but pervasive Limonite alteration, 10% chert fragments, dominantky bands or fractured bands " D WNDD106 3.2 3.9 DD HMU sms "mudstone bleached, limonite and haematite altered on bedding planes and joint surfaces, trace MnOx" D WNDD106 3.9 5.2 DD HMU sms aa D WNDD106 5.2 5.8 DD APH spo aa D WNDD106 5.8 7.1 DD APH spp "Lgy porcellanous matrix supported phosphorite breccia. Highly weathered,cherty looking clasts make up 25% of the rock volume. Clasts of chert dominantly sub angular. Matrix weathered, medium grained and easily crumbled." D WNDD106 7.1 8.2 DD APH spp "bn porcellinous phosphorite, matrix supported breccia with cherty clasts. Trace MnOx. Patchy brown colouration with pale zones proximal to fractures.(X49 @7.6m dgy angular chert clast, adjacent to a vug. 3cm.) X50@7.8m(dbn stained) X51@7.85m (lgy matrix, mw, clayey).X52@8.15m (lgy soft weathred matrix)" D WNDD106 8.2 9.1 DD APH spp aa D WNDD106 9.1 9.8 DD APH spp "lye spp matrix supported breccia. Matrix soft and clayey(lbn), dgy cherty fragments 10% up to 7cm. Rounded as well as angular. " D WNDD106 9.8 11.2 DD APH spp sst-ssl chert breccia D WNDD106 11.2 11.6 DD APH spo "sms-sst, gritty weathered mudstone, small<1mm cherty fragments.Rounded to sub rounded chert clasts up to 5cm. X55 @12.05m(clay matrix highly weathered) X56 @12.1(sub angular chert fragment)" D WNDD106 11.6 12.4 DD LPH sms-sst aa D WNDD106 12.4 13.8 DD LPH sms "lgy extremely weathered mudstone, chert bands and fractures throughout." D WNDD106 13.8 14.2 DD LPH sst lgybn extremely weathered fg sst D WNDD106 14.2 14.8 DD LPH sst-sms lgy sst-sms extremely weathered D WNDD106 14.8 15.4 DD LPH sms "lgy sms, kaolinite altered, extremely weathered" D WNDD106 15.4 15.9 DD LPH sms aa D WNDD106 15.9 16.4 DD LPH sms aa D WNDD106 16.4 16.8 DD LPH sms aa D WNDD106 16.8 17.1 DD LPH sms "lgy well lithified ssl-sms, Kaol. Alt." D WNDD106 17.1 17.2 DD BPH spp "porcellinous phosphorite, banded minor veining(<1%) trace limonite" D WNDD106 17.2 18.5 DD BPH spp aa minor vuggs (X46-dark band at 17.6m) (X47-light band at 17.6m) D WNDD106 18.5 19 DD TUN sms "brown silicified, highly broken, clay infilling fractures. Moderate Kaol. Alt., trace limonite alt." D WNDD106 19 19.2 DD BAS Mv "brown clay, nontronite after basalt, soft (friable)" D WNDD106 19.2 19.7 DD BAS Mv "brown clay altered basalt, chalcedonic band at 19.6m(X48), dark 3cm wide" D WNDD106 19.7 21 DD BAS Mv "clay altered basalt, limonite altered, minor nontronite. Chalcedonic bands throughout, mos likely secondary." D WNDD107 0 2.8 DD UND D WNDD107 2.8 3.1 DD HMU Oae "consolidated sand, partially lithified" D WNDD107 3.1 3.2 DD HMU sms "lgy sms with 15% chert fragments, up to 2cm" D WNDD107 3.2 4 DD APH sms aa D WNDD107 4 5.2 DD APH spo "aa, trace limonite alteration, one chert band 5cm thick" D WNDD107 5.2 5.8 DD APH spo "lgy sms, 5% chert, largest clast 3cm, friable." D WNDD107 5.8 7.2 DD APH spo "lyegy sms, 10% chert clasts, clayey, soft." D WNDD107 7.2 7.6 DD APH spp "lyecm, spp, degraded in part, porcellinous phosphorite 1% chert." D WNDD107 7.6 8.2 DD APH spp aa with 10% angular chert fragments D WNDD107 8.2 9.7 DD APH spp aa D WNDD107 9.7 10.6 DD APH spp "spp, lgy, soft sms, phosphatic but not indurated. No visible chert." D WNDD107 10.6 11 DD APH spp "spp, bnpu well lithified indurated spp, broken, clay infill of fractures" D WNDD107 11 11.2 DD LPH sms "bnye, sms, bedded, limonite alt(medium to strong intensity)" D WNDD107 11.2 11.45 DD LPH sms "aa, .5% chert fragments, up to 3mm" D WNDD107 11.45 12.6 DD LPH sms "lbncm sms, pervasive kaolinite alteration minor limonite alteration" D WNDD107 12.6 13 DD LPH sms "bn, spp, indurated/porcellinous phosphorite, broken minor clay, moderate limonite alteration" D WNDD107 13 13.5 DD BPH spp "bn, spp, indurated/porcellinous phosphorite, broken minor clay, moderate limonite alteration" D WNDD107 13.5 13.6 DD BPH spp "sst-sms, interbedded sandstone mudstone, strong kaolinite alteration" D WNDD107 13.6 14 DD TUN sst-sms "sst-sms, interbedded sandstone mudstone, strong kaolinite alteration" D WNDD107 14 14.2 DD TUN sms "cm, lgn, sms nontronite(5%)" D WNDD107 14.2 14.5 DD TUN sms aa D WNDD107 14.5 14.56 DD TUN sct "dbnpu silica band, kaolinite and limonite in cavities(5%)" D WNDD107 14.56 15.5 DD BAS Mv "bnye, limonite altered basalt with one chalcedonic band at 15.2m nontronite in vesicles throughout. Minor chalcedonic fragments throughout. Potentially cavities infilled with chert/chalcedony." D WNDD108 0 5.3 DD UND D WNDD108 5.3 6.4 DD HMU sms "lgy sms with 10% sct, 3 bands of angular fragments, well lithified, kaolininte alt. weak limonite alteration fracture controlled." D WNDD108 6.4 7.6 DD APH spo "lyegy sms, aa" D WNDD108 7.6 8.3 DD APH spo "lgy ssl-sst, fine sandstone in part, well lithified, trace limonite alteration" D WNDD108 8.3 8.75 DD APH spo lgy silty sandstone D WNDD108 8.75 10.1 DD APH spo "lbn sms/sst 5% lithic clasts(sst) and chert(angular), indurated, slightly degraded by weathering" D WNDD108 10.1 10.45 DD APH spo "lbngy ssl-sst with rounded sms clasts, up to 3cm approx. 5%" D WNDD108 10.45 11.3 DD APH spp "spp, lyebn porcellinous phosphorite, sms clasts in a fsst matrix, clay altered in fractures (possibly veins) + cavity fill" D WNDD108 11.3 11.6 DD APH spp aa D WNDD108 11.6 12.4 DD APH spo "lyebn, clayey sms with 20% sct fragments up to 2cm. Crumbly" D WNDD108 12.4 13.3 DD LPH sms "lye sms, 10cm chert band at 12.6m. Weak limonite alteration, well lithified and soft" D WNDD108 13.3 13.7 DD LPH sms "lpi, light pink clayey sms , well lithified soft." D WNDD108 13.7 13.9 DD LPH sms aa D WNDD108 13.9 14.3 DD LPH sms "lgy clayey sms, 1% chert fragments, soft and broken" D WNDD108 14.3 15.1 DD APH spp "lgy degraded spp, matrix supported breccia, well lithified. ssl and sct clasts in a clayey matrix. Ssl clasts dominantly angular, chert sub rounded(up to 5cm)." D WNDD108 15.1 17.3 DD APH spp aa D WNDD108 17.3 18.25 DD APH spo "lyebn well lithified ssl breccia, minor(1%) chert fragments" D WNDD108 18.25 19.85 DD TUN sms "lpi clayey rock, well lithified, soft. 15% clay replacement of clasts(or cavity fill). Sandy bands every 10cm." D WNDD108 19.85 20 DD TUN sms "lgn, nontronitic clay altered rock, graded boundary from above." D WNDD108 20 20.3 DD BAS Mv "lbn, limonite altered, weathered basalt. Minor nontronite" D WNDD108 20.3 21 DD BAS Mv "bn, aa" D WNDD108 21 23.3 DD BAS Mv aa D WNDD109 0 8.8 DD UND D WNDD109 8.8 11 DD HMU sms "lgy sms, soft bedded, moderately lithified" D WNDD109 11 11.3 DD APH spo "lgy sms, thin 4mm thick beds, broken into tabulae" D WNDD109 11.3 11.6 DD APH spo "lbn, clayey sms highly broken" D WNDD109 11.6 14.3 DD APH spo "lye, well lithified ssl breccia. 5% chert clasts. Matrix supported breccia, clasts angular, sometimes whispy. Possibly soft sediment deformation." D WNDD109 14.3 14.5 DD APH spo aa D WNDD109 14.5 14.7 DD APH spo "puggy , fault gauge bn clay" D WNDD109 14.7 15.9 DD APH spo "lbn, matrix supported ssl, chert breccia, 10cm wide chert band at 14.0-15.1m. Highly broken core, shear zone (14.9 - 15.1m), clayey in shear." D WNDD109 15.9 17.3 DD NSR core loss D WNDD109 17.3 20.3 DD NSR core loss D WNDD109 20.3 20.5 DD LPH sms bn clay D WNDD109 20.5 20.7 DD LPH sms aa D WNDD109 20.7 21 DD LPH sms bn clay 10% chert fragments D WNDD109 21 21.4 DD LPH sms "bn clay-sand mixture, possible cave in" D WNDD109 21.4 22.2 DD LPH sms "yebn clay, 8% chert fragments, also indurated clasts within clay. Degraded spp" D WNDD109 22.2 23.4 DD BPH sms aa D WNDD109 23.4 25 DD NSR "dbn sand, most likely cave in" D WNDD109 25 25.9 DD NSR core loss D WNDD109 25.9 26 DD BPH sms "lbn spp, porcellinous phosphorite, hole ceased by drillers, AMWD removed rockds and packed up prior to geologists inspection of core. Misunderstanding of instruction. Hole not re-entered as it suffered major core loss and may require re-drilling from surface." D WNDD110 0 15 DD UND D WNDD110 15 15.2 DD HMU sst "lgy, sst, well lithified, massive" D WNDD110 15.2 16.4 DD HMU sms "lgy, sms, bedded soft and kaolinitic" D WNDD110 16.4 17.5 DD HMU sms "lyebn sms, moderate yet pervasive limonite alteration. Soft." D WNDD110 17.5 18.7 DD HMU sms aa with trace MnOx. D WNDD110 18.7 19.1 DD HMU sms "lyebn sms bedded. Pervasive limonite alteration. Minor kaolinite alteration in bands, .5% chert fragments, trace MnOx" D WNDD110 19.1 20.2 DD APH spo "yebn clay altered ssl/sct breccia. 5cm thick chert band at 19.75 - 19.8m. Strong limonite and clay alteration, trace MnOx" D WNDD110 20.2 22.9 DD APH spo "aa, highly broken 15% sct" D WNDD110 22.9 24 DD APH spo aa D WNDD110 24 25.2 DD NSR core loss D WNDD110 25.2 25.4 DD APH spp Lbn-dbn banded porcellinous phosphorite D WNDD110 25.4 25.9 DD TUN sms "bn, clayey unconsolidated mud" D WNDD110 25.9 26.5 DD TUN sms "lgy sms, soft, bedded (subhorizontal)" D WNDD110 26.5 27.6 DD TUN sms "bn friable sms, soft easily broken. Highly broken" D WNDD110 27.6 28.2 DD TUN sms "yebn, friable clay with 10% chert fragments" D WNDD110 28.2 28.6 DD TUN sms "lgn, soft nontronitic clay, purple-red haematite alteration in patches and bands." D WNDD110 28.6 28.7 DD TUN ssl bn ssl D WNDD110 28.7 29 DD TUN ssl aa D WNDD110 29 30.2 DD BAS Mv "bn, nontronite present as blebs, likely an alteration of cavity infill, 29.7-29.8(chert band), altered basalt. Haematite and Limonite alteration patchy" D WNDD110 30.2 32.4 DD BAS Mv "lyegn, clay altered basalt. 5% nontronite throughout, as blebs. Limonite alteration, fracture controlled." D WNDD111 0 15 DD UND D WNDD111 15 17.5 DD HMU sms "lgy, sms, moderately lithified, mostly broken, kaolonite altered" D WNDD111 17.5 19.1 DD HMU sms "lgy, aa, with traces of limonite in patches" D WNDD111 19.1 19.6 DD HMU sms "lgy, aa, well lithified" D WNDD111 19.6 21.7 DD LPH sms "lbnpi, soft extremely weathered sst, unconsolidated and puggy" D WNDD111 21.7 22.6 DD LPH sms aa D WNDD111 22.6 23.7 DD LPH sms "lyebn, highly broken, very soft/friable" D WNDD111 23.7 24 DD LPH sms aa D WNDD111 24 25.2 DD LPH sms "lpi, unconsolidated puggy sms, traces of chert" D WNDD111 25.2 25.5 DD LPH sms "lgy-ye sms, highly broken, moderately lithified, patchy limonite alteration of moderate intensity" D WNDD111 25.5 26 DD LPH sms aa D WNDD111 26 26.5 DD LPH ssl "ye, ssl, strongly limonitic, 1% MnOx" D WNDD111 26.5 29 DD LPH ssl "aa, 5cm porcellinous band at 28.95 - 29m" D WNDD111 29 32.5 DD TUN sms "yebn-lgy sms, clay altered mottled appearance, kaol+lim(mottled)+MnOx1%" D WNDD111 32.5 33.1 DD TUN spp fragments of indurated porcellinous phosphorite D WNDD111 33.1 33.2 DD TUN spp aa D WNDD111 33.2 34.6 DD NSR no recovery D WNDD111 34.6 35.4 DD TUN ssl "dbn manganiferous clay, dark 1cm chert band at 34.9m, potentially goethitic" D WNDD111 35.4 35.5 DD TUN ssl "ye-bn, thinly banded limonitic clay rock" D WNDD111 35.5 36.2 DD TUN ssl "ye-bn, aa ssl " D WNDD111 36.2 37 DD BAS Mv "dpu, clay altered basalt. Pervasive haematite alteration. 5cm chalcedony band at 36.3 - 36.4m. Vescicles(10%), traces of nontronite." D WNDD112 0 24 DD UND D WNDD112 24 25.4 DD HMU sms "lgy, sms, trace limonite alt, patchy, kaolinitic" D WNDD112 25.4 25.9 DD APH spo "lgy, sms, trace limonite alt, patchy, kaolinitic" D WNDD112 25.9 27.1 DD APH spp "lpibn, spp degraded porcellinous phosphorite, highly broken" D WNDD112 27.1 27.7 DD APH spo aa D WNDD112 27.7 29.5 DD NSR no recovery D WNDD112 29.5 30.2 DD APH spo "bn, clayey/sandy puggy zone. Cave in?" D WNDD112 30.2 30.9 DD APH spo "lbn-lgy , highly broken sms. Kaolinite altered, (pervasive)" D WNDD112 30.9 31.6 DD APH spo "lgy sms, moderately lithified, soft pervasive kaolinite alteration. Trace chert. Banded and porcellinous at 31.4- 31.5." D WNDD112 31.6 32.5 DD LPH sms "lgy sms, moderately lithified, soft pervasive kaolinite alteration." D WNDD112 32.5 32.9 DD LPH ssl-sms "lbnye, lim alt. ssl-sms, clayey well lithified" D WNDD112 32.9 33 DD LPH ssl "chert band, dbn" D WNDD112 33 33.8 DD LPH ssl dbn-lgy highly weathered ssl. Traces of sst and chert fragments throughout. Moderate to strong goethite/lim/kaolinite alteration(patchy) D WNDD112 33.8 34.2 DD APH ssl aa D WNDD112 34.2 34.5 DD DOL ssl aa D WNDD112 34.5 35.5 DD DOL sdo "bn well lithified dolomite, 4cm chalcedony band at 34.8m" D WNDD112 35.5 38.5 DD DOL sdo "bn, well lithified dolomite, competent sticks. Shear zone 38 - 38.2 dolomitic fault gauge(sub horizontal bedding in dolomite)" D WNDD112 38.5 39.2 DD DOL sdo "bngy dolomite, minor vuggs" D WNDD112 39.2 39.9 DD DOL sdo aa D WNDD112 39.9 40.4 DD DOL sdo aa D WNDD112 40.4 40.6 DD DOL sdo aa D WNDD112 40.6 41.2 DD DOL sdo "lyebn, silty band weak fizzing chalcedonic band 1cm wide at 41m, soft broken ground. Pervasive Limonite alteration" D WNDD112 41.2 41.5 DD DOL sdo "gy dolomite, well lithified/competent core" D WNDD112 41.5 42.4 DD BAS Mv "lye, soft limonite altered(pervasive) Mv. Paleo weathering surface. Soft, moderately lithified" D WNDD112 42.4 44.5 DD BAS Mv "drebn, haem alt. (pervasive) basalt, nontronite as blebs(approx.5%) throughout. Minor chalcedony throughout." D WNDD112 44.5 44.9 DD BAS Mv aa 10% nontronite D WNDD112 44.9 45.5 DD BAS Mv aa D WNDD112 45.5 46.5 DD BAS Mv aa D WNDD112 46.5 46.7 DD BAS Mv aa D WNDD112 46.7 46.9 DD BAS Mv aa D WNDD112 46.9 47 DD BAS Mv aa D WNDD112 47 48.1 DD BAS Mv aa D WNDD112 48.1 48.2 DD BAS Mv aa D WNDD112 48.2 48.4 DD BAS Mv aa D WNDD112 48.4 48.9 DD BAS Mv aa D WNDD112 48.9 50.2 DD BAS Mv aa EOF